Manual Equilab En.pdf

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  • Words: 18,892
  • Pages: 107

1. Power-Equilab manual The Power-Equilab is an advanced equity calculator. It combines all the best features of other common equity and analysis tools on the market in one applica on. In contrast to almost all other known poker tools, the Power-Equilab can handle not only heads up scenarios. All subtools in the Power-Equilab can handle mul way scenarios as well.

2. Contents 1.

Power-Equilab manual


Main window 3.1.

Menu bar


Tool bar


Main window area


Status bar


Hand range selec on 4.1.

Predefined hand ranges


Flop hand strength distribu on


Grouping op ons


Hand strength


Equity / Range %


Text input


Suit selec on


Calculate weights based on previous ranges


Assign playability percentages of equity realiza on to selected range


Expor ng ranges


Notes for ranges


Range highlighter


Card selec on


Weighted ranges


Grouped ranges


Weighted ranges and Grouped ranges combined


Folded ranges


Hand range calculator

10.1. 11.

All in calculator

Equity graphs


Current street


Next street




Scenario analyser


Hand strength distribu on and hand range reduc on


Equity trainer


Prepara on window


Training window


Result window


Hand ranking and Hand ranking editor


Playabili es and playability editor




Hand history import


Board manager


Mul ple flop equi es


Poker mathema cs


Se ngs


Forbidden processes


Card matrix and slider color themes


Grouping color themes


Syntax documenta on






About …


Some interes ng points


Global se ng “Display card removal”


Window posi oning


Evalua on methods: Monte Carlo vs. Enumerate All


Calculate weights based on previous ranges




Like to create a smart defend range taking playability into account?


Like to know how o en the big blind holds an ace in a three way pot taking the range based card removal into account?


Like to know how many bluff catchers we have on the river using the equity graph for the current street?


Like to see how to use the concept of folded ranges in a realis c example?


Like to see how easy you can reduce your range from street to street according to the hand strengths of your range?




What are the differences between “Monte Carlo” and “Enumerate all”?


What are the differences between the three different calcula on methods in the equity graph?


Do I have to have an ac ve internet connec on to run the Power-Equilab?


Where I can find the version number?


What is the machine-code of my computer and where I can find it?


I’d like to run the Power-Equilab on a second computer. What should I do?


Where does the Power-Equilab save the se ngs?


Does a support group at Skype exist?


I found a bug, I have a ques on or a sugges ons, what can I do?

3. Main window

The main window contains the (A) menu bar, the (B) tool bar, the (C) main window area and the (D) status bar.


Menu bar

The menu bar contains the following commands: File: · Load: Loads a scenario from a file. A scenario file has the file extension “.tef”. · Save: Saves a scenario to a file. A scenario file has the file extension “.tef”. · Import hand history: Imports a hand history text file from the most common poker rooms. If the import is successful, the hand history import window will appear. · Recent file list: The last ten saved scenarios are listed here. By clicking one, the correspondingly scenario will be loaded.



· Exit: Closes the applica on. Edit: · Copy: Copy the selected text part to the clipboard. · Paste: Paste the text from the clipboard to the ac ve edit field. · Select all: Select all in the ac ve edit field. · Undo: Undo the last opera on in the main window area. · Redo: Redo the last opera on in the main window area. View: · Short handed: Toggles the main window area between six (6max) and ten (fullring) input lines. · Dead cards: Show the op on to input the dead cards in the main window area. · Results: Toggle the size of the main window to show or hide the results. To show or hide the results, you can resize the main window manually as well. · Tool bar: Show or hide the tool bar. · Status bar: Show or hide the status bar. Tools: · Equity trainer: Starts the equity trainer. · History: Opens the history window. · Board manager: Opens the board manager. · Hand ranking editor: Opens the hand ranking editor. · Playability editor: Opens the playability editor. · Poker mathema cs: Opens the poker mathema cs window. Options: · Display card removal: Toggles the global se ng Display card removal. · Se ngs: Opens the Se ngs window. · Forbidden processes: Opens the Forbidden processes window. · Card matrix and slider color themes: Opens the Card matrix and slider color themes window. · Grouping color themes: Opens the Grouping color themes window. Help: · Syntax documenta on: Opens the Syntax documenta on window. · Show news: Opens the News window. · About: Display programs informa on, version number and copyrights.


Tool bar

The tool bar contains the following commands: ·

Load: Loads a scenario from a file. A scenario file has the file extension “.tef”.


Save: Saves a scenario to a file. A scenario file has the file extension “.tef”.


Undo: Undo the last opera on in the main window area.


Redo: Redo the last opera on in the main window area.


Se ngs: Opens the Se ngs window.


Equity trainer: Starts the equity trainer.


History: Opens the history window.


Hand ranking editor: Opens the hand ranking editor.


Playability editor: Opens the playability editor.


Syntax documenta on: Opens the Syntax documenta on window.


Main window area

The main window area is the central area, where you can enter your ranges, calculate the equi es and from where all subtools get their ranges.



The main window area contains the following sub areas: (A) Range area, (B) Board area, (C) Command area and (D) Result area.

Range area : The descrip on of the table posi on. : If a ranged is entered in the corresponding input field, a li le check box appears. By unchecking this box, you can disable this range from the next calcula on. The corresponding range will be grayed out, but remains existent. : Opens the hand range selec on window. The currently entered range in the corresponding text field will be taken as the range to open. : Opens the card selec on window to select an exact hand (two cards). : Fills the corresponding text field with the text “random”. If you right click on that bu on, you will get the following context menu: · random: Inserts into the corresponding text field the text “random”. · Create random range: Creates a random range and inserts this range into the corresponding text field. · Create random hand: Creates a random hand (exact two cards) and inserts this hand into the corresponding text field. : Clears the corresponding text field. : Opens nested context menus, where you can choose predefined ranges. : The text field itself, where you can enter a hand range. The hand range has to fulfill the hand range syntax. If the currently entered hand range is not syntac cal correct, the background of the text field appears in red


If the text field contains a grouped range (taken from the hand range selec on window), the le drop down box is enabled. In the drop down box, you can choose the desired subrange.

The right drop down box contains a history of the last inputs. Here you can easy choose an older range, which you have already used

: Opens the hand strength distribu on and hand range reduc on window for this range. This op on is only available, if a range is entered and a board is given. : Opens the hand range calculator. This op on is only available for empty input fields. The hand range calculator calculates a range against all other ranges and/or board entered in this main window area.



: Opens the equity graph window for this range. This op on is only available, if two or more ranges are entered in the main window area. : Opens the heatmap window for this range. This op on is only available, if two or more ranges are entered in the main window area. :Opens the scenario analyser window. This op on is only available, if two or more ranges and a board are entered in the main window area. : Displays the calculated equity for this range. :Check this check box to set the corresponding range as a folded range.

Board area : Opens the board manager window. : Here you can enter the flop.

If you enter a flop, a li e check box and the corresponding cards will appear under the input field. By unchecking the check box, you can disable and exclude the flop from the next calcula on. : Opens the card selec on window for the flop. : Clears the flop input field. : Creates a random flop. : Here you can enter the turn.

: If you enter a turn, a li le check box and the corresponding card will appear under the input field. By unchecking the check box, you can disable and exclude the turn from the next calcula on. : Opens the card selec on window for the turn. : Clears the turn input field. : creates a random turn. : Here you can enter the river.

: If you enter a river, a li e check box and the corresponding card will appear under the input field. By unchecking the check box, you can disable and exclude the river from the next calcula on. : Opens the card selec on window for the river. : Clears the river input field. : Creates a random river. : Here you can enter the dead cards. All dead cards will be excluded from the next calcula on.

: If you enter one or more dead cards, a li le check box and the corresponding cards will appear under the input field. By unchecking the check box, you can disable and exclude these dead cards from the next calcula on. : Opens the card selec on window for the dead cards. : Clears the dead cards input field.

Command area : Clears all input fields. : Here you can choose the desired calcula on method. Please take a look to: What is the difference between “Monte Carlo” and “Enumerate all”?


: By pressing this bu on the calcula on will be started. If you press this bu on at the le side to the small arrow a li le pull down menu will



You have the following op ons: · Evaluate only to flop: The evalua on will only take a flop as board cards. Internally it takes a five-card-evaluator (two hole cards + three flop cards) instead of the normal seven-card-evaluator (two hole cards + five board cards). This is useful to find out, how o en the range is ahead at the flop. F. e. “AA” is 88.8% ahead at the flop against “22”. · Evaluate only to turn: The evalua on will only take a flop and a turn as board cards. Internally it takes a six-card-evaluator (two hole cards + three flop cards + one turn card) instead of the normal seven-card-evaluator (two hole cards + five board cards). This is useful to find out, how o en the range is ahead at the turn. F. e. “AA” is 85.6% ahead at the turn against “22”. · Standard all-in evalua on (to river): The evalua on will take the complete board. Internally it takes the normal seven-card-evaluator (two hole cards + five board cards). The last chosen evalua on method will be noted and a appropriate text is shown in the bu on.

All future calcula ons will use this method, un l the method is changed.

Result area

The results of the calcula on will be displayed in this text output field. : By pressing this bu on the results will be copied to the clipboard in the currently selected format. If you press this bu on at the le side to the small arrow a li le pull down menu will appear and you can choose the desired format:


Status bar

The status bar shows the following informa on: ·

A short hint to the current selected menu entry.


Whether Display card removal is ON or OFF.


Status of caps lock.


Status of num lock.


Status of scroll lock.

4. Hand range selection The hand range selec on window is a mul purpose window, which offers a series of func onality. The main goal is to create and manage your defined ranges. For every input field in the mainwindow exists one hand range selec on window. All of these windows can be opened at the same me. Each of these windows remembers its own posi on and size. The hand range matrix in the hand range selec on window is fully resizable.



The hand range selec on window contains the following sub areas: (A) Matrix area, (B) Command area and (C) Right area.

Matrix area The matrix area is the part, where you can select your range by mouse clicks and moves. The current se ng of the weight slider and the current selec on of the suit selec on is taken into account. If you hold the Ctrl-key you can selected the desired combo plus all be er combos f. e. K5o for K5o+. This works for suites, offsuits and pockets and is indicated by an arrow cursor a er pressing the Ctrl-key. If you like to select f. e. “all nines” just press the Shi -key and select a pocket pair.

The weight can be adjusted by the weight slider, by its according input field or by the li le spin arrows next to the input field.

In order to select hands with a combina on of specific suits, just open the li le suit selec on window, select the desired suits and click on the desired combos in the matrix.



A combina on between weights and suits works as well, f. e. you can selected just 20% of the hearts of a combo.

You can define your range by the range slider below to the matrix. You can move the le border of the slider to exclude the best x percent of hands. By adjus ng the right border of the slider you can adjust the upper end of your range.

Just as adjus ng the range slider, you can define the range border by entering the desired values into the input fields PFR and VPIP. If all cases the current se ng of the hand ranking is taken into account. Please take a look to hand rankings and hand ranking editor.

If your range has a name (previously saved or selected from your predefined ranges), the name is shown in the upper le corner of the window. Depending on the weights, the selected suits, the current group the selec on is visualized in many different ways. Please take a look to the following chapters to find out more: · Weighted ranges · Grouped ranges



· Weighted ranges and grouped ranges combined The matrix is fully resizable as well as the whole window.

In the context menu (right click over the matrix), you can find some op ons for the matrix: · Display card removal: This is a global se ng and can be changed here and in the main window. If this se ng is ON, a possible board in the main window is taken into account and the affected combos are visualized in a different manner. · Show hints over the matrix: If the op on is checked, you will get a tool p if the mouse is moved over the combos. · Display # of combos: If the op on is checked, the number of hands is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places. · Display percentage of average weights: The average weight is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places. Note, that the weights of single hands one combo can have different weights. F. e. if Td6d is weighted by 30% and Th6h is weighted by 90%, in the matrix will be shown 60%. · Display percentage of num of hands: The percentage of num of hands is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places. The percentage is calculated by weights and selected hands in the combo. · Display colorized parts with …: Please see Weighted ranges and Grouped ranges combined

The current selected range, the number of combos and the according percentage is displayed in the lower le corner of this window. This display is automa cally updated every me you change the selec on by any of the op ons above

Command area In the command area you have the following op ons: : Clears the current selec on. If you have currently selected a subgroup, the selec on in the current subgroup will be cleared. : Inverts the current selec on. If you have currently selected a subgroup, the selec on in the current subgroup will be inverted. If you have selected any weighted parts, the weighted part will be inverted, which means f. e. a weight of 20% becomes a weight of 80%. : This op on is only available, if you are in grouping mode and have selected one of the subgroups 1 to 16. The remaining (not selected) combos will be selected by the current subgroup. If a combo is selected by a weighted group, the remaining (free) percentage will be selected by the current group. : Undo (discards) the last selec on. The selec on before the last ac on will be restored. All ac ons are stacked, so all ac ons can be undone. : Redo the last undone selec on. All undone ac ons are stacked, so all undone-ac ons can be redone. : Opens the range highlighter window.

Here you can select the desired hand ranking. This se ng is used for all percentage selec on and for selec on by the range slider. : Quick access to the hand ranking editor. : A context menu opens with some special op ons. The same context menu appears, if you right click on the matrix. · Display card removal: This is a global se ng and can be changed here and in the main window. If this se ng is ON, a possible board in the main window is taken into account and the affected combos are visualized in a different manner. · Show hints over the matrix: If the op on is checked, you will get a tool p if the mouse is moved over the combos. · Display # of combos: If the op on is checked, the number of hands is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places.



· Display percentage of average weights: The average weight is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places. Note, that the weights of single hands one combo can have different weights. F. e. if Td6d is weighted by 30% and Th6h is weighted by 90%, in the matrix will be shown 60%. · Display percentage of num of hands: The percentage of num of hands is displayed in the right lower corner of the combo with two decimal places. The percentage is calculated by weights and selected hands in the combo. · Display colorized parts with …: Please see Weighted ranges and Grouped ranges combined · Card matrix and slider color themes … · Grouping color themes … · Calculate weights based on previous ranges · Assign playability percentages of equity realiza on to selected range ·

: Copies a screenshot of the matrix to clipboard in order to insert it into other programs.


: Saves a screenshot of the matrix to a file in order to work with it in other programs.


: Uploads a screenshot of the matrix to the Power-Equilab image server. This image exists and is valid forever. A permament link will be created and show in a li le window if the upload is successful. This permalink can be used immediately f. e. in forums. : The window will be closed and the currently selected range will be taken to the corresponding input field in the main window. : The window will be closed and the currently selected range will be discarded.

: The window remains open and the currently selected range will be taken to the corresponding input field in the main window. If you have set that an automa cally reevalua on should be performed at any range change (se ngs window), than the equi es in the main window will be recalculated. This is a good way to “play” with your range.

Right area

The right area is separated into three tabs: Predefined hand ranges, Flop hand strength distribu on and Grouping op ons. By pressing F1, F2 or F3 you can switch between the tabs by keyboard.


Predefined hand ranges

This tab is designed to manage your ranges. The list of ranges is divided into two parts: · Predefined ranges: These are predefined ranges from Power-Equilab. These ranges cannot be changed. If you don’t use and don’t like that these ranges are displayed, you can hide them by unchecking “Show predefined ranges” in the context menu:



· User-defined ranges: Here are all your user-defined ranges listed. To get a li le order, it is highly recommended to manage your ranges by folders. The icons in this tree have the following meanings: · : Folder in predefined ranges ·

: Folder in user-defined ranges


: A “normal” range (without groups)


: A range with subgroups


: A “normal” range which contains a note


: A range with subgroups which contains a note


: All subgroups are display in its own color

You can open or close the folders by double clicking them or with the li le plus or minus – signs. A click on a range will select this range. The range will be immediately visible in the matrix. If you select a subgroup of a range, the parent range of this subgroup is displayed with all its children. The clicked subgroup becomes the ac ve group. If you hold the Ctrl-key while clicking a range, this range will be added to the current selec on. If you hold the Ctrl-key and the Shi -key simultaneously, then the clicked range will be subtracted from the current selec on. Both ac on will be displayed by different mouse cursors. The current status and scrolling posi on of the tree will be reminded a er closing the window. A er reopening the window the tree will be displayed in his last status.

If a range contains a note, this note will be displayed as a tool p if you move the mouse over the node. Please take a look to Notes for ranges to find out more about notes. In this tab you have the following op ons: : The currently selected range in the matrix will be saved directly under the current selected posi on in the tree. You have to enter a name for this range in a li le window. : You can delete the currently selected range or folder. You will get a li le ques on window, if the range should be really deleted. Please pay a en on while dele ng folders, all subfolders with all its ranges will be deletes as well. If you want to delete a subgroup, you have to do it in the third tab “Grouping op ons”. : You can rename the currently selected range or folder. You will get a li le window, where you can enter the new name. If you want to rename a subgroup, you have to do it in the third tab “Grouping op ons”. : You can import a bunch of ranges, which you (or whoever) previously has saved. The new ranges will be appended at the end of the tree. : You can export all or a subset of your ranges to a file. Please take a look to Expor ng ranges for further informa on. : You can assign your own notes to ranges. Please take a look to Notes for ranges for further informa on. : You can create a new folder at the current loca on. You will be promted to enter the name of the new folder. : The current selected range or folder in the tree will be moved up one posi on. : The current selected range or folder in the tree will be moved down one posi on. : If you check this check box, a er every range and a er every subrange there will be displayed the following informa on: · Number of combina ons · Percentage share of all hands



· Percentage share of the hands of the parent

In addi on to these op ons you have some other op on in the context menu, which will be opened by a right click: · Quick copy one range to clipboard: You can copy a textual representa on of the current selected range to the clipboard. This is very useful f. e. to share a single range with a friend via f. e. Skype for further discussions. · Quick paste one range from clipboard: If a range is copied to the clipboard, then you insert this range into you range tree. · Show first child if grouped range selected: If this op on is checked and you click on a parent range, then the first children will be displayed instead of the pure parent range. · Show predefined ranges: Op on to show or hide the “Predefined ranges”.


Flop hand strength distribution

The flop hand strength distribu on calculates how the given range (currently selected in the matrix) will hit an undefined flop (averaged over all possible flops). The values are calculated immediately if you change your range.



If you move the mouse to a li le informa on mark, the effected combos are highlighted in light green. In this sample all combos are highlighted which can hit a straight at the flop.

If you check the check box under the list, the Power-Equilab automa cally calculated how o en the given range will hit the checked made hands and the checked draws. In this sample the given range will hit at the flop in 20.20% of the me a top pair or be er and in 8.22% of the me an open ended straight draw or a flush draw.


Grouping options

This tab is designed to manage your grouped ranges. There are several ways to define and select the subgroups. The easiest way is to simply click a colored group bu on and select the desired combos in the matrix. Furthermore there are some other op ons to select your subgroups. You can define your subgroup manually, if aboard is given in the main window you can define your subgroups by hand strength, if at least one range is given in the main window you can define your subgroups by equity against theses ranges and/or boards cards, and you can define your subgroups by textual input.



This tab is divided into three areas:

: Group selec on area

Here you can select the desired (current) group. If you click on a group bu on, then this group becomes the current group and will be shown in the following manner: · The number in the group bu on will be displayed bold



· The matrix will be limited to the combos of the parent range, which means that all combos that doesn’t exist in the parent range will be grayed out.



· All brother and sister ranges will be shown in its own color.



· The numbers (# of combos or percentages) will only be shown for the current group.



· The subrange itself will be displayed in the text output field at the lower le corner of the window.



· The name of the subgroup is displayed at the right upper corner of the matrix

If a subgroup is selected, then three li le bu ons will be display at right upper corner of the matrix: · : Here you can change the name of the subgroup ·

: Here you can change the color of the subgroup


: Deletes the group (the selec on and the name)

A tool p with the range and its name is displayed over the group bu ons.

A context menu is displayed by right clicking the mouse over a group bu on. In addi on to the op ons above, this context menu contains the following command: Grouping color theme: Opens the grouping color theme window to assign a new theme to this range. While this window is open, every change of the color theme will be automa cally populated to this window:



In order to nest the subgroups, you can choose for a new subgroup the desired parent group by this combo box:

: Selec on area Next to the manually selec on in the matrix, there are three addi onal selec on methods: ·

: By hand strength. This op on is only available, if at least a flop is given in the main window.


: By equity. This op on is only available, if at least one range is given in the main window.


: By textual input.

Each of these methods defines a new range, which can be connected to the current subrange in various ways. First choose the desired method in thos combo box:

· Add (logical or): Adds the new selec on to the exis ng selec on. · Combine (logical and): Combines the new selec on and the exis ng selec on. Only the hands which are selected in the matrix and exists the new selec on remains exis ng. · Overwrite: The current selec on will be deleted and then the new selec on will be taken. · Remove: The new selec on will be deleted from the current selec on



Then press the

bu on to perform the selec on.

There is one pre y cool feature in this tab that gives you a short overview how good all the subranges perform. : If at least one range is given in the main window, this func on will calculates the equity of the en re range and the equi es of all subranges against the given ranges with the given board. The result is displayed in the output field:

If more than one range is given in the main window, the calcula on will be performed by Monte Carlo. The interim results are displayed immediately.

: Display area In this area the complete range with all subgroups are displayed. To have a be er overview all subgroups will be indented by its level. By clicking the right mouse bu on you will get a context menu which will off you some op ons to adjust the display: · Show full ranges: The complete range is shown.



· Show cu ed ranges: Some mes the ranges are quite long in its textual representa on. With this op on you can show only the first few combos of the range. A to long range will be truncated and shown with an a ached “..…”

· Show no ranges: No ranges will be shown

· Show percentage of all hands: The percentage of all hands (1326) will be shown

If a board is given in the main window, the discounted percentage will be shown as well

· Show percentage of parent range: The percentage of the direct parent range is shown



If a board is given in the main window, the discounted percentage will be shown as well

· Show percentage of grouped range: Show the percentage part of all brothers and sisters in the same manner as above. You can combine these op on as you wish … from almost nothing:

… to almost all:

4.3.1. Hand strength If a board is given in the main window, you can select ranges or subranges by hand strength.



This tab is divided into three areas: : Hand strength area In this area you can exactly define which hands should be selected. This area is divided into three parts: Made hands, Flush draws and Straight draws. For each part you have several op ons to define the desired hand strength. The basic construc on is that you can selected in the le drop down boxes the desired hand strength and in the right next to it drop down box if you like to use exact this hand strength, all be er or worse hands:

If you selected a combina on, which means f. e. you select something in the made hands part and select something in the flush draw part, then the selec on will be combined (logical and).



Let’s suppose we have this board:

and you select “one pair, top pair”, then the selec on will look like this:



If you select “one pair, top pair” and “any flush draw” at the same me, then the selec on will be combined (logical and) by the two por ons and will look like this:

This selec on now contains all hands with a top pair and a flush draw.

If you like to select as well “one pair, top pair” as “any flush draw”, then you have to do it successively and have to choose as the combining method “Add (logical or)”. First select “one pair, top pair:



then select “any flush draw” with the combining method of “Add (logical or)”:



This selec on now contains all hands with a top pair or a flush draw. By pressing the li le

- bu on, the according sec on will be reset (cleared).

: Condi ons area

By this drop down box you have a quick access to the predefined or user defined combina ons of hand strength selec ons. Just select the desired condi on and all according values in the combo boxes under “Made hands”, “Flush draws” and “Straight draws” will be set. To define a new condi on just select your desired hand strength values in the combo boxes and then press the name for the new condi on.

- bu on. You will be prompted to enter a

By pressing OK the new condi on will be inserted to the list of condi ons.



By pressing the

- bu on, you will be asked if the current selected condi on should be deleted.

By pressing OK the current selected condi on will be deleted and removed from the list of condi ons.

: Board area In this area the current board in the main window is shown. If you change the board in the main window, this new board will be populated to all open hand strength windows automa cally.

4.3.2. Equity / Range % If at least one range is given in the main window, you can select ranges or subranges by equity against all these ranges with the given board and/or dead cards.

This tab contains the following op ons:

The ranges and the board that are given in the main window are showed in the output field. : Check this check box to use the selected playability profile. The equi es will be calculated considering the selected playability profile. : The selected playability profile. : Opens the playability editor.

Here you can enter or set the equity percentages or best percentages to select a subrange from the given range. The method works as follows: First all hands with an equity between the given border are added to the selec on. Then this selec on is reduced by the given best percentages. : The heatmap will be opened in order to limit your equity borders. If you set in the heatmap a limit for the equity and the best, these borders will be taken to this window. : Opens the equity graph window

Choose to which street the equi es will be calculated.

4.3.3. Text input By textual input you can select parts of your range or subranges with the Power-Equilab range syntax. Simply enter or paste the range text into the input field and press .





You can select heavy weighted ranges imported from f. e. PIOSolver as well:

By clicking the li le

– bu on, the input field will be cleared.

If you are selec ng a subgroup with weighted combos, you have two op ons how the given percentage is treated. Let’s take a look to this simple example: Suppose we have a parent range { 50:AA }, which means “50% of aces”.



Now you are selec ng the following range for group 1 { 20:AA } by text input:

Now the two different op ons have the following effects: : The given weight (here 20%) is treated as an absolute weight. In this case the parent range is already weighted by 50%. So because the resul ng weight should be 20% absolute, this range will be selected by 40% (40% out of 50% is 20%).

: The given weight (here 20%) is treated as an rela ve weight to its parent. As a result, the selected range is weighted 20% rela ve to its 50% weighted parent, which is 10% absolute.


Suit selection

In order to select hands in the matrix of the hand range window with special suits, you should first open this li le window and then choose which kind of suits to select. All further selec ons in the matrix will use this suit selec on. If this suit selec on window is not open, the standard selec on will select all suits of a combo.



In this window you can selected or deselect suits by clicking direct on the suit combina on. While moving the mouse, you can take this mode (selected or not) to the neighbor suits.

The li le suits at the top of the window works as follows: If all combos of the clicked suit (f. e. hearts) are selected, then all theses combos will be deselected. If not all combina ons are selected, all of these combina ons will be selected.


Calculate weights based on previous ranges

This is a worldwide unique feature to calculate for every combo in the given range the weight according to the frequency of all previous ranges instead of based on single cards. This feature works with any number of given ranges. Let’s take a look to a simple example: Let’s suppose we know, that MP2 open the very ght range { JJ+ }

We are in MP3 and normally we will assume that all our pockets have the same frequency. But in fact, because we know a range in front of us, we have to reduce our range by that known range. We open our range, then the context menu and choose the desired op on:

The Power-Equilab will calculate for all combos in our range the weight based on previous ranges (here MP2). As we can see, our range contains no more 100% aces, but 79.17% aces.



The calcula on works not only for heads up scenarios (like in this sample), it works with mul ple ranges in front of us as well. Please take a look to this more realis c example: Like to know how o en the big blind holds an ace in a three way pot taking the range based card removal into account?


Assign playability percentages of equity realization to selected range


Exporting ranges

You can export your user-defined range to a text file. You can use it to move your ranges to another computer, to share with friends or just for backup purposes. This window offers the following op ons: another export file.

: The file to which the range will be exported. Click the small bu on right to the display field to change

: Choose whether all ranges or only a subset of ranges should be exported.



If you like to export a subset of ranges, you can choose the desired ranges by checking the small checkbox in front of the name of the range. Only the checked ranges and its parent folders will be exported. : The export will be performed. If the file already exists an according message will be displayed and you can choose whether to overwrite this file or to cancel the export process. : The window will be closed.


Notes for ranges

In this window you can define a textual note for a range. If a range have a note, the corresponding icon will be tagged with a li le note symbol. You can use some basic HTML formats to design the note according to your wishes. F. e. the note above will be shown as follows:

In this window you have the following op ons: : The window closes and the typed text will be taken as the new note for the range. : The window closes and the typed text will be discarded, no new note will be taken.


Range highlighter

The range highlighter is designed to highlight weighted combos. If you like to play a mixed strategy, so f. e. you only like to raise 50% of your aces, now you have a great helper. A er a user defined me the mer takes a random number between 0 and 100 and highlights the according weighted combos in the matrix. During the range highlighter window is open, you can select different ranges by clicking them in the range tree. A en on! Some poker rooms don’t permit, that the Power-Equilab is running while the lobby or tables are open. Please check if your running poker rooms permit or forbid a running Power-Equilab (see also Forbidden processes). In this window you have the following op ons:



bu on.

: If this check box is checked the internal mer will be stopped and you can choose a new randomized highlighted range by clicking the next : A new random number between 0 and 100 will be generated and the according weighted combos in the range will be highlighted.

The meline indicated the me to the next change. You can adjust this me by se ng the slider to the desired me. : The internal mer will be stopped and the window will be closed.

5. Card selection

In the card selec on window you can select the desired cards. Depending of the calling source, you only can select a limited amount of cards: one for turn or river, two for hole cards, three for the flop and as many for dead cards. If some cards are used by other parts of the program (f. e. a flop is given), these cards are grayed out and are not selectable. In this window you have the following op ons: Cap on: The cap on depends of the calling source. Card matrix: here you can select the desired cards OK: The window will be closed and the selec on will be taken to the calling part. Cancel: The selec on will be closed and the selec on will be discarded

If you currently select the flop cards, a bu on appears to jump direct to the turn card selec on … same for turn to river.

6. Weighted ranges One central feature of the Power-Equilab is the concept of weighted ranges. In normal ranges all combos and hands are weighted by 100%. In weighted ranges, the probability of combos and/or hands can be between zero and 100%. In addi on the Power-Equilab supports weights with decimals places up to nine digits. This very useful to handle ranges imported from GTO-solvers like PIOSolver or GTO-Range-Builder. The textual nota on in Power-Equilab is as follows: <weight in percent> · 100:KK+,50:QQ : 100% Kings and Aces, only 50% of the me Queens · KK+,50:QQ : No assigned weight means 100%. E.g. 100% Kings and Aces, only 50% of the me Queens · 1.23456789:KK+,50:QQ : 1.23456789% Kings and Aces, 50% of the me Queens Weighted combos will be displayed in the matrix according to its weights, f. e.:



· Fully selected combo (all hands in the combo are weighted by 100%):

· All hands in the combo are weighted with the same weight:

· The hands in one combo can have different weights:



· The hands can have different weights with decimal places up to nine digits:

You can change the number of displayed decimal places in the se ngs window, here f. e. three decimal places:

7. Grouped ranges Another great feature of the Power-Equilab is the concept of grouped ranges. What is a grouped range? A grouped range always is made of one parent range (En re range) and its children ranges (subranges or subgroups). A subrange only can consist of combos or hands from his direct parent range. Brother and sister ranges with the same parent range are strictly disjunct (dispoint), which means that one hand can only exist in one group. There is one li le excep on: If one hand is weighted in one group, the remaining percentage part can be resides in one or more other groups. Subgroups can be nested, which means that a subgroup can have another parent range instead of the “En re Range”. Grouped ranges are very useful to manage one complete scenario with all its be ng alterna ves in one range. Let’s take a look at this example “BB vs. open raise from the Bu on”. Normally we would create two ranges:



But over me, you will get hundreds or thousands of ranges, which are very complicated to handle. It makes sense to manage such a scenario in one grouped range. 1st: You have to create the parent range, which will contain all other subranges: 2nd: Select the tab “Grouping op ons”, click on the subgroup you want (here 1) and define your first subgroup (here your calling range). By clicking a subgroup only the combos of the current parent range are available, all other combos will be grayed out.



By right-clicking on one group bu on, you will get a li le context menu, where you have the following op ons: · Edit group name: Define your own group name according to your wish (here f. e. “call”) · Edit group color: Define your own color for this group. · Delete group: Delete this group. · Grouping color themes: Assign a predefined grouping color theme to all of your groups. This makes it much easier to synchronize the look of all of your ranges. 3rd: Select the tab “Grouping op ons”, click on another subgroup you want (here 2) and define you 3be ng range. In this case we would like to take all remaining combos in the new group, so we simply click the “Select remainder” bu on:

4th: We change to the tab “Predefined hand ranges” and save this range by clicking the “Save” bu on. You will see, that the range is saved to the tree with a li le grouped – symbol. The subranges are saved to this node as well:



Now you have an easy access to the parent range and his subranges. One great advantage of this concept is that you can nest the subgroups by assigning other parent ranges to subgroups. Now f. e., we will insert two other subranges “calling a 4bet” and “5bet”. These ac ons can only appear, if a 3bet is done. So we will insert them with the 3bet-node as their parent:

We save this range again and will see, that all subgroups are inserted:



You can use up to 16 subgroups and nest them up to a deep of 16:

By taking a grouped range with “OK” or “Apply” to them mainwindow, the li le drop down box le to the input field will became ac ve. Here you can select the desired subgroup:

Now, it is not always useful to handle your ranges with full combos. The Power-Equilab also supports the combina on of weighted ranges and grouped ranges. Please take look to the next chapter.

8. Weighted ranges and Grouped ranges combined The Power-Equilab supports the combina on of weighted ranges and grouped ranges. There are several op ons to use the combina on these two concepts: Weights in subgroups Of course, you can insert weighted parts into subgroups. F. e. we only want to call our sevens and eights in 50% of the me against a 4bet. Just select 50% in the weigh ng slider and change the sevens and eights:



Weighted hands in different subgroups If a combo in a subgroup is weighted, the remaining part is not used. You can insert the remaining part of a weighted combo into another group. F. e. we want to call our sevens and eights in 50% of the me, we want to 5bet them in 30% of the me and fold them in the remaining 20%. Just set the weigh ng slider to 30%, choose the “5bet”-group and select the sevens and eights:



While moving the mouse over the matrix you will get an accordingly tool p, where you can see all the required informa on:

Recursively weighting of subgroups The weigh ng of hands in subgroups works recursively up to 16 levels. You have to define the weight of a subgroup rela ve to its parent (100%). The Power-Equilab automa cally calculates the corresponding mul plied recursively weights:

In this sample the “En re range” is weighted by 100%, “Group 1” is weighted by 90% and “Group 2” is weighted by 80%. As a result, the recursively calculated weight of “Group 2” is 90% * 80% = 72%. To get proper results while calcula ng equi es with this range, it is highly recommended to take the automa cally calculated weights to the main window. The Power-Equilab will ask you in such cases what to do.

Three different ways to display the weighted combos in the matrix. The Power-Equilab provides three different methods for displaying the weighted combos in the matrix. You get a context menu to choose you preferred method by right clicking into the matrix or by the “Op ons” bu on:



Here is a short example to show the differences between these displaying methods. We have an “En re range” weighted by 100%, a “Group 1” weighted by 50% and a “Group 2” weighted by 30% · Treat parent as 100%: The current weight is displayed with a 100% parent:

· Treat all hands as 100%: The current weight is displayed with its true recursively mul plied weight, here 30% * 50% of its parent = 10%

· Rectangle with parent weights and current weight: The current and the parent weight is display simultaneously:

9. Folded ranges The Power-Equilab supports the concept of the Folded Ranges. For this purpose, there are check boxes included in the main window that indicate whether a range is folded or to be quite normal involved in the evalua on.

You can now specify for any and any number of ranges (and not only for individual cards as dead cards) if this range is to be used as "folded". In order to clarify this, here is an (fairly unrealis c) example: AA is all in against QQ and has the following equity:



Now we know (from wherever) that a third player has folded a range { QQ }. This results in a drama c equity difference, as the queens obviously can no longer hit a set.

As we said, it is here a quite unreal example. But this illustrates the concept of Folded Ranges. Here you can take a look to a more realis c example.


Hand range calculator

With the hand range calculator, you can calculate a range against various ranges with or without board- and dead-cards with a given range of equity. Just enter the hands, ranges and/or board in the main window and click the hand range calculator bu on right to an empty input field, where the calculated range should be inserted.



In this window you have the following op ons:

Here are shown all hands, ranges and/or board cards, against which one you are calcula ng the new range.

The range from where the hands will be taken. If you ac vate the hand range calculator a er an empty input field in the mainwindow, then “random” will be taken as the source. : Check this check box to ac vate the selec on of a playability profile.

Here you can choose the desired playability profile. : Opens the playability profile editor to define your own playability profiles. value.

: Here you can enter or set the minimum equity for the resul ng range. All hands in the calculated range will have an equity greater than this : Here you can enter or set the maximum equity for the resul ng range. All hands in the calculated range will have an equity less than this value.

: Opens a li le all in calculator to calculate a needed equity. : Starts the calcula on. A corresponding progress bar will appear.

Here you can choose between two calcula on methods. Some users had requested a second method without calcula ng the e por ons of the equity. It is highly recommended to calculate your ranges with the first method (winning percentages + e percentages).

The calculated hand range will be displayed in this text box. : Closes the window and takes the calculated hand range to the according input field in the main window. If you click on the li le arrow at the right side on the bu on a li le context menu will appear, where you can choose another empty input field in the main window.



: Closes the window and discards the calculated range.

10.1. All in calculator To calcula ng the desired equity for an all in call, you can open this li le all in equity calculator from the hand range calculator window.

In this window you have the following op ons: : Enter or set the size of the pot before your call. : Enter or set the amount you have to call. : The calculated minimum equity will be displayed instantly if you change on of the values above. : Closes this window and takes the calculated value to the caller window. : Closes the window and discards the calculalted value.


Equity graphs

The Power-Equilab supports two different types of equity graphs. The current street equity graph shows you the equity distribu on in a range for the given street (valid for preflop, flop, turn or river scenarios). The current street equity graph is only available for heads up scenarios. The next street equity graphs shows you the equity distribu on for the next street (valid for preflop, flop or turn scenarios). Just enter the hands, ranges and/or board in the main window and click the equity graph bu on right to the desired input field. Of course both types of equity graphs can handle weighted ranges.



It is easy to switch between these two different equity graphs by the tabs:

All equity graphs can be copied to clipboard as a bitmap, can be saved to file as a bitmap or can be uploaded to the Power-Equilab image server. For this a permanent link will be created in order to use this graphics in forums. The equity graph window is fully resizable to support high resolu on monitors.

11.1. Current street The current street equity graph calculates for heads up scenarios the equi es for every hand in both ranges and plots the results in a diagram. All the hands and equity will be inserted in two lists as well.

In this tab you have the following op ons:

The given ranges and/or boards cards are displayed in the upper le text field.



The equity graphs will be plo ed in the diagram. While moving the mouse over the diagram the effected hands of both ranges will be displayed in the upper right corner. If you choose it, the list at the right side will be automa cally synchronized to the mouse posi on. : Starts the calcula on. : Check this check box to show the cards in the diagram and in the list as text instead of bitmaps. : Check this check box to automa cally synchronize the selec on in the lists with the corresponding mouse posi on over the diagram. : Check this check box to automa cally synchronize the diagram with the current mouse posi on over the lists.

All hands with its equity will be displayed in these two lists. : Copies a screenshot of the diagram to clipboard in order to insert it into other programs. : Saves a screenshot of the diagram to a file in order to work with it in other programs. : Uploads a screenshot of the diagram to the Power-Equilab image server. This image exists and is valid forever. A permament link will be created and show in a li le window if the upload is successful. This permalink can be used immediately f. e. in forums. Please check out the following example to take a deeper look to the current street equity graph.

11.2. Next street The next street equity graphs shows graph in three different calcula on methods. The first two methods (“hand vs. hand” and “hand vs. range”) only exist because of compa bility to old propokertools calcula on methods. Hand vs. hand: One hand from the first and one hand from the second range will be taken, a random flop will be generated and the resul ng equity is included in the results. This calcula on is repeated very o en.



Hand vs. range: One hand from the first range will be taken, a random flop will be generated and the equity against the second range will be calculated. This calcula on is repeated very o en. Range vs. range: A random flop will be generated and the equity of the first range against the second range will be calculated. This calcula on is repeated very o en. Strictly speaking we have to calculate exactly every of the 22100 flops. This would take quite a long me for ranges. A empts have shown that a sufficiently large number of flops already gives us very accurate results. You can adjust the quality at to find a personal compromise between speed and accuracy. Interpretation: In our opinion the first two calcula on methods are almost useless, because in reality you like to know how your range performs against another range. So in conclusion, we highly recommend to use the "range vs. range" calcula on method to get proper results. To make it clear, here we take a look to the example "random vs. random". According to the hand vs. hand graph, random has in over 90% of all flops at least 12% equity against random. If that's enough ... ok. Even the interpreta on of the hand vs. range graph is doub ul. Here, random has in over 90% of all flops at least about 24 percent equity against random. The fact is, that regardless of which flop comes (100% of the cases) random always has an equity of exactly 50% against random, which can be seen very nicely on the blue line. We are convinced that the range vs. range graph fulfills precisely what people always wanted to interpret into the next street equity graph.

In this tab you have the following op ons:

The given ranges and/or boards cards are displayed in the upper le text field.

The equity graphs will be plo ed in the diagram.



: Starts the calcula on.

Here you can choose the desired calcula on method. In case of range vs. range you can also set the quality. : Copies a screenshot of the diagram to clipboard in order to insert it into other programs. : Saves a screenshot of the diagram to a file in order to work with it in other programs. : Uploads a screenshot of the diagram to the Power-Equilab image server. This image exists and is valid forever. A permament link will be created and show in a li le window if the upload is successful. This permalink can be used immediately f. e. in forums.



The heatmap window calculates the equity for each hand in a given range against various hands or ranges with or without board cards. The heatmap window displays the results in a colored matrix and all the hands with its equity in a list.



The heatmap window and its matrix are fully resizable:

The heatmap window support weighted ranges:

The heatmap window supports single cards instead of complete combos:



The heatmap window supports mul ple weights of different hands in one combo:

You can switch between display of combos and display of all singular hands:

Colorized and sortable Equi es in the list:



Support of playability profiles:



Select subranges by equity percentages and best percentages:

Tool ps over the matrix with colorized equi es:



Combos can contain mul ple equi es and/or mul ple weights:

Evalua on to given street:



Support of dead cards:

Works with heavy weighted ranges by f. e. PIOSolver as well:



The heatmap can handle up to ten ranges:

According to the number of involved ranges, the average equity is shown and the colorizing is adjusted accordingly:

This window offers the following op ons:



The given ranges and/or boards cards are displayed in the upper le text field. : Bu on to start or stop the evalua on. For mul way scenarios the heatmap automa cally starts with the “Monte Carlo” evalua on. : Street to calculate.

The matrix itself. : Check this check box to use the selected playability profile. Depending on the type of the playability profile, the values in the matrix and the list will be updated automa cally. : The selected playability profile. : Opens the playability editor.

Here you can enter or set the equity percentages or best percentages to select a subrange from the given range. The method works as follows: First all hands with an equity between the given border are added to new range. Then this range is reduced by the given best percentages.

According to the equity and best selec on, the resul ng range is shown in this output field. : Check this check box to show all hands singular (F. e. have different equi es an average-symbol Ø is shown in front of the equity value.




) instead of hole combos (AKs). If single cards in one combo

: Check this check box to colorize the background of the equi es according to its values.

Here are listed all hands or combos with its equity, win percentage, split percentage, loss percentage, playability equity (if “Use playability profile” is on) and the number of combos. : The list can be saved in CSV format. : Closes the window and takes the possibly reduced range which is shown in the lower output field to the according input field in the main window. If you click on the li le arrow at the right side on the bu on, you will get a context menu where you can choose another empty input field in the mainwindow. : Closes the window without taking any range to the main window.



By right clicking the matrix, you get a small context menu where you have the following op ons: ·

: Copies a screenshot of the matrix to clipboard in order to insert it into other programs.


: Saves a screenshot of the matrix to a file in order to work with it in other programs.



: Uploads a screenshot of the matrix to the Power-Equilab image server. This image exists and is valid forever. A permament link will be created and show in a li le window if the upload is successful. This permalink can be used immediately f. e. in forums.

Scenario analyser

The scenario analyser calculates the poten al outcome for the next street turn or river. The results are shown in a diagram and a list. Here you can f. e. analyse how ugly later streets will be and decide whether or not to con nue with your hand.

The scenario analyser window and its diagram is fully resizable:





The scenario analyser can calculate the next street outcome against mul ple ranges:



The equity of your hand or range is shown with a li le red line:

By moving the slider you can gray out the cards with a less equity:



If you move the mouse over the bards in the diagram an according tool p will be shown:

This window offers the following op ons:

The given ranges and/or boards cards are displayed in the upper le text field.

The equi es of the next street cards are displayed in a list. By clicking on a card, this will be taken as a new turn card and all river outcomes will be calculated automa cally. : Bu on to start the evalua on of turn cards. : Bu on to start the evalua on of turn cards. : Copies a screenshot of the diagram to clipboard in order to insert it into other programs. : Saves a screenshot of the diagram to a file in order to work with it in other programs. : Uploads a screenshot of the diagram to the Power-Equilab image server. This image exists and is valid forever. A permament link will be created and show in a li le window if the upload is successful. This permalink can be used immediately f. e. in forums.


Hand strength distribution and hand range reduction

The hand strength distribu on and hand range reduc on window is a tool to visualize the distribu on of hand strengths of a given range. This window is only available if a board (at least a flop) is given. In order to compare different ranges, it is possible to open mul ple instances of this window. By checking the desired hand strengths you can reduce the range according to your wish and take this range to the main window for further analyzes. This window offers the following op ons:

The given range and its percentages are shown here.



The matrix itself. Here is displayed the current distribu on of hand strengths. Depending on the selec on in the hand strength list at the right side of this window, the elements off the matrix are displayed in different ways: ·

: Hand is located in original range and is selected


: Hand is located in original range and is not selected


: Hand is not located in original


: Hand is weighted, located in original range and is selected


: Hand is weighted, located in original range and is not selected : If this check box is checked and you move the mouse over the elements in the matrix, you will get according tool ps:

: Inverts the matrix.

In this list, you can select the desired hand strengths. The affected hand of the selected hand strength will be displayed in red. All selected hands will build a new “reduced” range, which is shown in the lower right corner of this window and can be taken to the main window for further analyses. This list is divided into the three main parts “Made hands”, “Draws” and “Combo draws”. Every line contains the name of the hand strength, the count of the hands in the whole range, which matches this hand strength and the frequency. The frequency shows the absolute frequency for the hand strength itself in red if the hand strength is selected and in gray if the hand strength is not selected.



In this example, we have 13.5% one pairs, which is divided into 1.1% over pocket pairs and 12.4% top pairs. As well we have 9.7% second pairs, which are not selected and therefore not included in the 13.5% of one pairs.

The percentages of the selected hand strengths are cumulated and displayed in brackets. In this example, we have selected 20.7% made hands, which is divided into 3.1% straights, 4.1% two pairs and 13.5% one pairs. The percentages are cumulated from top to bo om, so we can see f. e. that we have 7.3% two pair or be er. If we hold the mouse over a li le informa on mark at the end of one hand strength, the according hand will be highlighted in light green in the matrix.

Of course this informa on mark only appears, if the according hand strength is located in the given range.

In this drop down box, you can select one of the predefined condi ons. One condi on contains a set of selec ons in the list above.



: Saves the current selec on to the list of condi ons. You will be prompted to enter a new name for the new condi on. : Deletes the current selected condi on.

In this output field, the modified (reduced) range will be displayed. At top of this output field, the number of combina ons and its percentages will be displayed as well. : Closes this window and takes the modified range to the according input field into the main window. : Closes this window and discards the modified range.

Please take a look to this example to get a be er understanding to use this window.


Equity trainer

The equity trainer is designed to train your ability to es mate your equity against various ranges with or without board cards. You can train preflop, flop, turn and river scenarios. A pre y cool feature is, that you can choose the flop texture, from which the random flops are chosen. The equity trainer contains three sequen al tabs: The Prepara on window, the training window and the result window. In principle the training works as follows. You have to define a hero range from which hero’s cards are randomly taken. For every ques on a random board is chosen and you have to es mate the equity against the given ranges. The training works in mul way scenarios (up to nine ranges) as well. As well you can define to which street you like to es mate the equity.

15.1. Preparation window In the prepara on window you have two op ons: Choose one predefined quiz:

… or define a range for hero manually or select a range from your saved ranges. In this case, the ranges you train against will be taken will be taken from the main window



In this window you have the following op ons:

If you’re the selected range is a grouped range and contains subgroups, you can choose the desired subgroup by the drop down box. : Enter the desired range into the input field or take one from the hand range selec on dialog. : Opens the hand range selec on window from where you can choose one of your saved ranges. : Opens the card selec on window from where you can choose exactly two cards. : Inserts “random” into the input field. : Clears the input field.

The ranges you train against are listed her. : Starts the training with the chosen se ngs and switches to the training window. : Closes the window.

15.2. Training window The equity training works as follows: In principle you have to es mate the equity of hero’s hand on the given board against the given ranges to the selected street. You can repeat the ques ons how o en you want.



The es mated equity can be entered direct to the input field or adjusted by the slider:

In this output fields are displayed the ranges against which you train and the range from which hero’s hands are randomly chosen.

For every ques on hero’s hand and the board is randomly chosen. You selected the street which you like to train by checking or unchecking the small check boxes. If you like to train f. e. only preflop equi es, than you can uncheck the flop, turn, and river:

You can select to which street the equity should be es mated and calculated:

: The number of the current ques on is displayed. If you have set the es mated equity, then press the

- bu on to display the true equity:

The absolute and the rela ve difference is displayed :

: Press this bu on to skip to the next ques on. A new hand for hero and a new board will be randomly chosen. Please note, that you can lock cards by clicking the small padlock symbol. Locked card will be taken to next ques on without changing:



: Press this bu on to skip the current ques on without es ma ng.

The training can be performed very effec ve, because you can operate by keyboard only: · Input the es mated equity · Press Enter to show the true equity · Press Enter again to skip to the next ques on Predefined flop structes Normally the board cards are randomly chosen from all possible cards. The Power-Equilab offers a very cool feature, which chooses the board cards only from predefined flop structures. You can choose from a list of predefined sets of flop structures:

If you have selected a set of flop structures, then you can select the desired flop structure itself, here f. e. an “ace high ultra dry” – flop:

As well you can choose the maximal card distance, which means that every card in the choosen flops will have this maximal card distance. If you choose f. e. the flop structure above (Ax9x3x) and a maximal card distance of “1”, then a flop will looks like this: [A-K] [T-8] [4-2]. If you choose the card distance “0”, every me a flop like Ax9x3x but with different suits will be generated. Because an ace high flop is some mes a special case, you can check this bu on: . If the chosen flop structure contains an ace, this ace will be maintained also with a maximal card distance greater than zero. If the chosen flop structure doesn’t contain an ace, an ace will never be generated.

Feel free to repeat the ques ons how o en you want. All results will be remembered and shown in a list in the page. If you like to stop the training please press the - bu on to skip to next and final result window.

15.3. Result window Your training results will be presented in a list in this result window. Every column in the list is sortable by clicking into the corresponding header. : By clicking this bu on or by double clicking the desired item in the list, you can take this scenario to main window for further analysis.

A small overview over your difference is shown below the list. You can start a new training session by clicking the current results will be lost, if you close the equity trainer window.


- bu on or you can close the session by clicking the

- bu on. Note that your

Hand ranking and Hand ranking editor

What is a hand ranking? A hand ranking defines the order of all 169 possible combos. The order is defined by: “Which combo is the best”, “which one is the second best” and so on un l “which on is the worst”. The first of all defined hand ranking was defined “equity against three random ranges” by the good old PokerStove. The Power-Equilab offers 29 different built in hand rankings. Furthermore you define your own hand rankings with the drag and drop hand ranking editor.



This window and its matrix are fully resizable:

This window offers the following op ons:



Choose the base for the hand ranking you want to edit. The blue arrow indicated a built in hand ranking, which cannot be changed. You can choose one as a base to edit, but you have to save in under a different name. The red arrow indicated a user defined hand ranking. : Deletes the selected hand ranking. Only user defined hand rankings indicated by a red arrow can be deleted.

The matrix itself. The order is descending from the top le to the right bo om. Just pick up a combo with the mouse click, drag this combo wherever you want and drop them at the desired loca on. In the following sample are the aces placed at the worst posi on (right bo om).

: Undo the last ac on. All ac ons are remembered.



: redo the last undone ac on. : Opens a li le text editor window where you can edit the order of the combo by text. This is a good place to import hand rankings from other programs like Flopzilla. The combos are simply comma separated.

: Saves the current hand ranking. : Saves the hand ranking under a new name. : Closes the window.

Where are the hand rankings used? The hand rankings are used in the hand range selec on window by the range slider. Here is a li le example: If we chose the hand ranking “Equity vs. 1 random hand” and select the top 10% of the hands, then the aces are included. That’s logic, because the aces are defined as the best combo.



Now, we define our own hand ranking and place the aces at the worst posi on and save this hand ranking under the name “aces are bad”:

If we now choose this new hand ranking and select f. e. the top 95% of the hands, the aces are not included, because we have defined them as the worst combo:


Playabilities and playability editor

What is playability? Playability is the difference between your true equity (the equity which is calculated) and the equity you will realize. These two values can be different because f. e. you o en have to fold equity correct at the flop although you have this equity. F. e. you o en have to fold K2o or f. e. 22 although you are ahead at the flop and you have a not so bad equity. Playability value can be specified by two methods:



· By Equity offset: This is an offset to the real equity, f. e. +3.5 for AA: If your equity is 60%, this value is added, so the result is 63.5%. · By Percentage of realiza on: This is a factor, f. e. 115% for AA: If your equity is 60%, this value is mul plied, so the result is 69%. The Power-Equilab offers four built-in playability profiles, two by equity offsets and two by equity realiza on factors. Feel free to define your own offsets and realiza on factors. This depends on your own playing style. Somebody overplays his Aces and realize only 90% of is true equity, another one is a "smart aces player" who realizes 125% of his true equity. The original values are based on an old thread (unfortunately a german thread).

This window offers the following op ons:

Here you can choose the desired playability profile. A blue arrow indicates a predefined profile, a red arrow indicates a user defined profile. : The current playability profile will be deleted. Only user defined playability profiles can be deleted. : Imports playability profiles from a text file. Playability profile can be imported from two formats. The first format is the internal format, which is created if you export a playability profile (*.plb). The second format is an export format from PIOSolver (*.csv), which looks like this: { [profile name] { ; } } F. e. [Preflop Hands OOP] AA;204,85515 KK;185,22926 ... 62o;65,38207 72o;62,52145 [Preflop Hands IP] AA;204,85515 KK;185,22926 ... 62o;65,38207 72o;62,52145 : Exports all playability profiles to a text file (*.plb).



The matrix itself. Every combo has a li le spin control at the right side, with which you can adjust the corresponding value.

By clicking the spin control the value of the combo changes by one percent if the current profile is a “percentage of realiza on”- profile or by 0.1 if the current profile is a “equity offset”-profile. If you hold down the Ctrl-key all combos will be changed by this value. If you right click into a cell, this value will be picked up and you can “draw” this value with a le click and/or move to other cells. This mode is indicated by an according mouse cursor. : Saves the current playability profile. : Saves the current playability profile to a new name. : Closes the window.

Where are the playability profiles used? You can use the playability profiles in the following tools: · Hand range calculator



· Heatmap

· Hand range selec on window / Grouping op ons / Equity%





All calcula ons made in the main window will be remembered and listed in the history window. You have a quick access to the last 100 calcula ons without saved them separately.

This window offers the following op ons:

The list itself. Every column is sortable by clicking into the according header. The list shows single cards s pictures as well as weighted ranges. A double click to an entry will take this scenario to the main window and leave this window open.

If an entry is too long for the column width, an according tool p will be displayed. : Open a li le context menu with the following op ons: · Rela ve dates: The first column will be switched between rela ve dates like “10 minutes ago” and absolute dates like “03/14/2017 12:20 PM”.



· Display player posi ons: If this op on is checked, then in front of every range the according player posi on will be displayed:

: Deleted the current selected entry. : Takes the current selected scenario to the main window. This is the same ac on like a double click to this entry. This window remains open. : Closes the window.


Hand history import

The Power-Equilab offers the import of hand history files from various poker rooms. Just select the desired text file and you will get the hand history import window:

The list contains the following columns: · Time: The me when the hand was played · Hand: The hand of hero. · Plrs: Number of players involved. · Pos.: Table posi on of hero · Board: The board if available. · Winner: Name of the player who wins the hand. Of course all columns are sortable by clicking on the according list header. Double clicking an entry or clicking the

- bu on will take the current selected scenario to the main window. This window remains open.

: Closes the window.


Board manager

The Power-Equilab provides the board manager to save, restore, fast access, categorize etc. of boards. This can be very useful to test your ranges with a predefined set of boards. The board manager can handle boards with flop, turn and/or river cards and/or dead cards as well.



This window offers you the following op ons:

The board from the main window and the dead cards are shown here.


Select the desired category with which the board should be saved. A blue arrow indicates a built in category, a red arrow indicates a user defined category. Built in categories cannot be deleted or renamed. : Press this bu on to save the given board with the selected category to the list. : You can add a new category by this bu on. You will be prompted to enter the name for the new category.

: You can rename a user defined category. You will be prompted to enter a new name for the current category.

: You can delete a category. You will be prompted if you really like to delete the group. You have to take into account, that all exis ng boards with this category will be changed to “not categorized”.



The list itself. Every column is sortable by clicking to the according header. By sor ng the list, you have a fast access to boards with the same category. : The current selected board will be deleted from the list. category:

: You can change the category of the current selected board. You will get a li le list from where you can choose the desired new

: You can add mul ple boards to the board manager by textual input. The input must correspond to the syntax. In the input dialog you will find some hints to this syntax:

: Takes the current selected board to the main window and remains this window open. The same effect is given, if you double click the desired entry in the list. If you have set “Automa cally reevaluate if board changed” in the se ngs window, than the equity calcula on in the main window will be performed. This can be very useful to compare ranges and scenarios on different boards. : Closes this window.


Multiple flop equities



The Power-Equilab provides a pre y cool tool named “mul ple flop equi es” with which you can automa cally calculate the equi es for a given scenario (a set of ranges in the main window) on a subset of different flops. These subsets with each a different number of flops are designed to cover all flops as best as it is possible. Power-Equilab provides 12, 25, 49, 74, 95, 184 or 1755 strategically different flops. It’s logical, that the higher the number of flops the be er is the coverage of all flops. Why are not all 22100 flops supported? The answer is easy … many flops are strategically the same. F. e. is strategically the same flop as , and summarized into one flop. As a result there are only 1755 strategically dis nct flops, which covers 100% all possible flops.

. These four flops are

This window offers the following op ons:

You can choose for which range the equity should be calculated.

You can choose how many flops should be taken into account.

You can choose the street to which the equity should be calculated. : Starts the calcula on. You will get a progress window with two progress bars indica ng the status of the calcula on:

Because the calcula on can take a long me, you can minimize this window and con nue your work with the Power-Equilab in the main window.



: The results of the calcula on can be saved into a comma separated file with the following format: { number; flop; equity; wins; splits; losses } : Closes this window.


Poker mathematics



In this window you have the following op ons: (Monte Carlo) Evalua on me in main window: Input or set the desired me for the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on me in the main window. The “Monte Carlo”evalua on in the main window is manually forced by the user. If a “0” is entered, the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on will not stop automa cally. In this case, the user has to stop the evalua on manually. (Monte Carlo) Evalua on me in heatmap: Input or set the desired me for the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on me in the heatmap. The heatmap automa cally chooses the correct calcula on method. For heads-up scenarios the “Enumerate all”-method and for mul way scenarios the “Monte Carlo”-method is chosen. If a “0” is entered, the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on will not stop automa cally. In this case, the user has to stop the evalua on manually. (Monte Carlo) Evalua on me in scenario analyser: Input or set the desired me for the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on me in the scenario analyser. The scenario analyser automa cally chooses the correct calcula on method. For heads-up scenarios the “Enumerate all”-method and for mul way scenarios the “Monte Carlo”method is chosen. If a “0” is entered, the “Monte Carlo”-evalua on will not stop automa cally. In this case, the user has to stop the evalua on manually. Automa cally reevaluate if board changed: If this checkbox is checked, the Power-Equilab will automa cally starts an evalua on if the user changes the board (flop, turn, river, dead) in the main window. Automa cally reevaluate if range changed: If this checkbox is checked, the Power-Equilab will automa cally starts a new evalua on if the user changes on of the ranges in the main window. Max decimal places for weights: Input or set the desired number of decimal places for weights. This is a system wide se ng and affects all windows of the PowerEquilab. For user entered ranges, normally it is enough to handle zero or one decimal place (f. e. “10:AA” for 10% weighted aces or “10.5:AA” for 10.5% weighted aces, see Range syntax for more informa on). If you handle heavy-weighted ranges imported from a GTO-solver like “PIO-Solver” or “GTO Range Builder”, it is recommended to set the decimal places to a higher number (F. e. “0.497802585:AA, 0.894234896:KK” for weights with nine decimal places). : Closes the dialog and takes the selected se ngs. : Closes the dialog and discards the selected se ngs.


Forbidden processes

The window contains a list of forbidden processes. Some poker rooms do not allows, that equity calculators like Power-Equilab are running while the poker room is open. In order to protect the user from some punishments, the Power-Equilab automa cally scans all running processes in background and will terminate if one of the listed process is running. If the Power-Equilab detects one of the forbidden processes, it will show a correspondingly message and terminate a er ten seconds.



In this window you have the following op ons:

Here are listed the names of all forbidden processes. The entries with a blue arrow are predefined and cannot be changed. The entries with a red arrow are userdefined and can be changed. : To enter a name of a new user defined process and append this process as a user defined entry to the list. : To delete an entry from the list. Only user defined entries can be deleted. : If checked, the Power-Equilab automa cally scans for forbidden processes in background. ATTENTION: It is highly recommended to let it checked. Otherwise it can happens, that you get some problems with an open poker room. : Closes this window.


Card matrix and slider color themes

In this window you can choose one of the predefined color themes for the hand range matrix and the corresponding sliders.

In this window you have the following op ons: : Here is a list of predefined color themes. Please simple choose a color theme and press OK to take this theme. While changing the selected entry in the list, all opened hand range windows will be updated immediately to have an idea as it will look. : Closes the dialog and takes the selected color theme. : Closes the dialog and discards the selected color theme.


Grouping color themes

Grouping color themes are useful to assign predefined or your own color themes to your grouped ranges. You can define several grouping color themes for different scenarios. One grouping color theme contains 12 tuples with each a color and a text (name).



In this window you have the following op ons: : Here you can choose the color theme to edit. : The selected color theme will be deleted. Only user-defined color themes (red arrow) can be deleted. : Click to this bu on to change the color : Here you can enter the name of the group. : Saves the current se ngs (colors and names) to the currently selected color theme. : Saves the current se ngs (colors and names) to a new name. : Takes the currently selected color theme as the actual color theme. : Closes the window without changing the current color theme.


Syntax documentation

All ranges in the Power-Equilab can be wri en down in a textual format. You can use this syntax format to enter your desired ranges in the input fields. With this syntax you can describe ranges, hands, weights and percen les. You can show the following descrip on of this syntax in the Power-Equilab by clicking [Help / Syntax documenta on]. Specific hands • AhAd : Specific hand ‘ace of hearts and ace of diamonds’ Hand groups • AA : All 6 combos of a pocket pair type for example • AKs : All 4 ace king suited combos • AKo : All 12 ace king offsuit combos • AK : All 16 ace king combos = AKo, AKs Hand group ranges • QQ-99 : All pocket pairs from 99 to QQ, i.e. QQ, JJ, TT, 99 • T7s-T3s : All suited tens from T3s to T7s , i.e. T7s, T6s, T5s, T4s, T3s • T7o-T3o : All offsuit tens from T3o to T7o, i.e. T7o, T6o, T5o, T4o, T3o • T7-T3 : All suited tens from T3s to T7s and all offsuit tens from T3o to T7o, i.e. T7s, T6s, T5s, T4s, T3s, T7o, T6o, T5o, T4o, T3o • KJs-86s : All suited one gapper from 86s to KJs, i.e. KJs, QTs, J9s, T8s, 97s, 86s • AJo-63o : All suited two gapper from 63o to AJo, i.e. AJo, KTo, Q9o, J8o, T7o, 96o, 85o, 74o, 63o • J8-52 : All two gapper from 52 to J8, i.e. J8s, T7s, 96s, 85s, 74s, 63s, 52s, J8o, T7o, 96o, 85o, 74o, 63o, 52o Open-ended hand group ranges • QQ+ : All pocket pairs of queens and be er, i.e. QQ, KK, AA • T6s+ : All suited tens from T6s to T9s , i.e. T9s, T8s, T7s, T6s • T6o+ : All offsuit tens from T6o to T9o, i.e. T9o, T8o, T7o, T6o • T6+ : All offsuit tens from T6o to T9o and all suited tens from T6s to T9s, i.e. T9s, T8s, T7s, T6s, T9o, T8o, T7o, T6o Wild cards • 8* : 82s+, 82o+ • *8 : A8s, K8s, Q8s, J8s, T8s, 98s, A8o, K8o, Q8o, J8o, T8o, 98o • r8 or 8r : All eights, 88, A8s, K8s, Q8s, J8s, T8s, 98s, 82s+, A8o, K8o, Q8o, J8o, T8o, 98o, 82o+ • ** : Any two cards • A*h : Any Ace with any heart • Ah* : Any Ace of hearts with any card • **h : Any two cards with one heart • *h*c : Any heart with any club



• Ah*c : Ace of hearts with any club • AhT* : Ace of hearts with any Ten • AhTh+ : AhKh, AhQh, AhJh, AhTh Percen le • 20% : The top 20% of hands, 66+,A4s+,K8s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T9s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo • 10-40% : The top 40% of hands excluding the top 10% of hands, 10% PFR and 40% VPIP, 66-44,A8s-A2s,K9s-K2s,Q9s-Q4s,J7s+,T7s+,97s+,87s,64s+,ATo-A3o,KJoK7o,Q8o+,J8o+,T8o+,64o+ • 20%/1 : The top 20% of hands “Equity vs. 1 random hand”. See a full descrip on of all appendixes at the end of this page. Weights • 100:KK+,50:QQ : 100% Kings and Aces, only 50% of the me Queens • KK+,50:QQ : No assigned weight means 100%. E.g. 100% Kings and Aces, only 50% of the me Queens • 1.23456789:KK+,50:QQ : 1.23456789% Kings and Aces, 50% of the me Queens Extra • random : Any two cards • OR : Shorty is assigned the Open-Raising range for the selected posi on (input field) Appendixes for Percen le 1 = Equity vs. 1 random hand 2 = Equity vs. 2 random hands 3 = Equity vs. 3 random hands (PokerStove) 4 = Equity vs. 4 random hands 5 = Equity vs. 5 random hands 6 = Equity vs. 6 random hands 7 = Equity vs. 7 random hands 8 = Equity vs. 8 random hands 9 = Equity vs. 9 random hands KS = Karlson-Sklansky (Sklansky Chubukov) PPT = Billings Davidson Schaeffer Szafron (ProPokerTools) HS = Hood Stoxtrader SMG = Sklansky-Malmuth Groups SMGA = Sklansky-Malmuth Groups, Adjusted SMGO = Sklansky-Malmuth Groups, Ordered BC = Bloch, Call BJ = Bloch, Jam DD = Domina on, Defensive DN = Domina on, Net DO = Domina on, Offensive HG = Hellmuth Groups HC = High Card NF = NoFoldem RPS = Real-play Sta s cs ( SG = SAGE Groups SCG = Sample 6-max Cash Groups TG = Tanaka Groups TGO = Tanaka Groups, Ordered OM = Original Matrix Ux = User defined hand ranking no. x, e.g. “U1” for the first user defined hand ranking



Every me that something is changed or new, the Power-Equilab shows some news in a li le window at applica on start.


About …



Shows the about window with some informa on of the Power-Equilab · The version number of the Power-Equilab · The machine-code of the computer · Informa on how long the subscrip on is ac ve · Some registering informa on (name and E-Mail address)


Some interesting points

30.1. Global setting “Display card removal” The global se ng “Display card removal” affects the visualizing of the card matrix in the hand range selec on window. Let’s take a look to this short example: Suppose we have the following board in the main window:

If “Display card removal” is OFF, then the card matrix is shown as follows:



If “Display card removal” is ON, then the used cards will be removed from the range and the card matrix is shown as follows:

As you can see, no “eights” are available, because three eights are used by the board.

30.2. Window positioning All windows of the Power-Equilab remember their posi ons. If you reopen a window, it will be opened on its last posi on and in its last size. Therefore you can arrange all the windows according to your wishes.

30.3. Evaluation methods: Monte Carlo vs. Enumerate All With the calcula on method "Enumerate All" exactly all hands of all players are combined with all boards, so that a 100% exact result is calculated. The disadvantage of this calcula on method is that it can take very long for unfavorable constella ons or several players. This is in the nature of the ma er, since simply huge amounts of evalua ons have to be carried out. Example: ** vs. ** on empty board: Number of necessary evalua ons = C (52, 2) * C (50, 2) * C (48.5) = 2.781.381.002.400 combina ons. Here you can see very clearly that a calcula on of all combina ons takes very long. With the "Monte Carlo" calcula on method, not all combina ons are passed one a er the other, but individual combina ons are taken randomly from the respec ve hand ranges and evaluated with random board combina ons. The interes ng thing here is that the result very quickly converges very exactly to the exact result. The longer this method is running, the closer the result is to the actual, exact equity. This method is par cularly suitable for calcula ons with three or more ranges.

30.4. Calculate weights based on previous ranges The Power-Equilab offers a worldwide unique pre y cool feature: Calculate weights based on previous ranges. Normally a card removal effect is only based on dis nct cards which are given. F. e. if somebody before holds the exact hand

, than my AQs can only contain

two combos, because and are blocked. In this case my AQs is weighted by 50%, because I can only hold two of the four combos. The new concept now takes not only dis nct hands into account, it takes full ranges and the probability how o en a hand exists in this range. F. e. If somebody before holds and I know another player before me holds this range { 88+, ATs+, KQs, QJs, AJo+ }, than my AQs is not only reduced by the known hand AQs is reduces by this dis nct hand and all occurrences of the other aces and queens in the range. Because the calcula on of these weights by previous ranges takes a long me, the Power-Equilab only offers the “Monte Carlo” calcula on method.


Please take a look to this extensive example using weights based on previous ranges.



31.1. Like to create a smart defend range taking playability into account? For example we are in the big blind and have a 50% opening range from the bu on. We like to call all hands with an equity between 37% and 50% (the others we like to fold or 3bet).



1st: The conven onal way. Calcula ng a range where every hand has an equity between 37% and 50%.

Our calculated range has an equity of 42.32%



Our range hits on the flop 17.15% top pair or be er and in 18.24% a flush draw, gutshot or OESD.

In 70% of all possible flops, our range has an equity of at least 40%.

Now we take playabili es into account :)



For this example we use our self defined playability profile "Heads up playability OOP balanced". Feel free to define your own playability profiles.

Now we calculate a range with equi es between 37% and 50% where we take our playability profile into account.



This range has an equity of 45.53%.

We have almost the same number of hands (442 vs. 440), but this range matches the flop much be er.



Instead of 70% of all possible flops, now we have in 90% an equity of at least 40%.

This is only one simple example to show how you can use the playability profiles.

31.2. Like to know how often the big blind holds an ace in a three way pot taking the range based card removal into account? Let's suppose we have the following scenario: The ght MP2 opens, hero in the small blind cold calls his AQo and the big blind calls as well. We give the big blind the following range.



We can see, that this range contains in 9.7% of the me a combo with an ace.

This range will hit 10.31% a top pair on the flop.

Now we use the powerful feature "Calculate weights based on previous ranges". This woldwide unique feature will calculate for every combo in the given range the weight according to the frequency of combos in all previous ranges. This works with any given number of ranges.



As we can see the combos now are weighted based on the other ranges. For example, this range now has only 37.7% AQs, because the other ranges contains aces and queens as well.



Overall, this range now only contains 5.7% an ace.

And in conclusion, this range can hit less top pairs.

This is only one simple sample to show you the powerful feature of calcula ng weights based on previous ranges.

31.3. Like to know how many bluff catchers we have on the river using the equity graph for the current street? Let’s suppose we have the following scenario: We have a busted flush draw at the river and an equity range vs. range near about 50%.



Now our opponent bets. How are the hands in his range distributed? How many bluffs does he have? How many values bets does he have? We are using the current street equity graph to find out how the equity distribu on of villain’s hands looks like.



As we can see, villain’s range contains about 42% of nut hands.

We can also see that villain’s range contains a ton of bluffs with almost no equity.

And finally … hero’s range contains almost exclusively bluff catchers:



Depending on the be ng size and the es mated bluffing frequency, hero can find out if he has a call or a fold.

31.4. Like to see how to use the concept of folded ranges in a realistic example? F. e. it is a 6max-fixed-limit table. The SB opened the ORC-SB-opening range of { 22+, A2s +, K2s +, Q2s +, J2s +, T3s+, 94s+, 85s+, 76s, A2o+, K3o+, Q4o+, J5o+, T6o+, 97o+, 87o }. Hero in the BB holds his

. According to the theory the BB can call with more than 70% of the average equity (here 35%), so also in this case


The calcula on of equity has not yet been considered, which ranges of the previous players has been folded. We now give the players before meaningful foldedranges. That is quite easy. For example, MP2, we take his opening range ....



... and invert it ...

We get the range that MP2 has folded. This, we repeat to MP3, CO and BU. Now, we mark these four ranges as "folded" and calculate the equity again.



As we can see, this equity has a difference of about 1.4% ... not just a li le. In this case, our "call" will be a clear "fold". By the concept of "Folded Ranges" the Power-Equilab gives the user and ambi ous poker player an instrument at hand, to have a completely new view to common spots.

31.5. Like to see how easy you can reduce your range from street to street according to the hand strengths of your range? Let’s suppose we are on the bu on and hold Td9d. We open raise and the big blind calls. Now we give the big blind the following range:



The flop come 9h8hAs. As we can see, we have 65.5% equity … not bad

The big blinds checks, we bet and now the big blind check raises us. What we have to do? We open the hand strength distribu on and hand range reduc on window and think about, with which hands he probably check raises us. We think, he would check raises us with top pair or be er and any good draw like open ended straight draws and flushdraws.



We see, that the big blind would check raises us with 134 out of his original 420 hands. We take this con nuing range to the main window and calculate the equity again.

Now, we only have an equity of 39.14%. Depending on the size of the check raise, we can decide if we would like to con nue our hand or not. Assumed, we decided to call and the turn comes 5h. Now the big blinds bets and we have to decide what to do. Assuming he would check his draws and would bet out his top



pair or be er, we can reduce his range in that way. We open the hand range distribu on and hand range reduc on window again and make the desired selec ons:

As we can see, he would bet out 110 out of his remaining 132 hands. We take this even smaller range to the main window once again and calculated the equity.

Our equity goes down to 5.87% ... now we have a clear fold.





32.1. What are the differences between “Monte Carlo” and “Enumerate all”? Please see Evalua on methods: Monte Carlo vs. Enumerate All

32.2. What are the differences between the three different calculation methods in the equity graph? Please see: Equity graph / Next street equity graph

32.3. Do I have to have an active internet connection to run the Power-Equilab? Yes, at startup the Power-Equilab checks for available updates, downloads the latest news and the status of your subscrip on.

32.4. Where I can find the version number? The version number is shown in the about window. The about window is shown by clicking in the menu [Help / About …]

32.5. What is the machine-code of my computer and where I can find it? The machine-code of a computer is a unique iden fier for every machine. In order to assign a subscrip on to a dis nct computer and to ac vate the corresponding subscrip on, we need this machine-code. The machine-code is shown in the about window. The about window is shown by clicking in the menu [Help / About …]

If your subscrip on (or trial) is expired, you will get the purchase window at startup. Here the machine-code is shown as well:

32.6. I’d like to run the Power-Equilab on a second computer. What should I do?



In order to ac vate your license on a second computer, we need the machine-code of this machine. Please send this machine-code by E-Mail to [email protected]. If you like to use all se ngs and ranges, please copy all the Power-Equilab se ng files to the new machine. You must be the owner of both computers. It is not permi ed to share a license with other people).

32.7. Where does the Power-Equilab save the settings? All se ngs used by the Power-Equilab are stored in textual ini-files. You can find these files here: c:\Users\\AppData\Local\Equilab\*.ini or on a german windows: c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\Equilab\*.ini

32.8. Does a support group at Skype exist? Yes, the name of the support group at Skype is: Power-Equilab Support. Feel free to add to this group and ask your ques ons. If you like, you can add to this group by this link.

32.9. I found a bug, I have a question or a suggestions, what can I do? Feel free to contact us by E-Mail [email protected] or by our Skype support group. Any bug report, any ques on or any sugges on is very welcome.


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