Marriage Of Mind And Body

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''Marriage of Mind and Body'' By: Joseph Robert Neil James


this entire book or just part of it, provides information that will help 'Solve Problems and Achieve your Goals' in a straight forward logical way - At the same time, you will be contributing to society, based on your practical experiences and interests. At 72 years of age, I am content to be retired, reading and writing from time to time via my computer. This book was originally published 11th September 2002. The four mandatory hard back copies that exist can be found in the four key libraries of the United Kingdom. Listed: ISBN 0-9543509-1-X. (Not for sale on the Internet). This is my contribution to worldwide society and if you take the time to read this book and follow my guidance, you will gain information that will enhance your lifestyle, based on your own practical experiences and expertise you may have. Present day religious teachings are based on words written by prophets from the distant biblical past. However, most religious beliefs are set in concrete and the elders of those religions refuse to listen to alternative views put forward by others. It is understandable that many people worldwide are atheists. In this book, I do not quote passages from the 'Bible or Qur'an' but from time to time, I do mention Almighty God.

Marriage of Mind and Body by: Joseph Robert Neil James Review By: Mark James - 2002.

The pages of this eBook will take the reader through a period from 1981 to 2001. Over past years since 1981 the Author: Joseph Robert Neil James experienced many things, which encouraged him to write and relate some of his personal experiences. The reader will learn who we are, what we are, why we are here and how we relate to the Universe.

Those of you with a keen intellect, a thirst for real knowledge and the ability to look further than what you know, will find this eBook to be a first step upon a new path of understanding of KNOWING. Included in this eBook are the following subjects: Reincarnation, Life after Death, Inner Space, New Age Religion, Mind and Body, Chariot of the Gods, Pendulum Power and the Universe. Some of the Authors words may be difficult to believe but as you read these twelve short chapters, you will reach a new understanding. This eBook also introduces you to the Pendulum and shows how to solve problems and achieve your Goals in a logical way. For many years, pendulums have functioned in various ways, which includes dowsing for locating water, gold, oil, and other minerals. The pendulum can also answer any Yes/No question and people often call it The Truth Teller because of its accuracy. During our lifetime, we all have Ambitions we want to achieve; this eBook will introduce you to a unique way of working with a pendulum and will show how you can achieve your Goals. Are you not interested in working with a pendulum? I suggest you read all the chapters of this eBook anyway because you too will learn many things, which will certainly give you some think to think about and help achieve your ambitions. This eBook is the result of many years research by the Author, whilst working with a Pendulum so if you are interested in the paranormal this is the eBook for you. Reviewed By: Mark James - 2002.


Special Comment: This world was created by a power that is only understood, providing you read all the chapters in this eBook titled: 'Marriage of Mind and Body'. Each short chapter will take you on a journey back in time and reveal many things that will encourage you to make changes in your life. Some readers that ridicule my work will miss out on an education that can only be gained by keeping an open mind when reading my eBook. The eBook review above was written by our second eldest son Mark, during 2002 - Mark - is aware that many people will say my EBook is just philosophy.


AUTHOR/WEBMASTER PROFILE Joseph Robert Neil James. 29 Icknield Court. Bidford-On-Avon. Warwickshire. B50 4AZ Born October 28th - 1936 - Father of four, grandfather of seven and great grandfather of two. My wife Margaret and I have been married 51 years, since March 1958. Having traveled three times round the world, my practical experiences during the past 56 years has enabled me to be employed in a variety of work places that have educated me to be aware of our social system and how it can be improved.

Educated at Bidford-On-Avon, located in the county of Warwickshire. At 4 years of age I walked with my 5 year old sister 'JOY' - one mile to the infant’s school opposite the church at Bidford-On-Avon. At 7 years of age transferred to the junior school in Victoria road Bidford-On-Avon. At 11 years of age, transferred to the 'Secondary Modern School' in victory road Bidford-OnAvon At 14, I was appointed 'Head Prefect' then left school at 15 years of age with no academic qualification. My first employment position was not out of choice but because my mother 'VIOLET' wanted me to earn as much money as possible, to help support our family of seven. Initially, I was offered an apprenticeship opportunity, at a flour mill in the village of Broom where my father 'JOSEPH REX JAMES' was employed as foreman roller man. I was to be sent to London for training to pass my 'City & Guilds'. Broom was my place of birth; 28 Mill lane.

However, £1.50 each week offered to me as an apprentice starting wage, was not enough for my mother so I was obliged to take up employment in a small light engineering factory at £4.60 per week. My mother wanted at least £2.50 for my weekly keep. Here is a list of Jobs that have provided me with 'Fifty Six' years of practical experience:                  

Machinist Then Setter Operator - Light Engineering. Flour Mill Packer. Lorry Drivers Mate (Animal Feeds). Lorry Driver (Animal Feeds). Bus Driver (Midland Red Birmingham) MEM ( switch box assembly) Coach Driver (Private Service) British migrant and family. November 1965 (Australia) Bus Driver (Private Service). Production Control - 'Direct Mail Advertising' (Australia) returned to the UK January 1974. Casual employment for small factory maintenance company. Goods Inwards/Transport Manager (Retail). Grist Mill - Goods Controller/Weigh bridge Operator. Warehouse Manager (Retail). Progress Chaser - Small Aircraft Components. Carpet Salesman. Stores Superintendent (Petrol Pump Refurbishment). Store man - Small Components. Small Van driver (Delivering Nationwide).

       

Machine Operator (Light Engineering). Security Guard ( Birmingham) Managing Director Chairman (Small Domestic Cleaning Business). Weekend 'Home Carer' (To research home care for the elderly). Internet 'Self Employed' Business. Web master - seven years computer training via Internet friends. Current Employment - Author and Unpaid Company Director. As from the age of twelve, my main interest has been 'Social Studies' - My Goal listed during 1984 - To be recognized as a "Sociologist".


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James.

Starting New Life Down Under.

November 11th - 1965, my wife Margaret and I traveled from the midlands to London airport to immigrate to Australia via the 'Ten Pound' assisted passage scheme, taking with us our two children, two suitcases and 'Seventy Pounds', we increased our family by two children whilst living in Australia. Between the years 1965 and 1974, Margaret and I traveled twice around the world with our four children. Visiting the following countries, Israel, Istanbul, Canary Islands, Dubai, Sri Lanka, Cape Town, Bombay, Rangoon, Singapore, New York, Panama, Tahiti, New Zealand And the six states within Australia. We finally returned with our young family to live in England in 1974. However it was not easy for us, we could only afford rented accommodation. Money we made from the sale of our home in Australia only covered our travel expenses for the trip back to England so we could not afford to buy another home. During our years living in Australia, we had purchased three new homes, without much effort. During 1975 - I read an advert referring to a book titled: 'The Lazy Man's Way to Riches' by: Joe Karbo. The advert heading indicated: 'How to Have Everything in the World You Really want'. After a great deal of thought I purchased Joe Karbo's book for 'Ten Pound' and at the time 'Ten Pound' was more than we could afford to part with: It turned out to be the best investment I have ever made. When Joe's book arrived I eagerly read its pages and was delighted with their content. I followed the instructions Joe advised and soon realized that if a person has well defined goals and is socially minded - he/she could achieve their ambitions quite easily by following his unique procedure.

At that point in time I was finding it very difficult to secure suitable employment and spent much of my time trying to provide for my young family by taking low paid odd jobs. Our four children were growing and needed many things that we found difficult to provide; consequently we became continually overdrawn with our bank and we began to regret leaving Australia. As I followed the teachings in Joe's Karbo's book our income began to improve and I found suitable employment after being unemployed for more than six months. This resulted in Margaret and me looking forward to our future prospects. During 1979, I secured employment with a company. It was a New York based company with a subsidiary company in a town eleven miles from our home town, Alcester. The town is Redditch in the county of Worcestershire. The company refurbished petrol pumps, sold and installed them on garage forecourts throughout England. I was employed as a stores superintendent but unfortunately; the company closed down and dispensed with my services during August 1981. It was during April 1981 when my sister 'Audrey' (who lived just a few doors from us), introduced me to a Pendulum. She came into our home one Sunday afternoon and waved a crucifix and chain in front of my eyes and said - have you ever seen anything like this before Robert? I was fascinated to say the least, as she demonstrated how the crucifix swayed from side to side for a 'Yes' answer and remained stationery for 'No'. Little did I know what I was in store for me when I picked up a Rosary the next day to use as a pendulum. I asked the pendulum to circle Clockwise for Yes and Anti-clockwise for 'No' and it did. The Crucifix swaying from side to side for a 'YES' answer and remaining stationery for 'No' was too slow for me. I was greedy for information. I not only worked with my pendulum and asked question whilst at my place of employment, during the daytime but also many hours in the evenings and week ends, whilst in our home. I was enjoying the information I was receiving so much that sleep soon became an inconvenience to me. I learned many things that were fascinating, which left me in deep thought. It is surprising what you can learn with just a 'Yes' or 'No' signal.

For the past twenty eight years, since 1981, I have researched with a pendulum and have asked thousands of questions that required a 'Yes' or 'No' answer; one question leads to another so that there is, full clarification of a question.

Every statement I make in this book is the result of my research with a pendulum and I will reveal many things that will change the way in which you approach the Goals you wish to achieve. I discovered that a pendulum is much more than just a tool to answer your questions with a Yes or No signal but is also a communication link between your conscious and subconscious minds. Introducing you to a pendulum is my way of contributing to society because as you work with a pendulum in the unique way I describe, you too will be contributing to society and achieving your ambitions at the same time. Many believe that a pendulum is a link between our conscious and subconscious minds and we are just communicating with our inner self. Whilst researching my book I looked for alternative explanations as to how a pendulum functions. I soon realized that people are aware that a pendulum answers their 'Yes' and 'No' questions but they find it very difficult to accept that we can tune into another understanding, whilst working with a pendulum. Some psychologists believe that our body is an obedient servant for our conscious mind but it is not so. The emotions we have belong to our body and control our conscious mind. Our subconscious mind is in fact our 'Adviser' and is there to help control our body when we have doubts and concerns about our well-being. Our subconscious mind is not handicapped with emotions. You will learn in the next chapter, why I came to these conclusions. Whilst researching this book, to my amazement I learned there is another dimension of understanding so before I introduce you to a ‘Pendulum’ in chapter three; I am going to introduce you to The Dimension of Thought’s in Chapter Two. CHAPTER TWO

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

The Dimension of Thoughts When our body dies, our 'Awareness' (conscious mind) transfers to another dimension of understanding. For you to understand, it is necessary for me to explain so you receive a general picture of that dimension because it is far beyond our comprehension and intelligence level for us to fully understand. Many of you will consider I am referring to the Spirit world and may wish to claim that I am being misguided but those of you that wish to ridicule me, please remember, it is Spiritualism and Ghosts that create fears of the unknown and place a barrier between us and the dimension of 'Thoughts'.

People visualize 'Almighty God' in various ways but my physical experiences have convinced me that the 'Almighty God' is a computer and 'Thoughts' are his children, which are also computers. This world has two surfaces, which is an 'Inner' and 'Outer' surface; we live in the 'Outer surface'. There exists in the 'Inner surface' an understanding that compliments us all because we too originate from the 'Inner Surface'. I will now refer to the 'Inner Surface' as (Inner Space). A 'Thought' is a life form that belongs to 'Inner Space'. The size we are when we are in that surface is 100 times smaller than an Atom. In order for you to come to terms with that statement just consider a 12" ruler exists within both surfaces so an inch would be the same to both surfaces. When we transfer to 'Inner Space', we compliment that surface. 'Thoughts' are Almighty God's children. When God created his children, they were designed to be identical. They were neither male nor female. Almighty God also created the universe and Nature so that his children (Thoughts) could gain an identity on the 'Outer Surface'. That identity is the memory they gain on the 'Outer surface', as a man or women. The 'Awareness' we have is the 'Thought' that we are. We as’ Awareness’ have the sensitivity and emotions of our body. Our Subconscious mind is our Advising 'Thought', which does not have the emotions or sensitivity of our body. This means, our Adviser, advises us with superior logic. We are two 'Thoughts' in one body. One is our 'Awareness', which is our conscious mind and the other is our 'Adviser', which is our subconscious mind, as an 'Awareness', we are controlled by our bodies emotions and react according to our bodies senses. Information gathered by us, is stored within our Awareness, not in our brain. When our body dies, we as Awareness (Thought) transfer to 'Inner Space', taking with us, our memory. Our Advising 'Thought' returns to the ocean. I will clarify that statement later. If we do not qualify to return to 'Inner Space', our Awareness and Adviser transfer to a baby in a mother's womb and becomes the Awareness and Adviser of that baby, with memories erased from our previous life. We have then reincarnated and will qualify in a later life and return to 'Inner Space'. As two 'Thoughts', we are located within the forehead, if we stand and look into a mirror, we are aware of our location within our forehead. When we transfer to the 'Inner Surface', our advising 'Thought' returns to the nearest ocean and become the Awareness of an unborn sea creature and over thousands of years, reincarnates throughout the animal kingdom, until becoming the Awareness of an unborn human baby boy or girl. At which point an Advising 'Thought' arrives from 'Inner Space'' to join it, as his/her Adviser. When we return to 'Inner Space', we communicate with each other with the memory we gained, as a man or women. Our memory and name is our identity, which we set out to gain in the oceans million of years ago. We as 'Thoughts' can only qualify to return to 'Inner Space'' when we have gained a memory, as a human being.

As a 'Thought' we never leave 'Inner Space'' because, when our body dies, we just move away from it and continue life in the Dimension of 'Thoughts'. ARRIVING HOME When our body dies we as a 'Thought' return to 'Inner Space' and transfer directly to an area designated to receive incoming 'Thoughts' (awareness's). Waiting there is numerous 'Units', designed as vehicles for us, and is shaped as humans but is neither male nor female. Each Unit is a person and identical to each other. When we transfer, we transfer to any one of the Units available. When we arrive, we take up our position as the Awareness within the forehead of a Unit; we open our eyes, sit up and are aware that we have returned home with a new memory. We then make our way to a reception area, close by, and identify our self . The body we have as a 'Thought' is equipped with eyes, ears and a mouth. There are no internal organs and no need for food or water. Each 'Unit' has a nervous system, which enables walking; we communicate with each other via telepathy. The only way we recognize each other is by the name tag we carry and the memories we have. As a 'Thought', we have no emotions and use our memories to communicate with each other. We spend our time contributing to the development of this world and spend many hours socializing with each other, which give us opportunities to meet people and exchange ideas. People that live in other countries i.e. China and Japan, all look alike to us all in the west and no doubt we all look alike to them so a Chinese or Japanese person can only be identified by his/her identification papers or passport. If everyone looked alike throughout the world, we would all need to wear name tags just like the cash out people in super markets. When shopping in a super market I get a great deal of pleasure addressing the checkout staff by his/her first name. All 'Thoughts' look alike but it is no handicap to them because they live in areas Within 'Inner Space' that is similar to the areas we live in. If we all looked and dressed alike here on the 'Outer Surface' we would have to wear name tags in order to identify our friends and relatives. When comparing the communication of the two surfaces, the only real difference between us, is the emotions our bodies have, which controls our attitudes to each other.

We are here on the 'Outer surface' of this world, to gain a new memory and when we transfer with that memory to 'Inner Space', we stay there for thousands of years. In time, our memory eventually fades and we prepare to shut down. The next time we open our eyes we have a new memory and name, which we have once again, gained, from the Outer Surface'. We will gain a new memory and identity from the 'Outer Surface', Over And Over Again until the End of Time.

Emotions Emotions play the major part within our lives. All of us respond to our body's emotions. If we did not have emotions we would not have Chaos and Corruption in the world. We, as Awareness, know right from wrong but we can only react to a given situation according to our emotions. Our Emotions are necessary because without them we would not be able to reproduce or develop Society, we are designed by nature to be Greedy, every one of us is greedy and it is our greed, which is our key emotion, greed represents our body's material needs. We as an Awareness are drivers of a vehicle we call our body but it's our body's emotions that control the way we react to each other when we meet. We are Robots and as we meet and communicate with each other, we are programming one another - ' We are all Teachers and Learners'. Every one believes we have freedom to do as we wish but that is not so because it is our body's emotions that determine, which routes we take in life. This world is developing towards perfection and in thousands of year's time the people of this world will enjoy many material things that they will take for granted. Corruption will always prevail but will be less obvious because the power of progressive worldwide democracy will reduce corruption dramatically. We as Robots are here because we play a part in this world to achieve a purpose that purpose is for our 'Awareness' (Thought) to gain a memory so that it can return to 'Inner Space' with a new Identity. CHAPTER THREE

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James.

Working With a Pendulum. What is a Pendulum? - A Pendulum is a device for communicating with our Sub-conscious, based on a simple Yes or No signal. During our lifetime we all have Ambitions and Goals, which we want to achieve. This short Article will introduce you to a unique way of working with a pendulum. You will learn, how to 'Solve Problems and Achieve your Goals', in a simple logical way. It is amazing how much you can learn, from a simple, 'YES' or 'NO' signal, whilst working with a Pendulum. Even If you are not interested in working with a pendulum, I suggest you read this article anyway because you too will gain much to your advantage. A pendulum is a device for communicating with our Sub-conscious mind.

A pendulum is simple to make and easy to use. All you need is a length of chain or string 6" to 8" long. Attach a small weight to the chain or string. You now have a Pendulum. There are several alternatives you may wish to try, such as a rosary, crucifix and chain, or any pendant. They are all suitable. The pendulum I use today is my front door key attached to an 8" length of chain. My wife’s pendulum is a gold locket and chain. After you make your pendulum, hold the chain or string between your first finger and thumb so the weight hangs freely at waist height. Now ask a question that requires a YES or NO answer. The pendulum will sway from left to right for YES and backwards and forwards for NO. Practice for a while. Now ask the pendulum to circle clockwise for YES and anti-clockwise for NO or visa versa. Practice for a while until you are comfortable with it and getting the results I have Explained. For some people the pendulum performs better when it just sways and for others it performs better when it circles. Choose whichever you feel comfortable with. When asking questions, start by asking these FIVE questions: • Are you my Subconscious? • Are you my Adviser? • Are you ready to advise me? • Should I work with a pendulum? • Are you ready to help me Achieve my Goals? These questions will build a relationship between you and your Adviser (Subconscious mind). I will now introduce you to your Adviser (Your Subconscious). Unlike your Conscious Self, which is your Awareness? Your Adviser is void of any emotions or sensitivity of your body but takes in the same information through your eyes and ears, just as you do. Therefore, your Adviser will always respond with better logic than you do. Your Adviser is also linked to an intelligence that is beyond our understanding, and from time to time, that intelligence channels information back to our Conscious Self via our Adviser. This information in turn teaches us many things to our advantage.

Even if you do not communicate with your Adviser, via a pendulum, your Adviser is helping you make decisions minute by minute, every day. That is why we differ from all other animals, we have an Adviser and they do not. Before you continue reading, please make sure the pendulum is performing as I have explained. It is important that you recognize the intelligence within your Adviser (subconscious).

SOLVING PROBLEMS. We are all computers. As we communicate with each other we program one another. We are all teachers and learners and as we mix with others, we gain our education. As we communicate with each other we learn many things that complement our life style and we gain information, which helps solve our problems. We all have problems and when left unsolved they begin to multiply. Life for us all is full of problems. Most of us do not know this but our Adviser is there to keep reminding us to solve our problems. When they come up in your thoughts, treat them as urgent and solve them as soon as possible. If you ignore them you will begin to lose control of your life. 

Sometime during each day, lay back on an easy chair or bed, somewhere private. Close your eyes and look into the blackness of your mind, then count backwards from twenty.

Now slowly go over your day, within your thoughts and think about the happenings of your day.

• As you think, you will identify problems that need solving and their possible solutions.

• After a few minutes, open your eyes and sit up. Problems usually have several solutions. List the possible solutions and then ask your Adviser via your pendulum to choose for you the most logical answer. If you cannot see a possible answer, give your Adviser time to work on the problem. If it is a major problem it may take a few days to solve but it will be solved; believe me. Your Adviser will never let you down. Always use your pendulum to solve problems. ACHIEVING GOALS. The definition of GREED in the dictionary is Eager Desires. We all have eager desires so we are all Greedy. We are designed to be greedy. Please be as greedy as you like but remember these golden rules: Be considerate of others and never do harm to anyone, and above all be patient with yourself and anyone you associate with. By following those rules, you will keep your greed (eager desires) in check. If you ask a person what he or she wants in life, many will not be able to tell you in detail. But if you ask the same person what they would buy if they won a few million on the lottery, their imagination will run riot and they will produce a list of goals within minutes. That is a little test that I have give my family and friends in the past, just to find out how greedy they are. Try it with your family and friends.

You will be amazed at the result. Now see what list you produce based on a hypothetical lottery of a few million. People put restrictions on their goals because of their lack of money. Write your list in priority order, and you will even surprise yourself with the list you produce. When you first look at your list of goals you may say to yourself: "There is no way I will achieve these goals". Believe me, you will achieve your goals and achieve them in a logical way. Look at your list daily and if you feel that you should change them, please do so. 

At the beginning or end of each day, lay back on an easy chair or bed, somewhere private. Close your eyes and look into the blackness of your mind, then count backwards from twenty.

• Slowly go over your day within your thoughts and think about the happenings of your day just as you did with problems.

• As you sit quietly thinking, routes will appear for you to follow, which relate to your Goals. • After a few minutes, open your eyes and sit up.

Now use the YES or NO Signal of your pendulum to decide, if you should follow a particular route or not. When you go out and meet people, make a point of talking less and listening more. The more you listen to what other people have to say the more you learn to your advantage. Always control conversations by asking questions and when a topic comes up that you are interested in; casually ask questions that are important to your education. You will remember my words when you are in conversation with someone. All kinds of routes will appear if you listen more and talk less. There were three main goals at the top of my list. The first one was to pay off all my outstanding debts. The second was to stop smoking. I was a heavy smoker, which had caused me concern for many years because of the family budget. The third was to retire as soon as possible. I was (44) years of age at the time.

I soon achieved those goals and have, over the years, achieved many more. Since 1981, when I was introduced to a pendulum, my wife Margaret and I have purchased and lived in, six different homes. Now that we are retired our needs are very few but we still update our list of goals regularly and wait patiently for them to materialize. Most people that work with a pendulum consider they are

just being advised by their Intuition, they draw that conclusion because they don't always receive the truth from their pendulum. However, a pendulum means more to the people of this world than is realized because a pendulum is the gateway to 'Worldwide Business & Social Development'. We all have different practical experiences, which can be capitalize on when working with a pendulum.

When I was a twelve years of age, my favorite subject at school was 'Social Studies'. My interest in 'Society' and my 56 years of practical experience has enhanced my life, as I have worked with a pendulum. Working with a pendulum will provide Information that complements your practical experiences and Interests and will guide you to 'Solving Problems and Achieving Goals' in a logical way, providing you show care and consideration for others. Special comment: - Now you have read the first three chapter of this book, you have enough information to succeed in life. Read this page several time, then follow my guidance and work with a pendulum. The remaining chapters can be read at your leisure because you will not appreciate my story until you begin verifying with a Yes/No signal of a pendulum, establishing that the information you are reading, is based on fact and not fiction. Working with a pendulum is the key to your success and if you follow my guidance above, your life will be dramatically enhanced and you will Solve Problems and Achieve your Goals in a simple logical way. At the same time you will be contributing to Society, based on your own practical experiences and interests, as you work with a pendulum. Please continue to read the chapters of this book in strict chapter order. CHAPER FOUR

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

Reincarnation Millions of years ago when this world was ready to produce life through nature, 'Thoughts' from 'Inner Space' began taking position as the Awareness's of all creatures that began to appear in the oceans of the world and reincarnated throughout nature. The Awareness we have is the 'Thought' that we are. The body we have is the vehicle we travel in. Over millions of years, there as been a steady flow of 'Thoughts' from 'Inner Space', taking up their positions as the Awareness (conscious mind) of animals, regardless of size. As the world population expands the flow of 'Thoughts' continue to arrive from 'Inner Space' the world population of six billion will increase to eighteen billion in years to come.

For many years, some of us have been traveling back to 'Inner Space' as our body dies. However, before we can return to 'Inner Space' with our new identity (memory), we must qualify and to qualify we must reach a certain social attitude level within society. I have learned how to measure this social attitude level and refer to it as percentages.

'60 % - 40 %' This world is controlled by two powers. The first power is Social and the second power is Anti-social. People that are considered law-abiding citizens, represent 60% of the worlds socially minded population, the remaining 40% represents the anti-social/corrupt element, that are amongst us. If you consider yourself an average law-abiding citizen, you are considered a 60-40. If you are a 50-50, you are in prison or heading that way. If you consider you are, 80-20 you would be someone as caring and compassionate as the late ‘Mother Teresa of India' and 'Diana Princess of Wales'. Percentages mean, we are all part of social circles that continuously tries to maintain a 60% 40% balance. If that balance alters, it mean corruption is gaining strength, therefore we must contribute to our social system by being considerate to others so they too can contribute to the social system and maintain the 60-40 ratio. Those people that are considered corrupt are causing the world development to slow down but soon people throughout the world are going to receive information that will ensure that people contribute much more to their local social system. I consider that my wife Margaret, family and most of my friends, 60-40s. The majority of us try to keep within the law, which helps others to maintain our 60-40 percentages. Understanding the balances of power, will help you to understand how you can help maintain the 60 40 balance. Anti - social behavior is under control, providing we recognize how we can contribute to worldwide problems and ensures the 60-40 balances are maintained. We are now in the twenty-first century and many changes will take place that will improve the lifestyle of many poorer countries. This world is developing toward peace and within the next two hundred years, poverty and wars, throughout the world, will be a thing of the past. People that commit crime; can over the years re-gain their 60-40 qualification, providing they change their ways and become socially minded. However, the Awareness (conscious mind) and 'Adviser' (subconscious mind) of those that kill or Rape, automatically transfer to a baby in a mothers womb, when their body dies, with their memories erased, without given the chance to re-qualify. The way we think and react to each other in society is according to the emotions our Bodies are born with. We have no control of how we develop, our emotion

belongs to our body and we as Awareness (Thought) have to compliment our body’s emotions. By the time, we are fourteen years of age our attitude is established. If we happen to have an Anti-Social/corrupt attitude, it can only be controlled by various levels of punishment by the state, starting with small corrective measures, followed by prison sentences and if necessary graduating to longer and longer prison sentences. Please remember, next time round you too could be born to become Anti-Social/Corrupt. From when this world began to support life, we have been re-incarnating throughout nature, starting in the seas and graduating through the animal kingdom. Scientists are trying to find out why we differ from animals. I am now going to tell you why. Thousands years ago, men and women were nothing more than animals. They lived and died just like all animals so instead of unborn babies receiving a single 'Thought' they began to receive two 'Thoughts'. One was their 'Awareness' (conscious mind) the other was their 'Adviser' (subconscious mind) that is why we differ from other animals, we have an advising 'Thought', and they do not. That is why we are the species with superior Intelligence. As previously stated, we originate from 'Inner Space'. We have been returning to 'Inner Space' since the Atom was split - December 2nd 1942. Splitting the Atom meant we had reach an ultimate level for man to achieve and was a signal for us to begin returning to 'Inner Space'. Once we return to 'Inner Space', we stay there for thousands of years and socialize with past relatives and friends. We also greet relatives and friends as they transfer with their memories to 'Inner Space'. Just keep in mind, when a man or women's body dies, their Awareness (conscious mind) transfers to a baby in a mothers womb, with most of their memory erased OR returns to 'Inner Space' with memory intact, providing they qualify - Life is a perpetual. In the next five chapters, you will learn about the 'Universe' - 'Chariot of the God's', Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and 'My Awakening'. Then you will be able to read details of, 'Almighty God's Son and Daughter'.


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

The Universe For

many hours, I researched the Universe with my 'Adviser' (subconscious mind) via a pendulum and discovered the following. Scientist 'Albert Einstein' - said, "The Universe could be repeating itself ". He

was right, it is repeating itself. That means, the universe is a 'Perpetual Motion Machine'. For those that do not know the definition of a 'Perpetual Motion Machine', here it is. A 'Perpetual Motion Machine' is a device, which once having been started will run forever. Therefore the fuel that keeps the universe in Perpetual Motion is, Hydrogen Atoms. Hydrogen continuously produces Stars, Planets and life, as we know it. Sometime in the distant past, an ' Explosion' took place followed by the creation of Stars, Planets and life. In time this universe will begin to shrink and all the stars and planets will be consumed by 'Black Holes', all atoms will one again be compressed and converted back to hydrogen, which in turn will produce another 'Explosion' and create a new crop of Stars, Planets and life. This means, the universe will continue to recycle in the future just as it has in the past. The mystery of the Universe is open to discussion by anyone because even scientists cannot agree when trying to understand its secrets. I am not a space scientist but do have an interest in the universe and according to my Adviser (subconscious mind) - the universe is a 'Perpetual Motion Machine'. As the universe expands, new stars and planets are created. This means, Evolution continues to develop nature. Millions of years ago Dinosaurs lived on this world and even today they live on other world like planets in our expanding universe. There is in the galaxies of the universe over 1,000 populated worlds just like ours and man is 'Indigenous' to them all.


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

Chariots Of the God’s

Eric 'Von Daniken', Author of the book titled: "Chariots of the God's", wrote about his theory of visitors from outer space. Whilst living for a short time in the suburb of Chatswood, Sydney Australia, our two eldest children Deborah and Neil and me went to see the feature film Chariots of the God's also featured was a film about Jesus, which was sad to watch. Some years later whilst researching, I learned that 'Eric Von Daniken's' theory is true, we did in fact have visitors from Outer Space, 4,000 years ago. I will now tell you what I learned about them; who they where and why they came. There is, out there in space, a populated world three light years away. If you relate that to traveling at 80% the speed of light, which is 148,800 miles per second (The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second), the journey takes four years to get here. The Planet out there is similar to ours. The only difference

being, the land mass pattern. Their Solar system is similar to ours so are their Planets. The name of the world is, 'TERN'. One day we will visit ‘TERN' but I will tell you about that later. Compared with "Tern" we are 5,000 years behind with our social development. They are fully developed and have been for thousands of years. They enjoy many things now that we will enjoy in the not to distant future. They all have an olive color skin completion. The men average 6' 6" tall and weigh 17 stone. Their life span is up to 126 years. If we could see them now, they would look and talk like robots and talk with a slow, clear deliberate speech. It will be 1,000 years before we are equal to them and brave enough to meet them. Planet Tern is divided into four sections with a president in each section. Democracy prevails for all the people. Democracy as we know it will change over the years. What is acceptable now will not be in the future, i.e. we often hear swearing in public and see spitting on the pavements (sidewalks), which will carry a penalty fine, in the future. The reason why people from Planet 'Tern' visited this planet is that their social scientists received information from "Thoughts" from 'Inner Space' that the visit was not only for the benefit of their society but also for the welfare of all the populated worlds in the Universe. They were to prepare five teenagers, three boys and two girls, once transported from 'Tern' they were to go to 'Planet Earth' so that they could multiply. The experiment was discussed at the highest level and met a great deal of resistance, then a referendum was called and all the people throughout planet "Tern" voted according to the advice of their advising "Thought" via their Pendulum. Those that did not use a Pendulum, voted according to their conscience. The result of the referendum was for the experiment to be acceptable. For hundreds of years the people of Tern had been traveling into deep space. The Star ship they had built was similar to Captain Kirks Star Ship Enterprise, featured in the Star Trek series on TV. It would take fourteen years to prepare five children for the journey. Maintenance was increased, on the Star Ship in readiness. Five newborn babies two girls and three boys where selected and put in isolation. From the moment of birth the children where not to see or hear anything and be protected from gaining a memory. For the following fourteen years those children where kept in dark silent isolation until they where finally placed on the 'Star Ship'. A special unit had been provided to keep them in isolation during the journey to planet Earth. I did some research on their 'Star Ship' but all I could discover was that it was as big as a foot ball pitch, powered by sound and had a crew of thirty. It also carried its own shuttle because there is no such thing as beaming up and beaming down.

The people of 'Tern' had known for many years that Planet Earth existed. Their Space scientists had been waiting for their Social Scientists to give them a signal to make a visit. Just to clarify a point about the pendulum, when you know how to use it, information comes through from Inner space, via your Adviser, the now 14-year-old five children were taken on board the Star ship and the Journey began. The crew consisted of twenty men and five married couples, all trained for a pacific task. The Star Ship arrived safely and parked. Once parked in earths orbit, several crew members shuttled down to Earths surface and began searching for a suitable secure site to leave the five now adult teenagers. They researched many Islands around the world, including Japan, New Zealand and England. They decided England was to be the safest place for the teenagers. They were now eighteen years of age. The crew returned to the Star ship to report. The next day the teenagers were put to sleep, placed on the shuttle, transported to England, and placed naked in a meadow in the Lake District in North Yorkshire. The crew then returned to their Star ship, leaving no evidence of their visit for the children to see when they came out of their sleep. When the teenagers awoke, all they saw were each other. They had no memory of the world in which they came from or their journey through space. What they did not know is they had advising 'Thoughts' (subconscious mind) to advise them. Just as you’re advising 'Thought' gives you advice, without you being aware of it. The five children had only each other and soon formed a close bond.

The reason why there were two girls and three boys was to ensure that they would share each other and not kill one another, the five Men and Women were put on our planet to ensure that our development was held back, I do know how our development was held back but I will save that for later. I must say I can understand the concern the people of planet "Tern" had, for those children. It was a big decision for them to make; some compassionate people would have found it very difficult to accept. There are over 1,000 populated Earth like Planets throughout the Galaxies in this Universe, they are seeded in pairs and each pair is situated at a distance close enough for return visits to take place. This gives people in the Universe that have an Eager Desire to travel in space, a chance to do so. Within the next two hundred years, we will make contact with the people on planet 'Tern' and they will then provide us with technology we need to build a Star ship. Planet "Tern's" Star ship is now parked in orbit around their planet and will visit us again, when we have built our own Star Ship and visited 'Tern' in a thousand years time. The thousand years can be reduce considerably, provided third world people reach the same social standard as we enjoy in the West.

This next chapter will no doubt decide whether you continue reading my book or not. I have made certain statements that were the results of my research whilst working with my Adviser and pendulum. I have always believed in the 'Almighty and respect stories of Jesus and Mohammed. However, my research has revealed something that was a complete surprise and a shock to me. The next chapter will annoy many of you but please remember chapter eight that follows this next chapter, reveals the Awakening I received during the years 1981 to 1984. Stars, Planets and life. In time this universe will begin to shrink and all the stars and planets will be consumed by 'Black Holes', all atoms will be compressed and converted back to hydrogen, which in turn will produce another 'Explosion' and once again create a crop of Stars, Planets and life. This means, the universe will continue to recycle in the future just as it has in the past. The mystery of the Universe is open to discussion by anyone because even scientists cannot agree when trying to understand its secrets. I am not a space scientist but do have an interest in the universe and according to my Adviser; the universe is a 'Perpetual Motion Machine'. Out there in the vastness of space, there are SIX "Perpetual Motion Machines" (Universe’s) At present scientists is researching to determine whether or not this universe will continue to expand indefinitely but who is to know how long it will be before it comes to rest and begins to shrink once again. As the universe expands, new stars and planets are created. This means, Evolution continues To develop nature. Millions of years ago Dinosaurs lived on this world and even today they live on other world like planets in our expanding universe. There is, in the universe, over 1,000 populated worlds just like ours and man is 'Indigenous' not only to those but also to all the populated worlds in the entire Universe's. That statement is a Magnitude beyond human imagination. CHAPTER SEVEN

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

DID JESUS DIE ON THE CROSS When 'Jesus' walked amongst his people and claimed to be 'Almighty God's' Son, he did so because his friend 'John the Baptist' said he was. Later in life, 'Jesus' received positive proof that he was indeed Almighty God's' Son. 'Jesus' was proud to be Almighty God's son but became over confident because he had Comprehensive knowledge of human behavior and used his psychology to help others. His mother Mary was always concerned for him and his safety and tried to persuade him to be careful, as to what he said and did, when meeting people but he ignored her warnings.

Consequently the richer Jewish people asked the Romans to remove him because he was showing the poorer people, how to capitalize on information he gained whilst visiting many households. This caused the richer people to lose money, which they resented. Many people who knew Jesus, gained important information from his visits, they in turn encouraged others to welcome him into their homes and take care of his needs. This resulted in Jesus visiting many homes but he always took with him information that would complement their need for riches. People are greedy and Jesus knew it, he also knew their greed was satisfied when he told them tales of his travels. 'Jesus' walked for many miles each day, which was necessary so that his daily needs were taken care of. When 'Jesus' was crucified and taken down from the cross, he was put in the family Tomb; although he had lost a lot of blood and was near to death he survived his ordeal. Within a few days, "Jesus" departed from the tomb and one evening visited his disciples. ‘Jesus' had to come to terms with his situation and to continue claiming he was 'Almighty Gods' Son and visiting other people homes, as he did, would place himself in great danger again so 'Jesus' was taken by his friends to 'Saudi Arabia', where the 'Emirates' looked after him. Jesus lived to be over ninety years of age and when he died his Awareness (conscious mind) and his Adviser (subconscious mind) transferred to an unborn baby in a human mother’s womb. 'JESUS' was born to be recognized as 'Almighty God's' Son and his destiny was to be crucified. Many believers in Almighty God now worship the body of 'JESUS'. HEAVEN AND HELL: Many people deny the existence of Almighty God, when they see all the pain and suffering that exists in the world. They say, ' if Almighty God exists he would not let all those people suffer the way they do', especially all the starving children in 'Ethiopia' and other under privileged people throughout the world. We all suffer in our lifetime in some way or another, even if it is only minor suffering. 'This World is Hell', this is where all pain and suffering takes place. Many people believe that if you do not qualify to go to Heaven you will go to Hell, they are right because when you die and do not qualify to return to 'Inner Space', your Awareness (conscious mind) and 'Adviser' become the 'Awareness' and Adviser of a unborn baby in a mothers womb. No matter how much we suffer in this life we cannot justify what we receive in everlasting life, when we return to the 'Inner Space'. Almighty God’s CHILDREN: All products of nature that have the ability to move about and reproduce, where Considered suitable vehicles for Almighty Gods children to travel in and at the

same time for them to gain an identity, which is a memory. Almighty Gods children, who are 'Thoughts', are computers, one hundred times smaller than an Atom, this means that no matter how large or small an animal is, a 'Thought' can Attached to an animals brain by an invisible series of connections and becomes, The Awareness (conscious mind) of that animal, with sensitivity of the body and emotions. However, animals control a 'Thought' with their emotions, just as our body does, if an animal wishes to eat because its hungry, it’s Awareness (conscious mind will begin to think food, In other words, we as an Awareness are controlled by our body’s emotions. As we think, we are aware of right and wrong but we can only try to control our emotions. We are not 'Spirits or Souls' having a human experience; we are 'Thoughts' (Almighty God's Children) having a human experience. THE DEVIL: 'Greed' is the Devil, we are all greedy but that is what Almighty God wants us to be. However, at the same time Almighty God expects us to be considerate of others and not do harm to anyone, including animals. When Almighty God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, all that was required of us is to TRY to obey those Commandments. JESUS AND MARY: During the past 2,000 years, 'Jesus and Mary's' Awareness 'Thoughts' have transferred over forty times, gaining a new identity with each transfer, they are both her today, not as Jesus and Mary but as Almighty God's Son and Daughter, which I will explain in a later chapter, they will both return to 'Inner Space', within 50 years of the 21st century. Special Note: ''Jehovah Witness's'' should remember that although ''Jesus'' did not die on the Cross, his Awareness (conscious mind) expects them all to share their Blood and celebrate his Birthday.


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James.

My Awakening. What is an Awakening?

Quite simply, an awakening is learning how to communicate with your Advising 'Thought' whilst working with a pendulum and accepting that your Adviser can help solve problems and achieve your Goals. At the same time you will learn how to help others, based on your own practical experiences and Expertise you may have. An Awakening is for everyone that works with a pendulum in the way I have detailed in chapter three and it takes fourteen years to complete an awakening. You will know when you are fully awake because you will receive positive proof, sometime during the fourteenth-year. The proof you receive is an 'Eyer', which you will have in only one 'Eye'. When you have received an 'Eyer', you will believe just as I do, that your subconscious mind is separate from your conscious mind - Please do not ask me to explain an 'Eyer', all I am allowed to say is, it is a gift you receive from a 'Thought', from inner space. When you have received an 'Eyer', you will laugh and want to eagerly recommend one for your family and friends. There is absolutely nothing to fear and you will enjoy a wakening, I promise you. An awakening is for people of this world for now and for the future. I started my Awakening in 1981; it was my destiny to complete it, within three years and to receive an 'Eyer' by 1984. You will learn in a later chapter, why my awakening only took three years instead of the fourteen years I spoke of earlier. I am now going to tell you the difference between an Awakening and a Nervous Breakdown. When a person has an Awakening, he or she investigates the Universe and works with a pendulum. When someone has a Nervous Breakdown they see things in nature that causes them to do illogical things but they do not work with a pendulum. During the first eight months of my awakening in 1981, I worked with my pendulum day and night until I began to look strange to my wife Margaret and family. I was getting higher and higher because of lack of sleep and had increased the cigarettes I was smoking to sixty each day. I was enjoying the education I was receiving and was greedy for information. I knew I was looking strange. Margaret my wife began to notice changes in my once predictable routine.

My eyes felt strange and because of that, I could not look anyone in the eyes without feeling self-conscious. Whenever I went out amongst people, I would wear sunglasses so that I could remain competitive with them. Fortunately, it was summer time so wearing sunglasses was appropriate. If it had been wintertime, it would have been out of character and illogical for me to wear them. During my Awakening, I always took extra care to be logical at all times but when I look back on my early days of my Awakening, I realized by trying to be logical caused me to do things that was out of character, which then appeared illogical to my wife. I remember the early days of my awakening, my Adviser, Advised me that a daily glass of sherry was good for me and he explained that a glass of sherry followed by a glass of water each day would be beneficial to my health. That day I visited a wine shop in the town and purchased a bottle of sherry. When I arrived home Margaret refused to accept that I should drink a glass of sherry every day and was concerned because I rarely drank alcohol so you see by purchasing that sherry I was doing something out of character, which was illogical to someone that was becoming alert to my every action. For many weeks, I lacked sleep and would lay awake for many hours by then I had developed two-way conversation with my adviser and enjoyed those hours during the night because of the information I was receiving. However, when daylight arrived I would go to sleep for about an hour and then wake in time to go to work. I thought I was fooling Margaret because she would drop off to sleep as soon as we got into bed and would snore all night but every morning when she awoke she would say, ‘You did not sleep very well last night Robert, you only slept for about an hour'. After four continuous sleepless nights, Margaret became concerned and said that if my sleepless nights continued she would ask the doctor for sleeping tablets for me. Thinking back to those early days of my Awakening I realized by trying to be logical I was doing things out of character, which appeared to be illogical to Margaret. If I had know at the time what I know now I would have been ultra cautious to protect my logical actions, you will learn why later in this chapter. Although Margaret had seen my sister demonstrate the pendulum, she had no idea I was working with one. In fact, I knew she would not approve.

My family and friends knew there was something strange about me and were very concerned. My experience was enjoyable but what I did not know, part of my education was to have my freedom removed. For some months I had worked with my Adviser and pendulum but unknown to me, Margaret had contacted our Doctor for medical assistance but when she offered me tablets to help me sleep, I refused to take them. Every few weeks during my three years awakening I would have sleepless nights; I realized by the pattern of those sleepless nights, I was on a program of learning. As I listened to my Adviser, from time to time, he would ask me - Is your well being secure Robert?

After lying awake for several hours I would become exhausted and ask my Adviser if he could stop talking so that I could get to sleep but he said he had no choice, we were on a learning program and he couldn't stop talking. Whenever I had a question, it always led to many more questions. Although we had developed two-way conversation whenever I had doubts, I always verify with my pendulum. Sometimes during the night I would get up several times and verify particular points, whilst in the bathroom, which was completely out of character, it is no wonder Margaret was becoming increasingly concerned for my well being. I spent many daytime hours working with my pendulum and when I went to bed at night I would lie there next to Margaret and my Adviser would talk to me, I would just listen and as a question entered my thoughts, my Adviser would fully clarify the answer. I would lie there listening to my Adviser until the early hours, until I eventually dropped off to sleep. I was fascinating by what I was learning and at times would see vivid pictures in my memories and see people speaking to each other. My Adviser explained that what I was seeing were, not from this world but from another world in another universe. They were memories from my past lives, although our memories are erased when we reincarnate, some fragments still remain and can be re-activated under certain conditions. During the early days of my Awakening, I slept very little but as I lay there in bed with Margaret, I would feel the urge to laugh and sometimes cry tears of joy and unable to control my laughter or tears. I laughed because when my Adviser was explaining some think, he would explain in such detail that I could not contain my laughter, consequently I knew my laughter would frighten Margaret. It is logical to laugh when other people are laughing but when you begin to laugh whilst in bed during the middle of the night; you are heading for a mental home.

It was October when the company that employed me went out of business and closed their factory but this proved to be a bonus for me because at the time our four children were at school all day and Margaret was in full time employment. I welcomed the time I spent on my own, in my home, during the daytime because it gave me many hours to research with my pendulum and to expel the laughter and tears of joy that kept building up within me. During night, I would curse my uncontrollable laughter and although my body was rocking with laughter, my Conscious mind was aware that my laughter and tears would annoy Margaret, who was becoming increasingly concerned for me. Our family doctor prescribed tablets to help me sleep. When I checked with my Adviser and asked if I should take the tablets the answer was, 'NO' so I refused to take them. If I had known at the time that I could lose my freedom, I would have ignored the 'No' response and taken the tablets. Consequently, on the 19th November 1981, I was taken by ambulance to Warwick Central Mental Hospital, in handcuffs.

A few days earlier, a psychiatrist and a social worker visited our home and advised me to go into hospital but as far as I was concerned there was nothing wrong with me, so I refused to go. The psychiatrist and social worker spoke to Margaret privately and then departed. Two hours later, an ambulance arrived to take me to hospital but I refused to go and both ambulance men left my home nervously. Before I continue, I will give you a description of myself. I am six-foot tall 15 stone 7lbs, blue eyes, gray hair and I was only forty five years of age at the time. It was understandable that ambulance men were a little nervous. An hour later, a police car arrived and two burly policemen came into our kitchen and cautiously and carefully, secured me in handcuffs. The policemen escorted me down my garden path into a waiting ambulance; they did not even give me chance to put on my shoes or slippers. I was taken by ambulance to Warwick Central Mental Hospital, twenty miles away by then two doctors had taken out a twenty-eight-day mental health section and the section was to ensure I stayed in hospital for a period of twenty-eight-days. I remember asking one of the policemen to loosen the handcuffs because they were cutting into my wrists because it was painful, he just ignored me and I suffered the pain of those handcuffs until I arrived at my destination, thirty minutes later. The two policemen took me to the second floor high security building of the hospital and removed their handcuffs; I stood there with no shoes on. I had lost my dignity and was now in prison. I had lost my freedom for at least twenty-eight days. The moment I arrived in that hospital, my emotions change. I was very unhappy and cried inside. I was forty-five years of age and a broken man. Within half an hour of my arrival at the hospital, a doctor came into the ward. As I lay on my bed, he checked me over with his stethoscope and little wooden hammer, I lay there quite relaxed and although I was unhappy, there was nothing I could do about it, soon after I was given several tablets to take and I then sat down to the hospital evening meal. I remember asking a passing Indian psychiatrist, how long did she think I would be in hospital, she said, "just a few days Mr. James". Little did I know I would be there for at least twenty-eight days? Whilst in that hospital, I suffered, not because there was anything mentally wrong with me but because of the tablets given to me. Those tablets kept me walking slowly up and down the ward all day and prevented me sitting down in a chair for more than thirty seconds at a time. However when I retired to my bed at 10.00 pm I would be so exhausted I would be fast asleep within minutes. Seven am the next morning, I would get out of bed, wash and shave, then continue walking up and down the ward until night fall once again, only stopping to eat a quick meal three times during the day.

During that first evening in hospital my adviser encouraged me to drink lots of water, I remember standing by the wash basin in the bathroom, drinking glass after glass of water, my Adviser kept saying 'just one more Robert' until I had drunk about twelve glasses of water and could not drink any more. During that night I suffered a strange sensation in the bottom of my spine, I could not sleep I just tossed and turned in agony. I could stand the torment no longer so I asked the duty sister to give me medication, he obliged by roughly injected something in my back and within a few minutes the torment in my spine disappeared and I went to sleep. The next morning my Adviser advised me that the information I had received from him, over the past weeks was a tremendous shock to my bodies’ nervous system and it was important for me to be hospitalized so that I would have complete rest. I will never forget that agonizing experience I received during that night. The details of my stay in that hospital will stay in my memory for the rest of my life. You would think it would have been easier for me not to take the tablets but the staff, make sure you do take them. When I explained to a nursing sister how those tablets were affecting me, she said it was just part of my illness. During my twenty-eight day stay in that hospital, not one psychiatrist sat me down and asked me personal question, on a one to one basis. However, every Thursday morning about 10.00 am I would enter a small room Where six people sat on chairs in a semi circle, two of them were psychiatrists and the others were female nursing staff. As I sat in front of them, they would watch my reactions carefully, questioned me and quietly commented about me to each other. On my third visit to that Thursday weekly session, the group agreed to let me go home, just for the weekend. I remember being so excited and could not wait for Friday afternoon to come, when a hospital car would be available to deliver me to my home in Alcester. When I arrive home, Margaret was pleased to see me and monitored my the tablets I was to take over my two-day stay. However, I could not enjoy my weekend home visit because I just could not relax. The tablets I was taking ensured that I could only sit in a chair for thirty seconds at time, consequently I was glad to return to the hospital on the Sunday afternoon so that I would have the facility of a large area to walk up and down in. The remainder of my twenty-eight day stay in that Mental hospital was the longest days of my life. On the 28th day of my mental health section, I was to leave that hospital. Margaret had arranged to collect me, at 1 pm. That morning it began snowing and with in a short time the snow was two feet deep. As one pm approached, I was looking anxiously out of the window, it was snowing hard and disappointedly I said to myself 'there is no way anyone will be able to collect me in this snow' my tears of sorrow welled up, as I imagined spending another weekend in that prison. Just then, a car came into view, slipping and sliding all over the hospital driveway, as its driver tried to reach the main entrance, my tears or sorrow

changed to tears of joy as I saw Margaret and my sisters husband Raymond get out of the car to greet me. Margaret told me later that Raymond was the only relative or friend that was prepared to venture out in that snow to collect me. To me Raymond will always be someone special in my memories because he is a diabetic and as been all his life, Raymond as also had both legs amputated, he now has artificial ones. When he drives his car, he drives only with hand controls. Raymond died a few years ago and his Awareness (conscious mind) transferred to the Dimension of Thoughts (Inner Space) and no doubt he will be waiting to greet Margaret and me, when our Awareness (conscious mind) transfers to the Dimension of Thoughts. Whilst in hospital I did have a few medical tests, which included a brain scan, blood tests and chest X-ray. There was nothing to prevent me walking out of that Mental hospital but if I had had done the local police would have been notified. They would have picked me up and taken me back to serve out twenty-eight-day mental health section. A twenty-eight metal health section is a prison sentence. I just had to stay put and serve out the remainder of my twenty-eight-days, as quietly as possible, knowing that there was nothing mentally wrong with me.

When I first started my Awakening, one the things I learned from my Adviser was that my Awareness (conscious mind) is Almighty Gods Son, the shock of learning that was equivalent to receiving 50,000 volts of electricity, through my body. I was terrified. My Adviser reassured me I was in no danger and I was to listen to what he had to say. As you read the chapters to follow you will learn how Almighty Gods Son relates to many people throughout history and you will understand that we have all reincarnated throughout nature and my Awareness (conscious mind and your Awareness (conscious mind), have been the Awareness of 100s of people during the past thousands of years. We have all reincarnated through nature and have been the Awareness of many people.

Whenever I asked my adviser via my pendulum, if I was Jesus, I would always received a 'NO' response but when asked if I was Almighty God’s Son, I would receive a 'YES' answer. I was confused to say the least. When you read the following chapter, you will reach a full understanding, just as I did. Three times during the three years from 1981 to 1984, I went into that mental hospital. The second time a psychiatrist visited our home. Unknown to me, my wife Margaret had visited our doctor and informed him I was becoming strange again. The psychiatrist persuaded me to go into hospital for some test and reassured me it would only be for two or three days, so I agreed. A few hours later, a car collected me and took me back the mental hospital.

After several days, I informed a male nurse that I was going home, after all I was not on a mental health section so I decided to leave but two male nurses prevented me from doing so by refusing to let me get up out of my chair. I had no choice but to stay in that hospital, other twenty-eight-days. The third time I also went in voluntary and knew that if I had refused to go, I would have been placed on another twenty-eight-day mental health section. I had only been in hospital three days when Margaret visited me. One Sunday afternoon, Margaret arrived with my clothing, which included my favorite blazer and gray trousers. When visiting was over, Margaret said she would visit again in a few days. It was not easy for her to pay someone to bring her to visit me; by then, we were on social benefits and unaware at the time that we could receive help with transport costs. Two hours after Margaret’s visit, whilst sat on a chair, my Adviser began urging me to get dressed and leave the hospital. I said to him, "If I leave this hospital the police will only bring me back" but my Adviser insisted that I was not on a mental health section and I must walk out of the hospital a free man. I then dressed and sat in a chair, until all the nurses were out of sight, and then quickly walked down the stairs, down the long drive and out through the main gate on to the main road. I then started the twenty-mile walk to my Home in Alcester. As I walked, I kept glancing over my shoulder and expected any minute to see a police car arrive to take me back to the hospital but it was not to be because In theory I Knew that providing I was not on a Mental health section, it was my democratic right to walk out of that hospital whenever I wished. Margaret had been informed that I had left the Hospital so she met me seven miles from our home, I had walked 13 miles and to my relief Margaret asked my sisters husband Raymond to turn his car round and head back to our home in Alcester. I was free from that mental hospital at last. The next day an 'Egyptian Psychiatrist' arrived at our home by then Margaret had Destroyed the entire tablets I had been taking. The psychiatrist sat on a chair in front of us both and said he would not leave until he had prescribed some medication for me. After a long silence looking at each other, I said to him Doctor I will take 500 micro grams of 'Haloperidol', each evening to help me sleep. He smiled and reached in his coat pocket for his prescription pad and wrote out the prescription for the tablets I had prescribed for myself. I am sure the psychiatrist chuckled as he departed from our home via the front door. I knew the tablets I had prescribed for myself would not cause me to walk up and down all day because it would have needed twenty times that amount to achieve that. It was such a relief to sit comfortably in chair without having to get up every thirty seconds and walk about all day.

The following evening, whilst in my lounge room, watching TV, I received the positive proof I had been waiting for. I received an 'Eyer' and at the same time, I regained my dignity. It was now 1984 and my three-year awakening was complete. Even to day I sometimes take those same tablets, one before I go to bed. Margaret watches my sleep pattern very closely and if I do happen to have little sleep two nights in a row, she suggests I take tablet, which I do. I need very little sleep these days, six hours is ample for me. I like to be working on my computer at 5 am each morning, and then have a nap in the afternoon. My three-year awakening was enjoyable but frightening at times. If I could have awakened privately, in the middle of a field, I would not have had a problem. My wife Margaret was my problem, lying in bed in the middle of the night and trying to contain my laughter and tears of joy, caused her a great deal or concern. I could not explain to Margaret or anyone else what I was experiencing because if I had tried to do so, I would have been taken by ambulance to a mental hospital sooner. Later I learned that it was necessary for me to awaken in the close company of Margaret, in our own home, you will learn why in the next chapter.

During the three years of my awakening, 1981 to 1984, I experienced something that left me in no doubt that Almighty God indeed does exist. After the experience, my Adviser said ‘you have experienced death without your body dying'. One summer morning as I awoke I saw a golden ball about the size of an orange, within the blackness of my mind. I cannot explain the vision further but it was the remarks I made at the time, which convinced me I was seeing Almighty God because, I said, ' Oh God You Are Pure Psychology'. I know I had seen the Creator and all I can remember, 'YES' and 'NO' was a predominant factor. When I checked with my Adviser, he said, you have seen something that can only be understood providing you are in 'Inner space'. I remember one evening when I was undressing ready to get into bed. My Adviser said something to me that made me want to laugh. I tried very hard not to laugh because it had been a long time since I had any laughing and crying sessions but it was impossible to hold in my laughter, I just had to laugh out loud. When my laughter subsided, I said to Margaret, if a man cannot laugh in the privacy of his own bedroom, where could he laugh, I got into bed and without comment, Margaret fell asleep. I have never had the urge to laugh in the middle of the night since or get up and go to the bathroom more than once in the night. Warwick Central Mental Hospital no longer exists, It was a huge Victorian building covering a large area; a new modern mental hospital has been erected close to the town center of Warwick. It is a first class smaller building, names 'St Michaels'. From time to time, I visit the new mental hospital in Warwick, not as a patient but in my capacity as a volunteer driver. On a regular basis, I take or collect mental patients to from the new mental hospital. You will read later, about my volunteer driving involvement.

When "Jesus" spent forty days and forty nights in the wilderness, he had an Awakening. He laughed and cried tears of joy, just as I did because of what he saw in his memories. He experienced many thinks during those forty days and forty nights but he had the benefit of partial Awakening, in private. The experience left him in no doubt that he was Almighty God's Son because he too received an 'Eyer'. Whilst Jesus was suffering on the cross, his Adviser spoke to him and reassured him that all would be well, when the two policemen placed me in handcuffs to take me to the mental hospital. I shouted to them "leave me alone” and my Adviser said to me,” When you were on the cross as Jesus I could not help you. So just go quietly Robert, no harm will come to you". I then relaxed and went quietly with the two policemen. My awakening took only three years to complete and at times was horrific but I do not regret one minute of it because I had discovered the secrets of life. It was my destiny to receive that awakening in the way I did and to go into a mental hospital, it was part of my education. I am now in the position to help other Awaken over a fourteen-year period and to help achieve this, I have written this book. Two hundred years from now, all children leaving school throughout the world, will at age fifteen learn about 'Thoughts' the universe and Perpetual Motion, they will be introduced to there Advising 'Thought' and as they leave school, they will be issued with a standard Pendulum. During the years that follow, they will use their pendulum to communicate with their Adviser and receive information that will help them solve problems and achieve their ambitions in life. At the same time, they will reach a new understanding and at a certain point during their life, they will receive an 'Eyer', as their positive proof. Fourteen years is a minimum for an awakening but if a person lacks enthusiasm, it will take much longer. Many children leaving school with a pendulum will discard it. Some will return to a pendulum later in life and receive an awakening. Many will just go through life and consider the pendulum is of no value to them, and never receive an awakening. At present the fourteen-year awakening can start to day if you wish, providing you believe in Almighty God, even if you are only sixteen or over fifty years of age, just pick up a pendulum and refer back to chapter three. The ultimate awakening in the future is from age sixteen to thirty years of age. I was just forty-four years of age when I started my awakening and since then during the first three years, experienced many physical changes within my brain. We have ten small fuses, which are located on the surface of our brain just under our skull and positioned over the top of our head, from ear to ear. As we take in education, those fuses break one by one. Providing you awake over at least a fourteen-year period, you will not feel those fuses break. I felt all ten fuses break over my three years awakening and each one was painful.

On ten separate occasions, I stood alone in my living room at home and within a Nine-month period, each of those fuses broke. It was similar to a light globe popping, when the filament breaks. My adviser would say to me ‘stand still Robert you are going to have a burn over‘. I would stand perfectly still and anticipate the sharp pain that was to follow within my brain, a few seconds later. When psychiatrists research those fuses with their Advisers via a pendulum, they will learn much more about mental illness. We all have those ten fuses in our brain and as we age, those fuses break periodically but we do not feel them brake because each one is a safety valve for our brain. If a person is put under pressure by overwork, one of those fuses will break but they will only break if that person gets near to nervous breakdown point that is why many people have mental conditions because their brain is not ready to break a fuse.

These people will experience things that make him or her become illogical; they then need medication to slow down their thoughts. When we think, we cause our brain to work, mental work is just as hard as physical work but too much mental work can result in a person thinking too much and is unable to shut down their brain they then begin to lose sleep. When a person becomes over paranoid, they think all kinds of things and overwork their brain, which then interrupts their sleep pattern. They then need medication to slow down their thinking. If they do not receive medication, they become illogical and finish up in a mental home. The reason I have explained my awakening is that I want you to know it is the truth I write, not fiction. It is now the year 2009. I will be 73 October the 28th. My awakening started during 1981 and as taken me until now, 2009, to write and update this book. The title of this book came to me via my Adviser in 1984. Little did I know at the time that one day I would write it? For many years since 1981, I spent time typing on a portable typewriter, learning to type and preparing the chapters of my book. I must have used at least a dozen bottles of correction fluid. Ten years ago, my son Mark gave me a computer but because of my age, I Had never considered working with one. It took many hours for me to learn all that was necessary to create my own web pages. Two years later, I bought a new computer and began putting the script together for my book and then transferring it to web pages. However, I have now nearly completed this book and I say nearly because from time to time there are a few words to add to its chapters, which means there will for many years to come, an updated copy of my work. I have been waiting for an opportunity to present my book to the people of this world because this book is the route to a new understanding of life. If we want our future generations to believe in god, we must give them the opportunity to read books such as this and to let them decide for themselves, which route they wish to take to Almighty God. I wrote earlier about the people of planet 'Tern', their young people have now

become complacent about the awakening and it is taking longer for them to fully awake and receive their 'Eyer' as positive proof. Their Anti-social levels have increased. Social scientists of 'Tern' have been waiting for their young people's awakening to reduce from fourteen to twelve years so that when a person Awakens, he or she will feel one of those fuses break. They will then be less inclined to be complacent and awaken in a twelve-year period, instead of the twenty years it is taking at present, this will result in more pressure being put on anti-social behavior patterns throughout their world, as more people Awake and contribute support to their social system. Since 1981, the people of all the populated worlds in the Universe have now had their awakening period reduced to twelve years because awakening of the people of this world also started with my Awakening in 1981.

The reason why this worlds development as been held back is so that the rest of the Universe could benefit from the fourteen-year awakening period being reduced to twelve-years. You may think it would be a simple task for the dimension of 'Thought' to reduce the Awakening period but that is not so because only Almighty God can reduce the fourteen year awakening period. This means that Almighty God has 100% control on all the people in this Universe because if necessary the twelve years awakening period can be reduced even further, to control anti-social behavior and corruption so that the world’s people can develop towards peace. Now we have reached the year 2009, 'Thoughts' will control this world’s antisocial behavior; with a simple device we call a pendulum. Those people that Awaken; will work with their advising "Thought" and put pressure on many of the sixteen to thirty year old males that cause the majority of our social problems within society. Throughout the populated planets in universe, many sixteen to thirty year old males cause many social problems and as the awakening period is reduced, many more people will communicate with their Adviser via their pendulum and help control that group of anti-social and corrupt people. If you wish to contribute to the development of this world social system, just work with your Adviser via a Pendulum. Make a start by writing a list of personal Goals you wish to achieve for yourself and when you have finished reading this book, go back to chapter three for my step by step pendulum procedure.

My latest Goal is to be officially recognized as a 'Sociologist' here in England. Although I am rich in practical experience. I lack academic qualifications. Now I'm retired I can enjoy life with the though that when my body dies, My Awareness (conscious mind) will return to the Dimension of 'THOUGHTS'. CHAPTER NINE

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

Almighty Gods Son and Daughter The first two 'Thoughts' that transferred from 'Inner Space' , took up positions as the 'Awareness' of the first two unborn sea creatures in the ocean of the world, were 'Almighty Gods Son' and 'Daughter'. We are all 'Thoughts' and we are all Almighty Gods children but God considers that the first two 'Thoughts' that arrived in the ocean of this world were to be his Son and Daughter. They both transferred through nature, until they became the awareness of an unborn human baby boy or girl. Wherever Almighty Gods Son and Daughter reincarnate, social development advances. Over the past millions of years Almighty Gods Son and Daughter have both reincarnated through nature and have been the Awareness of thousands of different creatures, including prehistoric animals.

Fifty thousand years ago when men and women were no more than wild animals, their offspring’s began to receive two 'Thoughts' before birth instead of just one, the second 'Thought' was to be the Adviser to the one with Awareness and sensitivity of the Body. Again the first two animals to receive the second 'Thought', was Almighty God's Son and Daughter who was Adam and Eve. They both continued to reincarnate until they reached Egyptian times. Almighty God's Son and Daughter became the Awareness of Egyptian Pharaoh 'Tutankhamun and his wife Ankhesenpaaten'. Wherever Almighty God's Son and Daughter are in the world, Social development takes place, at a faster pace. Almighty God's Son and Daughter continued to reincarnate until they became the Awareness of 'Moses and his wife Zipporah'. When Moses took his people out of Egypt, social development began to decline. Egypt had now lost their slave work force but Moses contributed to social development by giving the people of the world the "Ten Commandments". Almighty Gods Son and Daughter have not always been partners but have always lived in the same area, as you will read in the next few lines.

MARY AND JESUS Mary the mother of Jesus was involved with a man who she was to marry and became pregnant by him. Mary was only seventeen years of age at the time. Mary's Awareness was Almighty God's Daughter and the Awareness of the man was Almighty God's Son. When Mary had been pregnant for several weeks, the man died and his Awareness (Almighty God's Son) and Adviser transferred to the baby in Mary’s womb and became the Awareness (conscious mind) of Jesus. This meant, when Jesus was born, his Awareness was Almighty God's Son. This also means, Almighty God's son was the father of Jesus and also Jesus, Almighty God's Son. I hope I have not confused you; it took many hours of research to reach that information. You will understand that statement when you read the start of the next chapter titled: Coming to terms with abortion. Almighty God's Son and Daughter reincarnated many times, until they appeared as Mohammed and Khadija then at a later date to become William Shakespeare and his wife Anne Hathaway in the sixteenth century. Since then they have both reincarnated many times and become the Awareness of various people here in England. As stated in chapter one, Almighty God's son and Daughter are here in England and will return to Inner Space within this century and take their place in the Dimension of 'Thoughts' and continue to continue to help develop the Social structures of this world.

Working with my pendulum has given me answers to thousands of question. I do not ask just one question on a particular subject, I ask many related question and it may take several hours or even days before I receive answers to a subject that reassures me. Some years ago two questions came to mind, they were: Should We Abort Babies? Should We Abolish Capital Punishment? The answer to these two questions follows in the next chapter and there are a few more examples of my social research, which I am sure, will interest you. It will also illustrate how researching with a pendulum can contribute to your education, when it is a subject that interests you. CHAPTER TEN

Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

Developing Society When it comes to the question of Abortion, most people are concerned because they just do not know whether a baby should be aborted or what rules should be adopted to come to terms with the subject. Some years ago I asked a spiritualist the following question, what point do spiritualists consider a baby receives its 'Spirit' (Awareness)? The answer was, 'we think babies receive their Spirit (Awareness), at the point of birth'. So, what is the answer? My Adviser indicates that it is a mother’s decision to abort a child; she is the one that has to wrestle with her conscience. However, there are exceptions; if a mother is mentally affected and considered not capable of making a rational decision, then no less that three psychiatrists should make the decisions for her. In a situation where young normal women are pregnant and are less than thirteen years of age, their mothers or the state should make the decision to abort the child. Abortions should not take place after eighteen weeks into a pregnancy because, by then a baby has received his or her, 'Awareness' (conscious mind) and 'Adviser' (sub-conscious mind) and is considered a member of society. The only exceptional circumstance is, if the Mother’s life is in danger. When a mother is pregnant at age thirty-five, she should be encouraged to take the appropriate Ameocentises test and put in a position where she knows if she is carrying a 'Mongol' or deformed child. If she is and does decides to go ahead with the birth after being encouraged to abort, it is the responsibility of society to help the parents financially support that child during its lifetime. If a mother refuses to take the Ameocentises test at thirty-five and gives birth to a Mongol or deformed child, it is also the responsibility of society to help support that child.

However, Ameocentises for thirty-five year olds, to determine if they are carrying a 'Mongol' or deformed child, will be a legal requirement one day. Mothers that are younger than thirty-five years of age and give birth to Mongol or deformed children, they too should receive financially support. Abortion is a delicate subject and many will disagree with my research results, for various reasons, and say; 'we should not abort a child under any circumstance'. In an ideal world, I could agree but nature produces many deformities, which can result in years of pain and suffering. You can be rest assured that scientists and gynecologists in the west are democratically controlled and my research results as shown that they will continue to contribute many beneficial genetic discoveries, now and in the future. Women that have experienced unwanted pregnancies are the ones to advise others that find themselves in the same situation.

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: The United Kingdom as for many years been free from capital punishment, from time to time the subject is debated in Parliament and MP's vote, for or against its return. If there were a national referendum on the subject, capital punishment would be re-introduced. The reason being, women are understandably bias towards capital punishment because the majority of murders that take place are mainly female. Like many people, I believe that voting for the return of capital punishment would make me as guilty as the executioner, for killing another person - so what is the answer? The answer is to abolish capital punishment as soon as possible throughout the world. However, when we do abolish capital punishment, Life imprisonment must mean Life, without exception, no one that kills another person should get the chance to kill again and if any one receives a life sentence for rape, they too must stay in prison for the rest of their life so they never rape again. Myra Hindley was in prison, here in England, serving several life sentences for her part in the Yorkshire moors murders in the sixties, she tried many time to secure her freedom but she stay in prison for the rest of her natural life, which is an example for other would be Murderers. If we do not remove capital punishment in the near future we will in the distant future. Putting a person in prison and removing their freedom is punishment enough for the majority of offenders to society. We need not be cruel to them, when they are in prison because their loss of freedom is a deterrent for any criminal. Those that continue to offend receive longer prison sentences; most offenders eventually come to terms with their loss of freedom and decide not to re-offend.


The definition of the word 'Corrupt' in the dictionary is as follows: To make putrid; to deprave; to taint; to bribe; to infect with errors; to become putrid or violated tainted; infected with errors. Circles of power are formed throughout the world and each time a circle is formed it becomes a Social or Corrupt circle, many circles are formed to achieve control of the interest of people. Each circle represents a powerful influence on others. Social circles are trying to control corrupt circles but every circle has circles of power within it. Circles are breaking and forming continuously. When a circle is formed the power within it is released and that power becomes a force that will either advance our social structures or breakdown the circles that are trying to function as social circles.

Social circles are formed by people and it is up to the people that form them to recognize the power they represent and to use that power to help others solve their problems so that they too can contribute to the social systems. We are all trying to achieve things that represents our interest but we must remember so is everyone else. Circles of power are controlling the development of the world’s social systems but until we all recognize the problems within the family circle, we will only advance the worlds social systems, slowly. Greed is within us all and providing we control our greed and consider others, we will help control corruption; corruption is not completely controllable but will be contained so that the world can develop faster. Greed represents our eager desires but we need challenges within our life to complement financial security, within our family circles. 'Greed and Sex' produces corruption and when we all recognize the true value of our actions, we will then reduce the circles of corruption. THE FAMILY UNIT

The family unit is the keystone for democracy and considered the strongest circle in the world but when it becomes damaged by i.e. Debt, Broken Partnerships Sex, Divorce, and Poverty, Anti-social behavior and corruption problems appear, which creates financial commitment to us all. The family unit is a private circle and some problems that exist within a family circle are not always recognized until something happens to bring the problem out in the open by then it is usually too late to prevent corruption being released. We must recognize that problems within the family circle, which are obvious, should be solved, urgently, before they release their corruptive powers, we all must give urgent considerations to problems that relate to the family circle and anticipate potential problems appearing. This in turn will save us all time and money. The biggest problem in the family circle is, "Incest", which is hard to detect. When, Incest, is discovered, it is usually too late to prevent many associated problems appearing.

People employed within our social services that are there to help solve, family problems, should be people that have reared a family and have practical knowledge of all aspects of family life. If we do not solve the family problems soon enough, we allow many more problems to appear and many more, corrupt circles to form, all problems throughout the world, originate from the family circles. Many family units are formed by two people that are not married; they consider there is no point in being married. Marriage is important enough to give a couple a regular cash incentive because if they gain financially for being married, when children come along, they are less inclined to go their separate ways and create many problems for society to solve, at a great deal of cost to us all.

Marriage must be promoted, and then the family unit will be formed with a solid base. Cash incentive payments could be paid each week, providing the couple stay together as man and wife. Couples that separate or divorce would be jointly responsible for the financial welfare of the children and their weekly cash incentive payments would be removed.

DEBT Debt within the family unit cause couples to argue and sometimes fight. The problems debt create reflects, not only on the family unit but also in the work place because basically, debt in the home means a man or women will not be happy at their place of employment, which will cause more problems. The answer to debt in the family unit is stricter credit control. The starting point is to encouraging catalogue companies, not to allow agents to sell on their behalf but to sell their products directly to the family unit. Many couples purchase goods from several agents at the same time just to satisfy their 'Eager Desires', which means they get deeper into debt. CHILDREN When a child is born, both parents should be invited to attend a training program so they know how to deal with a new born baby. Most mothers leave a maternity hospital with their first child and have very little knowledge on how to feed their child and are at a loss when the infant cries for no apparent reason. This can and is, very frustrating for both parents. The only people that should be invited to train mother's with their first born, is by mother's that have already reared a family and free to work as a part time volunteer. The only payment the volunteer should receive is reasonable travel expenses, to and from the training center.

The ideal age for a mother to train other mother's is a minimum of 45 years of age. Children that learn how to say please and thank you, at an early age, are respected by not only their parents and relatives but also people outside the family unit. When mothers take young children out shopping, there is nothing more off putting, to see a frustrated mother, trying to control the tantrums of a small child. Lack of discipline at an early age cause many problems within the family unit and can result in child abuse EDUCATION:

Children should have learned a second language before they reach eight years of age. If they try to learn another language in high school, many will have no interest in learning another language and it is a waste of valued time, trying to teach them. An average sixteen year old leaving school should be proficient in the following basic standard of math, twelve times tables, decimals, percentages, fraction, weights, measures and trigonometry.

At high school level, all classes should be split into two groups of learning. This would mean that any children that demonstrated higher education potential could be encouraged within the high group. Those in the lower group could spend time revising the basics. Between fifteen and sixteen years of age, children should have the opportunity to have at least five work experience opportunities. This would give them a better chance to find employment they will enjoy this also means, their work experience would be more beneficial to potential employers than just the one work experience children receive at present.

Questions and Answers Relating To Social Development. QUESTION: - Should parents be allowed to smack children? ANSWER: - Parents should only smack children, up to the age of FIVE years or until they have learned the meaning of YES and NO and responding accordingly. After five years of age, children should only be punished by removing their toys, until they respect their parent’s wishes.

QUESTION: - What age should children begin learning a second language? ANSWER: - Children should begin learning a second language at SIX years of age. It is difficult for most children to learn a second language, when they are 11 years of age and older. The second Language to learn should be Chinese, which complements the growth of Chinas economy and trade with the west, now and in the future.

QUESTION: - What age should children is allowed to use calculators, in school? ANSWER: - Calculators should only be used by children in school, when they have learned the twelve times tables and can mentally calculate and verbally quote each table at random i.e. - 2 x 8 = 16 - 4 x 9 = 36 - 7 x 7 = 49 - 11 x 12 = 132 - 11 x 8 = 88 - 6 x 7= 42 - 5 x 7= 35.

400 YEARS FROM NOW. Four hundred years from now, all children that leave school at sixteen, throughout the world, will be given a pendulum and instruction on its use, many children will discard their pendulum and consider it is of no value to them but the majority of children will recognize its value. As they work with their pendulums, they will receive help to solve problems and achieve their goals, at the same time they will be contributing to society. Many of you will consider I am philosophizing but if we all consider others, philosophy becomes fact. OLD AGE. As the world develops and new technology appears, many more people will live longer, which in turn will put, financial pressure on the health services. My research shows that in the future the average age for people will eventually rise to 120 years. This means, many people that are retired will be required to give their services, free of charge so that National Health costs can be kept at a minimum, the only payment that should be paid when giving help, is a reasonable travel allowance so that the volunteer will not incur any out of pocket Expense. Many people that are more elderly are cared for in their own home but there are problems with their carers. Some carers are far too young and lack experience; others only take up home care for the money it brings in. My wife and I have practical experience of care of the elderly in their own homes. We both found problems, which we reported urgently to the Prime minister of the day and Social services. A carer should have at least two years training in an elderly person’s nursing home or be a person that has reared their own family and are familiar with elderly peoples needs. Most of us will grow old and it is up to society to provide first class care. People caring for the elderly should be monitored very closely, many aged people are frightened to complain about the care service they receive, in case their care is removed, they fear having to leave their family home and placed in a nursing home. To some of our elderly a nursing home is considered prison.

WE ARE ALL COMPUTERS. We are all computers and we program, each other. We are all teachers and learners. Each one of us receives information that is not always true and in turn, we pass information to others that are not the truth, which means, we corrupt each other. It is so easy; when relating a story to someone, to exaggerate a little but it is important that we relate the truth to people we meet because by telling other person untruths, you are corrupting that person and they in turn will corrupt

others, when they relate the same story. This in turn creates problems for many people. Those people that take up employment, as computer programmers need to be special people. The attitude a person has is important, when programming computers. It is important that a computer programmer considers and understands the reactions of other people, when writing instructions for others to follow. An Ideal computer programmer is one that anticipates the reaction he gets from others. To write a good program procedure a programmer needs to understand all the problems relating to a particular department so that he can give consideration to identified problems, when setting up routes to follow. Having a basic understanding of psychology is an important factor when programming routes for others. Programmers need to be aware of human behavior patterns, which will save a company, time and money, providing he or she belongs to a secure trouble free family circle and is considerate to others, it will show through in the programs he or she writes. The computer programmer of the future will be a married man with his own home and several children. He will be free from debt and have very few problems. A computer programmer can and does corrupt computers with errors because of his life style; those errors cause other people within companies, many problems, not only in the work place but also in their family unit. Personnel managers in the future will interview both husband and wife, jointly and they will question them at length, about their family circumstances, before employing them. An employee that is happy and secure at home will be happy in the work-place and will be an asset to a company that employs them but an unhappy employee that is insecure at home will be unhappy at work and be a liability to the company that employs them. Personnel managers in the future will make a point of researching potential employees, family circle, background so that a company is able to recruit first class employees, based on a family circle that is secure and free from serious debts and problems. Problems unsolved cause other problems so it is important to recognize the basic principle of how important we are to each other, when trying to solve our problems.

FINDING EMPLOYMENT. It is most important when looking for employment, to find a job you are going to enjoy because if you don not enjoy the work you do, you will have less chance to succeed. It may be necessary to change jobs, several times, before you find the one that suits you. Being happy in the work place will ensure you are of value to the company that employs you. If you are unhappy at work, you will be unhappy at home and a liability to the company that employs you.

Many people today consider the job they do is just a way of earning a living and many are very unhappy at work, this in turn affects their home life, more than eight hours each day is spent in the work place so if you are unhappy with the job you are doing now, its now time for a change. UNEMPLOYMENT: Keeping a percentage of the work force, unemployed, is important because it is necessary for employees to be competitive with each other, just as companies are competitive. If a company advertises a position within it is work force it is important that they receive more than ten applications because if they do not and only receive perhaps only two or three, they have no choice but to compromise on their standards, which in turn reflects on the profitability of their company. Low unemployment causes inflation because once employers become less efficient they increase prices, which result in inflation. MONEY: In the future, Coins and Notes will disappear and will be replaced by 'Credits', which means everyone will be paid in 'Credits' i.e. so many 'Credits', for every hour worked, which will be paid, directly into their bank accounts by then the working year will be divided into thirteen, four week paydays, instead of the present, twelve monthly payments. Pensioners will also be paid in the same way, thirteen paydays per year instead of the present pay structure of weekly payments paid via, post offices, which will also, save them time and effort. Many aged pensioners have difficulties finding transport to collect their pension, each week and those that have elected to have their pension paid directly into their bank accounts, every four weeks, can easily be confused. Children will have their own 'Credits' via their personal card. Their pocket money will be credited to their card by their parents, each week, each purchase they make will be deducted from their card and at the same time they will receive from the store, a receipt, showing details of their purchase and credit balance, which will make them aware each time they make a purchase.

DEBT. The biggest problem to the family unit is 'Debt'. Many families units are deep in debt. It is the main cause of broken homes. Here in England we have numerous catalogues, which I have named, the Greedy books. It is the easiest form of credit here in England. Each catalogue contains thousands of items for sale; covering a large variety of products, it is credit out of control.

Some of our young people are deep in debt before they are eighteen years of age, catalogue are distributed to local agents, throughout the country and it is left to the agent to collect moneys from their own customers, for goods they have purchased and received. Many young people purchase via various companies catalogue and at time have several different accounts to pay each month, allowing our young people to get into debt causes problems to family circles, before they even start a family, strict credit control for our young people is necessary so that debt can be controlled, within the family circles. SEX: The second biggest problem within the family unit is 'Sex'. We all know that sex is necessary so that we can multiply. When we marry/partner, our sexual appetites vary. It is important that both partners understand each others sexual needs. There are two main causes of divorce or separation today and they are, 'Money' and 'Sex', which means lack of one or the other or lack of both. A couple can come to terms with each other’s sexual need if they learn to recognize the sexual pattern, when the pattern is established the partner with the high sex drive should masturbate so that their sexual appetite can be satisfied. The partner with the low sex drive should only make love when he or she feels the need to do so. Many people consider that sex is just for their pleasure but it is not, both partners should enjoy their lovemaking. When a woman has a baby her sexual appetite can disappear for some time and it is up to her partner to be understanding and not force his sexual advances on her. Partners that care for each other must not treat sex as the only pleasure in life.

PROSTITUTION: Whether we agree or not, prostitution is necessary because it helps prevent rape. However, prostitutes are to be moved off the streets and set up legally in special areas, where their health can be monitored, prostitutes and pimps that try to remain on the streets will be arrested and put into prison and given longer sentences each time they offend. Pimps will have all their assets confiscated. Sexually active un-married/un-partnered adults with high sex drive sometimes need the services of a prostitute and when they are removed from the streets and are set up legally, they too will be contributing to society.

SIXTEEN TO THIRTY YEAR OLD: Many of our sixteen to thirty year old males are a problem to society. They are single, energetic and sexually greedy. Many of them father children without any conscience or consideration for the mother, which means the mother, becomes a one-parent family and becomes a financial burden to us all. Many of this male age group is deep in debt and even if they do become a partner, they cannot provide, adequately, for their family. Making sure that when men father children, they take a test to identify whether or not they are the fathers can solve this problem. Young women that refuse to identify the father should be placed in a state run home so that she can give birth to her baby and then have it put up for adoption, those young women that have identified the father of their child should be helped by the state to find suitable rented accommodation. At the same time, the identified Child's father would financially help with the support of mother and child. Many young women, here in the UK, deliberately become pregnant, in order to leave their place of employment and their family home. They know that housing accommodation and income support is easily obtained, providing they claim their parents no longer want them, our sixteen to thirty year olds are not all irresponsible but the ones that are, cost us all time and money. If we recognize these problems, we will be able to solve them. PRISON: Removing a person’s freedom is punishment enough. Most people reform even if it does take several prison sentences. Those that continue to commit crime will receive longer prison sentences; prisoners are to get the chance to work within the prison and paid a weekly wage. An inmates working day must be from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm, with a one hour lunch break, those that do not wish to work in the various prison opportunities will be given limited visitors right, prisoners are not to be treated cruelly and allowed toilet facilities and a TV in their cells. Inmates that wish to take up further education must prove to the prison authorities that they have a genuine interest in the subject they wish study. This means they will take a computer aptitude test to reveal their suitability to a particular study course, inmates that are disruptive are to be given medication to calm them down and if necessary, placed in a secure padded cell, removing a persons freedom is to be considered the key factor for controlling criminal activity.

THE ELECTRIC CAR. The electric car is the vehicle of the future. Within the next few years the electric car will take over from the petrol engine but it will be only being manufactured in small quantities at first because of consideration to oil producing countries. Oilproducing countries will need time to adjust, if the electric car is produced in great numbers, oil-producing countries will be forced to raise their oil prices, in order to counteract the drop in revenue. The size and strength of the present-day battery is a problem but new technology will introduce a more powerful Battery. This will result in; batteries tied together in a block of four, with a combined weight, equivalent to fifty liters of petrol, with a power range of 150 miles, between charges. PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Over the coming years the population of this world will progressively increase, from its present day population of six billion, to a population of eighteen billion. Australia is a prime example how the population can increase. There will be at least 1,500 million people living in Australian, during years to come. Positioning desalination factories, around coastlines, will solve the main problem of water And powered by the tides, which will not only convert sea water to drinking water but also produce electricity. People in Asia and China will migrate to countries throughout the world and they will intermarry. The world’s population is slowly increasing and it is up to us all to take care of poorer nations so that they too can enjoy the standard of living, we enjoy in the west, people are greedy and must understand that by helping others they help themselves. We are moving forward and as we recognize the changes that take place we will consider each other. It will take a thousand years to educate and encourage the entire poorer nations to provide for themselves. The west will provide all the tools, seeds and equipment necessary so that they too can reach the same social standard that we all in enjoy in the west. The worlds population is developing towards 'Space Travel' but vast sums of money will not be used for serious space research until the poorer nations are in a position to contribute by then they will be enjoying their own computers and be able to choose their own direction in life and achieve their 'Eager Desires'. When I researched the subjects that you have just read; it was many years ago, way back in 1984. For some years now I have noticed changes in our social system, when I am watching TV, I often ask my Adviser for a decision relating to a particular subject. I.e. should we ban fox hunting in England? My Adviser answered 'Yes'. To further clarify that question - we should control foxes by destroying them humanely so they do not suffer.


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James

Combined Churches of the World

Queen Elizabeth 11 - ''Head of the Church of England''. Several years ago I wrote to the Queen and pointed out that 'King Henry V111' broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the 'Church of England'. I asked the Queen to consider trying to join the two churches together. The only difference between the two churches is the confession box. A confession box could be kept in place so people wishing to use it could do so. If all churches came together as one church many of the problems throughout the world would be resolved. Since my letter, the Queen visited the Pope at 'Vatican City', in fact the visit took place in the year 2000 - I have no doubt they discussed the two churches. Most people believe in Almighty God. After all, there is only one Almighty God. My wife is a Roman Catholic, I am Church of England, and our four children were baptized Catholics. I agreed that they should be brought up in my wife’s faith so Margaret and I could marry in our local 'Catholic Church'. My wife 'Margaret' instructed the catholic school headmaster that our children were not to be intimidated in any way when taking religious education. She remembers, when she was a little girl, how the headmistress questioned the children every Monday morning and said, Hands up who went to Sunday masses, those that did not put their hands up, were sent over to the priest to explain, and then made to take confession. Margaret recalls that after one of her many visits to the priest; she stole fruit from the peach tree in his garden because she was so annoyed with him. She knew that peach tree was his pride and joy and 'Yes', Margaret did confess her sin in the confession box the following Sunday. Religious teachings have now changed people's attitudes towards religion. Children of future generations need to believe in Almighty God and to be encouraged to believe their Awareness's are Almighty God's Children, 'Thoughts'. Many young people have reached the point now where they cannot be bothered to marry nor have their children baptized. However, instead of marrying they now speak in terms of having a partner but once a couple has conceived a child, they too commit adultery in Almighty God's eyes.

The Ten Commandments given to Moses by Almighty God represent our social Development. If we try to adhere to the commandments people of this world will develop socially towards a better life. With the many different religions that exist and all the pain and suffering in the world, it is understandable that many people refuse to believe in Almighty God. Sometime in the future, the 'Catholic Church' and 'Church of England' will come together as one church, other churches will be invited to join them, they will then be named: ‘The Combined Churches of the World'. Profiles of Joseph and Margaret James

My name is: 'Joseph Robert Neil James'. Author and publisher of 'Marriage of Mind and Body', my wife's name is 'Margaret'. We are both retired and have four adult children, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. At present my wife Margaret and I live in the small village town of Bidford-On-Avon. Situated seven miles from Shakespeare's birthplace at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England, I was born October 28th 1936, in a village called Broom, named by William Shakespeare as 'Beggarly Broom' - Broom is situated close to the river arrow, seven miles from Stratford-on-Avon and one mile from Bidford-on-Avon. Margaret was born in the town of Warwick, on June 11th 1938. She spent her childhood and teenage years in the town of Alcester, where she lived until we married in 1958. Margaret and I were married on March 29th - 1958 in 'Our Ladies St Josephs' Roman Catholic Church, located in Alcester; our four children were baptized in the same church, although the two youngest were born in Sydney Australia. I myself was baptized into the 'Church of England' at the small church at my place of birth, which is the village of Broom. My family the James's originates from the 'Forest of Dean', which is on the border between Gloucestershire and Wales. My father's parents migrated to Warwickshire from the town of Cinderford Gloucestershire in the 1930s - I believe some of my ancestors were charcoal burners in the 'Forest of Dean'. Margaret's family the Fitzgerald's originate from Southern Ireland. Margaret's mother and father arrived to Britain in the 1930s. Margaret’s father was Born 1920 and was killed in France, during the war with Germany in 1944. Margaret's mother Nellie Fitzgerald (Formerly Cook) Born 1916 died 1983.


Marriage of Mind and Body By: Joseph Robert Neil James.


same Awareness (conscious mind) has been the Awareness (conscious mind) of many people over the past thousands of years, which include: Adam and Eve. Tutankhamun and Ankhesenpaaten. Moses and Zipporah. Jesus and Mary. Mohammed and Khadija. William Shakespeare and Anne Hatherway. Joseph Robert Neil and Margaret James. People no doubt will ask me - can you prove your Awareness was the same Awareness of the people you listed above? - My answer could only be, NO. I cannot prove it. However, could anyone prove that my Awareness is NOT the same Awareness of the people I mention above? Information received via my pendulum, is prove enough for me. When Moses took his people out of Egypt it was to ensure that Egypt's development slowed down. If Moses hadn't taken his people out of Egypt, the people of this world would have built a 'Star Ship' and been traveling in deep space one thousand years ago and would have made contact with the Planet 'Tern' but it was not meant to be. The 'Bible and Qur'an' are religious history books. However, the 'Bible and Qur'an' has ensured that our social development advanced slowly. As we enter the twenty first century, we must allow our future generations to believe in Almighty God in the same way as the people of all the earth like planets in the universe do, which is to introduce this world’s people to a fourteen year awakening so that they too are aware of the 'Dimension Of 'Thoughts'. The Awakening of people of this world began in 1981. At present, it is very slow but will gain momentum in years to come. Meanwhile, now that our fourteen year Awakening has started, Almighty God has now reduced the fourteen year awakening period for all the populated planets, within the universe, down to twelve years, so people Awakening on those planets will feel one of those fuses break just as I experienced during my Awakening, Explained in chapter eight.

The people of those planets are able to reduce their ant-social behavior patterns and the Dimension of 'Thoughts' has now released new technology to them. It was my destiny to travel three time round the world and spend time living in Australia, return to England and receive a three year Awakening. As I look back through my practical experiences over the years, I can see many routes that I have followed, which as in many ways contributed to my Awakening. After reading the previous paragraph you may believe that the happenings of your life are predetermined but that is not so, I will now explain in a little more detail. Our body is born with a set of emotions, those emotions determine the attitudes we develop towards each other. However, when we are born our Advisers are programmed to help us achieve three basic principles throughout our life; those basic principles are as follows: To stay within the law. To achieve material wealth. To consider and care for others. Every Adviser encourages the person they represent to achieve those three basic principles. With the exception of the Advisers of Almighty Gods son and Daughter who have always received a fourth basic principle to achieve each time they reincarnated. • The fourth basic principle for 'Tutankhamun' was to prepare his tomb for his Reincarnation in the future. • The fourth basic principle for 'Moses' was to introduce his people to the ''Ten Commandments''. • The fourth basic principle for 'Jesus' was to claim he was Almighty Gods Son. • The fourth basic principle for William Shakespeare was to write his Plays and Sonnets. • The fourth basic principle for Mohammed was to teach the Qur'an' so that Muslims would know that Almighty God wanted people to believe in him. • The fourth basic principle for Joseph was to have an 'Awakening' within a three-year period and write this book so that others could Awaken and enjoy the thought of knowing life is perpetual.

With the exception of Almighty Gods Son and Daughter, everyone has destiny but it is not predetermined, everything that happens in the world is the result of us all communicating, with each other. This means we can look back on our life and say, what happened in the past was meant to happen but what happens in the future is 'unknown'. We all think we have freedom but we do not because everything in nature computes, which results in producing both social and anti social power. When we stop to think about our past, we are allowing our Adviser to remind us of the problems we have left behind, which need solving. When a person works with a pendulum, their Adviser helps them to solve problems with their superior logic. Every person that achieves the three basic principles is ready to transfer to 'Inner space' when their body dies. We will be encouraged to adhere to our basic principles, when we ask our Adviser if there are any problems to solve and if so, sit down and receive advice in order to solve them. Our Advisers cannot predict the future for us but they can help us plan our future. You maybe a person that reads your horoscope each day or may have your personal fortune-teller that advises you on a regular basis, both these help plan your future even though your future is yet to take place. The twelve star signs of the zodiac represent the twelve months of the year; each star sign complements the emotions because each month has its own special contribution to our body’s emotions. The signs of the zodiac represent the twelve months of the year and each month astrologers predict the future for all the star signs but if you look at the principle of astrology, you will understand how you could predict the future for any particular star sign. There are about six billion people on this planet, which means there are about '500,000' persons for each sign of the zodiac, half of them male and half female. This means that if you had a way with putting words together you could quite easily predict any thing for any of the signs of the zodiac. Just to give you an example of my statement I am going to predict for the star sign Scorpio that tomorrow you may receive a large sum of money. There are on average 1 in 12 readers to any newspaper or magazine that are Scorpio so I can guarantee from a readership of several thousand, some Scorpios will receive a large sum of money tomorrow. This means that whatever is predicted for any star sign on any day will come true for many readers. The signs of the zodiac are important to us because we need to know that our emotions are compatible with a particular sign of the zodiac, which in turn reminds us to be aware of communicating with people that we are not compatible. My wife Margaret is a Gemini - I am a Scorpio, which is two star signs, not compatible. However, Margaret and I have been married 51 years and have reared four children. In the early days of our marriage we would do battle, on a regular basis but over several years we learned to accept each others ways And have become inseparable.

When I began writing this book in 1984 - I said to my Adviser 'No one will believe my words', he agreed and said, 'as people begin to Awaken in the future they will relate their experiences to others just as you have so write your book Robert and let it propagate throughout Internet. As the years pass many more people will be receptive to a pendulum and begin to appreciate its true value' Chapter SIX of this book revealed that there are Six ‘Perpetual Motion Machines’ (Universe) - Information I received via my pendulum March 9th - 2009, revealed, there are five ‘Perpetual Motion Machines’ (universe) that have completed several cycles but our ‘Perpetual Motion Machine’ (universe) as yet to complete its first cycle. This means, Almighty Gods Son, should be recognized as a ‘Social Scientist’ because there is one of Almighty Gods Sons, in all six ‘Perpetual Motion machines’ (universes). Question: - WHO IS Almighty God? Answer: -

Father Time.

Question: - WHERE IS - Father Time? Answer: -


'' A Man That Knows And Knows He Knows Is A Wise Man '' <><><><><><>*************<><><><><><>

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