Maturita Revision B_key

  • June 2020
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REVISION TEST– B - KEY 1. Supply articles where necessary:

1. The information you need is at the top of the page. 2. Peru is a country in South America. The capital is Lima. 3. I didn’t have time to have breakfast. 4. The River Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. 5. I was in a hurry this morning. 6. Vegetarians don’t eat meat. 7. He lived on a small island in the Atlantic. 8. I always wanted to be an actor when I was small. 16 points 2. Put the words in the right order: 1. you / form / this / in / all / do / have / fill / to / All you have to do is to fill in this form. 2. doing / you / what / came / school / were / you / this / to / before / ? What were you doing before you came to this school? 3. Prize / the / a / he / years / Nobel / ago / few / won / . He won the Nobel Prize a few years ago. 6 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.

3. Put these sentences with modal verbs into the specified tense: A: In the past tense. You should speak aloud, because I can’t hear you. You should have spoken aloud because I couldn’t hear you. I must move my car, I’m not allowed to park here. I had to move my car I was not allowed to park here. I don’t have to go to bed early. I didn’t have to go to bed early. He may come in time. He may have come in time. B. In the future: I must go home now I will have to go home now. Did you have to get up early? Will you have to get up early? Children mustn’t watch TV. Children won’t be allowed to watch TV. 9 points


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fill in the prepositions: Are you worried about this test? We went to Spain at Easter. Are you going to apply for the job? I was born in December, 19, 1951 at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. She arrived at the station at midnight. Millions of people died of hunger and others suffered from terrible drought. I’m looking forward to seeing you again. Everyday I’m afraid of going to school. We’ve been watching the film since 12 o’clock. 15 points


Write questions about the underlined words:

1. John sends flowers to his sister every week What does John send to his sister every week? 2. Yesterday my mother spoke with the manager. Who did my mother speak with yesterday? 3. It takes me 10 minutes to wash and dress. How long does it take you to wash and dress? 4.

I’d like to speak to the director. Who would you like to speak to? Doctor Watson wants me to give up smoking. Who wants me to give up smoking?

5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

10 points Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form: I was angry because I had been waiting for half an hour, when the bus finally came. If he calls / called, I will / would tell him more. When we got to the cinema, the film had started already. What are you going to do next two weeks? Last year the police only found about one third of all the cars that the thieves had stolen. What a nice doggie! How long have you had it ? I have never been to the Alps, but my friends were there two weeks ago. 11 points Put these sentences into passive: How did they break the window? How was the window broken? They saw her yesterday morning when she was driving a car. She was seen yesterday morning when she was driving a car. Millions of people speak English. English is spoken by millions of people. They will publish his first novel next year. His first novel will be published next year. The Chinese have grown tea for centuries. Tea has been grown by the Chinese for centuries. Bell didn’t invent the television. The television wasn’t invented by Bell. 12 points

7. 1.

Test your English: circle the right answer: If I had a typewriter, I ______________ it myself. a) will type


b) I would stay

c) I had stayed

We made Peter _______________ the matter. a) to explain


c) typed

I wish _______________________ at home yesterday. a) I stayed


b) would type

b) having explained

c) explain

Their books are not mine, they are _____________. a) theirs

b) of theirs

c) their 4 points

DISEASES Fill in the blank spaces in the text ; put one word into each gap: For thousands of years, smallpox was a terrifying disease which threatened people in every continent, and there were epidemics which killed millions of people. It is believed that the disease began in China and then spread slowly to the other continents. The first known victim was Rameses V, the pharaoh of Egypt, who showed all the main symptoms of the disease including the terrible rash, and who died of it in 1157 BC. Many doctors, over the centuries, tried to find a cure for the disease, but none succeeded. However, in 1774, a doctor called Edward Jenner decided to investigate the belief that people who had cowpox could not be infected with smallpox. Cowpox was a much less serious disease and hardly ever caused any lasting problems. Jenner discovered that it was possible to protect people from smallpox by giving them cowpox, and he began to vaccinate large numbers of people against the disease. It was soon clear that anyone who had a vaccination was immune to smallpox. This was because humans, when they are infected with cowpox, produce antibodies; these protect people by attacking and killing the smallpox virus if it enters the body. Vaccination became the standard treatment for the disease although no cure was ever found. In 1958 the World Health Organization decided to try and vaccinate everyone in the world, and after a massive world-wide campaign, smallpox was eradicated. The last man in the world to catch it was Ali Maow Maalin, from Merka in Somalia - and fortunately he recovered from the disease. Word Bank - victim, disease, epidemics, vaccinate, protect, serious, infected, cure, treatment, virus, immune, eradicated, recovered, symptoms, spread, died.

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