Maura's Comenius Project

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 403
  • Pages: 15
Comenius Project The diary of a young girl By Anne Frank SALVADOR MAURA 1st “Batxillerat” 2008/2009 IES JOAN BRUDIEU ENGLISH DEPARTMENT

The historical and social context The Second World War

What is it? • World War II was a war fought between the Allies (France, Great Britain, URSS and United States) and the Axis Powers (Japan, Germany and Italy). • It was called a "World War" because countries from every continent became involved.

Why it started? • In the World War I Germany had to surrender a select area of land and money as compensation for the damage done and his army was been reduced. • But When Adolf Hitler reached the power he started the World War II.

When? • It started in 1939 until 1945, when the Axis Power surrendered to the Allies. • Here is a map with all involved countries, at first:

The influence of that war • 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians. • All became involved in war. And when I say all I refer to some business where changed to produce ammunition for the war. • In addition a lot of women had to work there because all men where fighting. • Food and clothes were rationed too. • An atomic bomb was launched.

Holland Also called the Netherlands

Typical things from Holland • One of those things are flowers. They have a lot of flowers; which, of course are sold.

• They also have very many mills, because they have a really plain country. • And what I like most is that they are under the sea level. So they need those mills to dry land.

Why Holland appears on the diary? • This is the country where Anne’s family thought they would be safe. • But they weren’t, because later on Germany invaded Netherlands too and started to kill and send Jews to concentration camps.

Amsterdam The capital of Holland

• It is situated in the west of the country. • It has a population of about seven thousand people. • After that I am going to put some photos about some monuments in Amsterdam.

It has architecture from XVI and XVII

Anne’s house

Webgraphy • nk • world_war • m •

Bibliography • FRANK, ANNE. The diary of a young girl, penguin reader, Harlow England, Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

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