Master Diss

  • Uploaded by: Thomas Adam Johnson
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,217
  • Pages: 32
% of 24 Incidents with Conflict 41.67% 16.67% 8.33% 4.17% 12.50% 4.17% 0.00% 4.17% 0.00% 8.33% ###

Political vs Profess Political vs. Bureau Political vs. Market Political vs. Moral Bureau vs. Profess. Bureau vs. Market Bureau vs. Moral Market vs Profess. Market vs. Moral Moral vs Profess

10 20.83% 4 8.33% 2 4.17% 1 2.08% 3 6.25% 1 2.08% 0 0.00% 1 2.08% 0 0.00% 2 4.17% 50.00%

Conflict: N/A

24 50.00%

Political vs. Professional Political vs. Bureaucratic Political vs. Market Political vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Professional Bureaucratic vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Market Professional vs. Moral Professional vs. Market Moral vs. Market

% of 24 Incidents with Conflict 10 41.67% 4 16.67% 2 8.33% 1 4.17% 3 12.50% 0 0.00% 1 4.17% 2 8.33% 1 4.17% 0 0.00% ###

Total ≥13 Years Conflicts Overseas N=10 N=5 X=4.8

≤13 Years Overseas N=5

Political vs Professional Political vs. Bureaucratic Political vs. Market Political vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Professional Bureaucratic vs. Market Bureaucratic vs. Moral Professional versus Moral Professional versus Market Moral versus Market

5 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0

5 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

10 4 2 1 3 1 0 2 1 0

Total Conflicts




Total Incidents




No Conflict



Proportion of Incidents Without Conflict by Years Overseas

≤13 Years Overseas N=5 No Conflict Total Incidents Percentage Without Conflict

≥13 Years Overseas N=5

Total Number of Incidents by Conflict N=10

12 24

12 24

24 48




ears Overseas

Years in School

School Name Gold Watch Yellow Flash Brown Run Pink Stroller Red School House Blue Sky Orange Lantern Black Cat Green Field Purple Moon

Years Overseas

3 3 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 11

Number Number of of Accountabilit Conflicts y Mentions 14 2 8 12 2 6 9 6 15 20 4 13 27 2 8 11 2 7 21 0 8 10 1 8 14 3 12 11 1 7

Years Overseas versus Years in School

28 26 24


22 Years Overseas

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 3









Age of Head 49 55 52 52 58 49 62 47 51 54

(2dp) Years in school vs. years overseas -0.06 Years in school vs. Mentions 0.00 Years in school versus conflicts -0.27 Years overseas vs. conflicts -0.20 Years overseas versus mentions -0.04 Age vs. Mentions -0.16 Age vs. Conflict -0.30

Years overseas sheet 3

Mean Percentage of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By Years Overseas ≤13 Years ≥13 Years Overseas Overseas All Schools Type of Accountability N=5 N=5 N=10 Political 13 (54%) 13 (54%) 26 (54%) Bureaucratic 8 (33%) 11 (46%) 19 (40%) Market 3 (13%) 6 (25%) 9 (19%) Professional 17 (71%) 15 (63%) 32 (67%) Moral 3(13%) 4 (17%) 7 (15%) Number of Incidents 24 24 48

% is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number of inciden

Number of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By Years Overseas ≤13 Years Overall Overseas ≥13 Years Mentions Type of Accountability N=5 N=5 N=10 Political 13 13 26 Bureaucratic 8 11 19 Market 3 6 9 Professional 17 15 32 Moral 3 4 7 Number of Incidents

24 ¯x=4.8

Conflict: Political vs Profess Conflict: Political vs. Bureau Conflict: Political vs. Market Conflict: Political vs. Moral Conflict Bureau vs. Profess. Conflict Bureau vs. Market Conflict: Bureau vs. Moral Conflict: Market vs Profess. Conflict: Market vs. Moral

24 x=4.8

5 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 0

48 x=4.8

5 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0

Conflict: Moral vs Profess

1 12

1 12

untability By Years Overseas

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 or al M

io na l of es s Pr

ar ke t M

ra tB ic ure au c



≤13 Years Overseas N=5 ≥13 Years N=5

Po lit

Number of Times Mentioned

ned divided by number of incidents

Number of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability by Years Oveseas

School Age of Head Years Overseas Board Type Year Established Number of Number incidents of Political accts. Mentioned % of incidents Bureau (Pol)% of incidents Professional (Bureau) Orange Lantern62 21 Appointed 1998 4 8 2 50.00% 0 0.00% 3 Green Field 51 14 Appointed 1996 5 12 1 20.00% 2 40.00% 5 Blue Sky 49 11 Elected 1994 5 7 2 40.00% 1 20.00% 2 Black Cat 47 10 Appointed 1994 4 8 2 50.00% 0 0.00% 4 Gold Watch 49 14 Appointed 1992 5 8 2 40.00% 1 20.00% 4 Purple Moon 54 11 Appointed 1984 5 7 2 40.00% 1 20.00% 3 Yellow Flash 55 12 Elected 1980 4 6 3 75.00% 1 25.00% 2 Brown Run 52 9 Combo 1951 6 16 4 66.67% 5 83.33% 6 Pink Stroller 52 20 Elected 1920 5 13 4 80.00% 5 ### 2 Red Schoolhouse 58 27 Combo 1912 5 8 4 80.00% 3 60.00% 1 1972.1 Year Established

Before Overall Type of 1972 Mention Account N=6 N=4 s N=10 ability X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 Political 16 (55%)10 (53%)26 (54%) Bureaucratic 12 (41%)7 (37%) 19 (40%) Market 4 (14%) 5 (26%) 9 (19%) Professional 20 (69%)12 (63%)32 (67%) Moral 5 (17%) 2 (11%) 7 (15%) Number of Incidents 29



NonUnited Overall Type of States Mention Account N=6 N=4 s N=10 ability X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 Political 16 10 26 Bureaucratic 12 7 19 Market 4 5 9 Professional 20 12 32 Moral 5 2 7 Number of Incidents 29



% of incidents Moral(Profess) % of incidents Market (Moral) % of incidents (Market) 75.00% 2 50.00% 1 25.00% ### 2 40.00% 2 40.00% 40.00% 1 20.00% 1 20.00% ### 1 25.00% 1 25.00% 80.00% 0 0.00% 1 20.00% 60.00% 1 20.00% 0 0.00% 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% ### 0 0.00% 1 16.67% 40.00% 0 0.00% 2 40.00% 20.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Percentage of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By Nationality Overall United Non-United Mentions Type of States N=6 States N=4 N=10 Accountability X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 Political 16 (55%) 10 (53%) 26 (54%) Bureaucratic 12 (41%) 7 (37%) 19 (40%) Market 4 (14%) 5 (26%) 9 (19%) Professional 20 (69%) 12 (63%) 32 (67%) Moral 5 (17%) 2 (11%) 7 (15%) Number of Incidents




% is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number

Type of Accountability Political Bureaucratic Market Professional Moral

Overall United Non-United Mentions States N=6 States N=4 N=10 X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 16 10 26 12 7 19 4 5 9 20 12 32 5 2 7

Number of Incidents




ability By Nationality

tioned divided by number of incidents

School Total Enrollment Age of Head Years Overseas Nationality Board of Head Type Number of Number incidents of Political accts. Mentioned % of incidents Bureau (Pol)% of incidents (Bureau) Green Field 512 51 14 US Appointed 5 12 1 20.00% 2 40.00% Orange Lantern 380 62 21 US Appointed 4 8 2 50.00% 0 0.00% Brown Run 1,783 52 9 US Combo 6 16 4 66.67% 5 83.33% Purple Moon1,180 54 11 US Appointed 5 7 2 40.00% 1 20.00% Yellow Flash1,386 55 12 US Elected 4 6 3 75.00% 1 25.00% Red Schoolhouse 2,100 58 27 US Combo 5 8 4 80.00% 3 60.00%

Pink Stroller1,410 Black Cat 322 Gold Watch 1,250 Blue Sky 859

52 47 49 49

20 UK Elected 10 UK Appointed 14 UK Appointed 11 Australia Elected

5 4 5 5 48

13 8 8 7 93 Nationality

4 2 2 2 26

NonUnited United Overall Type of States States Mention Account N=6 N=4 s N=10 ability X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 Political 16 (55%)10 (53%)26 (54%) Bureaucratic 12 (41%)7 (37%) 19 (40%) Market 4 (14%) 5 (26%) 9 (19%) Professional 20 (69%)12 (63%)32 (67%) Moral 5 (17%) 2 (11%) 7 (15%) Number of Incidents 29



NonUnited United Overall Type of States States Mention Account N=6 N=4 s N=10 ability X=4.8 X=4.8 X=4.8 Political 16 10 26 Bureaucratic 12 7 19 Market 4 5 9 Professional 20 12 32 Moral 5 2 7 Number of Incidents 29



80.00% 50.00% 40.00% 40.00%

5 ### 0 0.00% 1 20.00% 1 20.00% 19

Professional % of incidents Moral(Profess) % of incidents Market (Moral) % of incidents Avg, number (Market)of acct. per incident 5 ### 2 40.00% 2 40.00% 2.4 3 75.00% 2 50.00% 1 25.00% 2 6 ### 0 0.00% 1 16.67% 2.67 3 60.00% 1 20.00% 0 0.00% 1.4 2 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1.5 1 20.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1.6

2 40.00% 4 ### 4 80.00% 2 40.00% 32

0 0.00% 1 25.00% 0 0.00% 1 20.00% 7

2 1 1 1 9

40.00% 25.00% 20.00% 20.00%

2.6 2 1.6 1.4

Percentage of Mentions of Different Types of Acountability By Age Overall 50-57 Over Mention Type of Under 50 N=5 58N=2 s N=10 Accountability N=3 X=4.7 X=5 X=4.5 X=4.8 Political 6 (43%) 14 (56%)6 (67%) 26 (54%) Bureaucratic 2 (14%) 14 (56%)3 (33%) 19 (40%) Market 3 (21%) 5 (20%) 1 (11%) 9 (19%) Professional 10 (71%) 18 (72%)4 (44%) 32 (67%) Moral 2 (14%) 3 (12%) 2 (22%) 7 (15%) Number of Incidents





% is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number of inciden

Type of Accountability Political Bureaucratic Market Professional Moral

50-57 Over Under 50 N=5 58N=2 N=3 X=4.7 X=5 X=4.5 6 14 2 14 3 5 10 18 2 3

Number of Incidents



Overall Mention s N=10 X=4.8 6 26 3 19 1 9 4 32 2 7 9


oned divided by number of incidents

School Total Enrollment Age of Head Years Overseas Board Type Number of Number incidents of Political accts. Mentioned % of incidents Bureau (Pol) Orange Lantern 380 62 21 Appointed 4 8 2 50.00% 0 Red Schoolhouse 2,100 58 27 Combo 5 8 4 80.00% 3 Yellow Flash1,386 55 12 Elected 4 6 3 75.00% 1 Purple Moon1,180 54 11 Appointed 5 7 2 40.00% 1 Pink Stroller1,410 52 20 Elected 5 13 4 80.00% 5 Brown Run 1,783 52 9 Combo 6 16 4 66.67% 5 Green Field 512 51 14 Appointed 5 12 1 20.00% 2 Blue Sky 859 49 11 Elected 5 7 2 40.00% 1 Gold Watch 1,250 49 14 Appointed 5 8 2 40.00% 1 Black Cat 322 47 10 Appointed 4 8 2 50.00% 0

Professional 3 1 2 3 2 6 5 2 4 4

Age of Head

Orange Lantern 380 Red Schoolhouse 2,100

62 58

21 Appointed 27 Combo

4 5

8 8

Yellow Flash1,386 Purple Moon1,180 Pink Stroller1,410 Brown Run 1,783 Green Field 512

55 54 52 52 51

12 Elected 11 Appointed 20 Elected 9 Combo 14 Appointed

4 5 5 6 5

6 7 13 16 12

Blue Sky 859 Gold Watch 1,250 Black Cat 322

49 49 47

11 Elected 14 Appointed 10 Appointed

5 5 4

7 8 8

58 Plus N=2 50-57 N=5 Under 50 N=3

2 50.00% 4 80.00%

0 3

3 1

3 2 4 4 1

75.00% 40.00% 80.00% 66.67% 20.00%

1 1 5 5 2

2 3 2 6 5

2 40.00% 2 40.00% 2 50.00%

1 1 0

2 4 4

Type of Under 50-57 Over Account 50 N=3 N=5 58N=2 ability X=4.7 X=5 X=4.5 Political 6 14 Bureaucratic 2 14 Market 3 5 Professional 10 18 Moral 2 3

Overall Mention s N=10 X=4.8 6 26 3 19 1 9 4 32 2 7

Number of Incidents 14




% of incidents Moral(Profess) % of incidents Market (Moral) % of incidents Avg, number (Market)of acct. per incident 75.00% 2 50.00% 1 25.00% 2 20.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1.6 50.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1.5 60.00% 1 20.00% 0 0.00% 1.4 40.00% 0 0.00% 2 40.00% 2.6 ### 0 0.00% 1 16.67% 2.67 ### 2 40.00% 2 40.00% 2.4 40.00% 1 20.00% 1 20.00% 1.4 80.00% 0 0.00% 1 20.00% 1.6 ### 1 25.00% 1 25.00% 2

75.00% 20.00%

2 50.00% 0 0.00%

1 25.00% 0 0.00%

50.00% 60.00% 40.00% ### ###

0 0.00% 1 20.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 40.00%

0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 40.00% 1 16.67% 2 40.00%

40.00% 80.00% ###

1 20.00% 0 0.00% 1 25.00%

1 20.00% 1 20.00% 1 25.00%

2 1.6

1.4 1.6 2

Conflicts by Board Configuration Appoint Combo Elected Total ed N=5 N=2 N=3 N=10 X=4.6 X=5.5 X=4.6 X=4.8 Political vs. Professional Political vs. Bureaucratic Political vs. Market Political vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Professional Bureaucratic vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Market Professional vs. Moral Professional vs. Market Moral vs. Market

4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

3 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

3 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0

10 4 2 1 3 0 1 2 1 0

Total Incidents





No Conflict Total Incidents

Percentage Without Conflict Incidents with Conflict

Appoint Combo Elected Total ed N=5 N=2 N=3 N=10 X=4.6 X=5.5 X=4.6 X=4.8 16 2 6 24 23 11 14 48

### 22.22% 75.00% 7



### 24

Proportion of Incidents Without Conflict by Board Configuration

25 22.5

Number of Incidents

20 17.5 No Conflict Total Incidents

15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 Appointed N=5 X=4.6

Combo N=2 X=5.5

Elected N=3 X=4.6

2 AccountabilitesSchool Name 1 Accountabilityno Mentioned conflict Pink Stroller 0 1 Blue Sky 3 0 Red School House2 0 Brown Run 0 0 Yellow Flash 2 0 Purple Moon 3 1 Orange Lantern 1 3 Gold Watch 2 1 Black Cat 1 2 Green Field 1 1

Conflict-No Support 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 2 1 0

Conflict with Support 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3






School Size Large Medium Small

9 4 2

3 1 5

12 2 1

6 3 0

8 0 1

4 6 5

3 3 3

Board Configuration Appointed 8 Combination 2 Elected 5

Accountability Conflicts by School Size






Poltical Professional





Proportion of Incide

30 27.5 25 Number of Incidents

Total Number of Incident s by Small Medium Large Conflict N=2 N=2 N=6 N=10 X=0.5 X=2.5 X=3 X=2.4 Political vs. Professional 1 2 7 10 Political vs. Bureaucratic 0 0 4 4 Political vs. Market 0 0 2 2 Political vs. Moral 0 0 1 1 Bureaucratic vs. Professional 0 0 3 3 Bureaucratic vs. Moral 0 0 0 0 Bureaucratic vs. Market 0 0 1 1 Professional vs. Moral 0 2 0 2 Professional vs. Market 0 1 0 1 Moral vs. Market 0 0 0 0

22.5 20 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 X=4

Proportion of Incidents Without Conflict by School Size

No Conflict Total Incidents

Small Medium N=2 N=2 X=4 X=5 7 5 8 10

Large N=6 X=5 12 30

Percentage Without Conflict 87.50% 50.00% 40.00%

Total Number of Incident s by Conflict N=10 X=8 24 48


Proportion of Incidents Without Conflict by School Size




.5 No Conflict Total Incidents






.5 5 X=4



Board Config


Mean Percentage of Mentions of Different types of Accountability by Board Configuration Type of Appointed N=5 X=4.6 Combo N=2 Elected N=3 All Schools Accountability X=5.5 X=4.7 N=10 X=4.8 Political 9 (39.13%) 8 (72.73%) 9 (64.29%) 26 (54.17%) Bureaucratic 4 (17.39%) 8 (72.73%) 7 (50%) 19 (39.58%) Market 5 (21.74%) 1 (9.09%) 3 (21.43%) 9 (18.75%) Professional 19 (82.61%) 7 (63.64%) 6 (42.86%) 32 (66.67%) Moral 6 (26.09%) 0 (0%) 1 (7.14%) 7 (14.58%) Number of Incidents 23 11 14 48 % is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number of incidents

Number of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability by Board Configuration Overall Type of Combo N=2 Elected N=3 Mentions Accountability Appointed N=5 X=4.6 X=5.5 X=4.7 N=10 X=4.8 Political 9 8 9 26 Bureaucratic 4 8 7 19 Market 5 1 3 9 Professional 19 7 6 32 Moral 6 0 1 7 Number of Incidents





ncidents Characterized by Each of 5 Types of Accountability by School Size

20 16


Appointed N=5 X=4.6 Combo N=2 X=5.5 Elected N=3 X=4.7

8 4

M or al

P si rof on es al -

M ar ke t

B ic ure au cr at -

ol iti ca l



Number of Times Mentioned

Incidents Characterized by Each of 5 Types of Accountabilty by Board Configuration

by School Size

Percentage Chart

Mean Percentage of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By School Size All Schools Type of Accountability Small N=2 Medium N=2 Large N=6 N=10 Political 4 (50%) 3 (30.00%) 19 (63.33%) 26 (54.17%) Bureaucratic 0 (0%) 3 (30.00%) 16 (53.33%) 19 (39.58%) Market 2 (25%) 3(30.00%) 4 (13.33%) 9 (18.75%) Professional 7(87.50%) 7 (70.00%) 18 (60%) 32 (66.67%) Moral 3(37.50%) 3 (30.00%) 1 (3.33%) 7 (14.58%) Number of Incidents8(=4) 10(=5) 30(=5) 48(=4.8) % is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number of incidents

20 Number of Times Mentioned

School Size

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Number of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By School Size Type of Accountability Small N=2 Medium N=2 Large N=6 Overall Mentions Political 4 3 19 26 Bureaucratic 0 3 16 19 Market 2 3 4 9 Professional 7 7 18 32 Moral 3 3 1 7 Number of Incidents





Po liti ca l


Incidents Characterized by Each of 5 Types of Accountability by School Size

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2

Medium N=2

M or al

P fe rosio sna l

Small N=2

M ar k

B e uric auc ra t-


0 Po liti ca l

Number of Times Mentioned


Large N=6

Accountability Conflicts By Religious vs. Non-Religious

Religious N=2 X=4.5

Total by Conflict N=10 X=4.8

Non-Religious N=8 X=4.9

Political vs. Professional Political vs. Bureaucratic Political vs. Market Political vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Professional Bureaucratic vs. Moral Bureaucratic vs. Market Professional vs. Moral Professional vs. Market Moral vs. Market

1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

9 4 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 0

10 4 2 1 3 0 1 2 1 0

No Conflict Total Incidents

5 9

19 39

24 48

Religious vs. Non

Percentage of Mentions

Percentage of Mentions of Different Types of Accountability By Religious and Non Religious Type of Religious N=2 Non Religious N=8 All Schools Accountability X=4.5 X=4.9 N=10 X=4.8 Political 6 (66.67%) 20 (51.28%) 26 (54.17%) Bureaucratic 5 (55.56%) 14 (35.9%) 19 (39.58%) Market 3 (33.33%) 6 (15.38%) 9 (18.75%) Professional 5 (55.56%) 27 (69.23%) 32 (66.67%) Moral 2 (22.22%) 5 (12.82%) 7 (14.58%) Number of Incidents 9 39 48 % is an index of number of times accountability is mentioned divided by number of incidents

Type of AccountabilityReligious N=2 Political Bureaucratic Market Professional Moral Number of Incidents

6 5 3 5 2 9

Non Religious N=8 Overall Mentions 20 26 14 19 6 9 27 32 5 7 39 48

Non Religious

er of incidents

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