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  • Pages: 164
Chairman's Foreword Sewerage Undertakers in the UK are responsible for over 300,000 kilometres of sewers. Recent changes in legislation and the needs of sewerage undertakers to more effectively manage their systems has led to a dramatic increase in the amount of manhole locations surveys. The Model Contract Document for Manhole Location Surveys and the Production of Record Maps was first published in 1983. Since the publication of the last edition of the document, computer data capture, storage and validation programs have become an integral part of the survey procedure and have revolutionised the way in which contracts are executed. This new edition is part of a family of three Model Contract Documents which also comprise Model Contract Documents for short term sewer flow surveys and sewer inspections. Large parts of the Conditions of Contract, Specifications and Preamble to the Bill of Quantities have been amended to provide a common thread which will run through all three documents. Term Contracts are also now provided for in the document. The work on updating the document has been carried out by WRc in close co-operation with the Engineering and Operations Committee's Sewerage Working Group under the Chairmanship of Mr W G Sheldon of North West Water. I acknowledge the input of the Working Group in the work and I expect that this will ensure that the manual continues to be a success in the future. JOHN SIMPSON Chairman Engineering and Operations Committee





7 21




45 38




















GENERAL Tenderer to inform himself



All items to be completed


1.3 1.4

Tender return Interpretation and qualified tenders

3 4




1.6 1.7

Late tenders Period for acceptance

4 4


Fixed price


1.9 1.10

Pre-tender inspection Acceptance of tenders

4 5


Arithmetical errors



Sub-contractor(s) MANHOLE LOCATION



Quality control procedure



Sample work






GENERAL 1.1Tenderer to inform himself

[It is the Engineers responsibility to complete the Information and Instruction Schedule (Section 6). It is assumed that where a section of the Schedule is left blank the Engineer has elected not to use that particular clause].

The Tenderer shall obtain at his own expense all information necessary for making a Tender and entering into a Contract and shall examine and consider all matters referred to in the documents and accompanying plans. Particular attention is drawn to the requirements contained in the Information and Instruction Schedule (Section 6). The Tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before submitting his tender as to the correctness and sufficiency of the rates and prices stated by him in the priced Bill of Quantities which shall (except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the Contract) cover all his obligations under the Contract. 1.2All items to be completed and returned with Tender The items listed shall be returned with the Tender and completed in ink where relevant: 1. 2. 3.

[This approach to the return of the Tender may not be appropriate. The Engineer should check the Employer's

Bill of Quantities, Dayworks Schedule and Summary. Form of Tender. Other Requirements as listed in Clause 6.22.

1.3Tender return One set of completed documents and enclosures (Clause 1.2) shall be returned in the envelope provided

procedures for letting contracts]. [The period to be allowed for the Tenderer to prepare his tender should normally be 4 weeks. This period

without any added words or identifying marks thereon to the address stated in Clause 6.2 of the Schedule by the time and date stated in Clause 6.3 of the Schedule. The second set of the documents shall be retained by the Tenderer.

may be altered if the Engineer so decides].

1.4Interpretation and qualified tenders The Tenderer shall make no alteration to the documents. Qualifications in the nature of statements, or interpretation of Contract Documents should, if possible, be avoided by referring them to the Engineer during the tender period (Clause 6.1). A qualified tender will not be admitted. An alternative may only be admitted where the tenderer also submits a copy of the original tender completed in full. 1.5Addenda Should any additions or changes to the documents be necessary prior to the date for submission these will be issued by the Engineer to all Tenderers in the form of written instructions which will form part of the documents. Tenderers will be required to acknowledge receipt of such instructions in writing. 1.6Late tenders Any tender received after the due date and time will be rejected by the Employer. 1.7Period for acceptance Every tender shall be open to acceptance by the Employer for the period stated in Clause 6.4 of the Information and Instruction Schedule following the date stated in Clause 6.3 of the Schedule. 1.8Fixed price

[It is preferable that the Engineer

Tenderers should note that this Contract will be fixed price.

makes available adequate plans at the tendering stage so that the Tenderer can ascertain the nature of the Works and what element of

1.9Pre-tender inspection In the event of some or all of the Works being in, on or under private land or premises, Tenderers wishing to inspect the site, shall make their own arrangements with the owner(s) or

the Works is "off the highway". If work needs to be undertaken "off the highway" the Engineer should indicate this in the Information and Instruction Schedule and may provide an additional Bill item. If plans are not available the Engineer should provide as much detail as possible in the Information and Instruction Schedule. This clause may be deleted for Term Contracts.]

occupier(s) of such land or premises and obtain any necessary permission to enter thereon. Tenderers will make such entry at their own risk and be responsible for any injury or damage whatsoever caused by them in the course of entering or leaving the land or premises or whilst they are on the land or within the premises. If entry is refused the matter should be referred to the person named in Clause 6.1 who will use his best efforts to arrange matters.

If this requires lifting manhole covers the Tenderer shall only do so with the express permission of the person named in Clause 6.1. Where in exceptional circumstances entry into the sewer is required, permission must be obtained in writing from the person named in Clause 6.1. 1.10Acceptance of tenders The Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender, nor will the Employer be responsible for or pay for any expenses or losses incurred by the Tenderer in the preparation of his tender. Where appropriate the Employer reserves the right to accept the Tender as a whole or any part or parts thereof (unless the Tenderer stipulates otherwise at the time of tendering, in which case such stipulation must be without prejudice to the Employer's right to delete any provisional items or to amend, vary or modify any works as provided for under the Contract). Tenderers must submit offers for the

whole of the works. No tenders will be accepted unless fully completed. 1.11Arithmetical errors If a tender contains errors in the extension of quantities and rates, the rates will be deemed to stand and the

[see Clause 1.2]

extension will be corrected. Where an arithmetical error is found in the make up of the final sum, the Tenderer will be informed of the error in writing and given the choice between withdrawing the tender or correcting the error. 1.12Sub-contractor(s) If the Tenderer knows at the time of completing the tender documents that he intends to use a sub-contractor for part of the Works he shall so inform the Engineer in writing at the time of tender of the name and address of the sub-contractor together with a Statement of Experience and Statement of Resources, for each sub-contractor he intends to use. MANHOLE LOCATION 1.13Quality control procedure The Tenderer shall submit with his tender (see Clause 3.22) a quality control system which will effectively gauge the accuracy and consistency of the works.

1.14Sample work If requested by the Engineer in the Information and Instruction Schedule (Clause 6.14) the Tenderer shall supply a copy of the sample work listed in Clause 6.14.








Engineer's Representative


2.3 2.4

Assignment and subletting Contract documents

10 11


General obligations


2.6 2.7

Acceptance, commencement, programme and contract period Normal working hours

12 13


Employer's responsibilities


2.9 2.10

Public relations 13 Contractor's responsibility: health and safety 14


Skilled operators and supervision


2.12 2.13

Nuisance Accident

14 14




2.15 2.16

Liquidated damages Re-execution of unsatisfactory work

16 16


Variations, extensions of time and claims



Certification, payment and daily progress report







Collusion and corruption


2.21 2.22

Settlement of disputes - arbitration Tax matters

19 20


Value Added Tax










[In Scotland this document may need modification(s) to bring it into line with the Law of Contract under Scottish Law].

2.1.1 Employer is as defined in Clause 6.10 of the Information and Instruction Schedule 2.1.2 Contractor means the person or person, firm or company whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and includes the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and permitted assignees. 2.1.3 Engineer is as defined in Clause 6.11 of the Information and Instruction Schedule or his successor.

[Team Leader may also be known as Rig Manager, or Surveyor by some Contractors].

2.1.4 Engineer's Representative means a person appointed from time to time by the Employer or Engineer and notified in writing to the Contractor by the Engineer to perform the functions set out in Clause 2.2. 2.1.5 Team Leader means the person employed by the Contractor in day to day charge of the Survey Vehicle, Equipment and Personnel actually carrying out the Survey. 2.1.6 Contract means the Conditions of Contract, Specification, Drawings, priced Bill of Quantities, completed Information and Instruction Schedule, the Tender, the written acceptance thereof and the Contract Agreement (if completed). 2.1.7 Specification means the specification referred to in the Tender and any modifications thereof or addition thereto as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Engineer. 2.1.8

Site means the manhole and/or sewer

[The headings and marginal notes are primarily to assist those preparing

being surveyed and the minimum area required adjacent to manholes to allow the Survey to be executed and the Contractor shall be responsible for physically defining the limits of the Site which shall be agreed with the Engineer. 2.1.9 Plans mean maps, drawings or

contract documents and to explain apparent omissions from the text and for cross referencing.]

diagrams showing the location of and/or extent of the Survey. 2.1.10 Survey means the work referred to in the Contract which is intended to be executed and performed by the Contractor on under in or through the site. 2.1.11 Survey Report means the report to be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Contract. 2.1.12 Works means the Survey together with the preparation and submission of the Survey Report. 2.1.13 Singular and Plural words importing the singular also include the plural and vice-versa where the context requires. 2.1.14 Marginal notes in this document shall NOT be deemed to be part of the contract.

2.2Engineer's Representative 2.2.1 The functions of the Engineer's Representative are to watch and supervise the execution of the Survey. He shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the Contract nor, except as expressly provided hereunder, to order any work involving delay or any extra payment by the Employer. 2.2.2 The Engineer or the Engineer's Representative may appoint any number of persons to assist the Engineer's Representative in the exercise of his functions under Clause 2.2.1 above. He shall notify to the Contractor the names and functions of such persons. The Engineer's Representative or his duly appointed assistants shall have power to issue such written instructions to the Contractor as may be necessary to enable them to properly discharge their


[Plans will be supplied or made

2.2.3 The Engineer may authorise any other person responsible to him to act on his behalf either generally, in respect of the Contract, or specifically, in respect of particular clauses of these Conditions of Contract, and any act of any such person within

available prior to tender as listed in Clause 6.12. The Engineer's attention is also drawn to Clause 1.12].

the scope of his authority shall, for the purposes of the Contract, constitute an act of the Engineer. Prior notice in writing of any such authorisation shall be given by the Engineer to the Contractor. Such authorisation shall not be given in respect of any decision to be taken or certificate to be issued under Clauses 2.6, 2.17.3, 2.18.3 or 2.21.1. 2.3Assignment and sub-letting 2.3.1 The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder without the written consent of the Employer. 2.3.2 The Contractor shall not sub-let the whole of the Works. Except where otherwise provided by the Contract the Contractor shall not sub-let any part of the Works without the written consent of the Engineer and such consent if given shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract and he shall be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglects of any Sub-contractor, his agents, servants or workpeople as fully as if they were the acts defaults or neglects of the Contract, his agents, servants or workpeople. Provided always that the provision of labour on a"contract for services" basis shall not be deemed to be a sub-letting under this Clause. 2.4Contract documents 2.4.1 The documents are to be taken as mutually explanatory and in cases of ambiguities or discrepancies these shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer in writing. Where a section of the Information and Instruction Schedule is left blank

the Engineer has elected not to use that particular clause.

[The Engineer may wish to vary the dates given in this

2.4.2 The Employer shall be responsible for providing: (a)plans necessary for the location of sewers and access points except where the contractor is

section to suit the Employer's policy/procedure and also if emergency works are being carried out. The time of working in streets will be used to allow the Engineer to liaise with the Highway Authority.]

specifically required to locate the sewers and access points by some other provision of this document. (b)two full copies of the contract documents. 2.4.3 The Contractor shall give adequate notice in writing to the Engineer of any further information or instruction that the Contractor may require for the execution of the Survey or otherwise under the contract. 2.5General obligations

[The Engineer shall delete either clause 2.6.2 and/or 2.6.3 whichever shall not be applicable see 6.6].

2.5.1 The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, carry out and complete the Survey, interpret the data, supply the Survey Report, provide all necessary labour, materials, equipment and transport as may be required for or be inferred from the Contract. 2.5.2 Except where it is legally or physically impossible the Contractor shall undertake to complete the Works to the satisfaction of the Engineer and comply with and adhere strictly to the Engineer's instructions and directions on any matter connected therewith. 2.5.3 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer (and any other person authorised by him and notified to the Contractor) with access to the site at all times.

� � �

2.5.4 The Contractor upon starting site work shall make and maintain regular contact with: The Engineer Highway Authority

Any other organisation as listed in Clause 6.13. 2.5.5 The Contractor shall comply with the MAFF guidance note "Precautions to prevent the spread of Animal and Poultry

Diseases - Code of Practice for Civil Engineers, Surveyors and Contractors's", 1974 together with the relevant Code of Practice for the exercise of works powers by water and sewerage undertakers on land, approved by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Water Industry Act 1991.

[Under Item (c) the Engineer would normally certify payment against Bill Items. The Engineer may wish to make it the Contractor's responsibility for locating the manhole covers. If so this should be stated in Clause 6.22].

2.6Acceptance, commencement, programme and contract period 2.6.1 Within 21 calendar days after the written acceptance of his tender the Contractor shall, if requested by the Engineer in Clause 6.5, submit to the Engineer for his approval a programme showing the way in which he proposes to carry out the Survey. The Engineer will provide the Contractor with the necessary drawings etc. to enable the programme to be achieved. The programme shall indicate the times when the Contractor will be working in streets. 2.6.2 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, commence the Survey as specified in Clause 6.6 and proceed with due diligence in accordance with the Contract and shall complete the whole of the Works within the period specified (see Clauses 6.7 and 6.8). 2.6.3 The Contract period shall be as defined in the Information and Instruction Schedule (Clause 6.7 and 6.8). The contractor shall unless otherwise agreed, commence any survey within 28 days of receiving written instructions from the Engineer. 2.6.4 When a programme has been approved under Clause 2.6.1, the Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works within the period specified (Clause 6.7 or 6.8). Should additional work be included in the Contract or other special circumstances of any kind arise such as, in the opinion of the Engineer, to entitle the Contractor to an extension of time for the completion of the Survey, the Engineer shall, after consultation with the Contractor, determine the amount of such extension and inform the Contractor in writing. 2.6.5 Following commencement of the Survey the Contractor shall not leave the Site other than in accordance with

the agreed programme without having notified the Engineer of the reasons for his departure and the proposed date and time for his return. 2.6.6 If for any reason (which does not entitle the Contractor to an extension of time) the rate of progress of the Survey is at any time in the

[Clarification shall be given by the Engineer on the nature of accidents to be notified].

[NOTE: Compensation payments as a result of the Contractor carrying out the instructions of the Engineer and/or complying with the Contract are normally the responsibility of the Employer. The Engineer should check with the Employer's policy/procedure].

opinion of the Engineer too slow, the Engineer shall so notify the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall thereupon take such actions as are necessary as the Engineer may approve to expedite progress so as to complete the Survey by the prescribed or extended time. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment for taking such actions. If as a result of any notice given by the Engineer under this clause the Contractor shall seek the Engineer's permission to do any work at night or at weekends, such permission shall not be unreasonably refused. 2.6.7 The Engineer shall agree the method of working with the Contractor and approve it in writing. 2.7Normal working hours 2.7.1 Normal working hours shall be Monday to Friday between 0800 and 1800. No work shall be carried out outside these times except with the written permission of the Engineer. 2.8Employer's responsibilities

[The Employer may wish to verify that the provision of Labour on a "contract for services" basis does not invalidate the Contractors insurance policy]

2.8.1 The Employer will be responsible for the following: (a)providing the site and access. (b)any excavation found to be necessary for Survey purposes, together with reinstatement of such excavations. (c)except where explicitly required elsewhere, ensuring that manhole covers are located, operable and available prior to commencement of the Survey. (d)providing all reasonable assistance to the Contractor in removing parked vehicles to enable the Survey to proceed (see Clause

3.6). (e)providing clear, readable copies of plans showing the sewers to be surveyed. (f) arranging any road closures necessary for the Works.

[This clause may be deleted by the Employer if he considers the use of the liquidated damages clause inappropriate].

(g)Traffic matters related to traffic-sensitive areas in the context of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. 2.9Public relations 2.9.1 Where it is necessary for the Contractor's survey vehicle to drive on to private land the Employer will be responsible for negotiating access or serving formal notices on the landowners. The Contractor shall not traverse private land until he has established that access has been agreed or notices have been served and must therefore provide the Engineer with adequate notice of his need to enter the land.

[See Clause 1.2]

2.9.2 Where access is necessary on to private land and premises but which does not involve driving the survey vehicle over private land the Employer will normally issue the Contractor with a letter of authorisation entitling the Contractor to carry out the Survey at any reasonable time. 2.9.3 Irrespective of whether a notice has been served the Contractor shall comply with all reasonable requests of landowners, owners and householders particularly with regard to means of access. Any request which the Contractor regards as unreasonable should be referred to the Engineer for decision. The Contractor must endeavour to foster good relationships with land owners, householders and the public when carrying out the Survey. 2.9.4 Each site operative shall carry a personal identification card which shall carry a photograph. The Contractors failure to comply with this condition shall permit the Employer to suspend the Contract.

[The Engineer may wish to vary the figure of 28 days

2.10Contractor's responsibility: health and

to suit the Employer's policy/ procedures].

safety 2.10.1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy of site operations and methods of carrying out the Survey and compliance in all respects with the requirements of applicable EC directives, general or local acts of Parliament, regulations

[The Engineer shall make allowances for any additional works by extending the Contract period if appropriate].

and by-laws of any local or statutory authority. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all site operatives and operations. 2.11Skilled operators and supervision 2.11.1 The Contractor shall provide sufficient numbers of suitably skilled and trained operatives and all necessary equipment for the work of this Contract. 2.11.2 The Contractor shall maintain on site a competent team leader in charge of the Survey at all times and approved in writing by the Engineer prior to commencement of the Survey. 2.11.3 The Engineer shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor to remove from site any person employed directly or otherwise by the Contractor in or about the execution of the Survey who, in the opinion of the Engineer, misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the performance of his duties or fails to conform with any particular provisions with regard to safety which may be set out in the contract or persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety or health and such person shall not be again employed upon the Survey without the permission of the Engineer. 2.12Nuisance 2.12.1 All operations for the execution of the Survey, shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with public convenience or the access to or use or occupation of public or private roads and footpaths to or of properties whether in the possession of the Employer or of any other person and the Contractor shall

save harmless and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any such matters. 2.13Accident [All interest rates

shall be compound interest rates]

2.13.1 Should any accident occur on or in the vicinity of the site, the matter shall be reported immediately to the Engineer. 2.14Insurance 2.14.1 The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against all losses and claims for injury or damage to any person or property whatsoever which may arise out of or in consequence of the carrying out of this Contract and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever provided that the Contractor shall not be required to indemnify the Employer against: (a)any action by the Employer, his agents and servants. (b)any compensation or damages for or with respect to crops being on the Site (except where possessions has not been given to the Contractor) or with respect to the use or occupation of the land which has been provided by the Employer. (c)damage which is the unavoidable result of the execution of the Survey in accordance with the Contract. 2.14.2 The Employer shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workpeople or other person in the employment of the Contractor or any Sub-contractor save and except to the extent that such accident or injury results from or is contributed to by any act or default of the Employer, his agents or servants, and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer against all such damages and compensation (save and except as aforesaid) and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and

expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 2.14.3 The Contractor shall secure the indemnities above by entering into such insurance or otherwise as the Employer shall approve, which shall include Employer's Liability and Public Liability insurance. The policies and

premium receipts shall be produced upon the request of the Employer. Such policies and receipts to be supplied to the Employer within 28 days of the acceptance of Tender and at other times as requested by the Engineer. The insurances shall be for at least the amount stated in Clause 6.17 of the Information and Instruction Schedule in respect of any one claim or series of claims arising out of any one event and unlimited in any one year of insurance. 2.14.4 The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer from and against all claims and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any patent rights, design, trade mark or name or other protected rights in respect of any plant, machine, work or material used for or in connection with the Survey and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 2.15Liquidated damages 2.15.1 In Clause 6.16 of the Information and Instruction Schedule under the heading "Liquidated damages for delay" there is stated the sum which represents the Employer's genuine preestimate of the damages likely to be suffered by him in the event that the Survey and the Survey Report is not completed within the time prescribed in Clause 6.7 and 6.8 of the Schedule. If the Contractor shall fail to complete either the Survey or the Survey Report within the prescribed time, or any extension thereof granted under Clause 2.6.4, the Contractor shall pay to the Employer for such default the sum stated in Clause 6.16 for every week or part week which shall elapse between the date on which the prescribed time or any extension thereof expired and the date of completion of the Survey or the

Survey Report. All sums payable by the Contractor to the Employer pursuant to this clause shall be paid as liquidated damages for delay and not as a penalty. 2.16Re-execution of unsatisfactory work 2.16.1

The Engineer shall, during the

progress of the Survey and up to 2 months after submission of the Survey Report have power to order in writing the re-execution (notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment therefor) of any work which in the opinion of the Engineer is not in accordance with the Contract. 2.16.2 Any additional works required by the Engineer to remedy defective work shall be at the expense of the Contractor. 2.16.3 If in the opinion of the Engineer any survey data provided under the Contract falls below the standard of any samples submitted under Clause 6.14 the work in question shall be re-executed at no cost to the Employer. 2.17Variations, extensions of time and claims 2.17.1 The Engineer shall have power, from time to time during the execution of the Contract by notice in writing, to direct the Contractor to alter, amend, omit, add to or otherwise vary the Survey, if in the opinion of the Engineer such variation is necessary for the satisfactory completion of the Survey, and the Contractor shall carry out such variation in accordance with the Contract. 2.17.2 The value of such variation shall be ascertained by reference to the rates entered in the Bill of Quantities or if these are not applicable, the rates will be adjusted by the Engineer after consultation with the Contractor. 2.17.3 If the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment pursuant to any clause of the Contract he shall give notice in writing of his intention to the Engineer as soon as reasonably possible and not later than 28 days after the event and shall make contemporary records to support his

claim which shall be produced to the Engineer upon request. The Engineer shall certify for payment such sums to which in his opinion the Contractor is entitled. 2.17.4 The Contractor shall on the written order of the Engineer suspend the progress of the Survey or any part

thereof for such time or times and in such manner as the Engineer may consider necessary and the Contractor shall be paid the extra cost (if any) incurred in giving effect to the Engineer's instructions under this clause except to the extent that such suspension is otherwise provided for in the Contract or is necessary by reason of some default on the part of the Contractor. The Engineer shall take any delay occasioned by a suspension ordered under this clause (including that arising from any act or default of the Engineer or the Employer) into account in determining any extension of time or any extra cost to which the Contractor is entitled. 2.17.5 The Engineer shall have full power to increase the extent of the Works by notice in writing after due consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out such variations in accordance with the Contract. 2.17.6 If the Contractor suffers delay or incurs cost from failure on the part of the Employer to give possession of any of the sewers/manholes comprising the Site then the Engineer shall take such delay into account in determining the extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled and in determining any extra costs to which the Contractor might be entitled under the Contract.

2.18Certification, payment and daily progress report 2.18.1 The Contractor may be required to complete a daily written record detailing the work carried out and any dayworks, delays or other additional items claimed in accordance with the

Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall submit such records to the Engineer's Representative at intervals not exceeding seven days (see Clause 6.22 of the Information and Instruction Schedule). The Engineer's Representative shall certify such records for record purposes

only and the Engineer shall have sole power to authorise payment if payment is due. A copy of each record shall be supplied to the Engineer's Representative. 2.18.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer at intervals of not less than one month a statement detailing the value of the work executed and approved to date. The minimum amount of any such interim statement shall be as shown in the Information and Instruction Schedule (Clause 6.15). Payment will be made within 28 days of the delivery to the Engineer of the statement by the Contractor provided all items required under the Contract have been delivered to the Engineer. 2.18.3 Not later than 6 weeks after completion of the Survey Report and all items required under the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a statement of final account and supporting documentation showing in detail the value of the work done in accordance with the Contract together with all further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him under the Contract. Within one month after receipt of this final account and of all information reasonably required for its verification the Engineer shall issue a final certificate stating the amount which in his opinion is finally due under the Contract up to the date of completion. This amount, less any sums previously paid under Clause 2.18.2, shall be paid to the Contractor within 28 days of the date of the final certificate. Where the Engineer requires additional information from the Contractor and is therefore unable to issue a final completion certificate within one month after receipt of this final account he shall inform the Contractor of the additional information in writing and the items affected. The Contractor shall then submit an interim claim for the items not in dispute (see Clause 2.18.2) together with a revised statement of final account. 2.18.4 In the event of failure by the Engineer to certify or the Employer to make payment in accordance with the above sub-clause the Employer shall pay to the Contractor interest upon any payment overdue thereafter at a rate per annum equivalent to 2% plus the average of the base lending rates of Barclays, Lloyds, Midland and National Westminster Banks current at the date upon which the interest falls to be calculated. 2.18.5 The Employer shall be entitled to withhold payment if the Contractor has been unable to submit Survey results in accordance with The Specification and the Engineer has

ordered their preparation by a third party. 2.18.6 The Employer shall be entitled to deduct from any payment due to the Contractor penalties paid by the Employer under provisions contained in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 as a result of actions taken by the


Contractor. 2.19Forfeiture 2.19.1 If the Contractor shall become bankrupt or have a receiving order made against him or shall present his petition in bankruptcy or shall make an arrangement with or assignment in favour of his creditors or shall agree to carry out the Contract under a committee of inspection of his creditors or (being a corporation) shall go into liquidation (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction) or if the Contractor shall assign the Contract without the consent in writing of the Employer first obtained or shall have an execution levied on his goods or if the Engineer shall certify in writing to the Employer that in his opinion the Contractor: (a)has abandoned the Contract, or (b)without reasonable excuse has failed to commence the Survey in accordance with Clause 2.6 or has suspended the progress of the works for 14 days after receiving from the Engineer written notice to proceed, or (c)despite previous warning by the Engineer in writing is failing to proceed with the Survey with due diligence or is otherwise persistently or fundamentally in breach of his obligations under the Contract, or (d)has, in defiance of the Engineer's instruction to the contrary, sublet any part of the Contract, then the Employer may after giving 7 days' notice in writing to the Contractor enter upon the site of the Survey and expel the Contractor therefrom without thereby avoiding the Contract or releasing the Contractor from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract or affecting the rights and powers conferred on the Employer or the Engineer by the Contract and may himself complete the Survey or may employ any other Contractor to complete the Survey and the Employer or such other Contractor may use for such completion so much of the Survey materials and data which have been deemed to become the property of the Employer. By the said notice or by further notice in writing within 14 days of the date thereof the Engineer may require the Contractor to assign to the Employer and if so required the Contractor shall forthwith assign to the Employer the benefit of any agreement for the supply of any survey materials and data and/or for the execution

of any work for the purpose of this Contract which the Contractor may have entered into. 2.20Collusion and corruption


2.20.1 The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss resulting from any such termination if the Contractor shall have practised collusion in tendering for the Contract or shall have employed any corrupt or illegal practice in the obtaining or execution of the Contract. 2.20.2 The Contractor shall not employ any of the Employer's employees. 2.21Settlement of disputes - arbitration 2.21.1 Any dispute between the Employer and the Contractor arising from the Contract shall be referred to the Engineer in writing for decision. If a decision is not given within one calendar month or if either party is dissatisfied with this decision the dispute may be referred to arbitration by either party.

[It may be necessary to hire stand-pipes and to enter into an agreement with the water undertaker. If a supply from the water undertaker is unavailable, or for reasons of economy, the Engineer may allow the use of sewage effluent or a surface water supply.]

2.21.2 Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Short Procedure detailed in Part F of the "Institution of Civil Engineers" Arbitration Procedure, (1983)', Published by Thomas Telford Ltd., ISBN 0727705210. 2.22Tax matters 2.22.1 If the cost to the Contractor of performing his obligations under the Contract shall be increased or reduced by reason of the making or amendment after the date of Tender of any law or of any order, regulation, or by-law having the force of law in the United Kingdom that shall affect the Contractor in the performance of his obligations under the Contract, the amount of such increase or reduction (to the extent that it arises directly in respect of the Survey) shall be added to or deducted from payments otherwise due to the Contractor under the Contract.

2.23Value Added Tax 2.23.1 The rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities shall not include value added tax. 2.23.2 To the extent that value added tax is properly chargeable on the

[Chapter 8 covers many aspects which are sometimes found in specifications, such as traffic lights, traffic signals, signs, one way and minimum carriageway widths. See also "Traffic Warning Signs for Road-works" published by the Department of Transport]

[The issue of any Statutory Notice shall be the responsibility of the Employer. The Engineers attention is drawn to the requirements of the Road and Street Works Act 1991, The Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters, November 1992, and The Street Works (Registers, Notice, Directions and Designations) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 2985 1992, all published by HMSO. Provision is made in Clause 6.20 for the Engineer to indicate known traffic sensitive areas].

execution of work or the provision of services for the Employer by the Contractor under the Contract, the Employer shall pay such tax as an addition to payments otherwise due to the Contractor under the Contract. 2.24Copyright 2.24.1 All original data, photographs and results taken and/or processed/interpreted as part of the Contract shall be supplied to the Employer and shall become the sole property of the Employer. 2.24.2 The Employer may, however, if requested in writing by the Contractor, allow the Contractor (at the Contractor's expense) to make copies of any photographs or other data collected as part of the Contract. Such copies will become the property of the Contractor. Copyright will remain with the Employer. 2.24.3 If the Contractor wishes to use such copies for promotional or tender purposes he shall obtain the prior written consent of the Employer, and such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Employer may, however, request that the source of such photographs or data remains anonymous.


[Where considered necessary by the Engineer, the Employer may need to supply signs to the Contractor]



[A Bill item is provided for the provision of traffic lights, etc, see Clause 4.8.5]




Survey units

3.4 3.5

Survey vehicle Supply of water


Parked vehicles

3.7 3.8

Traffic Police notification



3.10 3.11

Dealing with flow and blockages Advance notice


Health and safety

3.13 3.14

Noise Metric measurements MANHOLE LOCATION

3.15 surveys 3.16

Contractors obligation for manhole 27 Employers responsibilities


Standards of performance

3.18 3.19

Accuracy of inspection Base maps


Connecting point without manholes

28 3.21 3.22

Location of buried manholes Quality control checks

[This may entail the use of a permit to enter the sewer before commencing any part of the Works. The Engineer is advised to consult the Employer's policy/procedures]

[The Contractor should inform the Engineer of any request(s) for additional information to be gathered during the Contract by a third party]



GENERAL 3.1Extent of survey 3.1.1 The Contractor shall carry out the Survey as indicated on the plans and detailed in Clause 6.12 of the Information and Instruction Schedule. 3.2Location 3.2.1 The location of the Survey shall be as detailed in Clause 6.12. 3.3Survey units 3.3.1 The Contractor shall provide sufficient survey units, including standby units in the event of breakdown, in order to complete the Survey within the Contract period. 3.4Survey vehicle 3.4.1 A telephone, or suitable alternative approved by the Engineer must be fitted in the survey vehicle for the duration of the Survey, see Clause 6.22 of the Information and Instruction Schedule. 3.5Supply of water 3.5.1 The Employer will make no arrangements under the Contract for the supply of water. If the Contractor wishes to use water he shall discuss his requirements with the Engineer who shall determine the arrangements to be made. The Contractor shall be responsible for transporting water from the point of supply to the operational site. 3.5.2

The use of any stand-pipe which

has not been approved by the water undertaker is expressly forbidden. 3.5.3 In all cases the Contractor shall take proper safeguards to prevent contamination of water in the mains by incorporation of an air gap of at least 300mm, or any other requirements of the water undertaker.

3.6Parked vehicles 3.6.1 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer where parked vehicles are found to impede the progress of the Survey and shall continue with the next available length to be surveyed. The Engineer shall then give instructions as to what action is to be taken. 3.7Traffic 3.7.1 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 together with any Regulations enacted thereunder and Codes of Practice relating thereto. 3.7.2 The Contractor shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Traffic Safety Measures for Road Works as contained in Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual and the booklet Safety at Street Works and Road Works published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

3.7.3 The Contractor shall carry out the Survey in such a manner as to cause as little interference as possible to the flow of traffic and pedestrians and shall make all necessary arrangements with the appropriate Authorities except with regard to road closures, see Clause 2.8. 3.7.4 Should the Contractor wish to divert traffic on to any temporary routes or to close a highway he shall submit any such request to the Engineer at least 8 weeks in advance of the proposed diversion.

3.7.5 The Contractor shall provide and allow for watching and lighting the Site and provide safe passage to pedestrians and vehicular traffic at all times.

3.7.6 The Contractor shall comply with any special traffic requirements detailed in Clause 6.20. 3.7.7 If the use of traffic lights and associated signs is specified by the Engineer, either in Clause 6.20 or requested by him during the course of the Survey, then the Contractor shall make his own arrangements to provide these. 3.7.8 Where the volume of traffic or parked vehicles makes it impracticable or hazardous to carry out the Survey during normal working hours the Contractor shall apply to the Engineer for permission to work outside of normal working hours. 3.8Police notification 3.8.1 The Contractor shall notify the local Police of his presence on the Survey and shall keep the Police aware of his approximate area of working at all times. The Contractor shall make available to the Police a telephone number of a person who may be contacted during the Survey in order to resolve any queries. 3.9Manholes 3.9.1 If during the course of the Survey the Contractor observes any damage to manholes or sewers which are a potential hazard he shall inform the Engineer immediately. 3.9.2 If a manhole cover is damaged whilst being lifted the Contractor shall provide temporary protection for pedestrians and for vehicular traffic

and shall inform the Engineer immediately so that arrangements can be made for replacement. 3.10Dealing with flow and blockages 3.10.1 Pre-cleaning of sewers is covered in Clause 6.19 but does not form

part of this Contract. 3.10.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for dealing with flow as far as is reasonably possible by temporary stoppering for limited periods without affecting the general effectiveness of the sewer. Such arrangements shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. 3.10.3 In the case of a blockage in the sewer the Contractor shall request the Engineer to arrange for the blockage to be cleared and shall proceed to the next location to be surveyed. The Engineer will arrange for the blockage to be cleared and advise the Contractor of what action to take. 3.10.4 Where there is a temporary rise in the flow the Contractor shall either move to a different location where Survey is still possible or he shall delay the work until the temporary rise has abated. In these circumstances, no additional payment shall be made to the Contractor. 3.11Advance notice 3.11.1 If, due to high flows or traffic conditions the Contractor anticipates requiring overpumping, night or weekend working, he shall, before attempting to commence the Survey, request an authorisation from the Engineer giving at least 4 working days' notice for overpumping and 2 working days' notice for night or weekend working. 3.11.2 If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the flow is too great for the Contractor to deal with by temporary stoppering the Engineer will either arrange for overpumping, authorise night or weekend working, or make alternative arrangements. 3.12Health and safety 3.12.1 The Contractor's Health and Safety Policy, in particular the organisation and arrangements for its implementation, shall have regard for the Water Industry's National Joint Health and Safety Committee's publications (issued from time to time) and in particular Guideline No. 2 "Safe Working in Sewers and Sewage Works". In addition to the National Guidance Publications the Contractor shall recognise all local health and safety requirements as may be listed in Clauses 6.20 and 6.21.

3.12.2 The Contractor shall provide and maintain on site suitable and sufficient safety equipment and the necessary personnel trained in its use in order to fulfil the various statutory requirements associated with the Survey and for the safety and protection of his employees, the general public and the systems and property of the Employer and others.

3.12.3 Contractor's plant and equipment used in the Survey shall be to an approved standard appropriate for the potentially hazardous environment which may be encountered. 3.13Noise 3.13.1 The Contractor shall employ the "best practicable means" as defined in the Control of Pollution Act 1974, to minimise noise and vibration resulting from his operations and shall have regard to BS 5228: 1975 (Code of practice for noise control on construction and demolition sites). 3.13.2 This shall not be taken as preventing or prohibiting the execution of works which are absolutely necessary for the saving of life or property or for the safety of the Works. The use of plant or equipment in an emergency situation shall be notified as soon as practicable to the Engineer. 3.14Metric measurements 3.14.1

All dimensions shall be METRIC.

MANHOLE LOCATION 3.15Contractor's obligations for manhole surveys 3.15.1 The Contractor shall examine the existing records held by the Employer and shall prove the existence or otherwise of all manholes shown on these records. The presence of records does not necessarily show all the existing manholes, and the Contractor shall trace and locate the whole of the sewer network by field survey or other methods of the area shown on the existing sewer

records. 3.16Employer's responsibilities 3.16.1 The Employer shall be responsible for arranging for access to existing records of the public sewer network of the area to be surveyed.

3.17Standards of performance 3.17.1 Save insofar as it is physically or legally impossible the Contractor shall undertake to carry out the Survey and provide the specified information relating to the whole of the public sewerage system in the defined area to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3.17.2 To ensure the accuracy of the new records provided under the Contract, acceptance tests will be applied as detailed in the specification. The Contractor shall allow for his survey team(s) to undertake checked surveys under the discretion of the Engineer as a matter of routine. No payment shall be made for measured items in the Bill of Quantities unless those items have been accepted. 3.18Accuracy of inspection 3.18.1 The standard of accuracy required in the Survey and completion of manhole record card shall be as follows: (a)All textual information shall be correct; (b)All measurements shall be accurate within the following tolerances: National Grid Reference � 1m Location measurement � 300mm Levels � 25mm Relative levels of pipe inverts and weirs within the same chamber� 10mm Pipe sizes: circular � 10mm non-circular � 10mm (Internal dimensions) All other dimensions � 50mm (c)Location sketches should be drawn with reference to fixed points on Ordnance Survey sheets. The sketch shall show the manhole layout, including the distance and direction of offset from the manhole cover to the centre line of flow in the main pipe. 3.18.2 A manhole data/pipeline data sheet shall be filled in for each manhole, lamphole, pump station, outfall and other ancillary structure within the public sewerage system and shall be completed in every detail which it is possible to ascertain by physical inspection and measurement. 3.18.3 Overlay negatives shall show the presence and location of all manholes and pipelines on the public sewerage system.

3.18.4 The standard of accuracy required in the completion of overlay negatives shall be as follows: (a)all pipelines on the public sewerage system including pumping mains shall be shown.


(b)all manholes and ancillary structures shall be shown and a note reference shall be provided. (c)all pipelines and manholes shall be located within a drawing dimension of 1mm of their true position. (d)Particular attention should be paid to direction of flow and continuity across OS sheet boundaries. 3.19Base maps 3.19.1 Base maps shall be the latest published version of the Ordnance Survey 1:1250 or 1:2500 sheets or, where appropriate, copies of SUSI sheets. 3.19.2 The Contractor shall bring any deficiencies in the original plans to the attention of the Engineer who shall instruct the Contractor accordingly. 3.20Connecting points without manholes 3.20.1 Where sewers connect without a manhole the connection point shall be numbered as though a manhole were present and the actual point of connection located (see Clauses 6.22 and 6.12 for location). 3.20.2 Location of connecting points without manholes shall only be carried out once a written instruction has been given by the Engineer. 3.21Location of buried manholes 3.21.1 The Contractor shall only locate manholes when a written instruction has been given by the Engineer (see Clause 5.1.25). 3.22Quality control checks 3.22.1 On completion of the Survey of each 100 manholes or other structures the Contractor shall supply completed manhole record cards and a copy of the relevant portion of the map in respect of those manholes or other structures and notify in writing to the Engineer that in the opinion of the Contractor the records are ready for a quality control check to be carried out. The Engineer shall then carry out a performance test as specified below within 4 weeks of the written notification.

3.22.2 The quality control check shall consist of a validation check and a site check. The validation check shall be carried out by the Engineer using a computer program or other method.


The site check shall comprise a resurvey of 5 manholes from each 100 record sheets submitted randomly selected by the Engineer and checked against the results obtained by the Contractor in the initial survey. The check shall include the reproving of all associated pipework lengths. The Contractor shall supply a survey team to carry out the quality control check under the supervision of the Engineer, and a person appointed by the Contractor as his representative. 3.22.3 The Survey shall have been deemed to have failed the quality control check if any item of manhole measurement falls outside the tolerances stated in Clause 3.18.1. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing if in the opinion of the Engineer the survey of the other data on the manhole record sheets is sufficiently defective then the Survey shall be deemed to have failed the quality control check. 3.22.4 If the Survey satisfies the quality control check the Contractor shall be entitled to payment for the Survey and the performance test at the rates included in the Bill of Quantities. 3.22.5 If the Survey fails to meet the quality control check, the Contractor shall resurvey that portion of the work which failed to meet the tolerances stated in Clause 3.18.1 at his own expense and he shall not be paid for the work involved in that quality control check. When he is satisfied that the previously failed work has been corrected he shall inform the Engineer and a further quality control check shall be carried out in accordance with the above procedure on the remaining 95 manholes. Quality control checks shall be repeated at the Contractor's expense until the Engineer is satisfied that this portion of the work has met the requirements of the check as stated in Sub-Clause 3.22.3. The Contractor shall

then be paid in accordance with Clause 4.8 for that portion of the Survey and the final quality control test.

[The Contractor's attention is also brought to provisions set out in Clause 6.20]

[The Engineer should complete the Amount column in the Dayworks Schedule before inviting tenders]




4.1 4.2

Documents mutually compatible Stated quantities


Errors in the Bill of Quantities

4.4 4.5

Rates to include Unpriced items


Preliminary item

4.7 4.8

Non circular sewers Method of measurement


Working hours

4.10 4.11

Dayworks rates Dayworks quantities


Unproductive or standing time

4.13 4.14

Prime cost items Engineer's instructions


Provisional items

4.16 4.17

Fixed price Term contracts MANHOLE LOCATION


Parked vehicles



GENERAL 4.1Documents mutually compatible 4.1.1 The Conditions of Contract, the Specification, the Drawings and the Information and Instruction Schedule shall be read in conjunction with the Bill of Quantities. The work or materials covered by items in the Bill of Quantities are as detailed in the Specification. 4.2Stated quantities 4.2.1 The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are provisional and are the estimated quantities of the work. 4.3Errors in the Bill of Quantities 4.3.1 Any error in description in the Bill of Quantities or omission therefrom shall not release the Contractor from the execution of the whole or any part of the Survey according to the Specification or from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract. Any such error or omission shall be corrected by the Engineer and the value of the work actually carried out shall be ascertained in accordance with the Contract, provided that there shall be no rectification of any errors, omissions or wrong estimates in the descriptions, rates and prices inserted by the Contractor in the Bill of Quantities. In the event of a discrepancy between the quantity, the Bill rate and the extended amount, the Bill rate as written shall be taken as correct. 4.4Rates to include

4.4.1 Rates shall be deemed to include for complying with the whole of the Contractor's obligations under the Contract. 4.4.2 Rates shall be deemed to include the costs of provision and operation of all necessary equipment and compliance

with the Contract. 4.4.3 The Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for dealing with flow by temporary stoppering for limited periods (see Clause 3.10). All costs incurred in carrying out the Engineer's instructions for dealing with flows other than by stoppering for limited periods will be reimbursable to the Contractor. 4.4.4 The Contractor will be responsible for making his own arrangements and paying all charges for the supply of electricity including the provision of mobile generators where necessary. 4.4.5 An item is included for travelling to the initial site and return to depot on completion of the Contract. All other travelling shall be included in bill rates (Clause 4.4.1). 4.5Unpriced items 4.5.1 Any items left unpriced should have the word "Inc." inserted in the Tender, but in any event unpriced items will be held to have had their costs included in the prices for other items of work. Items shall not be bracketed together. 4.5.2 With the exception of Dayworks items which are covered in Clause 4.10, where a NIL quantity has been entered or left blank against a bill item, no tender rate is required and no contract work is intended. Should subsequent events indicate a need for such works a variation may be ordered in accordance with Clause 2.17. 4.6Preliminary item 4.6.1 A preliminary item is provided for pricing the requirements of any clause or clauses of the Conditions of Contract or Specification to cover all the Contractor's obligations of every kind which are not covered by the Contract Rates for measured items. 4.7Non circular sewers 4.7.1 For the purposes of pricing and payment non circular sewers shall be assumed to be circular with a diameter equal to the major dimension of the sewer, whether horizontal or vertical.

4.8Method of measurement 4.8.1 The rates for surveying sewers have been divided into various items in consideration of the nature of the survey operation and other conditions.


4.8.2 The Bill of Quantities has been prepared on the basis that manholes are situated within the curtilage of the public highway (ie in public roads, footpaths or verges). Where the Contractor has to undertake surveys which are not within the curtilage of the highway, separate items have been included in the Bill of Quantities to enable the Contractor to claim additional payment in respect of any additional costs of access and/or liaising with land owners or tenants. 4.8.3 Where the Engineer authorises resurvey works, the Contractor shall only be entitled to payment in full for the resurvey, if it can be shown that the Contractor or his work was not initially at fault. Payment will be in accordance with the rates entered in the Bill of Quantities, if resurveyed within the contract period; outside the contract period, shall be on a dayworks basis. 4.8.4 The Bill of Quantities is prepared on the basis that manholes are accessible by means of conventional two wheel drive vehicles. Where this is not the case a Bill item has been provided to allow the Contractor additional payment in respect of the additional costs of access. 4.8.5 A Bill item is provided for the provision of traffic lights and associated signs. This item may only be expended on the written instructions of the Engineer and payment will be made for each week or part week with a minimum of one week for any separate period of provision. 4.9Working hours 4.9.1 Daytime working is defined as 0800 to 1800 hours. No work shall be carried out at any other time including a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, without the permission in writing of the Engineer except when the work is unavoidable or absolutely necessary for the saving of life, property or for the safety of the Works in which case the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer. For the purposes of this clause bank holidays shall be considered to be the same as Saturdays and Sundays. 4.9.2 Night work shall be defined as the period of 1800 to 0800 hours. 4.9.3 Weekend working shall be defined as the period from 0800 hours Saturday to 0800 hours Monday and 0800 hours on Bank Holidays to 0800 hours on the following day. 4.9.4 Work on heavily trafficked routes shall be restricted to certain hours as directed by the Engineer.

No work will be permitted outside these hours. 4.9.5 Bill items are provided to allow the Contractor additional payment for weekend and/or night working. These items may only be expended on the written instructions of the Engineer where he considers such working is necessary


by reason of traffic conditions or rates of flow which cannot reasonably be dealt with by other means. 4.10Dayworks rates 4.10.1 Work ordered by the Engineer to be carried out on a dayworks basis will be valued at the appropriate Contract Rates for Dayworks in the Bill of Quantities, which rates shall be inclusive of all the Contractor's costs, including supervision, all overheads and profit. 4.10.2 The rates for dayworks shall include for all items covered by the Bill rates. 4.10.3 Expenditure on dayworks will only be on the instructions of the Engineer. 4.11Dayworks quantities 4.11.1 Where no quantities are entered in the dayworks schedule, the rates for Dayworks shall be filled in but not extended. 4.12Unproductive or standing time 4.12.1 If the Contractor is unable to proceed with the Survey or is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, the rates as entered in the Dayworks Schedule shall be used as a basis for reimbursement where payment is properly due to the Contractor. No payment will be made in respect of inclement weather. 4.13Prime cost items 4.13.1 A prime cost item is provided for the supply of water in accordance with Clause 3.5. If the Engineer authorises the use of this item, payment will only be certified against water company's invoices. 4.14Engineer's instructions 4.14.1 If the Engineer instructs or allows work under either Clause 2.6.4 or Clause 3.7.6 this will be paid at the rates specified in the Bill of Quantities. 4.15Provisional items

4.15.1 Provisional items will only be used on the written instruction of the Engineer. 4.16Fixed price 4.16.1 The Contractor shall include in his rates entered in the Bill of Quantities for any variation in the price 42

of materials, labour rates and any other costs whatsoever except labour tax matters described in Clause 2.22 and Value Added Tax decribed in Clause 2.23 - which he anticipates might take place during the term of the Contract and it must be clearly understood that no additional payment will be allowed in respect of any increase in such prices, rates or other costs. 4.17Term contracts 4.17.1 Clauses 6.7 and 6.8 indicate whether the contract is for specified Works (A Specified Works Contract), or a term contract for work included in the schedule of rates or ordered by the Engineer and which may be specified from time to time (A Term Contract). 4.17.2 Where Clause 6.8 indicates that the contract is a term contract the Bill of Quantities shall be taken to be a schedule of rates. The quantities shall be used for comparison of tenders only and all references in the Contract to "Bill of Quantities" shall be taken to mean "Schedule of Rates". MANHOLE LOCATION 4.18Parked vehicles 4.18.1 Where at the instruction of the Engineer under Clause 3.6 the Contractor returns to a manhole location to survey and is once again unable to raise the manhole due to the presence of parked vehicles he shall be entitled to a single payment under Item 5.1.4 in the Bill of Quantities.







Measured work



Dayworks Summary

43 44



5.1 Item

- Measured work Item Description

5.1.1The Contractor shall, except where otherwise stated in this Bill, allow here for the cost of 5.1.2complying with all his obligations under the Contract not priced 5.1.3elsewhere. Travel to initial Survey 5.1.4site and clear up from last Survey site and return to 5.1.5depot on completion of Contract. Search for manhole which could not be located (maximum 15 minutes). 5.1.6Attempt to lift manhole 5.1.7cover which could not be raised (maximum 10 minutes). 5.1.8 Assist Engineer in carrying out quality check on manholes as described in Clause 3.22 (Rate per 5.1.9manhole). 5.1.1Setting up equipment and preparatory work. Manhole up to 3m deep. Manhole greater than 3m deep, but less than 9m Extra over items 5.1.6 to 5.1.8 for work outside 5.1.1normal working hours. 5.1.1Night work, Monday Friday


5.1.1Work on Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays.

Quantity Unit Item

No. No. No. No.

No. No. No.

No. No.

No. No.




5.1.1Extra over itmes 5.1.6 to 5.1.8 for side entry manhole. Total carried to


5.1 - Measured work (continued) Item

Item Description

Effect all safety precautions, and works (either on site or in the office) necessary to carry out and prepare the data 5.1.1required under Clause 6.25 (items (d) - (m) 5.1.1inclusive). All in accordance with the 5.1.1Specification. Manholes and 5.1.1- 3m deep. Manholes and exceeding 3m exceeding 6m

ancillaries 0

Quantity Unit

No. No. No. No.

ancillaries but not deep.

5.1.1Manholes and ancillaries 5.1.2exceeding 6m but not exceeding 9m deep.

No No

Manholes and ancillaries exceeding 9m deep (see Clause 6.25). 5.1.2Extra over items 5.1.15 to 5.1.18 for work outside 5.1.2normal working hours Night work, Monday to Friday 5.1.23 Work on Saturday, Sunday 5.1.2and Statutory Holidays


5.1.25 Extra over items 5.1.13 to 5.1.16 for gaining access/ 5.1.2liaising for manhole off the public highway. Manhole accessible by conventional drive vehicle.


Manhole not accessible by conventional drive vehicle

No. No. No.




Total carried to


5.2 - Dayworks


Item Description


5.2.1 Day shift, Monday to Friday

10 hour shift


10 hour shift


Day shift, Saturday

Day shift, Sunday/Statutory 5.2.4 Holidays Night shift, Monday 5.2.5 to Friday 5.2.6

10 hour shift 10 hour shift 10 hour shift

Night shift, Saturday 10 hour shift 5.2.7

Night shift, 5.2.8 Sunday/Statutory Holidays

hour hour




Amount � p Page 41 Measured work Page 42 Measured work TOTAL

� ------------










6.1 6.2

Address for enquiries Address for return of documents

47 47




6.3 6.4

Time and last date for return of documents Period for acceptance

47 47




6.6 6.7

Start of survey Survey/report period

48 48


Term contract period


6.9 C.


48 49




6.11 6.12

Engineer Location of survey

49 49


Liaison arrangements


6.14 D.


50 51


Interim payments


6.16 6.17

Liquidated damages 51 Employer's liability and public liability insurance


References - minimum value and period covered


6.19 6.20

Pre-cleaning of sewers Special local traffic requirements

51 52


Special local safety requirements





F. 6.22

GENERAL Any other special instructions


52 52


Additional quality control procedures





6.24 document H 6.25


Engineer's statement of modifications to standard 53 MANHOLE SURVEY 53 Type and extent of survey



(Each Item must be completed by the Engineer before inviting tenders) A.



Enquiries about the tender documents shall be addressed to: .......................................................................


....................................................................... Tel No.: ....................................................................... 6.2

Address for return of completed tender documents: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... .......................................................................

B. 6.3

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Time and last date for return of tender documents: ....................................................................... less than 21 days after documents) 6.4

(Note: This should not normally be dispatch of the tender

Period during which the tender shall be open for acceptance after the date in 6.3 above: ................ weeks. 6.5 (i) The Contractor will/will not* be required to submit within 21 calendar days of receipt of written acceptance of tender a programme for approval showing the order he proposes to carry out the Survey (Clause 2.6.1). * Delete as appropriate. (ii) Subject to sewer availability, the Survey is to be carried out in the following order: (leave blank if not applicable).

....................................................................... .......................................................................


The Contractor will be required to commence the Survey


within: (a) 28 calendar days after acceptance of his tender (Clause 2.6.2 and 2.6.3 do not apply) (b) 21 calendar days after acceptance of his programme (Clause 2.6.3 does not apply) (c) 28 calendar days after receiving a written instruction from the Engineer (Clause 2.6.2 does not apply). (d) Other than (a), (b) or (c) (state details).................... ........................................(Tick as appropriate). NOTE: The Engineer to delete either Clause 6.7 or Clause 6.8, whichever shall not apply. 6.7 The Survey shall be completed by the Contractor in a period of ...... weeks from the date of the written instructions or acceptance of his tender/programme. The Survey Report including quality control checking must be submitted within .......... weeks after completion of the Survey or receipt of all necessary data from the Engineer whichever is the later. 6.8 This contract is a term contract and clause 6.7 does not apply. The term is .......... calendar months. 6.9 (For urgent use only). The Survey is to commence as soon as possible and in any case no later than .......... hours on ...........................




6.10 The Employer is: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... 6.11 The Engineer is: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... 6.12 The location of the Survey: Area/District Council(s)/Main Town(s)


etc.) ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... The following maps and/or plans indicating the location and extent of the Survey are available for inspection, during normal office hours at the address indicated in 6.13(a) or (b): Ref No.



Work is required off the highway which is not accessible by a conventional two wheel drive vehicle: YES POSSIBLY

� Details: .......................................... � .................................................... �


� .................................................... � (tick as appropriate and enter details).


6.13 Liaison arrangements. (This item may be left blank at the time of Tender but must be completed on the award of the Contract): (a) The Engineer can be contacted during normal office hours at: .............................................................. .............................................................. Tel: .............................................................. (b) The Engineer's Representative, .............................................................. may be contacted during office hours at: .............................................................. .............................................................. Tel: .............................................................. In emergencies, the Engineer's Representative may be contacted outside office hours by telephone on: .............................................................. During the periods outside office hours when possession of the sewer has been permitted to the Contractor to carry out the Survey and at other times when necessary, the Engineer's Representative may be contacted through: .............................................................. .............................................................. (c) Other liaison arrangements: .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................

6.14 The Tenderer shall provide the following samples .................................................................


.................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ..................................................................


FINANCIAL INFORMATION: 6.15 The Engineer shall not be obliged to administer or certify an interim application for an amount less than �.................. (Clause 2.18.2). 6.16 week (Clause 2.15):

Liquidated damages for delay, per

Survey �.................... Survey Report �.................... 6.17 The Contractor shall maintain cover for Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance to a minimum limit of any one claim of (Clause 2.14.3):

(Tick as appropr�2,000,000 Other

(state amount � ...............


6.18 The minimum value of each contract to be listed under the references in the statement of experience shall be �................. The period covered shall be during the last ............years.



6.19 Sewers will be pre-cleansed prior to Survey: (Tick as appropriate) (Clause 3.11.1)


Any other comments on pre-cleansing:

No .................................................................. Some .................................................................. ..................................................................

6.20 The Contractor shall comply with the following special local traffic requirements (Clause 3.7.6): ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... .......................................................................

....................................................................... 6.21 The Contractor shall have regard to the following local and known hazards particularly related to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974:


....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... F.


6.22 Other special instructions or information: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... 6.23 Additional quality control procedures: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... .......................................................................



No alteration has been made to the


model contract document approved for use by the Water Services Association Sewers and Water Mains Committee in 1993, except as follows: Clause No. Change Made. ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .......................................................... ......................................................... Signed: ............................................ Designation: ................................. Date: H.



6.25 The Contractor is required to carry out the following works: (a) Determine the position of all manhole covers by on-site Survey. Y/N* (b) Carry out a check level Survey of the Ordnance Survey Bench Marks. (c) on its


Level each manhole cover frame (at the lowest point upper surface).


(d) Level the invert of each inlet and outlet to each manhole and ancillary structure. Y/N* (e)

Level the invert of all outfalls and inlets.



Level the invert of the inlet to each pump station.

Y/N* (g) Survey the interior of each manhole to provide the information necessary to complete the sections of the manhole


detail and pipe length details as indicated in Section 3.1.


(h) Determine the position of all sewage pumping mains from on-site Survey. Y/N* (i) Prove the line of a pipe linking two manholes or any of the structures on the sewerage system included in the Survey. Y/N* (j) Plot the position of the manhole cover on the overlay sheet


(k) Plot the position of all sewage pumping mains on the overlay sheet. Y/N*

(l) Additional items:................................................................. ....................................................................... ....................................................................... (m) Manholes over 9m deep are listed below (Engineer to insert manhole reference numbers and/or supporting information}: ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... .......................................................................

....................................................................... .......................................................................



* Delete as appropriate. NOTE: If for items (a) (k) (inclusive) the Y/N is not marked up it shall be assumed by the Contractor that the answer to the question is `YES'.

SECTION 7 - FORM OF TENDER CONTRACT: ......................... SURVEY WORKS To: .......................................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ Gentlemen, Having examined the documents for the above mentioned Survey, we offer to undertake the Survey in conformity with the drawings, Conditions of Contract, Specification, Bill of Quantities and Schedule for such sum as may be determined in accordance with the Contract. Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof,

shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive. We are, Gentlemen,


Yours faithfully

................................................ Duly Authorised Signatory


...................................................... ........................................................

Status Date

Name of Firm: ............................................................... Registered address: ................................................................ ................................................................ . ................................................................ Address for correspondence: ................................................................ (if different from above) ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ Telephone No. ................................................................



SECTION 8 - NON-COLLUSIVE TENDERING CERTIFICATE (to be completed by Tenderers) We certify that this is a bona fide Tender, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the Tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify that we have not done and we undertake that we will not do at any time before the hour and date specified for the return of this Tender any of the following acts: (a) Communicating to a person other than the person calling for these tenders the amount or approximate amount of the proposed Tender, except where disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the Tender was necessary to obtain insurance premium quotation required for the preparation of the Tender. (b)

Entering into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that he shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any Tender to be submitted.


Offering or paying or giving or agreeing to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other Tender or proposed Tender for said work any act or thing of the sort described above.

In this certificate, the word "person" includes any persons or any body or association, corporate or unincorporate; and "any agreement or arrangement" includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not. ....................................................................... Signature Duly Authorised Signatory

....................................................................... Status ....................................................................... Date Name of Firm: ................................................

Registered Address: ................................................



................................................ Telephone No.: ................................................



APPENDICES The following non-contractual appendices are provided for the information and guidance of both the Contractor and the Engineer: (a) Acknowledgement of Receipt of Tender Documents (b)

Ordnance Survey Maps and Plans


General Notes on Drains and Sewers


Data Collection


Model Weekly Report Form


Referencing of Buried or Uncharted Manholes to NWC Standard


Sources of Information




Contract: ....................................................................... I/We acknowledge receipt of the following Tender Documents relating to the above. 1.

Instructions to Tenderers.

2. General Conditions of Contract. 3.



Quality Control Procedures.


Preamble, Information and Instruction Schedule and Bill of Quantities.


Forms of Tender, Declaration and Statement of Experience.


Diagrams and Appendices.

I/We aknowledge that the data for the return of Tenders is ...................

Date......................... Signed: .................................................. Director/Partner/Secretary Tenderer's Name: .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... .................Post Code................... Telephone No: ....................................................




1:1250 AND 1:2500 SERIES

The 1:1250 scale plan is based on the national grid and ground features are shown to scale. The plans show administrative boundaries, parliamentary boundaries, and relief by means of bench marks and spot heights. The series forms the largest scale published by the Ordnance Survey and it is intended that they will cover all towns with a population of above 20,000 together with a number of other urban areas. Each plan represents an area of 500m square and carries the national grid at 100m intervals (actual size 0.4m x 0.4m). The 1:2500 national grid series will eventually cover the whole of Great Britain other than moorland and mountain areas. It is similar to the 1:1250 in format and where 1:1250 plans exist it is a direct photograph reduction from the larger scale. Also at 1:2500 is the county series of maps (no grid shown) originally surveyed in the second half of the 19th Century, although since revised. This series is being gradually replaced by the 1:2500 national grid plans. B.2 SIM and SUSI The Ordnance Survey has introduced a system which makes available to the map user the latest information about development on the ground. The newly surveyed information is drawn by Surveyors onto Master Survey Documents (MSDs) which are at the scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 as appropriate. The information is made available to the public in two ways: (a)

SIM (SURVEY INFORMATION ON MICROFILM) Each time approximately 50 units of change have been surveyed onto an MSD, the document will be microfilmed. Although the Survey of the area covered by the MSD will not necessarily be complete, all changes shown will have been examined for accuracy. Copies of the microfilm will be sent to those Ordnance Survey agents who hold maps and plans of the area and have microfilm equipment. These agents will be able to supply paper printouts and copy diazo negatives of the silver halide negatives.


SUSI (SUPPLY OF UNPUBLISHED SURVEY INFORMATION) The SUSI service is for map users who require direct copies of MSDs at the current level of Survey update. Film or paper copies of MSDs to scale can be provided on demand from suitably equipped local Ordnance Survey offices or within a few days from a nearby office. SUSI is a direct copy of the MSD on which nearly all ground changes have been surveyed and as such it provides the latest revision information held by the Ordnance Survey. It is, however, essentially unpublished information and any new Survey added since the last edition of SIM may

not have been checked. Apart from these qualifications the specification of SUSI is identical to that of SIM. (c) The Ordnance Survey are currently introducing new systems to replace SIM and SUSI, with digitally based alternatives. The Engineer should make reference to the Ordnance Survey for the latest information on survey 72

update information in the area in which the Survey is to be carried out.



APPENDIX C - GENERAL NOTES ON DRAINS AND SEWERS INTRODUCTION The overall objective of Manhole Location Surveys is to locate, describe and map the public sewers vested in the sewerage undertaker and such other drains and sewers which significantly influence the operation of the public sewer system. During the progress of Surveys, difficulties can arise with the definition of which sewers are vested in the undertaker and which other data should be included to fulfil the overall objective. Where doubts exist the final decision will be made by the Engineer to the Contract. The following notes are intended to promote uniformity and assist Contractors with the identification of different types of drains and sewers. The notes are based on the law as it stands in England and Wales. The law in Scotland and Northern Ireland is different. IF IN DOUBT THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED TO CONTACT THE ENGINEER AT THE EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY. HIGHWAY DRAINS These drains are normally easily identified and are to be dealt with in the following manner: (a) Highway drain soakaways are not to be surveyed. (b)

Highway drains discharging direct to a watercourse are not to be surveyed.

(c) Highway drains discharging into public sewers are required to be notified to the Engineer and will only be surveyed if the Engineer directs. FORMER SECTION 24 SEWERS (a)

These sewers are public sewers whose maintenance and repair costs could formerly have been recovered from the users under the provisions of Section 24 of the Public Health Act 1936 (now repealed).


Section 24 sewers are required to be surveyed.


Such sewers will normally be notified to the Contractor through the Engineer. In the absence of notification the Contractor is advised to inform the Engineer if sewers

are encountered with the following characteristics: (i)

Combined sewers constructed before September 1937 serving more than one property and situated in private land such as forecourts, backyards and


access alleyways. HOUSING ACT SEWERS (a)

These sewers are not vested in the undertaker and are not to be surveyed unless the Engineer directs.


Such sewers serve council houses or former council houses and frequently discharge to septic tanks, ditches and district council owned sewage works.


Where sewers servicing council property connect into the sewer system the Contractor should seek advice from the Engineer before proceeding with the Survey.


Private sewers are not required to be surveyed unless the Engineer directs.


The on-site identification of private sewers is difficult but sewers and drains with a diameter less than 150mm and serving one or two properties can be assumed to be private for Manhole Location Surveys.

For further guidance the users attention is drawn to "An Inspectors Guide to Sewerage Law", July 1992, FWR and to the Water Industry Act 1991.


APPENDIX D - DATA COLLECTION FIGURES Typical manhole record card Field sheet Pipeline details Standard symbols for map overlays Standard manhole dimension.


















. . . .










O.K. O.K.










































AREA ................................................................. LOCATION ............................................................. FSC GRAV P/MAIN SYPHON SEWER ................................................................ COVER C S T R O HD MD LD OPENING X CONDITION OK W R Reset repl....................... Red Slab Taper OPENING X OK AR SHAFT ................................................................ ACCESS ...Step Irons Ladder....................OK AR........ CHAMBER






...................................................................... OK AR BENCHING/CHANNEL ..................................................... COVER LEVEL INCOMING PIPES IL







Length..................... Gradient........ Main Road Trunk Road Rlwy Rld G























































Weekly Report

Week Ending................

Sewer Survey

Job No.

Employee Survey Team Leader ................................................................... Work Completed

M.H.'s Surveyed

Totals This Week

No's & Depths No's & Depths 3-6m Over 6m 0-3m 3-6m Over 6m


M.H.'s Levelled M.H.'s Plotted Lampholes Surveyed Overflows, Penstocks, Outfalls M.H.'s in Private Land M.H.'s in B R Train Areas M.H.'s Surveyed outside Normal Hours Area Worked (District, O.S. Sheet No., Street, etc.) This Week

Next Week

Problems Encountered (U.T.L., U.T.F., U.T.S,. etc.) M.H. No.


O.S. Sheet No.

Give Details of Unproductive time or any Dayworks carried out under writ Employees Signature.....................................................

APPENDIX F - REFERENCING OF BURIED OR UNCHARTED MANHOLES TO NWC STANDARD The following information is to enable operators to number buried or uncharted manholes found during survey work. The referencing system is divided into three parts: 1.

ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP NUMBER The number of the 1:2500 base map. In the case of 1:1250 scale maps, the quadrant reference is omitted, e.g. SP 1381 SE is SP 1381.


100 METRE GRID CO-ORDINATE The 100 metre grid in which the reference point occurs is allocated a number of referring to the last digit of the easting and northing of the 100 metre grid square. For example, when the easting and the northing of the square is 135 and 811 respectively, the first two digits of the detail reference number will be 51.


REFERENCE POINT NUMBER Each manhole or node is then numbered consecutively within each 100 metre square, i.e. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, etc. The full nationally unique reference number using the above example is SP 1381/5101, abbreviated to 1381/5101. The number 5101 is drawn on the overlay adjacent to the point referred to, in an ellipse (see drawing No. A). 1




. 5101 811

. 6001 0

. 5003 . . 5001 5002

. 7001 . 7002

81000 5 13500

6 136

7 137

Drawing No. A




NATIONAL JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR THE WATER SERVICE HEALTH AND SAFETY. Guideline No. 2 - Safe Working in Sewers and at Sewage Works, and Guideline No. 3 - Respiratory Protective Equipment.


Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.


Water Resources Act 1991.


ROAD TRAFFIC: Road Vehicle Lighting Regulation 1984. Statutory Instrument 1984/812 HMSO.


BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Code of Practice for Noise Control on Construction and Demolition Sites (BS 5228).

8. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Arbitration Procedure. ICE 1983. 9.

WATER SERVICES ASSOCIATION. Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry.


Water Industry Act 1991.


An Inspectors Guide to Sewerage Law.


New Roads and Streets Works Act. 1991

WSA/FWR 1992.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Water Services Association/Foundation for Water Research Engineering and Operations Committee carries out its functions through Working Groups. This document was prepared under the direction of the WSA/FWR sponsored Sewers and Water Mains Committee through the Sewerage Working Group. The group gratefully acknowledges the large number of people who offered help and advice during the drafting stages of this document and the following members of the Sewerage Working Group: W Sheldon North West Water R Addison Anglian Water J Barrows Leeds City Council A Brown Southern Water B Canton South West Water R Falconer Babtie Shaw and Morton P Gartside North West Water T Harrington Thames Water D Heath Wessex Water B Malem Torbay Borough Council A Proctor Welsh Water D Robertson Strathclyde Regional Council P Shelton Severn Trent Water B Syms Northumbrian Water B Wilkinson Yorkshire Water The Sewerage Working Group welcomes any comments which should be addressed to: Nick Orman Technical Secretary WSA/FWR Sewerage Working Group WRc Swindon Frankland Road Blagrove Swindon SN5 8YF ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ##################################################################################

################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## #####

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