May 15 Four Square

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Flowers for Algernon: Due date A day (Oct 14) B day (Oct 15)

Box One    

Look at the visual on page 205. What might the flask represent? Short response. Lines 576-579; What has Charlie’s knowledge revealed to him about many people? Short response. What does the entry for May 15 reveal? Short response. Create a T-chart. List some words and phrases from earlier progress reports in the first column. Then record some key words and phrases from the May 15th entry in the second column. After you have listed some details in both columns, write an extended response that discusses how Charlie’s attitude in this report compares to that of the earlier ones. Look at the interaction between Miss Kinnian and Charlie in lines 594-605. Explore the irony (1 : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in  order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning —called  also Socratic irony 2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially  the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary or form  characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance 3 a (1) : incongruity between  the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or  result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a  drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not  by the characters in the play —called also dramatic irony, tragic irony) of this situation is related to a possible theme of the story. Present your insights in an extended response.

Box Two 

   

Box Three  Turn your attention to the metaphor in lines 653-65. Discuss the ways in which this metaphor is apt. (1 : unusually fitted or qualified : ready <proved an apt tool in the hands of the conspirators> 2 a : having a tendency : likely b : ordinarily disposed : inclined 3 : suited to a purpose; especially : being to the point 4 : keenly intelligent and responsive ) Write an extended response.  Focus on the May 23, 24, and 25 entries. What important event is happening at this point? Short response.  In what ways does Algernon’s behavior change? Short response.  Why do people associate Algernon with Charlie? Short response.  What answer does Carlie want to find? Short response.  Look at the visual on page 209. In what ways does this illustration represent the actions Charlie describes in his May 29 entry? Short response.  In line 698, Charlie refers to the fascinating study of the calculus of intelligence. Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with limits, rates of change, and the accumulation of quantities. These concepts apply to the experiment in the story because both Charlie’s and Algernon’s intelligence increased at a very rapid rate. Now Charlie wants to predict how his intelligence will change in the future. (Background information.)

The expression mazeltov (line 612) is Hebrew for “congratulations.” Often, this word is shouted out at a Jewish wedding when the groom steps on and breaks a glass. Here, it is used sarcastically, (sarcastic implies an intentional inflicting of pain by  deriding, taunting, or ridiculing) since the breaking of the glasses was accidental. Reread lines 160-173, 215-234, 331-357. Compare Charlie’s experiences with the dishwasher’s experience in lines 606-632. Write an extended response that discusses the similarities between Charlie’s earlier experiences and the dishwasher’s current experiences. How has Charlie’s attitude toward socializing changed? Short response. Why does Charlie defend the dishwasher? Short response. What can you infer about Charlie’s personality based on his behavior? Short response. How does Charlie’s concern for others affect his goals? Short response.

Box Four  

  

Short response: What might Algernon’s odd behavior mean for Charlie? Extended response: What are some possible ways in which Charlie could react to the implications of Algernon’s behavior? What does the way he chooses to react reveal about his character? Short response: How would you reate Charlie’s chances for success in solving this problem? What is different about the June 4th entry and what do you learn about Charlie and his future from this selection? Short response. What does Charlie’s language in the June entry tell you about what is happening to his intelligence? Think about how this might affect Charlie’s attitude toward Algernon’s death. Short response. Short responses: 1. Charlie says he must not become emotional. Would you blame him for being upset? Why or why not? 2. What does the progressive amnesia mean for Charlie? 3. How does Charlie know that his deterioration will be very rapid? Extended response: How has Charlie used his knowledge to help others?

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