Masaru Emoto

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MASARU EMOTO: Water as God’s Messenger


heart that is open to possibilities can lead to remarkable new discoveries, and that is how I came to experiment with water. I’d long since been curious about this incredible substance that circulates around the globe and flows in rivers and streams throughout the human body. One day, well over a decade ago now, I happened to open a book and read the words: “No two snow crystals are exactly the same.” Like most of us, this peculiar fact had been in my mind since I was a schoolboy, but that day, the words seemed to jump off the page. To think that every snowflake that has fallen to this earth over millions of years has its own unique face baffles the mind, and yet, when I read the words that day, something in my heart heard a compelling message. My next thought, “I could freeze water and look at the crystals,” opened the door to a fascinating adventure.

Oddly enough, from the very beginning, I just knew that the experiments with water would provide a window into the mystery of the cosmos and the marvel of this life into which we were born. I was certain that my plan to freeze water and take pictures of the crystals would pay off and immediately spoke to a young researcher in my company. It took two months of failed experiments before we got the first photograph of a beautiful hexagonal crystal. Today, our experiments are conducted in a walk-in refrigerator where the temperature is precisely maintained. Looking back at the methods we used to get

Masaru Emoto is a graduate of Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University. He holds a doctorate in alternative medicine. He has undertaken extensive research on water, and published a series of astonishing photographs of water crystals in Messages from Water (Hado, 1999) and The Hidden Messages in Water (Sunmark, 2001), which have sold almost a half-million copies. He is married to Kazuko Emoto, who shares his passion and is head of Kyoikusha, the publishing arm of his company, IHM Corporation, in Tokyo, Japan. They have three children. You can find him on the web at www.



Masaru Emoto



that first photograph in light of what we now know, that first photo was a miracle.

incomplete crystals or no crystals at all. A valuable lesson about the power of words can be gleaned from this experiment.

In the years since, we have performed many, many experiments with water and the photographs have gone out around the world. The message in the water starkly reveals that, as it says in the Bible: “In the beginning there was the Word.” Said another way, everything comes into existence from vibration. The crystal photographs we have taken demonstrate this with remarkable eloquence.

In our experiments, we used both Japanese and English. Regardless of the language used, we found that the words affected the formation of the crystals. Water produces formations based on circumstances, not because of a specific language. If a circumstance is positive and the words used express goodness, -§the water will make a formation that reflects If we send out beauty. If a circumstance is negative and the thoughts and feelings words used express a mean-spirited quality, that are filled with fear, the water will create a formation that is ugly anger, or negativity, we are contributing to and evil looking.

In one series of experiments, we typed words on pieces of paper and then wrapped the paper around bottles of water. We put the wrapped bottles in a freezer that was –5 degrees Centigrade (23 degrees Fahrenheit). Once they were frozen, we -§looked at the water specimens under special Everything comes microscopes and were quite surprised by what into existence from we found. The bottles of water that had been vibration. wrapped in words like “Beauty,” “You’re cute,” -§“Thank you,” and “Wisdom,” created beautiful crystals in the water. But the ones wrapped with words like “You fool!” and “You make me sick,” or “I will kill you!” had produced


the destruction of the

The results were equally revealing when universe. we exposed water to music. Beautiful crystals -§with delicate detail resulted when we exposed the water to classical music. But water that was exposed to heavy metal music either did not form a crystal at all, or formed an ugly, malformed image.

In one experiment, we wrote the words Love and Gratitude, wrapped them around various bottles of water, and placed them near mobile phones, computers, televisions, and microwave ovens. What we found is that when water is put in a microwave, it produces an ugly ring that looks similar to the structure we found when water was

Water Crystal from Fujiwara Dam Before Offering a Prayer.

Water Crystal from Fujiwara Dam After Offering a Prayer.




Masaru Emoto



exposed to the word “Satan.” The water placed next to the computers and televisions produced an insignificant-looking, blurry-edged ring. The water placed near the mobile phones wouldn’t produce a crystal at all.

monk or a preacher. When people are pure-minded—when they have what I call “a very good mind”—their prayers create crystals that are beautiful and clear. In general, we see the most beautiful crystals appear in response to the prayers of little children. The crystals that form as a result of prayers spoken by children are much more beautiful than that of the adults.

Substances in nature, like water, respond to our human thoughts. They can accept our thoughts to change their condition and quality. Our thoughts have an effect on the world around us. If we send out thoughts and feelings that are filled with fear, anger, or negativity, we are contributing to the destruction of the universe. If we emit thoughts of love, kindness, and beauty, we are contributing to the creation of a beautiful world. This is what water crystals reveal. Another demonstration of the power of thought to influence the natural world occurred at Lake Biwa in a part of Japan called Shiga. The waters of Lake Biwa had become quite polluted. Every summer, the surface of the lake would be covered with a species of aquatic plant called Kokanada Algae. When the algae would putrefy, it created a very bad odor. For twenty years in a row, the local government had a large-scale operation in place to remove all the algae. Then, one summer, the aquatic plant hardly emerged at all. Nobody could explain why the Kokanada had not returned. What they didn’t know until later was that I had led a group of 350 people to that lake to pray. As the rising sun came up, we assembled by the shore and faced the surface of the lake. Praying together, we spoke the following chant out loud ten times: “The eternal power of the universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony.”


In our experiments, the water changed according to the words it was exposed to. When it was given negative words, it did not form crystals. When it was given positive words, it changed and beautiful crystals formed. The words “Love” and “Thanks” -§produced the most beautiful results. Love and The world is made more beautiful when gratitude are in relationship to one another with we infuse it with our love being active and gratitude passive. I think love and gratitude. of these two existing in a one-to-two ratio where -§“love” is one and “gratitude” is two, much like water with its one part oxygen and two parts hydrogen. In this case, we have one part love to two parts gratitude. I believe the response of water to these two words gives us a very important message. To get the message of water out to a worldwide audience, I recently joined the United Nations. I have also started a “World Day of Love and Thanks to Water” which is July 25. We all have an important mission: to make water clean again, and to create a world that is healthy to live in. In order to accomplish our mission, we must first make sure that our hearts are clear and unpolluted. Water is showing us that the world is made more beautiful when we infuse it with our love and gratitude.

A powerful statement infused with the eternal energy of the universe, this chant spreads the energy to our surroundings and penetrates them with healing intent. By requesting harmony in our thoughts, we transformed the surface of -§the lake into a clean state. Our thoughts and When people are pure-minded—their prayers not only curbed the very bad smelling prayers create crystals aquatic plant and changed the quality of the that are beautiful water; the quality of the grasses surrounding and clear. the lake also changed. Vocalizing this declara-§tion, we influenced the natural world, resulting in greater happiness, peace, and the fulfillment of many wishes. I believe that vocalizing our intent in this way can also help us to actualize world peace. What we have seen in our experiments again and again is that praying produces a beautiful pattern in water. The effect, which is almost immediate, does not depend on whether one is a high-ranking



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