Math Discussion Boards

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Chris Maue EDU 528 Fall 2009 Project 3: Advanced Project (Choice B: Disruptive Technologies) 11/28/09 Part A Goal: The goal of this project is to allow students to learn and master specific content as required by the 6th grade North Carolina Standard Course of Study in Math using resources that incorporate 21st century technology. Specifically, the students will use online discussion boards through the classroom webpage created by the teacher to learn, review, and post thorough solutions and responses to the following mathematical content: solving simple 1-step and 2-step equations as well as using and evaluating algebraic expressions. Currently, students learn these concepts through the traditional teaching and learning process which includes direct lecture, collaborative group work, and independent practice. The incorporation of discussion boards will allow the students to learn how to effectively communicate online as well as effectively post responses, solutions, and questions on their own. This could then eventually lead into a classroom where all communication, including verbal, will only take place online instead of out loud. This project will involve 8 sixth grade math students, which range in age 10 to 13 as well as the classroom teacher who will be in charge of closely monitoring all online activity as well as academic progress of each student. Teacher’s Role: The teacher will be initially in charge of delivering the content to the students using traditional means of education within the classroom. This includes direct lecture, cooperative group work, and independent practice. Using a remediation math class that certain students are enrolled in as a result of their previous state math assessment score to help them sharpen up on their math skills, I will be responsible for introducing the use of discussion boards to the students as well as proper “netiquette” to become an effective communicator. This will then lead into me, the teacher, demonstrating how to effectively type an algebraic expression into a discussion board as well as posting an accurate solution and explanation for students to watch and observe. After all students have been effectively introduced to the online discussion board and how to effectively type in problems and solutions, they will be assigned practice problems in small groups to become familiar with the process. This process will involve the students also officially posting these practice sessions online. When the students are observed to understand the process, they will then be each assigned a problem to type in, solve, and post a solution and response to within the assigned discussion board. The teacher will then observe and approve all posts manually for the students to look over. The teacher will also require each student to post a response to a minimum of at least two other students’ solutions, either offering them assistance or praising them on correct solutions.

The teacher must approve any and all posts to the discussion board manually. This is a requirement as per the school’s current AUP policy to protect against any improper language being presented. The discussion board must also be ran through the teacher’s classroom website as provided by the local school board of education due to security purposes. However, students will be presented with other discussion board mediums, such as wetpaint to receive a broad education of discussion boards and when and how they are used. Students’ Role: The student’s will be required to initially learn the content by traditional means in the classroom, including completing written notes, cooperative group work, as well as independent practice. They will then be required to participate in an overview of online discussion boards and what their function is. Students will be guided to look over a wetpaint wiki as an example as well as a discussion board that has been setup in advance on the classroom website by the teacher. Each student will be required to participate in practice sessions of how to properly use and post to discussion boards as well as proper “netiquette” to communicate effectively. Each student will also be responsible for understanding their set requirements of each assignment that involves the use the discussion board and completing each individual assignment. Assignments will include the posting of their assigned problem, its proper solution/answer, as well as a minimum of two posts to other students’ problems and solutions. These responses are required to be either additional assistance to help a specific student correct what they had posted as an incorrect response, or praise for a student posting everything correctly, including a correct solution/answer. Technology’s Role: The role that discussion boards have includes the implementation of what is known as a “disruptive” technology. These technology’s are becoming more and more popular to this generation’s students outside the classroom which is beginning to spill into today’s classroom. Teachers must be able to effectively adapt to the current changes and this project will allow for adaptation to begin within my own classroom. Today, students are already used to communicating online with their peers, including the use of AOL Instant Messaging, as well as Facebook and MySpace. However, many students also may lack in the use of proper “netiquette” using these forms of disruptive technologies. The use and implementation of discussion boards and forums within my own classroom will allow for the students to effectively learn how to properly communicate in the online world, using proper “netiquette” as well as effectively post their own responses including their answers as well as comments or suggestions to their peers. In the end, students will be permitted to use the internet to communicate, but they will also leave the classroom being trained on using proper language and grammar to communicate. Students will also be able to leave the classroom understanding that this is just one form of technology now being used widespread in colleges and universities, public schools, as well as many employers. This technology will provide the students with some training now to prepare them for their future education, jobs, and careers. How students are grouped:

Students will be grouped into different groups on a rotating basis. At the beginning, students will be paired up by academic achievement level based on most recent classroom assessments. The lowest achieving student will be grouped with the highest achieving student, the next lowest with the next highest and so on so that each group will have been balanced as fair as possible academically. This grouping will also allow for the implementation of peer tutoring which has been in place already in my classroom and has proven to be effective in its use. Students are also grouped by random lottery as well as from time to time are allowed to work with a person of their choice. How are outcomes assessed? Students will be provided with a rubric of what they are expected to complete and how exactly they will be evaluated. This rubric will be provided to them at the beginning before being assigned to post to a discussion board as well as during each discussion board assignment. Students will be assessed on their effective communication online, properly being able to post, properly being able to type their problem as well as accurate solution/answer. Finally, students will also be required as a part of their assessment, to post to a minimum of two other students’ problems and solutions, either giving them help on how to correct an incorrect solution or providing them praise on their correct solutions. The teacher will closely monitor the activity online within the discussion board, approve or deny each student’s posts manually and effectively communicate with the students through the discussion board instead of verbally. Each student will be provided feedback on their postings no later than the beginning of the next class session. Overall, students are being observed on not only properly solving problems, but also on effectively communicating with people in other ways other than verbally being provided a disruptive technology. Range of student skills anticipated, and how this range of readiness skills will be addressed: It is anticipated that students will not understand much of how a discussion board or forum operates and is used. In addition, students are anticipated to lack in proper netiquette as observed in many traditional classes and reading what they have written on paper, especially to other teachers, administrators, as well as peers. These skill deficits will be addressed in training sessions on proper netiquette as well as proper operation of discussion boards. The teacher will provide step-by-step guidance at all stages until the students are observed to be understanding of the processes. Any student who may be knowledgeable of how to properly use a discussion board, including making posts to one will be used to provide assistance to their peers when necessary. All students will also be closely monitored within their online activity and postings and any additional one-on-one or group assistance will be provided as warranted. Staffing Needs: As the class that will be introduced to and using the discussion board is very small, staffing needs will not become an issue. There will be only 8 students in this specific math remediation

class which allows for more small group and one-on-one attention. However, there will be collaboration between the teacher, myself, and the media center coordinator as well as the technology coordinator of the school throughout the project. The media center coordinator is in charge of signing out laptop carts for use in classrooms in which I will be required to sign out one laptop cart (each cart contains 15 laptops). The technology coordinator will provide any assistance when difficulties arise in the use of the internet or discussion boards as well as provide assistance to those students who may be having difficulties logging onto the school system. Part B Describe how your project illustrates your current ideas about the value of using technology for teaching and learning, in at least 100 words, citing sources for your thinking. Compile one to two paragraphs that describe each of the following, ensuring that – for each topic – your response is approximately 50 to 100 words: • Your growth related to the use of technology in the classroom (How have your ideas about using technology changed over the semester, and as you have done your Advanced Project?) • Your specific plans for continued growth (What will you do to continue improving, learning, growing? In other words, what is your Action Plan for your own professional development in this arena?) • Resources that you anticipated using/needing, for your continued growth (What types of resources will you plan to assemble/tap/build, to pursue your Action Plan?) As I have continued through this current semester, both within this class as well as in the classroom in my second year of teaching, my use of technology within the classroom has certainly changed. In addition to being introduced to and using various technologies in class, I am also slowly being required to use some of those technologies myself as a part of my employment. This includes to the use of Google Docs as well as blogging within a specific Moodle course for professional development. As I complete this Advanced Project that involves the use of discussion boards, I continue to reflect on the potential value of discussion boards being used with the students. Often times, students are afraid of talking out loud and disclosing their thoughts with all of their peers listening. This becomes intimidating to some, if not most or all students and in fact can have a negative effect on the learning of material. Being required to post on a professional development Moodle course discussion board as well as maintain a blog, I have realized the importance of being able to discuss my thoughts openly within these discussion boards and blogs and actually receiving positive feedback from various peers whereas when talking out loud, some comments may have not come across as positively toward me. The implementation of discussion boards may allow for some or all of my own students to communicate more effectively as well as learn in a more positive learning environment while also learning how to effectively use and participate in an online discussion forum. My specific goals for growth include continuing research and appropriate implementation of more technologies within my own classroom. These technologies include, but are not limited to e-Instruction learning systems, transforming some lessons from time to time to online lessons within the classroom, based on availability of mobile technology carts as well as voluntary

student participation online within the classroom website’s blog and discussion forums outside of school for students to use as an after-school help area. Finally, it is my goal to continue learning how to fully utilize the many technologies that have been introduced in this course throughout the semester. This includes, but not limited to Google Docs, Wet paint Wiki, and Voice Thread. These specific tools can become very useful, especially within a classroom full of very diverse learners. Resources that I anticipate using or potentially needing access to continue with my action plan would include internet access that also does not or will not in the future, block out Wet paint Wiki as well as Voice Thread in addition to Google Docs. As technologies continue to evolve year to year, school systems continue to adjust accordingly as best as they possibly can with their resources and the current website platform continues to update monthly, providing me with access to build more into the classroom website. I will need to continue monitoring these changes and adapt them as efficiently as possible. Such changes that have recently occurred is the right to build and maintain a classroom discussion board as well as blog system that is aligned with the current school system AUP. Advanced Project 3B: Disruptive Technology Project

Lesson Title: Solving Algebraic Expressions/Solving 1-step & 2-step Equations using Discussion Boards Teacher: Chris Maue Subject: Math-Remediation Class Grade Level: 6th Grade Time Required: 4 Class Sessions x 45 minutes per session Topic: Solving Algebraic Expressions, Combining Like Terms, and solving simple 1-step & 2-step algebraic expressions. Students will also communicate effectively online within designated classroom internet discussion boards. Essential Question: What are the proper steps and procedures required to solve for a certain variable in an algebraic expression? What is proper “netiquette” when communicating online with peers in a set discussion board? What is a discussion board and what can they be used for? Prerequisites (Prior knowledge) Students understand what substitution means in mathematical sense as well as how to properly add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers, decimals, and fractions. Students have a very basic background on solving elementary level algebraic expressions but need additional review and assistance on solving at the middle school level where more than one variable is used as well as decimals and fractions. Students also understand how to properly access my classroom website. Stage 1 – Desired Results Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #) North Carolina Department of Public Instruction-Standard Course of Study (6th Grade Mathematics). • • •

5.01: Simplify algebraic expressions and verify the results using the basic properties of rational numbers: (a) Identity; (b) Commutative; (c) Associative; (d) Distributive; (e) Order of Operations. 5.02: Use and evaluate algebraic expressions. 5.03: Solve simple (one-and two-step) equations or inequalities.

ISTE Standards: As Quoted from 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers: a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers: a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):

Teacher-Created Assessments Pre-test: Correctly solve, showing all necessary and required steps to 5 algebraic equations, a combination of 1-step and 2-step problems. These problems will contain a variety of integers, decimals, and fractions. Students must also make a faithful attempt to demonstrate their work within the online discussion board after putting their work on paper. Post-test: Correctly solve, showing all necessary and required steps to 5 algebraic equations, a combination of 1-step and 2-step problems. These problems will contain a variety of integers, decimals, and fractions. Students will be required to submit all work within the online discussion board but may work out the problem on scrap paper prior to posting. (Performance Assessments: ) •

Students demonstrate their work online in a class-assigned discussion board. The teacher immediately monitors student activity within the discussion board.

Students will be required to submit work daily for the entire week on the discussion board prior to each class session ending. They may also follow-up with more communication at home within the discussion board.

Students will be required to find and type up a brief description of at least 2 other online discussion board-like platforms. Examples will be provided to the students and the students will be asked to write about how each platform could be useful within the classroom. (Other Assessments: Peer, Self) • Students are required to evaluate a minimum of two other students’ discussion board problems with their solutions posted. • Students are required to provide a response indicating whether they agree with the solution or not and why (constructive feedback) (Assessment Adaptations) • Students will require adaptation from writing math problems and solutions on paper to displaying them in typed text on a computer. • Students will require close monitoring to address any technical issues that may occur online. • Students are to be provided a rubric at all times so they are aware of what they are required to complete to receive a certain grade.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities: e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc. • Step 1: Teacher-led demonstration. • Step 2: Independent Practice • Step 3: Online posting of individual problems with their solutions. • Step 4: Online discussion between peers and teacher. • Step 5: Verbal discussion to close lesson. Introducing the lesson: (capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior knowledge).

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Provide two real-world application problems of solving simple algebraic equations, incorporating a combination of integers, decimals, and fractions. Allow students to work out problems verbally with teacher to activate and determine level of students’ prior knowledge. Introduce the idea and process of presenting problems with their solutions on a computer, specifically online.

Instructional Sequence: (representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.)

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Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Introduce 2 real-world application problems of solving algebraic equations. Prompts students to solve problems correctly. Prompts students and proposes idea of showing all work and solutions to problems in an online discussion board. Teacher introduces students to classroom online discussion board. Teacher demonstrates creating threads and responding to a post after typing problems on the computer. Teacher demonstrates, with students following along on laptops, proper techniques of typing problems & their solutions. Teacher assigns each student 2 problems to work out and type into a practice discussion board with its solutions. Teacher prompts all students to review other students’ posts and give comments and/or additional help.

Student activity (The student is doing…) • Students record problems on paper. • Students use prior knowledge to verbally work out the problems with assistance from teacher. • Students brainstorm ideas of how to correctly represent problems & their solutions on a computer and online. • Students follow along, practice, and ask for additional assistance as needed. • Students work independently to correctly and proficiently type problems and their solutions on a laptop. • Students follow along with online discussion board introduction and ask questions as necessary. • Students begin their independent work, solving their assigned problems, followed by correctly typing their work and final solutions into their discussion thread within the discussion board. • Students seek additional assistance from the teacher, as needed.

Teacher assigns students with 5 problems • Students make sure to respond to a minimum each day to type into the discussion board as of two other students’ posts, providing a thread, and type in their solutions. Students constructive feedback. are also instructed to reply to a minimum of • Students follow along with teacher and look two other students’ posts. Teacher provides and observe the various examples of other individual assistance as necessary. types of discussion boards available online • Teacher introduces students to several that is safe. examples of discussion boards, including • Students briefly research a minimum of two Wet Paint wiki, Writeboard, and Moodle and of the provided discussion board platforms assigns each student to briefly research a and provide a 1-2 paragraph paper about minimum of two discussion board platforms each type of discussion board and how it can and write 1-2 paragraphs about their be useful in the classroom and in the real selection and how they can be useful to the world. classroom. Final written products will be • Students submit their final papers as a submitted online as directed. discussion board thread. • Teacher continuously monitors discussion • Students participate in daily closure board activity throughout the week. discussion, giving effective feedback to the • Teacher leads daily closure discussion. teacher while also reviewing the lesson. Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate: Teacher allows students to peer-tutor or help their peers when struggles arise. The teacher also assists with one-on-one assistance. Teacher also demonstrates step-by-step on front whiteboard as well as through the use of a laptop and boxlight. Discussion and Assessment of Learning: (Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson) • The teacher leaves constructive feedback for every student within their online discussion threads and posts. • The teacher is able to assess level of mastery of content area as well as 21st Century skills (online discussion boards), which is now becoming useful both in the real world and working world. Closure: Extensions for early finishers:These specific students will be asked to, in addition to researching discussion boards, to research about blogs and describe the difference between discussion boards and blogs and how each could be used specifically in our own classroom. Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:Teacher may activate class-wide peer-tutoring as an assistive tool. The teacher may also work one-on-one or in small groups with students while having high achievers work independently. Procedures: (already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this lesson)

Students already have a background on proper steps to proficiently solve simple 1-step & 2-step algebraic equations. • Students will learn how to properly handle school-issued laptops and efficiently log-in to their school account. • Students will learn how to properly access classroom website and discussion board. All postings must be approved by the webmaster (teacher) prior to it becoming visible online. This will ensure safety and security within the online world and follows the current school AUP policy.

Lesson Development Resources Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)

• • • • •

Teacher laptop with box light for effective presentation to students. Teacher will need to verify students have their correct school log-in user name and password prior to the lesson beginning to avoid delays during the lesson. Class set of laptops and charging station. Class discussion board and problems created in advance, with all glitches worked out as humanly as possible. Additional examples of other discussion board platforms (i.e. writeboard, Wet Paint)

(Parent/Community Resources) • Parents/Guardians will be notified that they may access the online discussion board at anytime to review and even provide additional assistance at home with their child if they continue to struggle at home. (Contact Information) • Parents/Guardians and students can access website, discussion board, and be able to send a direct email from the site to me at anytime. I can then respond when available or immediately after class. • Parents/Guardians have been previously notified that they may also contact me by phone before and after school as well as during my planning period. • The website address, as provided to parents/guardians and students previously is as follows:  Click on Teacher Websites  Click on Sixth Grade  Click on Christopher Maue

Rubric for Assessing Students on their Daily Work: Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( )

Solving Algebraic Equations & Expressions using Online Discussion Boards

Teacher Name: Mr. Maue

Student Name:


CATEGORY Effective Communication

Superior (4 pts) Student uses proper grammar, spelling, and language when communicating online as well as in class 90-100% of the time. No online abbreviations are present (ex: IDK)

Average (3 pts) Student has 2-4 spelling and/or grammar errors present when communicating online as well as in class. One or more online abbreviations are present (ex: IDK)

Problems & their Solutions

All assigned problems are presented in discussion board with correct solutions. There are no errors present with any of your work. You performed all required checks with your problems to be sure you had the correct solution.

3-4 of the assigned problems are presented in the discussion board thread. You have performed checks for all of your problems. You have 1-2 incorrect answers.

Below Average (2 pts ) 5-8 spelling and/or grammar errors present when communicating online as well as in class. Three or more online abbreviations are present (ex: IDK)

1-2 of the assigned problems are presented in the discussion board thread. You have performed 2-3 checks for all of your problems. You have 3-4 incorrect answers.

Deficient (1 pt) More than 8 spelling and/or grammar errors present when communicating online as well as in class. Five or more online abbreviations are present (ex: IDK) None of the assigned problems are presented in the discussion board thread. You only performed 0-1 checks for all of your problems. All of your answers are incorrect.

Constructive Feedback

You provide positive feedback to at least 2 other students, either giving them a hint of what they can do to correct their answer or giving them praise for posting correct solutions.

You provide positive feedback to at least 1 other student, either giving them a hint of what they can do to correct their answer or giving them praise for positing correct solutions.

You provided a comment to 1-2 students' posts but it did not relate directly to their work with their assigned problems.

You fail to give any feedback to any other students' discussion board thread.

Rubric for Brief Research on Two Discussion Board Products: Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( )

Communicating Online: Short Descriptions of Various Discussion Board Products

Teacher Name: Mr. Maue

Student Name:


CATEGORY Discussion Board Products Identified

Superior (4 pts) At least 2 different Discussion Board products identified.

Average (3 pts) At least 1 Discussion Board product is identified.

Description of Products

At least a 1paragraph (4-5 sentences) description is given for BOTH discussion board products. This description includes how it is used currently.

How it can be used in our classroom as well as in the real world

You provided at least 3-4 sentences describing how EACH product can be used both in our classroom as well as in the real world.

At least 1-paragraph (4-5 sentences) description is given for BOTH discussion board products. However, you only provided a description about ONE of them and how it is currently used. You provided at least 2 sentences describing how EACH product can be used both in our classroom as well as in the real world.

Below Average (2 pts )

At least 1-paragraph (4-5 sentences) description is given for ONE discussion board product. You also provided a description about ONE of them and how it is currently used. You provided only 1 sentence describing how these products could be used both in our classroom as well as in the real world OR you provided 3-4 sentences but either only described how we could use it in our

Deficient (1 pt) No Discussion Board products are identified by name. Either no description is provided for any of the selected discussion board products or you only wrote 1-2 sentences about each. You did not provide any description about how these products could be used within both our classroom as well as the

Proper Citations Provided

You properly cited your sources for BOTH discussion board products. This citation should at least include the website address and company name as well as the date you found this information.

You cited sources for BOTH discussion board products. However, you forgot one of the following: website address, company name, or date you found this information.

classroom or how it can be used in the real world.

real world.

You properly cited your source for ONLY one of your discussion board products. This citation included at least the website address, company name, and the date you found this information.

You failed to cite any of your sources for any of the discussion board products.

Screen Shots of Students Accessing the Classroom Discussion Board:

This is the homepage. Students will now click on “Overtime Class Discussion Board”

As an example of students completing this week long project, “Student #1” discussion board has been made available for access. Student #’s will be used to protect the identity of all students. This student observes their problems that have been assigned directly beneath where it is labeled “Student #1.” They will simply click on “Student #1” to access and post a thread, or answer.

For the student to post a thread, or their solutions, they will simply click on [New Thread]. They will fill in all required information in the fields provided and put their problems with their solutions and checks in the message box.

Student will click on Save and then Done when they have typed in all of their problems, solutions, and their checks. They will then notify the teacher of the submission so that the teacher may review and approve the posting of the threads.

Student threads, once approved for posting, will then appear on the website under their student #. All students must provide feedback to all others by click [Post Reply] in the upper right corner.

A window will pop up for them to enter their reply, or constructive feedback. This works the exact same way as when a student posts a thread. Again, the teacher will monitor online posts and approve all posts as they are sent through the website to the teacher.

All replies to a students’ thread will be posted immediately below their original thread posting and visible to everyone. This completes all necessary steps to successfully participate in the assigned classroom discussion board assignment. This was an example of what students would be required to do. This actual assignment has not been completed in my own classroom yet.

Screen shots of Discussion Board Research Assignment Posting:

When students are ready to post their brief individual research projects, they will be able to click on the appropriate discussion board that says Brief Research Assignment. This will work the same exact way as previous assignments throughout the week. They will post their assignments as a thread and comments will be posted as a reply.

After the student fills in all required fields with their information, then they make click on Save and then Done to have it get posted once the teacher approves it.

This is a screen shot of a final product of a student’s submission of the brief research on two different websites that are meant for using discussion boards and more. Again, students may provide comments and questions to each other’s postings as well as the teacher. All work that is posted will then be graded using the rubrics that are provided earlier in this project outline.

Works Cited (2003). Grade 6 Mathematics Standard Course of Study. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: (2008). International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved November 29, 2009, from : (2000). RubiStar: Create Rubrics for your Project-Based Learning Activities. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from ALTEC at University of Kansas: (n.d.). Wetpaint Social Websites. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from Trinity Ventures, Frazier Technology Ventures, Accel Partners, & DAG Ventures: (n.d.). Writeboard Collaborative writing software. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from 37 Signals:

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