Marketing Your Business Effectively

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Marketing Your Business Effectively A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Charge Of Your Marketing By Wendy Hearn Business Growth Coach

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

Wendy Hearn Coaching Midsummer Court 314 Midsummer Boulevard Central Milton Keynes MK9 2UB UK

Tel: 01908 357899

Outside the UK, call 0044 1908 357899

[email protected]

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Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Where To Start. 3. Biggest Marketing Mistake

4. Contacts

5. Marketing Materials

6. Your Ideal Business

7. Your Business Vision

8. Attracting Perfect Clients

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

9. Your Values 10. Your Strengths, Talents and Abilities 11. Your Uniqueness 12. What Inspires You? 13. Go With Your Energy 14. Your Reason Why 15. Define Your Services 16. Understand Potential Clients’ Situations, Surface Issues or Problems 17. Your Perfect Clients’ Needs or Concerns

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

18. Features Of Your Services 19. Benefits of Your Services 20. Sell Solutions Not Your Services 21. Whom Do You Work With? 22. Be Unique and Stand Out 23. Be Exclusive & Qualify Potential Clients 24. The Steps In Your Process 25. Develop a System 26. Test, Test and Test Even More 27. Marketing Tactics

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

28. Do I Need a website? 29. Hiring Experts 30. Potential Clients’ Reservations 31. Plan Of Action 32. Use Visualization 33. Your Comfort Zone 34. Support & Encouragement 35. Be Consistent 36. Keep Learning 37. Assess Other Businesses’ Marketing

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

38. Acknowledge Yourself 39. Feedback On Your Marketing

1. Introduction “I

need paying clients.”


do I get new clients?”


struggle to make my marketing work.”


don’t know where to start with marketing.”


hate marketing and marketing myself feels horrendous.”

If you hear yourself saying any of these, then I’ve written this ebook especially for you. I’m asked by many business owners

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

how they can gain clients quickly for their service-based businesses. They’re either just starting their business and don’t know how to market themselves and their services, or if they have an existing business, they may have done some marketing but find it a real struggle and lots of hard work. The struggle comes from not personally enjoying the marketing or because they’re not getting the results they want, i.e., a stream of new clients. When you’re in business, whatever that might be, you’re also in the business of marketing your services. Like it or not, marketing is essential to your business and will, in some ways, always be a part of it. Therefore, you need to find a way of marketing which suits you, your style and which you actually enjoy. I truly believe you can find marketing that is enjoyable for you. At one time, I didn’t believe I would ever enjoy it. I thought it was a necessary evil, but now, not only do I love it but I work with other business people to develop their marketing! Even if you believe you’ll never enjoy it, I invite you to be open to the possibility that marketing may be enjoyable and that you can become proficient at it. Believing you’ll never enjoy marketing is only a story you’re telling yourself and at any time, you can choose to tell yourself a different story.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

When I speak with most people about marketing, they often say, “It just isn’t me” or “I don’t feel okay doing it”. They feel that to even do some marketing, let alone become really good at it, pulls them out of shape personally and feels awkward. I believe this to be the case when you haven’t identified your natural marketing style. There is a way to market that suits you quite naturally, which feels right for you, and I encourage you to discover it. I do appreciate how you currently feel about marketing. I had no marketing background so I was completely naïve when it came to marketing my business. I floundered around for longer than I care to remember and at the back of my mind, I hoped that new clients would appear as if by magic, so that I would never need to do any marketing again. I did say I was naïve!! It took me a long time before I realised that marketing was something I would always be doing, so I might as well find a way to enjoy it. This ebook is a brief overview of all that you need to consider when marketing and is founded on what I’ve learned over many years. Most of this learning has come from actually doing the marketing in my own businesses. Even today, my technique isn’t perfect and I still make mistakes, but I just keep learning, moving forward and gaining a deeper understanding of all that’s required to market effectively.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

It’s my intention to shorten the learning curve for you, to share with you a process that will enable you to market more effectively, as well as finding a way for you to enjoy it and be proficient at it. The process that I outline will help you to get to know yourself, your business and your marketing even better. This ebook is just a start. I encourage you to continue learning about marketing, improving and ultimately mastering it completely. Marketing is a work in progress. The most important part is to take action, to get out there and start practising. Taking action is the most critical part of your marketing. Without it, you’ll get nowhere and that is guaranteed! The best education you’ll receive about marketing is when you’re actually doing it. Even if you make mistakes, you can learn even more from them. I can share my experience with you but it’s down to you to do something with it. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all the possibilities, just remember you don’t need to do it all at once. You need to consistently take action and if necessary, by taking small steps. Great oaks from little acorns grow!

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

2. Where To Start. So, where do you start with your marketing? This ebook focuses only on the marketing aspects of gaining new clients. These may be new clients for a new business or for an existing business. If you have an existing business, you may have already covered some of these things. If so, I invite you to go through them again to pick up new ideas or to clarify some of the old ones. The more clarity you achieve, the easier the marketing becomes. Marketing is often a struggle when the water is muddied, you feel unclear and you’re overwhelmed. In most aspects of marketing, it’s always possible to achieve more clarity. Each time you attain more clarity, your marketing will move to a higher level. To help you see more clearly, keep working through each aspect of this ebook. Each time I go through it, I think, “Why didn’t I think of that before? It seems so obvious now.” As you market, you will grow and evolve personally, so each time you go through this process, you’re at a different stage and who you’re being as a person has shifted.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

3. Biggest Marketing Mistake The biggest mistake I see when anyone markets their business is that they start with one or two tactics, but have no clearly defined marketing strategy. Tactics are specific ways to achieve your strategy, such as direct mail, speaking, writing, website etc. – whereas a marketing strategy is the starting point; it defines the overall objectives and outlines a game plan. If you start only with tactics, you’re doing things the hard way because you may not be choosing the most effective marketing tactics for you. Without a marketing strategy, the tactics you choose won’t be as effective because the actions will be scattered and not derived from a sound game plan with all your objectives integrated into them. You probably picked a tactic that someone else you know is using or that they recommended and you think it will work for you. Well, it probably will because invariably all tactics work. You’ll find that each industry has its own preferred tactic but this may just be a habit rather than the most effective way of marketing for that industry. You define your marketing strategy by looking at the

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

landscape, seeing what you’re up against and devising an approach that will cut a clear, fast path through this. I’ve never spoken to anyone who has had a clear marketing strategy. I know, it’s sad that I don’t speak to many people! ☺ But seriously, most business owners don’t have a marketing strategy; they operate purely from marketing tactics. When you have a strategy, you’ll be streets ahead of the competition. Developing your marketing strategy is the only place to start – you’ll know where you’re heading, you’ll have clarity and focus. Tactics alone will leave you stabbing blindly in the dark and of course there is a chance that you’ll reach your target. But when you devise a strategy, it’s as if the lights have been turned on. You can see your target clearly and the simplest route to reach it. With a marketing strategy in place, you can choose the most effective tactics to reach your objectives. Your strategy will be integrated into any tactics you use and implemented at all times. This increases dramatically the effectiveness of your marketing. Instead of achieving one thing with each tactic and growing linearly, you’ll achieve all your objectives with each tactic and this will grow your business in many dimensions.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

4. Contacts Start with the contacts you already have. Even if you don’t have existing business contacts, you will know many people, or at least a few! Marketing is often approached from a scarcity mindset. That is a perception in your mind that there’s not enough – whether that’s potential clients, money or opportunities. With a scarcity mindset you’ll say, “There’s not enough people to buy my service”, “I don’t know enough people and those I do, won’t be interested in my services.” Instead, I invite you to approach marketing from a mindset of abundance. This mindset says there is more than enough and you can see there are more than enough clients/business for you. Start by identifying all the people you do know. You’ll be surprised how many people are on that list. Even if they’re not likely to buy your services, you may be able to tap into their network. You never know who knows whom. List everyone you know from friends and family to work or business colleagues and professional associations. When you’re clearer about what you’re marketing and to whom, return to this list and break it down into: 1) Potential clients

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

2) People to educate about your services who could refer potential clients to you. 3) Centres of influence. The people you know who are well connected with a large network. Incidentally, generating referrals from all your marketing is a great strategy. You’ll need to have a system for keeping in touch with these contacts, their networks and their referrals. Systems are the backbone of your marketing and need to be tested and duplicated. A system can also be implemented by someone other than yourself. So with a clear system that you have tried and tested, it’s easier to hand over to someone else to do the actual work. This frees you up from the mundane tasks of marketing to concentrate on doing the work you love and excel at, together with those aspects of marketing that you do well. It will also give you the time to grow your business by working on it not just working in it.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

5. Marketing Materials Some marketing materials such as business cards are essential. When you know specifically what you’re marketing and to whom, you’ll have a better idea of which materials would best support that. The trap to watch out for is not to have marketing materials such as brochures that allow you to hide behind them. It’s too easy to think you’re marketing if you’re sending or giving out lots of brochures. If it’s not bringing in results, such as new clients, it’s not working effectively. Even if it’s a tactic that’s brought you in one new client, it may still not be a worthwhile return on your investment of time and money. However, it’s often too easy with any of your marketing to think that it’s worth doing even to get just one new client. In situations like this, you may then find yourself justifying why you’re choosing particular marketing methods. Be aware of this and examine the reason behind it. It could be that fear has got in the way. The marketing materials you choose need to be right for you and your business, and only act as a support measure. They’re in addition to you. They don’t replace you. Clients buy people and even more so when you’re in a service business. They need the opportunity to experience and connect with you as a person.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

In a way, a website is a type of marketing material, and is a possible tactic for reaching your strategy. When it comes to marketing, I often hear “I think I need a website.” We’ll look at this later when we’ve covered some of the basics.

6. Your Ideal Business Before you start on any marketing, you need to know what you’re working towards. Many people set out without a clear destination in mind. Okay, you know you want clients, but do you know how many and what those clients would be like? Before you start attracting clients, let’s be clear about what your ideal business would be like, look like and feel like. You don’t want to attract clients and then find that you’re not doing the work you enjoy or you need to work hours that don’t suit you. You can design your business the way you want it to be. Not what someone else says it ‘should’ be, but what you truly want. I invite you to put pen to paper and design your ideal business, including the hours you want to work, the numbers of clients and the different services you offer. Include anything else that springs to mind as you consider what your ideal business looks and feels like.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Don’t stop short of going for what you truly want here. It may be that you need to make some compromise, but only do that when you’re really clear about what you ideally want. This way it’s a choice you make rather than feeling shortchanged. When you’ve finished designing your ideal business, notice what you’ve become aware of through this process.

7. Your Business Vision We’ll start by looking at the big picture with your business and then later, we’ll bring this down to specific daily actions. Defining the really big picture requires you to discover your vision – both personal and business. Although they are likely to be connected, they will be slightly different in that one has a personal, the other a business outlook. Your vision is what you see as possible and it’s so big that you’re not likely to achieve it ever. Your vision pulls you forward naturally, inspires you and will be with you at all times. Uncovering your vision can take time but evolves as you become clearer about many aspects of yourself. For now, just start from where you are and you can choose to explore it more at a later date. So, what do you see as possible?

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

From your vision, you’ll define your mission and your mission is what you’re here to do. Your mission is where you connect with the perfect clients for you. They will want what you have to offer, so there should be a perfect match. Rather than having clients you struggle to work with, marketing from your mission gives you clients which will be easy to work with. The final part of this is to know your purpose and your reason for being. All these aspects will be integrated into your marketing so that it’s meaningful for you, rather than going for some traditional sales pitch. It also means your marketing won’t be a scatter-gun approach, wasting lots of time and money on marketing that doesn’t fit you perfectly.

8. Attracting Perfect Clients Now let’s add some more detail to the process of attracting your perfect clients. There are more than enough clients out there for every business. All you need to do is define them specifically and then find the best way to attract them. So far, you know that your perfect clients would relate to your mission, what you’re here to do.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Now you need to consider what it is about clients that would make them a perfect fit for your business. When you work with these clients, the whole process is easier and more enjoyable. You look forward to working with them and you’re able to be at your absolute best, rather than dealing with clients that are hard work, stressful and you dread working with. If you’ve already worked with some clients, use them as reference points and write down what it was about them that made them perfect. Also write down what, if anything, was negative about them and for each item, write down what would have made them perfect – the flip side of the coin. Consider the qualities they possess, how they would show up as clients and who they are. Continue to add detail, evaluate and refine as you progress with your marketing. When you’re in contact with any potential clients, be aware of what they’re like and you may notice other things that you want to add to the perfect client list. Or there may be things on the list that you now decide aren’t important to you. Your perfect client profile will need to be integrated into every marketing activity you use, thereby discovering new clients who not only bring in the money, but are also perfect for you and the future of your business.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

9. Your Values Perfect clients will also be attracted by your values, whether they are conscious of this or not. Values are what matter to you and will have been expressed in various ways through your vision, your mission and your purpose. Being clear about your own values will help with all your marketing. When you know your own values, you’ll be able to see if they fit with potential clients, either from their words or actions. This saves you wasting time on a potential client which will either lead nowhere or to work that is unsatisfying to you.

10. Your Strengths, Talents and Abilities Focus on your strengths when marketing. It’s all too common for people to know their weaknesses and work to improve them. You look at what you’re not good at, what’s wrong and what needs fixing. Then you wonder why marketing is hard work and why you don’t enjoy it. Yes, there may be some new things you need to learn and practise, or to extend the edge of your comfort zone. But I

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

invite you to start only from your strengths, not your weaknesses. You may need to find a way to work around any weaknesses, but concentrate on your strengths and build on them for an easier route to successful marketing. There are two different ways to use your strengths when marketing. One of them is that knowing your strengths, talents and abilities enables you to communicate them to potential clients. Your unique combination of qualities may be exactly what they’re looking for. Your strengths will be one way to attract perfect clients and will enable you to do the work at which you truly excel. When marketing, you’ll let them know how your strengths, talents and abilities fit their needs and particular situation – assuming they do. If your strengths don’t match, you can let a potential client know that you’re not the right person for them. The other area where you use your strengths, talents and abilities is when you choose your marketing tactics. Too many people rely on what has worked for others. Well, this may work for you, but it’s much better to use marketing tactics that play to your strengths.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

So, if you’re a good speaker and really enjoy it, it makes sense that this should be one of your marketing tactics. Don’t allow yourself to get caught in the trap of “there’s nothing that I’m really great at”. Yes, there is and you may need to dig deeper or be willing to see that there are things that you’re brilliant at. It may also be that at first you can’t see how you can use a particular strength when marketing. There is a way and I invite you to be open to seeing it. However, start by writing down the strengths, talents and abilities that you’re currently aware of. Keep adding to them and refining them, and as you develop more clarity, some connections will become clear.

11. Your Uniqueness There are two parts to marketing from your uniqueness. One is defining what is unique about you as an individual and unique about your business; the other is, what is unique about the services you offer. We’ll explore the second part in more detail later. For now, we’ll focus on you being a unique individual. When you’re truly in touch with what’s unique about you, you’ll

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

market from a position of strength, abundance and clarity. Your uniqueness is made up of the strengths, talents and abilities we’ve previously covered, and also your background, past experiences, style, approach and most importantly, your way of being. It’s the whole mix that makes up you and that you’ll bring to the services you offer. Knowing your uniqueness increases your confidence and when you’re marketing potential perfect clients, they will naturally pick up on this confidence. Your communications will be much clearer and more specific.

12. What Inspires You? When you discover what it is that inspires you, you’ll be more enthusiastic and that’s attractive to clients. Not any old clients, just the clients that are perfect for you and your business. Your inspiration is tied into your vision, mission, purpose and values. One of the things that inspires me is ‘possibilities’. I love it when there are many varied and tremendous possibilities. My clients appreciate it when I open up possibilities for them.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

You’ll attract like for like, i.e. someone who wants to emulate you. Again there are two parts to this one. One is that whatever inspires you is likely, at some level, to inspire and connect with your potential perfect clients. They’ll either be the same things for you both, or something that a potential client sees that you have and they want some of it, hence the attraction to you. The second part to knowing what inspires you is so that you can continually tap into this inspiration as you’re marketing. Your marketing will need to be done consistently and you’ll need to be enthusiastic about your services. It’s your inspiration that will keep moving your marketing forward each day. I invite you to discover what leaves you feeling inspired. It may be people, your environment, your thoughts and ideas, or reading and music. Even when you know what inspires you, at any given moment this may falter, so I encourage you to take time out and re-energise your inspiration. It may not take long and the investment is well worth it. I also suggest that you make sure you’re feeling inspired before you do any marketing. Even if you’re only writing a few words for a marketing piece, it’s surprising how people pick up that something’s not right, missing or off-key about it.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

13. Go With Your Energy This is similar to being inspired and again you need to recognise your own energy level. It doesn’t have to be the “rara” type of energy found in motivational events; it’s the energy that’s right for you to be creative, productive and effective. It may be that it’s a more peaceful and grounded energy that you have. There will be times when your energy is just right and I encourage you to go with this when you’re marketing. Potential clients will pick up on this energy. On the other hand, when your energy isn’t right, I encourage you not to do any marketing at all. It will probably feel like a struggle for you; you won’t come across well and you may feel even worse because marketing from the wrong energy doesn’t usually work. If your energy isn’t right, leave your marketing and find something to restore it. When your energy is right for you, harness the power and stride forward with your marketing. If there are times when you’re not sure what your energy is like, start some marketing for at least a couple of minutes. You’ll soon see what your energy is like and you can choose to continue or leave it.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

14. Your Reason Why You need to know specifically what your reason is for building your business. Without a compelling reason why you’ll struggle to continue. Energy and inspiration will also come from your reason why. When you have a compelling reason why, you’ll see the necessity of marketing as a tool to reach goal. Marketing will form an essential part of what you’re doing. You’ll see the importance in the big picture; it’s not something you need to put up with for the time being or struggle to make yourself do. It’s essential that marketing becomes a part of your everyday activities and that it’s enjoyable for you to do. Your reason why needs to be so strong that you jump out of bed in the morning looking forward to the day ahead; seeing where marketing fits into the picture. I invite you to ask yourself, “What will building your business give to you personally?”

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

15. Define Your Services Now let’s shift the focus onto your perfect clients and move towards having a plan to take action. You first need to define the specific services you offer. When they start marketing, too many people give their service too general a name, e.g. coaching, web developing, consulting, accounting, legal advice etc. The problem is, this is too vague for many potential clients, particularly if you want to attract perfect clients. Yes, this will give most people an idea about your services but it will be too general and lack impact. Their impression of the service you’re offering may not even be correct, because clients have assumptions about different services. This lack of clarity often results in potential clients not taking action and finding out more about your service. You need to define your services more specifically, which will probably mean you end up with a number of specific services or even a whole list. The more specific they are, the easier it is to market and for potential perfect clients to understand what you offer. Ensure that all your services tie in with all the previous things we’ve covered. In particular, what are the services that your perfect client would want? There’s no point offering all the services you possibly can, when some or even Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

many won’t fit with your perfect client. Having previously defined what your perfect client profile is for your overall business, you need to take this and streamline it for each of your services. For a particular service, this may mean adding or removing things that you had in your general perfect client profile. This will give you a perfect client profile for each specific or niche service you offer. You need to know your services specifically to know what you’re offering when marketing. This stops you from becoming a jack-of-all-trades and you’ll be able to stand out uniquely in the marketplace.

16. Understand Potential Clients’ Situations, Surface Issues or Problems The most important thing to a potential client is that you fully understand their situation, surface issues or problems and keep your marketing completely focused on them not on you. Your marketing needs to start from the situations in which your potential perfect clients would find themselves. This means marketing to them on an emotional level because all buying is done emotionally.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Define the specific situations, surface issues and problems your perfect clients would be facing. The more specific these situations, the easier it will be to reach and attract clients through your marketing. You also need to communicate in language your perfect clients will hear and relate to. Consider what your perfect clients would be saying about this particular situation, issue or problem. Use the words clients use and not necessarily the words that are used in your industry. This is all about the client and they need to know that.

17. Your Perfect Clients’ Needs or Concerns Your focus also needs to be on your potential perfect clients when you’re discovering their needs or concerns. Finding out what they need is essential to the process of marketing and selling. Give clients what they want, not what you think they want. When you understand fully what potential clients need, offering them the right solution becomes easy. They’ll feel heard and understood, and hence more receptive to your solutions. However, only offer your solution if it’s truly the best for them. If it’s not, say so. You’ll benefit in the long run from this honest and pragmatic approach.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Also, only offer your services as a solution if this is your perfect client. If they’re not, don’t think you can adapt to suit. In order to find out what your clients need, you’ll have to be open to listening more than you think and be willing to enquire further. As you spend more time with potential clients, discovering their needs or concerns, you’ll notice some similarities in the needs your perfect clients have. The more you understand their needs and concerns, the more you’ll be able to communicate this in your marketing. List the needs and concerns your potential perfect clients may have.

18. Features Of Your Services The features of your services are their attributes, the factual statements. The features are what your service does, how it operates and how it works. This is where too many people focus their marketing because often they know the technical aspects of their services very well. This is a big mistake because features don’t sell services.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Potential clients buy benefits and solutions. However, you’ll still need to understand specifically and communicate the features, because potential clients will need to know what it does and how it works. Then you’ll use the features to support your benefits and solutions. List all the features of each specific service. You’ll find that many features are the same for each specific service. However, it’s a good marketing habit to look at each service individually. When you have your list, go through them and mark the features your perfect client would be looking for and rank them in order of importance. This isn’t what you think is important; it’s what your perfect clients would say is important.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

19. Benefits of Your Services The next step is to define what the benefits are for each of your services, i.e. what’s in it for the clients. In what way will your service help them, leave them feeling better and improve things for them? Dig deep and look for all the benefits. Often the deeper we dig and explore, the better responses we come up with. Clients buy what’s important to them – the benefits. You need to ensure that all your marketing contains this important information, and in a way that your perfect clients would understand, to help them to reach their decision more quickly. Look at your list of features and for each one, show the benefit they will get. A powerful question to ask of each feature is, “So what?” and keep asking this until you’ve got to the most important benefits. Other questions to ask are “What makes this feature important to clients?” and “What’s in it for the client?” Now ask: what problems or concerns can this feature address? You’ll discover the benefits through this process. Only keep on your list the benefits your perfect client would want. To reach your perfect clients effectively, you’ll need to speak in their language and this includes the benefits that are

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most important to them. Prioritise the list of benefits and decide which is the main benefit your potential perfect clients want. You may find that for each of your services the number one benefit isn’t the same and that’s okay. You may find that, as you progress with your marketing to understand potential clients and work with more clients, you’ll change some of the benefits or even the number one benefit. Never believe you know it all; be open to learning more from clients. The more marketing you do, the more you’ll learn, evolve and evaluate to take your marketing to a new level. To be even clearer about the benefits of your services, take a further step and focus on the results they would obtain from each feature. For each one you’ve listed, ask, “What result would they get from ……. (insert a feature)?

20. Sell Solutions Not Your Services When they’re marketing, too many people talk about their services and go into a lot of detail about them. Potential clients aren’t particularly interested in the specific services you offer;

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all they want to know is whether you offer what they’re looking for – a solution to their problems. They want to know that you can solve their problems, so you need to focus on selling solutions. From your list of specific situations, issues or problems your potential perfect clients would be facing, list the solutions for them.

21. Whom Do You Work With? Now you can start to bring all this together into a succinct, powerful statement specifically defining whom you work with. It’s essential to have a short statement of whom you work with and what you do, for focus and clarity when communicating with potential perfect clients. This acts as your 10-second introduction, also known as an elevator speech. You can have many different statements, with each explaining one of your specific services. You’ll use whichever is the most appropriate with your potential perfect clients. Keep these statements as specific as possible because this makes it easier to attract perfect clients. You need a short, precise statement which you can use in much of your marketing and expand on as required. The statement starts “I work with” and defines

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

specifically whom your service is for and either what their problem or situation is, or the benefit they most want. The intention is that it creates a desire and a curiosity for more information from you and invites their question “How do you do that?” Behind this, they’re also asking “Can you do this for me?” Pick the most appropriate statement for each marketing tactic you use and the intended audience. So, if you’re at a networking event with business people, choose the statement that’s most likely to fit with business people. If you’re delivering this statement, don’t learn it parrot fashion. You need to say it with passion, excitement and an enthusiasm spoken from your heart with real meaning. In order to do this, you may choose to know your statements generally and let your intuition and energy kick in at a given moment and trust yourself you’ll choose the right words. If they’re a perfect client, then ideally you’ll hear them say something along the lines of “Wow, how do you do that?” Having caught their attention, you’re in a position to take the next step with them. You will need to know specifically what the next step is in your process.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

22. Be Unique and Stand Out Many business people think their service is of use to anyone. When asked to identify their market, they’ll answer “Everyone”. While this may be true to some degree, this thinking will prevent you from marketing effectively. Although everyone potentially could benefit from your service, there are people who are more likely to buy what you offer. Effective marketing requires that you reach out to and attract these people, and these people only. One of the biggest mistakes in marketing is trying to be everything to everyone. When you do this, you dilute your marketing messages. These messages get lost amongst the millions of others. You need you, your business and your marketing to stand out from the crowd. The best way to do this is to understand fully the uniqueness of the service you offer. It may be in the way you deliver your service, the processes you use or the wealth of knowledge you have in a specialised area. When you know the uniqueness of your service, use it in all your marketing to stand out from the crowd. Don’t be another “Look at me, I’m the same.”

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

23. Be Exclusive & Qualify Potential Clients When you’re marketing, it’s extremely important to come from a place of abundance, knowing that there are more than enough perfect clients for you, even if you don’t have them at the moment. When you come from a place of scarcity, you’ll feel that there aren’t enough potential clients and jump at the first ones that come along. One way to feel abundant when marketing is to be exclusive. In other words, you don’t work with just anyone. When you were profiling your perfect clients, things will have come up that you can now use to be exclusive. Take items from your perfect client profile and use them as a way to eliminate some clients. This can be done by letting potential clients know what they would need to do or be in order to work with you. You can also interview and pre-qualify a client to see if they fit for you. Not only are you more likely to work with perfect clients this way, but rather than ‘trying to sell’ your service, they will want to buy it. This creates an urgency and a desire for your service that may not have been so strong before. To save time carrying out pre-qualification with every potential client who contacts you, ensure that much of this is implemented through all your marketing beforehand.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

24. The Steps In Your Process You need to work out all the steps you’ll want a potential client to take through your marketing. It’s no good having a conversation with a potential client if you aren’t clear with them what the next step is. You’ll come across as wishy-washy and this isn’t attractive to clients. Having a clear step by step process means you’ll know what’s next and be able to lead the potential client forward. You’ll feel more confident when you have a specific process. People like to be led and they want to know that you know what you’re doing. Define all the steps from the beginning, from the first contact with you right through to the end, when you both choose whether you’re going to work together or not. Make the process specific and detailed. There may be times when one or more steps are combined; that’s fine, as long as you know where you are in the process and what’s next.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

25. Develop a System Once you’ve defined the process, develop a system so that all your marketing supports it. You’ll have a system for moving potential clients forward from the initial contact. The processes and systems may vary with each marketing tactic you use. This will allow you to track all potential clients, know where they are in the process and what needs to happen next. You’ll also need to develop systems for your marketing prior to any contact with potential clients – a system for methodically and consistently carrying out each and every piece of marketing that needs doing. When you have a marketing system in place, it’s easier to hand some of the many tasks over to someone else to do. This will mean that your marketing is happening without you personally doing all the work. You can focus on the marketing aspects that only you do well or the work that you love doing.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

26. Test, Test and Test Even More The processes and systems that you’ve defined will need to be tested. In fact, all your marketing will need to be tested. This is one of the most important activities of marketing and yet it’s overlooked by the majority of people. When you test every part of your marketing mix, you’ll see what works, what doesn’t and what needs changing. There isn’t one single part of all this that doesn’t need testing. You’ll need to test every individual part of your marketing materials, your perfect client profile, the features, benefits, results they want etc. When you come to choose the marketing tactics you’ll use, you’ll need to test these tactics to discover which are best for reaching the objectives of your marketing strategy. Test whom you’re attracting and make any necessary adjustments in your marketing.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

27. Marketing Tactics This is the place where most people start with their marketing. The reason it’s so far into this ebook is because it’s not the place to start. Most people choose their marketing tactics based on what they’ve seen other people use or because they’re familiar with them. However, you need to choose the marketing tactics that fit best for reaching your perfect clients and your objectives most effectively. There are many marketing tactics to choose from and most have been around for a long time. As a general rule, there are no new marketing tactics, only a new spin on an existing tactic. The various tactics include: ·



Public speaking






Direct Mail




Newsletter – printed and email


Workshops & seminars

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Marketing Your Business Effectively


Writing articles and reports




Advertisements – e.g. newspapers, magazines, directories, radio, TV







Considering everything you’ve thought about and clarified so far with your marketing, choose the tactics you’re going to use. Ultimately, the more tactics you use, the more legs you’ll have to support your marketing. However, each of these tactics on their own can be quite large, so you may want to start with one and then add more as your marketing muscle develops. Some tactics may naturally flow from your first choice. If, for instance, your initial tactic is networking or a website – as a means to keep in contact with potential perfect clients, you may introduce the concept of a newsletter. The important thing is that, in every tactic, you fully implement your marketing strategy. When you’re choosing what marketing tactics to use, you need to think about where your perfect clients will hang out and with Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

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whom. Where are you most likely to come into contact with large numbers of your perfect clients?

28. Do I Need a Website? A lot of people think they need a website as part of their marketing and it’s something I get asked about a lot. A website is one of my main marketing tactics so naturally a lot of people find me through my website and think this is the way they need to go. Having a website has worked really well for me; however, it may not be the best route for you. There are many advantages to having a website and it may be one of the best tactics for you to use when marketing. However, until you’re clear about your marketing strategy and whom specifically you want to reach, I suggest the idea of a website stays as a possible tactic. After all, a website is just one of many options. When you’ve got the clarity you need about your marketing strategy, you’ll know if it’s one of the most effective tactics for

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you to use. It’s too easy to invest time and money in a website because it seems as if everyone else has one or you think you ‘should’ have one. Before investing time and money in a website, I suggest you consider all the previous things I’ve mentioned and then see if this is the most effective and natural choice for you. It may not be the best way to reach your perfect clients. You need to know from your marketing strategy what objectives you want your website to achieve for you. If you’ve worked all through the previous advice on marketing and you do decide to have a website, you’ll have done much of the groundwork needed to make your website successful and effective. The other point to consider is that many people see a website as a marketing tool, which in many ways it is. However, even the website itself still needs to be marketed, because without visitors, you’ll get nowhere. If you decide to have a website, remember that there are millions of websites and yours will need to be found. A website that is lost among millions of others won’t bring you maximum results. Marketing your website will require knowledge of how to market on the internet, including search engines, directories, ezines etc. You’ll also need to develop processes and systems for your website and test all facets of your marketing.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

29. Hiring Experts There will be times when it’s appropriate to hire an expert for some of your marketing, perhaps for PR or writing copy. Before you hire anyone, I suggest that you first develop a good overall idea of what you want. With your marketing strategy in place, you’ll know the objectives you want to achieve, and can communicate these clearly to any expert. What often happens is that an expert is hired because we think we won’t have to do anything. We dump the job on them, sometimes unintentionally, and then wonder why it didn’t work well. However, they’ll still need a good understanding of your business and your needs, and they’ll only get this if you know it yourself. Generally, an outside expert will only have expertise in particular marketing tactics, so you’ll still need to know the overall picture of your marketing and you’ll still need to have a mix that includes what they’re doing. If you don’t know it and don’t communicate it properly, you could end up with the expert doing a great job but it’s taken you down the wrong path, perhaps by not attracting the perfect clients for you. The time to hire an expert is when you have a great marketing strategy and they have the knowledge, skills or contacts that either you don’t, or where it isn’t worthwhile for you to learn.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

30. Potential Clients’ Reservations One of the items you need to address through your marketing is the reservations that your potential perfect clients may have. They may have concerns about how your service will work, what will happen and what they will need to do. It may be that your service is new or different and not what they’re used to. People like to feel comfortable with their decisions. You need to look at the services that you offer by putting yourself in your potential clients’ shoes and see what they may feel unsure about. Consider the reservations they may have and what may hold them back from using your service, and address them through your marketing.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

31. Plan Of Action Action is the critical part and now we need to bring all the strands together and arrive at a plan of action. This plan needs to suit you personally. Now, I’m not a great planner because I prefer to be in the moment and let it unfold, and too much planning doesn’t allow me to do that. You need to do as much planning as suits you. If you’re someone who likes everything to be planned out and this works well for you, then I encourage you to apply your usual planning process to all that we’ve covered. However, if you’re someone who prefers to be in the flow and who takes inspired actions in the moment, it is important that you keep focused. Without focus, the actions you take will end up scattered all over the place. This isn’t going to move your marketing ahead quickly and effectively. Focus comes from being truly in touch with your vision, mission and purpose. This is your bigger picture and all the actions you take need to be aligned with this. Focus also comes from doing only a few things and doing them well. So to be focused in your marketing, I suggest harnessing the power of three. This means that, at any one time, you’re only

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working on a maximum of three things with your marketing. Pick the three areas you’re going to focus on with your marketing, and then decide for each area what the next action needs to be. This will give you just three actions to take; it keeps you focused and not overwhelmed when you think about all there is to do. When you choose each action, tailor it to what suits you. Sometimes it may be that the action is fairly small, particularly if fear is getting in the way. At other times, you may choose a larger action or even an outrageous one. An outrageous action is one that really takes you out of your comfort zone, pushes your edge and at the same time is exciting for you. Be committed to these three actions and when they’re completed (and only then), choose the next action step from each of the three parts of your marketing that you’ve chosen. If other ideas or actions spring to mind, jot them down and slot them in when they become the next obvious action. Ensure that from your vision, mission and purpose, you’re focusing on the right three actions for you. Your vision naturally pulls you forward in the right direction and the three smaller steps keep you moving ahead in alignment with your bigger picture.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

32. Use Visualization Using visualization in your marketing is a very powerful way to be in the moment with it and for the next step to unfold naturally. Visualization paints a picture in your mind so you can communicate through the actual marketing you do. It can be used to help you profile your perfect clients, discover processes and systems, build your confidence, keep you inspired and give you clarity. Visualizing is a simple process, so start wherever you feel comfortable, taking it one step at a time. To start the process, close your eyes if possible, and begin to bring any aspect of your marketing to life. See yourself as the marketer you want to be so that your marketing flows naturally and you attract your perfect clients. Take notice of what's going on as you see this picture; who you are being and what it looks and feels like. Note your feelings as you're visualizing and it's the positive, forward moving, enthusiastic feelings you need to associate with. These feelings will enable you to move forward in a natural, inspiring way. Create visualizations for yourself around marketing and use them often. I encourage you particularly to use visualization first thing in the morning, last thing at night and when your belief in yourself is faltering.

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

33. Your Comfort Zone For your marketing to be effective, you will need to grow and learn personally. Often this will take you out of your comfort zone. When you step forward with things that are uncomfortable, fear will often appear. Fear often gets in the way of marketing and as you work through all this, it’s inevitable that fear will raise its ugly head. Be aware of the times when fear shows up and stops you in your tracks. The only way to handle fear is to face it and take action. Don’t analyse it or beat yourself up for having fear. It’s a normal reaction that we as human beings have. I invite you to notice the fear, acknowledge it, become its friend and then take an action, however small, to face it and move beyond it. Stepping out of your comfort zone will make you look at the beliefs you hold. You will have beliefs about yourself and marketing. Some of these will move you towards success with your marketing and others won’t. The beliefs you hold now, whether useful or not, will fit comfortably into the box that surrounds your comfort zone. As you step out of this in order to improve your marketing, the beliefs that are holding you back will start to challenge you. Be aware of these beliefs, choose a belief that will fit better for you in terms of being an effective marketer, and then take action to support and reinforce that new belief. Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

34. Support & Encouragement Fear and not taking action consistently will get in the way of marketing effectively if you allow it to. Think about the support, encouragement and accountability that you’ll need to keep moving your marketing forward. Perhaps you need to find a buddy and work together; supporting, encouraging and holding each other accountable, particularly when taking action. Remember, you don’t have to do this on your own and working with others often makes the process easer and more enjoyable. A coach is the perfect partner to inspire, challenge and encourage you. You’ll feel accountable, supported and keep moving ahead faster and more effectively.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

35. Be Consistent Being successful at marketing requires you to be consistent. Jumping around and trying out many different things invariably doesn’t get you far. It’s when you take consistent actions that your marketing will start to bring in the best results. You also need to get into the habit of taking consistent actions now so that you don’t fall into the trap of finding that, because you’re not taking action, the new clients coming in have dried up. I’ve seen this happen so many times and, yes, I’ve done it myself on more occasions that I care to remember! You do some marketing, get some new clients, so you slow down or stop your marketing. Then as you’re completing the work with some of these clients, you notice that there are no new clients in the pipeline. So you have to start marketing again. This results in the ups and downs experienced by many professional service businesses. You’re either busy working with clients or busy marketing and what you really need is a consistent mix of both. When you’re busy working with clients, if you develop the processes and systems that I’ve mentioned before, you’ll know specifically what needs to be done with your marketing, so you’re not lost. Some of the processes and systems will kick in and work almost on their own, and you can choose to have Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

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someone else do some of the admin tasks related to your marketing. If you’ve done the groundwork, continuing with your marketing will be much easier.

36. Keep Learning Marketing is a big learning curve. Even when you’ve learnt about every aspect of all marketing tactics, there will still be plenty more to learn about yourself, your business and your potential perfect clients. When you’re open to learning you’ll continue to make improvements and won’t become complacent. Each improvement you make increases the power of your marketing. I invite you to be open to learn continually about marketing as a whole. Because there is a lot you could learn and you may feel overwhelmed by it all, I encourage you to keep focused by asking yourself each day this one question, “What one thing specifically did I learn today about marketing and in what way am I going to use this from now on?” After asking yourself the question, give yourself the opportunity to hear your response. The learning may have come from something you read about marketing, a connection with a client or something completely unrelated that sparked a thought for you around marketing. Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

37. Assess Other Businesses’ Marketing One way of learning more and improving your marketing is to study what others do. This isn’t about stealing their ideas; it’s about seeing something that may ignite a spark for you. Perhaps they include something in their marketing that you hadn’t thought of, or you are reminded of something you knew and you now decide to test through your marketing whether it works for you or not. This is the important part, looking at what others are doing and seeing if, in any way, it could work for you. When you’re reading other businesses' marketing materials, be aware of how it leaves you feeling. I’ve read some marketing stuff I disliked intensively and some that’s really grabbed my attention. I invite you to look at what it is that feels right for you and what doesn’t feel right, that you can integrate into your marketing accordingly.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

38. Acknowledge Yourself Move beyond your comfort zone and fear, and perhaps some of the new things you’re experimenting with through this process of marketing may leave you feeling doubtful. Results may appear very quickly and that’s great, but they may take longer than you want. Apart from being exciting, this period of growth may also leave you feeling the need for a pat on the back – some acknowledgement. Being acknowledged for what we’ve done and who we are is essential to everyone and I invite you to make sure that you’re getting more than enough acknowledgement. If you’re working with a coach, it’s a natural part of what they do to acknowledge you. If you’re working with others, choose to acknowledge each other. I believe the most important thing is to acknowledge ourselves. Each day, acknowledge yourself for at least three things that you’ve done today or who you were being, for example, if you faced some fear, then acknowledge yourself for being courageous.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

39. Feedback On Your Marketing Whatever you think about your marketing, it’s going to be your potential perfect clients that really count. They’re the ones you want your marketing to speak to and attract. You need to be open to their feedback on your marketing. There may be some people who are your perfect clients and whom you can ask directly for their feedback on any part of your marketing. The other way to receive feedback from your potential perfect clients is to be open to all that’s going on when you’re communicating with them. Notice what they’re saying so you can see what needs adding to, removing or improving in any part of your marketing. For example, you may notice that they talk of a benefit that you hadn’t highlighted as being of major importance, that you hadn’t even thought of. You may notice that many of them are in a particular industry and you can choose to target this industry more. It’s surprising what you can learn from your potential perfect clients if you open yourself up to it. Then take your learnings and integrate them into all your marketing.

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Great! Now you've read to here, I trust that you've found the information helpful and you can put it to profitable use in your marketing.

Taking actions is the important step, so I invite you to respond to these questions in writing: What one thing specifically did you learn from this ebook? In what way are you going to put that into action? How will you make sure that you follow through with this action? Let me know how you get on, I’d love to hear from you. [email protected] What do you most need help with regarding your marketing at this point? Click here for more help and advice. Be sure to receive my latest marketing tips, articles and resources straight to your email:

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What I want for you is an abundance of perfect clients. I encourage you to shift your marketing to being enjoyable, effective and successful. Go on, you can do it! Keep taking the actions and the results will appear.

To your marketing and business success.

Wendy Business Growth Coach

I work with business people just like you, who struggle with their marketing and together we discover how to have plenty of clients, higher profits and work less hours. I'm an entrepreneur, an award-winning business growth coach, and have been building and running businesses since 1983. I started with websites and the internet in 1997. Winner of Small Business Consolidator - sponsored by Barclays Bank plc and The Millennium Woman Awards

Copyright  2007 Wendy Hearn - All Rights Reserved

Marketing Your Business Effectively

My training is both formal and real world. I’m a graduate of Coach U and Corporate Coach U A lot of my learning has come from growing my own businesses in the trenches not just theories. I appreciate the difficulties and frustrations you face when marketing and enrolling clients, and can help you find a successful way forward.

For more information of my services, please click here

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Wendy Hearn winner of Small Business Consolidator - sponsored by Barclays Bank plc and The Millennium Woman Awards

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Marketing Your Business Effectively

Wendy Hearn Coaching Midsummer Court 314 Midsummer Boulevard Central Milton Keynes MK9 2UB UK

Tel: 01908 357899 Outside the UK, call 0044 1908 357899 [email protected]

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