Martin Luther (1483-1546)

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Martin Luther (1483-1546) - EJ Hill & Friends

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Martin Luther (1483-1546) From EJ Hill & Friends MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) by EJ Hill (1977-)


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Classification Annihilationist [2|3] - German [1] - Protestant Reformer [1] Doctrinal Alignment Original Sin - Total Depravity (The Bondage of The Will [7|8]) Unconditional Election - Limited Atonement - Irresistible Grace Perseverance - Conditional Immortality [2|3] - Psychopannychism [9|10] - Annihilationism [2|3] Martin Luther

Affiliation & Association Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) [6]

Martin Luther Says Concerning Baptism "[I] affirm that Baptism is no human trifle, but that it was established by God Himself. Moreover, He earnestly and solemnly commanded that we MUST BE BAPTIZED OR WE SHALL NOT BE SAVED. NO ONE IS TO THINK THAT IT IS AN OPTIONAL MATTER LIKE PUTTING ON A RED COAT. It is of greatest importance that we hold Baptism in high esteem as something splendid and glorious. The reason why we are striving and battling so strenuously for this view of Baptism is that the world nowadays is full of sects that loudly proclaim that Baptism is merely an external form and that external forms are useless.... Although Baptism is indeed performed by human hands, yet it is truly God’s own action." [4|5] "But our know-it-alls, the new spirit people, CLAIM THAT FAITH ALONE SAVES and that human works and outward forms contribute nothing to this. We answer: It is of course true that nothing in us does it except faith, as we shall hear later. But these blind leaders of the blind refuse to see that faith must have something in which it believes, that is, something it clings to, something on which to plant its feet and into which to sink its roots. Thus FAITH CLINGS TO THE WATER AND BELIEVES BAPTISM TO BE SOMETHING IN WHICH THERE IS PURE SALVATION AND LIFE, not through the water, as I have emphasized often enough, but because God’s name is joined to it.... If follows from this that WHOEVER REJECTS BAPTISM REJECTS GOD’S WORD, FAITH, AND THE CHRIST WHO DIRECTS US TO BAPTISM AND BINDS US TO IT." [4|5]

12/17/2008 11:47 AM

Martin Luther (1483-1546) - EJ Hill & Friends

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Concerning Immortality In his 95 Thesis on October 31, 1517 in Wittenberg. In his 1520 published defense of 41 of his propositions, Luther cited the pope's immortality declaration, as among "those monstrous opinions to be found in the Roman dunghill of decretals". [2|3] The 27th Proposition read: "However, I permit the Pope establish articles of faith for himself and for his own faithful - such are: a) That the bread and wine are transubstantiated in the sacrament; b) that the essence of God neither generates nor is generated; c) that the soul is the substantial form of the human body; d) that he (the pope) is emperor of the world and king of heaven, and earthly god; e) THAT THE SOUL IS IMMORTAL; and ALL THESE ENDLESS MONSTROSITIES IN THE ROMAN DUNGHILL OF DECRETALS - in order that such as his faith is, such may be his gospel, such also his faithful, and such his church, and that the lips may have suitable lettuce and the lid may be worthy of the dish." [2|3]

Concerning The Intermediate State "Salomon judgeth that THE DEAD ARE A SLEEPE, AND FEELE NOTHING AT ALL. For THE DEAD LYE THERE ACCOMPTING NEYTHER DAYES NOR YEARES, BUT WHEN THEY ARE AWOKEN, they shall seeme to haue slept scarce one minute." [9|10]

Bibliography 1

"Martin Luther": Wikipedia. (04/05/2008)


Champions of Conditional Immortality in History (02/05/2008) /champions_of_conditional_immortality.html 3

Dr. Martin Luther; Assertion of all the Articles of M. Luther condemned by the latest Bull of Leo X {"Assertio Omnium Articulorum M. Lutheri per Bullam Leonis X. Novissimam Damnatorum"}, Article 27, Weimar Edition of Luther's Works, Volume 7; p.131-132: a point-by-point exposition of his position, written December 1, 1520, in response to requests for a fuller treatment than that given in his Adversus Execrabilum Antichristi Bullam, and Wider die Bulle des Endchrists. [2] 4

Kyle Butt, M.A.; Martin Luther Speaks on 'Faith Only' and Baptism (Apologetics Press). (14/05/2008) 5

Martin Luther; Luther's Large Catechism (Saint Louis, MO: Concordia, 1978), p.98-99, 101-102.


"Philipp Melanchthon": Wikipedia. (26/05/2008)


Dr. Martin Luther; On the Enslaved Will, or The Bondage of The Will {De Servo Arbitrio}. (12/06/2008) 8

"On the Bondage of /wiki/On_the_Bondage_of_the_Will 9





"Soul Sleep": Wikipedia. (16/06/2008)


Martin Luther; An Exposition of Salomon's Booke, called Ecclesiastes or the Preacher (translation 1573).

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The Jews And Their Lies Martin Luther Best Price $4.50 or Buy New $5.95

Genius of Luther's Theology, The Robert, Kolb, Char... Best Price $11.39 or Buy New $14.95

Bondage of the Will Martin Luther Best Price $9.08 or Buy New $11.69

Martin Luther Martin Luther, Joh... Best Price $3.49 or Buy New $10.85

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Luther's Small Catechism, with Expla... Martin Luther Best Price $6.49 or Buy New $9.99

Luther's Ninety-Five Theses Martin Luther Best Price $1.31 or Buy New $5.00

Table Talk Martin Luther Best Price $7.50 or Buy New $11.24

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Retrieved from "" Categories: Individuals | 5-Point Calvinists | Conditionalists | Psychopannychists | Annihilationists | Former Roman Catholic Priests This page was last modified 09:47, 17 December 2008. Content is available under Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. 87 Toolbar downloads

12/17/2008 11:47 AM

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