Martinelli Waddell Utd Symposium

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Program Management: A Framework for Collaboration Russ Martinelli Intel Corporation UTD Project Management Symposium August 2007 Content Contributor: Jim Waddell 1

© 2007 Program Management Academy

Introduction Why is collaboration so important to our future? “The best Right companies are the best COLLABORATORS. In the  The Development Model flat world, more and more business will be done through collaborations with and between companies for Structures a very simple  The Right Organization and Team reason: next layers of value creation, whether in technology,  The The Right Leadership Skills and Competencies marketing, biomedicine or manufacturing are becoming so COMPLEX that no single firm or department is going to be able to master them alone” (Thomas L. Friedman, The World Is Flat, 2006)

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Complexity  Complexity: “Something that is made up of many

interrelated parts”


 Today’s product, service and infrastructure

development efforts contain multiple vectors of complexity    

Technical complexity Process complexity Human complexity Business complexity

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Complexity  Management of complex development efforts is

not new

 What is new: Increasing complexity is common in

all industries where technology development is key to competitive advantage

 The key:  The right development model  The right structures  The right skills, competency, and experience

© 2007 Program Management Academy



The Right Development Model

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Systems Engineering  Systems engineering is used to architect complex

solutions  System = a combination of parts that function as an integrated whole (Stevens) System A







Inputs Interdependent Subsystems

 A system is disaggregated into smaller, more manageable parts – subsystems – to manage the complexity © 2007 Program Management Academy



Systems and Program Management  Integration of the subsystems requires a horizontal management model that facilitates collaboration Program Project A

Project B

Project C

Project D

Project E

Project F

Output (Integrated Product)

Inputs • People • Money • Time

Interdependent Projects

 Program Management is the management corollary to systems engineering used to reintegrate the parts © 2007 Program Management Academy


Framework for Collaboration The Integrated ‘Whole’ Product Circuit Board Deliverables

Enclosure Deliverables

Project Management


Project Management


Project Management


System Test Deliverables

Project Management


Manufacturing Deliverables

Project Management

Program Management

Software Deliverables

Circuit Board






Source: Program Management for Improved Business Results

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Program Management Described Program Management

Project Management

Achieving a set of business goals through the coordinated management of interdependent projects over a finite period of time

The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements (PMBoK)

(Milosevic, Martinelli, Waddell)

 Strategic in nature, with focus on

 Tactical in nature, with focus on

business success  Responsible for successful delivery of the whole product to the market  Horizontal management across all the functional projects involved in the program to integrate the project outputs

execution success  Responsible for the successful delivery of individual product elements to the program  Vertical management within a single functional project within the program to produce a single element of the solution

© 2007 Program Management Academy


“The Master Integrator”



Business Results Enclosure Software Manufacturing

Project Management

Program Management

Responsible for delivery of individual elements of the product to the program

Responsible for integrating the whole product to achieve business results

© 2007 Program Management Academy



The Right Structures

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Organizational Structure Considerations The following should be considered when optimizing the organizational structure to support program management:  The organizational structure must minimize the influence of the functional silos  The matrix structure is effective  The program manager drives cross-department collaboration through a horizontal management model  A redistribution of empowerment within the organization is necessary to match the program manager’s expanded responsibility with their level of authority

© 2007 Program Management Academy



The Matrix Structure General Manager PMO Director Program Manager

Engineering Director

Marketing Director

Manuf Director

Finance Director

Engineering Project Mgr and Team

Marketing Project Mgr and Team

Manuf Project Mgr and Team

Finance Representative

© 2007 Program Management Academy

Test Director Test Project Mgr and Team


Collaborative Program Teams Organizing for collaboration means:  Employing a team structure that facilitates cross-discipline

collaboration  Ensuring all disciplines required for developing the whole

solution are involved  Empowering the program manager to lead the team with appropriate decision rights The Integrated Program Team HW


Ma rke tin g Validation

t. us rt C po p u S

© 2007 Program Management Academy

Program Manager

. od Pr est T Enclosure Fin an ce





The Right Skills and Competencies “When observing the differences between poorly-run product development efforts and well-run efforts, I noticed the difference was that the well-run programs had a true program manager in charge. These people had a broad skill base that is needed – good people skills, strong business acumen, and good system integration skills. Unfortunately, not a lot of people have these broad skills.” (Gary Rosen, V.P. of Engineering, Varian Semiconductor Equipment)

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Program Management Competency Model Competency = knowledge + skills + personal qualities + experience

Customer & Market


Program Manager

Process & Project Management

Business & Financial

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Leadership Skills

Setting Vision Team Building Skills


COLLABORATION SKILLS Influencing/Delegating Decision Making Priority Setting

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Key Collaboration Skills  Synthesizing Skills

Ability to put together the pieces  Emotional Intelligence Skills

Individual and social competencies critical to leadership in the global environment  Communication Skills

A complex and dynamic set of process steps for exchanging “MEANING” in a cross-cultural environment

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Synthesizing Skills Effective synthesizing skills enable program managers:  To work across the various disciplines involved on a program  Cross-discipline knowledge

 To obtain balance and synergy between the project teams and the functional organizations  Program and functional alignment

 To see the big picture while reintegrating the elements of the program output “Seeing the Big Picture is fast becoming a killer aptitude in business. More and more employers are looking for people who possess this capability”. Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind, 2006

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Emotional Intelligence Skills “Emotional Intelligence” is a set of five individual and social competencies (Goleman):   Self Awareness:  Recognizing and understanding moods, emotions from

themselves and others.

 Self Regulation  Developing trustworthiness, integrity and comfort with

ambiguity and change.

 Motivation  Maintaining a high level of persistence in pursuing goals  Empathy  Ability to appropriately understand and react to the

emotional needs of others

 Social Skills  Establishing a proficiency for managing human

relationships, building rapport, and creating an effective human network

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Communication Skills The program manager is the primary voice for a program, there needs to be proficient in communicating 

The Basics 

Writing, casual speaking and elocution technical skills)

Active Listening Taking full responsibility for the communication result between two people  Paraphrasing and feedback of the message 

Non-verbal communication Voice intonation Facial expression  Behavior and physical movement  

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Summary  Development complexity continues to

increase  A high level of cross-organization collaboration is now required  Conventional management approaches have become inadequate  Program management was a relevant solution 50 years ago, continues to be relevant today, and is critically important for the future! © 2007 Program Management Academy



Primary Source

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Questions? Contact Information Russ Martinelli, Intel Corporation [email protected]

© 2007 Program Management Academy




© 2007 Program Management Academy


Brief History - Program Management  Developed by U.S. DoD in late 1950’s as a     

management model to develop complex underwater ballistic missile systems The Special Program Office (SPO) formed in 1957 to oversee the development management practices July 1, 1971 the DSMC opened – offering a twentyweek program management course During 1980’s, companies that developed both military and commercial products migrated program management to their commercial sector Program management practices began moving to other industries during the downsizing of defense and aerospace Today: a lot of talk, little walk

© 2007 Program Management Academy



Program Management and the IMS Strategic Management

Define strategic business goals and strategies

Portfolio Management

Prioritize, select & resource programs to achieve goals

Cross-project management and delivery of whole product

Program Management

Project Management

Team Execution

© 2007 Program Management Academy


Plan and execute delivery of individual elements of the product


Develop the components and technologies of individual elements



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