Math Lesson For Electronic Portfolio 3

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 998
  • Pages: 3
Concurrent/ Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Lesson Pre-Planning ​PART A

Teacher’s Name: Edith Orejel Date: 3/24/19 Title of Lesson: Division using equal groups Setting: __X_ ​Whole Group ___ Small Group ___ Individual (1:1) ___ Other (explain): ____________

1. Lesson Objective(s) or Intended Learning Outcome(s):​ ​(include both content and language). Students will be able to… divide one or two digit numbers by one digit numbers using the array or small group strategy. 2. Briefly describe the theoretical framework and/or research that inform ​your Instructional Design: I plan on using evidence-based instruction (explicit instruction) as I give directions, do examples as a class, and as I elicit responses from students. 3. Individualized Education Program ​(IEP) Goals​ or English Language Development ​(ELD) standards ​(if applicable): ELD.PI.4.1.EX (Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics) ELD.PI.4.5.Em (Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts)

4. Common Core State Standard (CCSS)​ that are the target of student learning: ​(list the complete text of the relevant parts of each standard). 4.NBT.6 (Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models) 5. Classroom learning environment and behavior management considerations: I will have all materials ready before students arrive. We have one student that struggles with behavior so I will have our paraprofessional check in with him frequently and put a star on his paper whenever he is caught staying on task. Per the paraprofessional, he really liked receiving stars on his paper. I would like to have a conversation with him about this plan prior to him leaving for lunch. Because some of these students lose focus quickly. I will only spend 5-7 minutes on the “I do” portion of the lesson so there is more time for them to work. 6. Instructional Time​ (minutes planned): 30 minutes 7. Assessment/Data Collection Procedure: I will informally assess students and know they are meeting standards if they show me the correct

response on their whiteboards. I will provide immediate feedback. Their class assignment will be a worksheet and I will use that to collect data as well. This will inform me if I need to reteach or if they are ready for the next strategy or if they are ready to move onto bigger numbers. 8. How will you ​provide feedback​ to students based on the ​interpretation of the data​ collected? I will provide immediate feedback during the “we do” and “I do” problems. As I navigate the classroom I will take a peek to see how students are solving them. If I see errors, I will ask open-ended questions to help them recognize their own errors. I will be objective and specific with my responses to them. “Ie: I see that you are on the right track. You have three groups, but I am noticing that not all the groups have equal amounts. GO back and double check that.” f I still notice wrong answers, I will stop the class and inform them of trends that I am seeing. 9. Materials​ (resources, equipment, augmentative devices etc. to be gathered and used for the lesson): White boards, white board markers, single, base ten blocks (already in baggies and only for students that need them) 10. Modifications/ Accommodations​: (​ be specific). A few of the students that have trouble focusing will have less problems to do. I will highlight the assigned problems for them. They may complete them out of order if they wish. I will check in frequently with those students and provide praise only when they remain on task. Base ten blocks will also be available to those that need them 11. In-class assignment: Worksheet with division problems on front and some mixed review of other operations on back (in case they finish early) 12. Homework assignments​ (if applicable): NA

Concurrent/ Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Lesson Plan ​PART B

Teacher’s Name:Edith Orejel Date: Title of Lesson: Division using equal groups Setting: __X_ ​Whole Group ___ Small Group ___ Individual (1:1) ___ Other (explain): ____________ Materials: White boards, markers, worksheets Accomodations: Less problems for a selected few, base ten blocks if needed

Introduction or Lesson Objective(s) or Intended Learning Outcome(s): Recap what we have learned thus far in the year and introduce vocab. (dividend, divisor, quotient). Have them do a quick self-assessment of how they feel with division. Use this data to gauge difficulty of problems Modeling/Input/Explicit Instruction: “I do” Explain what division is and how problems can be written differently Model a couple problems using base ten blocks and equal group drawings. Also model how you can use multiplication to check answer

Time: 3 min.

Time: 5-7 minutes

Guided Practice: Give students a division problem and have them work out on individual white board. They may use base ten blocks if they need them. I will walk around class providing feedback as needed. When finished, students are to share response with elbow partner (I will have to clarify what this is). Students will then reveal their answer by showing their white board. If I see errors, I will model the problem. If not, I will move to the next problem. We will do two guided practice problems before they start their exit slip. Assessment (data collection procedure): I will collect data as I walk around during the “we do”problems and during their independent practice. Their exit ticket will also give me data. Independent Practice (in-class or homework): Their exit ticket will have several division problems. If they finish those, the back will have mixed review problems( to reduce wandering and to prevent behavior issues) Summary/Closure: Re-cap if time permits with Brain Pop video

Time: 5 min.

Feedback to Students (based on data collection): Throughout lesson and at the beginning of Tuesday’s lesson.



Time: 5 min.

Time: 5 min.

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