The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM
Short Hills
Albert B. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. William Clifford Jr., Mr. Conway-Ferguson and Mrs. Frederick Schwanhausser Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Engagement Herbert Suydam of Short Hills Announcement has been made and Mr. and Mrs. George W. by Mr. and Mrs. William A. King Jr., of Elizabeth. Conway of Summit, of the en* gagement of Mr. Conway's sister, Miss Mary Frances Conway, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William A. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Laus- of Short Hills to Lieutenant ser of 45 Short Hills avenue, William A. Ferguson Jr., son of have announced the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Montof their daughter Justine Louise clair. to Carlyle Petuck, son of Mr. Miss Conway is a graduate of and Mrs. William Petuck of Oak Knoll School of the Holy H a z e l ton, Pennsylvania, on Child, Summit and attended Wednesday, January 21st in Manhattanville College of the Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mon- Sacred Heart, New York. She is slgnor Brawn of the Church of a member of the Junior Service the Imaculate Conception of- League of Short Hills. ficiated. Her fiance was graduated The bride is a graduate of from Dartmouth College and Millburn High School and Amos Tuck School of Business Montclair State Teachers Col- Administration, Dartmouth and lege, class of 1938 and for sev- is a member of Beta Theta Pi eral years was a member of Fraternity. He was with WestThe Item staff. Her husband ern Electric Co. in New York attended the schools in Hazel- until he entered the Quarterton. He is a private with the master Corps of the Army last General Headquarters at Al- Winter. He is stationed in buquerque, where the couple Brooklyn. will make their home.
from East Ora pital and i a home following Mrs. H. E. CW 111., arrived on spend several m* son-in-law and and Mrs. J. y. Beechcroft road-
By Edith ( Mrs. James M. Symington of Tea was served during the Short Hills avenue, vice-chair- afternoon. Those present were: man in charge of personnel of Mrs. Alexander Lyons, Mrs. Althe Women's Volunteer Service, bert Peiker, Mrs. Walter Hyer, has icn additional job cut out Mrs. Edward McCaffrey, Mrs. for herself for this week. Mrs. F. Schraffenberger, Mrs. FredSymington has been spending erick Bodden, Mrs. Charles the days at her knitting ma- Lausser, Mrs. R. E. Tyriver, Mrs. chine where she has been en- Francis Donnelly, Mrs. E. gaged in the knitting of 90 Schneider, Mrs. Lena Spewr, pairs of socks for Fort Bevens, Mrs. William Boye and Mrs. Mass. Her daughter. Miss Sally Charles Murray. Symington, who Is residing this Dr. and Mrs. F. P. MotbenWinter with her grandmothtr, Mrs. Albert Symington of 1021 becker of Woodfield drive, enPark avenue and Mies Jane tertained on Saturday night Clark of New York, both active with a venison dinner. Guests members of the National Head- included Mr. and Mrs. John quarters, of A.W.V.S. spent the Yauch and Mr. and Mrs. Fredweek-end in Short Hills. On erick Wilderotter of South Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Syming- Orange and Mr. and Mrs. Herton entertained at dinner for man Koehler of Boonton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Ressler, Little Anne Kerstin Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. William Thayer Brown and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Peterson of Lupine way, Tuson, all of Short Hills. celebrated her third birthday Bruno-Roh rbach Alec Brown, student at Yale on Monday with a party for At a tea on Saturday, Mr. and University, New Haven, spent eight. Mrs. John J. Hickey of Hobart * the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Osgood Nich- Gap road, announced the enMr. and Mrs. William Thayer ols of Highland avenue, spent gagement of Mrs. Hickey's Brown of Highland avenue. the past week-end In Prince- daughter. Miss Marjorie Lois Edwin F. Dodge Jr., son of ton with their son and daugh- Bruno, to William Besson RohrMr. and Mrs. Dodge of Gros- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gou- bach, son of Mrs. Charles H. Rohrbach of Summit. venor, has been confined to his verneur Morris Nichols. Miss Bruno is the daughter home following a dental operaMrs. Arthur J. Sinott ol of the late Frank T. Bruno. She tion. Edwin is a student at the Maplewood, had as her week- was graduated from Millburn University ol" Virginia. end guest, Mrs. George A. Hor- High School and attended EdgeMr. and Mrs. F. W. Abrams ton of New York, formerly of wood Park Junior College, of Taylor road, spent last week- Short Hills. Brlarcliff Manor, N. Y. and * end in Rockville Center, L. I., Berkeley School, East Orange. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Orelup where they visited the former's Her fiance is a graduate of brother and sister-in-law, Mr. of Cross Gates, entertained at Plngry School and attended the cocktails and buffet supper at University of P e n n s y lvania, and Mrs. Lewis Abrams. their home on Saturday. Guests where he was a member of Phi Second Lieutenant W. Schuy- were present from Summit, Kappa Sigma. He recently qualiler Baker, departed last week Short Hills and New York. fied for appointment as flying for Fort Dix where he has been James B. Stout of Beechcroft cadet and is at Shaw Field, S.C. called for active service. Lieu- road, is chairman for the anWhen the guests arrived outtenant Baker, son of Mr. aod nual dance of the Colgate side the house, they were , James H. Baker of Lake- Alumni Association of New Jer- greeted by Marjorie's Scottie, a lew avenue, was a member of sey, to be given February 14 at recent Christmas gift, who was thi R.O.T.C, while a i i ni 11 Essex County Country Club. bedecked with two red hearts. I Princeton. Inside the door, Miss Phyllis George R. Whaley of HighPhilip Drake, son ol Bar, we land avenue, is registered at Childrey handed them red and Mrs. E. Arthur Drake of Fair- the Carolina Hotel in Pint I MM . white roses to which hearts were tied which bore the field drive, spent last week- N.C., for his annual visit. couple's names. Mr. Rohrbftdi and at his home. Philip is a student at Harvard University. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. C. was home on a four days' Cm Only friends of the Their daughter, Miss Cynthia Ulrich of The Crescent, had as lough. couple were present. Drake, a provisional member of their week-end the forthe Short H»Ui Junto Service mer:; brother, Gustav Ulrich of • i v York. League, who graduated from Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Dempsey Wellesley College last June la Mrs. John Hibbs of Mont- and daughter, Miss Alice Dempperforming volunteer work at sey of Whitney road, have conOverlook Hospital since tire ra- clair Teachers' College, was the cluded a month's trip to Florida week-end guest of Mrs. C. E. tioning has concluded her acand Havana. After visiting in tive work in Red Cross Motor Vreeland. St. Petersburg, Sarasota and * Corps. Miami Beach, they went to Lieutenant W. Bradford Craig, Havana where they spent Mrs. Everett H. Holmes of son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Guests of the 105 East Wellington avenue P. Craig of The Crescent, has twelve days! Dempseys during last week-end was hostess at a surprise birth- returned to Camp Blanding, day luncheon for her mother, Fla., having spent his ten days' were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cl; of Union and Samuel Sample William A. Lord of Maple- furlough at home. of Havana. wood, on Friday, January 23. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Braeder of Havathorne road, Mr. and Mrs. Christian V. Bartleson of Whitney road, an- entertained at bridge on Sat- Holland of The Crescent, held urday night for Mr. and Mrs. nounce the birth of their third open house for friends over last daughter on Monday, January 26th at Overlook Hospital. Mrs. | THE SMARTEST SHOP THIS SIDE OF NEW YORK! Bartleson is the former, iv % (. . . so we've heard!) % Janet Denman of Frewsburg, N. I or your accessories, occasional furniture and your interior* H. ^cTecontrmc problems, consult {he • Slowing group of ladies BETTY TELFER STUDIO Tuesday afternoon at % 521 Millburn Avenue Short Hills 7-244(1 £ io of Mrs. John J. Bird % ips . . Mirrors . . Pottery . % y . Glass road, ( Pictures . . Dressing Tables. , [oi thi Red Croi ;
Dr. Rassweiler Named Vice-President Dr. C. F. Rassweiler of Brooklawn drive, who with his family moved from Swarthmore, Pa., last October, has been named vice-president in charge of Research for Johns-Manville Company. Dr. Rassweiler was formerly associated with Du Pont. week-end. A barrel of Maryland oysters was consumed and heartily enjoyed during the time. Their week-end guests were Mrs. Holland's mother and sister, Mrs. Harold N. Willis and Miss Mary Willis of New York. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Rassweiler of Brooklawn drive, had as their week-end guests the latter's brother M. S. Hancock and his daughter, Carol of Wilkinsburg, Pa. On Saturday, their son James Rassweiler, c e l e b r a t e d h i s seventh birthday with a party for 20 friends at his home. Most - bia guests were members of 'I ;econd grade at Hobart Avenue School.
•Short Hills Bridge Tour**am Starting FebrtuMPy* Tuesday evening: seven weeks, t h « their friends of "I Club will hold Bridge Tourna*** guests are welcocs** •**« for Evening PrtJ**HS will compete for ! * * R. Rumery TroptlJPThe Bridge vites players U the Club on ol seven o'clock. include: Mr. a n d Mis. dard M. Steven* Jr. Me Mrs. Norman W l s t t * . Mr* Mrs. Bernard P . Mrs. W. Gilbert and Mrs. James "I and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. and the Rhedes.
The engagem«Mr»% ence Tricarlco, and Mrs. Jc Main street, to Moore, son of Mahlon Moore York, has been definite date f o has been set. The Spring r t » | ^ will sponsor a Baltusrol Golf February 8 for War Relief. 63 Tooker . of the ticket e o a ^ Miss Ruth H i - ^ of Mr. and Mr*, Main street, a ^ Jersey College spent last w ilton College tended the Wl
Mrs, George T. Morrow of Morris Turnpike, ha; irned
Mayi fine tnaneni
Millbum 6-0949.
Laii] V Milll
\ )W
The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM
[January 30, 1942] OOOOOOOCK
Entertains Executive Board
Mrs. H. T. Cook of 32 Bailey road, entertained on Wednesday with a luncheon and bridge Mrs. J. M. Chipman, presi- at her home. Ouests included dent of the Wyoming Church Mrs. Arthur Wotring, Mrs. FredGuild, gave a luncheon on erick Squires and Mrs. Carlton Tuesday for the members of the Lewis of Summit, Mrs. Thomas Executive Board. Those present Smith and Mrs. Raymond were Mrs. Ralph Read, Mrs. S. Hamilton of Caldwell, Mrs. Paul Shackleton, Mrs. C. R. Frederick Williams of MapleKeith, Mrs. J. K. Stickle, Mrs. wood and Miss Janet Parker of William Barsby, Mrs. Charles Troy, N. Y. * Fetter, Mrs. J. R. Willever, Mrs. Ralph Bown Jr., son of Mr. A. E. Thevenet, Mrs. H. T. Cook, Mrs Hugh Shoffstall, Mrs. Fred- and Mrs. Ralph Bown of Pine erick Stoneall, Mrs. R. E. Hob- street, spent the past week-end bis, Mrs. P. G. Adams, Mrs. D. at home. Ralph is a student at Lehigh and was home after he H. Wolfe, Mrs. Louis Hlne, Mrs. had completed his mid-years. L. C. Lyon, Mrs H. F. Pratt and • Mrs. a. B. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gruebert of 89 Cedar street, spent
semester at Skidmore College. • James Pickering, a student of Wesleyan University, is spending a few days with his parents, Mrs. Willis H. Beltz of Wash- Mr. and Mrs, James Pickering ington, D. 0., arrived Monday, of Wyoming avenue. * to spend a week at the home Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trautner of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bailey of 193. Sagamore road. Their of 158 Glen avenue, had as daughter, Miss Nancy Bailey, their week-end guests, Mrs. a student at Skidmore, Is Trautner's sister, Mrs. Frieda spending this week at home Moller of Amsterdam, New York, and her fiance Mr. Arthur Bonbetween semesters. stell of Schenectady, New York. Mr. and Mrs.* Dean W. Tay• lor of Elmira, N. Y., formerly HELP YOUR COUNTRY — of Wyoming, were the week-end guests of Mrs. Harold Galllson buy Defense Bonds and stamps. of Linden street. Miss Carolyn Slayton, daughter of Judge and Mrs. G. Noyes Slayton of Wyoming avenue, is spending several days at home before she starts the next last week-end on their farm in Kinderhook, N. Y. Mrs. Gruebert is an aid of the East Orange Red Cross Motor Corps.
< ^***4"t**>4*******<M>4>++«*+**4"M^
Germs keep company illness. If there has been in your home, be sure and your bed pillows cleaned purified. Morey La Rue Laur does a fine : Job and reU your pillows splc and span.
Canoe Brook Farms produces milk not only high in but- • • ter-fat, but most important of all, possessing those life-giving • elements so essenl ial t -i health natural vitamins and •> minerals. According to recent scientific and medical research, milk can be the best natural source of vitamins and minerals when produced by cows that are properly fed.
Special care is taken in feeding of the select < > herds of Canoe Brook Farms Guernsey, Jersey, 1 • and Brown Swiss to insure VITA-RICH milk. ;; From Spring to Autumn, they graze on pasture- ; I rich in clover, and in Winter are given the V> high quality green alfalfa and clover. In ad- ',\ ditjon, they are fed specially selected cereal ;| grains and legumes essential in the production $ ^ot VITA-RICH milk. Your Canoe Brook salesman 'i tin
; • ;
During the past cold were you one of the lucky to have a comfortable plus the saving of fuel? If home was insulated with Jc Manvllle rock wool, you sat fuel and kept as snug aa bug In a rug. January Is the slushy Colds seem to pop up Not that we wish to dwell morbid things, but merely help you through a bad Mi If anyone In your family "laid up" for a few days, doubt you will need slck-t supplies. Kaiser's Pharmacy the Four Corners stands wait Ing to serve you. For your scrlptlons, electric heating vitamins or Ice cream to a sore throat, call Mill.
Ours Is the most chant climate. To safeguard your against sudden drops In temperature, nave the radial properly cared for. Al's Service Station on MUM avenue, can furnish Zei Preatone or Zerez.
Farms route *•,
ill b e ; r ,lad t o s e r v e y o u <> i ii q u a l i t y V I T A - R I C H \\
IN clothes SANJTONE dry cleaned by MOREY LA RUE Experience the confidence of knowing you look youi beat In clothes kept fresh and new looking. Have them dry cleaned regularly by Moray I.aBue. Clothes are cleaned cleaner, eolors are brightened, style and •nape restored.
Guernsey - Jersey milk. Ask him or \\ telephone your order to Canoe Brook * Farms, Summit 6-2100.
What girl, (and I mean too, Another), wouldn't thrilled with a new formal 1 club dance or special wear? You would be as pret as you please in one of Suburban Apparel S h o p p e stunning models so beaut cut and fitted. 8« gowns are done with a and dash of Broadway that gl* you that "well dressed" feeling. Ask to see their popular Swank slips, too. Are you looking for anyt new in household eq No matter what you net Tiger's Hardware Store more than likely havsport supplies, ice skates, and sleds, call Tigers. The Fisher Furniture leries are drawing a large of visitors to their beaut new, spic and span Gal Millburn avenue. Discard I troubles when looking niture. Fine furniture Is within walking distance at Fisher Galleries.
for iulU, coats and plain dresses
My, did you ever see so man; girls becoming engaged? 1 vice to them, 4s to g quainted with Ritter's B and the variety of cakea, breads, pies and Rltter has. l keep their job and k< se days. A bat helps solvi
Best hv test—FIT A-RICH
Summit 6-2100
Tudor House Decorators 1 one of the most compell .ing windows in
BUI—tllitfc. N
to make a he Hills sad nil ,.. . M I .
+++*4 ***«**++**<•+•;•
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