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Section 1

Programme of Study with Suggested Activities

Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Outcomes: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Organising

Programme of Study

Numeracy Date


Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Organise by • counting • sorting into specific sets (shape, colour, texture) • drawing simple diagrams


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of maths e.g. sort and count Numbers to 10

A1 Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

In context of “Teddy Bears Picnic” children will sort, match and count plastic bears of different size and colour. Also match shapes e.g. round, square picnic tables.

Plastic bears Shapes

Sorted and matched bears appropriately according to given criteria.


Use the Strategy: Reason Logically

NMM Range and Type of Numbers

Count, order, read and write numbers 1-5

Songs and rhymes Give number before and after Numbers to 1 to 10

Count out specified numbers of bears. Follow instructions to order bears by colour. Record findings pictorially and numerically. Order number cards.

Plastic bears Number cards

Counted out/recorded correct number. Put numbers in order on washing line.

Days of the Week

Language of time Songs and rhymes

Daily, record day, date etc. Identify day before, day after, yesterday, tomorrow.

Display calendar

Count, order, read and write numbers 6-10

Songs and rhymes

Extend counting activities from numbers 1-5.

Recognise and use coins 1p, 2p,5p,10p

Language of money Recognise 20p,50p,£1, £2 Shop/café etc.

Sort coins by size, colour and value. Use coins to buy and sell items in class shop/café context.

Coins Till Shop/cafe

Named and ordered the days of the week. Counted out/recorded correct number. Put numbers in order on washing line. Counted out correct amounts in pennies.

Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shape cube, cone, sphere, cylinder

Language of shape Building blocks Junk model

Make a house and furniture for the bears from a variety of 3D shapes.

3d shapes junk


Range and Type of Numbers


SPM Range of shapes

Numbers to 1 to 10

Identified and named 3D shapes.


Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

NMM Patterns and Sequences

Copy, continue and describe simple patterns and sequences of objects, shape or colour

Language of shape Make patterns using 3D shape and colour

Make scarves and necklaces for the bears following a given pattern of colour or shape.

Laces, beads Paper strips, shape templates, coloured pens

Produced correct pattern.

NMM Measure and Estimate

Measure in non-standard units e.g. hand spans Order and compare pairs of objects

Language of length including ordering and comparing

Measure classroom objects eg tables, chairs etc and compare lengths using longer, shorter.

Measured and made a table cover to fit specific table.

NMM Add and Subtract

Add to 5, record, use symbols of + and = Add facts to 5

Add 1 and 2 within 10 Number stories to 5 Count up to 20 Count back from 10

Use a selection of concrete materials for counting and adding. Insert symbols + and=. Record addition using standard conventions.

Tables, chairs etc Large sheets of paper, coloured pens Counters etc, card, pens, +/= symbol cards

NMM Money

Recognise 1p,2p,5p,10p,20p Add using 1p, 2p,5p,10p

Increase prices by 1p and 2p Add to 10p

Use shop/café to buy and pay for more than one item. Increase price of items by 1p/2p (up to 5p).

Shop/café , price tickets

Calculated totals and counted out correct money.

Tally, count, and sort objects into specific sets.

Sorting, matching and relationships

Carry out a stock-take in the shop. Sort and count goods.


Draw simple diagrams and display using pictures

Counting to 20

Record findings pictorially eg draw 3 cans of cola.

Shop/cafe goods

Represented items using one to one


Locate and count info from displays

Language e.g. more than/less than

From the display of data gathered, locate specific information to answer questions eg using more/less.

IH Organising


Use the Strategy : Try a simpler case

Completed/ recorded additions to 5 accurately.


Paper and pens

Extracted correct information to answer questions .


Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

NMM Time

Tell the time using o’clock - analogue and digital

Using o’clock

Add and Subtract

Add to 10, facts to 10

Doubles and near doubles Number stories to 10 Counting back from 20 Estimate within 10 and count to check


Use the Strategy: Work backwards


Recognise 1p, 2p, 5p,10p,20p,50p,£1 and £2 Use 1p, 2p,5p,10p, £1 and £2 coins to add within 10

Increase prices by £1 and £2 Add to £10

SPM Position and Movement

Discuss position and movement

Language of position


Use the Strategy: Act out the Situation

NMM Measure and Estimate

Measure in convenient non-standard units Order and compare pairs of objects

Add and Subtract

Subtraction to 10 and facts to 5, record and use symbol of – and =

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Position numbers on a clock. Count from 1-12-1. Use model clocks to show time (o’clock) Discuss and record digital times. Use selection of concrete materials for counting and adding. Record additions to 10 using standard conventions.

Model clocks

Within context of toyshop, buy and sell goods using previous coins and £1 and £2 coins. Sort and match coins and price tags. Display toys in shop following positional instructions.

Coins, price tags, toys

Language of weight including ordering and comparison

Weigh toys and sort by weight. Compare weights using heavier and lighter.

Balances, toys, bricks, pegs etc

Language of subtraction Subtract using 1,2 and 0 Word problems Link + and – facts (commutative law)

Within relevant context, use a selection of concrete materials for counting and subtracting. Insert symbols – and =. Record subtraction using standard conventions.

Counters etc, card, pens, -and = symbol cards

Counters etc

Toys , shelves

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have: Identified hour/minute hands and positioned correctly. Completed/ recorded additions to 10 accurately.

Named coins Calculated totals and counted out correct coins Followed and given instructions to reorganise display. Identified heavier/lighter

toy and toy that weighs e.g. 6 pegs. Completed and recorded subtractions accurately.


Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Add and Subtract




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Subtract to 10 and facts to 10

Subtract within 10p and £10 Money

SPM Range of shapes

Collect, discuss, make and use 2D shape circle, squares, triangles and rectangles

NMM Patterns and Sequences

Work with patterns and sequences


Use the Strategy: Look for a pattern

IH Collect

Obtain and collect information


Tally, count and organise into sets


Display using real objects, pictures and simple diagrams


Interpret from displays by locating and counting

NMM Measure and Estimate

Measure volume in convenient nonstandard units Order and compare pairs of objects


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Extend language of subtraction Subtract using 1,2 and 0 Word problems Link + and – facts (commutative law) 7=3

Through repeated practice and practical activities, learn subtraction facts to 10. Extend activities to include calculating change in context of shop/café.

Coins, till, goods

Language of 2D shape Introduce symmetry

Decorate Christmas cards using 2D shapes.

Card, templates, sticky shapes, paint, pens

Make paper chains following a given pattern.

Strips of coloured paper, glue

Collect information on most popular Christmas gift from a given list of items. Draw a picture of their chosen item and display.

Paper, pens

Count on in 1’s to 20 and beyond Starting from any number Count on in twos

Count to 100


Count how many cups can be poured from different bottles. Compare volumes using… holds more or less.

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:


ability to count on and back. Provided correct change in role play situations. Identified 2D shapes used in picture on card. Sequenced colours to make paper chains.

Counted items in each category and identified favourite.

Identify most/least popular gift. Differences between e.g. how many more..than… Language of volume

Working with others

Variety of bottles, cups.

Identified containers with larger/smaller



Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Money




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use 10p and 20p coins Count and lay out coins to 49p using 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p coins

Add and subtract within 20p Adding on 10s Counting in 5s

Use Christmas Post Office to buy stamps for cards/parcels paying with selection of correct coins up to 49p.

Post office, coins, till, parcels, cards, stamps (stickers)

Laid out correct selection of coins.

Measure and estimate in convenient non-standard units Compare two objects

Language of length

Measure parcels and cards using cubes, straws, pegs etc and sort to fit in letterboxes.

Cubes, straws, pegs, parcels, cards, letterbox cut-outs

Posted cards /parcels in correct letterbox.

SPM Range of shapes

Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shapes Classify shapes by simple properties cube, cuboid, cylinders and spheres Use everyday and mathematical names

Use everyday and mathematical names for shapes Classification language eg rolls slides, flat, curved

Make simple Christmas decorations using 3D shapes. Sort decorations by properties.

3D shapes, junk, glitter, glue, pens etc

Named 3D shapes and identified properties.


Use the Strategy: Guess, Check and Improve a solution Even and odd numbers Rounding to the nearest 10 Estimating from position on number line

Pair socks and gloves, identify odds and evens. Choose partners for dancing…is there an odd or even number of children?

Socks , gloves, shoes etc

Measure and Estimate

NMM Patterns and sequences


Shown Work with patterns and sequences

Use the Strategy: Draw a picture/diagram or make a model


that even numbers are those with a partner.


Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

NMM Range and type of numbers

Work with halves and quarters in practical applications

Practical halves and quarters Doubles and halves

Make pizzas and divide into halves and quarters.

Pizza bases and toppings

NMM Time

Name and order the months of the year and seasons

Calendar language

Months and seasons flash cards

IH Collect

Obtain and collect information

More/less than


Tally, count and sort objects into specific sets

Appropriate language

Display/ Interpret

Draw simple diagrams Colour and interpret a bar graph

Name and order the months of the year. Group months of the year in seasons. Find out their own birth month/season. Draw a seasonal self-portrait and sort class set. On prepared 2cm squared paper colour boxes to show birth season information.

Graph out –line on 2cm squared paper


Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list or table

Counted number of birthdays in each season. Checked accuracy by balancing 2 bags. Identified 2D shapes in environment Directed peer to a hidden object.

NMM Measure and Estimate

Measure in convenient non-standard units using a two pan balance

Language of weight

Measure bird seed, in cubes, into small bags.

Bird seed, cubes, bags, balance

SPM Range of shapes

Collect, discuss and use 2D shape Identify simple properties of sides and corners

Language of position and movement

2D shapes

Discuss position and movement of a classroom object

Practical activities

Introduce symmetry

Language of symmetry

Discuss and identify the properties of 2D shapes. Bring in 2D shapes from home-sort by properties. Locate and describe position of a mascot using directional language. Look at and discuss symmetrical patterns. Make ladybirds by painting half and folding paper in two. Use 2D shape templates to continue and draw patterns to make wrapping paper.

Position and Movement Symmetry NMM Patterns and Sequences

Copy, continue and describe patterns using 2D shapes

Mascot Paper, paint, pictures of symmetrical objects Templates, rulers, pens

Identified halves/ quarters as 2/4 equal shares. Ordered and named the months of the year and seasons.

Completed simple symmetrical picture. Drawn a repeating pattern.


Mathematics Level A

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome


Programme of Study Numeracy


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Measure in convenient non-standard units (sand and water) Place pairs of objects in order

Use the language of capacity

Use cups to measure compost into containers for planting seeds. Order containers according to capacity.

Compost, cups, containers, seeds

Put containers in order of size.

Measure and Estimate

Measure in convenient non-standard units (eg handprints) Place pairs of objects in order

Use the language of area

In groups, measure and mark an area for counting mini-beasts and plants.

Grassy area, string and pegs

Measured a given area correctly eg 8 handprints.

Level A Revision

Consolidate work, where appropriate, prior to testing at Level A



Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


NMM Measure and Estimate

Children who have successfully completed the programme for Level A are now ready for the Level A National Test approximately December of Primary Two or earlier.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome


Programme of Study Numeracy


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Work with whole numbers up to 100 Count, order, read and write

Revise addition and subtraction to 10 Sequence to 100 Count in 2s and 10s 10 more/less than Compare and order numbers

Undertake practical activities involving ordering, reading and writing numbers up to 100.

Number cards, white boards or chalkboards

Displayed correct answers in activities.

Patterns and Sequences

Work with Patterns and Sequences Even and odd numbers and whole number sequences to 100

Count in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s.

Card, pens


Use the Strategy: Look for a Pattern

In pairs or small groups create an interactive 100 square, using colour to show sequences such as even/odd, counting in 5s.

Identified odd/even numbers and specified sequences by colour coding.

Round two digit whole numbers to the nearest 10

Numbers between, estimate and round

Practical activities using ‘counting stick’.

Counting stick

Rounded 2-digit numbers.

Tell the time using analogue displays and the terms o’clock and half past

Practical applications/games Find the time 1, 2 or 3 hours before or after a given time.

Play matching game with cards showing clock faces and time in words.

Prepared cards

Matched times with correct clock faces.

Strategies for adding 10 to a single number and ‘bridging’ 10. Add a single digit number to a teen number. Use doubles and near doubles.

Practical activities including ‘show me…’ Make up number sentences using pre-written cards e.g. number stories for 13, discuss children’s varied responses. Extend activity to solving and writing own word problems.

Prepared ‘show me’ cards, whiteboards, chalkboards

Written accurate number sentences and word problems.

Strand NMM Range and Type of Number

NMM Round Numbers Time


Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:



Use the Strategy: Work backwards

NMM Add and Subtract

Addition to 20- addition facts to 15

Home work

Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Measure and Estimate

Add and Subtract




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Measure length in easily handled standard units (metre, half metre, quarter metre and cm) Place sets of objects in order Read scales on rulers and metre sticks Understand conservation of length when shape changes.

Language of measure and conversion of m. to cm.

Make a display model of a Viking longship. Use rulers and meter sticks to measure materials to ensure correct proportions.

Large sheets of card, paper etc. paint, rulers and metre sticks

Know addition facts to 20

Strategies for adding 3 numbers

Practical activities including ‘show me…’ In oral mental maths, discuss how answers were achieved and share strategies with others.

Prepared ‘show me’ cards

Practical applications

Add three single digit numbers Extend doubles and near doubles Number facts to 20 PS

Use the Strategy: Guess, check and improve

IH Collect

Conduct a class survey (ICT link)

Language of IH

Use a tally chart with individual ticks (ICT link) Use tables, charts, diagrams and bar graph with graduated axes and with discrete categories (ICT link)

Counting backwards from numbers up to100

Organise Display


To ask specific questions from displays including similarities and differences

Counting back in 10s Counting back in 2s

In the context of ‘Our Bodies’ the children will conduct a survey e.g. on eye colour, hair colour, height etc. Organise data on a tally chart. Display findings on different types of chart, including using ICT programme. Formulate questions based on charts for peers to answer.

Computer programme with bar chart and simple data base

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Chosen appropriate measuring device. Used meter sticks and rulers correctly and accurately. Displayed correct answers in activities. Recorded method/ strategy used.

Displayed collected data in two different way. Composed relevant questions and extracted information in response to peers’ questions.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Add and Subtract


Programme of Study Numeracy



Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

B3 Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Subtract to 20 – subtraction facts to 15

Number facts within 15 Strategies for subtraction of:  a single digit number from a teens number without bridging 10  a teens number from 20 eg 2017 (break down to 20-10-7)  a teens number from a teens number eg 1612

Practical activities including “show me” cards. Extend activities to allow children to write and solve own and peer word problems.

“Show me” cards (including symbols white boards and chalk boards.

Use coins up to £1 including exchange

Using 50p coin in applications up to 99p eg shop

In the context of a “Scotland” topic, produce postcards and stamps for peers to buy using “correct” coins.

Cards, stamps, variety of coins.

Add and subtract within 20p PS NMM Add and Subtract

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Used appropriate mathematica l terms in constructing word problems.

Exchanged coins for equivalent amounts within £.

Use the Strategy: Act out the situation Subtract to 20 – subtraction facts to 20

Number facts within 20 Link addition and subtraction facts

Make up number sentences and stories linking addition and subtraction e.g. 9+8=17, 17-8=9 etc.

Shown an understandin g of the link between addition and subtraction.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Multiply and Divide


Multiply and Divide

SPM Range of Shapes





Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Understand the concept of repeated addition Multiply using the 2 times table Recognise and use x and = Understand the commutative aspect of multiplication Read digital clock - o’clock and half past Calculate durations finding the time 1, 2 or 3 hours before or after Understand the concept of equal sharing and grouping Introduce the – sign

Collect, discuss make and use 2D shape: circles, square, rectangle, triangle and hexagon. Introduce pentagon and octagon Able to identify simple properties (sides, corners and angles) Find shapes which will tile and continue tilings Use the Strategy: Try a simpler case


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of multiplication Multiply mentally using the 2 times table Count onwards in 2s,5s and 10s Doubles and halves

Practical applications and games Language of division Divide mentally Doubles and halves Count back in 2s,5s and 10s Practical applications and language of shape

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

In the context of ‘Our Bodies’, children will use repeated addition and multiplication to calculate total number of legs, arms etc for up to 10 children.


Recorded answers in a variety of formats e.g. 2+2+2,2x3

In the context of ‘Our Bodies’, children will produce their daily programme showing analogue and digital times, including simple durations.

Collection of digital and analogue clocks and clock faces

Accurately shown/read times on programmes Answered questions on durations.

In the context of ‘Our Bodies’, children will share equally healthy eating foods e.g. raisins, grapes etc.

Variety of small fruits

Shared items equally.

Using shapes provided, children will identify and sort shapes with the same given properties e.g. 4 corners (link with Venn and Carroll diagrams on B10). Draw round shapes to identify those which will tile. Produce a tablecloth for a healthy eating picnic using pattern of tiling with chosen shapes.

Plastic 2-D shapes, labels

Described shapes by property for peers to identify. Identified a shape which will not tile. Produced a pattern showing tiling.

Paper and coloured pens


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

NMM Range and type of Numbers

Work with numbers up to 1000  Count in 1s and 10s  Order, read and write numbers  Give number before, after and between ten more than and ten less than  Give number half way between numbers (e.g. half way between 70 and 50 = 60)


Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list or table

NMM Time

Add and Subtract

Functions and Equations


Programme of Study ICT

Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Count in 2s 3s 4s 5s and 10s Extend use of odd and even numbers

Tell the time using quarter past and quarter to using analogue and digital

Practical applications and games

Use and apply addition facts to 20 Add numbers to totals within100 Add a single digit number to a two digit number

Add single digit to a two digit number without and then with ‘bridging’ eg 49 +7 Strategies for + 9,19,11,21 etc Add multiples of 10 to two digit numbers eg 26+30 Missing numbers

Find the missing numbers or operators in statements/equations eg 4+

= 9 or




Use the £1 coin including exchange e.g. 50p = 5 x10p

Round numbers

Round two digit whole numbers to the nearest 10 Use when checking calculations

Rounding numbers

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Practical counting activities using counting sticks. Using the context of “Vikings” order dates of important events. Calculate 10 years after or before.

Counting sticks Viking time line.

Given a list of matches to be played in a tournament, produce a timetable to ensure all games last 15 minutes with 2x15 minute breaks. Add scores/points from tournament to determine positions.

List of matches

Solve word problems within the context of a tournament e’g’ red team scored 6 goals altogether, 3 goals in 1st game, how many in the 2nd. In context of Scotland topic, pay for postcards/stamps at increased prices using equivalent prices using equivalent amounts (see B3).

Word problems

Round 2 digit numbers when estimating cost of 2 items in above task.

Score sheet

Postcards, stamps and coins

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Shown correct answers in activities. Ordered dates correctly on time line. Produced a workable timetable.

Determined final positions by calculating scores correctly. Completed calculations correctly. Exchanged coins for equivalent amounts including £1. Calculations estimated to nearest 10p.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Symmetry

Programme of Study Numeracy



Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Recognise symmetrical shapes by folding or using a mirror


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Range and Type of Number

Add and Subtract

Use o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past in analogue and digital Place events in a time sequence including months of the year and annual celebrations/festivals Put a daily timetable in the correct order Work with numbers up to 1000  Count in 10s and 100s  Order, read and write numbers  Give number before, after and between  100 more than and 100 less than  Give number half way between (e.g. half way between 500 and 700 = 600) Subtract numbers within 100 Subtract a single digit from a two digit ( eg 39-7 or 54-7) Subtract a multiple of 10 (eg 84-40) Subtract two digit numbers from another two digit number ( eg decomposition)

Functions and Equations

Find the missing numbers or operators in statements/equations eg 9- =5 or -4=5


Use the Strategy: Reason Logically

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Language of symmetry

In the context of The Vikings, use mirrors to investigate symmetrical shapes of shields.

Mirrors, pictures of shapes

Successfully completed symmetrical shapes.

Practical applications

Using a time line, place given months and events in order. Use photographs or digital footage, sequence events in someone’s day into morning activities, afternoon activities and evening activities. Use ‘counting stick’ to count in 10s and hundreds. Undertake practical activities involving ordering, reading and writing numbers up to 1000. Use ‘counting stick’ to find the number half way between. Practical activities including ‘show me…’ Use number patterns e.g. 9-7, 19-7, 29-7/66-10, 66-20. Practical activities exchanging tens and units. Subtract tens and units e.g. 32-17 = 32-10-7. Use known number stories to complete and write number sentences.

Time line

Placed months and events correctly on time line.

Complete symmetrical patterns NMM Time


Find the time 15 minutes or 30 minutes before or after a given digital or analogue time Count on in 100s and in 10s ‘bridging’ hundreds starting from any number

Strategies for subtracting 9, 19, 11 and 21 etc. Subtract single digit from a two digit without and then with ‘bridging’ Missing numbers

Digital camera

Counting stick

Ordered, read and written numbers correctly.

Counting stick ‘show me’ cards

tens and units

Displayed correct answers in activities. Exchanged 10s and units appropriately Completed calculations. Created accurate number sentences.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills Resources

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Use the context ‘Healthy Eating’ to weigh fruit and vegetables using kg and ½ kg. Weigh prepared bags of fruit and place in correct weight order. Make up bags to given weights. Use data base to record fruits eaten by class.

Kg and ½ Kg weights, graded scales, prepared bags of fruit

Correctly weighed and ordered bags of fruit.


Used database to record information. Constructed a graph using both pencil and paper and ICT. Composed appropriate questions.

Measure weight in easily handled standard units ( kilogram, half kilogram) Place sets of objects in order Use and read scales

Language of weight

IH Organise

Use a simple database in which the teacher defines the headings or fields (ICT link)

Language of IH including databases

Construct a bar graph with axes graduated in units and with discrete categories (ICT link)

Count on and back in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s (Further tables preparation)

Use the context ‘Healthy Eating’, construct labelled bar graph showing favourite fruits and display graph. Use ICT to show same information. Write questions about information on graphs for peers to find answers.

Paper, ruler, pencils, coloured pencils etc.

Add and Subtract within a £1

In the context of ‘Healthy Eating’, set up a tuck shop selling fruit. Children to calculate change from £1 and find the difference in price e.g. between an apple and a banana.

Money, fruit


NMM Add and Subtract


Practical applications

Ask specific questions from displays including similarities and differences

Add and subtract within the context of money eg: find change from £1 and find the difference between two amounts Use the Strategy: Draw a picture, make a model

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Oral /Mental Agility

NMM Measure and Estimate


Working with others

Calculated change from £1 and found differences in prices.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Multiply and Divide

SPM Range of shapes

NMM Multiply and Divide




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Multiply using the 2 times table (revision) and the 5 and 10 times tables in a range of applications Understand the commutative aspect of multiplication

Mentally by 2,5,10 including simple 2 digit numbers

Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shape: spheres, cubes, cuboids, cones and cylinders Introduce triangular prism and square pyramid Identify simple features : faces, edges, corners, angles

Language of shape

Divide using 2, 5 and 10 times table in a range of applications

Link division and multiplication within known tables

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use ‘show me..’ cards in practical activities. Make number sentences to show the commutative aspect.

Prepares ‘show me…’ cards, paper, pencil

Correctly shown answers to problems.

In the context of “Healthy Eating” (Technology ‘Our Bodies’ - making a lunchbox) the children will investigate various boxes by taking them apart to examine their nets. Features of theses nets will be displayed and labelled.

Variety of boxes

Nets displayed and features labelled appropriately

Use ‘show me..’ cards in practical activities. Make number sentences and find answers to problems.

Prepares ‘show me…’ cards, paper, pencil

Correctly shown answers to problems.

Find halves, fifths, tenths using tables

Describe shapes Build models with these shapes

Introduce 3 and 4 times table NMM Range and type of numbers Fractions, percentages and ratio

Work with halves and quarters in practical shape applications

Practical applications

Use context ‘Healthy Eating’ to find halves and quarters of fruits.

Fruit, knife

Fruits or shapes halved and quartered appropriately.

Find halves and quarters of quantities Including three quarters

Revise and consolidate all aspects of tables

Use context of ‘Healthy Eating’ to write number problems for peers to solve e.g. share 12 apples among 3 children.

Paper, pencils

Answered correctly from given fraction of quantities.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Multiply and Divide




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Multiply using the 3 and 4 times tables in a range of applications Understand the commutative aspect of multiplication

Mentally by 2,3,4, 5,10 including simple 2 digit numbers

Use ‘show me…’ cards. Write number sentences to demonstrate commutative aspect.

Prepared ‘show me…’ cards

Correctly shown answers to problems.

Give and understand instructions for turning:  Clockwise and anti-clockwise through whole, half, quarter turns  Through right angles

Language of position and movement

In the context of a ‘Local Study’, use and give directions for peers to get from A to B.

Simple map of local area

Peer assessed– following instructions.

Use an orienteering map of the local area, to identify compass points.

Orienteering map of local area

Use grid references to read or plot location on grid

On a given scale map of the local area find and plot local landmarks.

Simple grid map of local area

Correctly identified compass points Located/ plotted local landmarks on scale map.

Give and follow directions to create a square or rectangle. Be able to use F,R,L for these movements (ICT link)

Use “Roamer”, “Pip” or “Logo”, programme to create a square and rectangle.

Appropriate ICT resource

SPM Angle

Use a template to draw or check for a right angle

From a circle, make a right angle tester. Draw right angles and mark right angles on given shapes.

Paper circle, prepared shapes


Use the Strategy: Make a conjecture and test with a particular example

SPM Position and Movement

Recognise and name the four compass points N,S,E,W

Practical applications (ICT link)

Correctly programmed ICT resource to complete a square or rectangle Correctly identified and drawn right angles.


Mathematics Level B

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Multiply and Divide

Measure and Estimate




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Revise and consolidate tables facts in different contexts including money and measure Grouping and sharing to show remainders

Use ‘show me…’ cards and write number sentences for peers to solve.

Prepared ‘show me’ cards

Correctly shown answers to problems.

Measure capacity in easily handled standard units ( litres and half litres) Read scales

Language of capacity

In the context of Science – Water, the children will measure litres and half litres e.g. to ensure fair testing in dissolving experiments.

Calibrated measuring containers

Measured litres and half litres consistently and accurately. Correctly shown answers to problems.

Multiply multiples of 10 up to 50 by 2,3,4,5 and 10 Extend doubles up to 20

Use ‘show me…’ cards and write number sentences for peers to solve.

Multiply 2 digit numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10

Display information in Carroll and Venn diagrams

Language of IH


Interpret information by asking specific questions

Revise all aspects of Level B Mental Maths

Use information from tally chart on (B2) to create Carroll and Venn diagrams. Children will compose 2 questions for peers relating to each diagram.

Level B Revision

Consolidate work, where appropriate. Children who have successfully completed this programme are now ready for the Level B National Test, approximately December of Primary Four.

Use multiplication facts in a range of applications IH Display


Working with others

Divide using the 3 and 4 times tables in a range of applications

Practical applications Multiply and Divide


Programme of Study

Prepared ‘show me’ cards

Tally chart form B2, paper, pencils

Accurately displayed information on Venn and Carroll diagrams and devised relevant questions.


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Range and Type of Number




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Recorded answers showing understanding of place value.

Find the number after, before and between 1,2,10,50,100 or 1000 more or less

Children will record their rounding of 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 using a number line.

Number line

Successfully recorded appropriate calculations.

Estimate length and height to the nearest metre, half metre, tenth of a metre and cm

Language of length

Children estimate classroom resources e.g. desk, blackboard.

Select and measure using appropriate devices revising use of m and cm including lengths greater than 1 metre eg 2m 30cm

Conversion of metres to centimetres

Children will measure a variety of resources in school e.g. corridor, jotter,

Trundle wheel, metre stick, ruler, measuring tape,

Collect discuss, make and use 2D shapes: circles, triangles, pentagons, hexagons, octagons and their properties Draw circles using a variety of methods Use shapes to continue and create patterns Use the Strategy: Look for a Pattern

Language of shape introduce regular and irregular

Use a pair of compasses, string and drawing pin, everyday shapes e.g. plate, saucer, to draw circles of different sizes. Design a quilt cover using one or two different shapes.

Compasses, a variety of circular shapes, paper, box of shapes

Round three digit whole numbers to the nearest 10. Use to check calculations


Use the Strategy: Act out the situation


Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others

Paper, number cards

NMM Round Numbers

SPM Range of Shapes

Learning and Thinking Skills

In pairs, play “Guess My Number” games recording answers and adding place value titles.

Work with whole numbers up to 10000 Count, order, read and write

Count to 10000 on and back Count in 10s, 100s and 1000s from any starting point

NMM Measure and Estimate


Programme of Study

Made a fair Estimate of various resources.

Selected the appropriate measuring device. Produced circles of different sizes and design a quilt cover showing understanding of pattern.

Home work

Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

SPM Symmetry

Find lines of symmetry of shapes drawn on squared grids Complete the missing half of simple symmetrical shapes or patterns

Language of symmetry

NMM Add and Subtract

Add to 1000 Add 2 digit numbers bridging 100 Add single or 2 digit numbers to 3 digit numbers using different strategies

Add 1 digit to whole numbers up to 3 digits Add multiples of 10 to three digit numbers Number bonds to 100

NMM Time

Sequence of months and number of days in each months (revision) Read a calendar to identify the day and date Find durations in weeks or days bridging months Write dates in different forms Read and record the time in 5 minute intervals on analogue and digital displays Use the terms ‘past’ and ‘to’ the hour Use the 12 hour notation including terms ‘am’ and ‘pm’

Durations of time

NMM Money

Use coins and notes to £5, £10 and £20 including exchange Convert £s and pence to pence Find the difference between two amounts Find change from £5 and £10


Use the Strategy: Work backwards

Dates in different forms

Practical applications

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use mirrors to investigate lines of symmetry on prepared pictures showing a selection of shapes. Children are given half of a e.g. seasonal shape, Christmas tree, leaf, flower to complete the missing half.

Mirrors, pictures of symmetrical shapes

Successfully completed symmetrical pictures with shapes of one and two lines of symmetry.

In pairs, the children will find given dates on a calendar. E.g. their birthdays, Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, Hallowe’en. Record their answers in different forms of writing dates. Record time in 5 minute intervals for a train timetable. Act out reading the time passenger/train journey situation writing out train ticket.

Calendars of the same year

Acting out purchasing a train ticket, giving correct change

Plastic money, real money, “train tickets”

Shown understanding of reading a calendar, recording dates and finding durations. Shown understanding by correctly recording 5 minute intervals and making use of appropriate terms. Given the correct change from a variety of amounts in succession.

Classroom clock, digital clock, recording sheets


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

IH Collect

Conduct a survey beyond the class


Use a tally sheet with grouped tallies


Construct a bar graph with axes graduated in multiple units and discrete categories (ICT Link)


Identify the most and least frequent items

NMM Add and Subtract

Subtract within 1000 Subtract single or 2 digit numbers from 3 digit numbers using different strategies Subtract within the context of money and measure

SPM Range and Type of Shapes



Programme of Study

Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shapes : sphere, hemisphere, cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, pyramids and prisms Identify properties of shapes faces, edges and vertices Identify 2D shapes within 3D shapes Recognise 3D shapes from 2D drawings Use the Strategy: Reason Logically


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of IH

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Discuss the possibility of opening a school tuck shop for healthy snacks. Conduct a school survey to determine the popularity of foods. (Linked to Technology Lunch Box unit)


Computer / squared paper

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Correctly used tally marks when conducting their survey and recorded this information on a bar chart.

The children will identify most and least popular foods from their bar charts. Subtract 1 digit from whole numbers up to 3 digits Subtract multiples of 10 from 3 digit numbers Subtract by adding on Subtract odd and even numbers Link addition and subtraction Language of shape Construct models using kits, interlocking cubes and straws

Use this information to calculate the amount of foodstuffs required in a week, month, term and year. Adding and subtracting as required by questioning. Use the information to calculate money earned, money spent, profit.


Construct 3D shapes as alternative packaging for tuck shop food. (Linked to Technology Lunch Box unit)

Cardboard, glue, scissors

Shown understanding by recording their results for a mini enterprise topic

Display of 3D shapes correctly labelled with appropriate descriptions of properties.


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Collect





Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Use a simple questionnaire to obtain information (yes/no responses) (ICT Link)

Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of IH


Enter data in a table with row and column headings (ICT Link)


Construct a table or chart eg pictogram with symbols representing multiple units


Retrieve specific records (ICT Link)

NMM Multiply and Divide

Know and use the 2,3,4,5, and 10 times table (revision) Multiply by 10 then 100 Know the 8,6,9 and 7 times table Use multiplication facts in a range of applications Work with patterns and relationships noting links between tables

Measure weight in standard units Know that 1 kg = 1000g Weigh accurately using weights down to 20g Read scales on measuring devices to the nearest graduation and intermediate levels Realise that weight can be conserved Estimate using kilograms and grams

Language of weight

NMM Measure and Estimate


Programme of Study Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Class discussion on surveying tuck shop customers for information. Design a questionnaire for the tuck shop using the computer.



Enter the information using bar chart layout. (Where possible, on computer) Discuss and interpret each other’s chart.

Mentally within the confines of all tables to 10 Mentally for any 2 or 3 digit whole number by 10 In applications in number, measurement and money to £20

Convert g to kg eg How many grams in a quarter kg?

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Discussed suitable questions for marketing. Collated information collected and presented in bar chart layout. Peer assessed bar chart information. Shown understanding by recording their results.

Use times tables to predict foodstuffs and profit for different durations.

Estimate then weigh tuck shop foodstuffs in kg and convert to gms and vice versa. Where appropriate, round to the nearest kg and/or gm. Compare mass of foodstuffs with same weight.

Working with others

Variety of foodstuffs Scales, appropriate weights

Made fair estimations and carried out accurate practical activities.


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand PS NMM Multiply and Divide




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Multiply multiples of ten by any single digit

Bulk ordering for tuck shop. Record different ways to find accurate answers.

Survey information / bar charts

Analogue and digital clocks

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use the strategy: Make a conjecture and test particular examples Multiply 2 digit numbers by any single digit number using different strategies Use multiplication facts in a range of applications

NMM Time

Use analogue and digital clocks to:  Find times 5 to 55 minutes before or after o’clock, half past and quarter past/to  Find times up to several hours before or after  Work out durations of minutes or hours  Use simple timetables 

Reinforce mentally including problems which requiring use of different strategies

In pairs devise simple timetable for tuck shop using appropriate measurements of time, also identifying the maximum time (in minutes) available per class both in digital and analogue times. Children work out how many hours to next tuck shop and how many hours from last.

NMM Multiply and Divide

Know and apply the 2,3,4,5, and 10 times table in division problems (revision)

Consolidate tables

Children will interpret division problems introduced by the teacher which involve the language of the tuck shop and includes money and rounding answers in context.

Link multiplication and division

Divide using 8,6,9 and 7 times table in a range of applications including money to £20 and measure

Use doubles, halves to 100

Divide 2 digit numbers which involve a remainder

Doubling and halving multiples of 10 or 100 to10 000

Round answers in context eg there are 26 children on a trip. Each bus seats 10. How many buses do you need?

Completed orders. Recorded different strategies used. Produced timetable which is in use with maximum times indicated.

Recorded answers showing correct interpretations of problems.


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand PS NMM Range and Type of Number

NMM Fractions, Percentages and Ratios

Programme of Study Numeracy



Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

NMM Measure and Estimate PS NMM Functions and Equations

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list or table Name fractions of shapes (halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, eighths and tenths) Work with simple equivalence eg one half = two quarters (practical applications only)


Find simple fractions of quantities involving 1 or 2 digit numbers (thirds fifths and tenths)

Reinforce mentally

Practical activities Games

Simple addition of fractions

Know that fractions include mixed numbers eg 2½ NMM Range and Type of Number


Children design individual celebration cakes and in groups fold and cut “wedges” of appropriate fractions. Children play fraction dominoes.

Paper circles Scissors

Displayed and accurately labelled identified fractions.

Using a variety of practical resources i.e. pictures of pizza, pies, chocolate bars etc to divide into required given fractions.

Pizza boxes, magazine pictures etc.

Pictorially recorded their results with appropriate labels.

Fraction dominoes

Work with decimals to two places when reading and recording money

Practical applications

Children will use catalogues to “purchase” goods within limited budget e.g. Christmas gifts, holiday items, books for the classroom.


Appropriately recorded their ”purchases” with prices and total identified.

Measure capacity in standard units litres, half litres and quarter litres. Read scales accurately both to the nearest graduation and intermediate level (involves deduction) Use the Strategy: Guess, Check and Improve a Solution Use a simple function machine for operations involving doubling, halving, adding and subtracting

Language of capacity including millilitres

Children write recipes for celebration drinks to accompany cakes. e.g. half litre cola and half litre irn bru to produce litre of punch .(linked to RME celebration)

Appropriate measuring containers Soft drinks and/or water

Used appropriate measuring equipment to show correct capacities and record their results.

Children devise function machine to work out litre requirements for the punch -depending on the number of people to be catered for.

Devised a function machine which will reflect requirements.

Home work

Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Position and Movement




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Use the language of position and movement to describe the main features of a familiar route Use the terms clockwise, anticlockwise and make turns of 90°, 180 ° or 360°

Practical applications

Create paths on squared paper using instructions such as Forward 5, right 90, forward 7, left 90 (ICT Link) SPM Angle

Know that a right angle is 90° Use right, acute, obtuse to describe angles

Children will use plan of the school to write directions for visitors from the main office to all classrooms. In pairs children will use Roamer (or similar ICT programme) to make appropriate turns using the correct terminology.

Language and practical application

Using the plan of the school, the children will measure the area of classrooms corridors, school grounds, etc. using cm2 paper. The children can make their own designs for developing the school grounds into activity areas and work out the area for each.

Use the Strategy: Draw a picture or diagram/make a model Understand the concept of area Measure the area of shapes composed of rectangles and squares Measure irregular shapes using tiles or grids Measure area in standard units using square centimetres (cm2) Draw shapes of given area including half squares Know area is conserved when shape changes

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Using a plan of the school grounds the children can make their own designs to develop the grounds into activity areas with given shapes.e.g., seated area, potted plants, sports area, Angles for the shapes can be measured.

Identify and draw all types of angles

NMM Measure and Estimate

Learning and Thinking Skills

Language and practical application

Know that a straight angle is 180°



Programme of Study

Start to revise all mental sections for Level C Test


Roamer (or similar ICT programme)

Cm squared paper. Plan of school / school grounds

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Displayed completed directions at school office. Demonstrated knowledge of terms and correct turns with peers.

Their own designs for developing the school grounds showing the correct angles for activity areas and the correct area in cm2 .

An opportunity to peer assess each other’s designs.


Mathematics Level C

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Collect




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Obtain information for a task either by a questionnaire or survey within a chosen context

Language of databases

In the context ‘conservation’ , conduct a litter survey in the playground.

Refuse sacks, protective gloves, litter

Collected information.


Use a database with teacher defining the headings or fields (ICT Link)

Revise all aspects of Level C Mental Maths

Use database to record results.

ICT database programme

Recorded results appropriately using database.


Display information in table, chart or graph

Display information found in appropriate form.

Paper, pencils, rulers, ICT programme

Constructed appropriate table/chart/ graph to display findings.


Retrieve specific records (ICT Link)

Retrieve information in order to answer given questions.


Use the Strategy: Try a simpler case

Prepared questions, appropriate ICT programme

Retrieved relevant and appropriate information.

Level C Revision

Consolidate work, where appropriate, prior to testing at Level C Children who have successfully completed the programme for Level C are now ready for the Level C National Test approximately October of Primary Six or earlier.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Range and Type of Number





Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Name fractions of shapes ( halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, eighths, tenths, twentieths, fiftieths, hundredths)

Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Equivalences Practical and visual activities

Work with simple equivalences in practical applications Fractions, percentages and ratio

Find simple fractions of quantities involving up to four digits (1/7, 3/4 3/5, 60/100)

Reinforce mentally

Range and Type of Number

Understand and use the term percentage

Practical applications linking fractions and percentages

Fractions, percentages and ratio

Work out percentages in easy examples (50%, 25%, 75% 20%)

Range and Type of Number

Write fractions in decimal form - tenths and hundredths Work with decimals to two places in applications in money and measurement eg 1m 35cm = 1.35m

Measure and estimate small lengths in millimetres and large lengths in metres. Select appropriate measuring devices. Recognise when km are appropriate Calculate perimeter of simple straightsided shapes by adding lengths

Language of length

NMM Measure and Estimate Perimeter, Formulae and Scales


Programme of Study

Practical activities linking fractions and decimals Conversion in money and measurement

Conversion of mm, cm, m, km Simple examples of adding perimeters

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Design a series of pennants divided and coloured to show fractions and their equivalences. Colour panes of a stained glass window given the fraction of each colour to be used eg 25/100 blue, 1/10 red etc .


Squared paper, coloured pens, pencils

Solve a series of word problems within the context of Mary Queen of Scots/Castles e.g. what fraction/% of soldiers carry swords? Shields? Daggers?

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Sorted pennants into groups of equivalent fractions. Calculated the correct number of panes for each colour. Calculated accurately fractions and %s.

From a plan of a banqueting hall, convert lengths from m and cm and record in decimal form as m and vice versa. Cost a banquet.

Plan of a banqueting hall with measurements shown

Shown an understanding of different ways of expressing measurements by recording conversions accurately.

Plan and measure accurately in related technology task to make a souvenir of a visit to a castle (technology design brief) Calculate the perimeters of castle features and artefacts

Rulers, paper, card, wood, coloured pencils, pens, tools, glue

Measured according to plan.

Previously produced plans

Added the lengths of all sides.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Add and Subtract

PS SPM Symmetry

Range of shapes

PS NMM Multiply and Divide




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Add and subtract decimals with and without a calculator with at most 2 decimal places in applications in money and measure eg £12.50 + £1.75


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Add and Subtract two 2/3 digit whole numbers involving multiples of 10 and 100 eg 120+130 Reinforce mentally

Calculate the length of wood needed and the cost of materials for each child to construct a model of a bench and a trestle table. (technology design brief) *see below for extension

Plan of bench/table showing relevant sizes, price list of materials

Shown an

Identify and draw up to four lines of symmetry Use lines of symmetry to complete shapes and designs Create symmetrical shapes

Language of symmetry

Paper, card, coloured pencils, pens

Identified and drawn symmetrical Patterns.

Collect, discuss, make and use simple 2D shapes including pentagon and hexagon (revision)

Language of shape and practical applications

Use a mirror/folding to show lines of symmetry on given shapes Complete designs of tabards to show symmetry Design shields with 2, 3 and 4 lines of symmetry Extend mathematical language of shape and use to describe, identify and make 2D shapes.

2D shapes, K’nex, straws, pipe cleaners

Identified shapes from peers’ description.

Design a tiled floor .

Shape templates, coloured pens, pencils

Created a tessellating pattern.

Use individual measurements and costings, to calculate overall requirements for class (technology design brief).

Information from earlier activity

Shown an

Use the Strategy: Guess, check and improve

Understand and use the terms vertices, diagonals, sides and angles Create or copy tiling using shape templates Use the Strategy: Look for a pattern Multiply and divide by a single digit to two decimal places With a calculator multiply and divide by two digit whole numbers Use in applications of money and measure

Multiply and divide:  Up to 4 digit numbers by 10 or 100 including decimals to two decimal places  Whole numbers by single digits


of place value by using decimals accurately in calculations.


of place value by using decimals accurately in calculations.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Position and Movement




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Give directions for a route or journey Use an 8 point compass rose


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Calculate durations involving hours and minutes counting on and back Understand and use the 24 hour clock and equate with 12 hour times


From a plan of the local area the children will give and follow directions of routes taken to school (Technology Unit Our Community).

Squared paper, plan of local area .

‘Arrived’ at correct destination on plan.

Work with time to calculate duration in hours or minutes bridging hours

Plan a staged journey by plane/train.


From peer’s adapted itinerary and questions calculate missing durations and arrival times.

Adapted itineraries and question sheets

Prepared itinerary using 24 hour clock . Calculated and recorded durations and arrival times accurately. Recorded their results showing conversions where required.

Reinforce mentally

Use and read a stop watch to time activities in seconds

Conversion of seconds, minutes, hours

In groups or pairs time one another to do a series of activities eg. Writing name 10 times, skipping 10 times, read a paragraph aloud.


Language of capacity and volume

Use cm cubes to investigate the volume of different sized boxes and record as cm3 Follow a recipe to make a fruit punch, measure specified amounts into bottles and label eg 750ml 0.75l, 500ml 0.5l etc.

Boxes, cm cubes

Use the Strategy: Act out a Situation

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Language of position and movement

Apply knowledge of the 24 hour clock in timetables

Measure and calculate small volumes using cm3 Measure accurately in millilitres and litres Understand 1litre = 1000ml = 1000cm3 Read scales accurately Select appropriate measuring devices

Working with others


Calculate speeds in practical activities NMM Measure and Estimate

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Use a co-ordinate system to locate a point on a grid (2,3) (0,4) (ICT Link) NMM Time


Programme of Study

Practical applications

Various fruit juices, measuring cylinders, plastic bottles, sticky labels

Identified boxes for storing a given volume of sweets Measured and labelled bottles accurately showing ml and l.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Range and Type of Number





Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Count up to 1 million on and back  Count in 10s, 100s, 1000s 10 000s from any point  Rounding to the nearest 10 000  Write/display numbers in multiples of 100 before and after a given number

Mental activities using number generators. In groups generate, order and check each other’s numbers.


Round any number to the nearest appropriate whole number, ten or hundred. Use and check in calculations eg 737+188 is about 700+200

Collect, discuss, make and use 3D shapes including pyramids and prisms Identify properties of shapes referring to edges, faces and vertices and angles

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Language of shape Practical activities

Number generators


Household and classroom items

Labelled shapes correctly Identified shapes from properties described.

Card, rulers, construction materials Geo strips

Made models of 3D shapes. Identified that triangular shapes are rigid.

Mental activities, adding rounded numbers to make estimated calculations.

Make a class display of 3D shapes from both household items and class resources. Play “What shape am I?” games in class, groups, pairs.

Make 3D models solid or skeletal Use diagonals to show the rigidity properties of triangles in skeletal models Use nets to make cubes and cuboids PS

Working with others

Shown an Work with whole numbers up to 100 000 (count, order, read and write) Read and write whole numbers up to 1 million

SPM Range of shapes


Programme of Study

Use the Strategy: Draw a picture or diagram/make a model

Make a model of a futuristic community using 3D shapes made from construction materials/nets. Investigate how adding diagonals affects the rigidity of a shape.

of place value by generating numbers requested. Rounded numbers to required place and used correctly in mental calculations.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Continue and describe more complex sequences eg 1,1,2,3,5,8,13…….

Counting on and back in different steps

Work in pairs to solve and design sequential number problems.

Functions and Equations

Recognise and explain simple relationships between two sets of numbers or objects Use a function machine and identify the rule

Introduce the term squared number in calculations

Design and make a function machine.


Use the strategy: Reason logically Language of IH related to context

In the context ‘Our Community’, design a questionnaire based on leisure activities.

NMM Patterns and Sequences

IH Collect

Select appropriate sources of information for tasks including a questionnaire which allows several responses to each question eg What do you buy from the shop?


Paper, pens

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have: Solved and designed sequential number problems. Made a function machine.

Collected appropriate information.


Use a diagram or table Use a database or spreadsheet table with up to three fields defined by pupils (ICT Link)

Organise this information onto a database or spread sheet.

ICT database programme


Construct graphs (bar, line, frequency, polygon) and pie charts Use scales involving fractions and decimals Use continuous data which has been grouped eg heights of children in intervals of 0.1m (ICT Link)

ICT programme


Retrieve information subject to one condition from a range of displays and databases eg Which children are taller than 100cm?

Display information gathered in a suitable format using fractions and decimals. Record and display information on amount of time spent by children on leisure activities (in 15 minute intervals). Retrieve information e.g. how many children spend longer than 45 mins on a leisure activity.

Organised information onto a spread sheet. Displayed information on a suitable format.

Retrieved information accurately.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Language of shape

Formed a pattern or abstract design using circle, equilateral triangle and isosceles triangle with a key to identify each shape.

Compass, ruler, plastic shapes

Practical activities

In groups, the children will use Roamer (or similar) to carry out prepared tasks for turning and stating where they have “landed” e.g. S.E. Identify rotational symmetry from given shapes.

Roamer or similar programme Prepared tasks for moving and turning. Prepared shapes

Start to revise all sections of Level D mental maths

Use a protractor to measure and draw given angles.


Use all UK coins/notes to £20 worth or more, including exchange

Practical applications

Plastic or real money.

Finding change from £20

Finding change from £20

Practical activities e.g. book sale, tuck shop, exchanging and giving change.


Use the Strategy: Make a conjecture and test with particular examples

SPM Range of Shapes

Draw a circle and identify radius, diameter and circumference Identify and name equilateral and isosceles triangles

Position and Movement


Programme of Study

Revise 8 point compass rose, clockwise and anti-clockwise, degrees and turns Recognise which shapes have rotational symmetry


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Accurately identified each shape in their design and shown understanding of their properties. Correctly identified shapes with rotational symmetry.

Create patterns by rotating a shape (ICT Link) Angle

Draw, copy and measure angles accurately within 50 Use standard notation to express bearings eg 0600, 1500, 3000 (ICT Link)

NMM Money


Use the Strategy: Work backwards

Roamer or similar programme.

Accurately identified and drawn angles.

Shown accuracy with money exchange.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

NMM Measure and Estimate

Find the area of a right angled triangle on cm squared grids



Programme of Study ICT

Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Practical activities

Practical activities using rectangles and squares to calculate cm2 of right angles triangle.

Squared paper

Language of weight

Practical activities weighing given items/parcels.

A variety of measuring devices, weights, parcels

Keep a daily diary reading and recording temperature.


Know that small area is measured in cm2 Measure weight of an extended range of articles

Learning and Thinking Skills

Select an appropriate range of measuring devices and units for weighing eg pan or spring balance

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Shown understandin g by accurately calculating area. Selected appropriate measuring device and accurately read scales.

Know 1kg = 1000g Measure temperature and read a thermometer accurately Be aware of common imperial units PS

Use the Strategy: Try a simpler case


Add, subtract, multiply and divide with and without a calculator 4 digit numbers (revision) Work confidently with decimals and fractions (revision)


Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list or table

Revise all Level D mental maths Practical applications.

Accurately read and recorded readings from thermometer Accurately recorded answers.


Mathematics Level D

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand Revise Level D




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Consolidate work, where appropriate, prior to testing at Level D Children who have successfully completed the programme for Level D are now ready for the Level D National Test, approximately May/June P.7 or earlier.


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Range of Shapes




Programme of Study Literacy


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Use properties of 2D shapes  Discuss the side, angle, diagonal properties of quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, kite and trapezium.  Define and classify quadrilaterals  Relate diameter and circumference (practical work only)

Language of shape and practical activities

Use mathematical language to describe shapes Investigate properties of shapes: fold/trace turn/measure. Discuss above to give definition of a quadrilateral Investigate relationship between diameter and circumference using circular shapes in the classroom.

Rulers, protractors

Counting backwards in steps below zero. Read temperatures below zero from a thermometer.

Counting stick

Calculate temperature drops/rises overnight and during daytime both indoors and out.

Thermometer, ice


Use the Strategy: Draw a picture or diagram/make a model

NMM Range and Type of Number

Work with negative numbers (e.g. temperature)

NMM Add and Subtract

Add and subtract positive and negative numbers in applications such as a rise in temperature

NMM Measure and Estimate

Read scales on thermometers including estimating between graduations

Reinforce mentally


Use the Strategy: Make a conjecture and test with particular examples

Add and subtract mentally for 2 digit numbers including decimals eg 7.3+8.2

Count in sequences (forward and back) in steps between 5 and 10, extending to below zero Practical examples

Record temperature of a salt/ice/water mixture in a variety of containers (both insulated and non-insulated) and calculate increase in temperature over a period of time.



Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Used terms: side, angle and diagonal accurately. Identified shape from peer’s description. Defined a quadrilateral as any 4-sided shape. Established circumference is about 3x diameter.

Shown an understanding of

the use of negative numbers.

Read thermometers to nearest division.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Collect




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Select sources of information for tasks, including  Practical experiments  Sampling using a simple strategy

Language of Data Handling

eg Estimate how much water is wasted by a dripping tap in 1 week by measuring loss in 1 hour

Number facts to 20, quick recall, involving common fractions (1/2, 1/4)


Design and use: diagrams and tables


Construct straight line and curved graphs for continuous data where there is a relationship such as direct proportion eg travel, temperature, growth graphs


Interpret from an extended range of displays (diagrams, tables, graphs) (ICT link)  Describe the main features of a graph.  Calculate the average (mean) to compare sets of data



Programme of Study

Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list/table

Number bonds to within hundreds involving at least one 3-digit number (eg 415+85, 225+ 275)

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Produce a questionnaire about children’s bikes/cycling safety. Issue questionnaire to 20% of pupils. throughout school. Record results on suitable table/database.

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have: Conducted survey using appropriate sampling strategy.

ICT database programme

Extrapolate from the small sample how many children in the whole school have bikes and wear safety helmets. Construct trend graphs from information gathered, find out if there is a correlation between the age of child and wearing a safety helmet.

Recorded results in an appropriate format.

Constructed and labelled graphs accurately.

Draw graph to show direct relationship between miles and Km.

Graph paper

Produce a display of findings and report to pupil council on safety issue raised.

Paper, pencils etc

Converted distances from metric to imperial. Extracted required information and drawn relevant conclusions.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

NMM Range and Type of numbers

Work with  all widely used fractions  convert fractions to equivalent decimals and vice versa  decimals to 3 places (in applications eg length)

Find widely used fractions and percentages of whole number quantities

Draw and colour mosaic patterns showing eg 25% or 15/60 or 20/80- yellow. Produce a domino type game using %s and equivalent fractions and decimals.

NMM Measure and Estimate

Measure and draw using standard units of length and estimate measurements: small lengths in millimetres and larger lengths in metres

Use equivalent fractions

Measure and draw lines in mm to construct a box suitable for storing domino game.

Use a calculator to find a fraction or percentage of a quantity Find ratios between quantities Use simple unitary ratio as a basis for calculations:

Change fractions to decimals and percentages

NMM Fractions, Percentages and Ratio

SPM Position and Movement NMM Perimeter, Formulae and Scales SPM Position and Movement


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have: Coloured mosaic appropriately. Played domino game successfully with peers.


Produced box with correct dimensions. Demonstrated

The ratio of pupils coming by car to those coming on foot is 1:5. In one class, 4 came by car. How many were likely to come on foot?

Reinforce ratios mentally

Discuss position and movement by:  Using bearings and distances to produce accurate scale drawings of routes (ICT link)  Use scales such as 1cm to 1, 2, 5 or 10m: or represented by a ratio such as 1:100 to interpret or draw maps, plans, diagrams  Using co-ordinates in all four quadrants to plot position (ICT link)  Calculating distances along grid lines (ICT link)

Practical activities

Use previously gathered cycling data and a calculator to work out % of children in each class who wear a safety helmet.


Create a treasure map, drawn to scale, with some features at specified locations. Prepare instructions using bearings and distances to allow peers to locate treasure on map. Calculate true lengths and scaled lengths. Plot points and read coordinates in 4 quadrants.

Protractors Rulers

the ability to use a calculator in practical applications.

Located treasure on map by correctly following instructions.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome



Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Strand PS

Use the Strategy: Work backwards

NMM Add and Subtract

Add and subtract:  Without a calculator for 4 digits with at most 2 decimal places  With a calculator for any number of digits with at most 3 decimal places (In applications in number, measure and money)

NMM Multiply and Divide

NMM Round Numbers


SPM Symmetry


Programme of Study

Multiply and divide:  Without a calculator for 4 digits with at most 2 decimal places by a single digit.  With a calculator for any pair of numbers but at most 3 decimal places in the answer

Round any number to one decimal place eg 7.253+8.174 is about 7.3+ 8.2


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Add and subtract decimals including money and measure

Within the context of pirates and treasure, children prepare problems for peers involving the 4 rules of number e.g. sharing the treasure coins found equally amongst the pirate crew/value of treasure.

Multiply and divide any whole number by multiples of 10 and 100 eg 20x76

Practical applications.

Multiply and divide any number including decimals by 10,100 and 1000 Reinforce mentally


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Interpreted problems accurately and applied knowledge appropriately to find the correct solution.

Answers in above can be rounded appropriately.

Use the Strategy: Try a simpler case

 

Determine whether or not shapes have rotational symmetry Move a tile of a shape on a squared grid in order to translate, reflect or rotate the shape.

Language of symmetry

Design pieces of pirate treasure with rotational symmetry. Create a pattern by translating, reflecting or rotating a tile of precious metals.

Coloured pens, pencils etc Card, sticky paper

Produced designs with rotational symmetry. Produced repeating pattern.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

IH Collect

Carry out a survey using questionnaires (ICT Link)


Design and use a database or spreadsheet with fields defined by pupils (ICT Link)


Construct as appropriate graphs or pie charts with data expressed in percentages (ICT Link)



Programme of Study ICT

Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of databases

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Design and use a questionnaire to establish holiday patterns e.g. where did the children go on holiday over the last 3 years/what activities do they enjoy on holiday.

Enter data on a suitable database to record and display information gathered. Extract information to compile a report for the local travel agent to assist him in preparing holiday deals.

NMM Money

Use relationships between currencies to do simple calculations

Calculate change from £20

Calculate cost of gifts in local currencies.

NMM Measure and Estimate

Practical activities

NMM Perimeter, Formulae and Scales

Measure accurately and draw small areas using cm 2 Estimate areas in square metres Work with square kilometre and hectare Calculate using rules for:  areas of rectangles and squares  volumes of cuboids and cubes

NMM Measure and Estimate

Realise that volume can be conserved when shape changes

Table facts

Design travel tickets/luggage labels of given area. Use atlases to compare sizes of countries visited. Use measurements of tickets and labels to investigate relationship between length, breadth and area. Investigate the link between length, breadth, height and volume using suitcases.

Cubing and squaring mentally

Assessment / Evidence Learners will have: Compiled questions to provide information suitable to analyse in graphical form.

Consolidate percentages

From a database :  retrieve information subject to more than one condition  use logical operators (and; or; not) when framing questions (ICT Link)

Working with others

Computer database package e.g. Information Workshop

Card/pens/pencils etc Squared paper Atlases Suitcases Rulers Metre sticks

Entered data accurately (peer assessment) Extracted key information to make recommendations. Checked accuracy of calculations by using inverse process.

Checked measurements (peer assessment). Listed countries by size from smallest to largest. Established that A=lxb V=lxbxh.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome


NMM Patterns and Sequences


NMM Functions and Equations



Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use the Strategy: Act out the Situation Continue and describe sequences:  involving square and triangular numbers  find specified items in sequences  involving prime numbers Use the Strategy: Look for a pattern Use a digital stopwatch (for time activities) in seconds, tenths, hundredths

 

 PS


Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Strand PS


Programme of Study

Use a function machine in reverse for inverse operations Use notation to describe general relationships between 2 sets of numbers Use and devise simple rules to show relationships between objects eg number of posts to number of rails in a fence Solve simple equations and inequations

Use the Strategy: Guess, check and improve a solution

Add and subtract numbers ending in 9 (between 9 and 99) Add and subtract two-digit numbers from three digit multiples of 10 (120-57)

Investigate square and triangular numbers using models and diagrams. Look for patterns and extend sequences. Use a 100 square and tables facts to identify prime numbers.

Cm cubes

Consolidate conversion of analogue and digital times, using 24 hour clock Double whole numbers including fractions (eg 431/2)

Time activities within the context of a health and fitness programme.

Stop watch

Construct a model function machine which uses digit and function cards to show operations and their inverses Investigate patterns. Write rules/formulae to explain relationships eg in health context, dilute vitamin drops to concentrations according to consumer’s weight/age. Children produce a set of problems, within the health context, to be solved using equations and inequations e.g. if Anne did 23 sit ups and

Boxes, card, coloured pens and pencils

Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single digits (eg 13x4, 270x3)

John did 6 fewer write/solve an equation to show how many sit ups John did.

100 square

Vitamin drops, measuring cylinders, water

Identified square and triangular numbers. Used found patterns to continue. Sequences Listed/defined prime numbers <100 Timed activities accurately using digital stopwatch. Put the inverse of a given operation into function machine. Written formulae using symbols to record relationships. Written problems which can be solved by peers using equations.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Range of shapes




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Make 3D models solid or skeletal including using nets to produce triangular prism, pyramid and tetrahedron

Language of 3D shape

NMM Perimeter, Formulae Scales

Use scales such as 1cm to 1,2,5 or 10m: or represented by a ratio such as 1:100 to make 3D models

Extend fractions of two-digit numbers (1/3, 2/3, 4/5)

SPM Range of shapes Angles

Draw triangles given 3 sides, 2 sides and included angle, 2 angles and one side Draw triangles to scale in applications involving heights and distances

Introduce strategy for multiplying by 11, 12

SPM Angle

NMM Measure and Estimate

Use ‘reflex’ to describe angles Use the fact that vertically opposite angles are equal Use the properties of angles formed by a line crossing parallel lines Know the sum of the angles of a triangle is two right angles

Read scales on weighing devices including estimating between graduations. Know that the tonne is a standard unit of weight Use the Strategy: Reason logically



Programme of Study

Language of weight and conversion of g to kg to tonnes

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Investigate 3D shapes and produce nets. Use nets to make Christmas decorations. (alternative context Technology-Exploring Space) Construct a nativity scene using scaled 3-D models. (alternative context Technology-Exploring Space)

Rulers, card, coloured pens and pencils, glitter, scissors, glue

Construct a mobile using triangles drawn accurately given specified criteria. Make scale drawings in order to calculate heights and distances within Technology context Exploring Space.

Protractors, compasses, rulers, card, coloured pens and pencils, glitter, scissors, glue Protractors, compasses, rulers, pencils

By drawing and measuring, investigate the properties of angles in triangles and formed by crossing lines. Use findings to plan and draw a robot with certain angles identified. Weigh parcels for Christmas posting (alternatively loads for space vehicle).

Rulers, card, coloured pens and pencils, scissors, glue

Rulers, pencils

Parcels, weighing devices

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Produced Xmas decorations comprising, triangular prisms, pyramids, tetrahedral. Constructed a 3D model to scale. Drawn triangles which match specifications

given. Calculated true heights/ distances accurately. Applied the rules to calculate accurately the missing angles. Weighed to nearest graduation.


Mathematics Level E

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand Revise Level E




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Consolidate work, where appropriate, prior to testing at Level E Children who have successfully completed the programme for Level E are now ready for the Level E National Test.


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Range and type of number

NMM Round Numbers

NMM Perimeter, Formulae and Scales SPM Position and Movement

NMM Range and type of number




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?

Define and work with:  integers  factors including prime factors  rational numbers including converting rational numbers to equivalent decimals  decimals to required number of places

Add and subtract 2 digit numbers including integers Multiply and divide integers by a single digit Simple equivalences

Calculate simple bank balances.

Round any number to a required number of decimal places eg calculations involving money to 2 decimal places Understand the term ‘significant figure’ Round any number to a required number of significant figures eg solutions to calculations of areas/circumferences of circles rounded to 3 significant figures

Reinforce mentally Introduce new terminology eg integer within mental activities

Use rules to calculate circumferences and areas of circles (Know and use C = π d and A = π r2 ) Enlarge and reduce shapes using any reasonable scale factor eg 3, ½ Know and use Pythagoras’ Theorem Extend to solve practical problems eg finding length of kite diagonals In calculations give answers to one decimal place

Introduce and explain the term hypotenuse

Reinforce mentally


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Exemplar bank accounts

Audited a bank account Expressed as a product of prime factors.

In context of bank accounts calculate interest and round appropriately.

Exemplar bank accounts

Rounded answers accurately.

Investigate relationship between circumference and diameter of a number of circles leading to a 3 significant figure value for π Use formulae to calculate circumference and area of various circles.

Calculators (π button)

Used appropriate formula

Draw shapes on squared paper; enlarge and reduce by a given factor.

Photos with enlargements

Produce factor trees. Complete a fraction/decimal/percentage conversion table, rounding where necessary.

Develop theorem by drawing squares on sides of right-angled triangles (use Pythagorean triples for lengths of sides).

Circular shapes, containers, compasses All sides enlarged or reduced in proportion. Used theorem to calculate lengths of sides.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand SPM Position and Movement PS IH Collect




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to: Calculate the direct distance between 2 points on a co-ordinate grid


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Revise 4 quadrant co-ordinate grid

Apply Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate lengths of lines not drawn parallel to axes.


Language of IH

Collect data on shoe sizes in class/year group (discrete) and time taken to run a set distance (continuous).

Stop watches

Use the Strategy: Draw a picture or diagram/make a model Collect information from practical experiments Recognise that:  discrete data is countable eg number of faulty items in a batch  continuous data is measurable eg time taken by competitors in a 100m race


Group and order discrete/continuous data using equal class intervals Use approximately 6 classes in total Construct grouped frequency tables


Select appropriate graph or chart  Stem-and-leaf charts of data  Scattergraphs of data


Make significant deductions Calculate mean, median, mode and range from sets of non-grouped data

NMM Add and Subtract

Add/subtract: - without a calculator for 4 digit numbers incl decimals and integers(23.15-3.234or–3271+(-4134) -with a calculator for whole numbers decimals and integers any number of digits(number, money and measure)

Divide times into class intervals. Construct frequency tables from both sets of data. Choose type of graph Describe trends. Display collected data in stem-and-leaf charts and scattergraphs. Use data lists, frequency tables and stem-and-leaf to find range, mean, median and mode. Add and subtract 2 digit numbers with one decimal place (including negative numbers) eg1.3 + (-2.4) = -1.1 5.7 - (-3.2) = -8.9

Perform calculations in school refurbishment project eg Can you make a bookcase of given dimensions from wood of specified length (to nearest mm)?

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Calculated length accurately to match length measured by peer.

Chosen appropriate class intervals and constructed frequency table. Calculators

Calculations done correctly.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand PS NMM Range and type of numbers




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

SPM Angles

SPM Range of shapes


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use the Strategy: Make a conjecture and test with particular examples Work with an extended range of powers for example cubes and square roots Convert numbers into scientific notation and vice-versa/recognise calculator displays

NMM Algebra


Programme of Study

Work with expressions:  Understand equivalence of expressions  Use standard algebraic conventions to rearrange expressions  Use the conventions for order of operations in calculations to evaluate expressions

Given the area of squares work out length of side (square numbers) Simple powers Practical applications (Science link) Extend number vocabulary to include index and factor

Use combinations of angle properties Calculate interior and exterior angles of regular polygons with 4 or more sides Draw polygons given appropriate information eg regular pentagon with sides 6 cm or rhombus given diagonals

Revise properties of shapes

Express powers as products Use square root and power buttons on calculator.


Produced accurate solutions.

Given a scientific report related to time and space express all numbers in standard form and vice versa Using calculator enter and interpret standard form.

Prepared scientific report

Accurately converted large and small numbers.

Collect like terms Multiply expressions including those with brackets. Factorise expressions using a common factor. Substitute values into algebraic expressions using order of sign rules. Apply previous knowledge of angle properties in more complex figures and regular polygons.

Teacher prepared worksheets

Simplified, factorised and evaluated expressions correctly.

Compasses and angle measurers

Found the size of angles in a diagram and labelled them correctly.

Design and construct badges of given dimensions in the shape of regular polygons.

Made badges to specified measurements.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome


NMM Multiply and Divide


Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Strand PS


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Multiply and divide decimals by a single digit (easy examples only) eg 0.4 x 7 =2.8, 1.8 ÷ 6 = 0.3

Within context of school refurbishment calculate quantities for specified tasks, both with and without a calculator.

Teacher prepared worksheets

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Use the Strategy: Look for a pattern Work confidently with positioning of decimal point Multiply and divide:  without a calculator for more complex examples eg 3.29 x 30, 18.697 x 40 000, 21÷ 0.7, 0.03 ÷ 60, 0.6 x 0.3, 0.08 ÷ 0.2 



Programme of Study

with a calculator for any pair of numbers

Extend to include negative numbers eg 4.2 x -3= -12.6, -9.3 ÷ -3 = 3.1

Multiply by numbers less than one (know that this has a decreasing effect)

Multiply and divide by two decimals eg 1.6 x 0.4 = 0.64, 0.42 ÷ 0.6 = 0.7

Carry out an investigation using a calculator, record results and look for a pattern eg multiply 6 by decimals ranging from 0.1 to 2.5 Repeat for division.


Divide by numbers less than one (know that this has an increasing effect) (In applications in number, money and measure)

Extend number vocabulary to include product and quotient

Working in pairs match question cards to answer cards, selecting from three possibilities. eg1.6 ÷ 4 = 4 or 0.4 or 40 Self check within pairs using calculator.

Prepared cards

Use the Strategy: Reason logically

Correctly positioned decimal point in answers.

Estimated order of number correctly.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand NMM Fractions, percentages and ratios

NMM Time




Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions including mixed numbers in everyday contexts (use a calculator when appropriate)

Reinforce mentally with simple examples

Practise skills in everyday life problems e.g. cars in the car park, favourite sweets, flowers in garden etc.

Teacher prepared worksheets

Calculate percentage increase and decrease in context eg percentage profit

Reinforce mentally with simple examples

In running a tuck shop, calculate percentage profit or loss on sale of individual items. Reinforce relationship using DST triangle

Cash and Carry price list Calculators

Know the relationships between distance, speed and time: D = ST


S = D/T T = D/S

Calculate one given the other two (using appropriate units)

S T Reinforce mentally with simple examples

Construct and interpret distance time graphs (eg. calculate average speed for a journey) IH Probability


Programme of Study

List possible outcomes of simple random events, eg. 1,2,3,4,5,6, from a rolling die numbered from 1 to 6 Describe probability of an outcome using appropriate words such as highly likely and unlikely Know that probability is:  a measure of chance between 0 and 1  0 for an impossible event  1 for a certain event

Language of probability

Use in calculations related to school journeys / trips Interpret graphs of school outings. Draw graphs of journeys.


Examine coins, dice spinners, packs of cards.

Dice, coins, spinners, packs of cards

Use a probability scale to allocate likelihood of events, expressing in appropriate words and numbers from 0 to 1.

Prepared graphs

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Calculated accurately & expressed in simplest form. Performed calculations correctly. Applied correct formula and used correct units Described journey stages. Constructed graphs to show details of journey.

Chosen correct descriptor.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Probability




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Learning and Thinking Skills

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Experiment with rolling dice, tossing coins, spinners etc , recording outcomes in a table and calculating probabilities.

Dice, spinners, coins

Calculated probabilities using formula.

Practical examples with bags and weights on balances, recording process in algebraic form. ‘Change side, change sign’.

Balances/ diagrams of balances


Solve further equations and inequations with more complex examples eg 5x+7=3x+11 7-3(x-2)=1, 2x+1>3 Recognise simple relationships Devise, construct and use to solve problems:  simple formulae  equations  linear graphs

Construct formulae from info e.g. costs of hiring a car or mobile phone from various companies. Draw graphs to decide ‘best value’.

Information from appropriate companies

Use rules to calculate areas of:  non-right-angled triangles (given the base and height)  kite  rhombus  parallelogram  composite shapes Apply to problems

Determine relationship through drawing shapes on squared paper. Use formulae to calculate areas including composite shapes. Project designing school garden.

Know the definition of probability where all the outcomes are equally likely is: number of favourable outcomes total number of outcomes Use this definition of probability to determine the probability of a familiar event (eg. An ace from a pack of cards)

PS NMM Algebra

NMM Perimeter, Formulae, Scales

Use the Strategy: Guess, check and improve a solution



by finding solutions to given equations. Identified best deal.

Applied appropriate formulae to calculations in design project.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:


Problem Solving

Learning and Thinking Skills

Oral /Mental Agility

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:


Use the strategy: Work backwards

NMM Perimeter, Formulae and Scales

Use scales represented by ratios such as 1:50 000 as widely used in maps

Practical map work (Social Subjects link)

Look at OS maps and examine scale details. Use to calculate distances on map and in reality.

Selection of maps

Determined distances correctly.

Split a quantity in a given ratio eg. share £2.80 in the ratio 2:5

Reinforce mentally with simple examples

Given the ratio of ingredients calculate volumes/ weights required e.g. fruit punch.


Calculated correct amounts.

NMM Fractions, Percentages and Ratio

In contexts such as money and time use  Direct proportion  Inverse proportion

Solve problems related to tuck shop and school journeys both by calculation (unitary method) and by drawing and interpreting graphs.

Draw and interpret the graph of quantities in direct proportion (straight line through origin) (Science link) PS IH Collect

Solved problems accurately.

Use the strategy: Try a simpler case Conduct a survey using structured questionnaires which allow several responses to each question


Collate information in an appropriate manner


Construct appropriate graphs or charts eg pie charts (Social Subjects/Science/ICT link)

Language of IH

Carry out a survey on pocket money (amount and uses) and collate data.

Construct pie charts to display pocket money data.

Compiled questionnaires

in suitable form.


Chosen suitable chart.


Mathematics Level F

Core Skills: Attainment Outcome Strand IH Interpret

PS IH Collect

Organise Display Interpret PS

Level F Revision




Programme of Study Literacy

Attainment Target / Learning Outcomes: What will the learners achieve? The child will be able to:

Retrieve information from a more extended range of displays


Problem Solving Oral /Mental Agility

Language of IH

Learning and Thinking Skills

Learning Activities: What will the learners do?


Draw conclusions about children’s pocket money. Compare with data provided in selection of charts.

Children’s charts from F7 Selection of graphs and charts prepared by teacher

Working with others Assessment / Evidence Learners will have:

Answered questions relating to data.

Use the Strategy: Act out the Situation Collect information for a task using a sampling strategy which avoids bias (Environmental Studies Link)

Construct a questionnaire on leisure interests or favourite tuck shop items. Select a representative sample.

Composed questions which avoid bias.

Collate and analyse data appropriately

Construct and analyse graphs and charts and report findings.

Drawn appropriate conclusions.

Use the Strategy: Produce an organised list or table Consolidate work, where appropriate, prior to testing at Level F. Children who have successfully completed the programme are now ready for the Level F National Test.


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