Mark Scheme 2006

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Edexcel GCSE Leisure and Tourism 5346

June 2006

Leisure & Tourism 5346

Edexcel GCSE

Mark Scheme (Results)

GCSE Leisure & Tourism 5346 Mark Scheme June 2006 Question 1. (a)

Example answers Countryside Recreation – walking Catering – eating in a restaurant Home-based leisure – watching a video

AO1 1. (b)

Sport and physical recreation (2) Physical Recreation (1) Sport and physical (1) Sport and recreation (1) Sport (1) Physical recreation and sport (2) Arts and entertainment (2) Entertainment and arts (2) Entertainment (1) Arts (1) Children’s play activities (2) Children’s play (1) Children’s activities (1) Play activities (1) Visitor attractions (2) Attractions (1)


On-line travel services – Internet (1) Organisations that can arrange your holiday through the Internet. (2) Travel agents – Sell holidays (1) Provides advice on holiday arrangements and sells holidays such as package holidays to customers. (2) Transportation– Train/plane/coach etc (1) Organisations that provide methods of transport to take you from one place to another e.g. train. (2)

Marks awarded One mark for each example correctly linked to activity. No marks if more than one line used. (3) 2 marks for each correct key component identified. Max 2 marks only if exact term used. No credit for words that just appear in the sentence.

(4) Up to 2 marks for each description 1 mark for basic description or example identified 2 marks for detailed description



3. (a)

E.g. Cooks (1) Prepares meals for people who eat in the restaurant. (2)

3. (b)

E.g. Safety in the water (1) Watches people swimming if they start drowning they dive in to help them. (2)

3. (c)

E.g. Booking service (1) e.g. gives advice on local attractions (2) Booking service for local accommodation (2)

Up to 2 marks for each duty described 1 mark for basic description 2 marks for detailed description (4) Up to 2 marks for each duty described 1 mark for basic description 2 marks for detailed description (4) Up to 2 marks for each duty described 1 mark for basic description 2 marks for detailed description (4)


4. (a)

Anne Hathaway’s Cottage (1) Gower memorial (1) Shakespeare’s Birthplace (1) Hall’s Croft (1) Royal Shakespeare Theatre (1) Holy Trinity Church (1) Nash’s House (1) Guild Chapel (1) Shakespeare’s Monument (and Grave) (1) Mary Arden’s House (1) New Place (1) Harvard House (1)

4. (b)

McDonalds (1) Caffe Uno (1) Ripple Cafe (1)

4. (c)

1 mark for each appropriately named place of historic interest. Words in brackets not compulsory.

(3) 1 mark for correct catering facility named

Level 1 – The bus stops at lots of places of historic interest. The bus has a commentary in different languages so they can enjoy it. (2) Level 2 - There are lots of historic sights to see overseas visitors might find interesting. There is a commentary on the bus so they will be able to find out about these attractions in their own language so they will understand and therefore enjoy the bus trip more. (3)

(1) Up to 4 marks for explanation Level 1 – 1-2 marks Some explanation with basic links to overseas visitors Level 2 – 3-4 marks Detailed explanation clearly linked to overseas visitors and tour. (4)


5. (a)i

Children’s menu Level 1 – Kids don’t want big portions. (1) Level 2 – Having a choice of menu means that all the families needs are catered for because children often prefer different food and smaller portions to adults. (2) Having a children’s menu will mean they can have food they like and adults can choose from the other menu. This way the family can all eat there. (3)

5. (a)ii

Table reservations Level 1 – They do not have to hang around waiting for a table. (1) Level 2 – Having a table reservation means people can turn up at the restaurant and know that the table is booked. (2) Children do not like to wait around as they get bored so having a reservation means a family has the peace of mind that there is a table ready for them at the time they booked it. (3)

5. (b)

Level 1 – Catering facilities now have outdoor seating with heaters. (1) Level 2 – Many restaurants have a wide choice of menus available to cater for different tastes. Now there are lots of café bars which sell alcoholic beverages. Many of these cafes have seating outside with outdoor heaters which did not exist years ago. (3) Level 3 – Menus in restaurants have become more exciting because they offer more choice especially vegetarian food. 20 years ago there used to be just one choice of meal on a menu that was vegetarian, whereas now restaurants now have more vegetarian meal choices on the menu. There are more different types of restaurants to choose from. You see Lebanese, Thai restaurants etc which were rare or did not exist 20 years ago. Instead of Italian restaurants which were then the new restaurant, now Italian restaurants are very common and can be found everywhere. (5)


Up to 3 marks available for each explanation Level 1 -1 mark Basic explanation Level 2 – 2-3 marks Clear explanation linked to families

(3) Up to 3 marks available for each explanation Level 1 -1 mark Basic explanation Level 2 – 2-3 marks Clear explanation linked to families

(3) Level 1 – 1-2 marks Description of present or past catering facilities. Level 2 – 3-4 marks Some reference to past and present catering facilities. Some explanation. Level 3 – 5-6 marks Detailed explanation of how catering facilities have changed. Clear reference between past and present.


6. (a)

6. (b)

Level 1 - Tour operators and flights are tourism. (1) Level 2 - Booking a holiday through a tour operator is tourism. They stayed in a hotel, which is accommodation and catering and can be classed as leisure or tourism. The hotel is accommodation which is tourism and the fact meals are available as they are booked on a bed and breakfast basis means there is catering which is leisure. (3) Level 3 - They stayed in a hotel which is accommodation and catering. This can be classed as both leisure and tourism. The breakfast is included which means they have catering facilities which is leisure. Having a room on BB basis can also be tourism because it is accommodation. They travelled by plane which is travel and tourism as it is transportation. On the plane they would have been offered a snack and drinks which is catering a part of leisure. The airline relies on the catering to offer a good service to its customers so that links leisure and tourism. They went diving which is a leisure activity. They had a diving instructor. That job is linked to leisure. The friends needed transport and accommodation in order to participate in the diving leisure activity therefore they both need each other for these activities to take place. (6) Far away (1) Australia is a long flight of over 5 hours from the UK and it involves going to another continent. (2)

Level 1 – 1-2 marks Only leisure and or tourism identified Level 2 – 3-4 marks. Some explanation with basic links between both leisure and tourism Level 3 – 5-6 marks. Clear explanation with links between both leisure and tourism

(6) Marks awarded for level of detail. 1 mark for basic response/description 2 marks for clear explanation (2)


7. (a)

Convenience (1) convenient (1) Availability (1) available (1)

1 mark for each appropriate factor Marks available if the term appears in the answer.

7. (b)

Level 1 – It’s cheap (1) Level 2 – They are visitors to London so they could see many of the sights whilst travelling by bus. Buses go all round the city centre and they are easy to get on and off. (2) A bus is a cheap form of transport compared to taxis. They are only 20 so will not have much money. The day ticket gives them use of a bus within the price so they save money the rest of the day. (3)

7. (c)

Level 1 – Taxi is expensive. (1) Level 2 – The girls are young so will probably not have a lot of money. Travelling by underground or bus is cheaper than by taxi. The underground goes from the airport straight to the city centre so it is easy for them to get there and they will not get caught up in traffic which might happen if they travel by taxi. This would make the journey even more expensive. (4)

(2) Level 1 – 1 mark Basic explanation Level 2 – 2-3 marks Detailed explanation with clear links to needs the overseas visitors and use of the bus.

(3) Level 1 – 1-2 marks Some explanation Level 2- 3-4 marks Detailed explanation with reasoning to needs and reference to taxi.



8. (a)

Level 1 – It might cost too much to do some activities. (1) Level 2 – If you have a lot of spare money then you have more choice about what activity you want to do because the cost of the activity is not important but if you have limited spare money then you may wish to do activities that are cheap or free such as walking. (3)

8. (b)

Level 1 – Have rides suitable for wheelchairs (1) Level 2 – Have more rides that are suitable for visitors with special needs such as rides with wheelchair access. By having more rides it will mean there are more activities to enjoy during a visit (3) Level 3 – Theme parks can have more rides appropriate for different special needs such as rides that have brail, wheelchair access etc. The theme park could have more wheelchairs for hire so that it can accommodate more wheelchair users. The park could also have staff working around the park that can sign so that deaf people find it easy to communicate and enjoy the park. (5)

Level 1 – 1-2 marks Basic explanation Level 2 – 3-4 marks Detailed explanation linked to factor.

(4) Level 1 – 1-2 marks Basic suggestion Level 2 – 3-4 marks Detailed suggestion with some links to special needs and theme parks Level 3 – 5-6 marks Detailed suggestions clearly appropriate to special needs and theme parks.



9. (a)

Belfast – (Tourist) towns and cities / Tourist towns and cities/ tourist cities/ tourist towns/ towns and cities/ towns / cities (1) Blackpool – Coastal (areas) / coastal areas/ coastal/ coast (1) New Forest – Countryside (areas) / countryside areas/ countryside (1)

9. (b)

Lots of history (1) Places that have links to the past (2) Places that have links to olden times such as something specific to wars (3)

9. (c)

Level 1- Land erosion due to development (1) Level 2 – One development is to expand the site which will mean more of the land near the stones will be protected which means there will be less people just wandering around the area walking and eroding the land especially when it is raining as it turfs up the grass. In order to build a visitor centre it may mean destroying some of the land and this might mean some wildlife may be disrupted as their homes are being replaced with a building. (4) Level 3 – The site receives over 300,000 visitors each year. This means it has lots of people which will walk to the site and wear away the land. Some visitors do not look after the environment and drop litter. In order to get to the site many people drive there making lots of pollution from the car fumes. These fumes will pollute the air. Having a visitor centre and developing the site might mean even more visitors to the site. Large numbers of people create noise and this can upset the wildlife. The result of this could be changes in habitat. Birds may move to other areas. In order to develop the site and build a visitor centre it will mean having to use large building trucks which will be noisy and also ruin the area from the transportation of building materials. Again the wildlife will be affected. The development is also suggesting a re-route of the road. To do this it may involve chopping down trees which will result in harming or moving nature from its own habitat. (7) Level 1 – Ask local land owners if they want their field to be used as a car park (2) Level 2 – Local landowners could be approached to see if they would allow their land to be used as a car park. This would mean they would make money from people parking whilst they go to the visitor centre. This would create employment and income for the local people. (4)



1 mark for identifying each correct tourism destination.

(3) Up to 3 marks available. Increase marks for detail. (3) Level 1 – 1-2 marks Basic response Level 2 – 3-5 marks Some analysis Level 3 – 6-8 marks Detailed analysis clearly liked to environmental impacts

(8) Level 1 –1-2 marks Basic suggestion Level 2 – 3-4 marks Detailed suggestion with reasoning to local economy (4)

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