We have had twelve students receive their honors. Our newest students are Carson, Zack, Preston, Branden, Ren and Katie. The students are doing great! They also won a competition! Our class had the most AR points out of all the first grade classes. We got to have the Mother Ship in our room. Keep encouraging your students to read. We have some that are so close to getting their honors or the second honors. A great time to come and read for extra points is AR night on March 3rd. Mrs. Hicks’ class is hogging the trophy. They have had it for three weeks. Please help your student to remember to wear their shirt on Fridays. This month, for science centers, we will be learning about the dinosaurs. The students will get to be paleontologists and hunt for fossils. They will also learn about the different types of dinosaurs, and what they eat. They will learn what it means to be extinct and what scientists think caused it to happen. We have some fun art projects planned. We can always use extra help during center time. If you feel that you can, drop by on Fridays from 8:00-9:45. In math this month, we will be working on telling time and identifying parts of a calendar. The students will learn how to tell time from an analog and a digital clock. We will be focusing on the hour and half hour. When learning about the calendar the students will be able to identify the days of the week, the month, and be able to fill in missing dates. In writing we are writing poems. We teach the students that poems are written by looking at everyday objects in a different way. They are doing great! They will also continue to write stories. For our writing adventures, we will be having the EMT
and Be Wise Be Ware coming in to talk to us. We are still looking for people to come in and talk to us about their hobbies. Please let me know if you can come in. For M&M timings the students should be on letter S. If they are not on letter S please work with them at home. It is important that we continue to practice and work on the M&M timings so we are prepared for district test. We have had a handful of students pass all the addition facts. Our newest students are Carson, Sarah, Maggie, and Zack. Please praise and encourage your students to keep working on their timings. Attached is an Emergency Location Procedure. Please read it over and turn it back into the school. It is important that we have this just in case something happens. Important Dates: March 3rd AR Family Night March 3rd Breakfast for Champions March 30th- April 3rd Spring Break Thank you for all your support you give your child. Mrs. Stoor