Manila Bulletin, Mar. 28, 2019, Tolentino, Mangudadatu Vow Agricultural Reform.pdf

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Download & View Manila Bulletin, Mar. 28, 2019, Tolentino, Mangudadatu Vow Agricultural Reform.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 380
  • Pages: 1
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tolentinoo Mangudadatu BACOLOD CtTy _Hugpongng pag, Darrago senatrorial bets former presiden_


tial political adviser Francis iolentino and Rep. Zajid .Dong.. Mangudadatu vowed to prioritize agricuttural reform legislal.ion and called formeasures that wruld immediately address concerns

atred by farmers and fishermen. Intdhviewed here. Tolentino called

^ l.he stricter implementation tor of

Republic Act 1000 or the Agricultural Credit Reform Act to swi_t y open crettit

v'rv agricultural

to iarmers and fishermen that would give them a fighting chance aqainst the effects ofthe EI Nino weathe"rphenomenon. Ee said the agri-agra law is another source of fund that would be helpful in frghting offEl Nino but it should be eas_ ily accessed by the agircultural sec(or Tolentino lamented that despil,e the trillions of pesos in available fuirds tbr

agricultural credit, farmers and fisher_ men do not avail themselves of the fund because of the paperwork involved in applying for loans.


He backed efforts-in ConEress to amend the law in order to allow better access to borrowing, adding that toans should be made easily avaiLble due io adverse effects of El Nino On the other hand. Mangudadatu . Lold Jeporters here that he will push ror the creation of a separate govern_ ment department that focuseJon the dev€lopment of the frshing and aqua_ cllture industry and addrJss plight of the fisherfolk in the country



Mangudadatu, vice chairman ofthe House Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, said the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources should be transformed into a full gov_ ernment deparlment so that the Drob_ lems in the industry will be adtuessed taster and allow the industrv to srow The Maguindanao soton notei ttrat lhe move will sl.rengthen furlher the Philippines position as the top fishing country in the Asia_paci6c reAion and has the highest marine diversitv Mangudadatu grewup in a clmmu_ nity of fisherfolk and has developed a s€nse 0o explore and to develop organic

flsh larming business. His initiative 000 hectares offish

laterexpanded into

farms that served as a major supplieroI hsh products in Mindanao provinces. Meanwhile. Tblentino called on locat government units to declare a state oi emergency as the dry spell affecting the counl.ry could triggerserious prod uict_iv_ lty probldns that would run to trillions of pesos until September, 2019.


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