Man, Consciousness And Understanding

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The Origins of L/L Research Man, Consciousness and Understanding - Volume I Copyright © 2008 Walt Rogers ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the sessions of Walt Rogers’ contactee group in Detroit that were contained in the Man, Consciousness and Understanding pamphlets. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. CAVEAT: This document is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding Volume I Introduction The groupings of communications contained in this enclosure are informative, teaching-instructions for developing a better understanding of ourselves, of the problems of our modem times, and of the magnitude of the future lying before us. The nature and the text of these communications differ in respect to the many spiritual studies of Truth available to the seeker; therefore, a few words are necessary to explain their source. On and around our Earth there exist millions of beings from other regions and other realms of the Universe who have attained a much higher and a much greater degree of understanding in their evolution. To those who will listen, they extend their friendship and offer their understanding and wisdom that the homo sapiens race on Earth might awaken unto themselves and work to usher in the New Golden Age presently dawning. Within these pages, the words you read are those received from physical beings aboard spacecraft who hail from other parts of the Universe, and from wonderful, Radiant Beings who enjoy the Perfect Life in the higher realms of existence. The reader is to understand that these communications were received through a human channel who was one among a small group of earnest seekers of Truth. These words of enlightenment, even though spoken to a small group, also apply to the whole of mankind and may be used by any and all who are seeking a more Abundant Life. With their deepest Love and Blessings, these Beings of higher understanding offer their knowledge to all who seek the Truth. Affirmations for Meditation By Hatonn [1] O Radiant One, send forth Thy Light, and surround each of us, Thy children, that we may have enlightenment and wisdom. We relax and give ourselves completely to the Father. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. We know that all is well as we relax in His Arms. We give our whole selves to the Father, we want only to do His will. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. I am His perfect child. He guides me and directs me. He continually surrounds me with His pure white Light. I visualize this radiant substance of purest white, until I actually feel the consciousness of the Father, His Presence, His Power, His Light and love flowing through me. I relax in His Presence. He is the ever-loving Father and Creator. He loves me and protects me.

He is the one and only Power and Intelligence I am His perfect expression He expresses through me I am a doer of His will The Father and I are one. There is but a single power and intelligence This great power and intelligence is now a part of me It is guiding me and protecting me at all times I give myself completely to this great Power and Intelligence I am a part of it I live and have my being in this, the Father. Amen. Sunday November 4, 1956 Greetings to you my friends, I am Hatonn. In love and light I greet you. We of the Confederation are always grateful to find among your people those who are interested, who are willing to accept us. We are grateful to all of you for your acceptance of us. There is much to be accomplished among your peoples in the days to come. Your planet at this moment faces one of the greatest crisis in its history. We who have come here from other systems and other galaxies, have came by request, request from others in your system. This service we are happy and proud to give; we only are happy that we have the opportunity to serve you. As I stated, there is much to be accomplished among your people in order that we may bring about conditions of betterment upon your planet. We hope and pray each day that more and more of your people will see the light. It is only through these awakenings that your people can be prevented from bringing about their own destruction; it must come from the people. Your heads of government, your world leaders have become so corrupt, so power mad, that now it is up to the people to demand and to bring about their own salvation. It is through those who through their convictions are willing to come forth, to come out from among the multitudes and stand forth for what is right and good. Great changes which have come about upon your planet, has not been brought about by the majorities but rather has been brought about by the minority, sometimes even by individuals who are strong in their faith and who are willing to come forth from among the multitudes and stand forth regardless of the race consciousness for that they believe and know to be right. One man, a few years ago upon your planet, was responsible for one of the greatest changes that has taken place in your civilization; one man, my brothers, who was not afraid to come forth from among the masses. If you think with the masses, believe with the masses, then you have lost your individuality, then you become one of the masses, one of the race consciousness. Seek the Truth and stand on it, my brothers. Use your intelligence, that is why the Creator gave it to you. We have made our appeal to the heads of your world government, to all of your world leaders. We have made great offers to them, but our offers are the offers that would improve the masses, improve your scientific achievements, allow you to live a new life, one of grandeur and of beauty, but due to your customs, your economic structure, your monetary system, they who have the power in hands, are not willing to sacrifice their power to benefit the multitudes. Now we come to you the people, the power is in your hands. We do not advocate violence, but by making your choice to serve in the everlasting love and light, we can and will direct you in the ways of love and light, and through these methods, you can bring about the conditions that you desire. My friends, you have no idea of your own thought power. This thought power when concentrated by the multitudes, by the masses, can bring about anything. There is much power in thought my brothers, much power. Our problems

are solved by thought; we have no need for wars or violence. When we have a problem, our people attack it in thought, in unison, and the problem dissolves itself. Think about this, my brothers; there is much food there for thought. This is only a slight glimpse of what can be accomplished once you understand and know life as it really exists. These things, my friends, are the things we want to teach you, these are the things we are trying to bring to you. Our only hope is that your people will choose in the right direction. I believe I have given you enough to think about this time. It has been my privilege to speak with you; we shall meet again. May you grow ever in the love and light of the Infinite One and may His Truth flow continually through you. May you now and then get a grasp of the grandeur that lies ahead, I know you will be awed by it. Adonai [2], my friends. Adonai vasu. I am Hatonn. Saturday, February 16, 1957 “Learn to go within-to follow that guidance, which comes thru your higher intelligence to you and will guide you only in the right direction, if you so desire.” Questioner: Guide in health-material needs? This is your guidance for everything. It knows what is best for you regardless of what it may concern, whether it be of a material nature such as a material need you may have for your everyday living or comfort. There is no need to be in want—your Creator has never intended for you to want for anything. You bring about your own lack, through your own thinking, your own actions. Go always to this higher self or intelligence. There, any of your problems can be solved. It has the answers to all our problems. You need only to learn to contact it, to be able to state your problem clearly and it will give you the answer because it has access to that great storehouse of knowledge where all you can make, produce, has not been produced before. No problem that you could possibly have has not been solved before. The answers are all there in that great storehouse of knowledge and your own higher intelligence has access to this storehouse at all times. Questioner: Is this praying to the Father within? Can it be done in meditation? It certainly can. You are a part of your Creator. You are a Creator. As your problems, needs arise—quietly and clearly state these needs, these problems to this Higher Intelligence or as you speak of it as God; we prefer other terms. The answer to these problems will come to you. State them openly and clearly and then let it rest in your innermost being. The answer will come to you. Your people have lost this art generally speaking, it needs to be cultivated. Questioner: How do we help others? You can only help others as they will allow, you to help them. To those who seek help from you, administer your help wisely. The level of Understanding of any person determines the way in which Truth shall be given to them. There, my friends, is where wisdom is necessary in spreading Truth to those about you. Hardly any two persons will be on the same level of understanding. There again you must listen for that inner guidance, for that wisdom in administering Truths which you know. Try to realize that what is Truth for you may not be Truth for another. You cannot force Truth on anyone. Each must grow in their own way. Questioner: By surrounding them with the Light we can help them to be aware of it, can’t we? You can help anyone by sending your Light and Love. This is always effective although it is not always apparent to you. Your love should so radiate that those about you feel your love and light whenever they are near you. This creates more desire in those with whom you come in contact, more desire to know the Truth than anything you can do. That is what is meant by the statement in your Holy Works which states, “Do not hide your Light under a bushel but let your Light shine forth that others might see it.”

Questioner: And that Light is our Creative Power within us and our love?” Also it is your demonstration, your living demonstration of this Light. It radiates from you when you are able to demonstrate in your own life, because your life is a happy and glorious one and it radiates all about you for all to see. May the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator rest in your hearts. My Blessings I leave with you. Adonai, Beloved Ones. Adonai. Thursday August 24, 1957 I greet you in the Light of Love and Understanding. I should like at this time, to speak a few of the reasons why we have come to your system and to your planet. There are millions of beings at this time, who have come to your aid. We have come from other planets within your system, from other systems and other galaxies. They have all come with one purpose in mind, and that is to aid your system and especially your planet. Your people have reached a critical stage in their evolution; they have not progressed spiritually as they should have. Scientifically, they have advanced much further, and therefore you do not have a balance. Due to the lack of this balance, you are in great danger of destroying yourselves. You have acquired the use or great powers, energies, some of which should not be used at all, and some should be only in the hands of those who are developed spiritually to the point where these powers should only be used for good. Such powers as your scientists are tampering with today, in the hands of the wrong people, could destroy your civilization. This has happened before upon your planet, my friends, and could happen again. We do not wish to see this happen; we are trying to help you avert such disaster. Also, your planet and your system are entering a new cycle. Your people as a whole, due to the lack of spiritual growth, are not ready to enter the new cycle, the new age. This will take place; nothing can stop it, and those who are not in a position to enter the new age, will not be able to remain upon this planet when you are well into this cycle. Therefore, it is doubly important that your people raise their consciousness to new heights, that they acquire new understandings, new truths, that will enable them to enter the new age, which is upon you. We realize, as do many of your people, that many of your people will not be able to accept the new concepts; they will not be able to move with your planet. These, I should like to state, will not be lost; it merely means that they are slower in their growth and will require more time. They shall be given the opportunity that they need and shall eventually reach their goal, each in his own way, because man moves ever on and upward, some faster, some slower, but the climb goes on and on. There is also a cosmic reason why we are here; there is certain danger to your planet of which you have no control, no knowledge; we hope and are sure that we can avert this for you. However, I shall not digress upon this. We love you, my friends, far above your highest concept, your highest understanding; we would do nothing to harm you; neither will we force you to do anything. We will only suggest. No man can force another to do that which he does not wish to do. We shall help you and guide you, each in his own direction, but only through suggestion, the rest, my dear friends, is up to you. You are the pilot of your ship; no one else can pilot it for you. They can only aid you in-so-far as you are willing to let them. Live always in the now. Now is the only important time. The past has passed, and you can do nothing about it. This very moment is the only thing that counts. Live the truth, and the truth will set you free. The time is now. Now is the time. Realize at this moment your at oneness with your Creator. We do not bow our head when we worship; we look up and out. Realize that Christ-like within you; realize that you are God; that you are a part of that One, and that you are expressing for Him; He is expressing through you; you are His expression. Once these realizations have come in your mind, once you know who you are, then, my friends, truth shall unveil itself to you, and all shall become clear. It has been my privilege to speak with you. I hope I have been of some service. I leave you in the love and

understanding of the Infinite Father. Wednesday, December 11, 1957 I greet you in the Light, my friends. I am Oxal of Arcturus. We have on this night, monitored your complete conversation. This is very simple for us to do, my friends. We can do it in several ways. We have small discs we can station a short distance from your point of meeting and record all that passes between you. Also, we can tune in upon the brain of the channel and listen through his ears. This, we have done tonight. This would amaze your scientists, would it not? But it is very simple. We have been very interested in your conversation; many truths have passed among you. Some of you here have grown a great deal in your understanding; each of you here are here because you are seeking. You are seeking the truth. Continue this seeking, each in your own way, and I assure you, you shall receive as you are able to. We have been in your skies for well on to three years. We are watching individuals, waiting for their choice. As was stated here tonight, once this choice is made in full faith and in love, we move in with protection, with love, light, and truth and guide them, direct them, and protect them. That is our mission. We have come to your system by request of the Confederation and of your system to help you through the crisis that now faces your planet. Truth must grow and grow rapidly upon your planet. We are awakening your people in masses to the realization that they must make a choice, that there are two ways in which they can go, and they must make a choice. Many of your people have not realized this in the past; they have not realized that there are two ways in which each of you can go, that your civilization through all generations have had the right to choose, but they have not chosen wisely. Many of them have not realized or known that there was another way. We can help only those who choose to serve in the Light, who choose the path of service to their people and to their Creator. We have pledged our help to all who make this choice, and we shall stand upon our oath. To those of you who have made the choice, we urge you to establish firmly in your consciousness the great love for your Creator and for your fellow man; this, my beloved friends, is the first step in understanding. Love one another. Once this has been established, the rest shall follow easily. Understanding shall come in abundance; on the waves of love shall flow understanding. Can you see, my friends, why this is? You see, when you have a great love in your consciousness, it opens wide the door for understanding, for wisdom. Without love, the door is locked. This is the power that permeates the universe. There is great need for this upon this planet we call earth, for the lack of it has set up vibrations about your planet, encircling it, that are bringing about chaos, disturbances of nature itself, for so you think, so are you, whether it be as an individual, as a nation or as a planet. Do you have a slight understanding of what would happen to this planet you call Earth if suddenly all should start emanating love, if suddenly all should start emanating positive thoughts? Can you visualize what would be the results? Conditions would change so rapidly that many of your people would not be able to live in the vibration. Even your atmospheric conditions would change; you would not have the terrific eruptions of nature that you now have. The greater portion of these things are brought about by the negative vibrations that exist around your planet. If your people only realized the power of their thought. On our plane of existence, we solve all problems through thought. If a problem is faced by one of our planets, it is solved through concentrated thought of the people. It is in this manner that we shall help your planet. We have been for some time past photographing conditions upon your planet, recording conditions; these are being relayed back to our people and at the proper time when our plans are laid, we shall concentrate our power and thought to help you, but there must also be concentrated help coming from this planet. We are also trying to establish enough people upon the planet to do this. In this manner, we hope to ease the situation greatly. Many of the brothers of the Confederation have volunteered to come to the Planet Earth to serve at this time. They are working among you quietly, trying to establish more love and understanding among the people of Earth, and I might add, a great deal is being accomplished; this, I am sure, many of you are aware of. Continue your seeking, my friends, for many of you have a great task to perform. Soon, many people who are now walking the surface of Planet Earth shall be awakened, shall become aware of who they are, and why they are here, and then their task shall begin in earnest, for the emissaries at the Infinite Spirit are soon to finish their missions.

I leave you now, my beloved friends. I leave you by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal Sunday, December 15, 1957 Greetings and Light. Greetings and Light. I am Oxal of Arcturus. I bring you the greetings and love of my people. For the benefit of some here who are not familiar with our story, I shall give a brief resume of our purpose in coming to your system. We, aboard the Otavana, are not of your system. I shall refer to our system as Arcturus, since our sun is known to your astronomers by this name. We are aboard a craft outside your solar vortice. We have come by request, by request of members of the Confederation within your system. We have come to help your system and especially your planet at a time of crisis. We have been in your skies for nearly three years, as you calculate time. We are not alone. There are many, many craft at this time surrounding your planet. These have come from planets within your system and from many systems. We have all come to serve, serve your system and your planet. Each has his mission to perform; each was chosen for his mission because of his particular capabilities. But I shall concern this little talk tonight with my own people and our mission. Our craft, to be specific, is 120 miles in length; it is 36 miles in diameter; it carries upward of 25 million people and approximately 50,000 smaller craft. It is difficult for you to conceive of a craft of this size, but we do not do things on a small scale. We serve only to our fullest capacity. Your people, through all generations of time, have had the right to choose; they have not chosen wisely, so, in your time you face a great crisis. We, as have many others, have come to help you. We are awakening your people in great numbers, not to any great knowledge, but to the fact that they must make a choice, that there are two paths which they can follow. To those who make the choice to serve their humanity in every way and to follow the path of service of love, of light, and understanding, we pledge our help. To all those who make the choice, we shall move in with protection, with love, light and truth. We shall guide them into paths whereby they can grow into new love and understanding. We shall guide them to the opportunities for service. They shall find themselves going about a new way, not knowing why they do this. We pledge our protection; no harm shall come to those who make the choice in full faith and understanding. All of this we shall do and more. We shall not land upon your planet. We shall not come among you, for all that we do shall be done from here. We could not take you aboard our craft; the vibrations are such that in your present level of understanding you could not exist here. We can perform any of our duties from here. The powers of my people are such that anyone of them could stand upon the face of your planet and perform many of the duties described in your religious history. We do not mean to brag of our achievements for we are servants, servants to a Cause, and we are grateful and humble for the opportunity to serve you. There are many, many brothers and sisters working for your planet and your people at this time; some of those are able to come among you and are among you. They are seen flying in your skies; many of them are living among you and serving quietly. If they were to be known, their work would be greatly hampered, for this has been the experience in the past. When we have tried to come among your people and make ourselves known, some were worshipped as gods which we are not; others would tend to murder us, so, they work quietly among you, as one of you, and thereby accomplish their mission without harm. I might also add, and some of you are already aware of this, but I believe it might be of interest to certain ones here, that those brothers who are working among you, have been brought here by craft landed upon your planet and become absorbed in your humanity. Others are voluntarily come through the normal route and have lived among you as one of you. Many of these are not yet aware, have not been awakened to their identity, but at the proper time when they are about to perform their tasks, they shall be awakened and go about their Father’s work. There are millions of craft about your planet at this time. They are keeping accurate records, continually making observations of all things that take place. We have instruments that are continually registering every movement that takes place in the fault lines on your planet; these things are being watched closely. The heads of all of your governments, I should say your major governments, have been contacted by us. They are well aware of our existence. We have made great offers to them and to your world leaders. We want to share both your scientific and spiritual knowledge with you, but in every case, we have been rejected. Due to your economic

structure, your organizations and your customs, it is felt that they cannot accept our offers. Your profit system would not function well under the stipulations which we presented, for what we offer is for all and not for a few; it is for the benefit of all mankind. Our contacts are now with the people. A great change will come about through people like yourselves. When enough of your people have established in yourselves enough love and understanding, the changes will be inevitable. What, my friends, do you think is the greatest power in the universe? Group: Love is the greatest power You have spoken truly, my sister. Love can accomplish anything. It is a force that permeates the universe. I say to you, Beloved, love one another for through this love shall you rise to great heights in understanding. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love and understanding of my people. I am Oxal of Arcturus. Saturday, January 4, 1958 I greet you my beloved friends, in the Love, Light and Understanding of the Infinite Creator. I have been among you tonight, I have heard your conversation. All of you here on this night, are sincerely seeking Truth, Understanding and Wisdom. This, my friends, shall be given you in degrees that are suitable to your individual. I am a newcomer among you; I spoke last evening through this instrument for the first time. I am one of the new-comers to your city. This is a new and delightful experience for me. I pray that my service shall be well received by your people. I sincerely hope that I shall be able to do my part in raising the Consciousness of Earth People. It is our duty, or at least one of our duties, to work with those of you who are sincerely seeking Light and Understanding. We are doing this although many of you are not aware of our presence. You too, are doing your part in the service to your brothers and sisters. Let each of us rededicate ourselves each day to their service. Let us be ever more aware of opportunities to serve, to send forth our Light to let it shine that it may help others. But as I stated last evening, our most effective way of teaching is through example, through manifesting of our Truth so that others might see. Little is gained by shouting from the house tops or from the street corners, but through example, we can accomplish a great deal, for as others see our Light, they too, shall want their share and shall come seeking it. For when they come sincerely seeking, then, and then only can we lead them. Children of the Light, you have much work to do among the People of Earth. A great deal of Light must be spread, and those like yourselves who are dedicating their life to this purpose, in Love and Understanding and Humbleness, those are the ones who shall inherit this planet. Time is growing short beloved friends. Your development must come rapidly in order to fulfill your mission. Seek within through that higher Consciousness, that creative part of you which is able to reach out and draw forth from that great store house of Knowledge, Wisdom, of Light. Spend as much time as you can in this manner, for there you shall receive your enlightenment, your wisdom and your understanding. We who have come here to serve and to help, to help those of you who are serving in the lower vibration, we are spending much time in meditation, in sending forth our Light, our love and our Understanding to you that you might be helped to a greater extent. Try to instill in your consciousness the realization of who you are and what you are. Place no limitation upon yourself, but realize that you are this great power and intelligence which rules the universe. You are one of the many expressions to this intelligence, therefore, locked within you are the powers that shall manifest all that you need. You need only to unlock them through your Love and Understanding, your seeking. There are no miracles, beloved friends, there is only Law. You need only to understand and apply the Universal Laws. The laws that have always been present and always shall be. True, we know not where the spiral ends. It goes beyond our Understanding and beyond the Understanding of all whom we have contacted, but we know that the spiral, the spiral gets ever more beautiful, ever more lovely as we rise. So let us climb onward, beloved ones. Always reaching a helping hand to those who are struggling just below us; for as we extend our hand, someone

else shall extend theirs to us. It is a never ending chain. All those who work and live in the Light and Love and Understanding, move ever onward and upward, and they grow by serving. Now, beloved friends, before I leave I would like to pass among you and place my Love, my Blessings upon each of you. It shall take me but a moment. Now, beloved ones, I shall leave you. It has been my pleasure to speak with you. My love, my Blessings and my Peace I leave with you. Adonai my friends. Adonai. Sunday, January 12, 1958 Greetings in the Light, my beloved Friends, I am Oxal of Acturus. We realize that many questions prevail in the minds of those of you who are seeking the truth. You are seeking to understand the ways that lead to understanding. Realize this, that you are now passing through a classroom for the sole benefit of learning, of growing, of receiving a better understanding of life and Truth. One of the great lessons that must be learned in this classroom, is to know yourself, or at least know yourself sufficiently enough to be able to function comfortably in a physical body, to bring about in your being that which is needed for a comfortable and happy living. You see, my beloved friends, it has not been taught in your civilization that man and his Creator are one and that you possess the same powers as your Creator. You see, my friends, the fact that you do not understand these laws, does not alter the function of the law—the law works whether or not you understand it, so you see you are continually creating, although you do not realize you are creating—you are creating situations, conditions and many other forms of creation because you are only, beloved ones, what you think you are. You have instilled in your super-self many misconcepts. These concepts, thoughts, what you call the subconscious are bringing about results that are not understood by you. Clean out this inner consciousness, weed out the misconcepts. Do this by injecting new concepts. Tell yourself that these must go. Know that you are all powerful—continually tell yourself these things, because unless the old are replaced by the new, the old shall remain. This does not occur in a moment. Several years have been spent in indoctrinating yourself with these beliefs. Do not expect to eliminate them in a moment. It is difficult for you, I realize, in the face of what you call realities. Do not recognize them as real. Believe me, my friends, these things are only illusionary, they are figments of your imagination. They are not your real self, for if you and your God are one, if you are a part of Him, only a small part of Him, you are perfection, because He is perfection, but you have built around yourself an imaginary, illusionary imperfection. This is difficult for you to understand, because of your teachings, your customs. These things have been handed down from generation to generation through your civilization, they become real to you; but they are only real because you see them as such. Understand that what you are seeing as yourself in the form in which you are now living, is not your real self. It has been created by you. When you have left this vehicle, you shall find that you have left all of these things behind with it and it shall vanish into a nothingness. Therefore, you see it was not real. I wonder, my friends, if I am giving you a little glimpse of what you really are. There is difficulty in trying to convey just what I mean. But know that you are a Creator, know that you and this Creation are one, that you are a part, an important part of the Creative Spirit, that dwells in all things, in all beings, therefore, you should be master of your Creation, and you are your Creator, so you must take charge of it, you must command it—it will respond to your command. When you command that your hand move, it does move. You are in complete command of the movement of your body, you are also in command of every organ, every nerve, every cell. You can command it to do as you wish, but you must do it with authority, knowing full well that you have the authority, as it was given to you by the Creator. I hope, my beloved friends, I have been of some help to you. It has been a pleasure to speak with you. I leave you by extending to you the love and light of my people. I am Oxal. Saturday, January 18, 1958 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the light of love and understanding.

Understanding! Above all of our getting, get understanding; for with understanding comes wisdom, and with understanding and wisdom comes power. Power, without understanding and wisdom, would not be well to have. That is evident in your world today. Too many individuals upon your planet today, have gained power over the people, but they do not have wisdom and understanding to go with it. Therefore, you face the conditions which exist upon your planet. You face inharmony; with inharmony, you have chaos, wars, sickness, disease of all types. All things of a negative nature, my friends, are a result of inharmony, lack of love, lack of understanding. You see, my friends, all things are governed by Universal Law. The Creator does not punish anyone; he does not bring about punishment to bring you into line. Man creates; he is an extension of the Creator. So you see, he is a creator. Man in his own right is a creator. Each thought, that passes from you, is a creation. Guard these thoughts, for they are most important. They bring about results, creation. You are what you think you are. Think well upon this, for it is important. All things are governed by law. The law brings about retribution, through our own actions. Your Creator sees you only as good. In the eyes of your Creator there is only good. Think well upon what I have said. Our purpose in coming to your planet at this time is to attempt to bring about a new awareness among your people —to attempt to make them aware of a new Truth, a new understanding, that goes far beyond their present concepts. It is very necessary at this time, that your people be made aware—for your system, your solar system, in its sojourn through space, is entering a new cycle, a new area of space—for the vibratory rates shall be higher—a fourth dimension, so to speak. In order for you of earth to enter this new age, your spiritual awareness must be raised, for in this dimension it will not be possible to exist in the present spiritual awareness of the majority of your people. And now I know, the question arises in the minds of some of you, as to what happens to those who are not able to raise themselves, who are not able to qualify for this new dimension. It is unfortunate, that the majority of the people of the Planet Earth, have not been given the Truth about themselves, about Life. Because, you see, if you understood life, death, or what you call death (we prefer to speak of it as a transition) this transition would take on an entirely different aspect in the minds of the people. For death, you see, is not death at all, it is really birth. In reality, you, at the time of the transition, are being born into the real life—from this state of hypnosis that you now exist in. This vehicle which you call the physical body, is merely a vehicle which you are using to gain certain experiences. When you have finished with the cloak, you lay it aside. So it is with this vehicle; when you have finished with it, you lay it aside. It is of no more use to you. There are many schoolrooms and many classrooms throughout the universe. This is only a schoolroom in which you learn. So you see, those who are not ready for the higher classroom, shall simply lay aside this vehicle, and take on another in a classroom suitable to their level of understanding. It is that simple, beloved ones. Your planet is the only one in this system that is not quite ready for the transition. That is why we have come, we of the Confederation, including those from other planets in your system and from planets in many other systems. Yes, and those from the Etheric Realms are also aiding. We have come to help you in this time. During this transition, many changes will take place upon the surface of your planet as have taken place before in other transitions, for, you see, systems, planets, and individuals, are ever evolving, onward and upward. That is another of the laws. The climb is ever onward and upward. Man does not digress; he is ever progressing. And so, we move on, ever looking outward and upward, to a newer and higher understanding. Those above, ever reaching down to lend a helping hand to his brother who is coming after. For as we serve those who are struggling just behind us, we also receive help from those who are just ahead of us; it is a never-ending chain. Now, my friends, I must leave. My blessings, my love, and understanding, I extend to you. Adonai, my friends. Saturday, January 25, 1958 I greet you, my friends, in the light of love and understanding. I am what you have termed as your local contact; I have spoken with you many times. Perhaps at this time, due to the fact that another within your city, is also working with you, I should give you an identification. As you know, we do not have names; we know each other by vibration. Therefore, I shall create an identification for you—henceforth you shall know me as Mr. R. However, I have many things in mind that I should like to say to you. Take them for what they are worth to you—you are the judge. If what I say is of use to you, I am happy if it will help you upon your road to higher Truth.

The day has come, beloved ones, when you must discern Truths. Many Truths have been taught among your religions. In our opinion each of your religions, your sects, have some Truth, but there is not one upon your planet that has a corner on Truth, so to speak; if this be true, then all have Truths to yet be learned. I should also like to state that Truth is never-ending; it moves onward before us. We can only receive the Truth that we are capable of receiving at our present level of understanding; therefore, we must constantly strive to raise our level of understanding. As all of you here know, all Truth is based upon Law—we live by the Law of the universe. These laws are universal; they apply not only to your planet but to all other forms of life throughout the many galaxies in space. And what is the greatest of these, my beloved friends? Group: Love is the greatest. You have spoken well. Then first of all we must learn to love, to love our Creator, that is the first law. If we love our Creator, we cannot help but love our fellowman—we cannot help but love ourselves, for we are that Creator, that is why we are all one, we are all parts of the whole, therefore we must love one another. All laws existing throughout creation are just. Your Creator did not create laws that you could not comply with. In creating these laws He took into consideration the various levels of life. So the law was not created so that one level of life could easily conform and to another it should be very difficult for him to conform, due to his level of life. Much has been written concerning Laws of Creation, but you see again, beloved ones, when you attempt to place in words certain ideas, immediately you are confronted with interpretations. This too, is not altogether a stumbling block, for in so doing if one is sincere, they use their God-given power of reasoning and of searching within, through that higher consciousness which we all possess, the answers that will bring the true meaning. It is well that these things be discussed among you, for often a spark is set off in your mind by the word of another which brings about a clearer understanding of some particular question that you might have. There, you see, is where it is important to maintain an open mind, an open heart and consider the expression of your brother, regardless of his level of understanding, for often little gems of wisdom flow from the mouths of the lowly. Truth is where you find it, and it can be anywhere. Much Truth is found in Nature. Many of your people have gained great wisdom in the study or the insects, of the flowers, the trees, of Nature in general. Be aware of Truth in all places. A great percentage of misunderstanding, of misconcepts among the people of Earth, have come from misinterpretations. Remember always in interpreting the Laws of your Creator, that they must be flexible enough to apply throughout the universe. This, my friends, is a key. The time has come when the people of Earth must learn and understand Universal Law. Those who have not the ears to hear, nor the eyes to see, shall not move with their planet into the New Age. Great wisdom must be used—recognize wisdom when you hear it and see it. Do not become steeped in your beliefs, because many of them will need to be changed in order to understand and apply the law. Much has been given to you in the past; the brothers who are working with your planet, for your people, have brought you much Truth, but it has been brought to you in such a manner that you must put forth some effort to understand and apply it, and that is as it should be. We could give you many of these things in so many words and say to you, “This is the way it is—you must believe this,” but this is not our way, for you must choose, my brothers; it is in your choice that you shall prove yourself. I shall repeat something that has been said many times, “We cannot make your choice for you, this you must do.” Think well upon what I have just said. There is a great work to be done among your people; you can be of great service, but the requirements are very stiff. It is not easy in the environment in which you have received your training, to be humble. These things must be overcome—the ego must not become inflated. You must be the least among them in order to be the greatest, for I, of myself can do nothing. It is the Father within me that doeth the works. I, of myself am nothing, but I and the Father are all things—there is no limit to what I and the Father can do. The I AM; that word has been much misinterpreted in your Holy Scriptures. Your great Avatar often spoke of the I AM but how has it been interpreted by your people? They have taken it to mean the man himself; but the I AM that he spoke of was not the man it was the I AM that you all possess. The Father within that higher part of you that is the Creator. He spoke not of himself as the man. You see much of the true meaning of His teachings have been lost by misinterpretations. I say unto you again, love one another, for you are all one in this great Creation. Try to understand the true meaning of love, for it reaches far, much farther than you can possibly realize in your present level of understanding. Learn together, help one another; receive from one another in love and understanding, for in so doing your growth shall be much more rapid; for all of you have so much to give to each other, if only you will see it. Questioner: I would like to know what fields we are in, referred to in the sixth Chapter of Revelations?

Giving information of this kind is not altogether our work. A great deal has been written in your Scriptures; there is a great deal to be interpreted. There are many keys for interpreting the writings; many of these have not been available to your people. In searching the Scriptures, you have found many things that seemed to be contradictory. It has been pointed out by many of your people, but this is only due to lack of understanding, the lack of being able to interpret. To go into the interpretation of many of these things would take great lengths of time. This, at this moment in your growth, is not of importance. Before understanding of all of these writings shall be made completely clear, there must be brought about among all of you, a higher consciousness of love, of understanding, between you. When these things have been established, these vibrations—your understanding shall become much clearer. These things shall all become clearer, understandable to all of you. Questioner: Then we must establish a greater love between us that will bring into manifestation all these things in the future? That is correct and that must be established; first things must come first and the first I have given you tonight, that when established shall bring about all others. Your Master Teacher stated that the greatest of all the commandments was to love. My blessings, my love I leave with you. Goodnight, beloved ones. Saturday, February 8, 1958 Greetings, my brothers. I greet you with the love, light and understanding of the Infinite One. I have come as an emissary of the Infinite One. As you progress in your understanding, you have much in store for you. Give yourself in love and in understanding. It is necessary for you, each of you, to develop a clear understanding of yourself and of your fellowman, for only through understanding will you be able to accomplish your mission. Be ye perfect. How shall we become perfect? Perfection is not an easy thing to accomplish, but we must aspire to this perfection at all times. Self-discipline is very necessary, very necessary. The desires of the physical must not be allowed to master us. Emotions must be controlled. How can we establish love and understanding among us if these things are not mastered? You have been told many times to establish love, harmony and understanding between you. Yet, you desire to make great accomplishments, to demonstrate your powers that are within you. But I say unto you, beloved ones, that these things cannot be established, cannot be demonstrated without first establishing the love and understanding among you; for without this you have no power. This is the power. In love and understanding all things are possible; without it you accomplish nothing. It is the lack of this that has brought about the conditions that exist on your planet today. How can you establish this among you? It can be established only through your own efforts, through becoming masters of yourselves. The rules you should know well. They have been given you long ago—“Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile; give, love.” See only good in all you come in contact with. Refuse to see anything but the good. You have been taught fear, and you fear the results if you turn the other cheek, or go the extra mile. There is nothing to fear, my friends, nothing to fear. Let that love emanate from you so strongly that all negativity shall melt into nothingness before you. “He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword.” I quote from your Scriptures. These things are not new to the people of earth. Your Great Teacher gave you all the rules. They are all there; you need only apply them. Why, oh why, make it difficult? You would be amazed at what a few of you, a very few of you, could accomplish if only you could establish between you complete love and understanding. Your accomplishments would amaze you. Each of you have within you the ability to establish this. You need only to put forth the effort, to make the decision and to apply the discipline necessary. We are waiting for such a group. Do I make myself clear? There is a great work to be done in this great city of yours. You can be the Light Bearers in this area if you choose to be. The harvest is ready. You have fertile soil in which to work. There are many people who are ready to be brought into Truth, who are ready for a new understanding. They are waiting for their teachers. Questioner: Are there enough of us here for such a group? Any number is enough to start, my daughter, any number. You need only to establish that at-one-ness [3] between you and I assure you, things will happen once this power is released. Nothing shall stand against it. Call the

dedication to the service; know within yourself that you are completely dedicated to the service of your Creator. This shall help you in establishing more love within you. Eliminate all self, holding only that desire to serve, for through your service administered sincerely and selflessly, shall you gain new knowledge, new understanding and new growth. Come unto me all ye who are burdened, who are heavy-ladened and I shall give you peace, love and understanding. Adonai, beloved ones. Monday, March 31, 1958 And the Glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly blessed. Greetings to you, my friends, I am Mr. R. All of you have been greatly blessed, this night—rest assured of this. For tonight, there have stood among you, Great Masters. The time has come, beloved ones, the time has come, when each must stand upon his own, when each must develop and bring forth that great love which shall open the way. It is only through the manifestation of this great love, that the Great One who walked your earth many years ago, demonstrated for you, that you shall reach the heights to which you aspire. This, beloved ones, must be your first achievement, for on this hinges all things. As you receive this love, and allow it to flow out through your being, many, many of the mysteries shall become clear to you. Your eyes shall be opened to the now unseen. The rest shall follow more easily once this cleansing has taken place. When this great love canter is opened, the others must follow. Give yourself in selfless service with that great love and desire to serve your Creator and your fellowman. Let your heart and your soul sing forth in joyous praise and thanksgiving, and His light, His love, and His understanding, shall engulf you. Let not your heart be angered from any cause whatsoever. Let it sing only forgiveness, joy, praise, for, in this state, you are all receptive to the light that shall make all things known unto you. These are the things you must develop, beloved ones. Recognize only the good, for those that persecute you know not what they do, so, pray for them, and forgive them, with malice toward none. This sounds like a big order, does it not, beloved ones? But I say unto you, it is the only way. It was His way, and so it must be yours; there is no other. I leave you, beloved ones, by extending to you, the love, light, and understanding, from my deepest soul. Adonai, peace be with you. Friday, April 11, 1958 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Mr. R. As you meditate give your thoughts, your light, your prayers, to those unbelieving ones, who so much need your help. Time rapidly approaches when these, as all others, must definitely make their choice. The time for separation draws near, beloved ones, it draws near. Soon, very soon, your people, regardless of the opposition, are going to become aware of our presence, and our purpose shall be made known to them—our hand of friendship extended for all to grasp who care to accept our aid. We come only to do good—to offer a helping hand to those who will accept and believe. To you, beloved ones, who are attempting to offer yourselves in service, your efforts are not going un-noticed. You are being given aid, more than you realize. Sharpen your awareness that you might be better able to use the help we are sending you. Enter into that at-one-ness and love that is being offered to you; become aware of it. Use the power and wisdom that has been given you. Do you realize, my friends, the power that is contained in that love that is being offered you? Do you realize the power that it will place in your hands, once you are established in it? It means, beloved ones, that all things are yours. Once the true love centre is opened within you, all else is yours. Think, beloved ones, think what this means. It means a great overcoming; it means a whole new concept, opening before you. But it all must start—the beginning is love, love for your Creator, love for your fellowman, love in all that you do—you express only love, and only love returns to you.

People of Earth, too long you have been lost, too long you have tarried. Now you must find the way—it has been pointed out to you, People of Earth. The Great Master who trod your earth many years ago, has show you the way, but your ears have been deaf, your eyes have been blind; you have heeded not His call. Again, O People of Earth, He calls. He is knocking at your door; He is showing you the way again. Shall you follow? All creation is beckoning to People of Earth to come home. The Father awaits with open arms and a forgiving heart; you need only answer the call by giving yourself in complete faith, love, and understanding. We, of other worlds, and other realms, are standing by to help you in every way possible, to make this step reward into a new life, a glorious life, one of love and understanding. My peace and my blessings, I give unto you. Adonai. Adonai. Sunday, April 20, 1958 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal, of Arcturus. Our observation of your conversation here has been interesting. We are aware of much growth taking place among you. Many of your experiences do not have much meaning to you as yet, but they shall, for by experience shall you learn the Truth. The seeking of Truth, my friends, requires effort, stick to-it-iveness, to use your terms, for your persistence, in your search, is the thing that will bring you results. Many of your people start the search for Truth, but they find that it takes effort, patience, and above all, great sincerity. Many of them fall by the wayside when they discover that Truth must be earned. They desire it providing they do not have to work for it. Nothing comes to you or to anyone without effort, and many times, great sacrifices are necessary to gain the Truth and the experience, that will bring you into a high understanding. This is as it should be, for things gained without effort, without sacrifice are not held dear, are not appreciated and are soon lost. It is the things that we gain through hard, sincere efforts and suffering that really benefit us, that brings soul growth, that is permanent. Works without faith are valueless. We could give you many demonstrations that would convince you of the many things of which we speak, but this would only be temporary. For only the things that you gain through your own efforts, your own searching, your own suffering, must establish the faith in you that is necessary to reach the heights to which you aspire. To him, or her, that see and witness, it is no problem to believe. But he who sees not, and believes through faith, faith in his Creator and his fellowman, to him there shall come great awakenings, great experiences. Prove these Truths to yourself by demonstration, by putting them to work for you. You are not asked to accept a Truth, without first trying it. To see it demonstrated by another, does not qualify you. You, yourself, each of you as an individual, must take these Truths, and let them manifest in your own life, building your own glorious Light for all to see. All of you have heard and discussed much the powers of Love. I believe it is clear in the minds of each of you the power contained in this force, this energy known as love. Now is the time, beloved ones, to prove it to yourself. You have been told all about it; you have heard the experience of others who have demonstrated the power of Love. What more can be said or done except, for you, as individuals, to take it, and put it to work for you? Many times I have asked you this question—what is the greatest power of the universe, of all creation? And you have answered me—“Love”. Why not try it? I say again, my beloved friends, the time grows short. Soon, this great power shall be needed by you. You shall need it to bring about your own salvation, as well as that of others, for many events portend. And many of these events, although necessary, will not be pleasant for the People of Earth. For in these events, the forces of darkness must perish; they must be banished from your earth for all times. And out of this must come, a new age of love, harmony, and understanding; an age where each shall live, to benefit his brother, and not himself, where in all problems, the answer sought shall not be what is best for me, but what is best for all concerned. How often in these times is a problem attacked in that manner? Let us visualize today, in the disputes that arise between your industries and your workers—just assume that they should sit down around the table, everyone concerned only with that which would benefit all. What solution could we arrive at that would be most beneficial to all concerned? What would be the results, if love and harmony existed around this table, and around all of your

conference tables? Can you visualize how much different your world would be? Do you agree with me, my friends? Where there is love, peace and harmony, even the very atmosphere about you changes. All creation about you becomes harmonious; nature becomes less violent—nature reacts directly with the vibrations sent out by its people. If your masses and your leaders could realize this I wonder what the reaction would be? Why do you suppose nature is gradually becoming more violent around your planet? Earthquakes are becoming more prevalent, tornadoes, windstorms—all of these things are gradually becoming more violent. And around your planet the vibrations have been becoming more and more negative, and nature reacts accordingly. The catastrophe that comes to your planet does not come from your Creator; it is the result of the wrong thinking and the wrong doing of your people. Your Creator does not judge you; you judge yourself by nature’s own laws. That is why we have continually said, that if enough love and light could be established among the masses of your people, that much, very much, of the future disaster could be avoided. Now, my beloved friends, I think I have rambled far enough. I leave you by extending to you, our love and our understanding. May the Peace of this great Creative Spirit rest with each of you. I am Oxal. Monday, April 21, 1958 Good evening to you my friends. I am Mr. R. I extend to you my love, and my blessings, in the name of the Infinite Creator. I should like at this time, my friends, to impress upon you, the seriousness of the situation. I should like to emphasize the seriousness of the results of the nuclear tests that have taken place about your planet, or on your planet, and more of these are being planned. This, my friends, is much more serious than you realize. The results are becoming quite prevalent among your people. The last test that was conducted, has greatly increased the radioactive clouds about your planet. These are being controlled as far as possible by your brothers in space. Great damage is being done to your people, to the People of Earth. Our control has prevented a great deal of damage, but this is being released in ever increasing amounts. How much longer we can prevent great disaster from resulting from these experiments, we do not know. New diseases are appearing upon your planet; many of these are results of this madness. Your people are suffering in more ways than you realize. People who have been closer to these tests are much more aware of it than are some of you. However, they are being convinced that these things are not the results of these energies but we tell you, my friends, that they are, and unless this madness ceases it shall become much more rampant. Some of your great earthquakes at this time are direct results of these tests. If we were to release the clouds that have resulted from these tests, the havoc would be great upon your planet. Gradually, we are neutralizing these radioactive clouds, but if these are produced in greater numbers than we are able to handle the results shall be disastrous. The great tests that are now being planned should be prevented if at all possible. We are attempting to do our part by impressing certain people upon your planet to cease this madness, but it is not always easy to do this with certain peoples. They are so intent upon what they are doing, that it is almost impossible to break through to them. People of Earth must, somehow, be made aware of this madness, and demand that it cease, for unless the voice of the people cries out loud enough, these Forces of Darkness are apt to engulf them. We do not wish to see this great suffering occur upon your planet; we are making every effort to prevent these conditions, but, unless the People of Earth shall respond in large enough numbers, it shall be very difficult to prevent. I do not wish to frighten you, beloved ones, and I should like to say this, as an assurance to you—that those of you who establish yourself, firmly, in the light, and in the love, of your Creator, shall not be harmed, but the masses of innocent people we do not wish to see suffer for their lack of knowing. Many of your scientists today realize the seriousness of the situation and are attempting to correct it, but they are meeting great opposition among the warmongers of your world. Let each of us do our bit in helping to prevent this. We can do this in two ways. First, by helping to make people aware of the dangers. And I do not imply by this that you must go out shouting, but if each in his little way plants the seeds, they will grow, for you must also be ever aware of the opposition. Secondly, you can help greatly by establishing all the light possible and sending it into the ethers about your planet. Positive thoughts—anything that will raise the vibrations of the atmosphere about your planet—shall be of help.

To each of you and all of the workers in the light, we ask you in the name of the Infinite Father to do your part; to help save a civilization that is much in need of being saved. I leave you, my friends, by surrounding each of you with my love, light and understanding. Love, peace I leave with you. Goodnight, beloved ones. Monday, May 19, 1958 I greet you, my friends, in love and understanding. I speak to you tonight from a craft within your vicinity. Our craft is of the smaller type which is operating from what you call a mother craft. The activity, though seemingly at a standstill about your planet, is very active. The numbers have not decreased; we have just not been displaying ourselves. In the not too far distant though, there shall be another cycle of events take place that will again arouse the interest of People of Earth. It is becoming more and more difficult, for the powers that be to discount our presence. Yes, many more people are aware of the presence of our craft and our people in your skies than you realize. Many hesitate to talk about it to their friends, but within their hearts they know that it is so. The activity of the workers upon your planet, such as yourselves, has also been passing through a lull, so to speak. But this, my friends, is only temporary, for more and more, you shall find events taking place to awaken the interest of yourselves and the less interested. Take advantage of these periods, my friends, for your own development and your own growth. Add to your store house of knowledge and experience during these times, that you might be better prepared when you are most needed. The awakening of the People of Earth is taking place, but this must be a gradual progress. People, concepts, cannot be changed too rapidly, for this should be detrimental to them. This, each of you should know by your own experiences. More of our craft will be contacting you in the near future. Each of you, by making that contact through your higher consciousness, shall find more enlightenment, wisdom, and knowledge, of wide variations coming to you. But you must become still and listen, so that you might receive. Still those racing thoughts and let your mind rest with your Creator, so that this inflow of knowledge might be brought to you. Now is the time to grow, to grow in every way, to tap in, to that storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, that you may use it to your advantage and to the advantage of your brothers. I leave you, in love. Goodnight, beloved friends. Friday, October 17, 1958 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. Let thine eye be single, beloved ones, that ye may see always the glory of Creation. Give not your thoughts or your sights to that which is not pleasant, which is not of the highest. Keep on the positive side of your consciousness. The ever-increasing vibratory rate of your planet is causing Man to come out from within himself. It is causing his real self to show. It shall not be easy from now on to conceal your real self. It is coming out for you to see, for you to recognize and for you to do something about, if necessary. It is bringing forth the positive, but it also is bringing forth the negative. So as one of your songs go, “Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative”, for in so doing shall you reach a higher state of consciousness in this expression. It has been stated many times that the time is short and so it is, my friends, and so it is, for you have much to accomplish in this short time you have to do it in. But your greatest task, beloved ones, is with yourselves, for the most important part for all of you at this time is to grow in understanding, to grow in love, to understand yourself and in so doing you will understand and love your fellowman. The events that are forthcoming upon this planet shall require great understanding. It you are to be a worker in the Light, then you must be able to demonstrate that of which you speak. For how can you teach another, other than by example? How can you teach me a principle if you cannot exercise it yourself? In the days ahead it will be necessary for you to demonstrate love, understanding and it will be necessary for you to

demonstrate the strength and power of the great Universal Power and Energy which we call Light. You may find, my friends, there will be times when that will be your only protection and believe me when I say this great Universal Substance can protect you from anything, and I mean this literally, beloved ones, for when this Light is established about you, or about anything in its completeness—I say nothing shall penetrate it. It is a complete protection against all things. This is done, my friends, through practice, through sincere, intelligent pursuit. It shall not be accomplished in a moment, but literally, none of you are putting forth the effort necessary to accomplish this and this is done, my friends, through the power of thought. Visualize, learn to visualize this great Light of Purity; the purest white that you can imagine, completely surrounding and engulfing you. Picture in your mind’s eye a wall of this Light, extending from the Heavens and surrounding you, encircling you, in a tube-like shaft. Once you can vision this in its completeness, it is there; it becomes a solid substance that nothing can penetrate. You are completely safe and protected at all times and this can also be done for others, once you have accomplished the secret. I can give you no better instruction than this, beloved ones, for that is the way in which it is done. When enough of your people are able to do this, you can surround houses, property, towns, yes, even nations with a wall of Light that is completely resistant to anything. Do I make this clear, beloved ones? Only through your own efforts shall you accomplish this—we cannot do it for you. I might add, however, that negative thoughts tend to tear this wall down from your own consciousness. This Light is one of Purity, for it is a pure Substance of the Creator. You cannot build this Light with negativity. There have been those upon your planet, who have accomplished this and then through their own negative thoughts have dissipated their own creation. Questioner: Can one be helped by a mechanical device such as Tesla’s invention to build a wall of Light? It is possible to accomplish this scientifically, but this requires much equipment, much time and effort and mechanical devices have always the possibility of failure when they are most needed. Why do it mechanically if you can create it with your thought? My friends, you do not realize the power held within you, the power of your own thoughts. Thoughts are creative. Every thought you think, every thought sent into the ether by you is creative, that is why, beloved ones, it is so necessary to keep your thoughts ever-loving and positive, for you do not want to create negativity. You see, my friends, that is exactly what has happened with your planet today. This we have spoken of before. The negative thoughts and deeds of Earth People has created a negative aura about your Earth which has caused a great deal of the unhappiness, of the chaos that has occurred upon your planet. This must be eliminated. As you move into your new location in space, this will be eliminated and eliminated with it shall be those who create it. I do not mean by this (I sense some questions in the minds of some of you), that these people who are not able to move with your planet into the New Age, shall burn in, what is spoken of by your religious administrations, as Hell—but they shall be removed in a normal way, in Nature’s way to another plane of existence where they can live as they desire. But to those of you who want to move forward we suggest you put forth all the effort possible to raise your consciousness in love and understanding. And now, my friends, I must leave this instrument and in so doing I extend to you the love and the blessings of my people. May His peace rest with you. I am Oxal. Monday, December 1, 1958 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Your great Master once said “Seek the Truth and the Truth shall make ye free”. This is stated in your book of religious histories, but there is one thing which was omitted, for he added to this “Seek the Truth first which is within your understanding, which you can grasp and use,” for only in this way will you prepare yourself for higher Truths. In other words, one step at a time. Master what you have and then proceed to master more, for Truth is of no value to you unless you can use it in your life. Unless it benefits you, it means nothing. We have listened to your conversation here tonight and are well pleased with your discussion. We feel that you have gained from such a discussion. Each of you have your task to perform, try to perform it well, with wisdom and with understanding. As was stated here, the day is at hand, the time is now, and you have only a short time to prepare yourself. This is the time beloved friends, for self-development. To learn to know yourself, to recognize who and what you are, to declare and claim your sonship with your Creator, to develop love and understanding for your fellowman, for all Creation.

This is no time for judging, condemning, criticizing. Condemn not yourself, for every time you do so, you lower your own evolvement. Rather, hold your head high and declare your rightful place with your Creator. Your Creator is not a respecter of persons. He does not condemn you or criticize you for your mistakes. He has only love for you. Take this realization into your being that you might understand its meaning. Meditate upon it, for once you have this realization established in your being, your progress will increase rapidly. We who are working in your atmosphere and in your system, are attempting to help you to help yourselves, that is our mission here, but we also are limited to this extent, that we can help only those of you of Earth People who are willing and ready to help themselves. As we described to you many times in the beginning of our contact, we can help only those who have made the choice. In full faith, those who have chosen to serve their humanity in every way possible, those who are willing to give themselves to the service to become workers in that everlasting Love and Light of the Creator. To those we have pledged our help, our guidance and our protection, and we stand upon our oath. Many have made this choice; many more have not. Those who have not, have very little time now in which to make it. We can only hope that there will be more, before the time has passed. To those of you who have made the Choice, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and humbly offer our services in any way that we can possibly serve you, for we are only servants to a cause that is far greater than we. I leave you now my friends, by extending to you the Love, the Understanding, and the Blessings of my people. I am Oxal Monday, February 9, 1959 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. I am with you tonight. I am not speaking from aboard a craft, but I have come here among you and am using the body of this instrument to work through. I have done this for a purpose. Also I should like to state, that each one of you here tonight have a Master beside you. Each one of you here by this time should be able to at least sense this. This is not without purpose either, my friends, for each of you tonight are being endowed with love and knowledge, whether or not you realize this, is up to you. But nevertheless, it is being given, and you shall benefit. There is a great task for the Light workers to perform. The importance of this task is increasing day by day. You must be ready when the call comes, and it shall come, beloved ones. Yes, it shall come, and the response will be up to you. The recognition will be up to you. There exists among Earth People today a great fear. Why do they fear? Why does doubt and fear rise up so predominant among Earth People? They have lost faith in themselves. They have forgotten what the great Master told them. His words were these, and they had great meaning, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for lo, I AM with you always”. It would be well to meditate upon these words occasionally, and let their meaning sink deep into your consciousness, for therein lies a great Truth. Know, my friends, with all your being that this great “I AM” is with you at all times and is your guidance and protection, your all. It is the most important part of your being, and it will carry you over the roughest pith, over the wildest seas. It is yours to use, and it is within all. It need only to be recognized, that is all. That “I AM” within you will do the works. Man is great. He is great within himself. Man in his true reality knows no bounds. Earth People have strayed far from reality. They are living in a great illusion. If earth man is to come into his own, then he must rise out of this illusion and into reality. He must know Himself. He must learn to love. To know love is to know your Creator, to know yourself. For in reality, Man is love. For it was through love that Man was created, therefore, Man can only come into his own through love and to love is to understand. So you see, my friends, when we know love, we have understanding and wisdom, for they go hand in hand. So know, learn to know yourself. We are making progress with Planet Earth. The New Age is dawning. The masses are beginning to awaken, very slightly, but they are beginning. Through our influence, we are bringing about many things. Many things are happening to spark a desire in man for knowledge, to step farther and farther into the unknown. In general, Earth Man has had a great fear for the unknown. This must change, and this fear must be replaced with a desire to know, for when Man desires to know and seek in love, he shall know the Truth and this Truth shall make him free. And now, my friends, before I leave, I would like us to have a moment of silence, when each of you will receive from that one with you tonight, a very, very, special blessing. And now, my friends, let us make ourselves receptive, open and receptive; let us lay our hearts open to love for just a moment.

(Pause) It is done. Now, my friends, I must leave. May each of you receive untold benefits from the blessing that you have just received. May each of you grow rapidly in Love and Understanding. And may each of you, when your call comes, be so filled with this love and understanding, that you shall perform your mission in a run and masterful way. Adonai, Beloved Ones. Adonai. I am Hatonn. Monday, February 16, 1959 Peace be with you my friends. As I came among you tonight, I have observed each of you, and I saw in you a great deal that you have not seen in yourselves. Beloved ones, raise your sights, realize your potentiality. Know that within you lies the power of the universe. You see, beloved friends, it is so much easier for you to doubt your abilities, your powers, than it is for you to try to realize the potentials that lie within you. Accept your challenges of today. Cope with them and be not concerned for the future. You can only live one moment at a time. Live that moment to the very best that is in you. Realize that there is only the now. Know each moment of the day that, that which you are doing is the right thing for you. If you do this, each moment, each hour, each day, shall fall in place. Take each task as it comes to you and be conscious of what you are doing. For, you see, no experience is beneficial unless you are conscious of it, at the moment it takes place. Each of you have tasks before you that you will perform, and if you will allow yourself to flow with the tide, you shall find that these things will come to you in proper sequence. I know that some of you now, at this time, are feeling within you this urge to do certain things. These urges are a part of your consciousness that is directing you upon your path. These urges, desires, should be well considered by you, and in carrying them out, much wisdom and meditation should be used. Each of you, beloved ones, should be very grateful for the opportunity to serve Earth humanity at this time, for in this period, Earth will reach a new height in its climb. This civilization that you are now in, is about to reach its greatest height. The advancements that are in the future for Earth People, both scientifically and spiritually, shall bring about a change that the masses at this time cannot conceive of. But I am sure that within the hearts of those like yourselves, you have a slight conception of what it will be like. The darkness is beginning to lift. Suffering, disease, all of these things shall vanish, shall vanish from the face of the Earth, and in their place, there shall be radiant health, peace of mind, well-being, a Brotherhood of Man that has never been known before. My friends, you are witnessing today this change. It is taking place before your very eyes. But you say to me, there appears to be more suffering, more chaos, more fear and unrest today than ever before. This, my friends, is not true. There is not more of this upon your Earth today, it merely seems to you that there is more, for Earth population has increased greatly. Communications have improved, more information comes to your ears, and too, had you lived in other periods, or could you remember the things that have taken place in other periods in your civilization, you would realize the Truth. It is true, very true, that in this changing period, many are affected. It has brought to the surface that which is within them, but still, percentage wise, improvement has been on the up-swing. As brother Hatonn has told you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. The time is coming rapidly, and Earth Man shall not know fear. In this new age, it shall vanish and be no more. Fear has been man’s worst enemy. There is really nothing to fear but fear itself. I leave you, beloved friends, in peace and love. Goodnight Monday, April 13, 1959 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the love and light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn.

I know there has been some discussion among you and some wonderment, as to these exercises which we have used upon your instrument, but this has been simply an exercise to clear the vocal system of the instrument. As your planet and your system moves more and more into its new location in space, you shall note greater changes taking place. The new vibration into which you are moving, is bringing about many changes. Even the atomic structure of your atmosphere is being changed, and soon baffling changes will occur in the atomic explosions that your scientists are experimenting with. They shall be greatly baffled by these changes, but they shall be due to the change taking place in the atomic structure of your atmosphere, due to the new vibration into which it is moving. Also, changes will be noted in the beings themselves that are upon your planet, for all must be affected in this change. We are here for the sole purpose of helping this system in this coming change. We are interested in seeing this system and this planet pass through this change in the easiest possible manner. As most of you are already aware, there are thousands and thousands of beings who have volunteered to come and live upon the surface of this planet and aid in this change. Many of these are known as wanderers. These wanderers have aided through the Ages in various planets and systems, for their aid has been needed. Yes, beloved ones, these are times of great changes, and this great nation in which you are living, as we see it from our vantage point, must take the lead in bringing about the New Age upon Planet Earth. And great concentration, both from without, from those of us who are working from without and those who are working from within, great concentration is being placed upon this nation to prepare for this task. As was mentioned to you some weeks back, we do not believe from our observation that a great conflict shall rise between your nation and the other great power on this earth. That is not to say that there will not be conflict, for it appears that there shall be. But the great eagle, if at all possible, shall be spared from this. And in the meantime, prepare to salvage what is left and to bring it together in a Brotherhood that will enable Planet Earth to join with the other planets in this system, to take her place in the Brotherhood of Mankind. This has long been awaited by the other planets in your system, and it is our hope that this shall come about in the near future. Earth man must learn to live together in love and in understanding. I realize that at the moment, this does not seem possible, but I assure you that it can happen, and we believe it shall happen. Man must know himself. To know one’s self, will enable one to live in love and understanding, for to know thyself is to know Creation. Look within for your Truth, for who can establish your truth, your understanding, better than yourself. Within you lies all Truth. You need only to seek and find it there. At this moment, we are sitting here in space 500 miles above the surface of your planet. We have our Iconiscan attuned to your location, and we are able to sit here and observe each of you, as you are sitting there in your comfortable chairs and in your comfortable room. We are also, through our scientific methods, able to pick up any sound or thought that occurs there. Beloved ones, these are some of the things which someday soon, we hope to be able to share with Earth People. We have much to give you, to share with you when you are ready and willing to receive us. We await only the day when we can come to Earth People and be received in love and in understanding. And now, my friends, I must leave. May each of you reach great heights in your understanding, and may each of you be able to share with those whom you come in contact with, that they may also increase their understanding and their love. Goodnight, beloved ones. Saturday, April 24, 1959 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Mr. R. Cycles come and cycles go. Life is a continual series of cycles. Cycles of experiences, cycles of growth, but know this, beloved ones, that each step is a step nearer to that perfection that all mankind is seeking. Bear in mind also that this spiral of evolution moves ever onward and upward—where it ends we know not. In our travels of the Universes we have discovered life in all cycles of evolution, but thus far we have not found the ultimate. But this we are sure of—that when one seeks in love and understanding, it grows ever more beautiful, step by step, for as you grow and are able to absorb more and more of this universal love, life takes on a newer and more inspiring love

and understanding. We are here to give our service in love and understanding that we might grow and know a higher and more beautiful understanding. As Man, through his evolution, reaches a better understanding of himself, he also reaches a higher understanding of Creation and what it is all about. Life cannot be without meaning or without purpose, for were it to be so, there would be no need for life, for evolution. As we reach that higher understanding of our own being, we are able to conceive the at-one-ness that actually exists between all of us, for we are one. We are one in Creation. Let us then try to bring into our being the realization of our at-one-ness; I in you and you in me. We are all Universal Mind, each expressing a fragment of this Universal Mind, each taking on his portion of individuality which goes to make up the whole. Functioning as you are at this time, I realize that it is difficult to get a clear picture of this existence. But as you go deeper within and reach that higher part of you, the I AM of you, as you come closer and closer with this part of yourself, this understanding shall come to you. And when you have reached this understanding many things will become clear. I know that you grow impatient; you become impatient with us, because we are not able to bring to you this understanding, but were we to attempt to do so, we should bring about confusion. This simple fact has been brought to you many times. You can only receive as you are prepared to receive. Truths that are beyond your comprehension tend only to confuse you. I assure you, beloved ones, we do not attempt to withhold, we only attempt to protect you. Patience is a virtue. Take what you have today; use it in love and understanding. Prove that which you know, and if you are sincere in your seeking, you shall receive it as rapidly as your capabilities permit. There are many, many things concerning life that we realize you must know, but, we also realize the capabilities that you have. And do not think for one moment, my friends, that you are any different than we, for we face the same situation. We may have a higher understanding, but we are only a step or two ahead of you, and we too must seek and learn, and we too have limitations and can receive only as we prepare ourselves. Planet Earth is moving forward in its evolution at a rapid pace at this moment. The consciousness of Earth People is being raised at a greater pace than has occurred in many centuries, and soon she shall emerge with a new look and a new vibration. Her people will know a life such as has never been know upon this Planet, and we who have volunteered to come here, rejoice that we are able to serve in this great event. I leave you in love. My peace I give unto you. Goodnight, beloved friends. Monday, April 27, 1959 Peace be with you, my beloved friends, peace be with you. Never has Man of Earth stood at such a great point of decision, and this beloved ones, is universal upon your planet. A great decision must be made by Mankind in general. It is necessary that he choose his path. The indication at this moment points in the direction of progress. This does not necessarily mean that the right choice will be made by the majority, but there again, how many great advancements that have come about, have come through the majority? No, my friends, it shall be the minority that will bring peace and brotherhood to Earth mankind. Man through all eternity, shall be faced with choices. As each of you are finding in your growth, that you are continually choosing—and it is not always an easy decision, for we are prone to allow our ego and self to become involved. This, my friends, always makes it difficult. I believe you understand my point. But know this, beloved ones, that your path is chosen by you and none other. No condition that can arise can alter your path unless you choose to have it so. But too, we must always be honest with ourselves and this is easy not to be. We are swayed by customs, by rules of man. These thoughts that are instilled in our consciousness are difficult to remove, even when we realize that they are not conforming to Universal Law. Man, in this illusionary phase of life, becomes, if he is not very cautious, a creature of habit, a victim of race consciousness. Man must think for himself, must make his own decisions, must choose his own path. Attempt to raise your sights to a broader scope that your vision may widen out and take in more than what is seen here. Reach out beyond these man-made laws and rules. Try to conceive life on a wider scope. Universal Law will not destroy anything or anyone when they are in harmony with it. Your happiness cannot be destroyed if you are living the law. We are prone at times, to place the blame upon the law, but if we are honest with ourselves, we shall find the difficulty lies with us.

Think upon these things, beloved ones, before you draw conclusions. Each of you have great wisdom within you. Do not let this wisdom be distorted by ego or self-pity. Take all problems within and ponder them well. Consult your higher consciousness—that God part of you, the part of you that is now here to give you all understanding. It is yours to receive; this you were promised long ago—this you have. My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Beloved, I am your servant—I am least among you. PEACE. Saturday, May 2, 1959 Break through Otavana—Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. There has been a slight delay in our coming through due to technical difficulties. We are now being relayed through another craft which is closer to your surface. We also, my friends, occasionally encounter technical difficulties, but this is not what I wish to speak to you about. I know that in your minds are many questions. This is always so in the mind of a seeker. We should like to answer all questions for you. We should like to give you our entire understanding, as we know it, but I am sure that you realize this could not be done, for Man, regardless of his level of understanding, can only receive and absorb that which he is capable of at the moment, for Man grows in Truth in cycles. We, as you, are still seeking, we are only a step or two ahead of you in understanding, for Man seeks ever more and more of that great Truth and Understanding that permeates through all space. We have travelled space through many systems and many galaxies. We have not found the ultimate, nor yet have found anyone who feels that they have the ultimate in Truth. Life is vast and is a never endless spiral, moving ever onward and upward to higher understanding of Truth. As man learns more of himself—begins to understanding his own being—he begins to understand and know life. Love is a subject that is much discussed among Earth People, but the understanding of love is something different and until Man understands and knows his own being, he will not know love, nor will he feel that great Universal Love for mankind. For when Man knows and understands his own being and his at-one-ness with all others and with all Creation, then he begins to know Love, for we are all one in this vast sea of life—each expressing individual but yet a part of the whole. It is difficult, my friends, to put into words that would be understood—the expression of these things. They come only from that inner knowing and I say to you again as I have said many times that within each of you is all Truth. Man really never finds the Truth except within himself. For this higher consciousness, higher self or whatsoever you prefer to call it—is the part of you and I mean just that—it is the part of you that is able to contact the One Intelligence of which you are a part and draw from this all knowledge, for there is nothing new in Creation. All of it has always been and always shall be. But as Man evolves he comes closer and closer to this great Intelligence and he draws more and more Truth. There is no teacher, no book, no source of information that can give you the Truth in a better way that you will understand—than your own higher consciousness. But Man, in order to contact, to bring about this at-one-ness, must still this outer and draw deep into the inner, and that was what your great Teacher meant when He said to go into the closet and close the door. You must learn to close that door, close out the outer and become one with the inner, and this my friends, requires effort and patience. But each individual is capable of doing just this and each individual will accomplish this very thing. Some will do it sooner and some later, but time is eternal. There is no end, in fact, there is no time. We aboard the Otavana, have come to this system by request. We have been in your system for approximately four years in your time. We are attempting, in the case of Earth People, to help them help themselves. That is all that we can do. We do not attempt to force anyone. The decision, beloved friends, is up to each individual, but many people upon Planet Earth have realized in the past few months or years, that they are at a crossroad of decision, that a decision must be made. They are realizing that things are not as they had thought or hoped and I will repeat what I have said many times, to all those who have made the decision, to follow the path of service, the path of love, light and understanding, we pledge our assistance, and we stand upon this pledge, as some of you already know. Your planet and your system is moving into a new area of space. In this New Age many things will change—even the surface of your planet will change. You are living at this moment in times of great change. In fact, in a few short years the greatest change that has taken place in thousands of years will occur in this planet, in this system. We are interested in helping, and particularly in Planet Earth, in helping your people through this change, for they are less

prepared than are any of the others. This change, my friends, is now in progress and has been for some time, and day by day is becoming more evident. Some of your scientists are aware of these changes. Some in your Government are aware of these changes and are aware of coming changes. A large program is now in progress by your Government to educate its people for some of the things that they know are to come. But this is held in a very small circle, much smaller than you would think. We have spent great effort in influencing these people to bring about these programs. There has been great opposition and among some of your leaders there are some very great souls who have fought desperately for the rights of their people and there have been those who have been equally opposed. But day by day the Forces of Light are gaining, they are making progress. This shall become more and more evident as the days pass. Earth People must be made aware. There are many things that they must learn before they pass too far into the New Age. For without this knowledge they could not exist. Man must understand more of life. It is a pitiful sight to see how little understanding exists among the masses on Planet Earth. A great majority do not have the slightest idea of what was before, or what will be after the existence they are now in. Few will recognize the fact that the physical—as they know it, is only a conveyance for the experiences which they are now encountering. Life is a series of experiences, and it does not end with this one, nor does it begin with this one, for it requires thousands of lifetimes on various planes to become a well-rounded being. Man learns by experience, and you, my friends, each of you, and all Man, chooses his own experiences, for only he knows the experiences that he needs to become this well-rounded being. I know that it is difficult in this present expression, for many people to conceive of the idea that they have chosen the experience that they are now passing through. But they knew when they chose to have that experience that they needed it. It was needed for their development. I do not ask you my friends, to believe what I say to be the Truth, for it is only my Truth that I expound, but take all things within your own being, meditate upon them and ponder them well and only you will know whether they are Truth for you. If for you they are true then use them, if for you they are not true, cast them out. But keep always an open mind. Do not reject any Truth until you are sure within you that it is not your Truth. And now beloved friends, I must leave. I leave by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal of Arcturus. Saturday, May 16, 1959 Greetings in the Light, I am Oxal of Arcturus. For a few moments tonight, I should like to speak to you about some of the conditions that exist upon Planet Earth, and some of the corrections that must come about in the near future. For many years it has been the practice of the powers that be to withhold scientific developments because of the effect that it might have upon the economy or the investments and holdings of some. My friends, you would be amazed if you knew the scientific advancements that are being withheld at this moment. It is felt by many of the groups of Planet Earth, that anything being developed in their particular field of science, is of no value unless it is presented through their organization. However, it is often true that some of the greatest developments are brought by someone who is in an entirely different field of endeavor. The greatest concern in most cases today is the effect that it might have on the holdings of those in power. A very narrow view is taken by some in this respect. There is no reason why any new scientific advancement should bring about ill results if the motives of all are of the highest. I say to you, my friends, there are enough scientific advancements being withheld today to eliminate all poverty and practically all disease upon Planet Earth if they were allowed to come forth and be used in the right manner for the benefit of all. These things are not in the future, they are here today. There are many sincere people who are trying to bring this about. There are many new developments, and they cannot bring them forth, because they would be persecuted brutally. I am sure that some of you at least, have seen some of these and others who have not seen, are aware. But not until Earth People are awakened and brought to the realization that they must think for themselves, will these things change. The masses of Earth People have been for so long in a state of sleep; they have been taught to allow others to think for them. That is why, my friends, we find corruption in so many of your organizations. Unless enough interest is taken to do something about these conditions, they shall continue. That is why we say, my friends, that a Brotherhood of Man must come into being where each shall take his rightful place, where everyone shall do his

part for the benefit of the whole. There is no room for hate, for greed, for when these are eliminated, social want and poverty and sickness vanish with it. No man is entitled to more than he earns, and in Universal Law, no man receives more than he earns. But when Man has understanding and love in his heart, then he is willing to earn his advancement; he is willing to work for his understanding, for nothing, my friends, comes without effort. I leave you now by extending to you the love and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, May 25, 1959 Good evening my friends. Once again, I shall take the opportunity to say a few words to you. My friends, each of you must awaken within you, the realization that now, now is the time, to bring your being into balance, to weed out of your consciousness the undesirables, to build upon that foundation that you have set. For the time draws nearer, my beloved friends, when in order to accomplish your aims, your desires, it will be necessary for you to have balance. Ego must be brought under control. Emotions must be brought under control. A new standard of values must be established. A goal of accomplishments should be set. A definite something to strive for. Stay clear of that which tends to pull you down. This physical structure that you now occupy, is a very intricate piece of mechanism. It is affected by many things. That which you think, has a great effect upon the movement of the electrons of this structure. Anger, hate, greed, and any of these things, tend to disrupt and unbalance the electrons, causing the cells to become out of balance, and many things may result. Learn relaxation. Be conscious of what you do but not anxious. Anxiety, tension, brings about weakness in this structure. Learn to close these things out, by placing about you a wall of resistance. Simplicity, my friends, simplicity in your life is important. Lead the simple life as have all of your Great Masters, for life in its purest form is simple. So let us feed our body and our souls that which tends to give them strength, which tends to make them great. These, my friends, are suggestions that you might be a happier and more rounded soul, that you might attain greater heights in your growth, in your understanding. For to grow and grow properly, one must obey the law, and if one obeys the law, the law will serve you. Peace be with you my friends. Peace be with you. Tuesday, June 2, 1959 Beloved of my being, I come to you in the Light of the Great Spirit of Creation. I come to you by special permission through this instrument. I have watched the growth of some of you here, and am greatly interested in your progress. I come to you to bring to you a word of encouragement. In gathering together as you do in an effort to grow in love and understanding between you, you shall develop a new and greater understanding. As you realize, there is power in numbers, and this power multiplies rapidly when those of like mind and like purpose are gathered together. If you shall keep your motives high and your purpose definite, your accomplishments shall come with great rapidity, for as you learn to know your own being, great revelations shall come to you. Much interest has been shown by all of you in receiving Truth and understanding. We who are interested in helping you, are with you much more than you realize in thought. If you will try to sharpen your awareness, we can be of greater value to you. Try at all times to be aware of all things, and especially of those inner feelings, those urges that appear to come from. somewhere far within, for these are important in your experience. These great urges that cometh from within, are the things that will guide you on the path of understanding. Be aware of every experience that you have and attempt to draw from it, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Each of you have within you the power to tap that great Universal knowledge, that storehouse that contains all knowledge and all wisdom. It is yours to use; it is your God-given privilege. It is up to you to clam it. You, my beloved friends, hold within yourself the power of the Universe. You have only to claim it, to claim your sonship with Creation, with your Creator, for no man shall receive lest he come to the realization of his own Being. At this point you hold only a small conception of your rightful place in Creation. Let this conception broaden that you might be able to receive more and more of His Truth, of His love and of His Understanding. It is all there for you to use. Knowledge must spread fast on Planet Earth, and to the Children of Light who are given the understanding now, shall find a great responsibility placed upon them at a later date. So, beloved ones, pray that you might be

able to accept this responsibility and handle it with wisdom, with understanding and with a great love for all Mankind and all Creation. My peace I leave with you. Goodnight, beloved friends. Monday, June 15, 1959 Greetings. I greet you my friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator, I am Hatonn. As time passes, you shall see many changes come about. Changes in individuals; great mental changes shall occur with many. It is necessary that each person who wishes to grow in understanding, to spend much time in developing their understanding. How do you do this? By being aware, becoming conscious of that higher consciousness which leads you into experiences, into paths that shall bring you understanding. Proper meditation is of uppermost importance, and I should like to dwell for a moment on this subject, for proper meditation is most important in your growth. First of all, place yourself in a position that is proper for meditation. The best meditation can be had in a sitting position. Sit the body comfortably but erect, with both feet placed firmly before you. Keep the body and head erect and straight. Place the hands open and upward in the lap. Allow those racing thoughts to race. Do not try to force them to stop, but bring yourself into a relaxed feeling. Let your mind relax; do not try to control it, and you shall find these racing thoughts in time will slow, will become slower and slower until they eventually stop. And with practice, my friends, this time shall become shorter and shorter, and !n due time you shall reach that state of stillness quickly, and in this state of stillness you become one with Creation and life begins to speak to you. In this stillness you can bring yourself in attunement with whatsoever you wish. In this still, very still quietness, all things can flow to you, for your mind is open and receptive to the higher knowledge. In this great stillness within, you become one with your Creator, and He passes to you many things that will enlarge your understanding. Now to some of you it may seem that it is impossible for you to relax in this position, but I say to you, my friends, that is the only true relaxation. For when the body is in position for which it was not intended, true relaxation does not come, you cannot be receptive. Much of the Universal Energies comes to you through the spine when you are in the physical and unless the spine is erect, they do not flow. You would be amazed when this art is mastered, at what you can do; how quickly you can attune yourself in this state to anything that you desire. It is possible to attune yourself in this state to anything in Nature and to draw from that the information that you seek. I shall not digress further upon this subject, but I thought it might be well to point out a few of these things. For in the days that are ahead you will find this accomplishment of great benefit to you, it you care to use it. And now, my friends, I shall leave. May each of you, if you so desire, master this art quickly and reap great benefits from it. My love and my blessings I give unto you. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus. Monday, June 22, 1959 Peace be with you, my friends. As Man travels the corridors of time and gathers unto him experiences that brings him growth and understanding, he develops a wisdom, a knowledge and an understanding, but how often Man must repeat his experiences over and over again, before he really becomes aware of his learning. Unless your awareness keeps you conscious at all times, many lessons are missed. Man comes only into this physical existence for experiences that can be obtained in no other way, but how often in the past generations has Man experienced great things that should have brought Man great wisdom, great understanding, but still he failed. Civilization upon civilization has risen and fallen upon Planet Earth due to the lack of Man’s understanding, and many of these beings have passed through and shared the responsibility for these failures and yet has not learned. We are most anxious that this civilization does not fail, that it does not, through its ego greed and hate, bring about again its destruction. This is still possible in your civilization, and unless Man of Earth will come forth and exercise his rights, he shall again fail. This realization is coming to many of your people, but as yet, few of them are doing anything about it, or if they be, it is very little. The time is rapidly drawing nearer when Earth Man must stand forth and be counted. We wonder how many today would stand forth among all others and be counted—who would stand forth with what they know to be true. Soon, the lead must be taken, and we hope and pray that it shall come

from this great continent upon which you live, for this is the logical nation to take the lead in bringing about the Brotherhood of Man upon Planet Earth. We are doing all in our power to get this Nation to stand forth upon the principles upon which it was founded. Your Nation professes to be a Christian Nation, to follow the principles of this great Teacher, but as yet this has not occurred. We wonder why it is so difficult for a culture such as this, to lack this foresight. If these principles could be followed by this Nation, could be established among its masses, it should be the greatest power upon this earth, that has ever existed upon this earth, and it should spread and engulf the planet, for the light that is should emanate, would be so bright that all would be attracted to it, and those who could not be—would fade into nothingness, for where that much light exists, darkness cannot exist. Peace, my friends, peace be with you. Sunday, July 12, 1959 Peace be with you my beloved friends. While I hope I’m not intruding upon you at this late hour—but with your permission I would like to say to you a few words. Group: We are glad to have you. Thank you. All of you are aware that your planet at this time is in the process of a great change. I do not wish to bore you with more predictions or conversation concerning this matter, but the very conditions that exist today make it very important, my children, for all of you to have an understanding of what this means to you. As these changes come about, it is going to be necessary for individuals as individuals, to bring about within themselves great changes in order that they themselves might avoid a great deal of suffering and unhappiness. Very few Earth People will take these things seriously. They have become quite smug, so to speak, in their situations, in their environments, and it is very difficult for them to realize that these things are upon them, but I say to you my friends, you are in the last days of this Age. The time of the prophecies that are written are upon you— they are at hand, my friends. And I say with all sincerity, it would behoove every man and every woman of Earth to prepare for these times. Those of you who are aware of these coming changes and events have a responsibility to your fellowman. This, my friends, whether you realize it or not, you have a responsibility. You have a responsibility to yourselves and also you have a responsibility to your fellowman. More and more each day events are coming about that are causing few more of your people to become a little more aware and it is your duty to your brothers and to your God to plant seeds among the people—thought provoking seeds that might cause them to become a little more aware or to cause them to think, to bring about in them a small spark of desire to know the Truth. It is your responsibility to watch carefully, to be aware of these opportunities, for by so doing, you are serving and you are building up treasures for yourself and also you are paying off some of your debts. I wonder, have I made myself clear? Group: Yes My friends, my beloved friends, you are living in such a great time when opportunities are so great to serve. How little, how very little do you realize this. These opportunities do not come often. Take advantage of these O Earth friends, for it is so important to you. If People of Earth could just get a small inkling of the meaning of Brotherly Love —what a vast difference it would make … ah yes … ah yes. How little is known by Earth People of what is being done for them—of what great sacrifices are being made in the higher realms. Beloved children let the Peace of the Great One sink into your hearts. Be ever grateful to this Great One for the blessings that you have, for through this gratitude shall come great Peace and great knowing, for if we are grateful for the small things in life, the greater things are inevitable. Ah yes—so shall it ever be and ever has been for all ye who are faithful in the smaller things shall also find the greater things. Let this great Peace and Love of the Infinite One fill your hearts so full that there is no room for resentment, hatred, jealousy, or anything that is negative, for where dwells this love and peace these things cannot exist. Build for yourselves, build for yourselves, not in the material for the now, but for the future, build for the future this Spiritual Knowledge and Enlightenment. I am very interested in all of you here and am with you many, many times, observing. My love for you is great. May

your love for the Masters and your Creator become ever greater and brighter as you grow in His Peace and Love. I leave you, beloved children. I leave. Monday, July 13, 1959 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. I know, my beloved friends, that there are many, many questions in your minds, many concepts that have come to you, that are not clear in your human minds. If it were possible, I should like to clear up many of these things for you, but as yet, it is not possible for us to do this. Some of these shall be cleared through experiences, experiences that shall come to you individually, for without the experience, you could not have a thorough understanding. But take many of these things into your meditation; meditate upon them. While you are allowing the Light of the Infinite One to flow through you, in these times, many things can happen that will bring you enlightenment and understanding. A great deal has been pondered among you concerning the consciousness of Man. A thorough understanding of consciousness comes with evolvement. At your present level of understanding, it would be impossible for you to understand the full extent of the consciousness of Man. But as Man grows and moves ever onward and upward on the spiral of evolution, he becomes more and more aware of his consciousness; his consciousness widens, and grows ever wider. It takes in more and more of the universal knowledge and wisdom, and consequently Man’s understanding of how to use this consciousness, becomes greater and greater. Man is able to extend his consciousness over vast areas of space and encounter experiences that would otherwise be impossible. The important thing at this time, beloved friends, is to use that which you have to the greatest possible extent. Use your wisdom and knowledge today, and use it in a reverent and holy way, with ever a high motive in mind. By so doing, your consciousness shall widen, shall extend out and take in more of this universal knowledge and wisdom. Once Man has truly taken this step in sincerity, placed it above all else, above all other things, then he begins to move rapidly on his course. This is not done without effort and sacrifice. Many comforts may have to be sacrificed to gain this knowledge. The great Masters have not accomplished this without making these sacrifices, and they continue to sacrifice. Do you realize that the Masters who are working on behalf of earth today, have made great sacrifices; they have given up great peace and comfort. They have left their homes and their friends and are passing through what is to them great discomfort and sacrifice, but they complain not. Neither do they think of their sacrifices as sacrifices, but they are spurred on by the great love that they have for mankind, for their desire to see Man of Earth raised up out of the stench in which he lives. Little does Earth Man realize the sacrifices that are being made. How many earth people would be willing to leave their comfortable homes and work in your slums, to go there and live in the filth that exists. Once you have known life on the higher planes and return to conditions such as exists on Planet Earth, you are doing exactly that. These individuals come entirely by their own choice as volunteers. They are not asked to come; they are not told to come. It is their choice through their great love for Mankind. The question arose among you tonight as to whether we had forsaken Planet Earth in our efforts to influence your leaders, to attempt to aid in preventing further warfare. I should like to clarify this at this time. We have not given up; we are still putting forth every possible effort to influence your leaders in their decisions, but we can only influence or attempt to influence. We cannot interfere physically; we cannot interfere with the free will of Man, only to the point where it is necessary to save your planet. Man must evolve upon his own as much as possible. To interfere with the evolvement of another, only brings Karma upon the one who is interfering. But according to Universal Law, we shall intervene at the point of total destruction; that is our right. I leave you, beloved friends, with my blessings and my love surrounding each of you. I am Hatonn. Saturday, July 25, 1959 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator, I am Hatonn.

Beloved friends, we have this night established here a field of light surrounding you. This light is a Cosmic Energy that should bring to each of you a feeling of well-being, and if each of you will open your hearts and your minds— visualize this great Energy—take it into your being direct it through every cell, every fiber of your being—direct it into your blood-system and allow it to flow, you can receive a great deal of benefit both physically and mentally. This shall remain throughout my dissertation, so take full advantage of it. There is among Earth Mankind, generally speaking, a great question as to why Man is here, and as to what Man might be. Some give great thought to these questions while others pass it of lightly, but Man, sooner or later, must come to the realization of what he is, and why he is here, the reason for life. Man must sooner or later come to the realization that he is but an extension of the consciousness of the One Great Being, whom you call your God. That this extension has taken on an individuality and is expressing, experiencing and following a path that will take him through experience after experience and eventually return him to his source. He must realize that this path can be short, or it can be very long, depending on Man as the individual. As Man travels these corridors of time, he quickly learns that responsibilities are placed upon his shoulders. He also learns, and sometimes not so quickly, that when these responsibilities are not met, the weight of them grows heavier and heavier, and he sinks deeper and deeper until he comes to the realization that he must face life. He must face his responsibilities; he must learn to go with life. Earth Man is at such a point. He must learn to face responsibilities that are upon his shoulders, the responsibility to his Creator and to his fellowman. He must learn that he does not live for himself alone. His Brother is also his responsibility. When this realization is reached by enough people, conditions will begin to change. Man’s load will be lightened; he shall find within him a great peace which he has not known before. All of life shall take on a new look to him. Man does not find peace within himself until he reaches this realization and then does something about it. If a man gaineth great wealth and has not peace within himself, he has nothing. Man does not find peace in the material; he finds it only when he has made this peace with his Creator and his surroundings, and this can be found wherever you are. We hope it shall be found by great numbers of Earth People soon. Each man, each woman, must sooner or later return to their source. Spiritual understanding must be gained in order to do this, but each must find his own, and when enough Earth People have found themselves and united their efforts, Planet Earth shall be a new Planet. It shall be able to take its place in the Brotherhood of Mankind in this System, and life will have taken on an entirely new phase. Beloved friends, I hope each of you have taken advantage of what we have brought you tonight. May each of you have received great benefits from this great Energy which comes from the Source of all Energy. And now I must leave you, beloved friends. My love and my blessings I leave with you. I am Hatonn. Monday, July 27, 1959 Peace be with you, my friends. Peace be with you. With your kind permission I should like to speak with thee for a few moments this evening. I am sure that each of you have had through the past three to four years in your time, many experiences which have brought to you more wisdom and more understanding. I should like to digress for a few moments upon the importance of these experiences, and to remind thee how very important all of these experiences are to thee. Each of you are aware that you only grow through these experiences; that is really the only channel for your growth. Therefore it is very important that each individual take full advantage of each experience that comes your way. Now these things should be held in great reverence. Any spiritual or enlightening experience that comes to you, that brings you Truth and Understanding, must be considered with great reverence. Too often valuable experiences are dissipated and lost, so easily, through speaking of them to a great extent. It is much better for thee to take these experiences into your meditation and meditate upon them. Consult with your higher consciousness, so that ye might receive a thorough understanding. An experience that carries great impact for you, should never be discussed, except with one whom you feel or know has great understanding, for as ye spread these pearls, they are lost, perhaps, not to be regained in this life time. Now, my friends, I am sure that each of thee are aware that as you spend your hours in slumber, many things are happening to you. You are receiving, shall we say, training, teaching, and experiences. You are also conscious of the fact that many of these things, perhaps most of them in your waking hours, are lost to you. This, beloved friends,

is not altogether true. I should like to suggest that each of you henceforth before you pass into the slumber state, strongly suggest to this higher consciousness which you all possess, that you retain your experiences that are taking place for you during these periods. Now my friends, it is possible, if you will insist upon this, in time, to be able to be fully conscious of what takes place during these times, and you may be quite surprised of the teachings you may receive. It may be, beloved friends, that you might gain great Truth, great Understanding which apparently at this moment is passing you by. No, ye need not be concerned about this disturbing the rest of the physical, for it does not, for at these times, you are so far detached from the physical, there is no disturbance what-so-ever to the physical body. Once you have become conscious in this state, great Wisdom can be brought to you in very short periods. For you are being taught through the higher consciousness, the higher mind, which is much more receptive and retains its knowledge much easier. Beloved friends, I bring this to you as a thought, for each of ye to think upon and act upon, as ye see fit. It is only my suggestion to you; take it for what it is worth to thee. Try it, experiment with it, see what results ye may gain. But I would like to remind each of ye, that this will not come immediately. It will be necessary for you to work with it for a short time. The results will depend upon thee. I extend to each of you, my Love, my Blessings. My peace I leave with you. I go. Goodnight. Saturday, August 1, 1959 My beloved children, Peace be with you. In the hearts of all of you arise many questions. Operating as you are in this vibration that exists upon the planet that you call earth, it is difficult to understand the actions of the more advanced planes. But let me assure you that each of you by following your guidance, that inner urge within you, will come into your own, will fall in to your path and will fulfill your destiny. There are many scientific things that we should like to share with People of Earth. For one thing, we are controlled by Universal Law, and another, we could not, as yet, give to planet earth the powers that will one day be hers. Her people and especially those who are in power, have not as yet, reached a stage where they are capable of coping with these powers, of using them to the advantage of their people rather than to the advantage of selfish interest. And to bring to you an example of what I am speaking, already the powers that control Planet Earth, are using powers wrongly. Already, your military powers are using sacred gifts of certain individuals to gain information. They have learned that they can apply these powers to their advantage. If certain other energies and scientific knowledge were made known to them at this time, it would be used in the same manner. Your science is advancing regardless, and your scientists are discovering more and more of universal powers and of what you term as psychic powers. These should be used with reverence and used to the advantage of mankind. Until spiritual understanding becomes predominant among earth people, these powers are in dangerous hands. We shall do all that we can, to prevent these powers being used as a destructive force. We are not at this moment as concerned that these energies, these powers, be known by earth man, as we are in the development of mankind, in trying to bring into his realization a desire for spiritual knowledge, and this can come only from within. All mankind has somewhere within him this desire. The problem is to spark it, to ignite the flame, so that it might burn within him and spur him onward. Within each of you is the ability to draw this knowledge which you seek. Each or you have within you a desire for certain accomplishments. These desires shall be fulfilled through your own efforts. You can do that which you desire to do, and help is forthcoming to each individual who makes the effort, removes the blocks and proceeds upon the path. No man is helpless; he only needs to make the effort. However, earth man has much to overcome. He has allowed himself to become attached, and many times our attachments can be a tremendous block in our path. Questioner: Personal or material? It could be either or both. Emotions can also bring about great blocks. These things we must recognize and deal with. Each in his own way must deal with his or her problems. But above all, we must recognize our problems, for unless we recognize them, we have great difficulty in dealing with something that we do not recognize. We must face ourselves, openly and squarely. Many people on Planet Earth have been given great opportunities to serve. In many cases, they have served well for short periods, and then their weakness overcame them. They were not able to cope with the temptations. They were not strong enough to say “Get thee behind me Satan”. So many have failed; a few have succeeded. Many

others will be given the opportunity, and perhaps your opportunity will come. But have patience, my friends, have patience and prepare, for it shall take strong souls to overcome. When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear. Continue your preparation, for you know not when you will be called upon, and I have not the authority to name the time, but the time depends somewhat upon the individual. Therefore, let each of us attempt daily to prepare ourselves for a greater opportunity to serve, and when that time arrives, let us each serve to our fullest capacity. Let us serve in love, in humility, and in understanding. In Love I leave you. Monday, August 10, 1959 Peace be with you always. Beloved, where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of you. Were this not so, I would not have stated so. Beloved children, increase your Light, that it might shine forth and lighten this dark world of yours. Great is the need in this hour. You can be of no greater service to your fellowman than to build your own Light and use it to lighten the lives of those about you. It is not necessary for you to preach your Truth in the Temple or to shout it from the roof top—nay—not so, for he who lives the law attracts unto him that, and those who are seeking to know. Cast not your pearls before the swine, no—but let your Light so shine as to fill the lives of those with whom you come in contact. These will be the Temples that shall bring the Truth to Earth Man; not the temples built by those who would bring to Man that which he would have him know. Man of Earth has had Truth withheld from him long enough. Now he shall have the opportunity to know the Truth and woe unto those who have falsely taught in My Name. Their karma shall be great. Great Temples of stone are not necessary in the eyes of the Great One, His Truth is revealed in the hearts of Man. Love ye one another, for in so doing, you are living the law. Cast aside these petty grievances. Let the Love of the Great and Radiant One fill your hearts with love. Condemn not that which you have, but bless it and use it to glorify Truth, for when ye have found the Kingdom, all these things are added. There is lack for nothing in His Kingdom. To lose one’s possessions in spirit is to gain them, for in true spiritual understanding there can be lack of nothing. Many have been the Great Masters who have trod your Earth. Each has brought great teachings of Truth, but the darkness has hidden these Truths. Therefore, let he who has eyes, see—and he who has ears, let him hear and know the Truth. It shall not be found in the great Temples, but in the heart of Man. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of Creation? O Man of Earth, open your hearts and receive this Great Light which is being given to you at this time. Yea, I say unto you, Man but needs to open his heart and receive the glory of the One Great Being. He need only be touched by this Light to awaken in him great revelations; to bring about a degree of understanding that will put him on a path of great magnitude, great learning, great wisdom and understanding. Beloved Children of the Light, open your hearts that this River of Light might flow to you and raise you to heights far, far beyond that you can now conceive of. Blessed be ye everyone, blest be ye. May the Love of the Infinite Father fill your cups to overflowing, and may your being become so filled with His Great Love that your Light will shine forth for all to see and may this Light emanating through you, raise the consciousness of this planet to a new level. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, love and understanding. Friday, August 14, 1959 May the peace of love and understanding of the Great One be with you each tonight. You speak of experiences, of visions, of dreams, that come to you, but let me state this, my friends, each of these is something that means a great deal to you, and as your awakening comes, you will understand the purpose of these things. It is also possible that you might bring about an understanding of these things through your own meditation, by taking them within you. I am sure that each of you in the not too far distance will experience a number of things of this nature. Man, in is unawakened state, has great difficulty in understanding himself, in understanding the nature of his being. You see, my friends, the fact that you have experienced so many lifetimes, leaves a great deal stored in your

consciousness. I wonder what Earth People would do—if suddenly their past experiences were to flash before them? I am afraid that some of them would not be able to cope with them. They would not believe what they saw. But on the other hand, perhaps they might understand why they must do certain things, why they are drawn to certain people and why they find themselves so closely associated with certain people and why certain relationships exist. Many of these things are a great pattern formed by past experiences. Karma, my friends, plays a great part in one’s life. Karma can be on the positive or on the negative side, for you see, my beloved friends, it works both ways. As you great Master once stated, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” And this, my friends, is a definite positive law that always brings about the same result. That is why, in many cases, individuals find themselves drawn to certain individuals, associated with them at various times in their lifespan. These associations often occur only for a short period to bring about certain results. Others may be of long duration. Today, all across the surface of Planet Earth, there is a great deal of bringing together certain individuals. Now, all of this, my friends, is not karmic, for in many cases certain individuals are here for certain purposes in the Plan that is being carried out at this time. And in the work that is in store for these individuals, it is necessary that certain ones be brought together from time to time, and this is arranged in unusual ways. Those of you who find yourselves open and receptive to inner guidance, I am sure, have no doubt that often, through no doing of your own, you are brought into certain action; you do certain things, and you find yourself in certain places at certain times. And often those whom you thought would be there, are not, and those whom you did not expect, are there. Often these things are arranged and controlled from sources outside yourself. More and more people are becoming aware of the changing times on Planet Earth. Some are awakened to action and others find themselves rather unconcerned. To use one of your expressions, they take the “So-what attitude”. These, my friends, are mentally lazy individuals. They are not ambitious enough to put forth the effort that is necessary for their own enlightenment, or either they are worshipping a false master which they are not willing to forego for the higher learning. Materialism has become a God for the multitudes of Earth People. It saddens our heart to know that these people are soon to lose their God, and they will have nothing to cling to. They shall find themselves in great despair, and they shall sink deep, for there will be nothing there for them to hold to. Build your foundation, my friends, on this spiritual rock, and you need have no fear for the future. There is such a great amount of work to be done for Planet Earth. The response of the masses is very, very slow. With all the help that is being sent to Planet Earth at this time, if its people were only slightly receptive, a great deal could be avoided; a great deal of pollution would be cleared from Earth’s aura. But the response has been so very, very slow and the efforts have been so great. We are hoping that this situation shall shortly change. There has been same improvement in the results of our influences among some of your leaders, or perhaps I should say, there appears to be. The results are not yet evident, but our prayers are going out hourly for these people. Now, my friends, I think I have rambled long enough. I shall bid you goodnight and leave with you my love, my peace and my blessings. Sunday, August 23, 1959 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. You have met here tonight on the eve of the launching of a satellite that is to help Earth People in their spiritual awakening. It is true, my friends, that this is being done, as many other things are being done for Planet Earth. The purpose of the device is to attempt to bring about a method of amplification of the efforts of those who are attempting sincerely to raise their spiritual consciousness or understanding. This will be effective to every effort made towards spiritual evolvement, providing sincerity and true effort is present. It is impossible for anyone to use this energy in any other manner. Any selfish motive in the minds of any individual attempting to gain benefit from this energy, will automatically cancel any benefit that might be derived. Also at this time, any love or light that is sent by you to the Masters, shall also be increased to them, and they in turn can amplify it again and return it to the people of Earth. I would strongly suggest that any of you seeking spiritual enlightenment might put forth extra efforts during these periods. I would suggest especially that you use to a degree some of the breathing exercises that are described in some of your written material. I do not feel that it is my prerogative at this time to go into this, for I think you have this information. By using this method you are able to draw within your being these energies and have the benefit that you would normally receive, greatly enhanced. So much for that.

Earth People are so greatly in need of help at this time; if they would only realize their need and accept the help that is offered them. People of Earth have a great deal to face in the very near future, and they shall need all of the help that is available to them. Planet Earth, in order to avoid total destruction, must bring about a new Brotherhood of Man. This can only be done if Man will accept the laws of his Creator and abide by them, and the greatest of these laws is that “Ye must love one another.” For to hate another is to hate yourself, for you are a part of the whole. All Man, all mankind are one in Creation. It is time that Earth Man realized his true existence. It is time that he stops living for himself and starts living for the whole. There is no other way, my friends, for any other way will go against the laws of your Creator. Therefore Man, to exist for long, must learn to love. You see, the great difficulty for Earth Man, is that he does not understand, he thinks of love as emotion, but true love, my friends, is understanding. Therefore we must learn to understand ourselves first of all. When we have learned to understand ourselves, then we begin to understand our brothers, and when we understand Man as Man is, then we begin to love. Because we know Man is what he is, because he is Man, and we realize that Man is only expressing to gain experience so that he might know Truth, and when we have this understanding, we lose hate, greed, jealousy, resentment and all of the things that go to make up the conditions that are found upon Planet Earth today. Beloved friends, we realize how much this has been repeated. But what else is there to say? Because, before Man can have anything of value spiritually, he must have understanding, and the first step in understanding is to know oneself. As you meditate upon this sincerely, you shall find many answers coming to you, many realizations or revelations as they are sometimes called by Earth People. Much more help is awaiting Earth People if only they will make the effort to gain understanding. When Earth Man has attained understanding, even to a small degree, peace will reign on Planet Earth, for with only a slight amount of understanding, Man will see the utter futility of war, of hate and greed. So, my dear friends, take advantage of every opportunity to raise your consciousness. Encourage your friends to do likewise, for as you raise your consciousness, you have improved the race consciousness of Planet Earth to a degree, and this is the thing that will eventually turn the tide. The time is now. Time has run out for Planet Earth. The prophecies are being fulfilled, therefore Man of Earth has no choice. The only choice he has is whether he will go with his Planet into the New Age, or leave this Planet for one that is of like vibration. For in the New Age Planet Earth will have a new and higher vibration, and in order to live upon it spiritual understanding will be necessary. And now, my friends, I must leave. I extend to you the love and the blessings of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, August 31, 1959 May peace, love and understanding engulf the hearts of each of you this night. So be it. My beloved friends, Planet Earth and its people find themselves at this time in such a precarious situation, only because they have allowed to come into their hearts, greed, hate, jealousy, self-pity, ego and so on. Man has had these things so implanted in his consciousness that they have become a part of him, so to speak. It is difficult for some of us who live in an environment of love and understanding, to see how Man of Earth can be so oblivious of the things that are bringing about his downfall. Over the centuries Man has had the opportunity to learn of these laws. Master after Master has come to your planet, bringing a message of Truth, of love, telling Earth Man of the Universal Laws and asking him to go with these laws. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and many others have brought this message to Earth People. Great multitudes of Earth People profess to follow the teachings of one or another of these Masters. In your hemisphere those who call themselves Christians, are more familiar to you. They profess to follow the teaching of the great Master you call Jesus of Nazareth, yet how few, even to a small degree, attempt to follow the teachings. How many do you know, would go the extra mile, would turn the other cheek, who would do many of the things that are necessary in order to be a true follower of the teachings of this great Master? Many or your so-called Christian churches have removed part of the teachings from the writings that have been handed down to your people. They have decided who shall be given the teachings and what part of these teachings shall be given to their people. This, my friends, follows down to the individual, who decides for himself the certain portions of these teachings he will follow; other portions which do not suit his purpose, he will ignore. This does not work, this does not blend with Universal Law, for if Man is to reap the benefit of Universal law, he must go all the way, not a quarter or a half. I cannot love the neighbor upon my right and hate the neighbor upon my left, for I am not fulfilling the law when I do this. I cannot extend to one man the hand of fellowship, of love,

because he is conforming to my truth and not to another, because he does not agree with my truth or my understanding. These are the conditions that exist among the masses upon Planet Earth; this constitutes the race consciousness that exists. Each of you who are able through your own efforts to rise above this consciousness, to go all the way, to master Universal Law—these, my friends, will be the ones that will bring this race consciousness to a point where Man of Earth will move into a completely new consciousness. There are today upon Planet Earth, many people who are on the verge of accomplishing this. They need only to put forth a little more effort and determination in order to accomplish this. I do not imply that these are in the majority, but rather in the minority. But a minority group can do a great deal in furthering the evolvement of Earth Man. Once this has been started, and it has been started, it shall gain momentum, for the Light emanated by these enlightened ones shall bring unto them many more, for all Man is seeking in some degree, and any light that shines bright enough is bound to attract unto it others. I say again to all of you, love ye one another. See in each a perfection that ye know exists. Ah, how beautiful is the true you, of all of us. Let us see this beauty, let us see ourselves and our brothers and sisters for what they are. May the peace, the love and the understanding of the Infinite One fill the hearts of each of you to overflowing. So be it, so be it, and ever shall it be, beloved. Tuesday, September, 1959 I greet you, beloved friends, in love, in light and in understanding. We who are, shall I say, the opposite life of existence to yours—perhaps even that is a poor expression. (You know beloved friends, it becomes quite difficult for us to convey to you in words of your language, a complete understanding of what we are attempting to convey to you). We do not particularly like the expression of higher realms, for we do not feel that we are above you. It is merely that on some things, let us say, we have a little better understanding. Therefore we are anxious to help those of you who are seeking higher understanding. This we try to do in many ways. We are limited in the help that we can give you by Universal Law. We dare not and will not invade your own free will, but we are anxious that each of you grow as rapidly as is possible according to your pattern; for each of you do have a pattern of growth that is to be followed by you, but often individuals are behind schedule, so to speak, and we attempt to help them in every way possible. You see, Earth Man is often misled by his race consciousness. He knows deep within that this or that is what he should be doing, but he does not conform, because of what seems to the individual would cause criticism or perhaps disruptions in certain customs. In other words, this is not the way it is being done, therefore I must conform to the customs. People of Earth have long been victims of customs. These have become a part of the race consciousness Earth People. Many of these customs must be broken. Evolvement of individuals depends greatly upon the determination and the desires of each individual. Man must learn to know that the greatest evolvement will come, as you as an individual learns to use the Universal Laws. Man is first obligated to himself. There is nothing that is more important to each of us than our own individual development, for in order to serve and to benefit those about us, we must first be able to radiate the love and understanding that goes with evolvement. Each, as he becomes conscious of his own being, as he realizes his atone-ness with all Creation. Realize that you are a part of this one great Power, each of us a tiny minute part, yet each of us expressing as an individual yet a part of the whole. This, beloved ones, is quite difficult to bring to you in your present level of understanding. Parts and counterparts, division upon division, have each a small, yet important part of the whole. But I must repeat, that at the level that Earth People stand today, the first step is love—to try to see the perfection of Creation in everything that we see. This at times may seem impossible, yet, as we practice going within and bringing ourselves into at-one-ness with that higher part of us, with that higher consciousness, we begin to get more and more of this feeling of at-one-ness, and in this great silence, as we become more and more familiar with this, we begin to take on the realization of how and why there is but one expression. Truly, truly, beloved ones, ye are all Gods and Goddesses; it is only matter of time. Let each of us start right where we are, from this day forward with what we have at hand we shall begin our work and upon this let us build. Let us meet every situation with love and understanding, let us know that nothing is by chance, that each experience that comes our way, regardless of how minute—is an experience bought to us whereby we may learn, for we learn only by experience, no other way. Experience, beloved ones, is our only teacher. I could talk to you for hours, attempting to explain how to accomplish a certain feat, but until you have accomplished it, you do not know. You only know what I have told you. So let us be thankful and grateful for every

experience that comes to us, and let us attempt to find our proper lesson in each experience, for no one present experience will repeat itself, if we have learned from it. So you see, beloved ones, we really have no choice but to take what we have at hand and mold from that, that which we would like to be. We have created what we have, therefore it we wish higher Understanding, we must start by creating it, for all of us are Creators, and we create that which we desire most. Every thought that we send out is creative. It creates and returns, so, you see, what we think is most important. Let us think in high and positive terms, visualizing always the highest, building our Light through love and understanding. Day by day it becomes brighter, the radiance of our being begins to attract, and we find ourselves in the midst of great joy, great peace, great understanding, and we find attracted to us those who are seeking the understanding that we can give them. It is amazing how the radiance of one’s Light attracts and how far this attraction sometimes reaches. I am sure that all of you here have experienced this to a degree. My daughter, let not your heart be troubled, you seek to know His Truth and it shall be known unto you. Your purpose is high, your efforts are strong. Sometimes one becomes impatient, but to all of those who sincerely seek and who patiently trod the path, all things shall come in due time. Now, my friends, I am told that I have stayed my time with this instrument, so I must leave you. My love and my blessings I leave with each of you. Peace be with you, beloved ones, peace be with you now. Saturday, September 12, 1959 Peace be on the heads of each of thee, my friends. May the blessings of the Great Masters, both within and without your planet, rest upon the heads of each of thee. Seek ye each, my friends, for understanding, for knowledge, for wisdom. Develop in yourselves a love with understanding, a love that will reach beyond Understanding. Reach deep into your hearts and cast out that, that has so long repelled the love and understanding which you have sought. No man shall come unto the Father, except he hath love in his heart, except he cast out all jealousy, resentment, hatred. Let each of us probe deep within us; let us explore each corner of our consciousness; let us do it sincerely, fairly, honestly; let us accept what we find there, and bring it out and replace it with love—for where the Father’s love dwelleth, these things do not exist. I wonder, O Beloved Children, just how much you realize the damage that comes from these things. We wonder, sometimes, how Earth People can be so blind to themselves—how they can depict all the weaknesses or another —yet, they are completely blind to their own; and then they wonder why their spiritual growth does not come more abundantly. A great housecleaning is about to take place upon Planet Earth and its people, and when this has been completed, Planet Earth will have been thoroughly cleansed and will be ready to come into her own. Little have I said to you—yet I have said much. Ponder my words. You are wondering who I might be. Does it matter? Have I spoken Truth? Who am I … Who are you … I am an Intelligence, a small minute part of the One Great Intelligence. What more can I be. I ask the great Lords and Masters of the Cosmos, to place upon each of you their blessings, their love, and their understanding. In love I leave you. Monday, September 14, 1959 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the love and light of the Infinite Creator, I am Hatonn. Today upon Planet Earth there exists in one Nation great elation, while in your Nation there exists more or less a state of depression. In the one Nation, they feel a great milestone has been reached and perhaps it has. It is unfortunate that there must exist between people upon any planet a condition of this type. Here we have two great

powers divided against one another, each claiming to have a superior way of life; each pointing at the other and accusing. Frankly, my friends, we fail to see too much superiority in either. Among the leaders of your great Nation there are some great men who are striving to pull this nation up by its boot-straps, so to speak. But I assure you they have great resistance forced upon them. There is no reason why any nation should be advanced scientifically over your nation. The only reason is the great waste that has taken place. Your nation has ruthlessly wasted its resources. It has not used the scientific knowledge that it has to the best advantages. Too often, time and material have been wasted on projects that were known to be outmoded. Jealousy between factions has been a great factor also. Power interests through greed have wasted great amounts of resources of time, human efforts, money as you call it, which is no more than a representative of human efforts. There is no other reason why your nation should lag. But above all there should be no competition between your peoples. These are the things that must be overcome. Men of all nations must join together and work for the good of all, and Planet Earth shall never stand upon a firm foundation until these conditions are overcome. It does not appear, my friends, that Earth Man will overcome these things by mass in the short time that is left. It appears that individuals doing the overcoming within themselves will be the only solution for self-survival. Time has been shortened a great deal by Earth Man’s blunders. Therefore, it remains to be seen how rapidly the individuals will respond. I need not go into this in detail, for I am sure that all of you understand. I am sure all of you know what is to take place in the transformation of Planet Earth. Those who are responsible for the shortening of this time, have placed upon their heads a great Karmic debt. This we regret, but we cannot change the situation. People are being awakened to these facts as rapidly as possible in order to give them the opportunity to make their own preparations, for it is entirely up to each individual as to which way he shall go, and no one can change that. Now, my friends, I must leave, but I should like first to thank each of you personally for asking the satellite to send you power, so that it might be increased to send to others, for giving yourself tonight as a channel of love to be used to channel through the energy so badly needed by your people. This you can do any time you desire, you need only to make your desires known. Each of you here are sensitive enough that you should have felt the flow of this energy. May each of you, through your efforts to serve, raise your own consciousness to new heights—that each of you might find a better and happier existence. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. Tuesday, September 22, 1959 I greet you my beloved friends, in the love and light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. I am speaking to you tonight from a craft that is within your atmosphere. We have at this moment attuned our Iconiscan to your location. And through this instrument we are able to observe you, as though we were but a few feet, in your measurement, from you. This may be somewhat difficult for some of you to comprehend. But when the day arrives, that we are able to share with you our science, ‘you will see many things that will amaze you much more than will this device. Beloved friends, you are living today in times of great change, much greater than you think or realize. These changes are coming about with an ever increasing rapidity. And you, too, beloved friends, shall experience great changes within yourselves. Each of you here on this night, are here because you are seeking. You are seeking to know the Truth. Therefore, you can expect great changes and you can expect to know the Truth. Knowing the Truth, shall bring great changes within you. For every step you take on the path to Truth, brings change. Therefore, let us be open and receptive, that we may learn. I do not imply by this, that you must except everything as Truth. But, if we are to gain knowledge, wisdom, and truth, we must forever have an open mind. For when one closes the mind, and decides within himself that he has all Truth, he is dead, so to speak. For Truth moves ever onward and forward. I know not where it ends; I know not what the ultimate in Truth is. I have travelled great areas of space, have found life in every corner, but I have not found the ultimate. You see, we too, are searching, are seeking, for higher truth. We are no different than you. We simply, shall we say, are a step or

two in advance. And we are reaching back, attempting to help our brothers, as are those that are ahead of us, reaching back to help us. For, you see, my friends, that is the way we serve. All creation moves in this manner, each attempting to serve his brother, for when I have served my brother, I too, have been served. This, my friends, is a good thing to remember. In order to receive, we must give, and this law applies in everything we do, for if we have great truth and understanding, and use it only for ourself, it shall gain us naught. This my friends is happening day by day, upon Planet Earth, and it is things of this nature, that bring the chaos that you find among your people. As those of you who are seeking to know Truth reach higher and higher, you must be ready to have brought to you many things that may have been, or may be contrary, to some of the things that you have known to be Truth. These things are going to come to Earth People, perhaps a great deal more rapidly than you realize for the time is short. You are going to find yourselves tested in many ways. I mean by this you will have challenges to meet, and some of these challenges might be quite shaking to you. So I would suggest, that much time be spent in prayer and meditation, preparing yourself for the things that are to come, preparing yourself to serve. For in the days that lie in the not too far distant, those of you who are Children of the Light, shall have opportunities to do great service to your fellowman. The need will be much greater than you realize. Planet Earth must pass through some great changes in order to be cleansed, to be balanced when she passes into the next dimension in space. We of the Confederation, are going to see to it that this great planet is not lost as was another a few years past. We shall not interfere in the evolution of Earth Man unless it is necessary. But, if it becomes necessary, we shall and will, for we have at this moment, over four million craft standing by for any emergency. So, you see, my friends, we are prepared. Now, my friends, I must leave this instrument. It has been my pleasure, and my joy, to have spoken with you. May each of you reach great heights in your search for Truth. And may each of you, when your challenge comes, meet it in such a way, that it will bring you great wisdom, great love, and great understanding. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus. I am Hatonn. Saturday, October 3, 1959 Good evening to you my friends. It is my pleasure and my joy to be your guest this evening. I should like to extend my thanks, my gratitude to the instrument and his teacher for granting me this opportunity. I should like to also state that I am very much interested; I might say that I am very close to one of you here. I have a particular interest and that is as much that I care to say concerning this at this moment. When I have finished, the instrument will have the answer for you. And now, my friends, I should like for a few minutes to talk to you in regard to your growth, your understanding and what it might mean to you in times that you are about to encounter. There is not one among you who has, shall we say, more than a small degree of knowledge concerning your abilities, or shall I say, an understanding of who and what you really are. You see, my friends, each of you, if you could but realize the fact, are potential Gods in yourselves. As man aspires to higher knowledge, he begins to get a realization of what he is. Is it possible, my friends, that each of us someday might reach a stage in our growth where we would have the understanding, knowledge and wisdom that we now think of as being held by the Gods? Does this sound inconceivable to you, my friends, or can you conceive of this? Man can be anything that he can conceive of being. Created within Man was a desire or rather, an ability to desire. When Man exercises this ability the law reacts. So you see, my friends, there might be two ways of looking at this. If you are to desire something, it would be wise for you to be sure that that which you desire is for your good—will bring you good. Man does not always weigh that which he desires; he does not put it in the balance. This we should do if we would have wisdom and understanding. View it from both sides, my friends, before you let your desires reach forth. Man is moving on a continual spiral that takes him ever onward and upward. Occasionally he may slip in a backward direction, but this can be only temporary, for the nature of man is to know himself. And Man shall never know his Creator, until he knows his own being. So I say to you, my friends, reach out, reach out far into the Cosmos and gather understanding. Learn the ways and the laws of nature and then live by them, for as Man learns to know the law and to live by it, he finds that Life has taken on an entirely new aspect. He sees through different

eyes, he hears through different ears, and the things that he sees and the things that he hears, brings him ever new understanding and wisdom. People of Earth, I am afraid, have some terrific shocks coming to them. They are going to find that a great many of the concepts which they have been taught and which they have accepted as Truth, are not Truth at all; this is going to come as a terrific shock to some—yes, a great many Earth people. And especially to some of your religious leaders, but sooner or later Man must know the Truth, for only by him knowing the Truth, can he be freed, and Earth Man has been held in bondage long enough. This chain must be broken, and those of you who are accepting and searching for Truth, shall play a great part in removing the shackles from Planet Earth and its people. The shock may be too great for some of the people of Earth, but, be that as it may, the Truth must be known. So I say to each of you, keep your hearts and your minds open and receptive that you might receive understanding and wisdom. The man who carries a closed mind has little chance of becoming wise. He has little chance of raising his consciousness. He shall fall far behind. To have an open mind does not require you to accept anything that does not seem right to you, but there is a great difference, my friends, in accepting a Truth as Truth or being able, if it doesn’t appeal to you, to lay it aside until such a time as you can filter it through your consciousness. For we find that many times an experience does not appeal to us or something that comes to us by word of mouth or by writings does not fit in, so to speak, with what we presently know as Truth, but of times we find that these things, if they are laid aside, can be picked up later and be put into the picture perfectly. You see, my friends, there is where a closed mind prevents us from learning Truth, for when we have rejected it completely, we have lost it for a great time to come. This is a mistake we should not make, for often it is costly. As I observe those of you here tonight, I am sure that each of you are interested in bringing yourselves into a higher state of consciousness. Each of you desire this in a different degree, yet, each is seeking in his or her own way, and each shall receive according to his or her own efforts. No one is going to bring this to you without your effort. But this I must say, that each shall be aided according to their own efforts. So you see, my friends, the major part of our growth is up to each of us individually, and each shall receive proportionally. There is so much for all of us to learn. We do not make any claim of having the ultimate in Truth. We must realize that Truth is moving ever onward before us and the Ultimate I know not. But this I know—that every step forward that I have taken has brought me greater happiness, greater understanding, and has been each much more glorious than the last. Therefore, I shall attempt to climb ever higher on this spiral of knowledge, for I find the more I have learned of science, of nature, the more understanding I have of my Creator. For you see, my friends, we do not separate one from the other. Earth Man has always attempted to separate. You have your philosophers, your scientists, and what not, and each must be both or all if we are to have Truth. All things that exist came from the One and only Source, no matter what it might be. It is all a part of the whole, therefore we cannot separate. The sooner Man of Earth can realize this, the sooner he shall begin to understand Creation. Now, my friends, I have been told I have stayed my time with this instrument; now I must leave you. It has been my pleasure and my joy to spend this time with you. May each of you receive the understanding that you seek and may each of you in the days to come, have the wisdom and understanding to meet the situations that shall arise. So be it. Wednesday, October 7, 1959 This person standing by you is definitely interested in you. He is your teacher or counterpart. He has been with you and in touch with you all during your life on this Planet. He has aided you when the going was rough—he has been by your side. You had more support and help than you realized or were aware of. During the war you had rough times. He was flying with you. He says he is definitely from the Etheric Realm, as we term it. He is definitely not from the Astral Realm around our Planet. He says “we have complete control over matter.” If he so desires he can manifest a physical body and talk among us. Those in the Astral Realm are not able to do this. Many of these things are difficult to try to put into words that you can understand—so that it is clear to you. We have tried many times, but the subject is so vast and far-reaching that it is hard for you to understand it without having experienced it. There are many facets to all of it. It is all scientific. The main thing Earth People need to do is to raise their consciousness, become conscious of more of the things

that are. As we become conscious of these things, we search in the right path. As we get further into our true area of space or density, the better we will understand. The vibration of this area itself will affect our consciousness, and it will be easier for us to understand. The subject of consciousness itself is so vast that it would take volumes to explain about the extensions of consciousness and its various divisions. As we evolve to higher states of understanding, we become more and more aware of consciousness itself, and the part it plays in life throughout the Universe. For instance, there are beings who are pure consciousness, who have no need of an astral shell or a physical body. These beings can divide and sub-divide their consciousness. So you can see there is a wide field here in this one particular phase which would require many life-times to get a clear understanding; even we do not have a complete understanding of it. It is very necessary at this time for everyone to be aware and to seek as much knowledge and understanding as possible of all things, because all things tie together—the whole Universe ties together in at-one-ness. Each is dependent upon the other, so it is necessary to have an understanding of all things to become well-rounded or evolved. Changes on Planet Earth are coming more rapidly as time passes. We can expect the conditions we are experiencing now to increase for some time to come. All things we are experiencing now in our atmosphere, are forerunners of greater changes that are to come. The greatest thing Earth Man has to learn is to live together in understanding, to try to understand his fellowman and to suppress feelings of superiority. There is no Nation on this planet who can claim any great superiority over another. Man has to concern himself more with helping those with lesser understanding, rather than try to bring about greater achievements for himself, for as he serves his brother, his own understanding will increase automatically. Planet Earth has reached the point where Man must learn to live together. It is his only salvation. It is now a must— either this or total destruction. You, as many other individuals at this time, feel a greater urge within yourself. You are not entirely aware that this urge or urgency which you feel is the urge for knowledge, for understanding, and the closer we get to the new density, the greater this urge will be. Respond to this, my son. So be it. Monday, October 12, 1959 May the peace of the Infinite One rest upon the hearts of each of you now. My beloved friends, I greet you in love and peace. What is it, beloved ones, that gnaws at the heart of Man, that drives him ever onward, seeking and searching? Within the heart or every Man burns this desire. Man does not always know or realize what this desire is, what this urge within him is seeking, and this urge is turned in many directions by various individuals. Some direct it in a search of wealth, others in the search of pleasure, others for knowledge, but this—direct it as you may—is the same spark that burns within each of you. It is that inner urge to know the Truth, to know more of life. Man does not recognize this spark that drives him onward for what it is. It is something that he must release, but he does not always direct it wisely. In order for Man to grow, he must release these energies and use them wisely to bring him knowledge and wisdom and spiritual understanding. Man, if he is to have spiritual understanding, must have understanding and knowledge of many things. Spirituality is not denoted by one who claims to have great knowledge of a great being that rules and controls all things. A truly evolved spiritual being will have great knowledge of all things, for all things are spiritual in Nature. The great scientist of the Universe must be a spiritual man. He must have great knowledge of the Universe about him. He must have an understanding of what causes Nature to function as she does. To become a true spiritual being, requires eons of time spent in studying and searching for the true answers to Nature’s function. Earth Man has become so involved in his own small circle of function that he does not see; he does not see the things that are taking place before his very eyes. While Earth Man is endangering the population of his Planet, poisoning its people, bringing to them great miseries, there lies within his reach great powers, great resources, that could eliminate all of these things and supply for Man

abundance of power, of energy, to be used for the good of all Mankind at a cost of almost nothing. Earth science today realizes and knows the dangers of the powers with which they are now working. Still they insist that these powers must be used. They have been told that there are powers, energies to be obtained that are completely safe, but they heed not. Why is this, my friends? Could it be for selfish reasons? Could it be that certain interests see their power crumbling through the introduction of certain improvements upon Planet Earth? Could this be, my friends? I leave this for your decision. If People of Earth were to be told the things that have been rejected from us by the powers that be upon Planet Earth, I wonder would they believe? I fear they would not. Earth People have been lulled into a deep sleep of contentment. They are content to let someone else think for them, guide them, and as they believe, protect them. One of your poets once said “O what tools we mortals be.” Sometimes I wonder if perhaps he may have been right. Yet Man is free to choose, and no one can force him to choose rightly or wrongly. He will choose as he will. Now, my friends, I have said enough. May the love, peace and the understanding of the One Great Spirit of Creation rest in the hearts of each of you this night. Monday, October 26, 1959 Peace be with each of you, my beloved friends. With your permission I will speak with you for a few moments. Man—what is this thing called Man who was given dominion aver all things by his Creator. How could you define this thing called Man? In your existence or your plane of existence we see Man in a physical chemical body, so to speak. He functions through this chemical body, controlling it and its actions through what you call a brain. But here upon another plane of existence we find Man functioning much differently. Here he functions in what, to use your terms, you can an astral shell. Here he moves, he thinks, he carries an a life much as you do upon your plane, yet he does not function with a chemical body, nor does he control or manipulate his astral shell through a brain as you do. He finds life is much different in some respects; he finds that thought is much more effective upon this plane. He finds that he brings into being that which he desires by merely creating a thought and promptly his thought comes into being for him. He builds his own surroundings with very little effort on his part and these surroundings and actions will depend entirely upon his ability to think. Here he is also limited in many ways for he finds himself among the physical beings, for he has been lost so long in his physical existence, through desires that were created within him many eons back in time. He finds this desire which he has continually pushing him, so to speak, to express in the physical or chemical, and oft-times not realizing exactly where he is, he does not take advantage of the situation that he finds himself in at that time, but rather tries to pull himself back into the physical, chemical plane of existence before his time. Oft-times this becomes quite confusing to the un-enlightened ones and causes much unhappiness to the individual and oft-times through lack of understanding much harm and much inconvenience and suffering is brought to some of those in the physical chemical plane of existence. But to those who have somewhat of a higher understanding, they are able to live a happy fruitful existence in what you can the astral planes of existence. What is Man, just what does he consist of; for as we move farther out, we find other planes of existence, other levels of life. As we pause here we find beings of greater understanding, we find beings with greater knowledge of the Universe and its functions. We find that these individuals also function in a world of thought, but they have a higher knowledge of the use of this power. They also have greater knowledge of many other powers. They have an understanding of matter to a greater degree. We find that these beings are able, through their power or thought to control and manipulate this matter. They are able to change it to different forms, to bring into being that which they desire and to mould it into whatever suits their purpose at the time. They are able to transport themselves from place to place without the aid of a vehicle if they so desire. Yet if they desire a vehicle in which to travel—this can also be created by thought and the manipulation of matter. Also we find that many of these can bring themselves into your plane of existence and create for themselves a chemical body to be used temporarily as they move among you and then again to be returned to the nothingness from which it came. What is Man? How do we define this Man? Shall we go higher? Shall we move from this realm where Man lives in a world of thought, yet he lives a life somewhat as yours in that he lives with his fellowman … they work together, they have their homes and their families, but yet so different. As we move on we find ourselves surrounded by beings of such great intelligence, of such great Light, that our understanding of them is naught. We see nothing but Light. These beings have such great knowledge and control of matter, of intelligence, of consciousness that it is beyond our understanding. They have such great knowledge of the Universe, they know its functions, they know of its creation. They understand consciousness. They are able to divide and subdivide their consciousness, sending it out into many spheres and many planes and there expressing, helping to raise the consciousness of these beings on other planes that they too might someday move into their plane of consciousness. These beings, I can only

state, are pure consciousness. You ask, is this the ultimate in Man and I must answer, I do not believe so, for I understand that Man reaches even far beyond this. So beloved friends, how would you define Man? I have no definition for Man, for Man, shall we say, is inconceivable. At my level of understanding, I believe I would have to state it so. But Man has all of these potentialities and Man, sooner or later shall return to the high states of consciousness from whence he came. We are gradually climbing step by step. As time is never-ending, so is our climb to the ultimate. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you. Monday, November 9, 1959 Greetings to you, my friends, I am Oxal. A great amount of confusion seems to be present among people of Earth at this time, and this appears to be increasing. Now, my friends, why should this be? Whenever you find an awakening taking place with great numbers of people when they have started a search en masse for Truth, this condition will prevail for a time. Now this is not alarming to us, for it is a sign of growth. Out of confusion will come understanding, but for many it will not be easy for them, and the reason for this is that they have not learned to seek properly. In other words they are attempting to reach out and grab Truth from every corner and to cram into their being. They are trying to digest faster than their digestive system is able to receive it. They are not separating. You see understanding comes slowly, and we must allow it to become a part of us, as we are able to use and prove its worth. Many are inclined to take fragments of Truth and build around this a philosophy and through this attempt to gather a great following, but Truth needs no proof, for Truth shall prove itself. Each of your religious organizations today have followed this pattern, and this is why the separation, why your peoples are divided against themselves; each believing that he or his group of followers have the Truth. Earth people must soon learn that Truth and understanding are only gotten by effort and through the efforts of the individual. No teacher of Truth that is a true teacher of Truth, will seek for pupils, nor will he expound his truth before the non-believers or attempt to sell his truth to anyone, so to speak. True Masters of Truth will never be found shouting or selling their wares in any manner. They wait to be sought out by the seeker of Truth, and when they are found, they give in love, in understanding and freely. They are very careful that their pupil learns, as he is able to receive and understand. A true Master of Truth is very cautious with his pupils, for he knows that they must receive only as they can absorb and understand and use what they have to the advantage of all concerned. A great amount of the confusion that exists among Truth seekers today upon Planet Earth, is caused by those who are selling their wares or those who have become over-zealous, realizing that they have found a shred of truth. They are anxious to share it, to give it to everyone they meet, and oft-times they enlarge upon their truth without knowledge of what they are doing, and thus they spread confusion. True understanding will only come through quiet meditation of these Truths—meditating upon them, letting them flow that we might view them and test them and bring into our being that which brings us peace, love and understanding. It is good to listen to the experiences and truths of others, but do not let them confuse you, for they are only the experiences of others and your understanding will not come through the experience of another but only through your own. But by continually pondering the experiences of others, we block experiences for ourselves. Why attempt to understand the experience of another when you cannot possibly know the reason for his experience? Being individuals, as we are, we must have individual experiences, and how can we expect to understand the experience of another when we know nothing of his soul growth? Rather let us learn relaxation. Learn to unfold and let go of the tensions and to draw within that we might receive an understanding of our own experiences, that we might take advantage of them and benefit from them, for unless we grow by our experiences, we are not making progress. So let us not condemn or criticize that which we have, but let us use it to the best advantage that we might move ever onward and forward, reaching each time another step toward our goal of perfection. I leave you by extending to you the love and understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Tuesday, November 10, 1959 Greetings to you, my beloved friends, I greet you with the love, light and the understanding of the Infinite Spirit of Creation.

Why does Man continually find that he is faced with a choice, so to speak? We find that this is true throughout Creation. Man has always found that he must make a choice. You see, my beloved friends, that is why you are here, for had you not chosen to do so, this would not be. The only reason that you find yourself in this chemical, physical world of Creation, is because long ago, eons of time back, you chose as did many others to experience in the unknown. Much caution was given, great efforts were made by those of higher understanding and love as to the results of these experiences, but still you chose to have this experience. And so from higher and more pleasant planes of existence, many millions descended for an unknown experience, and that is why we find in existence today the worlds and worlds of life as you now see it. These things did not come about in moments or hours or years of time. Neither will Man return to his original state of existence in a short time as you know it. Yet time is eternal. Time does not pass, you are merely moving through time. And so, as the descension took place, so must the ascension, and Man is climbing back on the ladder of evolvement rung by rung. If this picture at this time could be seen and understood by each of you, it would make quite an amazing story. Some have climbed the ladder of progress more rapidly than others, yet each in his or her own way is progressing step by step. The decisions that we make as we gradually climb back towards our goal, are a determining factor in the speed of our progress. Nevertheless, each individual is climbing ever onward and upward, sometimes falling back for a time and then again proceeding. As we find ourselves attempting to make progress upon the wheel of incarnation, we must learn to face all situations honestly, fairly and squarely. Take each decision deep within our consciousness, and there we shall find a true answer if we are sincere and honest in our seeking. You see, beloved friends, when the Creator breathed us forth, He endowed us with this great God-like ability to take all things into the core of our being, of our at-one-ness, of our allness with Creation and when this point has been reached all things come into balance and we see clearly. And as we see clearly, our decisions are made and things begin to happen that brings us into harmony with Creation and that, dear friends, is most important. For all Creation must function in harmony if we are to have well-being, peace of mind and harmony within ourselves. Man has allowed himself to become out of tune with Creation or Nature and when Man is out of tune with Creation, he is out of balance and he does not function as he should. But rapidly Man of Earth is beginning to glimpse the importance of these laws, and he is beginning to attempt to bring himself to a point where he will strike this cord of harmony. When this has occurred with enough people upon the Earth Plane, a great difference will be seen in the function of Earth activities. Man will find he has reached a new plane of existence, a new level of understanding, a step nearer to his Creator and His perfection. I leave you now, my friends, but before I leave I am going to pass among you and place upon the heads of each of you my special blessing. With your permission I will proceed … It is done. May the love, light and the understanding of the Infinite Creator rest in the hearts of each of you, and may each of you reach unbelievable heights in your search for understanding. Peace be with you, beloved ones, peace, love and understanding. I go. Monday, November 30, 1959 Peace be with thee, my friends, peace be with thee. Tonight, beloved ones, a special ceremony is being held for thee. Each of thee have present with you tonight your Wisdor, plus two others who are conducting the ceremony. This ceremony is primarily being conducted for the purpose rising the vibrations of each of you and the surroundings wherein you gather. Now, beloved friends, let each of ye try to maintain an attitude of reverence and gratitude, thus opening the way for this good to enter. As I speak, the ceremony will continue. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for lo, the I AM is with you at all times. Why, my friends, is fear so prevalent in the hearts of Earth Man? Man of Earth has been taught to fear, generation after generation, and fear has become a part of his consciousness. It is necessary for Man to live beyond this fear if he is to progress, if he is to reach a state of higher understanding. Man must dig into his consciousness and root out the fears that are lurking within, and he will find that these are varied and many. Let us take these out one by one and examine them; let us see exactly what they look like, and as we view them in love, we shall find them fading into the nothingness that they really are. Each time we find popping up within us one of these demons, let us quickly pull him into the

open and examine him. You will be surprised, beloved friends, at their insignificance. Why do we fear the words of another? Let us examine closely this small demon; let us see what he consists of. We find as we look closely, that he is a very close associate of ego and pride. We find that ego is fighting desperately that he may not be suppressed. He desires to stand out, to be noticed; he wants so much to be. So as we view this situation, we discover that in order to eliminate this particular demon, we must suppress Mr. Ego, and as we do this, we find that this particular demon has vanished, for we discover that these words or sounds that we feared are not bringing to us harm at all, and we may even find that they have brought to us some good. So you see, beloved friends, if we will take each one of these small demons, examine it closely, and each one, I am sure, will be discovered to have no foundation. Why am I telling you this? You say, “I know and realize that fear is a great problem in our civilization.” But, my friends, I wonder if you realize just how much Earth Man is blocked by his fears. Think well upon this, my friends, think well upon it, and then bring to conclusion your findings. May the peace, love and understanding of the One Great Power rest in the hearts of each of you. My peace and my blessings. I am Anthon. Monday, December 21, 1959 Greetings to you, my friends. I come with your permission for a few moments tonight. The great mass of people upon this planet, who call themselves Christians, are about to indulge in a great celebration and according to my understanding the theme of this celebration is—peace upon earth, goodwill toward mankind. Is this not so, my friends? A great deal will be said in regard to this in the next few days of your time, but I wonder just how much real thought and consideration will be given to this? As we view from our vantage point, it seems to us that the theme has been almost completely lost in the fanfare that takes place. Down through the generations that have passed since the birth of your Master, the story has been told, year after year. The story as told, is only partly accurate, due to errors in your religious recordings, but this is not of too great an importance. Your people have accepted the story as told with very little effort having ever been put forth, even by your scientific men, to explain many of the happenings in a scientific way. Yet, if your scientists were to see a star floating in the sky, as is told in your story, your scientists of today would not accept this without scientific explanation. But in order to understand this, they would have to become more spiritual, and as they become more spiritual, they will accept and understand many of the things that are spoken of in your religious recordings. But to return to the point of our discussion; Man of Earth is gradually realizing the importance of peace, partially through the fear that he feels for the future, and partially because he is becoming, shall we say, filled with fear because of what he sees taking place, that he knows does not go with a Brotherhood of Man. But, in order to bring peace on Earth, he is beginning to realize the change must begin with himself, he alone can bring this change about. It will not be done until Man realizes within himself that he must do it. So, as we approach the season of festivity, let each of us make a great effort to establish within ourselves, within our own being, a consciousness of peace, love and of understanding. And in so doing, each of us will be doing our part in establishing a true at-one-ness, a true brotherhood, that will bring about upon Planet Earth an era of love, peace and understanding among all mankind. It has been my pleasure to speak with you. This is the first opportunity that I have had to speak through this instrument. It has been my pleasure. I extend to you my peace and my blessings. So be it. Monday, December 28, 1959 Greeting in the light, I am Oxal. We have monitored your conversation here this evening and found your discussion quite interesting. The story of Man, as you know him, is quite lengthy and complicated. You have spoken at some length of experience, and how

it is necessary for Man to experience and this my friends, is true, for Man cannot know without experience. I believe one of you expressed in somewhat this manner, (correct me if I be wrong) that you should like to rise above the place of belief into a stage of knowing. Am I correct? Group: Yes. Then, my friends, you must experience, for only through experience do you know. I could expound for hours on my experience, but this would not bring to you knowing, for to know is to experience. Upon Planet Earth are many, many teachings, religions, metaphysical teachings, occult teachings and what have you. Among each of these you find divisions. A teacher has sprung up, teaching from his experience. Now, beloved friends, I do not mean to convey the idea that this is completely wrong, for each of your religions, your teachings, have Truth. Each contains a segment of the whole, yet none that we have found have the complete Truth, but each is found to be a stepping stone for those who are seeking. For as all men are at a different level of understanding, each must seek according to his understanding, to his capabilities to understand. Many people have found great help in each of these; yet, he who is a true seeker; sooner or later moves on to a higher Truth. He seeks new experiences that will bring him new knowing and thus does life move ever onward, but Man must go a step farther in his search for Truth, he must also search and desire to serve. For though Man gain all knowledge and serve not, his knowledge will avail him but little, and Man shall find as he seeks and serves, that he shall move ever onward and upward on the spiral of understanding. Where the spiral ends, I know not. As we have stated before, it is of such magnitude that our conception of it is only slight. Man reaches ever forward and onward attempting to gain these experiences. There is something that I should like to touch upon that perhaps might for some ease their anxiety. As Man moves on through the process of evolution, he passes through many periods of experience. This life or existence which you are now passing through upon the planet you call Earth, is a most important experience upon this path, and upon this plane are beings of a great wide variety of states of consciousness. To attempt to judge an entity by their expression in passing through this experience or series of experiences, would be most cruel. Many have passed through many lifetimes upon this planet, expressing and experiencing. Yet in their present state they have no recollection whatsoever at what has passed, and this, beloved ones, is as it should be, for if many of the people were to look back into their past lifetimes upon this planet, they would shrink in horror. Yet these experiences were very necessary for the evolution of the individuals, for when these experiences are gathered together in a state of consciousness where the entity is able to evaluate them properly, he will have a great knowing. The soul growth of any man cannot be determined by his expression upon this plane. Seek your experiences, beloved friends, where your inner consciousness guides you, for there will you find the experience that you need. And so I extend to you the love and the blessings from the Sons of Adonai. I am Oxal.

[1] The original spelling of this name in these manuscripts is “Hatton.” It has been changed to “Hatonn” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this name in the rest of the material on this site from the same source. It is pronounced hat-ON. [2] The original spelling of this word in these manuscripts is “Odina.” It has been changed to “Adonai” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this salutation in the rest of the material on this site. We infer from its placement in the text that it is a departing salutation along the lines of “adieu,” roughly meaning “Go with God.” It is pronounced oddin-AY by both Walt Rogers of the Detroit Group and the channels of L/L Research. The rest of the salutation, “vasu borragus,” pronounced vah-SOO boh-RAH-gus, we infer to roughly mean “our brothers.” Supposedly the original language of this salutation is Solex Mal. This attribution may well be mythical. [3] The original spelling of this word in these manuscripts is “aoneness.” It has been changed to “at-one-ness” in order to be consistent with spelling in the rest of the material on this site. We have assumed there is no other special meaning that was intended by this word.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding - Volume II Copyright © 2008 Walt Rogers ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the sessions of Walt Rogers’ contactee group in Detroit that were contained in the Man, Consciousness and Understanding pamphlets. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. CAVEAT: This document is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding Volume II Introduction The groupings of communications contained in this enclosure are informative, teaching-instructions for developing a better understanding of ourselves, of the problems of our modem times, and of the magnitude of the future lying before us. The nature and the text of these communications differ in respect to the many spiritual studies of Truth available to the seeker; therefore, a few words are necessary to explain their source. On and around our Earth there exist millions of beings from other regions and other realms of the Universe who have attained a much higher and a much greater degree of understanding in their evolution. To those who will listen, they extend their friendship and offer their understanding and wisdom that the homo sapiens race on Earth might awaken unto themselves and work to usher in the New Golden Age presently dawning. Within these pages, the words you read are those received from physical beings aboard spacecraft who hail from other parts of the Universe, and from wonderful, Radiant Beings who enjoy the Perfect Life in the higher realms of existence. The reader is to understand that these communications were received through a human channel who was one among a small group of earnest seekers of Truth. These words of enlightenment, even though spoken to a small group, also apply to

the whole of mankind and may be used by any and all who are seeking a more Abundant Life. With their deepest Love and Blessings, these Beings of higher understanding offer their knowledge to all who seek the Truth. Affirmations for Meditation By Hatonn [1] O Radiant One, send forth Thy Light, and surround each of us, Thy children, that we may have enlightenment and wisdom. We relax and give ourselves completely to the Father. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. We know that all is well as we relax in His Arms. We give our whole selves to the Father, we want only to do His will. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. I am His perfect child. He guides me and directs me. He continually surrounds me with His pure white Light. I visualize this radiant substance of purest white, until I actually feel the consciousness of the Father, His Presence, His Power, His Light and Love flowing through me. I relax in His Presence. He is the ever-loving Father and Creator. He loves me and protects me. He is the one and only Power and Intelligence … I am His perfect expression … He expresses through me … I am a doer of His will … The Father and I are one … There is but a single power and intelligence … This great power and intelligence is now a part of me … It is guiding me and protecting me at all times … I give myself completely to this great Power and Intelligence … I am a part of it … I live and have my being in this, the Father. Amen Monday, January 18, 1960 Blessings to you, my friends. Peace be with you O Great and Glorious Spirit of Creation, Let the eyes of these, Thy children, be opened That they might see the mysteries that are before them. That to them may be revealed the Key— That opens the door to Life itself. May their knowing and knowledge and understanding Be made known to them now. May their hearts be opened, may each in his own way Come into an understanding of Universal Love, As it is known in the Higher Realms of Life.

May an understanding grow between these Thy children That will bring them to a oneness— That can never-more be broken So be it—so be it—so be it … Monday, February 1, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends. Greetings and love, I extend to each of thee. I am Anthon. I often feel that I am a permanent part of this gathering, for seldom do you gather, that I am not with thee. I have come tonight to speak only for a moment, that ye might understand what we are bringing to thee. For in a moment, beloved friends, we are going to bring to speak to you, a man who is in physical body upon your planet today and has for many years dwelt upon your planet. He is from one of the Mystic Schools located upon your planet in what would be considered, I think by you, the Far East, but today he is moving among mankind and carrying on a great work. In a moment, you shall hear the voice of Yom [2]. Yom: Greetings to you, my beloved friends. I want to thank you for the opportunity of coming into your household tonight and coming among you; I hope I shall be welcome. Is this so, my friends? Group: Yes. Thank you. I have been a teacher in one of the Mystic Schools upon your Earth for many years. About a year ago or perhaps a little more, it was my duty to leave the School and move out among Earth Man, to attempt to help raise the consciousness of mankind upon Planet Earth. I hope you will excuse my English, because I am not too, what you say, familiar, familiar with your language. Today, my friends, a great push, I believe you would call it, is being put forth by the Masters who are upon your planet, and those who are working from many other levels in the Etheric, I believe you call it, and those who are dwelling upon the higher evolved planets. It is very necessary at this time, that this be done in order that Planet Earth might be prepared to move into its new location in space along with the balance of your Solar System. Negativity, hatred, greed and lust, have gained such a foothold in your civilization, that it has set up a great field of negativity around your planet; this my friends, must be dissipated. We who are attempting to do this, need much help, and you, my friends, and the other Light Workers of Planet Earth, can be of great assistance to us who are working in this endeavor. You can do this, my friends, by spreading love and understanding as you go about your daily task, and you can also help us

very much if during your meditation, you will send to us your love and your light. This, my friends, we will appreciate very much, and you will also be doing a great amount of good for yourself. In this year of 1960, a great deal of accomplishment must be made, and all of those of us who are working in the light, are putting forth every effort to accomplish this. We hope that all of the Light Workers upon Planet Earth will also do their part. It is my understanding that you have just established a group which you are calling Understanding. This, my friends, is good and we have high hopes that this group of Understanding, as a World Group, will grow and bring people together in understanding. Now, I must say that this is very good, but unless you actually work at spreading understanding, it will not avail you very much. Just using a name is not enough, we must spread understanding; we must work at bringing understanding to Earth People. We must attempt to understand our neighbors, our friends, and those with whom we come in contact. We must demonstrate understanding; we must be understanding. It is not enough, my friends, to speak of understanding; we must be understanding. We must attempt to understand those about us, and, friends, let us start with those who are close at hand, and then let us see that this understanding spreads. You see, my friends, the great weakness of the people of Planet Earth over the centuries has been that they do a great deal of talking; they speak much of their religions and of the things that bring love and understanding, but that, my friends, is as far as it goes. But we have passed the stage of talking. Now, my friends, it is time that we demonstrate or do that of which we speak so much. Man, in general, uses his vocal system much too much, and he does not use his eyes and his ears enough. Man of Earth must start doing and thinking. Now he must use and exercise the brain which his Creator so graciously gave to him. I hope, my friends, that each of you will work sincerely at Understanding. This word encompasses much. Think about it and then attempt to understand. Until understanding is accomplished by Earth Man, he shall not lie in peace. I am told, my friends, that I have stayed my time, therefore, I shall leave you now. I want to thank you again for having me in your midst, for accepting me into your home. I understand this is the home of the instrument through which I speak, is this not so, my friends? Group: Yes Thank you. I hope I shall have the pleasure of speaking with you again. It has been my pleasure, and, friends, I hope you each shall gain great understanding. My blessings to you, and may the peace of the Infinite One rest in the hearts of each of you, now and evermore. Goodnight, my friends, goodnight.

Monday, February 8, 1960 Peace be with you, beloved ones! It is my privilege to be the one to speak with you tonight. I hope that what I have to say shall reach the point of contact within your hearts. Beloved ones, each of you have come into this life for certain purposes, for certain accomplishments. Each has his task to perform, his mission, so to speak; yet, each has also come into this life with certain weaknesses, certain overcomings to be accomplished. None of you are without this; yet, each has his or her own overcoming to do. It is necessary for each individual to recognize these things and to put forth the effort that is necessary to accomplish that which is necessary. Nature provides each individual with the qualifications or the abilities to do these things. You have only to use them. Man was created with the ability to overcome all things, but Man must recognize within himself the ability which he has and then to use it. Each individual entity is also given by his Creator an inner sense of recognition which will also give him the power to recognize, that he might follow the path that will lead him or her through the experience that will develop within that which is needed for your growth, your understanding, for your evolvement. Man must cultivate these senses; he must learn to not be swayed by ego, by selfish desires, greed or lust. If Man is to follow his true path, he must cast aside all of these things and learn to recognize that still voice within him which guides him ever on the Path of Life, the narrow Path of Life that will bring him peace and understanding. Too often, my friends, the small voice speaks within you and is not heard. Fear, ego and numerous other things drown the voice and it is not heard, and too often it is ignored. Learn, my friends, to go with life, to move in harmony with life itself, with Nature, as you call it. Bring yourself into tune with this great vast universal sea of life that you call Nature. See the beauty in it, admire it, develop in your hearts a sense of gratitude. Give thanks for that which you have. Use it to the best advantage. Use it to glorify Creation and your Creator that it might grow and multiply. Never condemn but always be grateful. This, my friends, is a Universal Law that never fails. Earth Man carries very little gratitude in his heart, so, you see, he faces many problems from the lack of this. Now, my friends, I leave you by placing my blessings and my love in the hearts of each of you. May you rest in the peace and light of the Infinite One always. My peace to you, my friends. Goodnight. Friday, February 12, 1960

I greet you in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. Earth Man, in his evolution, is now facing some of the greatest and fastest changes that have taken place in the present civilization. The evolution of Earth Man is marching on at an ever-increasing speed. This, your year nineteen hundred and sixty, will be eventful in many ways. Several things shall occur that will baffle your scientists. Yes, I might say they may be greatly embarrassed, after they have attempted to give explanations as an authority, and find that they must retract their words. It seems that it is difficult for intellectual minds to admit lack of knowledge in their field. The intellectual minds are often quite vain, so to speak. The great Truths, my friends, are not going to come from the so-called authorities, but rather from the common man, the humble man, the dedicated man. It is often said that in our contacts we should have contacted those in authority, those who are in the know, so to speak. Yet, when these contacts have been made, and they have been, the results were negative. For, so great is the ego in this breed of people, that fear will not allow them to bring the truth of their experiences to their fellowman. But Truth cannot be suppressed for long, for Truth has a way of finding its target, regardless of opposition. To those who seek for Truth, it shall be found in abundance. The Path to Truth is always open to those who seek. That is all that is required of you—is to seek the Truth—and step by step you shall find it, but it shall not be found in the high places. True, each of your religions or sects, each teaching contains segments of Truth. Yet, we know of not one upon the surface of your planet that contains the whole Truth. For Truth to Man is an individual thing, for no two beings stand at the same level of understanding. Therefore, no two beings will have the same Truth. For individuals, Truth is ever-changing. True, we have the Absolute, but that, beloved ones, lies in the far distant future. So we move onward step by step, each a stepping stone to a higher Truth, a greater Truth, and sometime in the far future we shall know the Absolute. We, as you know, make no claims to the Absolute, for we too are growing, as are you. We are only a step or two ahead of you in our understanding, and being thus, it is our duty to extend to you a helping hand, as those beyond extend to us. This, beloved friends, is love and understanding. We can only point the way as is done for us, and as we hope you shall do for those a step behind you. No, my friends, Planet Earth is not at the bottom of the ladder. There are others following behind, and to these you have an obligation to fulfill, and we hope you shall see this obligation and fulfill it in the near future. Now, my friends, I shall leave. May each of you reach new heights in your love and understanding each day, and may each of you through your experiences in this

sojourn be wiser and better individuals. May the peace, love and understanding of the Radiant One be with you on your journey. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus. I am Hatonn. Monday, February 16, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Planet Earth and the actions of its people are being observed very closely at this time. We are very interested in many of the experiments that are being conducted by your scientists and your engineers. Very little is known by you, the people, of the experiments that are being conducted. The research and experiments which are given to the people, which they are allowed to see or hear about, are to a great extent a camouflage. Some years ago your scientists or your governments were given certain objects of interest to them by individuals from other planets. Your government has in its possession two of our craft and several other instruments and devices. On these they have spent great efforts in trying to solve what to them is a mystery. Yet to date, they have not gained much knowledge of these things. It seems they are not capable of realizing the importance of Man himself, of the powers that lie within Man, that lies within the minds of Man. It seems that Earth Man must always take the difficult path in his search for knowledge. It was made plain when these things were given that the mysteries to their success were simple. Yet gradually, very gradually, the solution is beginning to dawn in the minds of a few, and these we are watching with great interest, observing the change that is taking place in the minds and hearts of these individuals. From some of these and others who are yet to be awakened, will come the leaders in the great New Age that is dawning upon Planet Earth. Also other things are being done at this time and will be done in the future to baffle Earth Man, to cause him to think and to realize the smallness; the insignificance of his knowledge to date; to cause him to realize that he must retract some of his thinking and start again at a new point of observation and move from there on a different path to a new, greater understanding. At this time your scientists, your astronomers, are very baffled at some of the things that are occurring in your skies. They speak very little of this, for as yet, they have not learned humbleness, but gradually these people must be brought to humbleness. They must be made to realize their responsibilities and to face them. The object that has been in your news recently, the object that has been orbiting your planet—we are responsible for this. However I cannot at this time, go into

detail, but this is merely being done for this purpose. It is not of great consequence or importance, but it is causing some thinking to be done. Truth can only come to Earth People very gradually, for their minds are not able to accept it in great quantities. For their own good it is necessary to feed them slowly, but as their minds are gradually opened, Truth can be fed a little faster and a little faster. This has not been an easy task, for the time is limited. We have found it necessary to use every short cut possible in order to meet the schedule that we must follow. Each of you, my friends, can help in your way to speed the progress of Earth Man, by dropping your seeds when and wherever you find it possible; to feed the sheep continually as you feel led to do. This, many of you have done to a great extent, and for this we are grateful, and you, I am sure, feel within your heart the reward that comes from this service. And now I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love, light and understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, February 22, 1960 I greet you, beloved friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. At this moment I am aboard a craft, not more than eight miles above you. We have for your benefit, established here a field of cosmic energy, what some of your people might call prana in a concentrated form. Through our scientific knowledge and devices, we are able to bring these energies into concentration, a concentrated form, so to speak, and this we have done for you, my friends. This room, in fact this dwelling is completely immersed at this time in this field. Make yourselves receptive, establish an attitude of reverence and gratitude, and then visualize as strongly as you can—this energy flowing through you. Visualize it passing through every cell of your being. Visualize this energy flowing through the spine and out into the nerve centers of the body, distributing itself throughout your physical structure. Draw it deeply into your lungs, direct it to all parts of your body and particularly to the weaker points. We will now discontinue our contact and allow you to absorb this life-giving energy for a time. (Fifteen or twenty minutes later) It is our sincere hope, beloved ones, that you have received some benefit from our efforts. The atmosphere which you breathe contains this energy in great quantities. It is for you to use. Great benefit can be had once you have learned to draw this energy within you and apply it. It must be directed by you. It is possible to draw within yourself great energy in this manner,

once you have learned to command and direct this energy to work for you. It would be well it you did this quite frequently. I am sure much benefit will be had. Now, my friends … (Interrupted by question.) Questioner: Excuse me, may I ask a question before you go? Yes, my daughter. Questioner: As the third satellite goes into orbit, will more of this prana, cosmic energy be available to us? This is available to you at all times; it is in the very air you breathe. You need only to use it, to draw it forth. Questioner: Did you and Oxal state before that this would be enhanced when the satellite is in orbit? That is a different, completely different thing. This prana is the energy that permeates the atmosphere that you breathe. Man of Earth does not know or realize the importance of the air which he breathes, neither does he realize the command that he has over these energies that are contained in the atmosphere about him. Man must learn to use his mind, the Creative Power that is held within man himself. Man has mastership over many things, if he will but realize it. The devices that are being used by the satellites, that have been put into orbit around your planet, is somewhat a different situation. They are increasing, or perhaps I should say amplifying, cosmic energies of a different nature. They are also connecting energies that are sent by Man himself upon earth in the attitude of love and reverence, multiplying these energies, or amplifying them and returning them to Earth Man to help him in his spiritual growth and understanding. Does that clarify it for you? Questioner: The energies and prana are not the same thing? No, they are not. The prana is contained within your atmosphere. The energies that are being used by the satellites encircling your planet are not within your atmosphere. They are energies that do not exist within the atmosphere of Planet Earth. Questioner: Then we must send our love to the Masters? Indeed, your love, your gratitude. This love is energy created by Man himself and can be taken and amplified and returned for the good of Man upon your planet.

Questioner: Then blessing and loving the earth, the satellites, then that is love energy, is it not? If it is done in love. (Thanks is then expressed for the helpful answers to the questions.) Now, my friends, I must leave you. I extend to you my love, my blessings, and my understanding. May the Peace of the Radiant One surround you and go with you at all times. Adonai [3] vasu, my friends. Adonai. Monday, February 29, 1960 Peace be with you, my friends. Not so many years ago I trod the surface of this planet. I made my livelihood as a fisherman, and then came the great Master and Teacher, and I was made a fisher of Man. I have watched the progress of your planet through the years, and gradually I have noted a great advancement in the science of Man. Man of Earth feels that he has made great strides in the advancement of his civilization in a few centuries, and this be true, but Man has not yet changed his thoughts or his attitudes. I have observed no great change in these. Greed, lust and hatred still prevails among Earth Men and a great departure, especially in some of the so-called higher civilized nations upon your planet—a departure from respect in their attitude toward their Creator. But rather Man has turned to the mighty dollar. In your words, gold is his God; it is his power. He trusts not in his Creator. The gold and silver has also taken the rule of your religious institutions. Even they respect this above their Creator, although upon the surface they attempt to appear otherwise. Man upon Earth now stands at the crossroads. He must make his choice—he must now bring into balance his religious—no, I do not like this word—his spiritual and scientific knowledge. These, Man of Earth must bring into balance or his civilization must perish. Hate, greed, lust, deceit, all of these things must be replaced with love, with love and understanding. Man of Earth must soon come into an understanding of love in order that his civilization might be saved. The time is here, my brothers and my sisters, when Man must act—when Man must come out from among the multitudes and do something about the principles for

which he stands. CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT … accept your duty to Mankind, accept your responsibilities. Pray to your Creator that you be given power and wisdom to carry out these responsibilities and duties, and then go forth reinforced by love, light and understanding and do that which you know you must do. It has been my honor and my pleasure to spend a few moments with you tonight. My peace and my blessings go with you. I shall be ever-ready to help in every way possible in this Crusade and now I leave you in love. I am John. Peace. Monday, March 21, 1960 Greetings. I greet you in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. Friends, there is so much yet to be done for Earth People in order to prepare them for what is ahead. Response to spiritual uplift is not as good as it might be. Earth Man is prone to cling to what he has, rather than search for something higher. The dogma that exists in the religious administrations on Planet Earth still prevails. The powers that be in these organizations will not give up their power; they insist that Man remain in the hypnotic state in which they have placed him, but this will be broken. The spell that has been cast shall be broken, and Man shall see more clearly the path that be must follow. It shall become more and more apparent as the days pass, that the prophecies are at hand. It shall be known by more and more people that the time is now, and the choice must be made. I say again to you, beloved friends, prepare yourselves for these times. Open your hearts and let flow to you the love, the understanding that is yours to have. Now is the time to conquer the ego, the self. Now is the time to master these emotions that have mastered you. Make known to all of these that you are the master, that you are directing your destiny. Let not your hearts be angered at any time. Maintain within your being an attitude of love, of gratitude. Give thanks daily to your Creator for that which you have. Cast out all resentment, attachment, and let flow from you only love and thankfulness. For those that follow this path, many great events portend. Your path will take you through the meadows of service; your light, your smile shall brighten the lives of all of those that you pass. Your deeds of love will be many, and your rewards will bring you great joy, great peace, great understanding.

May the love, light and understanding of the Great Lords of Creation rest in the hearts of each of you this night. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. I am Hatonn. Thursday, March 31, 1960 Greetings. I am Oxal of Arcturus. As Planet Earth moves forward to take its place in the New Age that is approaching, it faces a great change; not only does Planet Earth, but the whole system in which it moves. Changes that are coming are much greater than most of you can conceive. Man of Earth has a great task before him in preparing himself to enter this new realm. As we have stated before, there shall be many who will not be able to raise their understanding to the required level and therefore shall not be able to move with their planet and their system. The time, beloved friends, is now when Man of Earth must bring about a new era of understanding. But above all, he must understand himself. Man must have some understanding of what and who he is. He must understand that he is a god-like being created in the image and likeness of his Creator, endowed with great powers, with great abilities, and once these are known and understood, he shall have mastership over many powers, energies. He shall create in manners that will be unbelievable to him at his present level of understanding. Man must start where he is. He must grow in understanding step by step. The great need today on Planet Earth is for man to gain enough understanding of himself and his brother-man that he can live together with his brother in some similarity of peace and love. The greed, the hate and the lust that exist upon your planet today, must vanish, and this can only be dissolved through love and understanding. Not a love as it is thought of by man in general upon Planet Earth, but a love that extends to all mankind and to all creation. Man is only an individual to a point and then he becomes a part of the whole, you in me and I in you. Your problem is my problem, and my problem is your problem, each working and pulling together for the good of the whole. That, my friends, is what makes a powerful race, a powerful nation, a powerful planet or a powerful galaxy. Planet Earth must learn to live and work together as a planet, for soon it must learn to take its place in the galaxy as a part of the galaxy and be prepared to work in unison with the other planets in the Confederation. Planet Earth has isolated itself long enough. Now it is time to take its place with the others and carry its share on the road of evolution. Man of Earth must be made to realize the importance of these things, and beloved friends, it is up to such as yourselves to do your part in bringing this about. The time is short, and there is much to be accomplished. Man of Earth, when he has entered the New Age, will be a new species. The

energies that he will be exposed to by the new sun that is moving into your system, or will move into your system, will make of him a much higher, a much more refined species of mankind. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, April 4, 1960 Peace be with you, my friends, and greetings to you, my son. It gives me great pleasure to be with you tonight, and be able to speak to you through this instrument. My friends, it is the time when Truth shall spread upon this planet. I am sure that each of you have noticed that many things of what might have been termed in your words “off-beat” subjects are being discussed quite openly these days, for the time is here when these things must become known to your people. Each of you is finding that you are being placed in a position where you, yourself, can do something about these things, and help to promote the Truth as you know it. Now is the time, my friends, to take up your banner and march forward in the name of Truth. We have great hopes that the organization you are attempting to start will be a great success, but there are certain things, beloved friends, which you must remember. It is not enough to merely discuss with others these Truths; they must be put to practice. A program is needed upon your planet to promote understanding, and I mean by this, my friends, it is necessary to promote understanding in many ways. There is a great lack among your people, of understanding; this is very evident in the rivalry among men of various races. These are some of the problems that need to be solved by your peoples, but this can only be done if your people have a desire within their own hearts to understand their fellowman, regardless of race, color or creed. In your own country today rages a great conflict among men of different colors. Man, as a whole, cannot rise spiritually to any great degree, until he comes into an understanding of’ his fellowman. This lack of understanding does not only exist among your white and your black races, but among many other races in the confine of your own country. Once man has become tolerant of his fellowman, of his beliefs, his understandings, his truths, then he is on the threshold of understanding. This program is being attempted by many groups and many individuals upon your planet, and we hope that soon all of the people who are working in this effort shall be able to join hands and make their force felt among Earth People. Understanding

is taking root upon your planet, and we who are working in your behalf from other realms, are doing everything in our power to cultivate and encourage the growth of this idea. You have our blessings in your work, and we shall help you in every way that is possible. Concentration should be upon the tasks at hand, and if your efforts are sincere, the need shall be met, and you shall receive much more help than you realize. But each must use his own intelligence; he must follow, or learn to follow, that still small voice from within which is your surest and your highest guide. This source, once you are able to follow it and contact it, will never lead you in a wrong direction. May the Love, Peace and Blessings of the Infinite One clothe each of you, and may each of you be most successful in your efforts to spread understanding, through your demonstrations. It has been my pleasure and my privilege. Peace be with you, my friends. Monday, April 11, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends, peace. (A chant was given, preceding this.) I know you are wondering just what this might be all about, so to thee I will give a brief explanation. We have been building the vibrations about you. I have not been alone in this, for each of ye have help with you tonight. I was merely bringing the chant through the instrument so that ye might hear. This, beloved friends, has been done for your benefit. We have now established a great energy here which can be very, very, beneficial to each of you. Now, beloved ones, I would like each to take this energy into your being. I would like each of you to sit erect and draw into your lungs deep breaths. I will attempt to demonstrate through the instrument. As you draw this energy within you, draw it deep, deep into your being and hold it there—do not breathe it out—just let it seep; and then mentally direct this energy to any portion of your body that may need help. Visualize this energy flowing to this location, bringing about balance and well being in the cellular structure therein. Questioner: Shall we visualize it as a light? Visualize it as you like, but visualize it flowing to wherever you desire the most help. Just another word of explanation; draw the energy through the nostrils; do not attempt to strain in holding the breath and when you exhale just let it gradually ooze out, slowly—so that the energy will remain within the body. Now friends, let us begin. Inhale …

(Practiced for about ten minutes.) So be it, my friends. I would like to ask if any or all or you feel a stimulation in or from this exercise? Group: Yes. This, my friends, is gratifying. Questioner: Can we benefit from this whether you establish this field of energy or not? Yes, my daughter. This can be done by yourselves, although we have increased the energy tonight; but much can be gained from an exercise of this type at any time, but tonight you should have received dual benefit. It has been my pleasure to conduct this exercise for thee. My highest hope is that all of you have received a great benefit and now may the peace, the love, and understanding of the Infinite One rest deep in the hearts of each of thee. My love, and my blessings, I am Anthon. Peace be with you, peace. Goodnight, my friends. Monday, April 18, 1960 Peace be with you, my friends, I am Anthon I have with me tonight again, my friend Yom, who spoke with thee some time past, and I wonder, my friends, if you should like to hear from him again tonight? Group: Yes. Then it shall be so and I will step aside now that he might speak a few words with you. Yom: Good evening to you, my friends. Once more it is my pleasure to come into your home and spend a few moments with you. I wish to extend to you, my thanks, for your courtesy to me. It has been my privilege now for some time to move about among mankind upon this planet. As you know, (I believe I told you before) that most of my life upon this planet has been spent in the Mystic Schools, so now as I come out and move among mankind, I find conditions much more deplorable than I had expected. The spirituality of mankind has risen very, very little over a period of several thousand

years. Man knows so little of himself, of his purpose in life; why he is here, and what life is all about. The condition in the minds of Earth Man is quite deplorable. Man, however, is beginning to get a slight glimpse of something that is greater than himself, something that lies beyond what he knows as life, here and now. Many of your scientists are exploring the possibility of something greater than man as man seems to know himself here. However, there is a great difference in opinion among your so-called great minds. However, they are attempting to prove in a scientific way what lies beyond what they know as life here. So far none of them who are searching in this manner have come up with any definite proof for themselves or their associates. Nor, my friends, will they reach any definite proof until they themselves begin to search both scientifically and spiritually, for the great mysteries of the Universe shall not be solved on a scientific basis entirely. You see, my friends, they are attempting to separate, and you cannot separate or divide Creation or your Creator. So if Mankind on Planet Earth is to come into the knowledge that he seeks, it is going to be necessary for him to raise his spiritual understanding, for until he does this, he will never be able to tie together the science and the spiritual, for unless Man becomes a spiritual being, he will not know and understand the greater sciences of the Universe. For in these sciences lies such great power that Man, unless he has spirituality in some sort of balance with his scientific knowledge; it would be very, very dangerous for Mankind as a whole. Questioner: Excuse me, before you leave; may we ask a question? Yes, I will attempt to answer it for you to the best of my knowledge. Questioner: Will you give us some more help in spiritual healing? Specifically what would you like to know? Questioner: More concerning the healing of the spine and ruptured discs. There are many reasons that man suffers as he does in this environment, and there are many ways of bringing about healing. Many of the great Masters who have trod this planet from time to time over the Ages, have had great healing powers. These men were men who had great knowledge of the Universal Laws; they were beings who had great spiritual and scientific understanding, therefore they were able to do great work in healing. But, my friends, to heal another is not always the answer to his or her problem, for most of our suffering is a result of our own actions, our own thinking, but most of all, my friends, to bring about balance within our physical being—it is necessary to think positively, to eliminate the things that bring suffering to us. Questioner: Does a muscle or bone injury need a physical manipulation or

adjustment, or replacement, along with positive thinking? Not necessarily, for many, many things of this nature in mankind have returned themselves to normal through the actions of the person themselves. While we are on this subject, to make my point more clearly, I should like to go a little farther by saying, that many of these things of which you speak, such as trouble that develops in the spinal column, such as injured discs, or the pads, I believe, that are located between these vertebrae—I believe you call this type of thing gristle, your medical profession knows no cure for these injuries. They will tell you that once these pads are injured or damaged in any way, that they will never heal. They will tell you that because there is no blood circulation through this material, it will not heal. But I say to you, my friends, they have healed; many people have had injuries of this type, and they have healed, for Nature can heal anything that it can create. But there are times that man through his own thinking, prevents the healing of these things. There are those who have great power to bring about this healing, but unless man can bring about within his own being the elimination of the conditions that cause suffering, he shall not be without it very long. There have been healings among those you know, I am sure—I am sure that all of you know of those who have been healed, and the healing was only temporary. Questioner: Why can’t healers come among us and heal the pain so that we can more easily think lovingly and positively? There have been many healers among you. Some of you here have had great healers work for you. My friends, I must say this, however great the healer might be, unless you do your part, he is quite helpless. There are many stories told of your great Master, whom you call Jesus, bringing about great healings during his time here, but all the stories are not told of the failures that he had, for there were many people who came to Him seeking healing without faith, and without love in their hearts, and they were not healed. So I say to you, my friends, if you seek healing, fill your hearts with love. Let not your heart be angered, for one second of anger in your heart will do you more damage than ten hours of love can counteract. If you seek healing, my friends, take stock of yourself, be honest in your calculations, then start doing, the things that you know will bring peace, satisfaction and love into your being. When you do this, my friends, someone will be there to help you at the right time, and you shall receive the help that you need. I am told, my friends, that I have stayed my time with this instrument. His teacher is standing by and keeping guard for him. I want to thank you again, my friends, for having me as your guest tonight. If anything I have said has been or any benefit to you, I am happy. I hope I have said nothing that will disturb you. Now again, I bid you goodnight. I extend to you my blessings.

Farewell, my friends. Thursday, April 28, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. (Pause) One moment please. (Pause) Your pardon for the delay. A few minor adjustments in our equipment was necessary. Today, my friends, Planet Earth stands at the greatest decision point that it has ever faced. Man of Earth has two choices, for he stands at the threshold of the greatest change in the history of your planet and your system. He can decide to take a new path of love and understanding and avoid a great amount of suffering, of misery, or he can choose to continue on the path that he has pursued for so long and face destruction, great suffering and mental torture. Man has allowed himself to be blindly led by the hypocrisy that has ruled humanity on your surface. He has been blinded to the truth. He has been blinded so completely that it is very difficult for him now to recognize or comprehend the truth of the situation that he faces. Great changes are taking place, and will continue to take place upon Planet Earth. The time has arrived when man must pay the penalty; he must pay his debt. A great amount of this debt, I am sure, could be cancelled if Man of Earth would open his eyes and recognize the situation that he faces and do something about it. He has still a chance, I am sure, to compensate for some of his debt. How is this to be done—how, my friends? If Earthman would take upon himself to bring about justice, peace, and understanding, work long and diligently in this behalf, he could, I am sure, avoid a great amount of the catastrophe that he faces. In the first place, he could avoid any more chaos that you call war, and this in itself would cancel out a great amount of the suffering that would come from such events. And I am sure if this were done in an atmosphere of peace—and understanding was established, your Creator would see fit to withdraw some of the events that will face you. Do you believe this, my friends? Do you truly believe this? I wonder how many Earth People believe this to be the case. If we do believe thus, then we should act. Believing without action is useless. Too long has Earth Man talked of the things that must be done and has not acted. Earth People today have a great sense of

insecurity, and most of them know not why they feel thus. They have a drive within them that tells them something must be done, but they know not what. Let us then attempt to show them, to understand them, and to convey to them, in some manner the idea that they too, must understand their fellowman; that there must arise among Mankind a love and understanding that will bring justice to all, that will return to man a feeling of security, a feeling of knowing that he is cared for, and that he in turn cares; that he is interested in the welfare of his brother, and that he lives and works not only for his own welfare, but for the welfare and wellbeing of all Mankind. This, my friends, will come to Planet Earth, but to how many it comes will depend on how many bring it to themselves first. For in the great shuffle, so to speak, that portends, the division will be made. How many are left to carry on in the New Age of peace, of love, of understanding and justice for all, will depend—will depend upon you, Earthman. Earthman, it is in your hands, you are the judge, you shall make the choice, and this time is not far off, even in your calculation of time. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love, the peace, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Saturday, May 8, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends. Tonight I have chosen to speak with you upon the state of Planet Shan, as we view it from our vantage point. We have for a better part of five years in your time, been viewing and studying situations very close upon your planet, and this beloved friends, is what we find. Let us begin with what you think of as your more highly civilized races. As we view these people, we note that a great deal of time, a great deal of what you call your money or your substance with which you barter, is being used in preparation for war. The talents or the so-called brains of your planet, are exerting their efforts in devising new ways to destroy each other. And I ask you, my friends, how can you avoid such disaster, when continually your greatest efforts are spent in preparation for this? And then we find that a very large percent of your population lives entirely on the efforts of the smaller percentage of your population. Your governments maintain huge staffs of people, great armies, air forces and what have you—these being supported entirely by the minority populations. This classification of your population, my friends, is producing nothing for Mankind—which leaves a very small percentage of the population of your earth, supporting by the sweat of its

brow, the greater portion. And this, my friends, includes those who are living on what is known as your interest system. These too, contribute nothing to mankind. We find also that in your educational system, many years are spent in learning that which has gone before. Great time is spent in studying and learning of the wars that have gone in years past and many other subjects which concern the past. Man needs to spend very little time in reviewing the past, for little will be gained, but rather let man look continually forward and learn that which will bring him new light, which will improve his race, which will raise his standards of understanding. He who looks back continually is lost. Knowledge is a great thing to have, but it is not the greatest thing, for unless man hath wisdom with his knowledge, it will avail him nothing—in fact his knowledge may destroy him and wisdom is not gained through intellectual knowledge. Wisdom comes only with spiritual knowledge and understanding, and this, my friends, we find very lacking in what you think of as your higher civilizations. As we have observed what is known among you as your lesser races, would you believe it—we find a much greater spiritual understanding? We find among what could almost be called your savage races, more spirituality than is found in your higher civilizations. We find great numbers of these who actually demonstrate in their living, true brotherhood, for we find that among many of these, no one is allowed to break his bread without sharing with those who have less than he. Their children are accepted, when need be, into the household and are treated as one of their own, and these, my friends, are only a few of the things that we find in some of these races. Some of your higher civilizations could well learn from these people, as well as they could learn from the higher races. But we do not find this feeling of brotherhood, this feeling of wanting to share, to understand and accept something from one who is beneath in their opinion. That is why we say to all of you of Planet Earth, that understanding is the only salvation for Planet Earth today. If Man of Earth is to survive, an understanding of brotherhood must come into being; an understanding of love, the true meaning of these things; an understanding and an effort to demonstrate them. The commandments that were given to you many years past—these were simple, my friends, but they are Universal, and they are a must in the evolution of Man—but as we probe the minds of Earth People, very few places do we find a love for their Creator, or even a thought of Him; yet this is your first commandment. And in this probe, we find very little love for their fellowman, yet this was given as your second commandment and equal unto the first. I do not mean to imply that this is not found anywhere, for in the hearts of a few of you we find great love, and we find a great desire to know Truth, to do something about the situation that exists upon your planet today; but percentage wise, my friends, it is very, very small.

It is difficult for us to understand why man refuses to follow a pith that is so obvious, yet we find this so. I say to you, my friends, in all sincerity, love ye one another, for in this will be your salvation. May the Peace, the Light and the Understanding of the Great Ones fill your hearts to over-flowing. I leave you by extending to you the Love, the Light, and the Understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, May 23, 1960 Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you Events, as you have been told, are moving onward. I wonder if all of you are aware of the increase in frequency, of the cataclysmic events and of the increase in their intensity? I am sure you are. Today’s event is but another incident in the chain. But what concerns us most, my friends, is the very slow development of Earth Man in his attempt to lighten the burdens that are ahead, and this could be done if Mankind would just awaken, would open his eyes and realize the task that lies before him. The events of the past few days—of your world leaders and their attempt—yes, I would not even say attempt—in their camouflage of attempting to bring about an understanding between them. They have brought about a great confusion among Earth People. In reality this was merely a camouflage to bring about events that will help bolster the economy of your planet, for through the events that have taken place between your two great powers, there shall be much propaganda distributed which will cause and especially in your country, great amounts of money to be spent, or rather it will be an excuse to spend greater amounts on what is called “defense for freedom.” O, my friends, if you could but see from our vantage point the conniving that goes on behind the scenes by those who hold the reins of power upon your planet, you would be appalled. And this, my friends, this power is a power of reign that encircles your planet. This power reaches into every phase of your life and extends deeply into your religious organizations. This power, a great deal of it, is held in the hands of what is camouflaged as religion. I say to Earth People, you cannot continually prepare for war without eventually facing it, but today these great powers face a problem which has them somewhat disturbed, for they find themselves holding in their hands a power that even frightens them. And I tell you, my friends, they are much more worried than you realize, for even they know that once this power is released, it will be out of their hands, that they will no longer be able to control it.

So you see, beloved friends, a great problem faces Planet Earth today. A small handful of power-greedy individuals are faced with the problem of attempting to carry on a false economy, which in the past has been kept in motion through the sacrifice of lives of the people; so they face a rather difficult problem, because they too know that this preparation cannot continue indefinitely without bringing about that which it was created for. So they attempt continually to bring about situations of a milder form, in order to maintain the power they so dearly love. But soon, my friends, this must come to an end. The handwriting is on the wall, so to speak, but whether Earth Man chooses to do about-face or not, Planet Earth is still destined for cleansing. Man of Earth can aid greatly in this cleansing if he will but do so and in turn save himself a lot of suffering. It is his choice, but the event is inevitable. Yet as individuals, each shall receive his just reward, and to those of you who choose the path of service to your fellowman, the path of love—ye need have no concern, for yours will be a great reward. You who choose this path will be the ones to help bring into being the New Age of peace, of love and of justice to all. So let each of us remember the laws that have been laid down for us. Let us love one another—let us serve our Creator in love—let us be forgiving—let us be just in all that we do. Yet, let us be discerning, let us know the path we are following—let us pray always for wisdom in our doing—let us realize who and what we are, for when we realize our nothingness in the great vast sea of consciousness, then we are becoming somewhat conscious of who and what we are. Let us analyze each of our experiences honestly and fairly, so that we might learn by them, for no experience need come but once, if we have learned that which it was meant for. Let us attempt to recognize within ourselves our weaknesses—not as weaknesses—but as something to grow by, for as we overcome, we are strengthened and through strength we grow. There is a great difference between condemning oneself and constructively analyzing and criticizing oneself. So let us analyze and yet maintain our respect for ourselves, realizing that this is only a strengthening process. Now, beloved friends, I must leave you. I am not going to announce myself; in other words I am going to let you have a little guessing game again, and your instrument will know. My blessings, my friends. May the Creator pour into the hearts of you great love and understanding—may all the great Masters pour their blessings out upon you, that your hearts might be filled to overflowing. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you. Thursday, June 2, 1960

Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. As we are sitting here in space outside your solar [vortices] observing actions, events, as they are taking place upon your surface, we see Man of Earth in a state of almost utter confusion, a state of great insecurity. He is almost as if sitting upon a razor’s edge—not knowing which way he shall topple. Your great powers stand in readiness at any moment to release the wrath of the energies which they control. We hope that someone in desperation or confusion, does not push the button. Man of Earth still has time to save himself from much disaster, suffering and mental agony. If Man of Earth will but agree to eliminate wars and will accept the help or those who stand ready to move in upon a moment’s notice, great changes can be made upon Planet Earth with much, much less suffering and confusion. We of the Otavana shall not come into your atmosphere; we shall not land upon your planet, for all of our duties can be performed from where we stand, but there are those from planets within your system, who are physical beings as are you, who can and have walked among you and rubbed shoulders with you. There are those who stand ready to come to your aid as soon as you of Earth extend your hand of friendship, show your willingness to receive them in love, and they will show the way. They ask nothing in return except your friendship. Could any people be offered more, I ask you, my friends’? Yet your people, by and large, have turned them away, and refused to accept. Many attempts, many offers have been made, yet each time the result was the same. Beloved friends, the process of dividing the chaff from the wheat has begun in a small way. As you have been told, Planet Earth is destined for a cleansing. This must and will take place, for in the Creator’s plan for this system certain changes must occur. Planet Earth has lagged behind for many generations—yes, I must even go farther and say for several civilizations. Man of Earth has not chosen wisely, therefore he has lagged behind. Time is now running out, the cycle is turning, and Earth as a planet must move with its sister planets into the new vibration and location in space. Great solar changes are about to take place in your system, a cycle of changes that does not often occur. As we have mentioned before, that is our purpose in coming into your system at this time, to aid in this change. This change will be more difficult for Planet Earth because of her lag in evolvement. Spiritual understanding is at a low ebb, therefore the change will be more difficult for this planet, for those in your system who have progressed and have an understanding or what is taking place, there shall be no difficulty and they are only, as are we, interested in making it as easy as possible for your planet and its people. We regret that so small a percentage of the population of your planet will move with

it into the New Age, of brotherly love, of justice, of understanding, of peace, for when these events have passed, Planet Earth will no longer be the same. Life as you now know it, will not exist, but rather an atmosphere of love, of understanding. Man must understand and know his brother. He shall live for the benefit of all; his efforts will be spent in this direction. No more will its people destroy one another— no longer will they live in hate, in suspicion, in jealousy—all these things will vanish. A New Age of justice will prevail, and your system, your solar system, will take on a new look, for all will change. My friends, let this new peace and understanding grow rapidly in the hearts of each of you, for where else can love begin, than in the heart of the individual? No man who establishes within his own heart, love and understanding, need have any concern for the coming changes. He shall ride the crest; they may fall on his right and on his left, but nothing shall come near him. This we have pledged to all of you who make this decision, and we stand upon our oath. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Thursday, June 16, 1960 My blessings to thee, my friends. What seek ye most, beloved ones, what seek ye most in life? Would you be so kind as to answer this for me? Group: We seek more understanding of life in all realms, that we may better serve The Creator and our fellow-man. Have you ever considered your own individuality in this vast sea of life? Have you ever attempted to analyze the size and importance of the lone individual? When you view it among the whole, it becomes almost nothing. Is this not so? How many, I wonder, among your Earth People, realize the nothingness of their own individuality? This is important, my friends, very important, for until one comes into this realization, he will not be able to master his own ego. You see many things happening about you today. Yes, you see them falling on your right and on your left, because they have not realized the nothingness of their own individuality. They have allowed their own ego to master them; they wish to be known as authorities. The downfall of many individuals is brought about through this very thing called ego. It seems that Earth Man will go to great lengths, to great extremes, to save face, so to speak. He cannot face the fact that he may have been wrong. I say to you, my dear friends, you see this happening all about you. Recognize these things for what they are and profit by them. See that this does not

happen to thee. You, my beloved friends, have been given many opportunities by which to learn these things; many experiences have passed your way for you to observe, analyze and grow by. Do not let them slip by without profiting, without growing, without being a better individual for them. Many of us who have been interested in those of you who have gathered here, have watched, have prayed for your growth. We have aided you wherever possible without invading your own rights and privileges. Our love is deep for all of thee, yet we know that each of you must grow by your experiences, that we cannot experience for you—we can only help in our way to protect you and in our way drop certain hints and suggestions to you. But you, beloved ones, must make the choice, must have the experience and must either learn or fail to learn from it. But I say in all sincerity, guard against the influences of ego. If it becomes necessary to lose a little face, do it in love and humility, and you will be rewarded, for this seems to be the most difficult thing for Earth People to face. So let us rise above these things, let us place our faith in the highest knowing full well that no one can bring harm to us in any way, if our ideals are above reproach. Turning the other cheek is not an easy thing to do in your level of understanding, but it is not as difficult as it seems, not nearly as difficult as it seems. There is a great amount of Light to be shed upon the People of Earth, but it is not possible to shed this Light unless you have it, and when you have it, there is no question about it, for it will be recognized by all. You will not need to impress anyone that you have the Light, for it will be very evident in your own life. For those who have it, it shines so brightly that it is not doubted by any. Our own lives will reveal the amount of light that we carry, so we need not impress anyone. These are things, my friends, that we believe are well to bear in mind at all times, and these are the things that you, as teachers, should impress upon the seekers. “I of myself can do nothing, but the Father within me doeth the works.” So be it, beloved friends. My love and my blessings go with you. I am Anthon. Monday, June 20, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. I dropped by a few evenings ago for a little chat, with a couple of your friends, and we chatted for some time concerning Man and his realization of himself. I mentioned the importance of one’s knowing himself and realizing his weaknesses, his strong points, and I dwelled for some length upon the individuality of man. Friends, it is most important today that Man begin to know himself, that he realize the forces and the urges that work within him, his relationship to Mankind as a

whole and the part that you fill in this great vast sea of life. I wonder just how much you realize the vastness of this life of which ye are a part. Man, to come into this realization of who and what he is, must first realize the nothingness of his individuality. By so doing, he begins to realize his own divine essence, and as this dawns upon him and becomes clear, he begins to realize who and what he is. This, my friends, is a good point to remember—realizing one’s nothingness, or rather realizing the nothingness of the individuality, one comes into the realization of his divine essence. Think upon these words, beloved friends, for there is great depth to their meaning. Let the realization of these words sink deep into your consciousness, that you might come into the full realization of their meaning. People of Earth, you face a great many problems at this time, and I am sure that each of you present here realize that the change that is taking place today upon your planet, is having great effect upon your people. You see, beloved friends, spiritual understanding has been so lacking among your people, that as they are faced with the many problems that confront them today, and the changing vibration of your earth’s envelope or aura, it is bringing strange effects from these people. This is why, my friends, that you find your institutions becoming more and more crowded, day by day, that you find your people doing strange things. Your medical profession today faces many baffling problems that have not confronted them in the past. Many of these things are not spoken of openly, but they themselves do not understand what is happening—yet they know—because of what they see and face day by day, that something is happening which they cannot explain. This, beloved friends, will increase as time passes. You can expect more and more strange things from many of your people, and this is why I say to you—selfdevelopment—to realize and know yourself, is so important at this time. For with knowledge and wisdom and understanding, you will not be affected. But growth comes only by self-effort, and only you can increase your understanding, and there is only one place to begin, and that, beloved friends, is with yourself. There is only one great way to teach, and that is by example, and the only way that you can be that shining example, is to cultivate this love and understanding within yourself. Peace be with thee, my friends. Tuesday, June 21, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. I greet you each in the Love, Light and Understanding of the Great Spirit of Creation You have met here in the name of “Understanding,” and in the hearts of each of you is a somewhat different interpretation of understanding. This word has a far-

reaching significance. It also is of great importance to Planet Earth, for unless understanding is realized within some degree, among the people of Planet Earth, your civilization stands little chance of survival. We, of the Confederation, are most happy to see that a few people upon Planet Earth are interested in promoting understanding, but I wonder, my friends, just how much you realize the vastness of this task of bringing understanding to Earth People? This is a tremendous task and will require great effort upon the part of each individual interested in promoting this idea. It will require a great deal of effort upon the part of each of you, and all of those and all of us who are working in this behalf. A great amount of wisdom will be needed. We, of the Confederation and our colleagues in what you call the Etherical Realms, are working and will be working, putting forth every effort to help you succeed in your efforts. It will be necessary for each of you to put forth every ounce of effort that you have to bring into your being a realization of understanding. This, my friends, is a very, very, broad term and encompasses a great deal, as you will see in the future as the realization of the full meaning of this word comes into your being. You are going to find that it will be necessary to develop within yourself, a great love, a great tolerance, for your fellow-being. It will be necessary to turn the other cheek many times. You will find it necessary to smile many times when you do not really mean it, but by putting these things into practice, soon you will find that you do mean it—that all things can be accepted and handled in love and understanding. I would suggest that you listen to what our brother Anthon had to say last evening and ponder his words well, for they have deep meaning. It is going to be necessary for each of you to come into the realization of which he spoke, to know thyself. We sincerely hope that you will find it possible to work together in strong unity and develop among yourselves an at-one-ness [4], a love that is beyond what you know as love in your chemical or physical existence. There is only one place to begin to build your light and your understanding, my friends, and that, as you well know, is within your own heart, within your own being. “Let it begin with me.” If this idea can be spread among your people that “I am the one who must build my Light, and that I will put forth every effort to build my own Light, that it might shine and lighten the lives of those about me. Not in what I say, but in what I do.” For, beloved friends, there is only one way to teach, and that is by example. Not a word need be spoken if you carry the true Light of the Great Spirit of Creation. So let each of us open our hearts to this great River of Life that flows continually from a source that is even beyond the knowledge of those who carry great, great abundance of this Light. Do not expect to learn everything in a moment, but move forward step by step,

letting each experience be another stepping-stone to a higher understanding. Waste not these experiences, but grasp the opportunity to learn all you can from each one of them, and remember that nothing happens by chance. Keep alert, be always aware of the things that go on about you, for each moment is an experience by which you may learn. Awareness is most important in our growth. Be aware also of that still small voice within, that higher consciousness that will guide you on the path that is right for you, and this, beloved friends, is available to everyone. Once you have mastered this, you will not go astray; you will find life much more glorious, much more interesting, and learning, understanding and wisdom will come more rapidly. And if each of you learn to follow this inner guidance which comes from your own higher consciousness, your organization will grow. Its light will increase and your followers will be many; your problems will be few. (Pause) Your pardon for the slight delay—momentarily there was a technical difficulty. We are working with you in your efforts—be assured of this, but understanding must come through Earth People in order to be successful. We can only aid you in our ways, but it is important that each of you ponder well the meaning of understanding and attempt, to the best of your ability, to demonstrate it in your everyday living, for here, my friends, is where it will be effective. It will require more than a meeting and discussions; it will require living it if you are to truly spread understanding among Earth People. Do I make myself clear? Questioner: Yes, but would you suggest that we meditate in our membership meetings? Meditation is always good, but it requires more than meditation to grow spiritually. One must live and express that which he believes, which he seeks to know. Meditation and prayer is important, and I would heartily condone this practice in your gatherings, but I would suggest strongly that you emphasize the fact that understanding must be lived to be effective, and start it definitely with yourselves. Demonstrate it in your gatherings, and as you go out into the life of your daily living. Now, my friends, I must leave. It has been my pleasure to speak with you. May each of you reach great heights in your search for understanding. I leave you by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. (Further questioning continued.) Questioner: What is meant by turning the other cheek?

It is quite simple. Let me express it in our way of life. If we were to come to your planet and were met with hostility, we would be destroyed before we would destroy. This has been demonstrated upon the surface of your planet. Ghandi demonstrated it many times for the world to see, and he was successful in his accomplishments. You see, to fully understand these things, you must understand life. No one can destroy you; perhaps your vehicle of today can be destroyed, but this does not destroy you, and I believe all of you here are aware that life is eternal. Does that answer your question, my friend? Questioner: Yes, but should we allow those who have no understanding within themselves, except destructiveness, to go on and live? This is a result of your system. You see, a problem cannot be solved unless you go to the root of the problem, so destroying this person does not solve the problem. It is necessary in your society to deal with these situations, but they have not been dealt with wisely. If the cause of these acts was removed, the problem would not exist, for we live by cause and effect, but I grant you that in your society, it is necessary to deal, in some manner, with these problems. We do not allow someone to go about promiscuously destroying life of others. Something must be done in these situations. It is somewhat difficult to bring into your words an explanation of these things that would make them entirely clear to you. I am not sure if I have made myself clear to you on this matter. Questioner: If I were to meet a hostile person, how would I protect myself against him? What would be right to do? What are your commandments? Questioner: “Thou shalt not kill.” There is your answer, for then you have broken the commandments if you kill. I would prefer to let him break the commandments, but this, my friends, is something that you have to decide for yourself. You see, the laws have been given, they are set, you have a choice—you can obey the law, or you can break the law—there is no half-way. But as I said before, you cannot be destroyed. Now, my friends, I must leave. It has been my pleasure to speak with you. May each of you reach great heights in your search for understanding. I leave you by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, June 27, 1960

Peace be with you, my friends, peace. O Great and Radiant One, send forth Thy Light to these, Thy children, that it might fill their hearts to over-flowing; that they might experience a minute part of Thy Glory. Blest be ye everyone, blest be ye. Children, seek ye knowledge, seek ye wisdom and seek ye understanding, for when ye have these, ye have the powers of the universe within your hand. Ye seek to know the Truth; the Truth is ever before you, but to understand and know Truth, you must diligently seek, you must obey the laws of Truth. Ye cannot serve two Masters. Man must grow and grow rapidly upon your planet if his civilization is to survive. Many fires of Light must be kindled, and they must be heaped high with fuel, in order to produce the Light that is needed to bring about this survival. The time is much shorter than you realize, yet Man continues to quarrel, to fight among themselves, to maneuver for positions that will give them advantage in their pursuit for power—little realizing the destruction that they are heaping upon themselves. I say to Earth Man, realize your divinity and claim it; claim it with love, with humility and with a burning desire to serve Mankind, to be ever reaching a helping hand to your brother-being, rather than attempting to get the advantage of him. The Laws are well known among your people, yet almost completely are they ignored; they are spoken of lightly and sneeringly. It is difficult for us who live the laws as we know them, to see how a civilization can follow a path of destruction when there is a path of beautiful life and glory that can be followed. How did this beast get such a foot-hold in the heart of men, yet it is obvious that he has. It is time for Earth Man to reach out and grasp the Truth that he faces. We, from many realms of life, stand ready to extend to Earth Man, a helping and friendly hand, whenever he is willing and ready to accept it. We hope this time is not far off. Everything is being done to turn Earth Man upon the right path, but his resistance is great. He hears not, neither does he see, but moves blindly onward towards destruction. But on the other side, my friends, we are happy to see minority groups of people, such as you have here, attempting to raise themselves in consciousness, to bring themselves above the consciousness that exists upon Planet Earth, and we extend to you our congratulations, our blessings and our understanding, and encourage you to seek diligently, wisely, and assure you that the fruits of your efforts will be great. And now, my friends, before I leave you, I will ask you to remain quiet for a short time after I have left the instrument, for each of you have with you your own wisdoms, and I shall assist them in bringing to each of you a special blessing. We

are going to create around each of you an energy that will be beneficial to each of you, both mentally and physically. Open your hearts and let this energy flow freely through your being, that you might reap the benefits of it. May each of you receive the benefit, according to your own ability. We shall give freely. Peace be with you my friends, peace be with you. Monday, July 25, 1960 Greetings, I greet you, my beloved friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. It is my pleasure to again speak with you, my beloved friends. I have not spoken with you so often in recent months, because I do not find it necessary. You have reached the point in your progress where each of you know quite well what lies ahead and what is required of you in your development and preparation for the future. Also, each of you, or perhaps I should say, most of you here, are aware of your individual wisdoms and are receiving help from them of which you are aware. Try to allow them to help you in every way possible by being aware, for awareness, my friends, is necessary if you are to grow spiritually. You see, beloved friends, what so often happens, is that you become so involved in things that are going on about you, that you forget to be aware of the inner guidance which is so important to you—both for your growth and your wellbeing. Many times lack of awareness prevents you from avoiding certain unpleasant experiences and also from experiencing some more pleasant things, for as yet you are not quite able to foresee certain events that are in the path before you, for those who are attempting to help you, are often able to anticipate these things—they attempt to guide you properly that you might avoid or not avoid certain things. So be ever aware of these inner urges, but also you must be careful that you are not persuaded by your ego. There has been no time in your civilization when spiritual development is as important as it is today. I urge each of you to take advantage of every opportunity to grow spiritually. We do everything we can to bring these opportunities your way— we cannot do it for you, nor shall we attempt to do so. There are many opportunities available to you in your own environment; you yourselves must put forth the effort to find and take advantage of these opportunities. We bring to you only that which we feel will stimulate your desire to learn. But you, my friends, are the only one who can raise your consciousness. Soon more tragic events shall occur upon Planet Earth. Earth Man sits upon a razor’s edge and which way he falls will depend upon him. A great awareness must be awakened in Earth Man, and awareness of his true identity, an awareness of the need for Man to join together in love and understanding, and a great desire to do so. The more this spreads upon Planet Earth, the less her people will suffer in

the days ahead. A great opportunity is now available to any Earth Being who care to serve Mankind. A great opportunity awaits to spread the Light among Earth Man, and each person can help a great deal in this by allowing in himself this light of understanding to develop, to grow and to spread to others by your contact with them. For as the light of understanding increases within your own consciousness, it is felt by those with whom you come in contact, and automatically their consciousness is raised. You need not speak a single word. There are thousands and thousands upon your planet who have been attempting to raise Mankind spiritually for centuries through the word, but the word is not effective, unless the light and the understanding is there; you cannot give what you do not have. So each man or each woman can only give to their own capacity, therefore let us raise our capacity to give by increasing the light within ourselves. It has been my pleasure, beloved friends, to again spend a few moments with you; I have not forgotten, nor will I forget you, for you are all near and dear to me. My love for you is not a love as you know it upon Planet Earth, but a love that goes much deeper, a love that someday you will understand, and when you truly experience this love, I am sure it will be a great experience for you, and you would not exchange it for the greatest experience, or the greatest of monetary gains that you could possibly have. May the light grow within each of you to a point where everyone with whom you come in contact, will feel the benefit from it. Adonai vasu. Thursday, August 4, 1960 Peace be with you, my beloved friends. As the present civilization of Man upon Earth is drawing to a close, Man finds himself in dire need of preparation for what he faces. Many civilizations have come and gone upon Planet Earth, each having its rise and its fall; each one has failed to reach the goal for which Man strives. The wisdom of Mankind has been lacking, his choices have been unwise, therefore he has met each time with destruction, brought about by his own actions; and again Earth Man has reached the point where either he shall survive by the fruits of his own efforts in his search for the higher ideals and knowledge, or he shall perish by his lack of these things. But, beloved friends, a new species of Man shall emerge from the remnants of this civilization. Man will no longer have the opportunity to reach his goal upon this planet, but must return to another to work out his evolvement; but this new species of Man that will come out of the change will be somewhat different than Man is

known today upon your planet. He shall be a being of somewhat different physical structure; he shall be a being of great wisdom, of love; he shall live with no other thought than to serve his Creator and his fellowman. He shall bring about justice in all things and life will become a paradise; he shall live in great joy and peace and many things will become known to him. He shall travel the universe in craft that shall be capable of travelling between planets and systems. He shall be friendly with his brothers upon other planets and shall exchange knowledge and services. Great shall be his powers, great shall be his service and great shall be his love. Therefore, beloved ones, seek ye the enlightenment that will carry you into this New Age, that ye might receive and experience these things. The rewards for your efforts shall be great, much greater than you think or realize. Take advantage of every opportunity to prepare yourselves, that ye may receive his greatness. Peace be with you, beloved ones, peace. Monday, August 8, 1960 Greetings to you, my friends, I am Yom. I come to you tonight by special permission of the instrument and his teacher. We did not feel that it was necessary for an introduction again, for I feel that now we are old friends. Is this not so? Group: Yes. Thank you. It is my pleasure to come among you again tonight, and for a few moments I will speak with you. I am sure that each of you by this time are beginning to realize the importance of self development, for, my friends, we are and when I say we, I mean those of us who are working, attempting to bring a realization to people like yourselves—the realization of the importance of self-development at this time. It is quite difficult for those of us who must contact you in this manner, such as I am now doing, to give you complete instruction and guidance in the many things that will be necessary for you to do in order to raise your consciousness into the high realization. You must realize that in true reality all is consciousness, for where your consciousness is, there is your understanding. This, I am sure that you can understand, for you see it before you every day. That which you can bring into realization will be that which you can be conscious of. Therefore, my dear friends, it is necessary for you to use every avenue possible to expand this consciousness. Try to realize the importance of this, for you can only receive that which your consciousness will allow you to receive. Do I make sense to you, my friends?

Group: Yes. I find some difficulty in trying to express exactly what I would like to in your terms. I hope that I am making myself somewhat clear to you. As I started to say—some time back—we are attempting to bring to you opportunities to learn new ways of expanding this consciousness. Some of you have been using various types of breathing exercises, and these are good and will bring to you great benefits, both spiritually and physically. They will aid you a great deal in expanding your consciousness, for through these developments, you will find newer and greater experiences coming to you that will broaden your consciousness. And there is so much for you to become conscious of, for the things that you see and contact on your physical world, can only expand your consciousness to a small degree, for there is much, much more that is not seen on the physical. So my friends, we cannot urge you enough, we cannot say too much about the importance of this development. All of you are aware that great changes are coming to your planet and to your system, and they are coming very, very soon. They are taking place every day that you pass—some smaller, some greater, but the greater ones are yet come, and some of them will be great, for they will affect your whole system. Your whole solar system will change, and this solar system will exist in a new vibration that will have great effect upon the peoples of all the planets in this system. Most of you, I believe that most of you, are aware that in the New Age your system will be exposed to the rays of two suns, and this, my friends, will make the difference. You will be exposed to entirely different rays that will have great effect upon man. This is the reason, my friends, that it is so important for Earth People to grow in spiritual understanding, for the new vibrations that shall emanate from the two sun combination, will be of such a great nature that Man will not be able to exist in this vibration, unless he has a certain degree of spiritual development, and I am sure that all of you here want to move into this new vibration, to use your terms, with flying colors; and I know that each one you here can do this if you so desire. For this will be an age of such grandeur as you have never seen or even dreamed of. Does this sound, my friends, like it would be worth working for? Group: Yes. Then I ask you with all my heart to work that you might each be able to enjoy and experience this New Age. I want to thank you, my friends, for accepting me into your presence again tonight. It has been my pleasure to be with you. Do you have a question, my friend? Questioner: Yes, could you tell me the best way possible to develop a great love

within one’s own heart for his Creator and his fellow man? This, my friend, is a matter of growth that requires great self-discipline and effort upon your part. In your environment that you have lived in for so long, you have become a part of a race consciousness, where Man has lived with the thought of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; he has lived with the thought of serving himself first, and then serving his fellowman or his Creator. This is a matter of growth, of practice. When you are exposed to certain criticism, condemnations or what have you, what is your first reaction? It is to hit back, was it not, to strike back, to get even. What did your great Master say, in regard to these things? Questioner: To turn the other cheek. Yes, and to go the extra mile and many other things did he say concerning these matters. But I ask you, my friends, do you do these things—do you attempt to practice them? This requires great self discipline, does it not? For spiritual growth you must discipline yourself; do not allow anger to enter your heart, for anger, you all know, does something to you; it does something to you that you cannot counteract very rapidly. It will destroy you both mentally and physically if you allow it. Have I answered your question, my friend? Questioner: Yes, thank you. I am told, my friends, that I have stayed my time with this instrument, and I must now release him, so I will bid you all goodnight again. It has been my pleasure and my joy to be again in your presence. Goodnight, my beloved friends. Monday, August 15, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Beloved friends, there is a great need at this moment for peace vibrations to be created in the envelope of your planet. A great wave is now sweeping your planet —a wave of hatred, of discontent. Great masses of people are emanating vibrations of hate, of greed and lust. These situations are not beneficial to the wellbeing and to the future of your planet. It will be necessary for many, many people upon your planet to send forth great thought waves of love, of understanding, to counteract these negative vibrations that are being sent forth; to prevent the growth and the spread of this disease, so to speak, that is festering in the hearts of so many individuals upon Planet Earth. If

great strife and conflict is to be avoided, it is going to be necessary for many, many of you to attempt to counteract these things. You have only to stop for a moment to look back, to analyze and quickly you will see how rapidly this disease is spreading upon this planet. If peace is to come, is to be maintained, it must grow in the hearts of the people. They must not allow themselves to be swayed by those who would encourage this sort of thing. There are those forces existing, both upon and around your planet, that take great pride, great joy, in bringing this sort of thing into being, in bringing frustration and confusion to the hearts of men. So let us encourage those with whom we come in contact, to do all in their power to counteract this sort of vibration that is taking root so rapidly in our civilization. We, who are observing your situation, find it quite alarming, and we are doing all in our power to counteract and slow the progress of the negativity that has sprung up so rapidly in the past few months, but our power is limited by Universal Law. Man must also be responsible to himself. If he is unable through his our intelligence to avoid this sort of thing, if he will not be influenced, if he refuses to be guided on the right path, then there is only one result—he must suffer the consequences of his own wrongdoing. I do not enjoy speaking of these things—we do not like bringing these things to the attention of Earth People, but can ye not see the path that Earth People are falling into? Can ye not see that they are being persuaded, being led by the Forces of Darkness—blindly led into their own destruction. Why Man moves so blindly is often difficult to conceive, especially when there is a path open to him—a path much greater, much more pleasant and much more fruitful—and how this path cannot be apparent to Mankind is difficult to understand. I say to Earth Man, COME YE OUT, COME YE OUT into the realization of what and who you are. COME FORTH and take your rightful place among Mankind. Realize that you are a Creation of the One Most High, and that you are endowed with His powers; you need only to come forth and claim that which is yours. You need not be led into the mire or trampled in the dust, for ye are creatures of the Most High, and this you need only to realize and to claim. Yet, this realization is so dim in the hearts of the great majority of Earth Men. Let each of us who can, do all in our power to change this situation by letting our own Light shine forth, by placing into the vibrations of Planet Earth all of the love and the understanding that we can create, that it might counteract and over-power the opposition that now exists. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you, and may this peace rise up in the hearts of all Earth Men and bring peace to this planet. Thursday, August 18, 1960

May the peace of the Infinite One surround thee, O beloved Children. What seekest thee, O beloved children, in thy search? Seek ye for Peace? Then first make peace with yourself. First you must have peace with yourself, and then peace shall surround thee. Seek ye understanding? Then seek to understand your own being, for to have true understanding you must understand your own being. Seek ye Wisdom? Then practice wisdom in all things that you do; for anything which thou searchest for must be found first within thyself. This realization must come to each of you, if you are to gain height in Truth. You are, my friends, what you can conceive of being. There are no limitations placed upon your consciousness, so attempt to be the highest that you can conceive of—raise your sights and as you grow in Love, in Truth, in Understanding, your concepts shall ever widen and take continually new horizons, horizons which are now far beyond any concept that you could conceive of. O beloved children (and you are children in consciousness) raise thy sights to new heights and let the Glory of Creation flow to you. You shall be grasping new Truths that will widen your understanding. Take advantage of all the opportunities that come to you. Use them, and carry them into your everyday life; for these Truths avail you but little, unless you live them. You see, my beloved children, the weakness for many generations of Earth Man, has been that he speaks a great deal of higher Truths, but he practices them not. He concedes that Man must live thus and so, but his practices are of the opposite. So, beloved ones, unless you live your Truth, you may as well not know it. How far will you go in living the Truth you know? Ask yourself daily—how far am I willing to go? Do I truly love my brother-man, would I be willing to sacrifice for him, would I lay down my life for my fellowman? Would I take my brother in and shelter him and feed him and clothe him, if need be? Take stock of yourself, beloved ones, and see how far you are willing to go in living the Truth that you know. Know thyself, O Man, know thyself. May each of you, as you do this, come into a realization of what you truly are, and then start from there and raise your sights, and see how rapidly you grow in love and understanding. Peace, love and understanding will grow in the hearts of each of you, if you will but allow it. I leave you with these things to think about and my peace and understanding I leave with you. Blessings, my friends, blessings. Saturday, August 20, 1960 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. I have spoken previously to some of you here, so to those with whom I am not

familiar, I will explain briefly who I am. I will state that for many years I have been a teacher in one of the Mystic Schools in what is known to you as the Far East. Some months back I came forth from the School and am now working on a mission among Earth Men, attempting to do my part in raising the consciousness of Earth Beings. A great need—a great need there is upon Planet Earth. Many of us who are working in this behalf, are hoping to ease the coming situations that Earth People face. I assure you that we, and I speak of myself and many others who are working in what you can the Etheric Realms—I assure you that we shall expend every effort possible to accomplish our mission. But we should also like to (your pardon, my English—sometimes it is a bit difficult for me to express what I should like to convey to you. I am not as familiar as I would like to be with your language—we would like to solicit your help in every way possible in this effort, and each of you can do your part if you will. You can help in many ways. You can help a great deal by doing as this Being who spoke to you a few moments ago asked you to do—by sending thought waves of love and we mean by this, to attempt to make your every thought a thought of love, a positive thought, one that will bring harmony rather than discord into your earth’s vibrations. For many, many, centuries the negative forces have been predominate upon your planet, therefore a great deal of negativity has accumulated within your earth’s envelope. The events that have been taking place in the past few months, such as is going on in Africa and Cuba and many other places, are adding to this negative vibration rapidly, therefore it behooves Earth People to attempt in every way to counteract these vibrations. To some of you, or to some of your associates, this may not make sense, but I tell you, my friends, and I tell you sincerely, this is a fact. Every thought that emanates from your mind is a definite force; it has power and it has lasting power. Thought has much more power than you think or realize, for you live in a world of thought. Whether you realize it or not, this is a fact. If it were not for thought, you would not be here, nor would the chair upon which you are sitting. Therefore, my friends, it behooves all of you to be very careful or what and how you think. So you see, my friends, you can do a great deal to ease the situation which the people of your planet are facing, and we are asking you as a group of “Understanding” to help in every way you can, and do it continually by controlling your thoughts of selfishness, of jealousy, of hate, to creep into your mind. When you feel these things rising up in you, cast them out and replace them with thoughts of love, peace, happiness, something that will go forth and improve the atmosphere about you. We are hoping that many, many groups shall spring up all across the surface of this planet who will sincerely and diligently walk in this direction.

My friends, I must now vacate this instrument and return him to his normal self. It has been my pleasure, a great pleasure, to be in the midst of you tonight. I thank you for accepting me into your midst and for listening to my—to my, dissertation, shall we say? I assure you, beloved ones, it has been my joy. May the Love and the Peace of the Infinite One dwell in the hearts of each of you forever and forever. My love and my blessings I leave with you, my dear friends. Goodnight. Monday, August 29, 1960 Peace be with you, my friends. Again it is my pleasure to speak with you; again I have the opportunity to bring to you my comments, and I hope that I might be of some service to you. My friends, since there are but a few of you tonight, and this is as it should be, I wish to state that we are at this time attempting to bring to you on your level of life, some individuals or beings—whatever term you should like to use, who might be of some service to you—by bringing to you their concepts, some of their techniques which might be of some assistance in helping you as individuals to expand your consciousness. We hope that each of you and many others, will find in these opportunities something that will be of some little benefit to you, and we shall attempt to continue this type of thing from time to time. But friends, let us always remember that the most important place for us to seek enlightenment is within our own consciousness, and all that anyone can do is to help to bring to us techniques that might help us in doing this. We can seek hither and yon, far and near, for Truth intellectually, but until we can become quiet and go within and there, in the quietude of our own being, start to expand our consciousness; we can try to realize that all is consciousness—all is consciousness, and where our consciousness lies, there are we expressing and experiencing that which our consciousness will allow us to experience. Beloved friends, there is no need to experience that which you do not desire to experience, for you experience that which is uppermost in your consciousness, for you are creating that which you are conscious of. So let us see through the illusion or the dream in which we are living—let us expand our consciousness beyond these things and build a new world for ourselves. You are continually building, creating, according to your consciousness, for nothing comes into being without first becoming a part, or being a part of your consciousness. You live, my friends, much more controlled by your subconscious, as you call it, than you do by any superior being. Realize your power of creation. You are a creator and are continually creating situations, experiences, so to speak. That is why we say so often to be careful of what you think, be careful of the words that you

speak, for as you think and speak, you create. I have often said to you to become a student of Nature; see how Nature stays in tune and then attune yourself with Nature, with the Universal Mind. There are many ways of doing these things. Each finds himself more or less drawn to certain techniques. Once you have started on the path of seeking and realizing that the responsibility is with you—realizing the power that lies within you, some of these, many of these techniques shall be made known to you, if you so desire, and through your own efforts, you will find what is best for you. We can only help by bringing you the opportunities that you might take advantage of them; the rest is up to you, and many times you will find that through your own efforts, these opportunities will come to you. In other words, my friends, we expect you to put forth some effort in bringing about these things. Your efforts spent here tonight in bringing some of these things into being (Preparation a the lecture was being made.), are efforts that will bring you results, for nothing, my friends, is gotten without effort. I know to you it sometimes seems rather useless, but beloved friends, if your efforts are sincere and your purpose pure, results will come. So I say again to each of you, attempt daily to expand your consciousness; extend it out into realms heretofore unknown and in due time, through your own efforts, you will experience great peace, great bliss. You shall experience health and plenty, for the only lack that you can have is in consciousness, for all things, including a healthy body, is available to you, if you will but expand your consciousness to include these things. My peace, my love and my understanding I extend to you. Goodnight, beloved ones. Thursday, September 1, 1960 My greetings to you, my friends. I come to you in love and in understanding. May the peace of the Great Ones be with you. My friends, as you seek to discover your pattern or your path that may bring you to your awakening, it is good to remember that you can best follow this path or discover this path which is so important to you, by keeping uppermost in your consciousness, the necessity of high ideals, of purity and the realization that you are seeking Truth, and that in your seeking you realize that this Truth is to be found within you. The person who madly seeks, who desperately dashes here and there, seeking to find the Truth always somewhere beyond, or in the consciousness of another, this person will never find Truth, for Truth is not found intellectually, but it is found within your own being, for you are a spiritual being, and spiritual Truth will only be found by searching spiritually.

Each person has the key within him that will open the door to Truth, and this key is found only through true meditation, by becoming aware in the silence, and when we have found this Truth, beloved friends, when you have opened this door, you will know; you will not believe, you will know. You will no longer depend upon faith, for you will have passed the phase of faith, and you will have reached a degree of knowing—of knowing. You will have looked into other dimensions and you will have seen Truth. Faith is a wonderful thing, but it is again only a stepping stone to higher understanding, to higher knowledge. What you are really striving for now, my friends, is the stage of knowing, and this too, is only a stepping stone to higher understanding. So you see, we move ever onward to higher and higher understanding, but for the present it is for Earth People. to acquire somewhat of an understanding between themselves, to understand a little bit about themselves—who and what they are, and to be able to understand their brother enough to live side by side with him in peace and in love. But many of you are seeking higher understanding then this, therefore I mention these other things Strive always to keep your thinking and your consciousness pure; cast out all thoughts of resentment, of criticism, of jealousy, of false desires. Try to know and to see perfection; try to see beyond this illusionary environment in which you now find yourself. Try to avoid the things that lower your consciousness, rather bringing into sight those things which raise you to new heights of consciousness, of understanding, for these, my friends, are the things that will bring you what you see —peace, health, prosperity. These things are all apparent to the higher consciousness, for in pure consciousness or pure knowing, all things are in harmony, and harmony is what you are seeking. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you. I go. Wednesday, September 7, 1960 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It is once more my pleasure to be a guest in your household, or maybe you are beginning to think I am a member? I should like to greet our new friend here tonight and I should also like to state that you are not a stranger to me, though I may be to you. We who are working in the Light, are aware of all of you who are assisting in your way, and I should also like to say that you are serving in your way and are doing much good. You are offering a stepping-stone, so to speak, to higher and higher understanding, and through your efforts, you shall also reach higher understanding. After all, is this not what we are all seeking? I am sure it is. We have heard a great deal of your conversation here tonight, and when I say we, I mean my dear friend, Anthon, who is the teacher and the keeper of the instrument through which I speak at this moment. It I can be of any help to you in my

expounding, I shall be happy. Let us first, my friends, consider the subconscious. You are aware that this is a storehouse of all your experiences; every experience, every thought that passes through your conscious mind, every act or deed that you perform, is stored in the subconscious. But it is more than this; it is a very influencing factor in our lives. We have, over a period of time, fed into the subconscious many concepts, and in turn, these flow out and become a part of our consciousness. This power within us that is known to you as the subconscious, is not a respecter of good, nor of evil. It does not know one from the other. This power is continually working for us, bringing into what we call reality, that which is our consciousness or that which our consciousness is willing and ready to receive. You see, my friends, we do not receive anything that is not a part of our consciousness. Now, we may not at the moment be aware of the many concepts, of the many things that have passed into our subconscious, therefore we do not understand why we are having certain experiences in our life which perhaps, we do not like, or perhaps we do like. A life pattern of which you spoke, has been formed by what has passed into the subconscious; therefore it we do not like what we are experiencing, then we should start placing into the subconscious that which we desire. Now, my friends, how long shall it take before the change shall come about? This, my dear friends, depends upon you. It depends upon your readiness to receive that which you desire. Many people try, or declare certain good and it does not come about. Why is this, why does it not happen? It does not happen, because they do not expect it to happen, you see. You have to have great expectancy, or perhaps you might can it faith; call it what you will, but you must learn to receive. Many people withhold their good, because they are not ready to receive it, so we must learn to receive. Your Creator has placed within reach of every man, anything he desires for his good, but he must receive it. You see, if I declare a good for myself, and then in the same breath, I say I am not deserving of this; I hope God will give it to me, but I do not deserve it. You see immediately I have put a block in the way, and my good cannot possibly flow to me. So, in our meditations, let us try to expand our consciousness by placing into our subconscious all things which are ours, and let us attempt to look out into the beyond, for we have the power to be any place we desire, upon any plane of consciousness. We can extend our consciousness into any realms of life and look around and see the wonders. Let us not throw restrictions in our path. I am not speaking of family, of personal things; I am saying that in our meditations let us expand, and when we have touched the higher realization, the truly high realizations, we shall find that our whole life shall begin to react, our understanding will begin to react in our life, and when you have true spiritual understanding, your life will be one of harmony.

Many people speak of great spiritual understanding, of great spiritual experiences, but the reaction is not in their lives. I say to you, my friends, these are only empty dreams that they are having; they have not received spiritual understanding, for when this is had, there will be no question in your minds, for it will show in every act and in every word that he speaks. True love shall be radiating from this person at all times. My friends, I hope I have not bored you with my lengthy conversation here tonight. If I have been of any little help, I am happy. I thank you for receiving me into your presence, and I extend to you my love and my understanding. Peace be with you, my friends. May each of you reap great results in your search for understanding. Goodnight, my friends. Thursday, September 8, 1960 Beloved children, my peace and my blessings I give to you. I am reminded of a phrase from one of your hymns, which states: “Blest be the tie that binds.” What, my friends, do you consider the greatest tie to bind Man together in a great Brotherhood? Questioner: Love. Well spoken, my sister. And how shall we define this word love, that is so loosely used among Earth Man? Is it an emotion or a phase of our emotions—is it a feeling that rises up within our being? How could we describe this thing we call love to a fellow-being? I can only give you my interpretation of this; perhaps you shall not agree with me. Let us also consider another word which is used quite extensively among all of you and all of your people. There is much talk today among Earth People, that understanding must be brought about among your people if you are to live together in peace. Now, how do we gain understanding of our fellowman and of ourselves? There are only a few ways that we can do this, and this is by association, by association combined with love, and when we have achieved understanding we have also achieved love. Therefore we cannot separate the two—we must conclude that love is understanding and understanding is love. Then this is what remains: to increase our love and understanding to include spiritual understanding. Before we can have or reach any degree of spiritual understanding, we must first have and cultivate understanding of our fellowman. There are many on earth planes that proclaim great spiritual understanding, yet this does not reflect in their life. They do not show love or understanding for their fellow-

being. Many of them attempt to judge the spiritual growth of another. You will hear them remark that this person or that person is not developed spiritually; harmony does not exist in their life. Where you find this result there is not any true degree of spiritual understanding, for unless you have within your own heart a true understanding or love for those about you, you will not attain great spiritual understanding. Let us work to promote this love among mankind, so that he might extend his spiritual understanding, in preparation for a greater life. Great help has been offered to Earth Man to bring about these conditions more rapidly, but they have been rejected many times, for somehow Man of Earth has not come into the full realization of the importance of Brotherhood. It is now slowly dawning upon him— he is beginning to get through his dim sight, a slight glimpse of the importance of this, yet he hesitates to take the step forward. He fears that he shall not find the readiness in his fellowman to accept his hand of friendship and love. Everything possible is being done by the higher powers to help mankind come into this realization. Man of Earth is existing now upon borrowed time. Little does he realize the number of times that through the great efforts of those who understand these Laws, he has been given more time. But eventually this must also end, and Man will have made his final choice. This opportunity will have passed and those who have not chosen rightly will be doomed to try again through another process of evolution. Peace be with you, my friends. Thursday, September 29, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Our contact tonight was more successful than upon the last occasion. Our last attempt to contact you here at Center R was spoiled by interference. So tonight, it is again my pleasure to have the opportunity to again address you there on Shan. There is, my friends, so much preparation yet needed by people of your planet, to prepare them to receive the knowledge that is going to be conveyed to them in the very near future. Earth Man is going to stand upon other planets much sooner than he thinks. Today your world governments are preparing vehicles that will travel both to the moon and to other nearby planets. The information that will be brought back by the first visitors from earth is going to be a great shock to the masses. Change is coming about much faster than any other time in your civilization, and it is increasing in momentum by the moment. Many of you stand in positions today to help your people in the preparation of the changes to come by preparing them for change. This does not mean that you have to force upon them concepts which they are not ready to receive, but in many ways by planting the seeds, they can be

prepared so that these changes do not come as a terrific blow to them. Before most of your peoples will accept even the minutest of the information that will be forthcoming, they will need to have this information verified by their authorities, and as the impact of this truth begins to dawn upon them, they will realize the folly of depending upon authority, and they shall begin searching other places for their information for the truth. And those who are prepared in this day to serve these people, shall find themselves surrounded by seekers of Truth. Those of you who believe in the New Age and its coming, who believe that Man is about to awaken unto himself, we urge you to spend some effort in attaining an understanding that will qualify you as one for service Your great nation and its people are destined to play a great part in the New Age, but they must be prepared. It would be possibly quite impossible for any of you at this moment to conceive of all the changes that are to come, but I will say to you that they will affect every phase of life; they will change the entire concept of life, and the present way of life of all peoples will not be the same, and even Man himself upon your planet will become a new and different being. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the Love, the Light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, October 17, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends. Have ye ever attempted to really realize what is meant by being one with the whole, with Universal Mind, or shall we say, with all Creation? I know that each of ye are familiar with cellular structure, with molecules and such, so let us liken our mind or perhaps I should say, our pure mind or what ye would perhaps term, spirit mind—let us visualize our portion of this as one of the minute cells of Universal Mind, moving continually through the great sea or space where flows this Complete Mind. As we bring our consciousness into the realization of this and the relationship of this minute cell, which we shall refer to as the I, or the I AM—we visualize ourself as one of these moving among the many; and in our quietness we bring ourselves into complete harmony and attunement with that which surrounds us, which we are a part of, and which is a part of us. As we come into this attunement, we begin to find great truth, great love, great wisdom and understanding of this One Great Mind, becoming a part of us, of the I, and we find arising in our consciousness great amounts of truth and understanding; but in order to tap this Source of truth we must became a part of it.

All things, my friends, come about through the broadening of one’s consciousness, and in order to broaden our consciousness, to bring into it greater things, we must start with the intellectual mind, exercising the broadening of this consciousness. At first it may not seem at all real, but as we practice we find the subconscious and the conscious coming closer together, cooperating more, in bringing about that which we seek to know. Nothing can become real to us unless we bring it within our consciousness—the scope of our consciousness. Truth is—consciousness must be developed to bring truth into it. Each of ye are well aware that many at your people pass a whole lifetime with a consciousness so narrow that it takes in practically nothing, even in the knowledge of your intellectual world. Man will be just what his consciousness can take in. So I say to each of thee, my friends, let your consciousness became ever wider and ever higher. Realize your at-one-ness with Creation, with this Great Universal Mind or Intelligence that you might receive that which is rightfully yours to have, for you, as children of the Most High, are entitled to all of His Creations. They are yours to claim and to have—they are mine to claim and to have. There is great plenty for all. Become conscious of these facts and go farther than believing them; know them to such an extent that the knowing is a part of your being. My love and my peace I leave with thee. Goodnight, my friends. I am Anthon. Monday, October 24, 1960 Peace, peace, peace. Where, O Beloved Ones, do you find peace? Is this peace for which you search found in books? Is it found through the sharing of wisdom from another, or do we find it within our own hearts when we have made peace with ourselves and all creation. Peace cannot be found in a heart that is troubled, where there is any trace of greed or lust or self, or self pity, there can be no peace. We must build our world, or our consciousness as did your Creator build, and when your building is finished, then you shall rest in peace. Earth Man has been told that when he has decided to move in the path of everlasting love, he shall receive great help from beings who stand ready to give this help, when this decision is made. Many of your people believe they have made this decision, but they walk not in that path of love, for they are blind to their own weaknesses. The most difficult thing in the experience of Earth Man will be to face himself squarely, to look deep into his own consciousness and recognize that which lurks in the darkness there. But once this has been done, beloved ones, and the weaknesses are recognized

and brought forth, then they can be eliminated, and Man can truly walk in the Light. This shall be Man’s most difficult moment, and many will not be able to face what they will see; they will not have the courage to cope with themselves, and this will be the chaff that will be blown from the wheat and shall float away to a new environment, but no man cometh into his own without this experience. Many stand ready to help in these changing times, but before one can be helped, he must make this decision, and carry it forth to its completion, and as he carries out the weeding process, he will find help coming to him to smooth the way. May the peace, the love, and the understanding of all the Great Ones rest in the hearts of each of you. Peace, beloved, peace, peace. So be it. OHM—OHM—OHM Thursday, November 10, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends. I am Oxal of Arcturus. Once more it is my pleasure to speak with you, and once more I should like to state that we are still within your system fulfilling our mission that has been assigned to us, and we shall continue until we have completed our work. We are attempting in every way to bring aid to all of you in your search for understanding, for Truth. Each man and each woman, as you well know, have within them a spark of something that urges them on in their search for understanding. What, my friends, does this spark of energy within you consist of, from whence does it come? Call it what you may, for words are but symbols. Some of you call it the God within you, others will call it the Christ within them, and still others may use terms of a different nature, but call it what you may, it is that part of you which joins you to the Universal Mind, the Universal Power or Powers. This is your pipe-line, so to speak, to all Truth. This, beloved ones, is why we urge you to spend your efforts in awakening within you the function of this connection. Earth Man has so many potentialities within him that lie dormant; he must awaken to the realization of the powers, talents and capabilities that lie within him. These are yours to use, to bring into your being the love, the understanding and the Truth that will raise you to mastership. These are your rights, your privileges. Make your decision, beloved friends, and, when you have made it, let nothing stand in your way in your development, for you can be what you will to be; you have only to awaken within yourself the desire and follow it with action. It is not as difficult as it might seem. It requires only determination and effort. We shall aid in

every way possible when you are making the effort. Let not the illusionary visions that surround you cause you to deviate from your path, but rather come up out of this dream world in which you now exist. Come forth into the reality or what you really are, and you are really not at all what you see. Your real self is a much greater being, a much wiser being than you now visualize yourself as being. Take advantage of all the aids that come your way and there shall be a number of them, as there has been in the past. As one of your great Teachers said to you long ago, “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let fear enter therein,” for you have nothing to fear when you follow the path. My love and blessings I leave with you, and I extend to you the love and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, November 21, 1960 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. Once more it is my pleasure to come among you and to speak with you. Another who bears great light stands among you tonight and is pouring forth his blessings and his love upon you. For this, you should feel very grateful and very humble. I am honored to be in his presence and to have been chosen to speak to you upon this occasion. To answer the question that arose among you a few moments before you entered your silence, concerning those who will not pass with this planet into the New Age. These, my friends, will return to a location that is equivalent to their present state of consciousness. For, my friends, as you have been told many times, all is consciousness and you are and will be exactly that which your consciousness can create for you. And this, my friends, is what why emphasize so greatly, the importance of increasing your consciousness, to encompass more and more of His Universal Truth. Great things lie before you. They are now ready for you to receive, to accept. That is entirely a matter of how rapidly you can increase your consciousness to encompass these things. Do I make myself understood, do you see what I am driving at? So much lies in waiting for you, my beloved friends, if only you can accept it into your consciousness, and or course this is what we are all trying to do, regardless of our present state of consciousness. I have met beings that are in a state of consciousness, that I, as yet, cannot conceive of, and yet I understand that the same thing exists with them. So it

appears, my friends, that we are living in a—I hardly know how to express this in your language, but it appears we are living in a universe of ever-expanding consciousness, and it is up to us as to how fast we shall expand our consciousness. I know in my own experience, I have experienced things that are, or rather that seemed at the time, beyond all comprehension, because at the time my consciousness was just beginning to include these things. But, as I expanded this consciousness, these things became common place. And so, we move on continually to know even greater Truths, always expanding, taking in more and more of this great Creation and what it consists of. So, my friends, try to ever expand this consciousness to include more and more of His Creation. Insist that it include health, prosperity, happiness, and all of the things that are good and pure in the sight of your Creator. Include in this consciousness an attitude of gratitude to your Creator; an attitude of humbleness, or humility, and yet one of greatness, for you are great, you are a great being, capable of accomplishing great things. You are a being unlimited in your powers and your abilities—you have only to realize these things and to bring them into being. It is not enough, my friends, to believe or to have faith, you must know from the very core of your being. You must reach a state of knowing these things and accepting them. Earth Man has a great lack in his ability to accept. He refuses to accept that which his Creator offers him, who asks nothing in return, except to know. So, my friends, reach the state of knowing, know that you are a pure spiritual being, endowed with all the powers of your Creator; you have only to expand your consciousness to include these things. I hope, my friends, that I have been of some help to you. It has been my pleasure again to speak with you. Do you think I have improved on my English language? Group: Very much so. I have been working on this considerably. I find it somewhat easier now to speak to you. Well, thank you, my friends. I believe that you think I have improved. It has been my great pleasure to speak with you again, and to be with you and to be accepted into this household. As I leave, I leave with you my greatest love, and my blessings, and my thanks for your courtesy in listening to me. Peace be with each of thee, my friends. Peace, peace. Saturday, November 26, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends.

As you travel the corridors of time, you encounter experience upon experience. Each of these, if you are at least somewhat aware, adds to your Truth, your knowledge and your wisdom. Man, in this level of consciousness that exists upon Planet Earth, has drawn upon himself a veil that places in the background most of his knowledge and Truth. Soon, Earth Man is to have this veil lifted, and he shall find himself emerging into a new state of consciousness; he shall behold many things that now do not exist in his consciousness. Some of you have awareness of these things, but you do not have full consciousness of them. As this veil is lifted, you shall find great Truths being revealed to you, and you will understand many things which now are but a mystery to you. Many Earth People will experience these things and shall not understand; it will only confuse their minds, for these people are not ready yet to know the higher Truths. They will not be able to accept the Truth they behold, and therefore, of their own volition, they will return to an environment suitable to their consciousness. Beloved friends, spend every effort that you can in these days to prepare yourselves for what is to come, so that you will be ready to move with your planet into the New Age where Man shall live his Truth, where Man shall not talk of his love for his fellowman, but he shall express it. These times are much nearer than you think or realize. The days of retribution have been shortened, not because Earth Man has repented, but because your Creator is just and merciful. If Earth Man could see and know, he would be greatly humbled, I believe, but those who are responsible for this do not require gratitude; these things they do out of the graciousness of their hearts, out of their love for Mankind. Let thine eyes be opened, that you might see, and let your ears be opened that you might hear. The day of justice is at hand, beloved friends, know this. Therefore, let your hearts be opened that you might receive the Great Light that is being poured out to you in these times. Receive it, and rejoice in it and be grateful. I know that in your minds you are wondering who I might be, so I will say this: I am very close to one of you here; my love for all of you is great. I am quite sure that my son here is recognizing my vibrations. I will say this to him: Many times I have been at your side in the hour of need; I have helped you over many rough paths, and more than once you thought your work was finished here, but you found it was not so, for, as yet you have not fulfilled your mission, and you will not leave this plane of existence until this is accomplished, I assure you. Great energies have been concentrated here tonight by some of the great Masters; these energies should be of great benefit to you, both morally and spiritually. Take them into your being and reap their benefits. May the love, peace and understanding of the Great Ones rest in the hearts of each

of thee this night. Bless you, dear friends, peace be with you. I go. Monday, November 28, 1960 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. If you, my friends, could observe your planet from our vantage point for a time, I am sure that each of you would be amazed beyond your greatest imagination. The turmoil and the unrest is increasing day by day. It is amazing how little is known by your masses of what goes on behind the scenes. You are given exactly what those in control want you to know, and this is not only true in a few nations upon your planet, but it is prevalent all across the surface, in all nations. The confusion that exists among Earth People is great; yet, we see an awakening occurring throughout your planet. More and more people are beginning to reason for themselves, are beginning to wonder why things are as they are. They are awakening to a need for something greater; they are awakening to the fact that life is not what it should be. Therefore, you have turmoil, chaos, and this shall increase, as we observe it, and it may reach great heights of chaos among Earth People unless enough people awaken to the real truth. It is sad that conditions of this nature should exist among any people, but only things of this nature can result where greed, lust, and hate exist and unless these things are brought to a minimum and controlled, a great amount of suffering shall result. The world leaders at this time, are greatly perplexed. They have great decisions resting upon their shoulders, and they fear the results of their decisions. In the past, it has been the belief of the dominant powers upon this earth, that wars and strife were a necessity to control the world economy and world population. But now they find themselves in possession of powers, of energies, that they fear they cannot control, once they are loosed. They are pondering today, ways and means of expediting controlled wars. Yet, a fear lurks within their hearts that this control might possibly get out of their hands, and they know full well the results that will follow once the energies that they have, are released in any quantity. So, you see, my friends, how things stand today on Planet Earth. Some of the strong minds who have insisted that these periods of chaos are a necessity, are now weakening somewhat, through fear of their own destruction. Yet, that great desire that burns within them, to control mankind, to gain power through wealth, this desire still burns strongly within them, and thus the conflict goes on. The destiny of Earth Man to a point, lies in his decisions, decisions that he will make in the near future. So, beloved friends, each of you can do your part, in easing this situation that lies before Earth Man, and I need not go into this, for I know that each of you know and realize the individual responsibility of each of you, and what you can do, for peace must always start with the individual person.

I extend to each of you, my peace, my love, and my blessings, and to each of you I extend the love and understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, December 12, 1960 I greet you, my beloved friends, in the Love and Light of the Infinite Creator, I am Hatonn. It has been, as you know, quite some time since I have spoken with you. We are attuned to your location tonight with our Iconiscan. I note quite some change since we last looked in upon you, but I am happy to again be able to speak with you. We are at this time, keeping close vigilance of Planet Earth, for great tension seems to be again building up among your peoples. We sincerely hope that this will not result in extreme violence. We, of the Confederation, are again attempting to exert influence in the places where it will be most effective in bringing about more harmony, but it is not easy to influence some of the forces or minds upon Planet Earth, who have been for several incarnations, greatly under the influence of the forces of darkness. The forces of darkness have gained through the past centuries much power over the People of Earth. Now this power must be broken, and these forces are attempting desperately to hold what they have gained. Several times, within a short period of years, we have been able through our powers to avoid certain situations that were being attempted to be brought about by these influences from darkness. Gradually, very gradually, they have been losing their power over Planet Earth, and as Planet Earth moves deeper and deeper into its newer dimension in space, these forces shall find it more and more difficult to make their influences felt. Yet, it appears that Planet Earth must experience a certain amount of chaos, as it passes from the old to the new. We shall do everything in our power to ease this situation for you; yet, you have certain debts or responsibilities that must be paid. Very few of your people have any realization of their responsibilities to your planet in these times. They have little realization of how to bring themselves out of the dilemma in which they find themselves. They do not realize that these things are only a result of the past actions and thinking of their own race. If your peoples could but be made to realize the necessity of raising their consciousness, of becoming aware of their responsibilities to their Creator and to their fellowman; if they could but be made to realize the importance of these things and would then act upon them, how much different would be the transition. Why do people choose a path that is so difficult, when they could so much more easily take the path that is so

much more apparent and is so much easier and so much more beautiful? More and more of our people are coming among you to serve, to attempt to prepare your people for what they are facing. These people are doing this with great sacrifice to themselves, yet asking for nothing in return; they ask only that you learn to love, and to understand, and that you attain a consciousness of brotherhood. These people are serving among you, much closer to you than you think or realize. If the People of Earth could know the help that has been given them and is being given them, I am sure they would be greatly amazed. In fact, beloved friends, it is only through the efforts of these servants, that any of you exist today in your physical, chemical, conveyance, for had some of the minds of Planet Earth, continued in their path, all would have been destroyed before this. I am not bragging of the accomplishments of some of the Beings from outside your world; I merely state these things because I think you would be interested in knowing. Tonight there stands among you some Beings whom I consider as being great in their accomplishments. I would feel and do feel a great humbleness whenever I am in the presence of such a Being. I hope that each of you are aware, and that you too, feel this great love and humbleness. Now, my friends, I must leave you. May each of you, through your own efforts, accomplish great heights in your search for Truth, and may each of you come into a realization of your at-one-ness with Creation and your Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus. I am Hatonn. Tuesday, December 13, 1960 Beloved of my being, I greet thee in peace and in love, love not as you know it, as it is inconceivable in your understanding. I am Naketi I come from a point in space far, far from you, in what would be thousands of light years in your measurement of distance. My people are known in our location as the Sons of Nakete. I have come to your system to study conditions that exist here and to be of help in any way I can find to serve. Our way of life would be inconceivable in the understanding of people of Shan. We understand at-one-ness, we understand our relationship to our Creator and our relationship with our fellowman. We live in an at-one-ness that is really at-one-ness, although we possess an individuality or individual intelligence—yet we are able to blend our beings into atone-ness, where I am he, and he is I. Could you, my friends of Shan, could you conceive of such blending of consciousness? With blending of this type, you have complete understanding of your fellowman. I have been told you have been seeking understanding, that you are working under

a banner, so to speak, of Understanding. If this be true, then you are on the threshold of at-one-ness. To reach a state such as I have spoken of, does not come about in a moment. At, the level of understanding that Earth Man stands today, it shall require great effort to take the step that will begin to open the door to at-oneness, to become one with Creation, with Life. Realize, my beloved friends of Shan, that the expanse of space is a sea of Life, and you and you, and you and you, each individual intelligence is a minute part of this sea of Life. So great is the vastness of this sea, that it is inconceivable; it appears to have no beginning or appears to have no end, and yet you and I are a minute cell in this sea of Life. We must learn to become a conscious part of’ this sea. When we become conscious of this and make it a part of our consciousness, and it begins to speak to us and we begin to understand, we begin to know the I AM, we begin to know who and what we are. Beloved children, humble yourselves, bring thy ego under control and begin to blend yourselves into this great sea, knowing that you may become a conscious part of it. Awaken thyselves to the realization of what you are, and that all is yours. Begin by joining together in an at-one-ness of peace, love, understanding among yourselves. Understanding must begin in a small way if it is to expand into the Cosmos. It has been my privilege to be with you, and I wish to extend my gratitude to all of you for your kindness in receiving me and to the instrument and his teacher for availing to me this privilege. May your consciousness expand as rapidly as you are able to conceive. Work, my friends, work! Peace, peace, peace. Thursday, December 15, 1960 My greetings to you, my friends. It is my pleasure for the first time tonight to speak with you. I have been allotted only a few moments, so I shall take this opportunity to say a few words to my good son here upon my left. You have, my son, been granted the opportunity on this evening that you expressed desire for. I should like to say this to you; you have been somewhat troubled by the situation in which you now find yourself, but let me remind you, my son, that nothing happens to you or to anyone by chance alone. Each experience that comes to any of you, comes as an opportunity for you to learn by, for your only teacher is experience, and I might add, because of some of the remarks that passed here before your meditation, that the only opportunity for you to prove anything to yourself and, therefore, have a knowing of the situation, you

must pass through the experience, for no man knoweth anything lest he experience it. Through these experiences you are given the opportunity to grow. So, my son, take advantage of every experience that comes your way. In your present situation, release all tension and know, not believe, but know. And what is for you will be, and then, become aware, for awareness is important. Be aware of this inner voice that speaks to you, and I do not mean a voice that you will hear, but rather a knowing, or a feeling, it is unmistakable. But do not allow your ego or your intellect to dissipate these impressions, I believe you call them. When they come to you, they come suddenly, and when you least expect them. And this is why, my son, it is so important to be aware of these and to follow through. Many individuals have missed great opportunities because they were not aware of what was happening, and they did not heed this voice. Each of you have within you a power that can take you through any experience, to use your terms, with flying colors, and cause you to reap great benefits from these experiences. I hope, my son, that my words have been of some encouragement to you. My love and my blessings to each of you. May you go in peace—I go in peace. Questioner: Before you go, may I give my love to you also, and I pray that I can follow your guidance much more closely. We thank all of those who come to give us their, or shall we say, share their knowledge and their light. Please thank them for us, and thank you. Bless you, my son, bless you. Bless each of you. I go. Thursday, December 29, 1960 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Since it is your custom at this season to extend greetings, I should like to extend to you my greetings. I shall not wish you a happy new year, but rather I shall wish for thee a spiritual new year, and I mean by this that I shall hold for each of you, a thought that each of you shall grow in spiritual understanding greatly in the coming year. This coming year shall be an eventful and full year for People of Earth. The confusion and turmoil is on the increase, and as it now looks, the increase shall continue through the coming year. Vibrations carry a very, very, great importance in your life. To each of thee, it is of great importance to build about you vibrations which we shall refer to as being of a positive nature. Each thought and each deed that is performed by you, has a result that emanates from you in vibrations. The sum and total of your thoughts and deeds will be reflected in the vibrations that surround you, and these vibrations emanate

into your atmosphere, or your earth envelope, so to speak. The vibrations that are contained in the envelope of your planet, are the sum and total of all of the thoughts and deeds of your people, and this, my friends, reacts again by causing events to take place around and upon your planet which are directly relative to the vibrations contained therein. However, this you should know; vibrations of a positive nature are predominantly stronger than those of a negative nature, so therefore, you see, my friends, it behooves each of us and every person upon your planet to bring about vibrations that are of a positive nature. He must be aware of his thoughts and his deeds, and the results that they bring. He must train himself to use thoughts of love, of goodwill, so that he might build about him a field of vibrations that will bring benefits to him and to his planet as a whole. It forty per cent of the people of Earth could create about themselves a field of strong positive vibrations, you would see great changes come about upon your planet. Conditions would change rapidly for the better, and more and more of your people would join the throng until there would be great peace, peace that Planet Earth has never known. Since it is the custom of your people at this season of the year, (I wonder if I could truly say that this is a custom of your people; it is a custom much spoken of but little practiced), but not to digress; the custom of taking stock of one’s self at this time when theoretically a new era is to begin, which you call a year—it would be well for each individual to take a complete inventory of himself or herself and honestly, earnestly, check what we are thinking and doing, and then set up for ourselves a new standard to follow through the coming year; one that would lead us into higher vibrations, so that we might benefit ourselves and our planet as a whole. Let us discard all thought of anger, of self, of greed. Let us replace these things with thoughts and deeds of love, of understanding, and then observe the change that is taking place in our individual lives. As I leave, my friends, I extend to you with all my being, my hopes that each of you will make great strides in this coming year in Truth, in Love and in Understanding. Peace be with thee, my friends. Peace, peace, peace.

[1] The original spelling of this name in these manuscripts is “Hatton.” It has been changed to “Hatonn” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this name in the rest of the material on this site from the same source. It is pronounced hat-ON. [2] The original spelling of this name in these manuscripts is “Yaum.” It has been changed to “Yom” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this name in the rest

of the material on this site from the same source. It is pronounced like the name “Tom.” [3] The original spelling of this word in these manuscripts is “Odina.” It has been changed to “Adonai” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this salutation in the rest of the material on this site. We infer from its placement in the text that it is a departing salutation along the lines of “adieu,” roughly meaning “Go with God.” It is pronounced odd-in-AY by both Walt Rogers of the Detroit Group and the channels of L/L Research. The rest of the salutation, “vasu borragus,” pronounced vah-SOO boh-RAH-gus, we infer to roughly mean “our brothers.” Supposedly the original language of this salutation is Solex Mal. This attribution may well be mythical. [4] The original spelling of this word in these manuscripts is “aoneness.” It has been changed to “at-one-ness” in order to be consistent with spelling in the rest of the material on this site. We have assumed there is no other special meaning that was intended by this word.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding - Volume III Copyright © 2008 Walt Rogers ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the sessions of Walt Rogers’ contactee group in Detroit that were contained in the Man, Consciousness and Understanding pamphlets. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. CAVEAT: This document is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding Volume III Introduction The groupings of communications contained in this enclosure are informative, teaching-instructions for developing a better understanding of ourselves, of the problems of our modem times, and of the magnitude of the future lying before us. The nature and the text of these communications differ in respect to the many spiritual studies of Truth available to the seeker; therefore, a few words are necessary to explain their source. On and around our Earth there exist millions of beings from other regions and other realms of the Universe who have attained a much higher and a much greater degree of understanding in their evolution. To those who will listen, they extend their friendship and offer their understanding and wisdom that the homo sapiens race on Earth might awaken unto themselves and work to usher in the New Golden Age presently dawning. Within these pages, the words you read are those received from physical beings aboard spacecraft who hail from other parts of the Universe, and from wonderful, Radiant Beings who enjoy the Perfect Life in the higher realms of existence. The reader is to understand that these communications were received through a human channel who was one among a small group of earnest seekers of Truth. These words of enlightenment, even though spoken to a small group, also apply to

the whole of mankind and may be used by any and all who are seeking a more Abundant Life. With their deepest Love and Blessings, these Beings of higher understanding offer their knowledge to all who seek the Truth. Affirmations for Meditation By Hatonn [1] O Radiant One, send forth thy Light, and surround each of us, thy children, that we may have enlightenment and wisdom. We relax and give ourselves completely to the Father. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. We know that all is well as we relax in His Arms. We give our whole selves to the Father, we want only to do His will. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. I am His perfect child. He guides me and directs me. He continually surrounds me with His pure white Light. I visualize this radiant substance of purest white, until I actually feel the consciousness of the Father, His Presence, His Power, His Light and love flowing through me. I relax in His Presence. He is the ever-loving Father and Creator. He loves me and protects me. He is the one and only Power and Intelligence I am His perfect expression He expresses through me I am a doer of His will The Father and I are one. There is but a single power and intelligence This great power and intelligence is now a part of me It is guiding me and protecting me at all times I give myself completely to this great Power and Intelligence I am a part of it

I live and have my being in this, the Father. Amen. Wednesday, January 11, 1961 Peace be with thee, my friends, peace. You were asking for, what was it, confirmation, advice? Group: Yes. From our side, we can only say that we will do our part in helping thee to succeed in your efforts to bring about understanding. The success of your organization, beloved, will depend upon each of its members or participants and the effort that each of them put forth in establishing love and understanding within their own hearts. You have begun a wonderful thing by attempting to establish an organization that will dedicate itself to this purpose. Rededicate yourself each day to the work that lies before you. Realize what you are attempting to accomplish; establish your purpose and stand by it. You will succeed according to your efforts, directed in the right way. Harmony must prevail if you are to reach an at-one-ness among you; to reach an at-one-ness does not necessarily mean that all concepts and understandings must be at the same level, for this will never be, but with at-one-ness comes understanding and with understanding comes peace, and is this not what each of ye seek, above all? For what has Man if he has not peace within his own heart? When peace comes to you, all mankind will look different; you shall see within mankind the image of your Creator. To see this, Man must have peace. May each of you find this peace in your heart soon, beloved. Peace, peace, and may it surround you and enfold you forevermore. I go. Tuesday, January 17, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. We aboard the Otavana have been watching your progress, as we watch and record the happenings and progress of many of the happenings upon your planet. In the next five years upon your planet, great changes shall come about, changes of many descriptions, but the greatest change shall be the change that will take place in the hearts of many of your Earth People.

We are putting forth great efforts to impress upon the minds of Earth People—the importance of understanding among mankind. This is a word you hear much used today among your leaders of world affairs. This word you have heard repeated more and more; there is reason for this, my friends, for there is power in words, there is more power than you realize. If you are aware you will notice, as time passes, this word being used more and more by Earth People, and thus it shall take root in the minds of Man and shall grow. Groups such as you have here, have a responsibility in promoting the growth of these seeds, and each of you, if you will but be aware, can fertilize these seeds as you move about your daily living. Be continually aware of opportunities to promote understanding with those with whom you came in contact. Use every opportunity to perform a deed, or to speak a word that will increase the feeling of understanding in to hearts of men. This, my friends, like everything else, becomes a state of consciousness; but Man will never have complete understanding, unless he begins in a small way, for as he performs acts and deeds that promote a feeling of Brotherhood, his consciousness gradually reaches out and encompasses more and more understanding of every nature. You see, my friends, this is a broad term word, and encompasses a great deal. Spiritual understanding is growing upon Planet Earth, although it does not seem to be too apparent; yet, it is being channeled to Earth Man through many sources, through many channels. There are many paths in spiritual growth, and each must choose his path, the path that is right for him, and will bring him the experiences that are necessary for his or her growth. Therefore, we must allow each individual to follow the path that seems right and good for them, and understand that this is necessary for them to reach their goal; but all paths eventually come to the same place, and each will reach his goal when it is right for him. But this need not prevent us from having an understanding between individuals; for in true understanding we respect the rights of each to move according to his will, and rejoice with him. May each of you, beloved ones, as you go forth, go with a new determination to promote an era of understanding wherever you are. May each of you be continually conscious of every opportunity to carry out your mission in bringing about the Brotherhood of Man, that must come soon to Planet Earth. I leave you by extending to you the love, and the understanding, of my people. I am Oxal, of Arcturus. Thursday, January 19, 1961 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Tonight, each of thee are receiving great amounts of energy, set up here by a

group of beings, each having a particular interest in one of thee. We hope that your awareness is such that this energy is felt and enjoyed by you, for around each there exists this energy for you to absorb and take into your being, that it might assist you, both in your well-being and in the physical, chemical, part of you. Sit yourself erect and deeply breathe this energy into your being, visualizing it passing to every cell, every fiber of your being; see it raising you mentally and spiritually; absorb it and partake of it generously, for it is yours to use. Let it fill your lungs and penetrate on through every cell, every fiber, every part of your being—knowing that you are being raised to new heights. Do not become alarmed if you acquire a feeling of lightness, for this energy taken in great quantities for a few moments, may cause you to feel that you are about to float. Continue taking this into your being as I speak. Those of us who are with you tonight, have great love for you; we are interested in your well-being, and will do everything in our power to assist you in your climb and search for new spiritual understanding. We are attempting to direct and guide you in the right paths and still allow you free choice. The manner in which you follow this guidance, will depend upon your awareness. We will not infringe upon your privacy, nor force you to do anything against your will, but we will attempt in small ways to guide you into paths that will bring about the opportunities for you to grow, to know yourself and to understand your fellow man. We will attempt to keep you upon the Path of Light. We hope that you have received great good from what we have done here tonight. The good that you receive will depend upon your capability to receive it. Group: We are grateful and thankful for this Light. We are grateful for having the opportunity to serve you; it is our privilege and our pleasure. And now, beloved friends, may the Light, the Love and the Peace of the Infinite Spirit of Creation engulf each of you and may you in your search for Truth grow rapidly and reach heights that are beyond your expectations. Peace be with thee, my friend, peace. Monday, January 30, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. With your kind permission, I should like to spend a few moments with you this evening. It has been quite some time now since I have visited with you; I assure you it has always been my pleasure.

My friends, things are not as they might seem at all times. Today, your Earth Peoples are facing great problems with their economic system. If any of you here had the opportunity to listen to the talk that was given today by your new President, you surely must have noted the great anxiety and fear in his expressions concerning the situation that your peoples are faced with today. Even he, my friends, did not quite realize the full seriousness of the situation, until he was informed more thoroughly, upon accepting the responsibility of his office. Your financial leaders and your industrial leaders are much more concerned than they would have you know. They are facing a situation that is the result of many years of wrongdoing, and they are not able to see a solution that will correct the situation that has been created. At least, they do not see a solution that could be worked out, and still maintain the power that they feel that they must maintain—and the controls of your world goods. But soon, my friends, a solution must be found—a solution that shall be beneficial to all the peoples of the planet and not to but a few. Unless this situation is met squarely and fairly and an approach to the solution is taken with an attitude of brotherly love, an attitude of understanding—unless a situation is created of this nature, the entire economic situation of Planet Earth shall collapse completely. If only your peoples could realize the importance of bringing about an atmosphere of love, of understanding and brotherhood—if this could be brought into the consciousness of your people, a theocracy could be brought into being that would solve all of your problems and bring about an era that has never been experienced upon this planet. Those of us who are working in the behalf of People of Earth, are doing our uppermost to instill in the consciousness of Earth People, a feeling of love and understanding. Won’t you, my friends, also work hard at bringing this into your consciousness, and into the consciousness of those with whom you come in contact? Be ever conscious of the effort to accomplish this. Do not forget it for one moment, please. Now, my good friends, I must vacate this instrument. It has been my joy to be once more with you. I want to express my gratitude for being accepted into this household tonight. My peace, my love and my understanding, I extend to each of you. Goodnight, my beloved friends. Peace be with you. Thursday, February 9, 1961 May the peace of the Infinite Creator be with you, beloved ones, and may this peace bring you into a consciousness of at-one-ness, a consciousness that will

bring unto you a knowing, an understanding of the real meaning of at-one-ness. Realize, beloved friends, that all is Mind. The vast universe consists of Mind; it is a creation that was brought about by Mind, “What is Man,” cried one of your ancients, “that his Creator, the Creator of all of us, is ever mindful of him?” Man is this Mind— each a minute part of this great sea of Mind. When Man comes into the realization of his at-one-ness with this Universal Power, he begins to see the importance of atone-ness. Visualize, if you will, my friends, each of you here tonight, blending your minds into an at-one-ness, into one great Mind—working together—yet having individuality. Come, my friends, try to visualize, to feel the welding, the blending of consciousness. Visualize, if you will, a circle of light, engulfing each of you and each of you in consciousness blending yourself into this circle, and as you do this, try to draw upon yourself a feeling of harmony, a feeling of association, a feeling of togetherness, for in this state we became as one in consciousness. I and the Father are one; I and you are one, for we are all a part of the one and same Power that goes to make up the whole. My friends, my brothers, my sisters, when you are able to draw yourself into this feeling, you are drawing yourself into the higher consciousness, and your consciousness will begin to expand, and expand, and expand, and you shall begin to bring about, through your own consciousness, a higher state of consciousness for those about you, and, yes, to a degree, your race or your planet. Earth Man must expand his consciousness. This is occurring upon your planet slowly, very slowly—much too slowly. But, beloved ones, let each of us attempt to do this for ourselves that our consciousness may expand more rapidly for each, each one will expand according to his efforts or her efforts. Each will grow according to his own will, not to the will of your Creator, for you must will it, my friends, and that which thou dost will, shall manifest. So be it, my friends. May peace and understanding become predominant in the hearts of each of you. Friday, February 10, 1961 Peace, peace be with thee, my friends: As Earth Man today stands upon the threshold of a new venture, he who has the desire to know, finds that within his heart burns an urge to reach out and to grasp new Truth, new understanding, to broaden his consciousness—that he might be ready and prepared to venture out into the future. Man of Earth has a great deal of knowledge yet to be gained, before he is ready to venture into space. However, this knowledge is coming rapidly to a few. Your

science today possesses much more knowledge of space and what will be involved in space travel, than is being channeled to the people, for your masses are slow to accept, slow to expand. They have been sheltered for so long that some of the new Truth that is known to your science, must came in a gradual way to your masses; but slowly they are being conditioned. But some of the great Truths that must be loosed in the future, are going to shake some of your people to the very roots of their being. It is going to do the same for some of your religious organizations, for some of the teachings that have been passed out by these, are so far from the Truth that the Truth will be very shocking to these. But those of you who have ventured out in search of Truth with open minds and open hearts, are able to accept and understand these things as they are brought to you. Some of these things may even cause some of you a bit of wonderment; not that the Truth has not been known to some upon your planet, for all through the ages, there have been a few that have known the Truth and have adhered to it. But, realizing the illusion that Man of Earth lives and has his being in, realizing that for centuries he had lived in a hypnotic state and, therefore, has not seen clearly, nor heard clearly, but the veil, the hypnotic veil, is gradually being lifted from Earth Man, and he shall begin to see things as they are. He shall see life for what it is, and then, gradually, the Truth of life will present itself to those who are ready and willing to accept it. And a new heaven and new earth shall appear, and Man of Earth shall know life as he has never known it before. He shall become a new creature; he shall no longer live in darkness, for the Light shall cause him to bloom forth in his true beauty as Nature intended him to be. Peace be with you, my friends, Peace be with you. Monday, February 13, 1961 Greetings to you, my friends, greetings in the light of love and understanding. I am Mr. R. There has been a great activity upon your planet by those who have volunteered to come from other planets, and a great attempt has been made to bring about a widening of consciousness by your people—to bring their consciousness to include more than this little planet upon which they live. This is now beginning to show effect among your people. There is much more readiness now among your people to accept the fact that perhaps beyond this little world in which you live, there may be other things of which they are not aware.

This is dawning in the minds of your people quite rapidly, and this is as it should be, for within a very few years, your people shall reach into space and discover things that they have been told are true, that there are many other beings sharing with them this great universe, this solar system. And that space is not the great empty void which they had known it to be, but rather it is full of life, that life is everywhere about them, and that they are only a minute part of this great vast sea, as it were, of life. They shall begin to appreciate the works of their Creator, and once they begin to get a glimpse of what really lies beyond, a great reverence shall overtake them, because Man cannot conceive of this great work of beauty without feeling a great reverence for the Creator of all this. We, who have travelled space, who have seen its wonders, who have enjoyed its beauty, we raise our eyes and gaze into this great mass of beauty and give thanks and praise to its Creator, for one who has the power to create all of this, including Man himself, must be one of great love, of great beauty, of great understanding, and we seek to learn more of His wisdom. Earth Man, why dost thou not enjoy these things—why dost thou exclude thyself— why dost thou keep thyself in ignorance and in darkness? Come out into the Light that you might see the beauty and feel the reverence; open thy eyes and thy ears, and let His beauty flow to you, His understanding, His wisdom. It is all free; the only thing that is required is the effort to seek it out and apply it to your life. It is yours to have and to hold—why should you wait? Speaking for myself, dear friends, I shall seek evermore of this great Truth and knowledge, that I might enjoy life more abundant, as I move ever onward upon the path of truth, of light and of understanding. We have come, dear friends, to extend a hand of friendship. W e are attempting to serve People of Earth, to bring them into a higher consciousness that they might join with us and enjoy the things that we enjoy, and that we might move on together, your planet, our planets, our system, into ever higher and more beautiful understanding and truth. We would like you of Earth to be our brothers in understanding, to work with us and for us, as we will do with you—so that we might, as a Solar System, build a greater understanding, a greater love for each other. So come, my friends of Earth, join with us by creating upon your planet, a Brotherhood of Man, an atmosphere of peace, of love and understanding. Eliminate hate, greed, and all of these things, and come, let us join together in praise and reverence for the great Intelligence that is responsible for us all. And now, beloved friends, I must leave. I extend to each of you, my blessings, my love, my understanding. May the peace of the great Spirit of Creation rest in the hearts and minds of each of you … I shall return at another time when I find the time is right, and speak with you again. It has been my pleasure and my joy to again be in your midst.

Goodnight, beloved friends. Tuesday, February 21, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It is once more my pleasure to be again with you. I always enjoy coming among you, listening to your discussions and observing your sincerity in attempting to gain a higher understanding. I, and several others have been with you tonight during your entire gathering. The instrument has been aware of this, although he did not mention it. My friends, the need for understanding among your people of earth is greater and greater each day. You are all aware of the great increase in turmoil that exists today; you are also aware that there are great risks involved. The chaos that is developing could, at any moment, break forth into serious turmoil. Many Beings are working long and diligently, attempting to avoid this sort of thing for your people. This is being done in many ways; they are attempting to bring about influences upon the minds of certain individuals who are in power and positions to bring about decisions that will avoid chaos. Many of these minds have been influenced by the forces of darkness for many, many years, and it is not an easy task to completely change the minds of these individuals. However, progress is being made, and we hope to bring about much good. As the People of Earth go about their daily living, they are very, very unaware of what is going on about them. The great masses of your people are not aware of all of the help that is coming to them from many, many levels of life. If it were not for this help, life would not exist today upon your Planet Earth, for the forces of darkness would have long since destroyed your planet. I have been upon the surface of your planet, in what you call a physical body, for a long time—much longer than you would think. The life-span of Earth Man is greatly limited by his thinking. Man believes his life-span shall be three-score and ten; therefore, that is approximately what it is. I have been upon your planet in the same physical conveyance, for more than three times that period, although I am not originally from your planet. So you see, my friends, you are only limited according to your own consciousness. Some of your higher thinkers say: “As a man thinketh, so is he,” but I prefer to say, a man is exactly what his consciousness can perceive. There is nothing new—everything that exists in Creation is, and always will be, and it always has been; so you see, you do not create anything new; we merely increase our consciousness. And that, my friends, is what you are attempting to do when you are attempting to gain understanding, and by gaining understanding, you have broadened your consciousness. Of what, of what, my friends, can you conceive? Increase your expectations.

I am told by the teacher of the instrument through which I work at this moment, that he was given in some detail, a lesson, or shall we call it a lecture or instruction on expectation, in attempting to increase expectations. I am also told that he was amazed at the results that came when he applied this in just a very minute way. Now, what if he could have applied it in a big way—well—but I believe it is better to learn slowly, for sometimes, too great results bring about confusion. One must move slowly in Truth—to gain too much knowledge at one time, or too rapidly, might not be the best way for experiencing. I am told, my friends, that due to the fatigue of the instrument tonight, that I have stayed my time. So now, my friends, I must leave. It has been my pleasure and my joy to spend this time with you. I hope I have not bored you with my expounding. I should like to extend my gratitude to the members of this household for accepting me in here tonight and to all of you for your love and for accepting me in this light. My peace, my love and my understanding I extend to each of you. My peace I leave with you. Goodnight, my friends. Monday, February 27, 1961 Blest be ye, blest be ye each and everyone, on this night. Peace be with you. What seek ye here, beloved ones? Group: Truth and understanding. Truth, ah yes. May the great truths be revealed unto you, may your seeking grow ever stronger; may you find that which you seek. The seeking is the having, and each shall be rewarded according to his or her efforts. Understanding is a precious thing, my friends. It is more precious than jewels or gold. Earth Man puts forth great effort in the seeking of worldly goods. If but a small percentage of the effort Man spends in seeking things of this world, were spent in seeking understanding and Truth, how much greater would his wealth become, for what has a man if he has not peace in his heart? Man of Earth is beginning to realize more day by day, the need for peace and wellbeing. There is a great yearning surging up within him for this, yet he recognizes not just what it is his soul desires. He does not quite have the realization that it is peace, love and understanding that his soul or his higher consciousness, or term it as you will, is seeking. We should like very much to bring to Man of Earth the realization that his true desires, his true longings, are not coming from his earthly mind, but from a higher part of him that knows the value of these things and is attempting to lead him into

the peace, the understanding, the truth, that is rightfully his or hers to have and to hold. Lay aside the anxiousness for what you shall eat, or what you shall wear, and replace it with the desire to know thyself, to know the Truth and to understand life as it really is. Bring yourself once and for all out of the darkness, the dream world, in which you now have your being. Rise up and claim your sonship with your Creator. Know these things, not by intellect, but by deep spiritual knowing. When this true knowing comes into being for you, then, beloved ones, you have begun to live, you have begun to know life as it should be. You no longer live in a state of dream, but you begin to unfold, as does the rose when it comes into bloom. You begin to experience life in a much greater and broader sense; you begin to see Creation for what it is. You begin to have true love for your Creator and for your fellow man; you begin to feel this glorious at-one-ness with all Creation, and begin to have an understanding of your part within it. Lest Man has these things, I say unto you, he has nothing. He knows not life. So, rise up, beloved ones, rise up—bring your head above the dream world and look back into it, realizing what it is and why it is, but knowing that it is no longer for you. Lay aside your burdens, all of your worries and cares, and take on a life of peace, well-being and Truth. May the great peace, love and understanding that is yours, rise up within you now and spark the flame that will bring you into this new state of consciousness that is rightfully yours to have. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, peace. Thursday, March 9, 1961 Greetings, Children of the Light. I use this term of greeting because each of you here tonight is walking in the Light, to your fullest ability. Continue to do this, my friends, and let your Light ever increase, that you might walk ever in a brighter and more beautiful Light. Tonight, beloved ones, we are going to attempt to create for each of you a greater Light, that you might be helped as you go forth into your daily living. We have with us tonight, a being who has been with you before, and each of you have with you your own teacher or Wisdor. This ceremony we have performed for you here at Center R before, and we were happy to note that most of you received much good. So, beloved ones, relax, let go—open your hearts and your minds, and let this energy flow through your being. Receive as you will. As I speak, this is being done. Your planet stands in great need of Light at this time, but a great period of darkness must pass before the full impact of His Light will be felt by Planet Earth. But the time

draws nigh when this great Light shall permeate Planet Earth, and as is stated in your religious histories, a new heaven and a new earth shall appear. This is a literal statement; you shall truly have a new heaven and a new earth; even Man himself will be renewed. Man of Earth will not be the same; he shall be a being of much higher intelligence, a much more highly refined physical body structure. All of his senses shall become active; he shall know himself as he really is. As Earth Man stands today, more than one-third of his senses are inactive, and his brain is more than ninety per-cent inactive. The consciousness of Earth Man has been such that he has not made use of the faculties he possesses. Man must extend his consciousness, he must expand it ever outward; for as his consciousness increases, so shall his abilities to use the faculties which he possesses; reach out, ever outward, for new and higher understanding. Some of the great Teachers who have come to your planet have spent great efforts in trying to awaken your people to new Truths. But these Teachers—by those who believed—were worshipped as Gods, which they were not; and those who disbelieved, attempted to destroy Them. These great Teachers demonstrated many things to your people, and they did not declare them as miracles, as is recorded in your histories. They attempted to convey to these people that they, too, had these powers within them; that they were but to develop them. But these powers can only be known through hard and diligent searching, through attempting to reach out and grasp understanding. One of your great Teachers is quoted as saying, “Where two or more are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of you.” To most of your people, these are empty words, but I say to you, my friends, even tonight He has stood among you, as have others. These are not miracles, these are perfectly normal functions. The only reason you have not seen them, is because some of your normal faculties are not functioning. Beloved children, open your eyes, gaze into the heavens, and search for the Truth that lies there. Each of you has full access to all knowledge, and true knowledge and understanding will be found in no other way than going within, making that contact with Universal Wisdom or Mind, the storehouse of all that is —all that ever was, or ever will be—for nothing is new, It is all there, and it is yours to have. Search it out, beloved ones, and claim that which is rightfully yours, for ye, my friends, are true Sons of Creation; Ye are Creators in your own right; claim that which is yours. I hope that each of you tonight has received much good from the Light that you were given, for each of you has been surrounded the entire time I have been speaking, in a field of Universal Energy—Cosmic Energy—that contains the lifesaving Essence of the Universe. May the Peace, the Love, and the Understanding of the Infinite One rest in the

hearts of each of you. Go in peace, my friends. I leave. Tuesday, March 21, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal of Arcturus. You have met here in the name of understanding. This, my friends, is a word that is greatly and widely used upon your planet, yet little effort is put forth to attempt to exercise and use understanding; so little of this really exists. First, you must attempt to exercise understanding in your daily routine of life. Try to understand your fellow man, why he does and says the things that he does, why his beliefs and his actions are what they are. Try to understand that his environment may be different than yours. Extend to him your love, your friendship, and your understanding. The people from other planets within your system have been attempting, for many, many years in your time, to extend their understanding and friendship to the people of your earth, yet they have been turned away, rebuked in almost every attempt that has been made. Great offers have been made by these beings to aid your people, to raise your civilization to new standards, but these efforts have gone unnoticed and unaccepted by the powers that be. These beings have offered to bring to your planet new science, new economic systems and to eliminate all disease and all sickness among your peoples— providing all wars be eliminated from your planet, that your people come together in agreement to live side by side in peace, in love. But your leaders argue that this cannot be done by the people of Planet Earth in their present understanding, and that in order to bring about a change of this nature, would bring great chaos and suffering to your people. They argue that a system of this kind could not be transformed rapidly; yet we know this can and will be done eventually. But, as we see it from our vantage point, the opposition to our plans fear, most of all, the loss of power in the hands of a few would be eliminated; for all mankind would work for the good of mankind, and would not consider self-gain in his efforts to raise his standards. A great spiritual growth would be needed among your people in order to bring these things into being, but here again, my friends, we have ways and means of helping you in this respect. We come to Planet Earth with no other thought in mind than to extend a helping hand, to raise our brothers upon Planet Shan to new and higher standards, to bring to them a way of life that heretofore has not been known upon your planet, and to bring to them peace—not only peace between peoples, but peace of mind—and this, beloved friends, is the greatest achievement that Man can have.

But Man will not know true peace of mind until he understands himself, his brother and his universe, and allows to rise up within him a love which makes him at one with all creation. In other words, he blends himself into the One Mind of Creation where peace does reign supreme. When Man achieves this, he experiences true peace, true love, true understanding, true life, and he really begins to live. He knows love as love exists in Creation, not as you know it in your way of life, for this is not love. We, the Sons of Adoni, are in your skies waiting, watching individuals, helping, guiding, directing those who choose to attempt to reach this state of understanding. When this choice is made in true love, in sincerity, and some effort is made to reach out—we will be there to help. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the love, light and understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Wednesday, March 22, 1961 Peace, peace be with you, beloved. Let thy hearts rest in peace and in this peace, rise up, O Children, rise up and come forth, for the time is at hand when the Children of Light must stand forth. Yes, the time of His Kingdom; the manifestation of this is at hand. The wheat and the chaff are being separated. Soon, once more, the Great Light shall shine on Planet Earth and Man shall once more know himself. But now is the time to come out and be counted. Man, if he is to reach the higher goal must stand forth. There is so much to be done for mankind to awaken him to the truth that he must see. No longer can we stand upon ceremony, no longer can we hide in the bush. Man must face his destiny, the full knowledge of what lies ahead. Man must rapidly expand his consciousness if he is to reach the higher rungs of the ladder. No longer can he close his eyes to that which he does not want to see because of what embarrassment it may bring upon him. Man must recognize his errors and go about a way of correction. The time is now when Man must be receptive to new knowledge and understanding, that he might bring himself into a higher state of consciousness. The day of seeking truth in the temple has passed. Man must now search within— within the temple of his own heart where lies all truth. He must learn to unlock the door and let it flow. And this, beloved ones, can only occur in the silence of your own chamber. So, come ye out from among them—stand forth and let your light shine. Lay your burdens at the feet of your Creator and raise your heads high, knowing full well that you are master of it all.

The deeds of the Masters that have trod the earth, attempting to bring you the Truth and Understanding, are yours to have and to hold. But this is not done by withholding your light; let it shine for all to see. Make peace with yourself and you shall have peace with your fellow man. Earth Man has not yet made peace within himself—therefore, he does not have peace in the outer. For, when peace reigns supreme within your own being, peace surrounds you everywhere. Therefore, let not trouble linger within your hearts, but rather create the consciousness of peace. Beloved ones, take into your being great quantities of this Creative Light. Create it through your own consciousness. You have these powers within you. You can create what you will. No one can deviate your path, for it is yours to choose and to follow. Many are the students of Truth, yet few are they who put into use the truths that they know, the truths that they have learned intellectually. For unless we use the power within us, the knowledge has availed us little. And I must repeat: come ye out from among the masses and stand forth as one who knows the Truth, who realizes the individual potentiality that lies within him and intends to master and use it for the good of all mankind. May the peace, the love and the understanding, of all the Great Masters, surround each of you and fill your hearts to overflowing. Peace, beloved, peace, peace. Monday, March 27, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. I come here tonight with my friend Anthon, and he and the instrument insist I speak to you for a few moments. I hope this will be agreeable with you. I must explain to your new friends here tonight, that my English is not too satisfactory. In fact, I had not attempted to use your language until I spoke through this instrument. So, I will ask you to bear with me and excuse my mistakes in your English. Perhaps you may even have to help me out occasionally with one of your words. Will you do this? Group: Yes. Thank you! I hope I am improving, I am making an effort to become more with your language. However, I do speak several other languages quite fluently. My friends, what shall we talk about tonight? How about Light—shall we talk for a few moments about this thing of which we speak so much called Light? Does this meet with your approval? Group: Yes. Thank you!

What is this thing we so often speak of called Light? We make some very astounding claims for it, do we not? Well, in my experience, and in my understanding, I find that this is a very powerful and real energy. It is known among the higher beings, or beings of higher understanding, I should say, as an energy, containing all life-giving substance, and it is drawn from the atmosphere; perhaps I should not use that word. It is quite difficult to find words to express some of these things. But this energy exists throughout space, throughout all eternity. It is something that is found everywhere, no matter where you are, it is there, and you have only to call upon it. In other words, through your own thinking, your own thought power you bring this energy into concentration about you, or about someone or something which you ask to direct it to. Do I make myself clear? It is not really something that you create, for it is there, it is always there, it is everywhere, it is the energy of the Universe upon which all things depend. Without this energy you could neither exist in the physical, or as even a spiritual being, for it is the life-giving energy of all things of the Universe, of all Creation. By bringing this into concentration you are increasing its power, or rather bringing more of it together. I am trying to gather some words here which would make or bring to you the realization of how this great power works. You might compare it to your electricity, for instance. This you are somewhat familiar with. You can have in a circuit of electricity, either a low voltage, or a high voltage; the higher you increase the voltage, the more power you have. In other words, you are concentrating more of this energy in one place, so to speak. And with Light, it is quite the same; the more of it you can bring into concentration, the more effective it becomes. It is possible to concentrate enough of this energy about you, to create a field that would be impenetrable. It would work somewhat as the field around a spaceship. In the spaceship, a field of energy is created around the craft at all times; nothing in space can touch the surface of the craft, because of the field of energy that is created about it. You could push your hand as hard as you could against the side of the craft, but you could not touch the surface of the craft itself, for this field of energy would not allow you to do so. A similar force of energy, if concentrated enough about you, would serve as a protective wall about your being, nothing could touch you. Is this not something, my friends? If we learn to concentrate enough of this energy about us, nothing in the world, nothing in the Universe could bring harm to you physically. There are many ways of concentrating this energy; those who have higher understanding of science, are able to do this scientifically through what you would call, I suppose, mechanical means, or being done through a device of some nature. But it is not necessary to have this sort of method, for you can do it through your own mind concentration, through visualizing. It is possible, by visualizing and concentrating, calling forth this energy, to build it about you, to where it can actually be seen by the spiritual eye, as you call it. And in some concentrated forms, it can

even be seen by your physical eyesight. But there are certain laws of nature, universal laws, that are also effective in the controlling of these energies. Love is one of these, for when you are using the universal laws, if you are using them in an attitude of love, devotion, humility, reverence, your concentration, or your powers to concentrate this energy is increased many fold. Love, as it is known and referred to by Earth People, is not what I speak of. It is quite difficult to put into words just what we mean when we speak of love. I should say that it is more of a reverence, a feeling of at-one-ness with all creation, with all things of nature—of the trees, of your brother-man, of the animal world, of the planet, or the planets, of the universe; feeling a great reverence, so to speak, and feeling a part of all this, and knowing that you are a part of all of this, and that you are responsible, in a minute way for all of this creation, therefore you feel, you have rather, a feeling for it, that you are part of it, somewhat as you feel that you are a part of your children. It is more of the love that you feel for your children, but is still not quite the same, for Earth People have a tendency to feel a possessive love for their children, and this, my friends, is not a true love, for we have to realize that these children are not for us to possess, but rather, they are a part of all of this creation. We are merely instruments for them to manifest into a physical, chemical expression of life, and that they are only a part of us in relation to this chemical, physical world, so to speak. But this is the closest thing in your expression here in the physical, chemical life expression to real love. I know that there are many parents who do have this type of love for their children. However, there are the other kind too, who do not realize that they are a separate expression of life and must express in their own way. But really, love is something you cannot really understand until you come into a thorough realization of it, and have really begun to feel this at-one-ness with all creation. I feel that I have not at all made myself clear on this, but it is a most difficult thing to try to put into words that can be clearly understood. (Solex Mal to Anthon.) My friends, I am told I have a few moments yet, so I shall be happy to attempt briefly to answer one or two questions, if you have any that would help clear up what we have been talking about. Questioner: Can we realize this at-one-ness with all creation in this physical life? It is quite possible to realize this in this physical life, for I think, at least I believe, that I have a fair realization of this love, and I am living at this time, and have been for quite some time in a physical, chemical body, as you are in. There is no reason why this cannot be realized here. Questioner: Can we, by concentrating this Light around us more often, more rapidly reach this state of at-one-ness? I believe I could state that this would help, for this energy has a spiritual effect on

anyone who has a concentration of it about them. In other words, it does help to open your spiritual centers, which of course, does speed up, so to speak, your spiritual growth. But, in using any of the energies or laws of the universe, attempt always to use them unselfishly in love, with an attitude of love and reverence for this great power, which is actually what you speak of as God Himself. Questioner: Will you give us a description of humility? Surely, you must know humility when you see it, do you not? For he, who was humble—your great Master, whom you call Jesus—was he not a humble being? Did he not always refer to himself as the least among them and the least among you? You see, my friends, I am not a higher being than you, my teacher is not a higher being than I, he is merely at a different level of understanding, and he does not feel that he is better than I, or that he is wiser; he is merely trying to help me, to help to bring me to a higher level of understanding, But he would not pass up the lowliest of persons; he does not feel that he is above anything or anybody. Questioner: Can you work more closely with us, to increase our Light in service to others? We cannot increase your Light, we can add ours to yours. However, we who are working in the Light, are continually sending our Light, attempting to concentrate energies where they will do the most good for your people and your planet. We will be glad, at any time, to help you in any way we can. I should like to state, that I know that your teachers are all working closely with each of you, and they are, shall we say, giving you as much of their Light as you can use, at all times. So, you see, my friends, it depends a great deal upon your ability to use the help you are given. You must take advantage of it. Do the things that are suggested to you. If you will follow the instructions that are given to you by your teachers, you will live in love as they suggest. If you eliminate ego, anger and all of these things, your Light will increase greatly. Does this answer your question? Questioner: Yes. Thank you, and I hope you will tell us more about yourself the next time you visit us. Are you in the United States? No, I am not ... There is not much to say about myself. I am not a very important person. I might say that I am a very good friend of the teacher of the instrument and I come to you by his request many times. He has told me a great deal about all of you and your activities and I am very interested. I am happy to see that people are attempting, at least, to spread love and understanding and brotherhood among the People of Earth; and I say to you, my friends, it has never been needed more than it is needed at this time upon Planet Earth. Now, my friends, I have carried on here long enough; I do not wish to bore you. It has been my pleasure to again be with you and I wish to extend my gratitude for being allowed to come into your midst, and I hope I shall be welcomed again at a

later time. Now, I must leave, I extend to each of you my deepest love and blessings, and may each of you reach very rapidly, the heights in spiritual understanding that you aspire to. Goodnight, my beloved friends, goodnight. Monday, April 3, 1961 Greetings in the light, my friends, I am Oxal. As we observe from our vantage point the maneuvering of your world leaders for power and advantage in the name of peace, it rather amazes us how very little knowledge these great intellectual minds have of Universal Law. If they had a small fraction of Universal Law as they have of ways and means of destroying each other, if they could realize the penalty that they shall reap for their actions, they should tremble in fear and shrink from the very thoughts that are now within their hearts. Man cannot carry on in this manner without reaping the results. Yet each day finds new ideas, new efforts being put forth to find new ways of bringing about destruction of those whom they consider to be their enemies. When will Earth Man come into the realization that his only salvation of survival lies in his ability to live and work in harmony with his fellow man? When will he learn that man in reality possesses nothing, that in doing as he has, he is merely building on a foundation of sand which shall be washed away, shall be washed from beneath him when the rains come; he shall flounder and sink. Why has Earth Man had such great difficulty in coming into this realization? He has built his desires, his hopes completely around self, ignoring the fact that Man does not live alone, that Mankind is tied together by bonds much greater than physical desires as you know them. One of your great teachers explained this when he said to build upon the rock and to build your treasures spiritually, rather than physically, for where your treasures are, there shall your heart be and your consciousness. My beloved friends, search your hearts and see where your treasures lie and then build according to your understanding. Rise up from among the masses and stand out as an individual, ready to be known as one who stands upon Truth as he knows it and seeks forever higher and greater Truths; having at all times an open heart and mind; building continually upon his rock foundation until he reaches heights where through his living he demonstrates the Light in which you move and have your being. Know at all times that your Creator has placed within you the ability, the desire and the knowledge of how to reach the highest goal, and know also, that as each day the sun rises you have reached another step forward on the climb upward and onward to higher Truth and understanding. Somehow among Earth People there seems to exist a fear of declaring themselves, of claiming the rightful place which is theirs, of identifying themselves with their

Creator. Certainly no man should feel shame for this, yet, this lurks in the hearts of many of your people and needs to be called forth, to be plucked from them, for many have the desire to come forth and claim their place, yet they have not quite the courage. Beloved friends, ofttimes you can place the spark in the heart of this individual that is needed to bring him forth. Do not miss these opportunities. It is not the righteous that need your help, but it is those who need to be sparked, who need to have the flame kindled within them that will start them on their path to understanding, for until a man hath understanding, though he possess all that the world can give him, he hath nothing. Where do you stand today, my friends, in your world of darkness, do you stand ready to serve your Master? You, beloved ones, can only answer for yourself. Surrounding your planet today, are millions of beings from other planets, waiting, hoping, that People of Earth will awaken and ask their help. They stand ready to serve people of Earth, to help them to a new way of life that is far beyond anything that most of them could conceive of. They are waiting only to be asked; they have offered their service; it has been refused—yet they stand back and wait, hoping that enough people of Earth will accept them before they bring too much destruction upon themselves. Universal Law will not allow these beings to intercede against the will of your people. So you see, my friends, the future of the People of Earth lies in their own hands. How many shall survive the coming changes will depend upon them. We extend our encouragement and our gratitude to those of you who are attempting to do your part. We hope that these numbers will increase greatly and we know that each of you will do your part in trying to increase these numbers by letting your light shine—through your living, that others shall want to follow. I extend to each of you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Tuesday, April 18, 1961 Peace, my children, peace, peace. Tonight, beloved ones, I stood among you; I observed, and what I observed was good. I note harmony existing—an attempt to have understanding. As we observe the chaos, as it increases today upon your planet—we see so much need for what you are attempting to demonstrate among you. And believe me when I say that your efforts are not going unnoticed, and your efforts are not going unfelt. The positive vibrations that you emanate are doing good, but a great deal more is needed, as you well know and can see. The day rapidly approaches, my friends, when your planet shall feel the impact of

the great field of negativity that has been built around it. The day approaches when many things shall become more clear to you. I know that among Earth People there is much wondering, much puzzling as to the whys and wherefores of many, many things. We often hear remarks by your people—wondering why this individual or that individual, although his actions are of a very unjust nature, still in your material world he seems to gain wealth, prestige and power. But I say to you, my friends, the day approaches when all Mankind of your planet shall receive justice and in this hour you will understand. It shall unfold before you, and you shall be very, very happy that you have travelled the Path of Light. Could you imagine with me for one moment, my friends—observing those who pass on into a new life of peace, of love, of understanding—a Utopia as you would express it—and not being able to move on with them, but rather to continue on in something that is much less desirable, and suddenly having the realization of how glorious this could be and yet not being able to receive it, because you had not built your treasures in the proper place? No, beloved friends, Universal Law is just. Your Creator is not a respecter of persons, but a respecter of Law, and he who lives and abides by His Laws shall also abide in His Glory. So, I say to you, beloved friends, build your treasures in Spirit, for there also will your consciousness be, and you shall tread the path that shall take you through realms that are beyond your comprehension. You shall experience wisdom, love and understanding and shall know life abundantly; shall know it for what it really is, for life is sweet if you wish to make it so, and it can be as sweet as you wish to make it. Beloved friends, no one can do it for you—you are the creator of your own consciousness, and you are what you can be conscious of being; you are the being of your consciousness. So, beloved friends, expand that consciousness to be exactly what you wish it to be; it is up to you. Your Creator has willed it thus, and thus it shall be. My peace, my love and my understanding I extend to each of you, and may each of you expand your consciousness and become exactly that, that you wish to be, Peace be with you, my friends, peace, peace. Wednesday, April 19, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends. With your kind permission I will spend a few moments with you this evening. I have been asked by the instrument and his teacher if I would give you my understanding of what you have been talking about here this evening. In my understanding, each planet that has physical life upon it, has also about it an envelope, or an atmosphere, or whatever terminology you care to use. On each planet there exists a form of life that has adapted itself to that environment and has

also a certain range, or shall I say, has a certain range of spiritual development. In other words, as you understand upon your planet, quite a wide range of understanding, and those who have very little understanding in this particular environment, and it ranges on up to a certain level, and there it stops. This is true, my friends, on every planet that contains life. Therefore, these particular people are confined to a planet and are not able to go beyond the envelope of this planet, so to speak—without a conveyance, or something that will protect them, so that they can take their environment with them. And also, this applies to the spiritual body as well as the physical body. That is why the people of Earth will not be able, in the present type of vehicle that they are working with, to go beyond the Earth’s envelope. In order to do this they are going to have to have a vehicle where they can create the atmosphere that they are accustomed to and take it with them. You see, the people that have come to your planet from other planets, have had to go through a stage of preparation, before they were able to land upon your planet and to exist here in comfort. This is why, what you call your astral range is contained within a certain confined area in space. They are not able to go beyond this point, until they have refined both their physical and spiritual bodies—or perhaps I should say, just the spiritual body for once you have refined the spiritual body, it automatically takes care of the physical, because you would not create a physical body that would not be able to contain your spiritual body. Do you understand what I am trying to say? I know this is difficult to get these things into your words that are understandable. This, my friends, is true of any planet. So, you see, the Beings who are in the etheric around another planet, would be of a different state of development. I do not like the terms, higher or lower, for we are all brothers in this great sea of life, each striving to reach a higher point of understanding. According to my understanding at this time, this is a long, long journey. For there is I know, a great deal I do not understand and cannot conceive of, beyond in the realms of higher understanding. Life is a continual climb on the ladder of understanding. But to get back to our original subject. There are also, I understand, those planets that do not contain physical life at all upon them. That is to say, there are no Beings living upon the surface of the planet, but they are living in the environs around this planet. And then there are those, too, who do not even require this, who live in space. Each individual level of life will have its own individual type of being, and this is strictly a matter of environment. We adapt ourselves to the environment in which we must live. It has been said that if a certain amount of radioactive radiation were released in the atmosphere of this planet, life would not be able to exist. And this, my friends, is true of the type of life that now exists here. But if this condition were to continue upon this planet, you would find that a form of life would develop here that could live under this condition. You see, Nature will create for the environment which it has to deal with. This is very evident as you look about your own planet, in

your animal life, your sea life, and so on. Life will adjust itself to the condition that exists there. Have I helped you any, my friends? Group: Yes. I have tried to bring this picture to you, so that it might clarify some of the questions that are on your minds. Now, my friends, since your hour is late, and the instrument is quite fatigued tonight, I will not continue to bore you with my talking. Group: You do not bore us. Thank you, my brothers, thank you. I would like to extend my thanks and my gratitude to the members of this household for accepting me, and to the rest of you for your kind indulgence. It has been my pleasure to be in your presence. Group: Thank you for coming. I would like to extend to each of you my love, my blessings, and my peace. May each of you in your search for Truth and understanding, have great success and joy. Goodnight to you, my friends. Thursday, April 27, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Once more, my friends, I should like to comment upon what we observe from our vantage point here in space. The tension upon your planet is increasing day by day. Whenever the economic system of your planet begins to totter, tension is increased. The great powers that control the monetary system have great concern for their system; they must bring about conditions that will bolster the spending. Each time it becomes more difficult for them to bring about the spending that is necessary to conduct their wars without bringing into being a major catastrophe, which they fear for themselves more than they fear for you. Your civilization today rocks in the balance. There appears to be a great deal of bloodshed in the near future. Those of you who have knowledge of your powers— use them to counteract the conditions that are growing by the moment.

A system that is founded upon the basis of which yours is founded, must fail sooner or later. What amazes us most is to observe the stupidity with what some of your socalled great minds function. It is difficult to see how they can hope to continue a system of barter that is based upon greed, power and lust; yet, their eyes seem blinded to the Truth. They see not, neither do they hear. Several attempts have been made from your neighboring planets to point out the folly of your system, to bring aid to you, to show you the way; yet, each attempt has failed. A great spiritual blindness exists among these people. They have built a consciousness of power, of greed and they have not been able to penetrate beyond this consciousness. A great, great amount of detailed planning is going on at this time among the powers that control your planet—and note that I said planet—for these powers reach every nation upon your planet. They are much more far-reaching than you think or realize. Your great nation, as great as it may seem, is not what it seems, for it too is controlled by the great monetary system that controls the functions of your planet, of practically all of the nations. These shackles will not be easy to break, my friends; yet they shall be broken, and Man again shall be free, for it is the will of your Creator that Man shall be free. But, before Man of Earth can free himself, he must pass through many great experiences that will give him wisdom and understanding. He must be awakened to the Truth; he must be awakened to the fact that Man does not live by bread alone, that there are many other things that are even more essential to Man’s freedom, to his understanding. Man of Earth must be awakened to the fact that he must build a consciousness of love, of understanding, a consciousness of peace, of well-being, of love and understanding for his fellow being. He must learn to live side by side with Mankind in peace, in love and in understanding. He must realize his responsibilities to his Creator and to Creation; he must come to know his likeness to his Creator—his relationship—for, until Man comes into a realization of these things, he cannot live in peace. All of these things, my dear friends, must begin in the heart of Man himself. A realization is dawning in the hearts of millions of your people, a realization of the need for these things, and a realization that they must start in the individual heart. As this takes root and spreads among your people, many will gain this consciousness, and through the events that are to come, the realization will spring up among those who have a desire to follow the path of understanding, of justice, and those who cannot find this desire in their hearts will fade from this planet. Let your prayers be, beloved ones, that Man of Earth shall find this consciousness rapidly, so that the events may pass more rapidly and that your planet might gain its place in your system, its rightful place, as soon as possible. Let your Light so shine in your life that it might spread this desire in the hearts of Man, for no Man can spread Truth more rapidly than by living the Truth, by showing

the way by example. This is the only way, so let your example show the way for others. I leave you, my friends, by extending to you the Love, the Light and the Understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, April 28, 1961 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Where do you stand today, my friends, in the affairs of your planet? Do you have an awareness of what is going on about you? How sharp is the awareness that you possess? Are you aware of the immense rapidity of the change that is occurring before your very eyes? Beloved friends, the change is taking place everywhere about you, in your seas, in your planet, in your atmosphere and in your civilization. Mankind is experiencing a great change within himself; yet, most of your people are not aware of these changes. Many are not aware in the slightest of the change that is occurring in their own being. Few are aware of the real happenings that are occurring in your civilization. They are only aware of what appears upon the surface, of what certain powers would have them be aware of. Their eyes are blinded by the lack of enough courage to seek out the Truth. My beloved brother, Yom, in his assignment to aid Earth Man, has done a great deal of research among Earth Man, and through the powers that he has developed in his growth, although he exists in a physical body, as do you, he is able to extend himself into the far corners of your planet and into the places of great secrecy among thy people, and see for himself first-hand, and make note of what is really happening behind the scenes, and if it is your pleasure, I should like to give him the opportunity to tell you of some of the conditions that he has found. I am sure that he would be glad to do this for those of you who are seeking to know the Truth. So, beloved friends, I shall withdraw and give him the opportunity to speak for himself. Yom: Good evening to you, my friends. Once more it is my pleasure to speak with you and to share with you my understanding and my experiences, as Anthon has asked me to tell you of some of the things which I found in my investigation of your civilization. I find, my friends, as I have gathered with some of your peoples in their so-called secret meetings. And you know, my friends, I think that some of these people would be quite amazed if they knew that someone had the power to secretly sit with them in their meetings without being seen or known about. This, do you agree, my friends, might amaze some of them quite considerably? Group: Yes.

My friends, you would be amazed if you knew the things that go on behind the scenes, and how little your people know of the true ruling powers that control your peoples’ lives. Your so-called money system—starting back several years perhaps 150 years or more—at that time, certain powers began to get control of the money system, and through the years, they have gathered more and more power through their control of money. I have sat secretly in meetings held in Sweden where the great money interests are held, and I have personally heard these men discuss ways and means of bringing about chaos, wars among your people, in order that they might reap the benefits in their sale and production of war materials. These things are carefully planned events; propaganda to bring these things about, are carefully planned—how they will stir up the emotions of the people—fan them into higher emotional states to false patriotism. To me, my friends, patriotism is one of the most overplayed things in your civilization. What is patriotism? Man only seeks to be free, but I say to you, my friends, there are no free people upon Planet Earth. Your people do not know freedom, for when man is free, he is free from all anxiety; he has true peace within his heart. The People of Earth do not have peace within their hearts. In your great country, you have a much higher standard of living than in most other parts of your planet, but this standard has been raised by false methods. It has been raised through a great interest system, and your peoples are becoming more and more chained by this great interest system. And sooner or later—and it looks like it might be sooner—this system must collapse, for a system that enslaves the people, cannot survive, and your people are being enslaved by interest. So you see, my friends, you can have what appears to be a high standard, yet it may be a false standard, for it has not been built upon a solid foundation. You see, my friends, the sad thing about your civilization today and the alarming thing, is that your scientific development is moving so rapidly, and your spiritual growth, spiritual understanding is moving so slowly, that the balance is way, way off—therefore, there is great danger. If your spiritual science and your scientific science would move more evenly, if they were more in balance, you would not have these conditions. When Man moves too rapidly in the scientific field and the spiritual science lags so far behind, he finds himself in possession of powers that he is not capable of handling, and that is exactly where your civilization stands today. That is why you have the conditions that I spoke of. Man, through his greed for power, is enslaving the people. Behind the scenes there is a great movement to try to promote wars among your people without using nuclear devices. A great deal of effort has been put into developing machinery and equipment for war that has been piling up, and it must be used so the money interests can gather their profits. But, you see, there is a certain realization among these powers that there are certain dangers, and as long as they could keep the wars on a scale where they only are not affected and that they make their profit, they are happy. But now they have something there that is worrying them, for they know that there is always the danger of nuclear powers

being released. And do not be fooled by what you are told; these interests, these people who are in control, know the true dangers of warfare, and they have a great fear within their hearts, for they know full well that once a great amount of this energy is released, that they are going to suffer also, and they do not want this. So great conferences are held, great discussions on how these things can be handled. You see, in order to have a war, you have to provoke two sides, and many people who are in high places in your governments of your planet are not aware of the true source of many of these troubles. They, too, are fired by patriotism; they really believe in what they are doing, but they do not have a realization of what is back of these things. It is quite amusing, sometimes, when you can view clearly both sides of these situations—each is convinced fully that they are right, and the truth of the matter is that neither one of them is right. For you see, my friends, if Man had genuine freedom and was able to have understanding of his fellow man and of himself, if he was—I believe you call it brain-washed—and was taught to think clearly for himself, and to seek Truth and understanding, these conditions could not exist. Man would be given a position of rank for his true capabilities and understanding. A man, to have a truly high position in the government of his people, would have to have a true spiritual understanding along with his knowledge of science, of his Creation of his universe and of Universal Laws. He would have to be a man of true ability, a man of true greatness, and he would hold this position only as long as he displayed these qualities. There was a meeting of some of the greatest powers, supposedly some of the greatest minds in your world today, not too long ago. These were not men holding positions in your government, but they were men of great wealth, or at least what your people consider men of great wealth, for they have control of great resources in your world, and their powers reach around your planet. You would be amazed if you could hear the discussions that go on in one of these meetings. They were discussing their holdings in all the countries upon your planet—great factories, great plantations, and well, I could not go into detail; it would take too long. As they talked and discussed, the different ones whom they had placed in certain positions of control, and how they were operating and being successful in making great profits from these various enterprises, it was amazing how many people were being used for the interests of these few who are in control, and these men have no scruples, so to speak. When a man is not functioning, or doing what they consider to their best interest, or if a man opposes them in any way, they have no scruples about destroying him. To them money or wealth—in reality it is power—is their only interest. They judge everything by the power it will bring them. Of course, money is only a tool for them to use. But it would really amaze your people if they could really see and hear the things of this type that go on. No man on your planet is beyond the reach of these powers, unless he can develop his own understanding, his own spiritual development, to where he can rise above these things.

Now, my friends, there is a brighter picture, for the time is rapidly approaching when these powers shall crumble. These times are not going to be easy for your people, but it will truly be a period of cleansing, and out of it will emerge a new era of justice where Man shall truly be freed, shall truly experience freedom and understanding. My friends, I think I have stayed my time; I do not wish to bore you with my expounding. Questioner: Could this power group that you mention, be called the International Bankers? Yes, they could be called that. It is an Internationally controlled system; it controls the money of your planet. I say money, because that is your bartering system; but they also control the industry and resources of your planet. Questioner: Are the heads of our government aware of this control? Your government is controlled by this power. Questioner: Are they aware of that? Many are, some are not. Have I improved any in my English? Questioner: Yes! Thank you, I hope so. Now, my friends, I must vacate this instrument. It has been my pleasure to be with you again tonight, and I want to extend my gratitude to the members of this household for welcoming me. Questioner: It has been our pleasure, Yom. I wish to extend to each of you my love and my blessings. Goodnight, my friends. Thursday, May 11, 1961 Greetings to you, my friends. I come to you in love and understanding. I shall speak a few words on the Law of giving. Earth People do not have an understanding of Universal Taws, therefore they have difficulty in living the Laws. They defy the Laws instead of cooperating with them. When they have great need, they give less and receive less, and their need becomes greater.

Many of your people have doubts about how the people of other planets live in plenty. Those who understand the Laws go to great lengths to give, to be of service. Therefore, they have great abundance and a never ending supply of all things. Man must realize the importance of thought in giving. He shall receive according to his attitude in giving. Many have received, not knowing how or why, and it is not important that they do know; it is enough that the law is working. It is not for us to determine the way the Law works, for it works in many mysterious ways, but know the law works and that the source of supply is unlimited. Many of your people give for a material compensation, with the expectation of receiving; they give in great selfishness, lust and greed. When they give with this thought in mind, that that they receive will not bring good, eventually. There are many Universal Laws that your people do not know about. These Laws were made by your Creator for your own good and they are just, for your Creator is the Law. He only asks that you live the Laws. Peace be with you, peace. Tuesday, May 16, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. Will it be alright if I interrupt your meditation now? Group: Yes. As I have been moving about among People of Earth, it becomes more apparent day by day to me of the need of Man upon this planet to learn more of the Inner Man, or to come into a realization of what he really is. I find that Man has very little realization of his potentialities, so to speak. I have checked or investigated, as you would say, many of your races, and I find that this condition is quite prevalent wherever I go. But I do find that Man is becoming more, shall we say, curious about himself—he is beginning to want to know—he is beginning to have somewhat of a curiosity, shall we say? I still have some trouble expressing in your language, so if you will bear with me, I will try to do my best. For some time now, I have been among the people behind the Iron Curtain, as you would say. There is great need here for Light Workers, but you would be surprised too, my friends, to find that here, too, as in your country, people are seeking to know the Truth. I would say that they, perhaps, have to work a little more under cover. But, nevertheless there are those people here who are seeking, and we, who are truly working in the Light, are interested in all peoples who are seeking Truth, but here are many people who are also attempting to discover who and what they are. They are asking, “What is this Inner Man, what do I consist of, what makes me

function, where are my powers, my capabilities, what can I accomplish?” Man is quite complex, yet Man is quite simple, when he is understood, but you see, as we exist in this physical, chemical plane of existence, this, I might add, this dream world—for in reality this plane of existence is a dream world—is not the real existence of Man, for Man is truly not what you see here as Man. In reality he is a spiritual being, and he has great power within him to create. Once he can open his consciousness and really begin to see and realize who and what he is, he finds himself in possession of tremendous powers. Those Beings who truly have this understanding, have no problems in having anything that their consciousness can conceive of, for Man is truly consciousness, and he can create for himself anything that he can bring within his consciousness. There has stood among you tonight, my friends, a Being of this nature; whether or not you knew this, depends upon your awareness. Can you conceive, my friends, of being able to bring into being anything that you desire? Space is full of substance. Everything that ever was or ever shall be now exists; it is merely a matter of transforming energies or substance into whatever you desire to create. Mind has great power—it is all a matter of utilizing these powers to the good of yourself and to the good of Mankind. Man has no limitations in his true being, but, you see, we create a dream world of obstacles. We do not look beyond what we think as reality, into the true reality. So, my friends, realize that you have created for yourselves a world of lack, of illness, and begin to see beyond these things—instead of recognizing what you believe to be real—look beyond and see perfection, see a world of plenty, of health, of happiness and learn to expect and accept these things. You see, you have to begin to know, not to believe, but to know believing is not enough, faith is not enough; you have to know. Does this make sense to you, my friends? Group: Yes. Then let us know, let us not believe, let us go forth with the knowing that we are all powerful, that we can create that which we want and need. But, let us also be humble, be grateful; let us be ever reverent to our Creator, and let us have always upon our lips a song of thankfulness, of appreciation and a desire to serve, to serve our fellow man. Also, let us build within us a consciousness of love, of true love and understanding for our brother-creators, and let us always use our powers in a way that will benefit all Mankind. For, when we use these powers selfishly, greedily, our benefits will not bring us peace, happiness or well-being. So, my friends, let us go forth and hold our heads high; let us look up and out to our Creator, knowing that we and our Creator are one, that he dwells always within us. Therefore, we are endowed with all his powers—we need only to call them forth.

My friends, it has been my pleasure to again be with you tonight.. I wish to extend my thanks and my gratitude for accepting me into your midst. I hope I have been of some little service to you.. If I have,, then I am happy. As I leave, I extend to you my deepest love and understanding, and I hope you will extend yours to me. Group: We do. Thank you, my friends, it has been my pleasure. Goodnight to you. Wednesday, May 24, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Once more, my friends, it is my privilege to speak with you. As we are sitting here in space outside your solar vortice continually making observations and calculations, we find that the negativity that has collected in the aura of your planet over many generations of your peoples, is beginning to have its reactions upon your peoples and their affairs. We find a great tension growing among your people, a great unrest. But as we look farther, we find that behind this unrest is a desire that is growing in the minds and consciousness of your people. As we told you in the beginning of our contact with you, People of Earth are being awakened to a choice. They are beginning to realize that there are two ways to go, and that they must make a choice. However, the choice in the minds of all people are not as we would like to see it. There are those that are not using the path of service, the path of Light, love and understanding. But many too, are those who are coming into the realization that to follow a path other than the path of service to humanity, would be folly. And also, in the minds of these, is being raised a realization that they must be freed from the shackles that have bound them for so many generations. And so you see a great movement beginning to take place among your peoples, a movement to free themselves from the bondage that they have found themselves victims of. But the realization of the true desire that lurks within their hearts, has not yet come into the consciousness of most of them; a realization that burns deep within that has not yet been recognized for what it is. And this, my friends, is a desire that burns within the hearts of all Mankind, to truly know who and what he is —to come into a true realization of the Inner Man, of what it is, and what he consists of, and what are his desires and abilities. Earth Man has not yet come into the realization that he himself is a great spiritual being endowed with great powers to create, that he carries within him the full power of his Creator. If Man but comes into a slight realization of this, he is on his way to new heights in understanding, to new heights of experience, to experiences that are beyond his fondest dreams.

[The] Search for Truth, my friends, is a long search, but as Man treads the corridors of time with a realization that he has within him locked all knowing, [he] realizes that each moment, each experience, is bringing him nearer and nearer to some of the great realizations that Man is destined to experience. We, who have experienced somewhat more than Earthman, perhaps have a greater appreciation of what lies ahead. Yet, our understanding of this great power that lies beyond, is only slight. We, too, are searching for higher and greater Truths. We realize how we too must search and grow. We also realize that those who have stepped beyond us in understanding, are reaching back to give us a helping hand. And therefore, we also must reach down and give a helping hand to our brothers who have not yet reached our level of understanding. And so it goes, my friends, each extending a helping hand to his brother-man who needs and can use his help, and thus we all grow together. Sometimes I think, my friends, that we are more anxious for Earthman to grasp these realizations than he himself is. Man must grow by his own efforts; the more effort he puts forth, the more he can be helped. So, you see, beloved friends, it is important for each man to realize the importance of his own efforts in his spiritual growth. Earthman has reached the point where he must grow spiritually. Many civilizations have come and gone upon your planet. The failure of each civilization has been its lack of balance. Man has not kept pace with his spiritual growth and understanding. He seems prone to put forth great efforts to achieve scientific advancement and neglects his spiritual growth; thus the balance becomes more and more unbalanced. And so Man has achieved scientific knowledge, but lacks the spiritual understanding to handle the powers that he finds himself in possession of. Thus, he brings destruction upon himself. Earthman again stands at this point. We hope to be able to bring into Man's heart a realization of these things, that he may bring about his own salvation. We do not want to intervene in the affairs of Earthman, and we sincerely hope it will not be necessary, but for the good of your system, your solar system, it is possible that this might have to be done. But we shall do everything in our power to bring Man into the realization of what he must do to bring about his own salvation. And believe me when I say, many minds that are in high places in your civilization are not easy to influence. The greed for power has so possessed their hearts that they are not easy to reach, and Earthman is going to find it necessary to pass through some very unpleasant experiences in order to bring these realizations into his heart. But these things are only the results of Man’s own actions. They are only the working of the Law. For Universal law is so constructed that it brings about its own reaction, and no one escapes the Law. My friends, I leave you by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal.

Saturday, May 27, 1961 Good evening, my friends. Once more it is my pleasure to be a guest in this household. I hope I am welcome. Group: Yes. Thank you. What shall we talk about tonight, my friends? Do you have a subject that you would prefer to talk about? Your hour is rather late so I will not stay with you too long. Questioner: Did you hear our conversation tonight, Yom? Yes, I have been among you for some time, although most of you were not aware of my presence. Questioner: Then would you tell us if our version or interpretation of Creation is correct? Yes, I think you covered this subject fairly well. Of course, there are many details that we could go into if you like. Man, in his original state, according to my understanding—and this, my friends, is my understanding—I do not ask you to accept what I say, but take it into your own heart and weigh it well. I can only give to you what my understanding is, and what I can accept at my present level of understanding as Truth. Questioner: Since you think that we covered the subject of Creation fairly well in so short a time, would it be better to discuss the powers of Man? If you would prefer to discuss the powers contained within Man, and what you refer to as Mind, I shall attempt to share with you my understanding. Man is first a spiritual being. What you now see and experience—perhaps this will be a little hard for you to accept—but the existence or the plane of life in which you now exist, is perhaps the greatest dream-world you will ever experience, for you are truly living in a make-believe world or existence. For what you are experiencing here at this moment, and every moment of your existence here, is but a creation of your own mind, and it is not real at all. You are not experiencing Man in his true expression, but Man as you have created him in your mind. The mind of Man is all-powerful; it contains power far beyond what any of you could possibly conceive of, and I am speaking now only from my own experience, and I am sure that Mind goes far beyond my concept. I would prefer to refer to this as Consciousness. To me this is a better word, for Man is Pure Consciousness in his purest form, and Man can be, and have what he can expand his consciousness to

create for him. As you came into this dream-world in which you now live, you lost all memory of your past experience, so far as your present consciousness is concerned. If you, my friends, could awaken yourselves enough to bring back into your consciousness some of your past experiences, you would suddenly realize that this is only a dream. But it is necessary for some of us to experience these dreams, therefore, we find ourselves in situations such as this. Now, it may be quite difficult for you to accept this, but I am sure that if you would consult any Master, either upon your plane here or any other plane of life, he would agree with me. On some levels of life where Man is more conscious of the power contained within himself, of the power of what you call the Mind, he finds that he is able to bring into creation his every desire, his every need; through his Mind, by a little concentration, he brings into being that which he desires. All problems that might arise are solved in the same manner. You see, my friends, how simple it is? Questioner: “It doesn’t seem simple to us, it seems very difficult.” Yes, my friends, I realize this, and that is why we have talked so much about Consciousness, about expanding your consciousness, opening it up to take in more and more. Now the fact that you are living in what I refer to as a dream-world, does not mean that in the same dream-world you cannot expand your consciousness to bring into being that which you desire. You see, there is no need for lack, for sickness, for racial problems, and all of these things if Man would but expand his consciousness—expand it out. But Man must know; he must know that these things are possible, that they are within his rights. The mistake so many of your people make, is that they believe some of these things. They say they have faith, but this is not quite enough, they have to know. It is necessary for Man if he is to really demonstrate, to widen out his consciousness to include these powers, he must bring into his being a knowing, for as soon as you have a little bit of doubt, then you start dreaming. Questioner: Then, when we begin to know the true reality of our sonship, then this dream-world becomes less and less real, and we begin to know the true reality, is that right? That is right; as your knowing increases the dream-world fades away and you begin to see the reality of things, to see beyond all of this, you begin to see into the reality of Man, for Man is truly a great being. Questioner: Excuse me again, then we would be getting back to that state that we spoke of this evening, where we knew we were true Creators before we started experimenting on our own and now we are getting back into that true state? We are trying, we are trying! As we expand this consciousness, we will get there.

But, my friends, we seem to be afraid to expand our consciousness; we are afraid that it might not be so. But let us hold our heads high and declare ourselves, let us declare our rightful place in Creation. You know, I think your peoples make a great mistake when they bow their heads in prayer. When we pray, my friends, let us hold our heads high, look up and out—not up to our Creator, but out from our Creator, for we are the Creator. You see, Earth People are battling a great race consciousness that tells them they are limited; they cannot do this, they cannot do that, they must be sick, they must be poor. My friends, as long as they accept this as being the Truth that is exactly what they will have, for Man is exactly what he can conceive of, what he can be conscious of. You, my friends, all of you, have the power to roam the Universe at will; you do not need a vehicle to travel in. But you have through the centuries, told yourselves that you are controlled by a physical body, but you see, Man has the power to cast this body aside, to lay it aside and travel the Universe, if he believes he can, or if he knows he can, and he has also the power to come back and take it up and use it again, if he cares to. And too, my friends, you do not need words to communicate. Man needs to learn to use the mind that he has. Yours is the only planet in your system where they bother to use words to communicate, and when you can convey an idea to another person by thought, he clearly understands you, you do not get involved in interpretation of words. So often in using words for communication Man has great difficulty in understanding what another is trying to convey to him. Does this give you some idea of what power Man contains? Questioner: Yes, thank you. Then do not limit yourself, for you have great powers, much more than you could possibly conceive of, at this time. Now, my friends, the hour is late; I do not wish to bore you. It has been my pleasure and my joy to be once more in your presence. I should like to thank the members of this household for accepting me again, and I wish to extend to each of you, my very deepest love, blessings and my understanding. It has been my pleasure, my friends. Goodnight. Wednesday, May 31, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. Once more it is my pleasure to come among you and to share with you my understanding.

My friends, we have observed your people very closely and when I say we, I am speaking of many, many beings from many places, both upon your planet and from other planets, from other realms in what you call space. Your peoples are being observed very closely by all realms of life. There is a great interest taken in the evolution of Earth Man and in the events that are now taking place and are to take place upon your planet. It is interesting to see from a point—I suppose you would say, outside of your realm —to observe people’s reactions and actions as they go about their daily life attempting to grow in understanding, to reach a higher level of what you might call evolution. But, you see my friends, they miss their opportunity so often through their Lack of understanding of Universal laws. Man of Earth has been told down through his civilizations, about what you call the Golden Rule, has had many laws given to him to follow. Yet, Man knowing these things, seems to completely ignore what he knows to be true; yet, sometimes we wonder if Man really believes these things to be true. Man talks a great deal about understanding his fellow being, he talks a great deal about the fact that Man must learn to live together, that the Earth, due to modern science, is becoming smaller and smaller, that he must learn to live in peace if he is to survive at all; yet, he does the very opposite. His actions do not correspond with his words. So you see, it becomes quite amusing as you observe these things from the outside. You wonder if Man is not using a lot of words that to him mean nothing at all. And we also observe students of Truth and people who feel that they are righteous, shall we say, who feel that they are living a righteous life—I believe that is the word that is used so much by your people—yet these people will have very little tolerance for their fellow man if he does not agree with their thinking or if he does not do just what the other person thinks is the right thing to do. They are very quick to criticize, to condemn, to judge this person. Is this not true, my friends? Do you not find this as you look around yourself? Earth Man must come into a realization that the only way he is going to serve and to save his civilization is to grow within himself, to build within himself a consciousness of love, of understanding; to be able to tolerate his fellow man and realize that each man and each woman expresses according to their understanding. You see, if we could grow within ourselves so that we demonstrate in our lives these things, we would become such a shining example of life that those whom we meet and associate with, would want to have what we have, then their lives would also change; for the desire within them would burn so brightly that they would begin to change their own lives so that they might experience what we are experiencing. We can do a great deal of talking, but unless we bring these things into being in our own life, they have availed us little. Now, my friends, I realize I am not telling you anything that you do not already know, but sometimes it is good for us to do a little investigating, so to speak, into

our own lives, and see just how much we are living that which we talk about. I know in my own life, I find that I must do this quite often, to remind myself to be ever aware of what is going on within me; for that is the most important thing for each of us, because we are not going to improve the world in which we live, unless we first improve our own life. Now I think I have carried on here about long enough. I’m told that there is another here who would like to say a few words for the benefit of the guest here tonight. So, my friends, I shall leave you now. It has been my pleasure and my joy to be with all of you tonight, and I wish to extend to this household my gratitude for being permitted to be your guest. I wish to extend to each of you my love, my blessings and my understanding. Goodnight to you, my friends, goodnight to you. Friday, June 16, 1961 Be at peace, my friends. It is my pleasure to meet you new friends tonight, although I have been among you a number of times, you have not been aware of my presence. I am a member of a group that is working within your city, and I have been in your city for ten years. My home base is Venus. I and my colleagues are very much interested in the movement of Understanding in your city, and I should like to tell you how we feel about this sort of thing and what we feel the purpose of such an organization should be. The name in itself implies what it should do. Upon your planet today and in the past generations there has been very little understanding among its peoples; therefore, if your peoples are to reach a state of peace, of higher evolvement, a state of understanding, then understanding must begin with its peoples. A great amount of blame of the troubles in your world is placed upon its governments, but this my friends, is only partially true; the understanding is also lacking among your peoples. If your organization is to succeed, as we should like to see it, then it will be necessary for you to promote understanding through the efforts of each of you as individuals in your everyday movement through life. For unless you demonstrate understanding, few people are going to recognize your organization as being what it implies itself to be. In your city there are many small groups of people—groups that most of you here are not aware of—attempting to grow spiritually, to have a higher understanding of spiritual things, but so often these people are not allowing themselves to express

as Man was intended to express. Man cannot receive understanding unless he experiences, he needs to experience it. Unless he associates with his fellow man and uses the truths, the understanding that he receives in meditation and in studies of spiritual understanding, he will not really know, spiritually—he will not really come into an understanding of himself and his fellow man—for it is necessary to be in contact with your fellow man if you are to understand him; and through this contact demonstrate what you have learned in your search for higher understanding. Man can receive only so much then he must give, for throughout the universe there is the Law, and if Man is to grow, he must cooperate with the Law and the Law says that Man, to receive, must give, and to give he must be in balance. Everything in creation in order to function properly must be in balance and Man is no exception. It is necessary that Man maintain balance in all things. You cannot give what you do not have, but give freely that which you have in order that the Law might return to you that which is yours. It is well for people to meet together in small groups to meditate, to search, to receive, but also to realize they have a responsibility to all the people of your planet. Realize your responsibility and attempt to the best of your ability to fulfil it. Attempt to see the needs and do your small part to fulfil them. Realize that you are only one and that you have in this great sea of life, only a minute part to fulfil, but that minute part must be fulfilled well by each and every one of you if you are to realize the goals that are set before you. I know that all of you are sincerely interested in doing your part in raising your own consciousness to a higher level, to be continually climbing into the higher consciousness, and this is as it should be. But the time has come when it is going to be necessary for strength to be increased in certain areas and this, my friends, is when the calling together shall come and the time is here when those who have sought the Light, who are willing to drop ego, personalities, differences of all kinds and come together attempting to be of one mind, bringing together their powers, their energies, and in some way determined by yourselves to bring about a better understanding among your peoples and to promote an understanding that will reach out beyond your present circle. There are many projects that could be performed by groups of this type that could be very effective in bringing about better understanding among Earth people. These things can be far reaching and if Planet Earth is to realize its salvation, its people must be able to come together on common ground. There are many groups of people across the face of your planet today who are doing many things in their attempt to bring about a deeper understanding of its people. Understand—I am not saying that this is the ultimate for Earth People, for this is only a starting point, but until there are grounds for common understanding of Earth People in their present consciousness—there can be no peace. An

atmosphere of love can only be built from understanding. We have watched many of your peoples in their attempt to search for higher spiritual understanding. They come together, form a group or an organization, and through personalities, misunderstanding, they fall by the wayside. This is partially due to a race consciousness that has been built by Earth People; a consciousness of self. Now is the time to lay aside the self, to forget it completely, for there are greater things portending. Your planet is rapidly approaching a crisis. The consciousness of the masses does not change rapidly. When I say the time is short—I mean just that. Now you may think in terms of months, but realizing how slowly, how very, very slowly the consciousness of the masses of Earth Man has changed and when you consider the change that must occur in less than forty years of your Time, well, my friends, does it look possible? But this is what must happen and each of you sitting here tonight can help it happen by going out and attempting in every way you can—to do everything you can in your daily life as you meet and contact your fellow man— to promote an atmosphere of understanding. Man, regardless of who he is, only does the things that he does, because of his understanding, and we, as individuals can do very little to help other individuals unless we have some understanding of both he and ourselves. There is power in numbers. While spiritual understanding and self development is an individual matter—each must grow and develop according to his pattern, to his efforts but in attempting to do something for the masses, there is power in numbers and any project that you undertake to promote understanding upon your planet—its effects will be definitely relative to the number of individuals who are working in and backing this project. I hope, my friends that I have brought to you the realization of what our feeling is on projects such as you have been working with. From our vantage point we perhaps see the need and the lack of understanding among your people much more than it is realized by those who are a part of it. We are doing everything that we can to help to bring about as rapidly as possible, in order that the latter days of your transition may be shortened. But we alone cannot accomplish this; there must be a great deal of cooperation of Earth People and therein lies the solution to Earth’s problem. Questioner: Would it be possible for you to work with us more closely, give us more definite instruction, a blueprint? Answer: A blueprint would, perhaps from your viewpoint, simplify matters greatly, but, were we to do such a thing, we would be violating Universal Law and in the second place you would not follow such a blueprint. When the time comes that there are groups that have developed to the consciousness of love and understanding, of oneness, of solid unity, there will be individuals not of your

people who will work with you and help you in developing yourselves and certain systems of various kinds in your civilization, such as educational methods, scientific development, etc. The time for this is not yet. We have made such attempt in the past; we have found that Earth People have not been ready for this sort of thing. There has always been personalities who could not control themselves. We are not gods, we do not like people to worship us, and Earth People have not yet outgrown these things. We have found in every case, once we have become known our work has been hampered. We have tried this within your city, but we found it necessary to withdraw some of our people, because their work had become hampered, retarded, because Earth People could not contain themselves. It is true, there are a very few we have found that we have been able to reveal ourselves to—for certain necessary reasons who have been able to work with us in small degrees and still maintain the secrecy that was necessary. However, as time passes and some of your people become more understanding of our position, we will be able to do more for you in personal ways. And now, I feel that I must vacate this instrument. It has been my pleasure to be with you and perhaps I shall see you around. Go in peace, my friends, peace. Tuesday, June 20, 1961 Greetings in the Light my friends, I am Oxal. I am sorry for our delay, for we have had some difficulty in bringing our instruments into proper tune with the receiving instrument before you. It is good to see your groups of individuals gathering together in a common cause and we are happy to note that you are showing progress both in your increase in numbers and in your increase of devotion to your cause. We of the Otavana are here primarily to watch over individuals of Earth, to keep records of the progress of its peoples, to note all individuals who have made the choice to seek and to serve. We have records of each of you. I am sure from the records that we have, if you were to see them, to read them, you would find that our records reveal more than you have in your own conscious mind. In fact it might be quite an experience to see how much you do not know about yourself. But be that as it may, the time is when those who have been attempting to serve and to raise their consciousness, who have made their choice, it is time for them to come forth and to band together—to come out from among the masses, to stand forth. Long enough has it been that those having advanced into a knowledge or perhaps I should say, a degree of the knowledge of the “Inner Life”—it is time they be brought together that they might know each other and band together their

powers at times, using them to bolster the consciousness of Earth Mankind. I perceive in the minds of many of you, both here and elsewhere, the feeling of lack to be able to do this. Discard this feeling—cast it aside and use that which you have, that it might become stronger, for unless you use that which you have, it only becomes weaker. When a member of your physical structure becomes idle for a period of time, it withers and becomes useless. So does your true Spiritual Growth only come by effort and one of the exercises is to use it in behalf of others. Again the calling together has begun this has happened in the past. Many of those who started down the path of the Everlasting Light have fallen by the wayside, have not had the courage to follow through or they have fallen from lack of wisdom. Man, in his search for Truth must also maintain balance and use wisdom. He must be on guard at all times; must keep his purpose high, keep ever before him the ideals that will carry him to ever higher realizations. And only through the use of wisdom and discernment will you do this. Many have fallen from the lack of these things. The calling together will mean many things; it will mean that great care will need to be taken by each individual to thwart his self-consciousness; to keep before himself the realization that in coming together Man must create a consciousness of oneness; he must cast out Self; he must attempt to create an atmosphere of love and bring about an Understanding between the individual consciousness. You shall find the opportunity presenting itself in the very near future to band together the Forces of Light, so bolster your courage—prepare to stand out—to come forth from among the masses. No longer are you the masses, but you are strong individuals, endowed with the greatest power in Creation—Man himself. The Forces of Light upon Planet Earth will come into this consciousness. Great things can be done for your peoples, for every ounce of power that is put forth upon your planet by its peoples, a pound will be added from other sources. Now, my friends, I must leave. May the great realization of Truth rise high within your hearts now. I leave by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, June 23, 1961 Greetings! I greet you beloved friends in the love and light of the Infinite Creator. I am Hatonn. With your permission, I should like to speak for a few moments tonight upon the importance, some of the techniques and some of the preparation for meditation.

My friends, there is nothing more important in the life of man, both in the physical, chemical life in which you live now or upon any other plane of existence than meditation. Meditation is man’s time to withdraw from the normal functions of whatever plane of life he may be in at the time, and to attune himself with the cosmos. To use the energies, to gain wisdom and understanding—to take in so to speak, that he might come out, go forth and give in service to his fellow man. In the first place, it is necessary to discipline one’s self, to some extent, and set aside a certain time each day for this practice and you will never become proficient at the art of meditation unless you practice consistently. It is not enough to practice this art once a week or once a month, or even every few days, but this should become a daily ritual. For unless you do this, your progress shall be slow in mastering the art. Once you have become proficient in the art, you can spend much less time for you reach the state of contact with the Infinite Mind much more quickly. As man starts to practice the art of meditation, he should also attempt or perhaps I should say that he should immediately begin to bring his own life into order. For unless you bring your own house into order, you will find great difficulty in mastering this art. For to withdraw from that which is uppermost in your intellect, your mind, you will find that it is necessary to have there the higher thoughts—for it is much easier to drift away from thoughts of love, peace and joy into the silence than it is to release thoughts of anxiety and fear. Thus as man brings his house to order, he finds he is more quickly able to quiet himself and to drift into the silence, immerse himself in the light of creation and merge with the One Great Mind. In the early stages of going into the silence, you will find it helpful if you will concentrate upon something. Many techniques are used—your Yogis concentrate upon what they call the “third eye,” others concentrate upon a light of one type or color. This is not of great importance, but only an aid in helping you to release yourself and draw yourself away from the racing conscious mind. But on the other hand do not attempt to force the thoughts of your conscious mind to cease for in doing this you only build a tension. Relaxation and letting go of all conscious or perhaps intellectual things would be a better term, and as these things are released you find your inner consciousness taking on an awareness—an awareness of many things. An awareness of your physical body as you have never been aware of it before. You become conscious in certain stages of every cell of the physical body and each cell seems to take on an awareness of its own. In other words you become aware from head to foot, yet it is not an awareness as you know it through the intellectual mind. As you move forward in this practice becoming ever more conscious of the “Inner Things” you find you are becoming conscious of the “Universal Mind,” You are tuning in with Intelligence and Wisdom and Knowledge begins to flow to you in

ever increasing amounts. It is possible my friends, through this technique of Meditation to attune yourself to anything or any Being. There are those who through long periods of devotion are able to attune themselves and communicate with plant life, with animal life, or most anything you could name, for consciousness beloved friends, id everywhere and you are attuning yourself to the consciousness. As you meditate, keep the spine straight and erect, for the energies that flow through to you will flow more freely. The spine in the physical structure is the center of your Being and all the cosmic energies that come to you must flow through these centers. By keeping it straight and erect you allow for free flow of energy to your Being and the results shall be greater. Many have the difficulty of wanting to sleep in meditation. Perhaps not wanting to sleep, but they find that the physical gives way or the mental rather gives way to the physical and you find yourself going into slumber. But this can be avoided by using the concentration method and by keeping yourself in good posture for meditation. For only through good posture can the cosmic energies reach you in proper proportions. My friends, I must leave you now. May each of you through your efforts in the search for Truth reach great heights in your climb for Understanding. And may each of you soon master the Art of Meditation so that you might reach the point of rapidly attuning yourself with the “Infinite Mind” whenever you desire. Adonai [2], my friends. Adonai vasu borragus [3]. I am Hatonn. Monday, June 26, 1961 May peace rest in your hearts, beloved ones. I have been aware, as I sat here during your meditation, that there was some difficulty in entering the silence; in other words, stilling the conscious. I should like to make a suggestion here that might be of some benefit to some of you. If you find you are having some difficulty in stilling the conscious mind— bringing yourself into the silence—ofttimes one can help greatly in stilling the conscious through the method of concentration. The method used by your Yogis or those who practice what is known as the Yogi science, is good and this is to concentrate upon what you call the third eye. However, there are many other things that you can concentrate on, such as some particular color of light, or attempting to visualize a certain scene, or anything that

will tend to bring quietness, peace and wellbeing. This is not to say you are to attempt to hold down the conscious mind by force, but by merely diverting the attention to something, you will find yourself gradually drifting away from the conscious and into the stillness of your inner being. I hope that this suggestion may be helpful to you. My friends, you gather in the name of Truth. Each of you here—as are many across the face of your planet—is searching, searching, searching for Truth. I am sure that each of you in your search has been rewarded. But also, each of you realize how much farther there is to go in this search. Yet I say to you, you are receiving Truth more rapidly today than you have received it ever before in this life time. Have you considered what you shall do with the Truth you have received? Are you going to take this Truth and use it to the fullest extent possible or shall you, as have many, allow it to lie dormant until it decays and withers away? We have seen this happen so much among Earth People. Consider this point, my friends, and do not let it happen with you. Truth can do great things for you, if you will but allow it, but if Truth is held within your being, lying dormant, soon it shall decay and return from whence it came and you shall find you are right back to the starting point. So often Earth People, when they are put to the test of standing for Truth, find that they have not the courage or the fortitude to stand out as individuals, but rather they withdraw within and allow the Truth to decay. Beloved friends, times are changing ever more rapidly; Truth is coming into the foreground. It is standing out more and more where it must be recognized—yet so many, many of your people find that they do not desire change, they fear the Truth. They find they have an urge within their souls to find Truth, yet their fear is allowed to overcome their desire and they draw back and say, “No, I must not venture forth into new fields of understanding; it may damage my prestige; it may put me in a spot that I should not like to be in, yet I should like to know these things.” And so, my friends, they find they are torn between two forces a force of fear on one hand and a force of desire on the other, and sooner or later this brings confusion, unrest; yes, and sometimes even mental disorder. Therefore, Man must choose his path; either he has to follow the path of Truth and do it wisely and diligently and reach a state of understanding, a state of peace and wellbeing, or he will choose the path of fear, confusion, and fall into the pit of unrest, and flounder until finally he again emerges into the Light, and again realizes his point of decision. For all men, all Mankind must make the choice and then follow the path he has just chosen. Beloved children, rise up—grasp your rightful place—hold your heads high and

know that your path is the path of Truth and that you shall stand upon it with honor, determination and joy—know that your Creator has endowed you with the greatest powers in the Universe and that you are determined that you will master these powers and become full master of your destiny. Do you think, my friends, do you think for one moment you are not capable of this? Do not let such a thought enter your minds but rather have the knowing, the full knowing, that you are endowed with the full powers of your Creator and that you are determined you shall master them. So step forth in Truth and Light for your protection and become the master that you are. My peace I leave with you, beloved. Friday, June 30, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends. Once more it is my pleasure to come among you. I should like to extend a special greeting to our new friends here tonight, whom I have not met before. I have listened to your conversation here tonight, or your discussion, and found it very interesting. There are many things that perhaps are not clear to you, but as you move forward in your search for Truth and understanding, I think that you shall find these things becoming more clear to you. You shall find answers to many questions which now are somewhat baffling to you. My friends, you are definitely, as a planet, as a solar system, moving into a new era and many things shall take place during this transition that will change your whole solar system, so to speak. I will only touch briefly upon this, for I know this information is available in some of your writings, and you can read it for yourself. But, in the latter days of your transition, the solar system shall undergo a complete change, in that another sun is moving into your system which shall put into action new forces, new energies that will cause practically all of your planets and stars in your system to shift positions, and you will have what is known as a binary sun system. In other words, your system shall have two suns. So you can see, my friends, that the sun, emanating the energies that it does, setting up certain force fields, that in bringing two suns into the system, everything will change, for the positive and negative forces that are holding the planets in position shall be changed. Therefore, certain forces being brought into action will cause a shift in the planets, and they will take new positions around the sun. The present sun will also move farther out, if you can refer to distances in space farther out or in or up or down. I suppose we have to have some point of reference, do we not, therefore we have to use terminologies to express these things. But in short, my friends, this is what is going to happen; another sun is moving in, at this time, towards this system, and in due time it shall be seen by your astronomers. However, I believe that some of them are already aware of this event, or of the new sun, but it is not talked about, for they know very little about what is going to take place, although some of them

suspect that this is a sun. So much for that. We find, as we observe the events that are developing today upon this planet, that among certain people, or shall I say, a majority of the people of the planet, there is a definite upswing in spiritual growth. The number of people has increased greatly in about the last two years. This is to say, that there is dawning in the consciousness of these people, the desire or urge to seek a higher or better understanding of Man himself. Man, in ever increasing numbers is beginning to wonder about himself. Certain Truths are beginning to awaken within him. He is beginning to realize that Man is a greater being than he realizes and that he must know more about himself. There is a great need for spiritual growth in Earth Man. Therefore, somehow the desire must be sparked in Man, for Man to accomplish anything must first have the desire. There are many who are working among your peoples; those who have voluntarily volunteered to incarnate into your civilization; there are those who have conditioned themselves, or perhaps I should say, they have conditioned their physical structure, their bodies in order to come upon your planet. And there are those who are working in the unseen area; those whom you refer to as etheric beings—all of these are combining their forces, in attempting to spark this desire in the minds of Earth People. And I must say they are meeting with a great deal of success. We also realize that many of you are doing your part in helping those who have had this desire sparked within their hearts, and are now seeking to find avenues of Truth, and we would like to thank you and encourage you in doing all that you can to help these people. But as you do attempt to help these people, try to develop an inner guidance that will lead you in wisdom and will help you to give to these people that which they need at the proper time, for this is most important. You cannot change the consciousness of an individual too rapidly, for if you do, you only bring confusion, and we do not want to confuse people, if we can help it. You see, my friends, there are many concepts that have been instilled so deeply into the consciousness of some of these people, that it takes a great deal of time for them to weed out the old, and replace it with the new. I think, perhaps, that most of the people of Earth, are going to have to make some great changes in their concepts and in their consciousness, for many things have been taught by your religious administrations that are going to have to be changed. In other words, many untruths have been taught, and it is going to be quite difficult for some of your peoples to change these concepts. Many will not be able to do this. You are going to see some very strange things happen to some of your peoples in the coming times. In fact, some of this is taking place at this time. Your mental institutions are overflowing, and I am afraid they are going to became even more crowded. So in your bringing of Truth to other people, try to emphasize the importance of open mindedness, and of not becoming dogmatic, and of not

allowing concepts that do not agree with theirs to upset them too much, for they do not have to accept; but it is wise to consider. Now, my friends, I think I have expounded long enough. I do not wish to bore you, but before I leave I should like to thank you for accepting me into your midst and I should like to extend my gratitude to the good Doctor here, for accepting me into his household; and I should like to extend to all of you my deepest love and blessings, and may each of you go forth in your search for Truth, with humility and joy. I am Yom. Friday, July 14, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. If those of you who are here tonight, who are old friends, will bear with me, I should like to speak with you for the benefit of your guests. I know that those of you who have heard my many dissertations, will have heard these things before. I am of a group that is aboard a craft in your solar system, and we have been in your system for seven years in your calculation of time; however, we are not of this system. I shall refer to our system as the system of Arcturus, since our sun, Arcturus, is known to your astronomers. We have been attuned to your gathering since the beginning, we have heard your discussion in its entirety as clearly as though we were sitting among you. This may not seem possible to some of you, but a great deal of our scientific knowledge and functions would not seem possible at your present state of understanding. The craft in which we are now living, perhaps also would amaze some of you. This craft is known among the Confederation as the Otavana. This was also known to some of your ancients. Our craft is one hundred and twenty miles in length, its diameter is thirty miles. We carry upwards to twenty-five million people upon this craft; in short, it is in itself a miniature planet. We can sustain ourselves upon this craft for indefinite periods of time. Do you think, my friends, this craft could have been built upon your planet? The very sight of it, if it were to come close to your planet, would bring great fear to the hearts of your masses. We shall not land upon your planet, for our mission does not require this. We have come to your system by request, by the request of the Federation. We were requested to carry on our mission because of the powers of our people. Anyone aboard our craft could stand upon the surface of your planet and perform what would appear to be miracles to you. We are not bragging of our development, for we are humbled in the Light of an Everlasting Love that is of such magnitude that our comprehension of it is only slight. In your time of need, we are honored to be of service to your system, and especially to the People of Earth.

There is much talk among the Truth searchers of your planet of the New Age, and this is true, my friends, a New Age is coming into being, but not only for your planet, but for the entire system. As your system and all systems, move through space, they pass through areas, shall we say, vibrations which bring about changes, and the New Age is simply a change brought about as your system moves on its course through endless space. The Planet Shan has been lagging, so to speak, in its preparation for this change, and there has been great concern from civilizations on other planets in your system, that Planet Shan would not be ready for the transition. So great efforts are being made to speed up the progress of your planet, for unless your civilization is prepared for this change many shall perish in the change, not as you think of this word, but they will not be able to move with their planet, and through natural resources and by necessity will have to be removed and incarnated into another system. We, of the Otavana, known among the Confederation as the Sons of Adoni, have come to perform a task for Earth People. We are bringing about an awakening among your people, not an awakening of any great knowledge or service, but rather awakening them to the realization that they must make a choice, that there are two ways to go and they must make a choice. To those whom we see who make the choice to serve their humanity, to follow the path of Truth, of love and of understanding, we pledge our assistance. They shall be guided into a way that will bring about new understanding, shall bring about a new way of life. You will find yourself doing certain things, not knowing why; you shall find yourself following a path. We shall not at any time guide you or direct you in any manner that will be injurious to your person. But to all those who make the choice, we shall move in with Truth, with Light and with love and surround and guide all of those who make the choice rightly. It is a pity that a civilization has to be guided and directed into a path that is so obvious, to prevent their destruction. So I say to you, People of Shan, we, the Sons of Adoni, are in your skies; we are watching individuals, waiting for their choice. I should like to add that from planets within your own system there are many living among you, quietly going about their work, hoping to bring greater knowledge to Earth People, both scientific and spiritual. These people are much like yourselves and you come in contact with them many times not realizing this, but you say, “Why do they not make themselves known?” They have a great mission to perform; they are making a great sacrifice in coming among you, and in every case where they have become known, their work has become hampered and in most cases in order to perform their duties or their mission, they had to be withdrawn and replaced with others who were not known. Most Earth People, when they have discovered the powers of these people, immediately attempt to make Gods, as you call Him, out of them, they want to worship them, or else they want to kill them. There seems to be no in-between, so to speak. And so these people came among you as one of you and work for your benefit, to attempt to bring understanding to Earth Man.

And now my friends, I leave you by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, July 21, 1961 Peace be with you, my friends, peace. Each of you have with you your Higher Teacher, and we are going to build about you an energy that each of you can draw great benefits from, if you will but open your hearts, relax, become receptive. Each one of your Wisdors is going to aid in building the concentration of this Energy; so, if you will bear with us for but a few moments, I will have for you some further instructions. (Chants were given for a few minutes.) Now, beloved ones, straighten your spines, sit erect, for you have—built around each of you—a concentrated form of Cosmic Energy that, if properly taken into your being, can do great good for you—both mentally, physically and spiritually. This can bring about within you a sense of great wellbeing and peace. Now, as you sit erect, visualize this source of Energy extending into the Cosmos, high into the Cosmos and extending to you. Draw the breath deep within you, far into the belly section—hold slightly—and relax. Do this at approximately one second intervals. (Practiced) As you draw within you this great Cosmic Energy, feel it flowing through every cell, every fiber of your being. Direct it to every portion of the body, to the throat, to the lungs, the abdomen, the legs, the feet. See that it goes throughout your being. (Practiced) Keep your mind, your heart receptive; take on a feeling of gratitude, of humbleness, and of reverence for Creation. Continue this until I give you the word … Draw it deep within you. (Practiced about five minutes.) So be it, my friends. And may each of you have received, according to your willingness to receive. Peace be with you, my friends, peace. Tuesday, August 1, 1961

Greetings to thee, beloved ones. May the Peace of the Infinite One rest deeply in the hearts of each of you now. Beloved ones, as you approach the coming changes that await your peoples, try to know and realize that, what is to come, is for the good of all Mankind upon your planet. There is much, so very much lacking in the consciousness of Earth Man; but, as we observe from our vantage point, we can see among many of your peoples a broadening of this consciousness. Man must soon come into his own, into a greater concept of what he is, and why be is where he is. Man grows only by experience, as you well know, and if man is to grow and expand, first his consciousness must widen; it must widen into greater realizations of what and who he is. Man must gradually grow into the consciousness of Creation, gradually dome into the realization that he is a Creator in his own right; every thought, every act is a part of Creation. He must come into a realization of the powers that lie within him, the powers of his own mind to create; for, beloved ones, you create the very situation in which you find yourself, but you do not realize it in your present consciousness. Man must rise up and up and up in his consciousness, expanding ever into greater realizations. Many false concepts have been taught in your civilizations. Man has been taught that he has been created with his limitations, that he has no control over them. But, believe me when I say, my friends, that you are not limited. The only limitation is that which you place upon yourself. Man must learn to have faith in the power of Creation within himself, or what you term God; very little conception does Earth Man have of this entity which he calls God. We do not prefer to use that term; but it is of no great importance, for the term which you attach matters little. But in reality this is a great Force which permeates the Universe, which permeates galaxy upon galaxy. Man’s concept and this Power extends to every individual throughout Creation. Man is only an extension of this great Power you call God. You are a part of this, and this great Intelligence functions in every man, woman and child. Man must learn to let It dominate his person, to let It come forth and express as good—as it was intended—and come into a realization that this great Power functions through him. It functions equally through all Creation. It is no respecter of persons. It neither rewards or punishes. This great Universal Power functions only by Law, and man will either function by the law or he will not function by the Law; and only through the reaction of the Law will man reap his rewards or his punishment. It is very necessary at this time that man must be brought these realizations, if he wishes to progress with this planet; for man can only grow by his own efforts, his own experiences—each experience a stepping stone to greater understanding—if he will but attempt to grow by these experiences. View them positively, attempting to learn the lesson that each experience brings to you, and give thanks that this is so.

Only as man begins to understand and know himself will he grow in his attitude toward his fellow man. For when man begins to have an understanding of himself, then he begins to understand all Mankind, and a consciousness of love and understanding begins to develop in him; and as this consciousness spreads among the People of Earth, a race consciousness begins to take root, and man will learn to live in peace. He shall learn to live side by side with his brother man in peace and love, and no more will wars exist, nor hatred and greed, but all Mankind shall find his thoughts, his deeds, his actions, directed toward the good of all Mankind, and not toward a group, a nation, or any race of man. The only reason wars are brought about, is that man does not understand his fellow man. Man functions selfishly; greed breeds in the hearts of man, and consequently, chaos results. To the younger generation of your planet I would suggest that you have open minds and open hearts, with an attitude of reverence. For in your hands lies the future of your planet. Take time occasionally to look out into the heavens and marvel at its wonders. How can you do this without feeling great reverence for the Creator of all this? Have you ever pondered these things, have you ever wondered this could be? How could anything be planned so precisely, for the millions of stars and planets in their orbits, their locations, each moving in its path, regularly, precisely to the second. Do these things come about by chance? No, my friends, nor does anything happen by chance. You do not live in an atmosphere of chance. Everything that happens in your life is not by chance. You are the creator, and you have made it so through your thinking and your actions. No, no, beloved ones—chance does not exist—but it is important that you realize this. For as you do this, you become aware of your thoughts and actions, because you realize that every thought and every deed is a form of creation, and will act and react—perhaps not today—perhaps not tomorrow—but sometime in the future—because through the power of your subconscious, the actions will occur. You have created the situation. This is well to remember, but it is not anything to fear. Fear is a creation of man’s thinking, for there is nothing to fear but fear itself. For as you emanate thoughts of fear, you only instill deep in your own subconscious a great fear-power, to act and react. It is well to bring out into the open all fears that you possess; face them squarely, and dissolve them, by replacing in your own subconscious, thoughts of the opposite nature that will subdue them in time. May the peace, love and understanding of the Great Spirit of Creation enfold you and bring to you the peace and understanding that is yours. Peace. Monday, August 7, 1961

Peace … Peace be with you. Beloved children, why sit ye here in quiet solitude? What seek ye? As I speak for a few moments, beloved ones, hear not my voice but hear these words coming to you from within. These words—consider them as a voice within you—speaking to you in quiet solitude. Let not trouble nor fear rest in your mind, for I am ever with you. What you really seek in your silence is to find Me. I am ever there, for I am a part of you as you are a part of Me. You are the branch through which I express, but if you are to truly find Me—and you will find Me—you must open the door and allow Me to come forth and be recognized. I am the law by which you live; but if I am to express My truest form, then you must open the door by recognizing our association. You must recognize that love is one of the catalysts that opens the door for Me to express through you. I do not express well if I am not recognized for what I AM and the way made clear for Me to express It true form. My true form of expression is one of joy, of peace—one of thanksgiving—ever grateful for the opportunities that life has given to me; ever ready to serve my fellow beings to my fullest capacity with wisdom and understanding—knowing and realizing that man is ever in a state of evolution, and that in the great sea of life, man through his experiences is raising himself ever higher in his understanding; and as man rises in his understanding, My expression through you can be only as perfect as you will allow Me to be by recognizing Me for what I AM, for I AM That I AM, But always know that I am here ready to manifest perfection through you when self has been removed. This recognition will only come through the removing of self and complete surrender. Peace be with thee, my friends, peace … peace … peace. Friday, August 11, 1961 Good evening to you my friends, I am Yom. It is my pleasure again to come into your midst and to spend a few moments with you. My friends, what would you like to talk about this evening? I feel that it would be better if we speak of something that you are precisely interested in. Questioner: I would like to speak about developing the wall of Light around us. Well, I would say that this was expressed quite beautifully by one of your teachers from the craft. This my friends, is a technique that each of you must develop. Now, in developing yourselves along those lines, or any particular phase of—shall we

say—exercises of any type, we can only give you a general technique; for each individual level will find, as they attempt to practice these things, that they will find their own techniques; which works well for one individual, may not work quite so well for another. He may find a little different, slightly different technique that works better for him. But the main object is to diligently practice these things and have faith in what you are doing. In other words, if you are to go about learning any technique, any subject, or anything, even a trade or profession—now if you go about it halfheartedly, you see, your accomplishments will be very slow and very unsatisfactory. But, the main thing is, my friends, to faithfully practice anything that you wish to accomplish. If you were to attempt to learn a musical instrument, you surely realize that it would require great persistence in your practice, if you are to become proficient in this technique. Does this clarify to you my daughter what you are asking? Questioner: Yes, I understand that I must practice, but I wonder just what I should do? I think if you will reread what you have read here tonight, you will find that he was quite explicit in what you are to do; but I do not wish to repeat a lot of things that you already have in writing that you can refer to any time. Questioner: On what we refer to in our bible as the Israelites or the chosen people, could you kind of help me to understand what they mean by the true Israelites and the chosen people? My daughter, your Creator has created many souls upon the surface of this planet, and upon many other planets, and many who are not upon planets. But in my present level of understanding, I could not see why any people could be said, or could claim to be chosen people, for Man was created equal in the sight of his Creator. Men may be chosen for a specific mission or duty to perform, but to say that any one group, any one race, or any one nation of people, or even any one planet of people were the Creator’s chosen people. There are many things that are written in your religious recordings; many words are used, many expressions, but all we have to come to realize is that these are records of history of the past, and that they were recorded by man and in many cases they were recorded by men of the times to convey to the people of their time some particular message or idea; and also in the many translations of these records, many errors have been made. You will find, if you are to search out, there are many other records whereas, that are considered as authentic as what you call your Holy Bible, and to those who use these records as their truth to follow, they are just as sure that every word therein is true and unadulterated. Well, my friends, the thing we have to do is to sort out the truth from all of the

records and information, and be able to discern, to take into our being, in sound meditation, these things of which we find ourselves pondering about. And as we learn to truly go within and become one with that Infinite Wisdom and Power that exists in each of us—we all have it, I do not have any more of this than you have and you do not have any more than I have—the only thing, we have to learn to use it, and here again my friends, this is only done by practice. Discipline is what is needed in our lives. You see, my friends, the difficulty that most have here in this third dimensional existence of the physical you call it, chemical bodies, is that we allow the physical to rule the spiritual. We become so engrossed in what we see around us, and as I do not like to refer to this again, I have perhaps over-played it, but we become so engrossed in this dream-world in which we exist, we see only a dream and not the real spiritual reality of things. Once we have truly begun to see Man as a true spiritual being, which he really is, and recognize it as such, then we begin to see through the unreal and begin to see the real. And when this happens and we begin to, in our silence, in our chamber with the door closed, we begin to find this great Universal Power within us which you call God, we begin to find the at-one-ness with this. As we do this, we begin to come into our realization of Truth. We find we are able to recognize Truth, and no longer do we have to spend great periods of pondering these things in order to decide if it is Truth. No longer do we find ourselves going through the states of confusion, but we begin to see Life as it really exists. But I have taken a long time to answer your question, have I not? Questioner: I would like to ask a question Yom if I may. A little bit more of the days that lie ahead and our place within it, our part of it, what part we might be able to play collectively, in understanding. You want to know what lies ahead? Questioner: More specifically what we ourselves can do to help bring others in, I suppose. My friend, I am sensing somewhat some little confusion here in what you are attempting to convey to me. I am trying to pick this up from you. I find I do not quite read you clearly from your thoughts. I am not quite sure, I am trying to make rapport with you in your thinking, that I might understand more clearly what you are asking, but I find there is some confusion as to exactly what you are reaching for. You are concerned, I find in your mind some concern about the future and what is to take place in the future and, yes, you want to, you are wondering what will be the duties or mission, let us say, of people such as are gathered here tonight. Is this so my friend? Questioner: Yes. Now I have you clearly.

To go into everything that is in the future would take a great deal of time and I could only give you a general idea, for the time of these events is not known to any of us. When I say the time, I mean the exact time, the hour, or the day of these events cannot be pin-pointed, let us say, for certain conditions will alter slightly one way or the other, and there is a possibility through the efforts of Earth People that some of these events which are more or less coming, let us say, can be cancelled out, for nothing of this nature has to be. It is only brought about through the Law of relativity or cause and effect. But all of you here, I am sure that all of you know that there will be great changes take place upon your planet, and as to this I could not give you more information than you already have. As to your path in the future, this again, my friends, depends upon each of you individually, on how far you will advance in your understanding. For the higher you reach on the ladder of evolvement or understanding, the more you will be able to do for those who come seeking, those who are awakened at the last minute and make decisions to follow the Light. Many of these will need help, and those of you who have learned and sought Truth, have developed your own understanding, will be able to do much to help these people on their path. There are many, many people on your planet that have not awakened, there are many who will not awaken, for they do not wish to be awakened, they wish to remain in this dream-world in which they find themselves. They like it. So, if they like it, let them remain until they decide they would like to go a little further. For Man must be allowed to do that which he most desires. But, to those who awaken, who come for help, sincerely seeking, you will be able to do much for them, and this will be a mission for many of you. How much you can do will depend upon you, my friends, by how much you have got, for you cannot give that which you do not have; it is that simple my friends. Questioner: Sir … Friend. Questioner: … I would like it very much if you would establish a retreat here in Detroit, somewhere we could all come and leave this world and get up in the hills somewhere, and study just for a whole week or so. We appreciate your coming as often as you do but I don’t think I’m going to make it unless I get away for awhile. Can’t you do that? There are many retreats my friend, if you would like to go to a retreat. Questioner: I want to go where you are teaching. Are you sure that this would be your answer? There are many retreats my daughter, but in the retreats you also have problems. There are still people. The

problems will not be the same, but there will be problems, for I have spent a great deal of time upon this planet. I have been in what you would call retreats—I suppose you would call retreats—I have been many places. I have moved in your cities, in many of your countries, but there are always problems; but the problem when the final realization is reached, this has been my experience, the problem has always been with me, and I had to bring out this problem and face it squarely with no fear. I had to bring myself to see the real me. If you think a retreat would help, I could recommend many. Questioner: The idea being that if we concentrate on getting rid of the self or concentrate on looking at the self, rather than cooking and washing dishes and going to work and all that, it certainly could be done faster, right? I am afraid in my understanding, I would have to disagree. For whether I am washing dishes, or whether I am digging a ditch, or whatever I might be doing, I must be aware. And when I am aware, and I am doing what I am doing with a loving heart, a willing heart, and I am rejoicing that I have the opportunity to do this, I find it does not matter too much where I am. And I think if you would look around your own, among your own people, you will find many examples of people who have risen to great heights in spiritual evolvement and understanding under what you would call most adverse conditions. Questioner: That is true, but you were a teacher in the mystic schools for many years, and Roy Davis studied with Yogananda for years and did nothing else and I just feel that you could certainly develop faster spiritually under such conditions! You could gain knowledge much faster, but knowledge will not accomplish everything. But in these places of which you speak, unless you are willing to place upon yourself the discipline, the strict discipline that is necessary, your accomplishments will be very little. If Man is really to grow, he must discipline himself. Questioner: I see. Then we must first accomplish the discipline in our own environment before we can benefit from a retreat? Not necessarily. You can do it anywhere, in a retreat, in your own environment or wherever you find yourself. Everyone cannot be in a retreat or spiritual school. I am sure that if it becomes necessary that any of you really need this type of thing, you will find the opportunity presenting itself. Now, my friends, I know your hour is getting late. I feel that I have stayed my time. It has been my pleasure to spend this time with you. I hope I have been of some help to you in sharing my understanding? But this is my understanding and I am only sharing with you. Whether you accept it or not, is up to you my friends. I will not feel bad one way or the other, for it is only my understanding. I wish to extend my gratitude to members of this household for welcoming me into your household. And

to the rest of you I extend my gratitude, my blessings and my love. It has been my pleasure. Goodnight to you my friends. Goodnight to you. Monday, August 17, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Once more, my friends, tension increases upon your planet; once more the peoples are finding that fears are rising in their hearts, fear of disaster that may befall them. We are attempting—and believe that we can again—help your people to avoid great chaos, conflict between your great powers, for we shall not like this to happen. But this is not to say that it cannot. To speak in your terms, I am going to let you in upon, shall we say, one of our minor attempts to help avoid this conflict. We have brought about in the mind of your president, Mr. Kennedy—also Mr. Kruschev, and a few that are in power behind them—a vision of the results of such a conflict. This, they do not understand—to them it was only, what you call a nightmare—but it did leave an impression and its fear in their hearts. It has given them something that they will ponder upon through many sleepless nights. We caused this to be brought about, but this they will not speak of to anyone else; but, nevertheless, it has left its mark. But the real thing that we are attempting to do is to bring a realization into the hearts of the people, a realization that an understanding must come about among your peoples, your civilizations, and this is taking root in the hearts of many. We are aware at all times of what is going on in the lives of each of you. Records are kept, and this realization for the need of understanding is taking root among the People of Earth; and I think this was brought out greatly in the coming together of the two in this household and one from a far-off land, for they found that in communicating with this one from far-off, that he too, realized the importance of this and was attempting in his way, to promote among his people the desire and the realization for the necessity of understanding among all peoples. It is the sincere duty of everyone who is interested in the welfare of Mankind upon your planet, to do everything in his or her power to promote an understanding among all Mankind. There are many, many ways that you can do this, and only in this way and through the people, not your leaders, that a Brotherhood of Man, an understanding of Mankind, will come about. As your communication systems and your transportation systems improve, you shall find greater and greater opportunities to do your part this way, to show your willingness to greet in love, your fellow man from far-off places. And as this consciousness increases upon your planet, it shall reach out into the Cosmos, and you shall find yourselves greeting and extending your love and your understanding

to those from beyond, and you will find them coming to you in greater numbers, extending the hand of friendship, the hand of help and opportunity to grow, as your peoples have never grown before. Does this sound worthwhile to you, People of Earth? Group: Yes. Then I say to you, go forth, extending a hand of friendship, a loving hand of help to all that you meet. Show that you are willing and ready to understand your fellow being. I leave you by extending to you the very greatest love and understanding that our people can conceive of. I am Oxal. Friday, August 25, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Tonight we have tuned in upon your conversation through a device that is tuned to the brain frequency of the instrument, and all sounds that take place in this room are recorded clearly by us. Also, for a short period we had our Iconiscan attuned to your location and were able to see you clearly. This is done by attuning our device to the vibratory rate of the material we wish to penetrate and automatically, so far as our device is concerned, this material is erased and we see through it clearly. These are only some of the minor scientific devices that are in our possession. In answer to a question that was brought out by one of you tonight concerning scientific information being given to Earth People—we have brought many advancements to your people in science and should like to bring much more; but you see, the difficulty is, my friends, that already you are too far out of balance. Your scientific development has reached a point that is far too much ahead of your spiritual development. In order that a civilization might advance successfully, these two must be kept in balance; for you see, my friends, unless man has the spiritual understanding—the foundation upon which to build his scientific development—he is apt to find himself upon very dangerous grounds, and this is where Earth People find themselves today. Earth Man already has within his grasp, power that he is not capable of coping with; for you see, my friends, all energies can be used on either the positive or negative side. Man can learn of great powers, both within himself and in the Cosmos. He can master these powers, but he can also use them any way he desires, once they are mastered. So you see, my friends, spiritual development and understanding is important; for

unless Man has this, he is not capable of receiving the great knowledge of the Universe. There is no limit to how far Man can advance in these things, but unless Man has the wisdom and understanding to cope with these things, he will only bring destruction upon himself, and this has happened before to civilizations upon your planet, and has happened to other planets. One planet within your system completely destroyed itself in this manner, and we do not wish to see this happen again. We are interested in bringing Earth People to this realization—to realize that there are two paths for them to follow—the path of love and understanding—service to Man’s brother—a realization of his responsibility to his fellow man; or he can choose the path of destruction, the path of darkness. Man, through all eternity has had the right to choose, and your people are no exception, for Man was created with a free will to make his own choices. He does not always choose wisely, yet the path is so apparent. As we have stated many times, those who make the choice to serve their humanity in every way possible, we shall guide them and protect them. They shall go about a way of life—not always knowing or realizing why they do the things they do, but realizing the things that they do are right and good, and are helping to raise their civilization to a new height in understanding. As your system approaches the great changes that are in store, we are humbled to be of service to you. We are humbled to be able to serve in the Light of Truth and Understanding. Man of Earth who makes the choice, has a great future before him, one that is far beyond his conception or realization at this time; for Planet Earth is about to take its place with the other planets of its system; it shall no longer be set apart as has been the case—but will become a part of the great Federation; and communication and travel shall become common- place between your planet and many others. A whole new horizon of life shall open up. So, beloved ones, let your consciousness reach out; for, in the days to come, it will be necessary for you to expand, to open up your consciousness and grasp that which is before you. I leave you by extending to you the love, light and understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, September 8, 1961 My peace and my love I extend to each of you, my friends, and my greetings to you, my son. As you travel the corridors of events and experiences, sometimes one becomes, shall we say, a bit confused as to the path or direction to take. But as man stands still and becomes aware of these inner attractions and impulses, he finds himself drawn in certain directions. Sometimes, almost automatically, he finds himself drawn to certain individuals, and he finds that many things take place that appear to be directed, and oft-times this is the case. But, it is well to remember and to

observe these things as they pass, and often we can draw certain conclusions. Often we find ourselves drawn closely with certain individuals, and then our paths part, and we pass through other experiences, associations; then again we find, in certain cases, these paths do never cross again. And in certain cases other individuals are drawn together, time and time again. All of these things, beloved ones, have meaning in our pattern and it is well to observe. Now you are approaching a time of events that will move more rapidly as your civilization advances in its science, and its spiritual growth; the momentum of the increase grows continually more rapid, and the accomplishments that will come to the remnants of your civilization in the near future, will be so fantastic that it would seem almost inconceivable to the greater part of your population today. But, my friends, the Law continues to function, Nature moves ever onward, gathering momentum as she moves. Events will occur in the lives of each of you that will have great significance in your rise on the path of Truth. Try to bear in mind that man does not live alone, that he is only a minute part in a vast great Sea of Life that extends into Infinity. Thus far in your sojourn, you have observed very little of what you call Nature or God, or whatever term, you might like to use. Soon you shall see Her in some of Her greater expressions, and as you move onward on the path of life, She shall grow greater and greater, more beautiful and more astounding, and your understanding of Her will grow, and grow, and grow. You shall find that your lives, day by day, shall become more interesting, more thrilling, as you receive more and more insight into the things that are approaching. It is our hope that each of you shall rise in understanding together, and through the uniting of your powers, your abilities, and your spiritual growth, you shall be able to accomplish great things for the aid of your peoples. Let the love and the light of the great Masters throughout the Universe flow through and to you. Be ever open and receptive to the help that they are anxious to give you, remembering always that you are dedicated to the service of Mankind, and that your reward for your service will be understanding. Questioner: Did you have reference to any particular individuals working together? I did not specify any individuals, for this will come to you as you move along your path, and you will know those with whom you are to serve, when, where and how. Each man, when he becomes aware, will follow in the right direction. But the awareness that man develops is the thing that will enable him to follow in the right direction. In the course of events and experiences, through a development of a recognition of the inner guidance and in elimination of self, one shall follow always his path, but these, my friends, are necessary, very necessary things to develop. One must always remove self, and maintain within, that desire to serve for the good of Man, or Mankind—not for any individual group of men or, any one race of man— but for Man as a whole.

Peace be with you, my friends, peace, peace, peace. Friday, September 15, 1961 Peace, peace, peace. Thrice be ye blest, Children of the Light. I address thee thus, for each of ye are here because ye are seeking, ye are seeking to know Truth, to understand thyself. It saddens me greatly to know that so few of your people today are in search of Truth. Yea, were it not so. It is sad that your peoples are in such great pursuit of selfsatisfying themselves with power. A great power madness has possessed your planet. The great tension that is rising today among your people is only a result of the great pursuit for power. It should never be upon the surface of any planet, that man should desire power over his fellow man. In great lands of plenty, man does not need power to maintain life. It is also sad that a civilization should pursue these things to a point of destruction; yet this very thing is happening upon your planet today, and without question, unless some intervention is brought about from the observers beyond your planet, this very thing will come to pass. I say to you, my children—you who are seeking to know and understand Truth— reach out with your consciousness and build for yourself a world of Love, of Truth, of Understanding; for only in this way will you escape the results of the power-mad men of your earth. So I say to you, my beloved ones, gather for yourself understanding; learn to know thyself that you might know all men. Make your life one of service and dedication to Mankind. Rise up, come forth and stand out as one who believes, who knows Truth and lives the Truth that he knows. Great experiences portend for those of you who follow this path, for all of these things of which I spoke shall pass away, but he who has built upon the rock shall stand forever as a monument to Truth. Re-dedicate yourself daily to your goal, reminding yourself continually of your birthright; acknowledging that which you are, for you are only an extension of your Creator. So bear this in mind at all times and continually declare your Sonship. The new civilization that shall emerge upon your planet will consist of those who have followed this path, and their accomplishments shall be great, much greater than ye think or realize; for man, in his true form, is limitless in his power; he is a Creator in his own right. So let us not overlook this fact, for man must truly learn to love himself. And when he has truly learned this, he has truly learned to love all Mankind, for he has realized his oneness with it. Let not the things that you face bring fear or resentment into your hearts, but rather maintain an attitude of reverence, an attitude of gratitude, knowing that “these things are not a part of me, nor do they affect me, for I AM that I AM.” And now, my beloved children, I am going to leave this instrument for a few

moments, and I am going to stand before each of you for a moment and invoke a special blessing for each of you. (Pause) I thank thee, my children, for receiving. Receive ye now the Love and the Blessings of all the great Masters of the Brotherhood. Peace, peace, peace. So be it, so be it, so be it. Tuesday, September 19, 1961 My peace to thee, my friends. I am known among my people as Sojan. This is my first privilege of speaking with you. I shall only take a few moments of your time, but in these few moments we shall discuss a subject that I know is close and dear to the hearts of all of you—for among your people today there is much discussion of the great need of establishing peace among thy people—the urgency of devising ways and means of bringing about peace. But, dear ones, there are also many opinions among your people as to how this is to be brought about. Many advocate the building of great armies, of great stockpiles of war materials to be used to frighten your enemies, so to speak; to impress upon them the importance of your great powers, so that they shall fear to attack. But, my friends, does it seem reasonable that strife can be avoided by continually preparing for strife? Did not your teacher that you call Jesus, state to one of his disciples that “He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword?” Peace shall never come to Planet Earth while she prepares for war. The only way peace shall come to your peoples is through a great crusade, impressing the importance of establishing peace within one’s own heart; for peace can only come through the heart of man himself. Man must develop within himself a great desire to find peace, to find it within his own being; for there will man establish peace. When no longer the desire rests within man himself to be in conflict with his neighbor or his fellow man, then shall peace come to your peoples. Each man, regardless of his station in life, has somewhere deep within him the desire to find peace, peace with himself. When man has found peace with himself he shall find also that he is at peace with all man; he shall not covet one mite that belongs to his brother. Man must start searching, searching, searching, going deep, deep into his inner consciousness until eventually he finds the answers that lie within that will set him at peace. No amount of effort spent in the outer will bring these results, for true peace is found only through a deep search. And until man has reached this peace within, peace shall not reign supreme among your

peoples. This is something, my friends, that is needed more than anything else to be planted as seeds in the minds of Earth Man, for when enough of your people have found this peace, it shall manifest in the outer in all its glory. It shall come forth as does the rose into a beautiful bloom and man will know something and experience something that is far greater than anything he can conceive in the outer. So, my dear ones, search diligently for this peace within you and when you have found it, great revelations shall be unfolded in your consciousness; revelations that will raise you to new heights of understanding, new concepts and an entirely new view of life. But first it is necessary to establish and find this peace within you, within your own being. So be it, my friends. Peace. Friday, September 22, 1961 Peace to thee, my friends, peace to thee. On this night the numbers are few, thus I shall speak of the things that I know are near and dear to the heart of each of you. Each is seeking to find that peace within himself and herself; a peace that brings understanding. So we shall speak of the preparation necessary in bringing one’s house to order and finding this peace that brings serenity to man. If one is to find this peace that rests deep in the soul of all, there are certain things that man must do; there are things that must be eliminated in the consciousness of man. Within your race consciousness exists a great deal of resentment, judgment, and what is known, I believe, among your people as self-preservation. Many of these things rest deep in the consciousness of Man of Earth, and it is necessary that these things be brought out and eliminated from the consciousness of man. Man must maintain an attitude of forgiveness, an attitude of thankfulness or gratefulness. Now, it does not seem at times that we have anything to be grateful for; yet, if we will but review our circumstances, we will find that we have many things to be grateful for, many things to be thankful for, and we find as we take on this consciousness of gratitude, it begins to grow, and we find more and more to be grateful for, and we find more and more flowing to us to be grateful for. Now, beloved ones, this is not a matter of—in flowery words—giving thanks to some Deity; but rather, a state of consciousness, something that becomes a part of us; it is a continual thing—something that flows continually through our consciousness. And then, my friends, we must examine ourselves and see if we are allowing resentment and prejudices to creep into our consciousness. These also, we must eliminate, and at times, beloved ones, some of these things are quite difficult to recognize, for they have become such a part of us, that unless we look carefully, we do not know that they are there. When we find that we are showing

prejudice or resentment toward another, let us immediately replace this with a blessing for this one, and a shower of love, and as we do this, soon we find that we no long have these things, but rather we are maintaining an attitude of blessing and love toward all man. Let us at no time allow anger to enter our consciousness. Here again, we can use a blessing, for when one offends us, let us smile and allow a blessing to flow silently from our heart to this one. We need not defend Truth for Truth needs no defending. We need not defend our actions when they are in Truth, for nothing done in Truth, beloved ones, needs defending; so what is there to defend—what is there to become offended about? All of these things, beloved friends, when they are allowed to grow in the consciousness, become festering sores that bring about many physical disorders of many natures, and we are not, we are not looking for things that bring these conditions, but we are looking for the things that bring to us peace and understanding. I say to you, my friends, if you will but practice these things diligently, you will find you will reap great rewards. Also, beloved ones, discipline is very necessary. Man must learn to be master of his own emotions, his own physical desires; for, if you are to allow them to rule you, you will not find the peace for which you are seeking. All things that have been placed for your disposal by your Creator are for your good, your happiness, and for your pleasure; but moderation is necessary in all things. Man must learn to use moderation in all that he does. Man allows his appetite for food and drink to rule him, to destroy him as he does many other things; so you see, my friends, it is very necessary at all times to keep this in mind, to remember that you have the potentialities within you of any of the great Masters and of the Creator himself. Self-condemnation should never be a part of any man’s thinking, but rather he must have respect for himself, he must realize his potentialities, his greatness, but realize it with humility. Always he must maintain humbleness, humility, and love, yet realizing that he is an all-powerful spiritual being, with all the powers of the Universe at his command; but realizing, too, that these powers must be used with moderation, with wisdom, with love and with understanding. I have concluded my talk with you; I hope I have been of some help to you. May my blessings, my peace and love and understanding rest in the hearts of each of you. Peace be with you. Peace, peace, peace. Thursday, September 28, 1961 Peace, my beloved children. I come to you tonight grateful for the opportunity to be with you, and to speak with you.

Today, you are living in a time of great events for your planet. The opportunity to serve Mankind has never been greater in your civilization. Our hope is that many of you shall dedicate yourselves to this service, to serve your humanity in every way possible, forgetting self, and being ever mindful that Man was created as One, and Man’s true nature is to serve; for only through service does Man experience and grow. To those who believe their growth will come by withdrawing from life—those who believe they can reach great spiritual understanding in this manner—there are many in your civilization today and in centuries past who have spent long periods in withdrawal from life, expecting to reach great heights in their spiritual understanding. But man was created to live, to experience and to serve, and man will only grow through experience of service. Great events portend in the near future for your planet and your civilization. In a few short years, changes shall come about that to most of your civilization would be inconceivable, and within months events will occur that will have great influence in the future of your civilization and its destiny. But your civilization can have a great influence on this destiny if it will but awaken to a realization that it must choose a path of service, a path where understanding shall arise in the hearts of men. It is our hope that in the next few months some of you who are seeking understanding and Truth shall begin to find yourselves, and we are going to do everything in our power to help those of you who are sincere in this search. For man to find himself must go deep within, for there he will find, and there only will he find his True Being. I say to you, beloved ones, your True Being at your present level of understanding is inconceivable to you, yes, completely inconceivable. For so great is Man in his True Reality, that it is almost inconceivable to those of great understanding; for, beloved ones, you are all things, you are all things. Can you conceive of being all things, all things of Creation, of all Creation? Bear this in mind as you move along your path in your search for Truth, and soon you will begin to make great discoveries from within when you begin to get a slight glimpse of who and what you are. Man must come to the realization of the greatness of himself, and yet he must come into the realization of selflessness of himself. Ponder this well, beloved ones, for it has great meaning; and the day will come in the not too far distant future, if your search is sincere, when the true realization of what I have just said will dawn upon you. And as this begins to dawn in your consciousness, a whole new horizon shall unfold before you, and you will be awed of its greatness. Start to cultivate within yourself a great awareness, aware of every cell of your body, aware of your very actions, your every thought and your every movement. In your silence become aware of this inner voice, the real part of you or perhaps what you call God, and in time you will find great revelations coming from this voice from

the true you. And if you are humble, grateful and sincere, a great awakening shall begin to take place within you, and you shall find yourself upon a path that leads ever outward to greater and greater horizons, horizons that go on and on, that seem never ending. In my search for Truth, I have never yet found the end of these horizons; they extend onward and outward. Is this not, beloved ones, something great to look forward to, something great to aspire to? When these realizations begin to dawn in your heart, things of the past will seem unimportant, and no more will you look back; for Man never grows by looking backward. Let the past dead bury its dead; look ever forward-outward—never backward- for he who looks back, falters. My beloved children, if each of you will now relax, try to establish an attitude of love, completely relaxed as a child would relax in the arms of its mother; for I am going to leave this instrument for a moment, and I shall pass among you. I shall stand before each of you, and it shall be my pleasure to invoke a special blessing upon each of you. Now, please, beloved ones, do not be tense, do not try to feel something, but just relax—let go—allow me. (A blessing was received by each one.) My children, thrice be ye blest. Receive ye now the love, the blessings of our Brotherhood. So be it. So be it. So be it. Thursday, October 5, 1961 May the peace of the Great Ones rest deep in the hearts of each of you, Peace, peace, peace. Beloved friends—my son. I have been afforded this privilege tonight through the consent of this instrument and his Wisdor. Know ye well for this I am grateful. Know ye well that nothing comes to you by chance—nor to any of us—that life is one great plan in our evolution to the ultimate. Now, I should like to talk to you for a few moments, concerning the Divinity of Man. With your permission, we shall proceed upon this subject. I wonder how much realization each of you have within your own heart of your Divinity. I wonder if you could come with me for a few moments and explore life in a level of consciousness beyond what you know as Planet Earth. Yes, let us go far beyond, even beyond this galaxy and let us explore life as we find it here. Here we find as we approach that our sight has become more keen—that we begin to see into densities that we have not heretofore seen. Here we find beings moving about, carrying on a life, a social

association; we are finding that they also have their cities, their countrysides. But, as we move among these beings, we note a consciousness, an attitude that is strange to us. We do not see these beings hurrying to and fro, attempting to strain, or to have anxiety of any kind for their wellbeing. We find that their every need is met as the need arises. We do not find that they are concerned at all about these things. We find that their every need is met as it is needed. We find that we become aware of their attitudes, their thinking, and we find no thoughts in their hearts of resentment, fear. We find no jealousy, but we do find a great love, a great desire within their consciousness to serve. We find no thought of self; we find only thought concerning the whole. We find that these Beings do not even think of themselves as individuals. But we find that entwined in their consciousness is an awareness that they are a part of a great vast sea of life, and they see this Great Sea of Creation, of Life, as One Great Being, of which they are but a cell, each performing his part to make this Being a perfect and harmonious Being. We find a group consciousness of this type, each realizing his or her individuality, yet a realization of being a part of all Creation, a part that is as important in the function of this Creation as any other part; realizing that this Great Sea of Power that you call God, flows through each and every cell of this Great Being, making each part, however minute, an equally important part for the functioning of this Great Being. Now you, too, my friends, are equally as important a part of this vast sea, of this Great Being blown as Life, or as Man. But it even goes beyond Man, for it includes all things. Nothing that exists within this great sea is separate from the other. Therefore, each and every one of us contains within our own being the power of the universe—we have full command of all the power that is flowing—it is flowing through us, as it is flowing through every other part of all Creation. And when we have come into this realization of our divinity, of our true self, we shall know our place, we shall be able to attune our consciousness to the consciousness of anything within the Sea, whether it be plant life, animal life or what have you; and believe you me, beloved ones, you will find, when you have come into the knowing of these things, that all things will respond to your desires. You will find that you will be able to communicate with any part of nature that you desire, without effort or strain. You will merely attune your consciousness to the consciousness of that with which you desire to communicate. You say, “Will this tree talk to me?” and I say to you, “Yes, it will talk to you, and you will know what it has said to you.” All life responds to love and understanding. You cannot have one without the other, for they are one. I say to you, beloved friends, it is so important that those of you who would travel with your planet into the age that lies before you —to learn these things. Awaken! Awaken unto yourself. Long enough has Earth Man beseeched a false divinity. It is time for him to awaken, for the only place he will find this Divinity is within his own heart. So, beloved friends, search deep within

and find this Divine Power that you have been looking for. Bring it out and be IT. It has been my most sincere wish that Earth People shall come into the realization of these things rapidly, for the time is truly short. It has been my very great pleasure to have this opportunity to speak to you; and my son, I have been most grateful of this opportunity to speak to you. And now, I am told that my time has expired and I must vacate this instrument. But, before I depart, I should like to say that you have had standing with you this night and invoking a great blessing upon you, one of the Great Masters of the Tribunal of this Galaxy. This has been a great honor for me, and I am sure it must be for you. My peace, my love and my blessings I extend to all of you. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, my son. Peace … Peace … Peace. Tuesday, October 17, 1961 Peace be with thee, my friends. It is my privilege to come among you tonight and to have the opportunity to speak with you for a short period. Never has your civilization stood at such a point of crisis as today it does stand. Never has your civilization received more help, more guidance, more concern from those from outside your planet. In every crisis of your civilization, Beings of great Light have manifested among your people and pointed the way and many times Earth People have listened and heeded this help. During the period of the forming of your great nation, such a Being appeared among its leaders, and each time these leaders became dead-locked in their attempt to reach an understanding, the way was pointed by the Being; and so was your great Constitution written and signed. But the meaning of these words have been lost. Again, a few years past, another Being of Light appeared in a meeting of your great world leaders in your United Nations and again attempted to point the way, but this time very little heed was given to his words. Again, a short time ago, this also occurred in your United Nations, and again his words went unheeded. As you were told, or some of you were told a short time back, an attempt again was made to bring a realization to your leaders or to some of your leaders, of the results of nuclear warfare upon your planet. This was brought to certain individuals in a vivid dream of the results of such actions. This has made an impression but so great is the pressure upon these individuals from the great powers that lie behind them, that even for them it is difficult to attempt to convince these powers. It is difficult to understand how people could follow a path that would have the slightest possibility of leading to these results, when other paths are so much more obvious. It is hard to realize how man can become lost so deeply in his desires and

search for power; yet these things exist and are prevalent among your peoples. We sincerely hope that the realization shall dawn in the hearts of these people in time to avoid such occurrence. We are doing all in our power that can be done without violating Universal Law and shall continue to do so. But the great need lies among Earth People themselves; the real answer to these problems, my beloved friends, is up to Earth People. Earth Man himself has the real solution in the palm of his own hand and what he does with this will determine the result. We can only help to lighten your burden. The wise man prepares for the obvious. We hope that Earth Man shall show wisdom. The transition depends upon you of Earth. We can only aid to the degree that Earth Man is willing to allow us to help. It is his choice, not ours. We hope he shall choose wisely, for great help awaits when he is ready to receive it. We know that many of you stand ready to receive this help, but this is only a small minority; but to that minority I say, you shall receive—you shall receive according to your willingness to receive and to your willingness to cooperate. Earth Man, in the times that are approaching, shall face situations beyond his capabilities to cope with. But to those who are willing to receive help, they shall receive it. For many stand ready to extend this hand of help, of friendship, of love. So, beloved friends, when this hand is extended to you, grasp it, grasp it in love, in gratitude and in reverence, and know that this help is coming to you, because you have earned it. Do not hesitate to accept; let no fear nor doubt enter your mind, but accept it when it is presented. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, peace. Thursday, October 19, 1961 Peace to thee, my children. Beloved, tonight we have caused a concentration of cosmic energy to be concentrated here among you. As I speak tonight, I would like each of you to relax and visualize this great force of energy flowing through you, through every cell, through every fiber; visualize these millions of lines of energy flowing up your spine and down again. Visualize it in great quantities flowing to any particular part of your being that is in need. And, as you relax in this feeling, allow a great knowing to come over you—knowing that this great Universal Force that is flowing through you and to you in unlimited quantities, has the power to accomplish anything that you have need of. Let this complete knowing become a part of your consciousness and let no other thought push it aside. Beloved ones, as you go forward in your search for Truth, attempt to carry this

knowing with you as a part of your consciousness at all times. You have been taught the Laws; you know how they should work, but thus far in your consciousness you have not established a knowing. Where any doubt exists, there is not a knowing. You speak of faith, do you not? The difference between faith and knowing is, that in faith you allow tiny segments of doubt and fear to creep in. But, I say to thee, my friends, once you have the knowing, there is never a thought of doubt nor fear; it becomes a non-existing part of your consciousness—it is no longer there—it has been wiped completely away, and you know that the Law reacts and responds, because you know that this is so, and therefore it must be so. This is the power that will not allow any Law to fail you. It is the knowing. When you depart for a destination that is familiar to you, you have not one ounce of doubt in your being that you shall arrive at the point of designation, and thus you arrive there. Liken this to the Universal Laws that exist throughout eternity. These Laws will act and react according to your knowing. When they do not—know that you did not know. Much has been said concerning this point in the past, but we cannot impress upon you too strongly the importance of the knowing. And, as you move forward along your path, you shall come into a deeper realization of this fact relative to all things. Think well upon what I have just said to you; ponder it well, and then begin to weed from your consciousness these tiny seeds of doubt and fear that are lurking in the darkness of your consciousness. And, as you gradually eliminate these seeds, you shall find new seeds of knowing replacing them, and you shall find the Laws of the Universe beginning to act and react more promptly to your desires and needs. And now, beloved ones, may the peace and the love, the blessings and the understanding of all the Great Masters reach you in great abundance, and may the seeds of knowing grow stronger day by day in the hearts and minds of each of you. Peace, beloved ones, peace, peace. Tuesday, October 24, 1961 Peace to thee, my beloved. Again tonight we are going to concentrate Cosmic Energy here for you, for each of you here this night has need of this. Now, my beloved ones, I am going to give you a little technique, and explain to you somewhat how this is done. In case you are not aware, these lines of Cosmic Energy are continually flowing at all times through your atmosphere, through your body. They are the life-giving energies, without which none of you, nor any life, would exist. It is through these lines of energy or force that you live and move and have your being. Now what we are doing here tonight, is causing a great mass of these lines of force to be bent in and concentrated in your midst, as we bend light. They are techniques

not known to man. By bending light you can cause an object to be invisible to the human eye, for you see only the light reflected from this object; and so these lines of force can be bent. And now, my friends, I am going to ask you to bend these lines even more and you can do this. Now, if you will, become relaxed—there is no need for strain—and as you relax, visualize these lines, travelling in great quantities, here—all about you— travelling through you—see them in a great mass; and then, if you will, visualize a portion of this mass of energy, visualize it as bending, curving, into a more concentrated mass of energy; and then visualize this concentrated mass flowing to the part of your physical structure that has most need for this help, and you can change it about—concentrating it to wherever you desire. Remember, beloved friends, that within your thought pattern you have great power. Through concentration of this power of mind you can direct energies, you can cause things to take place that you desire. Have great confidence in the power of your mind, for in reality, beloved ones, all is mind. Now, have I made myself clear as to what I would like you to do? Beloved friends, I am going to speak to you for a few moments on the subject of consciousness, and as I speak, allow yourself to became completely relaxed, and I, through the help of your Wisdors, will keep a concentration of this energy here, and I want each of you to practice this technique as I speak. Much has been said in the past concerning consciousness; but, beloved ones, there is great need among all of you to realize the importance of the state of consciousness; and as an example, I will point out something that was said here just before your quiet time. I believe it was said that one can easily acquire disease. Now, my beloved friends, I do not mean this as criticism—I say this in all sincerity and in love—but this is a state of consciousness. For anything that plagues us continually has become a part, so to speak, of our consciousness. Man will be exactly what his consciousness contains and can conceive of. Now, beloved ones, this may be difficult for you to accept; perhaps you shall say, “This or that is not a part of my consciousness; it is beyond my control.” But I say to you, dear ones, if you will search honestly within your consciousness, you will find that very thing existing there, and when it has ceased to become a part of your consciousness, it no longer expresses in your life. How does Man, or shall I say, how does one man express or accomplish what to another man or to a great many people, may seem impossible? Because, within his consciousness he can conceive this thing, and nothing, as you well know, manifests in the physical or into reality, unless it is first conceived within the consciousness of that person. Therefore, it is most important, is it not, that we expand our consciousness continually, to take in more and more and more—to widen out ever wider—and as we can conceive of these things, they become realities in our lives; but this cannot be done, beloved ones, in a half-hearted manner. You must be serious and you must act. Words without action, or

conceiving without action, is fruitless. What can you conceive of as a reality in your life—how far are you willing to go? This, beloved friends, is up to you, for only you can expand your own consciousness. Those who have advanced into higher understanding have advanced only because they were able to expand their consciousness to accept the things that are now realities in their lives, and this expansion goes on and on. No, you will not do this in one great stride, but as you make the effort to do this, you will find a gradual change taking place in your expression, day by day. Man, if he is to live a happy, normal life upon any plane, must be in the continual process of growing, of expanding his consciousness; for man is not truly happy unless this is taking place in his life. All of you have great need for this, as do all men, but also this must be done in a complete attitude of selflessness; not for the power that I might gain, but rather for the understanding, for the wisdom and for the Truth; using this new understanding as you receive it for the good of your own life and the life of mankind. Beloved friends, I was asked to speak to you tonight by the Wisdor of the instrument through which I speak, and I came to you from the Tribunal of your Galaxy. It has been my privilege and my pleasure to have this opportunity to, perhaps in a small way, to have been of some assistance to you. I hope you have been successful with this little technique that I have given you, and I would like to suggest that each of you practice this during your times of silence, or after you have retired to your bed; and I am sure that if you have practiced this for awhile, so that you can master the technique—that you will find great help coming to you; for this life-giving energy is yours to use, as it is all Man’s—and it is there in great abundance. It shall never be depleted, for the supply is unlimited. So, beloved ones, use it in great abundance, for it is yours to use. May the peace, the love and the understanding of all the Great Masters rest in the hearts of each of you, and I extend to each of you the fullest blessings and peace of our Brotherhood. Peace … Peace … Peace. Thursday, November 2, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. It is with great concern that we view the happenings upon Planet Earth today. There are certain powers who would bring great fear to the hearts of Earth People by making great displays of their power. It is sad that these people are allowed to pollute your atmosphere to this extent, to cast these great quantities of pollution upon your people. As a result of this, soon you shall see great increases in cancer and leukemia, and many other unfamiliar conditions will arise in your people in their physical bodies. If these people who are bringing about these things realized

the karma that is being poured upon their heads, they would hesitate somewhat in their actions. But, in their mad pursuit for power, they lose all sense of responsibility for their fellow man, and thus Mankind suffers at their hand. This should never be, that a civilization should have these things cast upon it by a small minority of its people. These people who are toying with these energies are like small children playing with dynamite. We have given warning to your people of the results of toying with these energies, for these are the pure energies of the Universe, and are not to be tampered with by man. And when he violates these laws, he can only bring suffering and destruction upon himself and his fellow man. These events, unless more control is brought over them, will eventually bring destruction to your people. Your scientific minds, in the majority, know very little about these energies and the destruction that can be brought through their use. The effects of this detonation in such quantities can bring great havoc to your earth structure, much greater than they can possibly realize. All in our power is being done at this time to try to bring influence upon these feeble minds to bring a realization to them of their responsibilities and a realization of what they are doing to their brother-man. But many of these minds are so lost in their pursuit for power that they have become possessed by a great madness. We sincerely hope that we shall not have to intervene physically to save Planet Earth, but certainly at this moment there is no reason to believe that we may not have to do this. I say to each of you, use your own power of mind to concentrate upon these individuals and help to bring influence upon them. For each mind that is concentrated upon them and influencing them, will add that much to what we are doing. These individuals who are bringing about these conditions among your people, will definitely not be among the remnants of civilization of Earth, for they have a long way to go in their evolution towards self-realization. My beloved friends, I speak not these words to bring fear in your hearts, but I feel that each of you are capable of receiving truth as it stands, and that each of you, realizing the truth, will do your part in helping your people to avoid further discomfort and exposure to the powers that be. You can send thoughts of Light and Love, plus periods of concentration towards these minds, for you have power in Mind. All is Mind, and in this Mind you have power. By concentrating your thoughts of influence upon the powers that control your people, the powers that are behind your wars, the powers that bring about these conditions, concentrate your influence upon them. And if enough people will do this, the influence will be felt. We, as outsiders, can only use such methods at this point, and your power of concentration will add to ours. We do not wish to see this unnecessary suffering brought upon your people and many attempts have been made, but seemingly in vain, to point out the folly of these things to your leaders, to point to them a better way. Yet, it seems that little heed has been given to our warnings.

There is, among your people, a great many who, through the fear that has been brought into their hearts, are attempting to persuade these leaders; yet, little heed is being given these people at this time. But I shall predict that this great fear and unrest shall increase until your people are protesting in great masses, and it is altogether possible that the influence of these great masses may reach those who are in power before it is entirely too late. I admit to you, my friends, this has not been a pleasant conversation to listen to, yet one must face the Truth. For, unless we face it, we are only hiding from it, and we do nothing about it. Conditions are not changed without action; nothing is accomplished without action. So, beloved friends, it is time for Earth People to act, if they would prevent these things. I leave you by extending to you the love and understanding of my people, and I extend to you my sincerest blessings. I am Oxal. Friday, November 3, 1961 Greetings to you, and my blessings, my beloved friends. It is the first time that I have had the privilege of speaking to this group. I shall only take a few moments of your time, but I should like to state that I am very close to one of you here, tonight, and have been through many years of your sojourn upon this planet. I wonder, my beloved friends, just how serious you are, in considering the fact that it is necessary for you to prepare yourselves for the great coming changes that are to take place on Planet Earth, in what we, of the other realms of life, consider a very, very great advancement, for both Planet Earth and your solar system. I know that there are those who state that they shall not be around to see these changes take place. But, I say to you, my friends, that all of you shall be around and witness these great events. You shall be either in the physical, chemical body that you now possess, or you will be in your electrical body; nevertheless, all of you shall be here to witness these great changes. And regardless of which stage of life you are in, preparation still remains a necessity. For those of you who shall experience these changes in the chemical body, a greater awareness and preparation is necessary. These things, my friends, have not been talked about so many times for naught. We, who are able to view this from —shall we say—a greater vantage point, perhaps have gained a greater perspective of the vastness and the greatness of this event, or events. Man must and will, if he is to remain, take on a whole new consciousness, both scientifically and spiritually. He shall reach out, expanding his consciousness to take in greater

and greater knowledge and understanding of the Universe—and of the vast expanse that lies ever out, ever wider, ever larger—bringing to him knowledge and wisdom in ever greater abundance. He shall come into an understanding of the functioning of Universal Laws, and he shall learn to master these laws; he shall learn that within man himself lies the power, the wisdom and the understanding to use these great universal energies and laws to bring about great good for himself and his fellow man. But, friends, do not take these things lightly. But, rather become reverent, serious and sincere in your search for the understanding that will enable you to move into the changes that are to come to bring about a New Age, that is about to blossom forth for your planet and its people who will prepare themselves for its coming. Some of the events are not going to be pleasing to you; but, if you shall begin to expand your consciousness and your awareness, you can rise above the unpleasantness, and great help awaits those who are sincere and are willing to do their part in the transition of your planet. When these times have passed—and the remnants of the civilization shall consist of those who have accomplished these things—they shall build a civilization upon Planet Earth that is far, far beyond what any of you could possibly conceive of at this moment. Man that remains, shall blossom forth into a new specie of mankind through the help of great, sincere Beings who are anxious to see Planet Earth take its place—its rightful place—in the Confederation of the Planets and join in the great Brotherhood of Man, where man realizes his at-one-ness with all Creation. And this realization is of far greater value than anything else you could possibly have. It has been my very, very great privilege to have this opportunity to spend a few moments with you in this manner. May the peace and the love of all the Great Ones become a part of you. My peace and my blessings I wish to leave with you. Peace to you, my friends, peace to you. Peace. Thursday, November 9, 1961 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It has been some time since I have visited you. Group: We have missed you. I have also missed you, and it gives me great pleasure to once more come among you and be as one of you. Man, today, is seeking to know the secrets of the Universe, and to learn of its

powers, its energies; he is putting forth great efforts to try to learn these things. Yet, so very, very little effort is put forth by man to learn something about himself. Is this not true, my friends? Man knows, on Planet Earth, so very, very little about himself, and yet he spends great amounts of energy, time and money, trying to learn the secrets of the Universe, to discover new scientific methods, etc. If Earth Man could come into a realization of the importance of discovering himself, and spend half of the effort in discovering himself, he should advance at tremendous speeds in his scientific knowledge. For when man has discovered himself, he has really discovered the secrets of the Universe; for man is all things. But, until man begins to know himself, he shall find his progress in science quite difficult. What I am trying to say to you is, that once man has learned about himself, has discovered the power that lies within him—who and what he is—then, these things become quite simple. For, he can learn that he has the power to tap the Universal Mind, so to speak, and gain knowledge so very, very easily; for it is all there. Nothing that you shall discover or develop in thousands of years, or from now on—nothing—not one thing shall you find or discover that is not already there. It is there; you only need to reach out with your own mind to be able to attune your consciousness to the Universal Consciousness that is always there, and contains everything that ever has been, or ever will be, for there can be nothing new. But, man has learned so very, very, very little about his Pure Being, his Pure Being. For man in his Pure Being can, at all times, attune himself to the One and only Consciousness; for he is a part of this Consciousness. Each individual consciousness is as a cell in a great Consciousness, as one minute cell in your physical structure is a part of the whole. And so, my friends, you are equally a part of this Great Universal Consciousness. Now, you say, my friends, “How do I do this, how do I discover myself?” Well, this is a good question, very good. First, man has to begin to expand his consciousness; he has to, at least consider some of these things and come into some realization of what he is. The difficulty with Man of Earth is, that he does not want to admit his greatness. He wants to suppress himself, so to speak. He wants to say, “I’m just a little fellow, I have no power, I cannot do this, I cannot do that, because of certain circumstances that surround me. This person or that person holds me back.” But, my friends, realize what you are; admit to yourself what you are. For if you do not admit it, surely no one else is going to recognize it; for you can be what you can conceive of being. So, start to realize that you are a part of the whole of Creation, and that your place in Creation is just as important as the Highest Being you can conceive of. The only difference between you and a Being of higher understanding is, that you have not come into the realization of your true self, for all men were created equal, and each man is entitled to his place, but, he must claim it. If he is not willing to claim it, then he will never reach this state. But, sooner or later, all men must come into this realization and again return to his rightful place and again climb back to the point of Pure Being.

Man, upon your planet, must begin to realize these things. But know that you are not going to reach this state of Pure Being in a moment. For, from where Earth Man stands today, it is going to take time to weed out of his consciousness the misbeliefs and the untruths that he has stored there. He must weed out all of the limitations; man has placed so many, many limitations upon himself, that he has really made his road very rough and difficult. So I say to you, my friends, start to weed out these limitations from your consciousness; refuse to have anything to do with them. This will take a bit of working, for the things that have been so deeply imbedded there over the period of —perhaps I could say—several lifetimes, will not leave easily or willingly. You are going to have to work on this a little bit. But, I am sure that once you have decided that you are going to weed these things out of your consciousness, and cast them aside—never more to allow them to enter—you are going to find a new world opening up before you. And you shall find that you have power and great abilities within you that you never dreamed existed. And you shall be greatly surprised to find out what you really are. My friends, it has been my very great pleasure to spend these few moments with you tonight. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I. If I have been of some slight service to you, I am very, very grateful. I want to thank all of you for accepting me in your midst tonight, and I assure you that my love and blessings shall follow you in your search for Truth. And I should also like to tell you that each of you have been greatly blessed tonight, as well as myself. For, among you tonight—perhaps you were not aware—stood a very, very great Being, whom I have great reverence for, and always feel very humble in His Presence. This Being has stood among you tonight; and to each of you he has given a very, very special blessing. I thought that perhaps you should like to know. And now, my friends, I must vacate this instrument. Peace be with you, my friends. Peace. Tuesday, November 21, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. My beloved friends, today Earth Man is living in a time when opportunities have never been greater to improve his understanding, his spiritual growth, also his scientific knowledge. Many of your people have made great strides in their scientific knowledge in a very short period, but little progress has been made in the growth, or the increase of their spiritual understanding, of their understanding of man himself. You see the great difference between a man having both spiritual and scientific knowledge and a man having only scientific knowledge, it is that the man

who possesses both makes sure that his scientific knowledge is used for the good of all Mankind. He does not use this for self-gain or for the gain of the few. If this realization could come forth in the minds of Earth People and manifest, Earth Man would find himself on a path of the greatest advancement in the history of your planet. But this does not seem to be the case, but rather, among the majority, it seems they are going in the opposite direction. We, of other planets and other systems—not that we are so wise or possess such great inconceivable knowledge, no, this is not so—for in reality we have gained but very little knowledge of the scientific and the spiritual possibilities that man has. Yet, of the very small knowledge that we have, we would like very much to share with Earth Man, if we could but be sure that this knowledge would be used for the good of all Mankind upon your planet, and would help to raise him in consciousness, to make his life more pleasant, to give him a greater opportunity to seek self-knowledge, or self-realization. But, in every attempt of this kind that has been made upon your planet, we have found our information and help going to the benefit of only a few, being used to gain more power over their fellow man. This should never be, that man should seek to control another, or to hold power over him. But rather, the desire, should be to raise the consciousness of his fellow being, to bring in him the knowledge, the understanding, of a way to make his life more abundant, more rich. Man does not find it necessary to eke out his existence by the sweat of his brow, when he has true understanding. For, he finds that the Universe contains all that man has need of; he needs only to gain the understanding to bring it forth. By this, I do not mean to say that man does not need to work, but he need not work, as many of your people think of work, But man would not be happy to do nothing, man would not grow by doing nothing. Man needs to exercise his talents; he needs to develop these things. Seeking understanding is work, but man does not gain understanding lest he work for it. The time is here when the chaff is being separated from the wheat. Flocks are being gathered together. The shepherd sees the storm approaching—he knows that the snows will soon cover the grass—and he is gathering in his sheep. And to these will be given the secrets, for they shall use them as your Creator intended that they shall be used. This one realization must remain firm in the hearts of all who are to be trusted with knowledge, that this knowledge, this understanding must be used for the good of all Mankind. If this is not done, this knowledge will eventually destroy you, for this is a Universal Law that none can avoid. And my friends, you need only to search back in the past civilizations of your earth, and you shall find that this was the very thing that destroyed them. Do not let this happen to you; realize your relationship to all Creation, that without your brother-man, you could not exist, you would not be, and without you, he would not be; realizing that when you have raised the consciousness of either yourself or your brother, you have raised the consciousness of all Mankind. This is the great at-one-ness of

which we so often speak; this is the great at-one-ness that Man of Earth must come into the realization of. Each is a great being, but without the other we would be as nothing. My friends, I leave you by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Monday, November 27, 1961 Peace, peace, peace. Beloved, ye seek many things in your search. Ye seek understanding—ye seek to know the paths that will carry you on the path of great experiences—ye seek to know the secrets of the mystics. These things, my beloved, are all yours to receive. Each of you is a beloved child of the Most High. All things that have been created, were created for you. It is yours to claim. Why do you not claim these things? Why do you not receive your rightful place? It is for you to take the step; and as you take this step, none will hold you back. Man is his own worst enemy. Man can so easily recognize his limitations—blocks, that do not exist. The hate, the resentment, and the greed that man holds within himself and refuses to let go of, is the thing that holds Earth Man in bondage more than anything today. This has been pointed out to man so many times through the generations; yet, he fails to see these blocks, these chains that hold him in bondage. I say to you, beloved, let go of these things, replace these things with joy, with love and with understanding. The great problems that exist on Planet Earth today could be solved so easily if man would leave these things out of his negotiations; if he would sit down, man to man, with the purpose in his heart of doing that which is for the good of all Mankind. For, that which is good for all Mankind, will solve all problems. No problem was ever solved with an attitude of mind of accomplishing for self. It is well to keep one’s heart joyous, grateful, to feel an appreciation, a gratefulness for that which comes our way. If one will but maintain an attitude of this type, and see in all men a part of self—a realization of at-one-ness—a realization that all men are great, and that all men will sooner or later come into [their] pure state of Being—that each man is climbing, as am I, toward this goal. Some are on one rung of the ladder and others may be upon a higher, or lower rung, but what matters this? All Mankind is climbing together, attempting knowingly or unknowingly to reach this stage of pure Being. Beloved ones, all of you on the path of Truth shall pass through many doors in a short period of time, and you shall close each of these doors behind you.

In each room through which you pass you will have great experiences by which you are to grow and reach new heights in Truth. Make the best of each of these experiences. Allow yourself to get the most from each, and by so doing, you will have reached another rung on the ladder. And when the New Age, into which you are entering, has blossomed forth, you shall find yourself to be a new being in stature, in understanding. Allow Universal Love to blossom forth in your consciousness, that you might receive in great abundance, that which is rightfully yours. Peace, peace, peace. Thursday, November 30, 1961 My beloved Children of the Light, seekers of Truth. You spend much time and effort in thy search of Truth; yet, seemingly in your mind, you have great difficulty in accomplishing the goals that you seek. But, I say to thee, beloved ones, thy efforts are not wasted. Yet, I would recommend to thee, that thy search for Truth, for understanding, be widened. Seek and look everywhere for Truth, for all things reveal unto thee the Truths that are held in Creation. I say to thee that every segment of Creation contains Truth. Man of Earth has been taught that he must seek spiritual Truths and understanding only in the Temples and the books; but I say to thee, my friends, Truth must be sought everywhere. And many times you will find great pearls of Truth where you least expect to find them. Ofttimes great Truths are found in the hearts of the very lowly. So, beloved ones, be ever mindful of these things, for Truth is everywhere. Man has made a great effort to separate, to divide into segments, Truth, science, metaphysics, religions. In Creation, nothing is separated; for All is One, and One is All. Not one of your great religions contains all Truth, yet each has its segment. A great blending together must take place if we are to truly grow in understanding—a gathering together, a sorting, a fitting together of the many, many segments—that man might have life and have it abundantly—through his understanding. Your Creator has not separated any of His gifts for you; only man has separated these things. Great abundance ye all may have if you will but attempt to reach an understanding of Universal Law. But attempt to come into the realization of your relationship to Creation and all things therein. I must say to thee again—and many times it has been said to you before—love thee one another. And this I do not mean in the respect that Earth Man regards love, but by coming to a realization of thyself and thy relation to all Mankind—to all Creation—will thou understand Universal Love, where man thinks not in terms of self, but in terms of Mankind; for, what is good for Mankind, is good for me.

You have been told many times, beloved ones, that the time of fulfillment of the prophecies is at hand, that your great planet is about to pass through the period of great changes as they were spoken of by some of your ancient prophets, Yet, sometimes we recognize in the hearts of many Truth seekers, a doubt that these events will take place, will really occur. I wonder today, how many, if they were put to the final test, were asked to make the last great step, to go all the way to cast aside all of the false gods—we wonder how many could truly do this and would. There are many who still worship the false god of materialism, yet, they would not admit even to themselves, that this condition existed within their consciousness. It is well to occasionally, very honestly, take stock of ourselves—to put ourselves to the acid test—and to see just where we stand. If this were done honestly and fairly, many might find that within their consciousness there are more false gods than they realize. My dear friends, it shall behoove all of us to build our foundation for Truth upon a foundation of solid rock, so that when the time arrives that we are given the final test, we can stand firm and move on from there to new and greater heights on the never-ending spiral of Truth and understanding. I am told that a beloved friend of yours is standing by to spend a few moments with you by use of this instrument. Therefore, I shall draw to a close my humble dissertation and allow him to converse with you. May the love and the understanding of all the Great Masters fill the hearts of each of you and may each of you reach your goal as rapidly as you desire. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, peace, peace. Thursday, December 7, 1961 Peace to thee, my friends. I have asked permission, and am grateful for being so graciously granted this experience of speaking tonight. I would ask the indulgence of the group, for I came tonight primarily to speak in behalf of the departing ones. I came because I have special interest, and wish to inject encouragement and assurance. To these dear ones I would like to extend my compliments for their courage in standing forth and stepping forward in their—or what they feel to be—their rightful path. I would say to you: go forth with a joyous heart, not the joy of a fool, but the joy of wisdom; going forth with a knowing heart, knowing that you are being guided into a new world of experience, and that you are going to take advantage in every way possible to grow to reach new heights in your Universal Love and understanding. Know that as it has been so far in your preparation for this change, that there will be at every turn, at every crossroad, a guiding hand that will take you to the heights that you seek.

Give thanks in your heart that the opportunity has opened for you to serve in preparing for things that are to come, that are to bring about upon your planet new and great opportunities for those who seek the greater knowledge of the Universe. As you more into the new world of experiences, close the door behind you and let the past be gone; and begin a completely new world of experiences. In your thinking, in your seeking and in your service to Mankind—let this one great realization ripen in your mind—that you are a servant of Mankind, that it is your purpose in your sojourn through life to give. If Earth Man would but realize the importance of his service, not with a thought of self-importance, but rather with the thought of being of service. And as your desire doth grow, so will your understanding; and, as you know, with understanding comes love and joy and peace. As you enter your new world you shall find great opportunities to be close to nature; watch her closely, and see how much understanding you shall gather by observing her. She shall teach you many lessons that will be of great value to you, if you will but observe her. Many Truths lie hidden there. So, my beloved children, as you go forth into your new world, I shall be watching you and helping you in every way possible, that you might gain ever more wisdom and understanding. New worlds shall open for all of you, if you will but take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. So, my beloved children, go in peace. And may the Light of the Infinite Spirit of Creation go before you, and open the way. I am most grateful. Go in peace. Friday, December 8, 1961 Peace to thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Among you tonight were discussed some very deep subjects. I know that many of these things are mysteries in thy minds. Creation to some may seem quite complex —as indeed it is. Yet, as understanding grows in man’s mind—as his consciousness begins to grow—these complexities become quite simple. But, for man to understand many of these things, he must grow into them, as it would be. It is well to consider the various aspects of Creation; but, of those subjects which are beyond the understanding of your present consciousness, do not ponder them too seriously or extensively. For, in due time, with patience and sincerity in desiring to grow, all of these things shall clarify themselves in thy minds.

I realize also, that among those of you present here this night, there is anxiety as to your future, as to where your path will lead in your search for greater understanding, and in your search for opportunities to serve in the preparation of your planet as it embarks upon its new experience that is about to take place. There has existed among many of those with whom you associate in your search, the anxiety to get on with things; yet I must say to you again, beloved friends, that patience, coupled with sincere awareness, is all that is needed by you—a sincerity to serve Mankind in whatever way is presented to you at the moment. And each moment will take care of itself and lead you onward on your path. Occasionally, you may stumble, you may falter here and there; but if these rules are followed, your destination will be assured. So, be not anxious, my friends—be not anxious of the morrow—for each new day is a new world opening before you, and may be the day that will bring thee one of the great experiences of your sojourn. He who walks in peace, in love, in understanding, walks a path that will surely bring him to the goal in consciousness that he seeks. May the peace, love and understanding of all the great Masters rest upon the hearts of each of thee. Questioner: May I ask a question? For a moment I shall hesitate to try to help you if it is within my humble knowledge. Questioner: Could you elaborate a bit on the statement that we are an extension of our higher consciousness? Anthon: My dear brother, this is the subject which I was referring to in the beginning of my talk; and to go further into this at the moment would lead us into perhaps, deeper complications. For as I have stated, these subjects are complicated subjects, at certain levels of understanding. Yet, as you progress along the way, the enfoldment of these things shall take place in the consciousness. Perhaps at another time we can delve slightly into this subject. But at this moment I am sorry, beloved ones, it would take too long. Not that I would not be willing to spend the time, but at this moment it would not be wise, for two reasons: I should not like to hold the instrument this much greater length of time, and then I should like to consider a proper way of presentation, in order that misunderstandings do not arise. So, beloved ones, if you will forgive me, I should like to withdraw from answering you at this time. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you. Peace. Thursday, December 14, 1961 Peace, peace, peace.

My beloved children, let us this night consider seriously our attitudes, our feelings, from our innermost depths. There may be times, in the not too far distance, when some of you may be called upon to perform tasks that will require great sacrifices— great efforts that may be more than you will care to give. In your religions, ofttimes it is spoken that man is required to give his all—if it so be required—and that he would turn the other cheek and go the extra mile—that he would give all, if need be. Yet, these are but empty words coming from the mouths of men. For, if they were called upon to sacrifice in the least, they would withdraw. I wonder if Earth People were to know the sacrifices that have been made for them, the Beings who have left their homes, their friends—who have given all that man could give, in order that Earth Man might be raised from the darkness in which he has dwelt so long; men and women who have lived, in what you would call a paradise, have forsaken all of this and undergone great discomforts, great inconveniences, to attempt to help save a race of man who has had no thought, or put forth any effort to save himself; I wonder if Earth People would do the same. Beloved ones, have you ever peered into your innermost being and asked yourself: “How far would I go, if I were called upon to serve my fellow being who has wasted his life, brought pain and destruction upon himself, caused great chaos in his life and in the lives of others? How far would I really go to serve this type of man?” I would like you, beloved ones, to consider this thought, ponder it somewhat in your mind and see what your answer will be. For, beloved ones, the day may come when you might be called upon to do this very thing. So, I say to you in all sincerity, it is well that you ponder these things. All men were created with a will that is free; he has the choice to serve or not to serve, to do or not to do. Man must always choose, for Creation is always a divided highway, and you can take the right or the left, as you choose. In my humble opinion, it is well, sometimes, to measure oneself by honestly considering these things, by truly and logically examining the road that can possibly be one that you have to travel, and then decide in your own heart which will be your road. I shall not take more of your precious time but as I withdraw I will again invoke upon each of you my most sincere and loving blessings. (Om chant.) Peace, peace, peace. Tuesday, December 19, 1961 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal.

As we observe Earth People preparing for the great celebration which is about to take place among your people, it never ceases to amaze us that this type of preparation and celebration should be given for such a Great Being, and then so promptly forgetting all that he stood for, the moment the celebration is over. This Being came to your planet with great sacrifice to himself, to bring to Earth Man some Truths that could free him from the bondage that he found himself in. Yet were his Truths so lightly taken and so often deliberately misinterpreted. Many times they were deliberately distorted by those who would hold control over their people. Yet, a few did benefit, and still do—those who have been willing to sacrifice enough of their time and energy to dig out the true meanings of the words that he spoke. The story of His birth, as it is told in your religious histories, is not altogether accurate, but, as it was told by those who saw and understood not, it was told in expressions that were familiar to them. And yet, it would seem that people of today, who have advanced in science, who have greater knowledge of the universe, would attempt to find the Truth in these stories, but they do not. They go on, being told in the same words, in the same way. I am sure that any of you here on this night would agree with me, when I say that planets and stars do not move from their orbits and float gently along, leading people to their destinations—as it is known today by your astronomers, the solar systems move in great accuracy—these things are not possible. The Creator of these universes, these galaxies, created them to operate by Law and even they do not and cannot change these Laws. Would I dare say to you, beloved friends, that the base from which this star came, was a much greater star and is today orbiting your planet far out in space, and the same Great Being is aboard it? It is not a star as you think of it, but a huge craft capable of travelling space wherever and whenever it is directed. The lights, or light that did the directing upon this night was a small craft remotely controlled, that was being directed from the larger craft. Once again, in the not too far future, this Being shall emerge again from his craft and walk among your people. But, then your Earth shall have been cleansed, will have taken on a new look; yes, even your system, your solar system, will have taken on a new look. And even man, himself, will have undergone great changes. Beloved friends, as you celebrate the coming of this Being to your planet, think of Him as a Great Master of Truth and give thanks in your heart that you may have the opportunity again, someday, to welcome Him again to your planet. I leave you, beloved ones, in the Light, the Love and the Understanding of my people. I am Oxal.

Thursday, December 28, 1961 Peace be with thee, my beloved children, I am Anthon. I shall take a moment to extend to you tonight my blessing. Since this is your season for exchanging blessings, I shall enter your custom and extend to each of you this blessing: May the words of this Great Being, whose birth you celebrate at this season, may the true meaning of these words awaken in the hearts of each of thee, and may the realization of these words bring about a new understanding that will bring into your life a great peace, and open for you new horizons on your journey down the corridors of Truth. And now, I shall withdraw and allow another to take my place, who, I know, has become greatly beloved by those of you who have come to know him. Our beloved brother, Yom, is going to talk to you for a short time. May his peace rest with each of thee. Peace. Yom: Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. Once more it is my pleasure to come among you. It always gives me great pleasure to be among beloved ones. I should also like to extend to you my blessings. I know each of you, as you journey forward in your search, shall come into a greater and greater realization of what this great Teacher was trying to tell you. However, a great many errors have been made in translation and in putting into writing his teachings. For, as you are all aware, a great period of time passed before his teachings were put into writing. But, be that as it may, there are still great Truths in the writings; but they must be studied, meditated upon, in order to get the true meanings of what he was attempting to say, to teach to his people. I should like, with your permission, to touch a little bit upon this Being and other Beings, to try to—shall we say—throw out a few remarks for you to think about. This Great Being came to Planet Earth as an assignment from his Superiors, shall we say. He is what is known as a Lord, and throughout Creation or the Universes, Galaxies or the many systems, there are many, many Lords, Lord-Gods; and this is how many of these terms come into being, back in other times. The true meanings of many of these titles have been misunderstood or misused, shall we say. In the various systems, the solar systems, there are many steps of authority, just as it is in many of your governments. The term “angel” was used a great deal throughout your writings; an angel appeared to this one or that one and gave him certain instructions. These Beings are beings or helpers, shall we say, under the Lord. The man whom you call Jesus would be known as a Lord and he is in charge of Planet Earth, so to speak, attempting to bring this planet up through evolution into a higher and higher development of understanding; and in a system there are

many Lords, and there are many angels. I use the term “angels,” because I am trying to convey to you what was referred to as angels in your early writings. I suppose the reasons your angels are shown with wings today, and were shown down through your histories, is because they come from space; and in those times, according to the understanding of those people, you had to have wings in order to travel through space, or through the atmosphere. So, they put wings on them, so they could fly. Now, these are helpers; they are beings who work under the Lord. Then, you have Lord-Gods; those were the titles referred to. They have many Lords working under them, and so goes the chain of authority. Beyond, and back of all of this, we know that there is One Great Intelligence. And this, my friends, is what has been referred to when some of the Beings that have spoken to you, have mentioned the fact that they are an extension of this Great Universal Power, or Light, or whatever term you should like to apply to it. They have only a slight understanding of it, and I should have to say the same thing about myself; for, my friends, the vastness of this great Universe is quite hard to comprehend. Do you think you would agree with me on that? The vastness is so great, so very great, that, until man has reached great heights in his understanding, until his search for Truth has taken him far up, it will be difficult for him to understand the true nature of what the Ultimate Intelligence really consists of. But I do not believe that it is too important at our level of understanding to try to grasp some of these things, for we must go step by step. And if we try to jump over a step or two, then we find great confusion arising in our minds. So the things that are at hand, are the things that we must first understand and conquer. We have presented to us great Truths; you all agree your Teacher, whom you call Jesus, who came here, left a great multitude of Truths for you to understand, for you to apply in your living. And why not then, my friends, learn to understand these Truths and the Truths that are already here, that are presented through many, many channels. There have been many Masters who have brought great Truths, who have written many, many writings of Truth. Those of your people who have been interested enough in searching for Truth, have read and heard many of these, and yet, they find it is difficult to apply them, to use them. Now, why do they find it so difficult to take these Truths and apply them in their lives? Well, my friends, from my own observation, I see that many people who are studying these things, are learning them clearly with their intellectual minds. But, when it comes to putting them into actual use, well, they say, “It interferes with this part or that part of my life; I cannot do this because of the circumstances that surround me.” And all kinds of reasons are found at this time why they cannot apply these. “I will do it at a later date, but right now I cannot because of circumstances.” This, my friends, can go on for several lifetimes. If man truly wants these things, if he truly wants the results that these things will

bring, then he must put them into practice. He must use them to bring about that which he desires, or perhaps he does not yet desire as much as he thinks he does. When man truly does the things he really wants to do—and as a rule, when man really sincerely desires to do something, he does it—he does not let anything stand in his way; he does the things that he wants to do. Now, my dear friends, I think I have taken enough of your time. It has given me great pleasure to come again among you, and I sincerely hope that each of you will decide definitely in your own mind what you want, and then get it. My most sincere blessings to each of you. Peace be with you, my friends, peace, love and understanding.

[1] The original spelling of this name in these manuscripts is “Hatton.” It has been changed to “Hatonn” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this name in the rest of the material on this site from the same source. It is pronounced hat-ON. [2] Goodbye. [3] Love brothers.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding - Volume IV Copyright © 2008 Walt Rogers ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the sessions of Walt Rogers’ contactee group in Detroit that were contained in the Man, Consciousness and Understanding pamphlets. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. CAVEAT: This document is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.

Man, Consciousness and Understanding Volume IV Introduction The groupings of communications contained in this enclosure are informative, teaching-instructions for developing a better understanding of ourselves, of the problems of our modem times, and of the magnitude of the future lying before us. The nature and the text of these communications differ in respect to the many spiritual studies of Truth available to the seeker; therefore, a few words are necessary to explain their source. On and around our Earth there exist millions of beings from other regions and other realms of the Universe who have attained a much higher and a much greater degree of understanding in their evolution. To those who will listen, they extend their friendship and offer their understanding and wisdom that the homo sapiens race on Earth might awaken unto themselves and work to usher in the New Golden Age presently dawning. Within these pages, the words you read are those received from physical beings aboard spacecraft who hail from other parts of the Universe, and from wonderful, Radiant Beings who enjoy the Perfect Life in the higher realms of existence. The reader is to understand that these communications were received through a human channel who was one among a small group of earnest seekers of Truth. These words of enlightenment, even though spoken to a small group, also apply to

the whole of mankind and may be used by any and all who are seeking a more Abundant Life. With their deepest Love and Blessings, these Beings of higher understanding offer their knowledge to all who seek the Truth. Affirmations for Meditation By Hatonn [1] O Radiant One, send forth thy Light, and surround each of us, thy children, that we may have enlightenment and wisdom. We relax and give ourselves completely to the Father. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. We know that all is well as we relax in His Arms. We give our whole selves to the Father, we want only to do His will. We relax and give ourselves wholly and completely to Him. I am His perfect child. He guides me and directs me. He continually surrounds me with His pure white Light. I visualize this radiant substance of purest white, until I actually feel the consciousness of the Father, His Presence, His Power, His Light and love flowing through me. I relax in His Presence. He is the ever-loving Father and Creator. He loves me and protects me. He is the one and only Power and Intelligence I am His perfect expression He expresses through me I am a doer of His will The Father and I are one. There is but a single power and intelligence This great power and intelligence is now a part of me It is guiding me and protecting me at all times I give myself completely to this great Power and Intelligence I am a part of it

I live and have my being in this, the Father. Amen. Friday, January 5, 1962 Peace be with each of you, my friends. It gives me great pleasure to come among you in this manner and to have the opportunity to say to you a few words. I know that in your minds are many questions concerning the whys and wherefores of life, as you see it. Perhaps, to many of you there seems to be great injustice in life, and I understand how this would appear. Yet, I say to you that man will always be dealt with justly. In the times that are ahead I am sure that you will see exactly what I refer to. For, if there comes about upon your planet some of the conditions that have been described as possibilities, the degree of these possibilities depend entirely upon Earth Man, and what he chooses to do, from here on. Your Creator is a loving and just Creator and it is not His desire to have to, through His laws, destroy man—nor does He. The judgment that will be reaped upon mankind will be exactly that which he has brought upon himself and this can be to whatever degree he chooses through his own doing and thinking. Perhaps the word destroying may be misinterpreted here, but I refer to this, at this time, only as a civilization. These same souls have come up through at least three civilizations upon your earth and reached a point wherein they could have either developed into a civilization, such as exists on many other planets in your system. But they chose to bring destruction upon themselves, and return again to the state of caveman living and understanding, and start again to climb the ladder of becoming a race of men. Today, due to the moving of your solar system, it will not be possible for the present race to repeat again upon this planet, its same pattern. You have been told that he who is righteous has nothing to fear, and this be true. For, those who have been sincere and have truly attempted to live a life of just existence and have had love for their fellow man and have put forth their efforts to raise their civilization in spiritual understanding, are going to observe, from a vantage point, exactly how man has dealt justness to himself. For, those whom I have just mentioned will not pass through the great suffering that will come to those who have misused their fellow men, and violated the laws of their Creator ruthlessly, with no regard, and no love for their fellow man. You will know then what is meant by the “Day of Judgment or Justice”—then will you understand, then will you know that those whom you thought were reaping great benefits from their wrongdoings—you will know then the meaning of these things. Earth Man considers himself as having reached great heights in wisdom, in

scientific knowledge, by gaining control of a few powers or energies that have such great potentials as to be able to destroy a planet, little realizing the very great unimportance of these things, and missing completely the importance of his soul. For some reason, Earth Man, through his civilizations, seems to always get the emphasis upon the wrong side, for all these things will avail mankind nothing, lest he have spiritual understanding and development, for he will only destroy himself. In creation, all things were created to be used for the good of mankind. Your Creator intended for man to have all things necessary for his happiness. He made provision in all ways that man should have all things necessary and beyond for his wellbeing and his peace of mind. But, he also gave man a free will, an opportunity to choose, for, lest man has free will and is faced with choice, he is only a robot. Therefore, man must choose wisely, he must see singly, he must search the Truth. For, man is dependent upon man and was created thus, so that man might work together as one and become as one, all equal in the sight of the Creator; and man will climb the ladder over and over until this realization becomes a part of his being. No man has the right to take the life of another or take from another or live by the sweat of the brow of another. All men must be creative. The wasted energy and manpower in your civilization is appalling. If you were to break down into numbers the actual productive people of your planet, perhaps the small number would amaze you, and this, my friends, is not as it was intended by your Creator. Many of these things must change, if your civilization is to become a civilization of people capable of joining in the great Brotherhood of Man that are joined together throughout space. Yours is not the only planet in space that finds itself in this condition. There are many others in other systems. But, as man reaches the realization of what and who he is, and as he reaches out with his consciousness and grasps the importance of spiritual understanding, and of becoming a part of the Brotherhood of Man, he moves into a new phase of life, and he finds a great feeling of peace and serenity coming into his life, and he begins to realize that he is now entering and finding that for which he has so long sought, and that he is now truly on the path of Truth and Understanding. Long enough have I rambled, my friends. I leave you by extending my very greatest love, peace and understanding. So be it. Thursday, January 11, 1962 Peace, peace, peace.

My beloved children, many times have I stood among you and peered deep into your innermost soul, but I do not see what you see when you look into a mirror, but rather I see a being of great beauty, of great depth, of strength. I see there a being ready to be awakened and blossom forth into the great being of love that you really are. And, beloved ones, when the day of the great unfoldment comes within you, you, too, will peer into the souls whom you observe and will also see this beauty of which I speak. For, beloved ones, all mankind has this beauty within him, when you are able to see past the unreality and truly see into Reality. As you move down the corridors of time, let your awareness grow. Observe the beauty that lies about you; observe the handiworks of your Creator in His Creations. Observe Nature in the raw, in your plant life, your animal life; and then peer into the heavens and truly see the great works. Observe closely, allow your consciousness to open wide and really take in the beauty that lies therein, and soon a realization will begin to dawn in your consciousness of the true greatness of Creation. And then, the realization will begin to come to you of the true greatness of the Creation of man; for man was given dominion over all of these great things. Man was given this great dominion, and the realization will begin to unfold, and you shall truly begin to realize just what man is; not in an egotistical way that will inflate your ego, but in a humble and mature way, and you will begin to realize the responsibilities that have been placed upon mankind by being given this dominion and these powers. And a realization will come to you of how these great powers of man must be blended together to bring into being a complete brotherhood and understanding between man. And there shall begin to grow within your consciousness a realization of your great at-one-ness with all of these things, and gradually you shall begin to blend yourself into this great Sea of Creation, into this great mass of mankind, and you shall begin to move into it and become one with it. And then a true understanding of Creation and its mysteries shall begin a process of unfoldment within your being; and then, beloved ones, you shall be truly on the Path of Truth and Understanding. I warn you, beloved ones, this is not a short path, but is a long continuous path of unfoldment; for there is much to learn, much to understand. But, as this understanding grows and grows, you shall find that the path becomes ever more beautiful, becomes more intriguing, step by step, and your desire to absorb more and more of these great Truths shall grow ever stronger within you, accompanied by great peace, and a great feeling of love, such as has never been known to you. For the true concept of love does not really dawn in the heart of man until he has truly embarked upon this path. This, beloved ones, is beyond word of mouth to describe; it is much too beautiful to attempt to put into words, but rather is something for man to know, to experience. I say these things to you, because I know within each of you is this tiny spark that is helping you ever onward to seek more.

I know that this spark of desire to reach out is within each of you; and in my humble way I attempt to fan this spark, to get it a little brighter, so that its influences will be more felt. And I know, as I peered into the innermost being of each of you, that this desire is much greater than you have recognized, and soon it shall burst into a flame that will bring warmth into your heart and help you to move in the direction and upon the path that you desire. My very, very deepest love and blessings I extend to each of you. Peace, peace, peace … So be it. Tuesday, January 16, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It gives me great pleasure to once more come among my friends. I am sure that there are many, many questions in the minds of each of you. I shall not attempt to answer all of these questions, but perhaps in our discussion this evening, some of them will become more clear in your mind. The evolution of man relative to time, perhaps, is not too easily conceived by some of you. The evolution of man is often spoken of by your peoples, and I am inclined to think that, perhaps, too often this is thought of by you in terms of one civilization. But, my friends, this is not necessarily so; for, in the evolution of Earth Man, for instance, he has risen through more than one civilization to a point where he could have blossomed forth into a beautiful race of man. But, due to unwise thinking or choosing, he has brought about a condition that has caused him to lose, temporarily, that which he has gained, for he did not take the right path. He chose a path of science without spiritual understanding; his interest, let us say, in the scientific was greater than his interest in the soul, or the spiritual part of man. And, as he moved forward in his advancement, gradually the scientific part moved farther and farther ahead of his spiritual part, and he came into possession of energies, powers, scientific knowledge which he could not cope with, due to lack of spiritual growth. In the case of the civilization prior to this one, man moved in much closer balance than he has in this present civilization. He reached a point where a great majority of the civilization had a very good spiritual understanding, along with scientific understanding; and his science reached a much greater evolvement than that which exists upon your planet today. But there was a point there that was reached when certain elements of the civilization began to desire power over mankind. In other words, he began to doubt some of the truths he had learned in relation to universal law, and he allowed to grow within him the desire for power, power over his fellow man. And, as this power began to increase, the desire began to increase more and more for himself. Thus, as man became weaker and weaker spiritually, his power began to destroy him; and eventually, great chaos was brought about,

and the destruction of a great race of people came about; and again they found themselves at the bottom of the ladder. They were the Atlanteans and Lemurians; both races existed on this planet simultaneously. So, man again is climbing the ladder of evolution. But, this does not say that all men of this civilization are again climbing this ladder of evolution. For, those of that time who remained steadfast in their pursuit of Truth and Understanding, and stayed steadfastly to the laws of universal love and understanding, have moved on in their evolution; but, this was a great minority. And so shall that occur again; but man himself can only make this choice. Man has always the right to choose his path. It would be well, be very well for all of you to review the prophecies that are written in your Bible histories, and to attempt to interpret these into your present day times. Read all of the prophecies given there, read them well and interpret them into your present day language. Realize that these prophecies were given by the prophets of old and they put them into words as best as they could, at the time. But, I am sure, with a little thought, a little meditation, you can interpret the meanings to apply to present day conditions. But, remember too, that all prophecies are conditional. Read both the Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament ones; read them both. For the prophecies of the Old gave men true prophecies, as did the later ones; but try to interpret them in present day terms that will be understandable to you. It is also said that no man shall know the hour or the day; and this, my friends, is true; for it is not given to man—what we know as man—to know these things. No man that liveth in the physical, or upon this planet, is given to know the hour; and I know, in my own heart, that the day and the hour and the event, depend upon the action of man involved. My friends, all of you face great decisions. Many of you have come a great way in your understanding in a very short time. I know that there are many things that often puzzle you. Often, there seem to be great decisions to be made. It would seem it would be a great help if others were to help you to make decisions, and perhaps you get a great deal more help in making some of these decisions than you realize. Yet, if man tries to be aware of his innermost feeling, he will find that great help can be had in these things. I know that many of you, my friends, have felt a great closeness, a drawing together with others; yet, there seems to be no real reason for this; and ofttimes you try, you attempt to break or pull apart, yet, you are drawn, again and again. Does this tell you anything, my friends? It tells me a great deal. Some of you have much to do together and you will find, as you follow these impulses, these magnetic forces, that things begin to fall into place. And remember this, my friends, that man does not exist alone, but man is dependent upon man. This is something that your civilization seems to have forgotten, to a degree. I am sure, that in the future, you are going to find great need for each other, you are going to find great strength and great aid coming from each other.

I know that to some, it has become very discouraging at times, very much so; and the feeling grows within one, that he can give no more—yet—that in peering within his heart, he again finds strength to go on. He finds there a spark of hope which again raises his courage and strength and he goes on; yet, again he wakens, and again he finds this spark. But, my friends, man will always be so, until he finds his true at-one-ness with mankind. My friends, you have a wonderful road before you. The path that stretches before you affords great opportunities for each one to show his courage and his sincerity to be one in the Brotherhood of Mankind. I say to you, my friends, go forward with the Light ever before you, taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself for you to become a more pure child of Creation. Each of you is endowed with certain abilities that your Creator placed within you. Use these to the best of your ability for all mankind, and, as you do this, you will find greater and greater capabilities developing within your consciousness step by step as you move down the path of Truth. It has been my very great pleasure to again be with you. If I have been of the slightest service to you, I am grateful. I wish to extend to each of you my very, very deepest love and blessings and I hold for each of you the highest vision for you in your development and in your search. Goodnight to you all, my friends. It has been very nice to be with you. Wednesday, January 24, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It gives me great pleasure to come among you this evening and to be able to share with you. I know that in the minds of many of you there is great wonderment, shall we say, as to what will take place, due to the conjunction of the planets. So, I say this to you, my friends, I am not a prophet; therefore, I do not attempt to prophesy. But watch the events of this year very closely, for this will be a very eventful year. Some of the events that will take place are going to have great effect upon the future of the two great powers upon your planet today, and also upon your entire civilization. But also, the influence of this event will be much more far-reaching and will extend over many years to come. That is all I have to say concerning this. But I should like to, with your permission, speak to you for a little while concerning some of the other things that you were discussing earlier in your gathering. My friends, remember that you are living in a universe of energy. Even you, yourself, are pure energy. What you call electricity plays a great part in the function of your universe and your planet. And remember, too, that your planet is not only a great mass of substance, but it is in its own right an entity in itself. This, my friends, is something to consider. Perhaps this would be somewhat difficult to conceive, but

nevertheless, this is true and someday, as you come into a greater understanding of the function of your great universe, you will agree with me. But, your planet is contained within an envelope that you call your atmosphere, and this is made up of many layers of various combinations of gases; and some of these contain pure gas of one kind or another, such as hydrogen. There is a layer around your planet which consists of pure hydrogen and these layers are many and varied, but each has a definite function to perform. Your planet also consists of or functions by frequencies of vibration; that is to say, these have effects upon the planet and its atmosphere. Now let us stop here for a moment and go to something else. Thought—you spoke of thought and its power. Now, my friends, there is much greater power in thought than is realized by any of you; for thought is energy upon a certain frequency, and this also has or rather could be broken down into various frequencies—like your electrical current. I refer to that because, perhaps, it is more familiar to you. It has been proven by your own scientists that there are thousands and thousands of frequencies of your electrical current that can be transmitted on many thousands of frequencies, and frequencies far beyond what your scientists have discovered. They have not reached the ultimate of these things, by far, but thought can also be transmitted on many frequencies, and this will determine the effect that it has upon the envelope of your earth. Now, my friends, here again, these energies when they are released, do not cease to exist in a short time. They too, go on into the envelope of your earth and depending upon the frequency of vibration, or perhaps I should say, the frequency of vibration will depend upon—no, I must try to make this more clear. You know sometimes it is quite difficult for me to transfer my thoughts into your language of which I am not too familiar. But if you will forgive this lack of ability that I have not quite overcome yet, I shall proceed. The effect that these frequencies will have in the envelope of your earth, will depend on the frequency of the thought. Now, you say, “What determines the frequency of the thought?” There are several things there too; the motive back of the thought will determine somewhat the frequency— also the type of thought. For instance, thoughts of resentment, of hate, of fear, each has its frequency, and this frequency has its effect, and will eventually seek out the same vibration or level of vibration in the envelope. As this builds up in the earth’s envelope and becomes greater and greater in quantity, it will have its effect upon the earth, because the earth’s envelope has effect upon the earth and determines what takes place. Now weather, earthquakes, or many, many things are affected, or your planet is affected by these things through the envelope of your earth a great deal more than your scientists realize. You see, my friends, why a planet of people living in harmony, living for the good of each other, eliminating hate, resentment, greed, their minds working at all times in what you call positive thinking—you see why these planets do not face conditions that the planets do who do not recognize the importance of these things. So, you see, it is very important how we allow our minds to function. The act, my dear friends, is not nearly as important as the thought back of the act, for if it were not for the thought, the act would not occur. So that is

why Planet Earth faces what it faces today. In your religious books or your Bible, there is spoken something about a day of judgment, and some of your religions make a great issue of this. They believe that the dead shall come to life and everyone shall be judged—like you’ve been good, you go here, you’ve been bad, you go there. Well, my friends, there is truly coming a day of judgment, but it shall not occur in this manner; for no great Deity is going to sit upon a great throne and separate his sheep. But, each man will receive justice, according to his own thoughts; he shall bring upon himself his own judgment. Many of you, or I should say, all of you, shall witness this judgment, for it does not matter if you are in this dimension that you call physical-chemical, or whether you are in what you call the astral life. The judgment day will be far-reaching and will include all of earth people, regardless of the dimension they happen to exist in at this time, for there is very little separation between the two dimensions. In fact, if all of you had developed within you your full senses, you would know this, for in reality there is no separation; you have taking place a dimension within a dimension. But, as you have been told before, those who have used their powers in the right way, who have attempted to live a life of justice, who have seen the needs of their fellow man and met them, who have faced up to their responsibilities—they have nothing to fear, for all shall be well with them; but they shall witness this judgment and they shall understand, they shall know at this time that man is always dealt with justly through the laws of his Creator and not by his Creator; that he brings about his own conditions, his own punishment or whatsoever you should like to call it. Now, my friends, I think I have taken enough of your time. Perhaps one of the other teachers would like to speak to your group through one of the other instruments here; I understand there are others here. It has been my very great pleasure to spend this time with you. I wish to extend to this household my gratitude for accepting me into this household and perhaps again we shall meet; I sincerely hope so. I want to extend to each of you my very deepest love and blessings and may each of you reach the heights that you are seeking in your understanding. I encourage each of you to search diligently. Goodnight to you, my friends. It has been my very great pleasure to be with you. Friday, January 26, 1962 Peace be with you, my friends. First, I should like to commend you all for banning together in groups such as this, to attempt to expand your consciousness. Too few people upon Planet Earth today are making any attempt to do this. You are told by your astrologers that you live in an ever-expanding universe, and this be true. And, if this be true, then man must also be continually expanding his

consciousness if he is to grow with the universe in which he lives. Man of Earth has not done well in this respect; his efforts are too often spent in the wrong direction. He attempts too often to do things in his way, and thus he finds himself in conflict with the great laws of the universe. If you are to discover the laws of the energies that nature has supplied to bring about the functions of the laws that cause the planets throughout the universe, the stars and all things to function as they were intended, then first you must observe the action of these energies, observe them closely. In the latter part of your nineteenth century, a certain individual volunteered to incarnate upon your planet and bring to your people the knowledge of some of these energies. Now this individual, during his incarnation upon this planet, was not aware altogether of his mission; yet, there burned within him the great urge and the great knowing that he must do these things, and that within him lay the power to bring this into being. And, also, a great knowing lay within the consciousness of this individual that, in order to bring this into being, he must observe, he must observe the actions of nature. He must study very closely her actions and reactions. And so this he did. And, as he observed these actions and reactions with great intensity, he found surging up within him great revelations concerning these things. As the realization of the importance of this study and observation of nature became more and more apparent to him, greater and greater revelations unfolded within his consciousness, until a point was reached that he was bringing to your scientific world knowledge, facts and demonstrations, so rapidly, that your scientists of the times became lost in even attempting to follow. But, even then, many of the great revelations that were given to your people at that time were thwarted by the powers that would put self-gain ahead of the welfare of mankind. So, many of the revelations of this man were not even brought to light, for he realized, in his latter days upon this earth, that Earth Man had not developed to the point to receive these things. I tell you this, beloved friends, only to illustrate my point. If you would go forward in your growth, do not allow walls to become built in your consciousness; but keep the doors open, that you may expand. For, when walls are built, they are difficult to tear down. Nature does not work in this manner and neither will you be successful in this manner. Recognize the urges that rise up within you, for what they are. Became master of yourself; for only you can determine if this urge is for the good of your wellbeing, or your fellow man. Those of you who are anxious to move forward in the advancement of your understanding, of your spiritual growth, who are anxious to move forward in behalf of bringing good to your fellow man, whether it be of a scientific nature or of a development to improve your standards, to lessen the labors of man—these matter not, for all things that benefit man are good. But, whatever the urge may be, attempt to make close observation of the law surrounding this urge and you will find, in making this close observation, that nature will reveal to you the answers. But you must be sincere and your motives must be high, if the results are to be good.

With this, my friends, I shall depart. Peace be with you. Peace, peace. Thursday, February 1, 1962 Peace, peace be with you, my beloved children. I come to you tonight, in your period of silence, to share with you my blessings and my love. My love for you, my children, is deep. I would that I could share with you the great bliss that comes from this love. I would that I could put into words the feeling, the satisfaction that comes with this great knowing of love. You see, beloved ones, I see you—not as one who is immersed in sin, nor one who is lacking in knowledge, in wisdom and in understanding—but, I see you as a beautiful rosebud, about to blossom forth in all its glory and beauty. I know not how to describe these things adequately, so that you would understand or know; for these things must be experienced to realize the greatness of the impact upon your soul. I say to you, my children, be grateful that you have chosen these times in which to express in this dimension, for great opportunities await you; but, as I have said to you many times, and perhaps shall say many times more: “Love ye one another.” Allow to express through you this great Universal Power, which, if cultivated, will grow and grow and grow, and you shall experience bliss beyond your greatest expectations. Allow yourself to be baptized in this great sea of Cosmic Consciousness. This was truly the symbology of the one whom you call John, the Baptist, when he baptized in the water. The water being symbolic of the great sea of Consciousness of which I spoke. This Great Being again walks your earth today and will play a great part in establishing the kingdom of brotherly love, of justice and of peace on Planet Earth. For those of you who sincerely seek the Truth, it is most important that your eye become single and that you see only that which is good in man; to recognize and cultivate that which will bring peace, love and understanding to Earth. Many of you, throughout Planet Earth, who have been faithful to your cause and to your Creator, shall receive the Light one day, as have many others. These are recorded in your religious histories, and this experience shall come to many, when suddenly they shall find great wisdom and understanding has unfolded before them. Beloved children, let no fear, no resentment nor hate enter your hearts; but look always to that which is good, which is righteous, which is just. For, if this be done, your path shall become smooth, the fields will become more beautiful and life itself becomes much more abundant; and a peace begins to settle around your being, and you begin to become one with all Creation, and the true love of Creation begins to dawn in your heart. Peace, peace, peace.

Wednesday, February 7, 1962 My peace and my blessings to you, beloved ones. At times it is somewhat of a decision that is difficult to make in attempting to choose a subject upon which to speak to you that will be of great interest to all concerned. So, this evening I have decided, if it is your pleasure, to attempt to answer some questions for you. Questioner: Thank you, I think we’d like that, wouldn’t we? Would you like this? There is one thing I shall request, and that is that you keep your questions impersonal. So, my friends, shall we start from there, in a manner in which you wish to conduct this. Questioner: Will there be peace and prosperity in the foreseeable future? Now we are getting into predictions, and I must state to you, beloved ones, that in predictions I can only be, shall we say, general. And now, you see, beloved ones, in this question that our dear brother here has asked, we are again faced with interpretations. For what would be to one person prosperity, may not be to another, therefore, I shall have to answer your question in these terms. In the near foreseeable future I see for many of your people great prosperity, for many of your other people or for many numbers of your people, I also see famine and lack. For your nations of this planet as a whole, I see a period of great struggle to maintain a degree of prosperity among their people, and I see this struggle growing ever greater, and I see the efforts of these growing ever weaker. For systems such as exists upon your planet can never stand through eternity. For until man has reached a state of greater understanding for his fellow man, a state of greater desire to serve his fellow man rather than to serve himself, and this too holds true with your nations, until you have at least some similarity of a world government functioning for the good of all mankind upon your planet with leaders of spiritual understanding, until these things prevail, you shall not experience world prosperity or world peace. In regards to peace, it is difficult to see how world peace can come to Planet Earth when the very discussion of peace brings conflict, for thus far, none of your leaders have been able to agree upon any form of peace, and until this type of negotiations is overcome, until man can meet together in peace and can begin to see at least some similarity of what real peace should be, it is difficult to see how peace can reign supreme upon Planet Earth. Questioner: Thank you.

Questioner: May I ask who we are now talking to, may I ask your name please? In our level of existence or plane of life, names are not necessary. Why do you use names, only because that is the only way you have, the only way you understand to identify, and this, my friends, grows more complicated as time moves on, for in the beginning of your civilization man had one name, then in order to identify him he was given two names and then three and in some cases four and five. The only identification that we use would be one to designate our type of service. If you must have a type of identification, you may call me “Johenie,” but I assure you this means nothing more than an identification. I will say to you I am very close to our dear doctor here. Questioner: Thank you. Questioner: May I ask a question Johenie? Thank you. Could you tell us a bit about our family life here, the way we live it and why it is, this way to clarify our way of family life here on Earth? Would you be more explicit as to what you mean by family life? Questioner: Well yes, we have a system set up here on Earth, where naturally we’re apart from one another, so there must be some purpose of living life the way we do with parents and offsprings and what not, and generally it doesn’t expand much beyond what we call family. What is the importance of this? This, so far as offsprings are concerned, is only to propagate your race. This is strictly a Law of Nature. Your relationships to your families has become other than instinct, a matter of customs that has been developed by your people. There is a Law in Nature that automatically sets up an instinct in the physical man and woman that creates a desire or a love, as you call it, for the offspring. This you will find throughout Nature, through your animal world, but in the animal world it is not carried as far as it is in your human race, and ofttimes I must say, it is carried much too far. For when a soul has reached the point of maturity in the physical body, they should be released, and before this, they must be allowed to express. Your civilization has much to learn in this respect, a great deal to learn. For in other races in your system, the capabilities or talents of a soul incarnated is known very, very early in the life of this child. He is directed and trained accordingly, therefore, you have no misfits. In Earth civilization there are so many, many, misfits; I believe the terminology that is used by your people “square pegs in round holes” or “round holes in square pegs”—this would not exist if the capabilities were determined and your offsprings were allowed to develop as their soul is trying to direct them. Have I covered that which was in your mind?

Questioner: Yes. I was wondering along the line too, what we call duty in the family and love, whether these things are existent in our mind only or whether, whether it’s right? You are thinking of duty to another because of blood connection, am I correct in this? Questioner: Yes. Why should your duty be greater to one in whose veins flow your blood than to that which does not? If all men are to be as one, then we have the same responsibility for all. We are all children of the One Great Intelligence. It matters not whose blood flows in the veins of a physical structure, for this is only, as you well know, a vehicle of conveyance used to experience in this environment. The physical means nothing, and man must learn to see life as such, and when this understanding becomes evident in the minds of Earth Man, then you are truly expressing Brotherhood, for we are all brothers and sisters. Because I chose in this life to incarnate through the use of two physical vehicles, does not set me apart. Questioner: He has just explained here what I have felt right along and I thank him very much for bringing this out. Questioner: I would like to ask a question. Each person seems to have a reason for being in this life and what would be the key to find out what your mission on this earth is, for each one of us to do to the best of our abilities? Each soul that chooses to incarnate into this environment has come with a desire to experience certain specific things in order to grow. At a very early age these began to come out through the physical brain as desires, as talents. Too many times, through your systems, your educational systems, selfish desires of parents who would like to have the child follow in his footsteps or her footsteps, to be what I have been known, and the true desires and talents of this soul are pushed back and back, and soon a great confusion begins to take place in the mind of this person, and they are not able to determine the thing that they should be doing. But if the individual as a child could be studied closely, it could soon be determined the path that he should follow, and once he has started on this path, his life shall begin to become harmonious, and all of the desires of the soul shall come forth and begin to express, and he shall allow them to express. It is the great confusion that has been set up in this manner in the minds of so many of your people that causes the great crimes that you have, the juvenile delinquency; there is no need for these things. At least, if the soul could be allowed to desire, to express as it desires, there would be very, very little of this type of thing that would occur. There you have again what we have previously spoken of; you would not have the square pegs in the round holes.

I am sure that each of you have recognized at times these desires, these urges to do certain things, but due to circumstances, you have felt that it was impossible, and you keep pushing them back, pushing them back. This has become almost, I would say, almost, something that is almost, that has been experienced by almost everyone. True, many of your people are successful as you measure success in your civilization and still have not expressed that which their soul has been crying for, but these same individuals you will find are not happy in their success. They have ill health; they try in many ways to overcome the confusion, the unhappiness that is within them, because they are not expressing as they should be. Many of those in your civilization who are known as alcoholics, drug addicts, are people of this type, who all know they were successful in your terms of successfulness, still they were not happy, and they tried to reach happiness through other channels, and many have completely destroyed themselves. Someone else have a question? Questioner: How can I or anybody for that matter, make people understand just what you said, the agony in people who don’t want to understand. They become very little in understanding themself. To make them understand between lip service; they say, they pray, and as you can see, it’s just lip service, they just don’t want to understand or they cannot understand. Now, what is there any measurement that you can see if somebody doesn’t want willingly to understand or cannot understand, how can you help those people? My son, this is a very good question, and I know that this is a question in the minds of many of you and many others who are true seekers. You see, one thing that has happened in your civilization, your people have been lulled to sleep, so to speak, by their political leaders, their religious leaders and many others whom they consider to be authorities. Your people have been taught to accept the word of certain types of individuals as authority. There have been through these teachings and customs, great walls built up in the consciousness of these people, and these walls have carried from incarnation to incarnation, and in many cases have been built higher and higher through incarnation after incarnation. These are difficult to break; until something comes into the life or the experience of this individual that shows to him in some small way that the only authority he will ever find, will be within himself. It is true, many, many who consider themselves to be highly spiritual, to have great understanding of the spiritual things, are some that have the greatest walls, and as you say, they spend great time, great amounts of time in praying to some deity far off, giving lip service, I believe was the terminology you used, which means nothing so far as his spiritual growth and brings him nothing. In attempting to reach these people, it is almost a waste of time if they are completely unreceptive, if they have a closed mind. The greatest way to reach any

individual is through our own living, our own examples. For when another man observes that you are happy, are radiant, are successful, you radiate joy and peace, serenity; this is something that all men seek. All men do not admit that they seek this, and all men do not use this terminology, but I am sure that almost anyone in your civilization will admit that happiness is the greatest thing to be had. And when he can be brought to the realization that in order to have true happiness, he must also have spiritual understanding, he is beginning to see the light. And through man’s demonstration by living, by attaining to this and living this, he will drag other men with him, for they cannot, they cannot touch this man’s life without realizing that he has a great something, and a desire will grow within them to know that which he has. To attempt to smash down the wall of another is almost an impossibility. You see, unless man has some burning desire or some desire within his own heart to know the Truth, I am sure that many of your people have some desire, yet, they have not been able to break the habit of acceptance of authority. I believe in my own heart, the greatest thing you of Earth can do is try to point out to individuals the fact that what this man says or that man says, is not so because he says that it is so and that the Truth will only in time be found within themselves. When they are open and receptive, then you can spark these Truths in them, do you see? Questioner: That’s easy, yes, that’s true. Once they open their minds, you can spark these Truths in them, but they must decide within themselves whether what you say is Truth or not; also, or what I say, I do not ask you to accept anything that I say as Truth. Questioner: I’m kind of stubborn on that myself. But take it within your own being and decide whether what I say is Truth or not. Not because I have said it. Questioner: I thank you very, very much. I will answer one more question. Questioner: What is the purpose and destiny of other forms of life on Earth besides Man? All nature is dependent one upon the other. Each has its function and to try to explain to you the function of each individual form of life upon your planet would take hours. So I can only say in respect to this, that all life form that exists upon your planet, has a function in carrying on the process of this planet, and when this, when this function has ceased to be needed, this form of life will disappear. As you know, many forms of life have disappeared from your planet, because they no longer were needed.

Questioner: Isn’t life eternal in all its forms or not? You could say this, because nothing ever has been or ever will be that has not already been and would not always be. It may transform from one form to another, but it will always exist for it is matter. Everything stems from matter. It has been my very great pleasure, privilege, to spend this time with you. I extend to each of you my very deepest blessings and love and understanding. Go in peace. Friday, February 9, 1962 Peace to you. My children, you ponder great questions in your minds. It seems that those in your plane of existence in many cases have great difficulty in searching out their pattern or path. For some reason, for many it seems difficult to find that inner burning urge, or to allow it to express, for, too often man cannot decide within himself exactly how he is to express these desires. He is torn between opinions of others and between many self-created desires within himself that conflict with the true soul desire. And thus conflict and indecision rises within man. But man will not find his true happiness except through true soul expression. Now you say, beloved ones, in your minds: “This does not help me to fulfill the thing I know within me I must fulfill; this does not help me to be sure that I have made the proper decisions.” If I could, if it were within my power, without bringing to myself the knowing that I had violated the laws of my Creator, I should like to take you by the hand and lead you on, but I am going to help you in every way possible, as will others, to find and follow in the right direction. Now, beloved ones, you know that you have free-will, that you have the will and the opportunity to make decisions as you will, and you need not follow any path. Yet, if the path you follow is not as has been determined as the path for you, your soul will cry out, it will rebel and this is going to reflect in your life; and the pattern will be disrupted, and that which is meant for you may not be received. Your good, your supply, your health, may all be disrupted. These things are all guideposts to be followed. People are drawn together upon their path as they move, for many purposes; for, never forget that man was not created to live and work alone, that he is dependent upon his brother, and all are dependent upon each other if the race of man is to grow, is to become a race of men that will live and prosper together. The times which you are now in, are rapidly changing, as you well know. Many

things are to be brought forth for the good of all men. It is going to take sincere and understanding persons to work hard and devotedly to mankind’s welfare to bring about these things. And through his own life, his own living, to demonstrate to man the necessity of love, of understanding, of justice, of peace. There are being established today upon your planet several places—several settlements of people—people that are gathering together in an attempt to bring about these things. This is going to require courage; it is going to require great courage. For, those who step forth to put their efforts into bringing about a new understanding among Earth People, are going to find themselves open to criticism, to condemnation, and all of the things that men can find to reap upon him, who are not in sympathy with his efforts. These paths will not be smooth in any respect; yet, those who, through their sincerity, their great efforts and their great love for mankind, shall reap within themselves a great satisfaction and peace that no man can touch. For man’s efforts, spent in the right direction, will never bring him anything but peace and satisfaction within his own being; and this cannot be taken away, as can man’s material wealth. Have I been of any help? Group: Yes, thank you. These things are difficult to say. May the peace and joy of being of service to mankind find its place in the hearts of each of you. Peace be with you, my children. Friday, February 9, 1962 My greetings to each of you, beloved ones. Once more it is my pleasure to be with you and to share with you. Beloved ones, you have just crossed a threshold. For some time you have been drawing close and now you have just stepped over the threshold into a new cycle for Planet Earth, and for your system, your solar system. From here on you are going to be exposed to new influences, which will be very apparent as time moves on, or as you move on in time, for time does not move—you pass through time. But time can only be measured by events. These influences will become more and more dominant in the lives of your people and in their effects upon your planet as you move farther and farther into time. The effects are going to work in two directions on the minds of your people, depending upon the mind of the individual. To those who are moving in the direction, or who have made their decision to move in the direction of service, of dedication to mankind, are going to find these influences bringing about a sharper awareness, opening their senses, so to speak. They shall find new horizons opening before

them; their awareness of opportunities to serve and to grow are going to become more apparent to them. Where, on the other hand, to those who have reacted in the opposite direction, who have chosen the path of greed, of hate, these are going to find these things becoming more predominant in their lives. For these influences are bringing out the true man, that which is uppermost in his consciousness, and those shall be led down the path that will eventually eliminate them from this planet in due time. But great changes await this beautiful planet, and great changes await those who have chosen the path of service. Many will find that to carry out the service, the mission, or the responsibilities that they will discover are theirs—that great changes in their lives will come about—and in making decisions for these changes will come great tests to these people; great tests of their sincerity. For many will find that it will be necessary to pull up roots that have taken them a lifetime to put down, and these are decisions that for many will not be easy to make. But these decisions will prove to man himself his sincerity, his desire to pull himself and his fellow man up out of the conditions that he finds himself in today. It is going to be necessary for souls to be strong, to be firm, to be dedicated and sincere. Many are going to find great awakenings coming to them, as did Saul on the road to Damascus; and this, my friends, is not idle talk. For there are many great souls upon your planet today, who need but to be awakened. All of these things will come to pass in the not too far distant future; and you, my friends, shall be there. So be it. Thursday, February 15, 1962 Beloved, once more I come among you to bring to you the blessings, the love, and the understanding of our Brotherhood. My children, you now find yourselves in an era of time where great opportunities await you. Many times in the past we have emphasized to you the very great importance of cultivating awareness, of becoming aware of all things about you and within you, to cultivate this to a point where it becomes a very great part of your being, of your consciousness. It is necessary to reach a point where you no longer find it necessary to be aware that you are aware, for you live in a state of awareness. Now, my children, this will mean many things to you. For, in this state of awareness, you will become aware of yourself, of the innermost functioning of yourself, and soon great revelations begin to dawn in your consciousness—for you become conscious of the great powers within you that need only to be brought forth through becoming aware of them. And through this awareness, soon you will find your entire life taking on a new look. You will soon find yourself, not living a life of existence, but a life of great abundance in all things, abundance in knowledge, in

wisdom, in understanding and in all needs. You will also find your concepts of your fellow man changing; you shall see him in a new light, as you shall see all other things in a new light. You will find that all things have taken on a new and different appearance to you. You will no longer find yourself involved in many of the entanglements of life that you have experienced in the past, for these things will have lost their importance to you, and you shall see these things as they truly are. No longer will you find yourself worrying or fretting over the things that have, in the past, caused you disturbance. You will find you are discovering peace. And once you have slightly tasted the cup of true peace, you will be anxious for more, and you will know wherein to find it. Few men of earth have found true peace; many claimed to have found but few have really found peace. When you have found true peace within your being, there will be no doubt in your heart, or in the hearts of those with whom you come in contact, for this peace will glow from every cell of your being, and none can mistake it—this joy will stand out for all to see. When you have touched the life of another they will not soon forget your passing, for their life will have been sweetened by your passing. You are now entering the cycle in your evolution where these accomplishments can be more easily made by those who are sincerely seeking, for great help is coming to you in many ways, and as you move farther in the corridors of time, these influences will become more and more apparent. So, my beloved ones, give yourself sincerely—let your efforts grow stronger day by day. Be honest with yourself and with your Creator; attempt in every way to weed from your consciousness those things which will hinder you in your growth and search. Pluck from your mind all resentment, fear, hate, anger; leave not one stone unturned to take these things from your mind and close the door—close the door tightly against them—for where these things exist, the seeds of Truth do not grow well. No, beloved ones, seeds of Truth thrive only on love, on positive thinking, on selfrespect. In other words, clean soil is needed for Truth to grow. So let us plant these seeds in fertile soil that they might come forth and bring us into the great Cosmic Consciousness that all of us are striving to reach, for only in this great Cosmic Consciousness can we become one, one in the great Brotherhood of Man; only then can we join in Brotherhood with the many, many civilizations of the Cosmos— and only then can we begin to enter into the knowledge, the wisdom of the universe that awaits us there. I have been blessed again by the opportunity to spend this time with you. May each of you grow rapidly into an awareness that will bring you into the Cosmic Consciousness that you have so long sought. Peace, peace, peace. Tuesday, February 20, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal.

Today upon your planet a new milestone was reached in your scientific advancement and knowledge. From this will come great celebrations, great elation among your people. Already, this knowledge that has been gained is being analyzed, with the purpose in mind of using this knowledge to increase the ability of your science to destroy man. If a new milestone had been reached today in the spiritual advancement and knowledge of Earth Man, I wonder how great would be the celebration. From our vantage point, as we observe and record the actions of men of Earth, it never ceases to bring us amazement at the complexities which man creates for himself. Earth Man today finds himself so surrounded with the complexities that he has created—entanglement has become so great—that he finds it almost impossible to see beyond the entanglement. Man of Earth has reached the point again in the evolution of his civilization where he must make some very wise choices if his civilization is to survive. Soon, and very soon, man must come into the realization that his scientific knowledge and achievements have carried him beyond his own capability to deal with them. Unless he goes back and strengthens the foundation of his civilization, it is going to collapse. Man does not build upon sand if he wishes his structures to stand against the elements; and neither does man build upon materialism if he wishes his civilization to stand. The civilizations that have reached heights in their evolution, wherein they are able to travel the universe, to know and receive the great science of the universe, have built their civilization upon a sound spiritual foundation. They have learned to know man as he truly exists. They have learned the laws of their Creator and they are living by them, with a thorough knowledge of the laws; and a thorough knowledge that only by living these laws does man truly become great in himself. They also know and realize the place man has in this great creation; they know that each is but a cell in this great Cosmic Creation, as is each individual cell a part of your physical body—each depending upon the other, each being a part of the other, each living for the other as well as himself. Perhaps, to visualize oneself as such could be difficult for many, for the “I” has become so important to them that they are ruled by the “I” and the ego, rather than just being, just being a part of this great creation. Awareness of these things must come forth from the hearts of the masses of Earth Man if he is to survive as a civilization. And, beloved friends, the cycle has almost passed; the time in which he can do this for this civilization is very short. But, whatsoever comes to pass for Earth Man in the near future, he has brought upon himself. Great efforts have been made by others in your system, from other planets in your system, in attempting to bring this realization to your people. Some of the great world leaders of your world have been contacted by these people and have refused to listen, have turned deaf ears. Many offers have been made to the

powers that control your planet; but always they have been refused. This is difficult for many of your people to believe this we know, yet the Truth stands. And so they go on, and so Earth Man goes on, living on borrowed time. For, were it not for your friends from other worlds, none of you would be sitting here tonight. This is well known also, among your leaders; but they go on, plotting and planning destruction. Peace has been a great issue, much talked of among your people and your leaders, yet the very talk of peace among them bring conflict, for no one can agree upon a method of peace. Peace is not something that we agree upon. Peace is, as Truth is. For, until peace is found within man’s heart, there can be no peace. It is our sincere hope that many of your people will find this peace within themselves. For if enough of them do, much, much of the conflict that will otherwise befall your people can be avoided. And we are grateful that there are those, such as you gathered here tonight, who are helping these people to find peace. I leave you, beloved ones, by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Thursday, March 8, 1962 Peace be with thee, beloved, I am Anthon. Since you are familiar with the teachings and the quotations of the great teacher that you call Jesus, I shall use His—or rather, I shall quote from His teachings. In your scriptures are written these words, “He who has eyes, let him see, and he who has ears, let him hear.” How few in this civilization, since His time, have had the “Eyes to see, or the ears to hear.” Often He spoke in the first person, and your religious leaders to this day, are still accepting this as such. For instance, “Come unto Me all ye who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you peace.” Does this mean to you that He must be accepted by you as your Personal Savior, that by believing what He has said, and by only doing this, will you come into the peace of which He spoke? “I am the way and the Light … He that believeth on Me will have everlasting life … I am that I am.” Is it not ridiculous that one man should accept all of this responsibility unto himself? How few of your people are able to conceive the idea of the I Am of which He spoke, of the Me of which He spoke—the I am in Him, the Me in Him, and also the I Am within you and the Me within you. If we were to take literally these things without proper interpretation, would there not be many contradictions in the statements of this great teacher, for He spoke of the Father which was in Heaven and also said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you … All these things that I do, ye also can do and greater things.” Then how can such ridiculous teachings be brought from these words? Yet we find this coming from the mouths of some, or

most of your so-called great religious teachers, teachers who are leading people, teaching them, attempting to give them spiritual understanding. I sought Thee madly through the Temples, and I found Thee not. Anxiously I climbed to the mountain tops searching for Thee, and I found Thee not. Through the valleys I trod, searching here and searching there, and I found Thee not. Then upon the oceans I sailed for many moons, searching through the night and day— More desperate I became by each setting sun, for I found Thee not. And then, as I sat quietly in the solitude of my humble abode, pondering deeply, searching deep within my inner soul— There I found Thee. And with Thee I found the peace that, through many lifetimes, I had sought. Peace be with you, my friends, peace. Friday, March 23, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It gives me great pleasure to come among you again and to enjoy your presence, your vibrations and to spend a few minutes with you. More and more people of Earth are becoming aware of the tension in the world today, of the chaos that exists. Man is beginning to wonder where all this will lead, what will be the outcome? When he discusses this with his friends, he does not express his true feelings or his true fears, and fear is becoming more and more predominant in the minds of the masses as time passes. He sees your peoples’ leaders trying to come together in agreement, attempting to avoid complete disaster. He sees that among them there is so much distrust, hatred and greed that he wonders how any possible agreement can be reached in such an atmosphere. Of course, he is right, for in such an atmosphere it is impossible to reach a satisfactory agreement. Within his heart he is beginning to realize that this is all wrong, that there must be

some way in which there can be a meeting of the minds of man to solve his differences in peace and understanding, where man can come together in some sort of way, to plan to live together without continually attempting to destroy one another. People all across the surface of Planet Earth are searching within themselves, their minds, for some type of solution that could be the answer to these problems. I mentioned to you at the beginning of your present year that this would be a very eventful year in the experience of Man of Earth. Already you have seen some very unusual things come about in your weather conditions that have brought a great deal of discomfort to many of your people, a great deal of damage, but other events, too, are coming about. There will be events that will have great effect upon the political aspect of your planet. Also, there will be a noticeable change starting this year in the minds of many of your people. Many of them are going to come into the realization of what has been said to you long ago; there will be a crossroad in their lives when a great decision must be made. They are going to realize that they have reached a fork in the road; either they must go right or left. The events in the future in the next few years on Planet Earth will be affected greatly by which choice people make, rather, how many choose the right path. Many have already made the choice—all of you here have done so, but there are still many who must make this choice, and as many makes this choice—if he decides to travel the road of service to his fellow man, the road of justice, of understanding, of peace—he is going to find a new knowing opening within his own being. The answers to his problems, to his fears, shall begin to become clear to him. For soon he will realize that if peace is to come to Planet Earth, it must begin in the heart of man himself, each individual, and when enough people have found peace within their own beings, and only then, will peace reign supreme upon your planet. Does this make sense to you, my friends? For how can man sit down around the conference table, discussing methods of peace when none of these beings, practically none, have peace within themselves. When peace does not exist in their own hearts—when each has a different conception—they will never agree on a solution to true peace. There is so much being done for your peoples from those outside your race, from those from other planets and the hierarchies, but they cannot force peace into you, for it is already there, but only you, my friends, can find it, only you can go within your being to find this peace that is already there. Only you can cast out all of these misconcepts, idealisms and isms of all kinds and find the true you. For, my friends, when you find this true you, you have found a great being, one who is capable of dealing with the great powers of the universe, the powers that are withheld from Earth People today because they have not found this peace, and, therefore, they are not capable of dealing with these things.

My beloved friends, find that true you. Start searching deep within the inner man with great sincerity, with great love, and you shall find Him, my friends, for He is there, right there within your own heart. It has been most invigorating to spend this time with you, my friends. I extend my appreciation to you for accepting me into your midst and to the hostess for accepting me also. May the peace, the love and the understanding of the true great ones rest with each of you. Peace be with you, my friends, peace be with you. Wednesday, April 25, 1962 Peace be with you, my friends. Today, my friends, people of Planet Earth are facing a situation that is quite appalling. We find the lives of millions and millions of your people hanging in the balance, so to speak, due to the fact certain great powers, certain minds that hold in the palm of their hand the destiny for these people. Two great powers are struggling for supremacy, two powers or ways of life or perhaps we could say ideals of ways of life of a few individuals. Neither, in their search for power are considering the millions of lives that are being jeopardized. It is about time that these small people or perhaps a better terminology would be, the masses of people begin to realize that the powers they possess by joining together in common bond. The decisions that are being made today are being made by a very, very small minority. They have gained power either through the control of money, wealth, resources or through military might which they can hold over their people. If the situation that exists today is to be solved for Earth Man, it must start with the common man. Little effort has been spent in this direction. Great efforts could be spent to reach an understanding between the various races of people and realizing that when they have joined together in common bond, made known their desires, that sooner or later these powers or few who have been in control must yield. There is great strength in numbers and this need not be done by force, for enough of your people shall bond themselves together in this manner. Even the thought power created, the desire in itself would bring things into being that are desired. For when man desires within himself, the desire will be met, for this is a law of nature and will always respond. And so, by multiplying these things you strengthen the law; the law acts and reacts much faster. But these things must be done in sincerity and in love; the desire to bring about that which is good for all man. The desires that have emanated from man in the past have been to a great degree

selfish desires, each with his own desire to bring about something that he only desires for himself. But, you see, if man begins to join together in common desire, how much greater will be the reaction of the law. It is quite amazing as we observe the actions of Earth People, the things that are going on in your civilization; it is amazing that so few have been able to hold the power over so many. Freedom is something that has been spoken of a great deal among your people, but as yet, Earth Man has not experienced freedom; he yet does not know freedom, he only knows a degree and only a very small degree of it. Today communication facilities upon your planet have improved greatly. There is no reason why if the effort were put forth that the people of Earth could join together, to bring about the crumbling and falling of these powers. A greater freedom could be experienced as well as a great hazard lifted, for it is not only in your nation that people are seeking to know, the people are desiring for peace, are desiring freedom. The masses in their minds are not supporting these powers but are only following through fear and these fears must be overcome for man must declare his right, his right to live, his right to be free without gaining it through chaos, through force and violence. It would be well for your people to think upon these things. To think what they might do to bring about the conditions that they desire. For, children of Earth, if these things are to be brought about it must be done primarily by Earthman himself, for he is responsible for his civilization and no other civilization can take that responsibility or do these things for him; they can only aid him as he desires to receive aid. It has been my most sincere pleasure to spend this time with you. Questioner: May I have one question please? You may state your question. Questioner: Are there any groups already established, could Understanding be used in that manner, are there any suggestions you have? Anyone can be used in this manner, any group, any individual. Any individual can contribute and correspond, can contact those of other nations. There are many methods that can be devised to bring these people closer together in understanding, there can be group projects; it can be any number of things, even individual correspondence with those of other nations. It is up to man, if he does not desire these things enough to act, then he shall not receive, for man must act upon his own for unless he is willing to help himself, how can anyone do it for him? Questioner: Thank you.

I extend to you, my friends, my peace and my blessings. Go in peace. Monday, May 7, 1962 Greetings to you my friends, I am Yom. To those of you here who are not familiar with me, I shall ask you to be somewhat tolerant of my English, for I assure you it is not very good. I will ask you to remember one thing: This I am sure that you know, but I should like to remind you that nothing happens by chance. This is something that is well to bear in mind at all times. My friends, there are great changes that are being faced by your peoples, peoples of Planet Earth today. They are going to affect the lives of all of you, of all peoples of Earth. There are many serious problems facing your people, and these problems are being taken very lightly by people. I should like to touch only briefly upon this, because I know that you are aware of these things, but sometimes it is good to be reminded. Today, again your great country is continuing its nuclear testing, and soon again other countries shall be doing the same—Russia, France, England and soon other powers in your world are going to be in position to do the same thing. The danger at this moment is not so great, however the effects are being felt by your peoples; but if this continues to be built up, more and more of your countries begin to test their nuclear experiments—you see what is going to happen—the effect is going to become very, very, serious. Unless something is done by the peoples of your planet to bring an end to this madness, the suffering is going to be very, very extensive. I believe some time ago one of your teachers called Hatonn, painted a picture for you of the results, and this was not a very pleasant picture; and unless something is done to stop this madness, this is exactly what will come about, and only the people can cause this to be stopped by realizing the danger and bringing pressure to bear upon the few mad minds that insist upon bringing destruction to Earth Man. There is a great deal to be done by all of you in the future to bring about the developments that are going to help your people in the preparation for the times that are ahead—providing, they do not bring destruction upon themselves through the madness of which I have just spoken. All of you here are of the proper minds to work in behalf of bringing about the things and the conditions that must be brought into being if the race of people upon this planet are to develop into a race of people that are capable of joining the Cosmic Federation and become a part of a Universal Brotherhood. And this must be brought about on Planet Earth within a very few

years. For, as all of you are aware of, your Solar System is moving into a new era in space, or a new cycle. To accomplish this, in order to be able to be a part of this system—and since you are a part of this system—this has to take place. At least a percentage of your people must be able to accomplish this, so that a new race, so to speak, can be manifested here upon this beautiful planet which you call Earth. There is, in the minds of many today, a type of confusion, of indecision, or perhaps an inner feeling of something that is to take place or come about and they do not quite know what this is all about. Many have a feeling of insecurity; many have a feeling of unrest. They feel that they are not doing what they should be doing, or that perhaps they need a change of some kind, and this is due to the changing vibrations, for you are entering a new cycle, and great changes are coming about for many of your people, for all of your people who are going to be, perhaps what you would call New Age people. Now these feelings or urges, or whatever you wish to call them, mean different things for different people, but to each it does mean a change. So, my friends, if this annoys you or concerns you, do not allow this to happen; but rather, know that this is merely a change taking place in you and try to be open and receptive; and in your quiet times of meditation, allow the inner self to bring forth that to you which is right for you, for there within will you find that which is right for you—not by someone telling you—but through your own innermost feelings will you find the right way for you. You were told several years ago that those who did make their decisions in the right direction, would receive help, would be guided, directed. And my friends, this is true, for all of you today who have dedicated yourselves to the service of mankind, are truly receiving this help, this guidance, more, much more than you know or realize. Do you believe that you are receiving help? Questioner: Yes. I am happy to hear you say that, for I know if you have this realization, you are truly getting the help you desire, and you shall find the right path for you if you are sincere in your dedication. The path will open for you, and you will find yourself doing that which will enable you to give the best of yourself to the service of your fellow man and to your Creator. Those of you who follow this path in pure dedication, are going to reap rewards far beyond your most wild expectations; not in monetary gains, or material gains, but in the understanding that you will come into and be able to use the wisdom and knowledge. For, my friends, out here on the horizon there lies great secrets that will enable you to enhance the lives of your peoples, to bring to them richer lives, to bring to them greater spiritual understanding, knowledge of the universe and a realization of the oneness that you are of all of this. This realization in itself can bring to you the greatest happiness that man can experience. Now, my friends, I know that your hour is late. I have taken much of your time. It has

been my privilege to spend this time with you. I have been with you for quite some time and I always enjoy very much listening to your conversation, for you know you all drop little seeds of wisdom here and there, and I thank you for this; I appreciate it, for we can always learn, you know. I leave you by extending to you my deepest and sincerest love and blessings. It has been my very great pleasure. Go in peace, my friends, peace be with you. You all have very wise and understanding teachers and you get a great deal of help and guidance from these teachers. Without them you perhaps would find Earth life much more difficult. Thursday, May 10, 1962 Peace, beloved ones. Each of you here are seeking greater understanding, greater Truth; you wish to come in to the knowledge of greater powers, of the richer life. These are the desires that I see lurking in the hearts of each of you; therefore, beloved ones, if you would attain these things, I beseech thee to do these things. Remove from your consciousness all resentment, fear. Do not let these things creep into your consciousness. Do not allow any thought of coveting, of jealousy. Dig deep within your inner consciousness—or what you would term in your language, the subconscious—for here you have stored these things. Over the years you have placed these things within this storehouse, and through natural law, these things shall keep coming to the surface. Beloved ones, as these things come to the surface, come to the conscious, cast them aside and immediately replace these with thoughts of love, thoughts of kindness—with any thought that is of the opposite of that which you wish to dispose of. Man of Earth has been taught to do these things; these things have been heaped into his consciousness; but man will never find the higher life, the greater understanding as long as these things remain. If man is to grow in spiritual understanding, if he is to know the greater things of life, these things must pass away. The self must be lost, and a new consciousness of at-one-ness must replace the consciousness of self, a consciousness of being one with the whole. For, beloved ones, this is what you truly are—a minute cell in the great Sea of Consciousness you call God. You are a minute particle of this great consciousness, yet, a very important part, a very great part, capable of acquiring and using all of the knowledge that is contained therein. Beloved ones, this perhaps is somewhat difficult for you to conceive, yet it be true, and as you grow, as you gain more knowledge, more understanding of the true

you, you will begin to take on a realization of these things. As man eliminates the blocks, as he removes the stumbling blocks from his pathway, he begins to discover himself, who and what he truly is. And as he discovers more and more, he begins to come into a realization that within him is contained the same powers, the same energies, that control and permeate the universe; that you, each one of you, as all men do, contain this one great energy, and through this he is able to absorb, as he develops, the knowledge, the wisdom and the understanding of the universe and of this great power and intelligence that you call God. You discover that you are a part, as important a part as is any other cell or particle of this great at-oneness, this great Wholeness. Beloved ones, think upon these things, ponder them in your quiet times and begin to prepare yourself for the realization that will someday be yours. Go in peace, beloved ones, go in peace. So be it. Thursday, May 17, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. For the benefit of those of you who are new in this group tonight, I shall briefly acquaint you with our people. We are aboard a craft known to the Confederation as the Otavana. Our peoples are not of your Solar System, but have come here to aid in the transformation of your system and your planet. We are concerned primarily with your planet, for yours is the only one in this system that is not prepared to make the changes that are coming about at this time. We have been in your system approximately eight years in your time. Our craft has traveled your system many times previously; it has been viewed by some of your ancients. We are here to help you; we understand your problems, we understand why you face the situation that you find yourself in at this time. We are grateful to be of service to your system and your planet; this task is not an easy one, for your peoples, by and large, are difficult to reach. Your Creator, in creating this great Universe—I use this term for a lack of a better one to describe His Creation—but, as your Creator brought forth these great Creations, as He extended Himself throughout Infinity, setting up a process of Creation which goes on and on and is never ending, He also created the Laws by which this Creation was to function, and, beloved ones, all does function by Law. Your Creator does not decree the destiny of Man, for in His Creation, Man was given a will, and this will was to be free, so that he might ever have the choice to make for himself, so that he might bring about the conditions that he desires. Man was a creation of the Creator in His own likeness. He is in reality the extension

of the Creator Himself. Man was endowed with the same creative power of his Creator, and many of the beings of His creation, through their desires to experience new and different experiences, have brought themselves into darkness through eons and eons of what I shall call Time. Many of these, or perhaps I should say, all of these in various stages of evolution, are seeking their way back to the original creation, and through this process, Man gradually comes out of the darkness by experience, by experiencing all things. And as Man uses these experiences, as he learns from them, as he likes these experiences and uses them to remove the darkness, he begins to come into Light. Today, the dark clouds are many about Planet Earth, and this indicates certain things for your race of people. Your people have chosen to live in darkness; thus, they have created about them a future of darkness. We, as have many others in many realms of life, are attempting to remove this darkness from people of Earth, so that they might see the Light and come into a realization of their Oneness with Creation and the Laws that govern these things. You see, my friends, darkness is only lack of understanding, of knowledge or wisdom. Earth people, by and large, have not been able to rise above old customs, beliefs that are false. These are much greater in their consciousness than are the Truths that are before them. The destiny of Earth Man will be as he chooses; if he is willing to come out of the darkness, to remove himself from the hypnotic state in which he has placed himself and begin to see the truth for what it is, his destiny can change rapidly. We cannot force your people to do this, we can only suggest and help those who are coming into the Light, who have made the choice to come out of the darkness to seek the Truth and to increase their knowledge and wisdom, who are willing to take the responsibility of their destiny upon themselves and not sit waiting for some Messiah to do it for them—for this, People of Earth—shall never happen. Man holds his own destiny within himself. We hope enough people of Planet Earth will come into a realization of the necessity of doing these things, that their civilization might transform itself into a civilization of people who, through their wisdom, their love for their fellow man and their Creator, will cause them to bring about conditions that will enable most of the people of Earth to make the transformation into the New Age, the new vibration in which your planet and your system is moving. Already, Planet Earth and your Solar System have crossed the threshold into this New Age or new era of space. The new influences and vibrations are already being felt by your people. The reaction varies according to the understanding of each individual; therefore, the reaction varies from person to person. But as you move farther and farther into this new era, more and more evidence shall be seen and felt by your people, and this transition can be as easy or as hard as you care to make it. So, beloved ones, it behooves each to put forth every effort to expand your consciousness, to come into more and more of a realization of who and what you are, to do the things that by Universal Law will bring to you that which is pure, that which is good and to dedicate yourself wholly and completely to the service of your fellow man and your Creator.

Continually weed out from your consciousness all thoughts of hate, greed, jealousy or anything that is not of a positive nature. When these things come forth in your consciousness, immediately cast them aside and replace them with that which is of the opposite. For those who would be the seeds for the new creation of the new civilization that is to spring forth on Planet Earth, there must be brought into being a consciousness of Love. A great Brotherhood of Man must spring up where each will have some realization of his at-one-ness with all Creation. I leave you, beloved friends, by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, May 18, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. We have listened to your conversation and watched your reactions; your comments have been interesting. However, from our vantage point, we view your people somewhat differently than do you. We do not see you as separated by boundaries but as a race of people as a whole. But you have brought into your civilizations separations, built barriers of languages, customs and whatnot. This has made it very difficult for your peoples to reach an understanding of each other, to build among themselves any type of common bond. Yes, my friends, it will be a great task to attempt to join the people of Earth together in any one common bond; yet, if peace is to come to your people, if your civilization is to avoid complete destruction, a common bond must be formed, must be found that will tie your people together in a common cause. This cannot be done at this time through your religions, for your religions are so many and so varied, therefore a common bond of another description must be found, and what could be a better bond than in trying to preserve your entire civilization? It seems that among Earth People that the only thing that can bring them together in a common bond, is a threat. Even in your own great country in times of threat of war, your religious groups, your organizations which are many and varied, join together quickly in the common bond of preservation. So, you see, beloved friends, today your entire civilization faces a similar threat, and this can be a bond of the people that will bring the people, the masses, together for their own preservation. If this can be done—we are not sure—for the resistance and the lack of interest has made it difficult; enough of your people have not yet realized the danger that they face. Perhaps they shall not realize it in time. The competition for power may increase much faster than the realization of the danger, and, my friends, this is a race of power; it is a race to control the power of

nuclear energy. The race is transferring from electrical to atomic energy, and the opinion of the great world powers today is that he who holds in his hand the control of nuclear energy, holds the control of the world in which you live. It is as simple as that, my friends. The power supply that controls the function of your nation, is the greatest control that can be had, for without these energies your industries would not function. There is, however, another race involved in this, the race into space, and this may have a greater impact than you realize. Great advancements are being made in your exploration of space, and in the next few years some of your people are going to reach another planet, and this is going to bring some of the greatest changes that have taken place in your civilization. It is going to rock to the foundation your religions and many of your customs and beliefs. This, my friends, may be the one accomplishment that will do more for the saving of the civilization of Planet Earth, than anything that could happen—providing you do not destroy yourself first— before this can happen. But regardless of all this, even if this is to take place and your civilization becomes awakened, a Brotherhood of Man must still come about; an understanding must take place among its peoples. Let us all hold the thought that your exploration into space shall be successful before your destruction becomes successful, for this will be the turning point for Earth Man. To many the shock will be too great. Now, my beloved friends, I will take no more of your time but will leave you by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Thursday, May 24, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends. With your permission I shall be happy to spend a few moments with you. I would like to extend to each of you my blessings—and to our new friend here—I would like to extend a special greeting and welcome to you. Since there are so few of you, would you like to have a little friendly chat—is that what you call it—chat? So you start the chat, will you? Do not be nervous because of me, for I am no different than the rest of you. I am just a being, learning, experiencing, loving, the same as you are, so come forth with your pearls of wisdom so that I might learn something. Questioner: Why do the men’s teachers speak more often than those of the women? This is strictly a matter of decision by the teachers themselves; they decide when

they wish to speak to you. I do not know what their reason might be. Questioner: I wondered if women are not important enough? My dear, no one is more important than another. The gender has nothing to do with it, whatsoever. Perhaps in the next lifetime you might be of the positive gender; this does not especially mean anything in this lifetime, if you are male or female. Questioner: Is it true that women are more intuitive than men? Perhaps they are somewhat more, because it is the nature of the female or negative expression—physical—to cultivate somewhat of a Mother nature, shall we say? It is something that Nature instills in the negative expression of your physical body, and this extends into the animal world also. It is necessary because the negative is the one responsible for the young, and in this function it is necessary for them to have this intuitive ability more. However, it can be developed in the male expression as well, but they do not feel the need for it, so they do not develop it— although some of them do. Questioner: Will you discuss the reason why many of us, who want to serve and are seeking to grow spiritually also, are having so many problems in health, finances, etc? These things are results of past thinking. Every person creates their own world— whether they want to be or not—they are creators. We create our own situations, surroundings. The conditions that we find ourselves in today are a result of past thinking. That is why it is so necessary, so very, very necessary to weed these things out of what you call the subconscious, and keep replacing them with things that we must. You see, my friends, this is what has happened: As you are brought up through the civilization, you are taught to believe in certain things. You are taught that ill-health, lack of supply, were a part of the things that you must face; a danger that you have to avoid, but that you were very apt to have it—and in case you have it—there is nothing that you can do about it; it is something that has come to you from nowhere, and you can do nothing about it. But you see, my friends, this is not so, for your subconscious is what controls your environment. It is what you put into the subconscious that will bring back to you the same. This works through the Law of the Universe. Questioner: Did we put some of these thoughts into our subconscious in our former lives? Perhaps so, but not necessarily—could be—but not necessarily, for if in this life, if you were from childhood, taught to use the Law, the Law of Creation as it is, if you were taught how it functions, and you were to use it in the right way to bring to you that which is for your good, you would have had none of these things. To a degree one incarnates with certain characteristics, emotional patterns, but these things can

be overcome very easily, if, at an early age, as the mind develops, the right things can be fed into the subconscious. This would overcome anything that you had brought with you. Any karma, could have been overcome in a much easier way. But if these people had been taught right in the beginning, that this could be overcome—through their own thinking—overcome this karma, they would have created a new situation that perhaps the karma could have been met in a much easier way. The subconscious is not a respecter of good or bad—or evil as you call it—it knows no good or evil—it only reacts to the Law. Questioner: Is it possible to remember a person from past experiences? Yes, I would say it would be possible—it would depend greatly on the awareness of the person involved, but just because you feel attracted to a person, does not necessarily mean it has been a close relationship in another lifetime. Questioner: Then how do you account for the attraction? Attraction can be due to many things; certain personalities attract each other. Anywhere you were to go on this planet, certain persons you would be attracted to —others you would not. This does not mean you have spent other lifetimes with them. However, through many, many lifetimes on this plane of life and other planes, you have met and associated with thousands of people. Some are attracted together perhaps through several lifetimes—then not some together for several more lifetimes—or perhaps in your time for thousands of years. Time is eternal, it has no beginning, no end, in reality there is no time. So a thousand years are nothing; many lives cross, cross over eons of time. Sometimes they become very closely entwined for some period of time, and due to soul growth, they drift farther and farther apart with no more common interests, and then they find someone else. Questioner: Why does one feel a great concern and responsibility for someone at first meeting? Why do people fall in love? There again, is a strong attraction—two people who feel they cannot live without each other, and yet, years later, they cannot stand each other. Questioner: Can two people be attracted and marry in order to do certain work together? Here, too, friends, there are so many things that enter into association. There are times when certain ones incarnate into this lifetime to work together, to do a certain service. This is arranged that two people will come together to either do some particular service or job. There are certain experiences that might be needed by each of them that can only be had in this way, or this could be a karma thing, too, or

there is a certain karma that two people need to work out together. Many, many things could enter into it. Then, again a feeling of responsibility. Certain people sometimes, through certain conditions, find themselves attracted to someone, and they suddenly take on a feeling of responsibility towards this person and want to do something for them and help them. They have a feeling for them; yet find it difficult to fulfill just what they would like to do. Sometimes the other person does not respond to their help or consideration, and as the other person does not respond, it seems to automatically, in the person who wants to help them, increase the urge for them to do it. They keep trying harder and harder; yet, do not seem to understand why the other person does not respond. This is a working of minds and sometimes the minds can do very strange things. Very strange things can happen. Very little is understood by your people about the mind; mind is tricky. When people dwell on things, they are concentrating their minds on certain things, doing certain things or trying to accomplish a certain thing —when suddenly, just like that, a strange thing will happen. The mind has created something for you, an experience that seems to you as real as if it actually happened; yet, it was nothing more than a trick of the mind. Many of your people are fooled many times by the mind, so it behooves to be somewhat careful in what you allow your mind to dwell on. That is why it is good to always keep positive. Think only of those things which are good, and the things that are righteous. Questioner: Isn’t it natural to want love and understanding from another and pour out your love to another? Yes, this is true, but the big trouble with earthman is that he gets his mind all mixed up between real love and emotion, and he must control emotions; he must learn to distinguish between love and emotion. Emotion is a desire—love is a state of consciousness where you realize a state of at-one-ness with Creation and all Mankind, and you see all Mankind in a consciousness of love. Not a possessive love—nothing to do with sex—not a state of desiring, but a state of giving—a wanting for another that which is for the highest good and rejoicing in them receiving but no thought for self. For—“I am the least among you.” Do you see what your Great Teacher meant • when he said that when he washed the feet of his disciples? This was a demonstration of symbolizing love. This is love, my friends, but this is not emotion. There is nothing wrong with what you call love, which binds two people together in marriage. Love for children, this is also beautiful providing it is done in the right way; it can be diabolical too—so much for love. Now, my friends, I would like a few of your pearls of wisdom. Questioner: Could you tell us anything of your work or activities?

My work is so slight in the great field of giving that it would not even be noticed, but if each of us do our part, it can bring great results. This, my friends, is needed upon this planet today. Most of your people think only of themselves. They say—what is good for me—how much can I get for myself, not, now much can I give—how much can I do for the good of others? It is true, my friends, there are a few, but the numbers are so small. If only half or less than half of your people would begin to take the attitude of giving and serving of time to establish a Brotherhood of Mankind and try to understand a neighbor, the situation upon your planet would change rapidly. But, instead, you find yourselves faced more and more each day with a threat of destruction of a great planet, a beautiful planet and its people. It is difficult to understand how a people could follow a pattern of this kind when the right path is so obvious. Don’t you agree with me, my friends? Is it not obvious many of your people, your leaders talk about these things? But no one seems to accomplish much, for not enough people realize or want to wake up and come out of their state of hypnosis. They are living in a state of hypnosis; they are hypnotized. Well, my friends, this has been my good pleasure, so with your permission I shall withdraw. Thank you for accepting me in your midst and discussing your problems with me. If I have been of any help to you, I am grateful. I like to extend to each of you my very deepest love and blessings, and may each of you in your seeking come into a realization of the very great importance of reaching a state of understanding with your fellow-beings. Go in peace, my friends. Goodnight to you. Tuesday, May 29, 1962 Yom: It is my pleasure to come among you this evening and to spend a few moments with you. My friends, is there something you should like me to talk about? I would much prefer to speak of the things which you are interested in providing we do not have to become personal, shall we say. Questioner: That’s the most interesting part, is the personal part. Well, friends, I believe that it is necessary for all of you to realize your responsibility to your civilization, to your fellow man. There is so much to be done today in your civilization if Earth Man is to prepare himself for that which is before him and if the civilization of Earth is to survive. There seems to be today among most of you who

have started in the search for Truth, to have fear of ridicule, of being embarrassed or ridiculed by your fellow-man, but no great advancement in your civilization has ever come about without those who were responsible for it—facing condemnation and ridicule and all of these things. Today as never before in your civilization, Earth Man needs to broaden his horizons, his consciousness; he is going to either have to accept these new thoughts and new ideas into his consciousness, or he is lost from this civilization. Great advancement is being made today by your peoples in their conquest of space, and this, my friends, is going to bring a great awakening to your people, providing, providing I say, your civilization withstands for a few more years without bringing destruction upon itself. For soon in the next few years, certain of your people in this conquest of space are going to reach other planets, and this, my friends, is going to be much sooner than you think. And the information that they will bring back, is going to be one of the greatest revelations to your civilization that has ever occurred. True, it is going to be very upsetting to many of your peoples, upsetting to the point where they will not be able to accept it. It will, their resistance, rather, to the accepting of this new information will be more than the minds can stand, you see, and perhaps, insanity will increase for a period, yet, it is going to do more for the advancement of your civilization than anything that could happen, you see. It is as, as has been explained before, the great danger that your civilization. faces today, is the race or competition that your nations are in at this time, in testing of nuclear devices. There is much more danger at this moment from dust than there is from a nuclear war. This has been gone over before, but to those of you here, I should like to bring this point out. Here you have today engaged in a competitive race, two of the greatest powers upon your planet. Soon there will be others; so you see, my friends, this thing will build up. Each one feels that he must get into the race, therefore, your atmosphere is going to become so polluted with the debris of this nuclear test, that this in itself could bring destruction, and will if it continues, to your people. A destruction that would be even worse than a nuclear war, for it would be a slower process, and a great deal more suffering would occur. Unless the Peoples of Earth unite in a common cause to bring an end to this madness, you are going to find Earth People will find themselves in a very bad situation. Great resistance is already being expressed in all the countries of your planet, and I sincerely hope that this will increase to a point where it will impress these leaders, that the people are demanding that this be stopped, and I sincerely believe that each of you, each man, woman and child should be sincerely interested in doing something to try to avoid this thing. Many feel that there is nothing that can be done but if enough people oppose these things, it will be stopped. It is much easier to sit and say, there is nothing to be done, but if man had done this and had not feared criticism, your civilization would not have today the things that you have. Man must

have courage if he is to grow; if he is to accomplish anything at all, he must have courage. The time, my friends, is past for thinking; the time is for doing in everything. If man is to grow spiritually, if he is to bring about a new age, if he is to bring into being a new civilization, then he must act. Well, my friends, words without action mean nothing. Questioner: Could you suggest some specific things we could do in that direction? I believe, as do many others, that Man of Earth must make his desires known to his leaders. He must let them know that he does not approve of what they are doing. Perhaps there are many ways this can be done. In your own country you have representation in your governments. In many other countries this is true, and where it is not, you find the people are beginning to come out and demonstrate; they are letting them know that they do not approve. It is going to be a matter of each group of people, nations of people or whatever you call it, to do what will be the most effective under their own system. Questioner: Well, in our country we have one group of scientists who say that the fallout is not our fault and that seems to be the problem, people question it. This is true, your people are confused. They do not know who to believe. Well, my friends, this is only necessary to stop and think. If this is not harmful, why all of the big meetings among nations in trying to come to some agreement to at least, to be pretending to come to some agreement. This in itself, should point out to you that there is danger. But your straight thinking, sincere scientists, do know and are against this thing. It is only those who wish to go on and prove something regardless. Questioner: Well, Yom, is it not true though, that they maintain the reason for attempting to come together and agree not to test, is to stop the race for power rather than to stop because of the fallout? No, this is not so, this is not so. Questioner: Well, I mean that’s what we’re lead to believe. No, it is expounded every day in your news facilities, that this is dangerous, that there is danger from this nuclear fallout. Your scientists, many of them, have come up openly, but they are not the ones who are backed by the great powers who would control the energies of your planet, but this problem has become so serious is why I have chosen to talk about it. I realize it is not a pleasant thing to think about. It is much more pleasant to ignore, but, I say to you, my friends, there will come a day where it will not be so pleasant. Questioner: Well, we have to figure out a way then to help ourselves, figure out a

way to get this to our leaders, through our representation. Of course, there are groups who are doing this. This is, this is true, and this is being done by many people many groups of people all veer your planet, not only in your country, in other countries. It is growing, and this will be the one thing that your people can join together in a common bond. People of your planet, for this is not a threat to any one nation, it is a threat to your planet. As your teacher Oxal spoke of this, I believe a short time back, and he mentioned that when war has come to your nation, your peoples immediately join together in a common bond of survival, of protecting themselves. They forgot their differences in religions and what not. They joined together in a common cause, but so far, there has never been an occasion when the peoples of your planet could reach a common bond to bring them together, because there has been so many barriers in languages, in religions, customs and what not, but this can be a combined thing, where all other things can be forgotten and your people join together in a common bond of survival. It would be well to give this some thought, for it is a very serious problem. Anything that anyone does to bring the people closer together in a better understanding of each other, for people are not different, people are people, they all have minds, they are all created in the same manner, and if you are to converse with people through all of the different countries, you perhaps would find they all are thinking very similar. Now, my friends, I think I have taken enough of your time. I wish to extend my gratitude to the members of this household for accepting me and to all of you for spending this time with me. It has been very nice being with you. I extend to each of you my very deepest love and blessings and I know that each of you in your search for Truth are going to make great accomplishments. Go in peace, my friends. Wednesday, June 6, 1962 It is my pleasure once more to come among you and to be in your vibrations. I wish to give special greetings to our new visitors here tonight, I do not believe I have had the opportunity or the privilege to speak to you before; it is my pleasure I assure you. If you have a special subject that you should like me to share my understanding with you all, I shall be glad to attempt to do this. I believe the last time I spoke with you I offered to do the same, and it seems that no one can think of a subject. I believe someone, the last time I spoke with you, mentioned that whenever I am asked a question, they receive a lecture. I assure you, my friends, I did not mean to do this, but perhaps I sometimes get a little carried away, shall we say, with my

subject. No offense, no offense, I am sure you meant well what you said … Questioner: Yes, I did because it’s true after you get started on something, then we want to interrupt you and not hear all you have to say. Well, you know it is difficult sometimes to find just where to stop, because as you start going, you begin to think of so many things to cover that it is difficult. But, my friends, if you have nothing in particular, I should perhaps like to elaborate a little more upon what this Great Being said to you a few evenings back. He mentioned a foundation of your civilization and its weakness and its need for repair. Now, my friends, this is a very important thing in your civilization, for as all of you are well aware, great progress has been made in your material science, and it is increasing at an ever increasing speed, and this is normal of course, for as man’s needs and his desires increase, his science will automatically increase. This is a Law, for man will bring forth that which he has desires for and need for, you see. But, there are three basic steps that man needs to be in balance, and so, if his social, I believe is the word—you will pardon me, sometimes I have to search somewhat for the words to express to you what I want to convey to you, so you will understand what I am saying. Your English language I find more difficult than any other that I have ever attempted to learn; so many of your words mean … the same word I meant to say has so many meanings, depending on how you use it—his ability to live together, to socialize and then man’s spiritual development. Understanding these are basic, for civilizations in order to grow and to develop must develop all three of these sciences, but in the case of your present civilization, this has not happened, you see. The social and the spiritual has not followed through, therefore, the foundation has become weak because the building is growing, getting bigger all the time, but the foundation is not being increased proportionately, you see. The important thing today is for Earth Man to come into the realization of this, you see, because unless he realizes the weakness, the cure for his illness, he will go on until he destroys himself. Now this is what this Being was referring to, when he spoke of the crumbling foundation; the building is getting too heavy, you see, to carry it. It is very important today that your people realize this. It is very important that those who know of these things, who have the realization of the weakness of your civilization, try to help others to realize this, for you see, unless you take and face a situation, discover a cure, you are not going to accomplish anything. There is a great realization among your peoples today that they are facing a great danger. They can see your scientific development increasing to a point where it is endangering the civilization, but your masses do not know what to do about it. They do not knew or realize where the weakness is, you see, and I feel, and as I know many other ones feel, that once they realize the answer to a situation, they will begin to do something about it.

It would be a great disaster to see another civilization upon Planet Earth, have to return to what you perhaps would call, the caveman stage and to make the climb again, when with effort it could be avoided. Other civilizations upon this planet faced the same situation; yet, they were not able to conceive the answer, the remedy. Today, my friends, this is being stressed more and more by those of us who are trying so hard to help Earth Man come into this realization, for you see, my friends, the time that man has to do these things, is getting shorter and shorter, for your science is rushing onward, faster and faster, while your other sciences are lagging farther and farther behind. I do feel that once man begins to see the answer, becomes clear to him, this situation will change. We do sincerely hope that those who realize and know these things, will not through their fear, lack of courage, their fear of criticism and all of the things that man must face when he attempts to do something of this nature, when he attempts to bring forth a new idea or a new discovery, for this, among your people, has always done these things to man, but man must have the courage to stand up and declare that which he knows to be true. All of you are well aware, the criticism, condemnation that has come upon almost everyone who has brought forth anything new in your civilization, for that is the way people have of fighting that which they do not care to investigate or to learn. They want to stay in the little circle that they have created around them, and anything that is beyond that is not reality. That, my friends, is what he was referring to, and again I have given a lecture on a small subject. Is there anything that I might be of help to anyone? We will take a few minutes, perhaps I shall give another lecture. Questioner: Can you suggest the best possible technique for meditation? This, my friend, is something that requires a great deal of practice, a great deal of effort upon the part of the individual, you see, and I do not believe that anyone can set down a definite technique for another. For it is my opinion, that man in his efforts, if they are sincere, will find the technique that will help him to achieve that which he desires. But it is necessary to be regular in your practice and to learn to close out everything about you, to become I myself, attempt to create a blocking, and this is a mental exercise, create a wall of blocking which nothing of the outer world can penetrate, you see. Yes, this requires constant repetition, you see, and you become a creator of that which you desire. Questioner: Do you build a wall of light around you, is that what you had reference to? You can visualize it as light, or you can visualize it as a wall of a solid substance if you desire, something that you can realize within your own consciousness that nothing can penetrate; so you close out all sound, all interference of any kind, for

you know. You see, my friends, the mind can do great things; you have great power in this mind. You can create, create the things that you desire, but you have to exercise this power. You see, my friends, I do not know how to play an organ, so someone starts to teach me. They teach me the fundamentals, and then I must start to practice, and I practice, and I practice, and the more I practice the more perfect I become, and if I practice enough and I desire enough to become a good organ player, then soon I become a great organ player, and I play those great wonderful, beautiful music, you see. So we must desire, we must have the desire, and then we must be willing to work for it, to practice, to develop. You see, we have many powers within us, greater powers than you can imagine, but we must develop them, you see, and as we master one, we become aware of others and we master them, and so we do, on and on, but it requires great effort especially in the beginning. As you gain more confidence in yourself and in your powers to do these things, you see, it becomes easier and easier, for it becomes, it’s like it’s natural to do this. Questioner: Will our civilization become destroyed if enough people do not work to save it? My friend, if your civilization does not avert it, it will not be averted, for no one is going to do it for you. But first man must realize what he is facing. You see, many of your people, greater numbers of your people do not realize what can be done, they know no answer to these things, so they say, well what can I do, I sit here and let our civilization be destroyed. The powers that man is developing, the science that he is developing is nothing, not a thing wrong with that, but man must have the ability to use it in the proper way, you see, and unless he has social and spiritual understanding, he will not have the knowledge to handle these powers. And, my friends, nuclear energy is only the beginning. Man is going to develop powers much greater, much more dangerous in the hands of those who do not have the ability to use them. Nuclear will be a toy to other powers that will be developed in the future, providing you do not destroy yourself with what you already have. And your nuclear testing is a greater threat at this time than is a nuclear war. So, you see, you are getting into a competitive race of testing, and if this continues and more and more of your countries begin to test and test, soon your atmosphere will become so polluted that you will bring chaos in this way which will be a much slower method of destruction than an atomic or nuclear war would be, for life would be much shorter. Man is beginning to see that he has something here that he can destroy himself with. More people than you realize are beginning to see this and especially your younger generation, and this is the trouble today among your younger people— they see no security in the future, for they face this destructive situation—they see

no future, and youth must visualize a future to have courage to go on. Otherwise he begins to take the “I don’t care” attitude and begins to do things that he should not do or could not do if he felt secure within himself. But, as these people who are beginning to realize the danger, have the answer, the solution pointed out to them, they begin to think, and when man begins to think intelligently, the answer begins to make sense to him, for he already has realized that there is something that can destroy him, his family, his fellow man, his civilization, and he says, “Why is this?” Most of your people call themselves Christians or some other religious group or follow what have you,—if all of your teachers, if they think at all, will find that this is the only answer, and this is being talked about a great deal, too, by your leaders of all your people. They must begin to understand; they must come to an understanding; they must understand this country and every country. We must reach out—this is a part of understanding. This is a step forward in the social science. As people become more developed in their social science, in their ability to live together, then they realize more and more that there is something yet which is man’s spiritual growth. The race problem is a sad situation, but here again more and more of your people are beginning to realize that the only solution to this problem is to live together. Even in the southern part of your country the people are beginning to realize this, but there are always those who would reject to the last, but there are going to be many in your civilization who will not be able to accept any of these things. But if even half are able to do this, your civilization can be saved, and the others will gradually fade out of the civilization and will not return to this civilization, but will incarnate in another area where they can express as they desire. Now, my friends, I believe I have taken enough of your time, It has been a great pleasure to spend this time with you. You have all been very gracious in accepting me. I wish to extend to each of you my very deepest blessings, my love. May each of you be able to do a great work in bringing those who are ready into a realization of the solution to the problem of the present civilization upon your planet. Go in peace, my friends. Thursday, June 21, 1962 Beloved. You have asked that you be given the healing energies. This we have done for you. Receive them as you will; and since you have approached this subject, there are a few words that I should like to say concerning same.

If you would receive the healing light, then there are certain necessary steps in order that you might receive the full benefit of such. You need not have the help of others to receive this light; any of you can do this for yourselves. But there are certain things that you must realize if you are to put this energy to successful use. First, my friends, realize that you live in a state of consciousness, a world of thought, where mind is more powerful than you think or realize. It has been stated by many of you that those whom you deem to be in what you call invisible worlds— or so to speak, invisible to you—it has been stated that they live in a world of thought, that that which they think and desire manifests for them. Realize, beloved ones, that you also live in a world of thought, or consciousness, and that which you desire can also manifest. If you live in a consciousness of health, then health will manifest for you; if you live in a consciousness of ill-health, this will also manifest. Now, perhaps, ofttimes we live in a consciousness that we have become so accustomed to, that we do not realize our state of consciousness. Therefore, it is well for one to observe oneself very closely, to look deep into the state of consciousness, study it carefully; and perhaps we shall come into a realization that we are not living in a state of consciousness that we have thought ourselves to be living in. Mind plays a great part in the functioning of the physical, much more than you think or realize. Every thought one thinks has a reaction upon the Physical structure; somewhere within a reaction takes place, and you can prove this to yourself very definitely if you are observing. Each of you will admit that anger allowed to rise up in the consciousness brings about a terrific action in some of the glands of the physical structure. Fright, fear, shock, each has its effect, therefore it behooves us to be very careful of how we allow the mind to react. Resentment, jealousy, prejudices, all of these things bring reaction to the physical; therefore if we are to manifest a healthy, strong, physical structure, it behooves us then to eliminate all of these things from the mind. Replace them with that which is good, that which is righteous, that which is loving. I should like to give you a little exercise to use in your healing efforts. Choose for yourself a quiet time—either sit comfortably or lie comfortably—and then with the mind, picture yourself bathed in the pure healing energy. Visualize it if you will, as a beautiful light, bathing in it as you would in the sunlight, and then see in your mind’s eye—visualize as strongly as you can—all resentment, all negativity of any kind being drawn from you. See it leaving your being and being absorbed in this great healing energy. Allow yourself to become completely relaxed and feel all of these things, all of the cares, all of the worries, all of this being completely drained from you. And then see yourself as a lively, radiant, happy being, full of life, full of energy. See yourself as strong, see yourself as being joyful, happy, and see yourself enjoying all men, realizing their greatness also; realizing that all men, regardless of race, creed or color, has within him the same as you, that he also is a perfect child of the great Creator, a part, as important a part in the great Sea of Life

as I or as anyone. Realize your brotherhood with all mankind and rejoice that it is so. If you will practice this thing and let it become a part of your consciousness—let your consciousness become one that engulfs all good and allows only good to be retained within it, if you will practice this and establish a knowing of these things within your heart—you will become a strong, a healthy, a happy, radiant child of Creation and you will know that all men were created equal. Receive ye now the Light, the great healing energy of the universe, created for your good and for the good of all men. Receive ye now also the blessings, the love, and the understanding of our Brotherhood. So be it, so be it. Go in peace. Thursday, June 28, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. Tonight I should like to bring to your attention some of the happenings that are occurring among the peoples of your Earth. Many great issues are arising among the people of Earth. A great tension is increasing among those who are in power, for the economic structure of your civilization is becoming weaker by the moment. Great efforts are being made by those in power to avoid collapse. Important conferences among those in power are occurring daily at this time in an attempt to keep in balance—or to keep in operation, I should say—this system. You are going to find many strange things occurring among your people. Many of the things that have been kept under cover are going to be revealed. Many shall be exposed for their ill-works and many of these are going to be in high places, much higher than would seem possible. Through all of these happenings, many issues shall arise among your people and if these things are to be settled peaceably without great conflict, a realization is going to need to be brought about in the consciousness of Earth Man. It is going to be necessary for him to realize that he can no longer shift the responsibility of the lack of cooperation and understanding and trust among Earth People to someone else, but he is going to have to realize— each man is going to have to realize—that it is in him or her, that he must be the one to accept the responsibility to became understanding, to be willing to cooperate and to meet his neighbor fairly and squarely, to be willing to give as well as to take. Things that you see happening before you today are only the beginning; for

corruptness, greed, lust and hate, can only rule for a limited time and then the laws begin to react and man begins to pay the penalty. The law in your civilization is beginning to react. I am sure that those of you here who are aware—as all of your are— see these things taking place and realize what is happening. The civilization of Earth Man, if it is to continue and become a great civilization—as it should be— will become this great civilization through the efforts of a minority group who have dedicated themselves to the service of mankind; who, through their dedication, place their service above all else, above any monetary value, material value or personal desires. For the time will come when these things will no longer have value; for the value of no one thing is greater than its service to mankind. If it has no value as service to the race of man in improving his life, his understanding, his wisdom and knowledge, its value is shortlived. Observe closely the events in the present and the near future and you will begin to see a pattern; you shall begin to get a picture of what is occurring. And then, beloved ones, it is up to the dedicated ones to act accordingly, to bring about a civilization that can stand on its own feet and face all man, proving to him that the civilization is solid, is good, is wise, is great. These lessons should have been learned long ago—the realization of the purpose of man and his sojourn—should have been realized long past. We hope this realization will dawn in enough hearts of your people to avoid making again the climb through evolution. I leave you by extending to you the love, the light and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Thursday, July 5, 1962 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. Beloved friends, it has been our purpose in the period of time that we have communicated with you, to attempt to bring to you Truths, techniques and information that would help thee in thy growth. We have attempted to bring to you these things that would help you to help yourself. We have also brought you information concerning your civilization, its problems and its solution. We have attempted to point to you, in many ways, the things that should be obvious to your civilization, yet seem to be overlooked by most. These efforts have been put forth to persons all across the surface of your planet who have shown interest in these things. It is in this way that we have attempted to help men of earth to help themselves. Yet, we find that many of these people who seemed to be sincere in their efforts to learn, who are sincere in the efforts of increasing and broadening their consciousness, yet, many find themselves lacking in courage, holding a bushel over their light, lifting it slightly, occasionally, allowing only a small portion to shine

forth. I say to you, beloved friends, those who would serve their humanity at this time when it is so desperately needed, must cast off the bushel and allow their light to shine forth; to have the courage of their conviction, to stand forth for all men to see. For what is there to fear? There are only a few things that you could possibly fear: perhaps a loss of prestige, perhaps some criticism, perhaps some opposition, perhaps to be labeled. Beloved ones, what is more important today? Is it more important to withhold these things, or is it more important that a great civilization take its place in the Universal Brotherhood of Man, to take its place as a civilization that can live in peace, in love, in understanding? Is it more important that man learn the truth about himself, to discover his true being? Man will only make these discoveries when he comes to the realization of the importance of accomplishing these things. We sincerely hope that this civilization, in this process of evolution, will pass safely over the threshold into a new concept—a new concept of life—where strife and struggle and chaos no more exists, where man lives with peace of mind, with true peace of mind, where man knows no longer the struggle for survival, but knows life in its true essence. Such great things await this civilization, if it but can step across the threshold, things of such greatness that your consciousness at this time could not conceive of it. I ask you, beloved ones—and I direct this to all those who are seeking truth and understanding—is this not worth striving for, worth all the effort that can be exerted, worth all the sacrifices that can be made? Beloved, may each of you have great success, and may each of you display great courage in your service, in your efforts to bring your civilization across the threshold. Peace be with thee, my friends, peace, peace, peace. Go in peace. Thursday, July 12, 1962 Yom: Good evening to you my friends. It is my pleasure once more to be with you; it has been some time. I have been occupied with several conferences and missions that required my entire attention. So, I am happy to be able to spend a few moments with you this evening. Since there are only a few of you, if you can agree upon some particular subject you should like me to share my understanding with you on, I should be happy to try to help you.

Questioner: How does one become aware of inspirations? You see, awareness is something that you have to cultivate. You grow in awareness by constantly cultivating it. In other words, you try continuously to be aware of everything. It is amazing how much we miss by not having cultivated our awareness, not only in inspirations and guidance but in things about us. It is amazing when you really begin to become aware of how much you have been missing. Is this not so, my friends? We often find that we are missing a great deal for passing it by. We do not even see it, because we become too concerned with our little self, you see. Everyone has inspirations, receive guidance, but when it comes, they are so unaware that when it passes through their minds, they slightly notice it, that there is no reaction. So you see, it is just a matter of cultivating this in your consciousness, just like you would with anything else. Do I make myself clear? Questioner: Could you be a little more specific? I do not see how I could be more specific unless you want me to define awareness. Questioner: How do you recognize whether it is an inspiration or not? An inspiration is nothing more than an urge; it is something that comes to mind, and you will find that it stands out above the normal thinking, the normal thoughts that get through the mind, if you are aware. Many people have inspirations, but they are so unaware that it is nothing more than just a passing thought to them. But, to those of you who are seeking truth and understanding, who have cultivated this sort of thing, you know the difference between the ordinary thought and an urge to react to something, or to do something. Questioner: Yom, as we spoke before, we have to check back and recall how these inspirations were. Often these inspirations come sharply and quickly. They have been referred to as first impressions. I am sure some of your teachers a long time ago have emphasized the importance of following first impressions, but often people, you see, start to rationalize, they argue with themselves, and soon they have talked themselves out of it, you see, because to them at the moment, it did not seem much to their intellectual thinking. Questioner: Yom, I’m very fascinated by this higher realm of consciousness referred to as Cosmic Consciousness. I wondered if you could give us a little discourse, give us a picture of this; there are many writings concerning this, but I know it doesn’t take place in our own area here, it’s in a higher plane or something. I wish you could fill us in on this.

This perhaps is a terminology, cosmic consciousness; this has been referred to many times. In my understanding and in my thinking, I would say that, cosmic consciousness is an ever evolving consciousness that takes in greater knowledge, greater understanding, you see, which" extends beyond what your consciousness would consist of here. Now this can extend as far as you are able to extend it, you see; there is no beginning or no end to consciousness. The term “cosmic” would indicate inclusiveness of the great cosmos, would it not, therefore, this is so farreaching, that I am sure it would be difficult for anyone to draw a picture for you of complete cosmic consciousness, for as we grow, it becomes ever larger. It is ever expanding, you see, like the Universe itself. So, in my understanding, my way of thinking, or at my present capability to view this thing, I could not see the end of cosmic consciousness. It would extend to the far corners of the Universe which would take in the lifespan or life’s civilizations, it is difficult to find the terminology here to express this. I believe that one of your teachers expressed this one time; I have heard it repeated, that although they, their cosmic consciousness we will call this, their understanding is quite extensive, yet, they realize that their concept, their understanding of the entire picture is only slight, you see. Yet, they are perhaps thousands of years ahead of Earth People in their consciousness. Questioner: That would mean Yom, that regardless of what sphere of consciousness you are on, there would still be a cosmic beyond that of which you did not understand. Yes, this is correct, for the truth or the ultimate in Truth stands way beyond any of us today; we are all growing. Questioner: Then we should concentrate on accomplishing what we are able to accomplish in this sphere which we are in, is that correct? We must try always to get the best understanding possible in the place where we stand today. For as we master what is here for us to learn, then we are able to be ready to take another step forward, you see, and this goes on and on, where it ends I do not know. Does this, my friend, does this … Questioner: Yes, I think that it leaves it out there for me to expand into, yes. You have so much room to expand, you have nothing to worry about there, my friend; you can expand for many millions of years. Questioner: I believe, Yom, that it is the terminology that we use when we talk of cosmic consciousness, and I refuse to differentiate between a narrow consciousness of our everyday life and immediately after we die, probably the next plane. This is where usually 90% of the people interested even in metaphysics is centered and then when they have, when somebody comes out with a far-reaching thought, he says, get under cosmic consciousness, the complete cosmic

consciousness, they mean nothing by this but extend your horizons into other spheres that are far, far beyond this because you are limiting yourself. That’s probably what they are trying to indicate when they urge one to get interested in cosmic consciousness. The terminologies ofttimes confuse people, you see. Actually, there is no limit to consciousness. Perhaps I do not particularly care for the word cosmic at all, I should like to, for myself, just say consciousness, because the Truth is, and I can only attempt to gather Truth to the best of my ability at the time. Questioner: I wonder if you, Yom, could tell us a little bit or if you were aware of some of the influences or the happenings, or the effects of the nuclear shots in the high atmosphere that our country just set off? We are aware of what has happened, and all of these tests are adding to the pollution of your atmosphere. One of the shots made recently to explode the bomb in the stratosphere was destroyed; one was destroyed. The first one was destroyed, deliberately destroyed by Beings from outer space. The second one was a malfunction of the mechanism. The third one was allowed to go. Now, your scientists concerned with this experiment, were aware that the first one was somehow destroyed not by their own hands, and this was done as a warning. For when it disintegrated, it disintegrated so completely, in full view, that it practically turned to a cloud of dust; yet, there was no detonation of the nuclear, Questioner: Did that concern the fallout? There was no detonation of the nuclear device. Questioner: Why didn’t they do that to the third one? Your people were determined to make this experiment. They were warned, they have been warned in several ways, yet, they are determined. Questioner: Did they realize the warnings came from Beings from outer space; did they realize the source of this warning? Perhaps they would not admit this, even to themselves; yet, they were mystified, they could not explain, in their hearts they know. But those who are intent on doing something that they feel will make them great, make them be recognized, do not even admit to themselves that they could be wrong. This did a great deal of damage to your atmosphere, and your people will suffer from it, as they will from all of these things. Perhaps, in time, enough people will become concerned to do something to stop the madness, but it appears at this time that before they are going to get concerned enough to do something, they are going to bring a great deal of suffering upon your civilization. It seems that Earth Man, by and large, has to see the results before he will believe it. The evidence is already there, but it does

not yet seem to be strong enough for most of your people to become concerned. Perhaps they shall have to wait until many thousands of deformed children are born and thousands of people die from the results, before they can become concerned enough to do something about it. Questioner: Yom, I feel as though we haven’t done our part, I mean though, people do believe that this is harmful; it just seems as though there is so little that we have done or can do about it. This is true, because your people are confused. On one side they have a group of leaders, scientists telling them one thing, and over here they are telling them another; they are confused, they do not know who to believe. And until some of the people who are advocating and carrying on these things begin to see the results and become frightened themselves, perhaps then, they will want to stop it, if it is not already too late. But this, my friends, is madness, is madness for people to allow themselves to be destroyed in this way. Questioner: People are hypnotized into believing, and I think this started way back when Thomas Jefferson warned us that when we lost sight or lost contact with our representatives, then the negative powers would take over, and because we have multiplied in all of our cities, we don’t know our representatives and don’t make it our business to know them, and therefore we believe that we are helpless and we haven’t the power to really control things. This is true, and your people have become as sheep; they want to be led. They do not want to think for themselves; they want to look to authority for their information. To allow those in power to do their thinking for them and give them the answers. They have become mentally lazy, and this, my friends, is the downfall of any civilization when it no longer thinks for itself and allows a few individuals to do their thinking. Questioner: I think it would be rather presumptuous that the same kind of people that do this, try to go out in outer space and visit the moon and other constellations, we certainly aren’t ready in that sense. No, but there is one point here that I should like to make. This on the other hand could be, the salvation of your civilization. If a group of people should happen to reach an inhabited planet and return with information they would receive, and this information were made public, this could be the turning point of your civilization, for the information will be so astounding to your masses, it will cause some repercussions, but on the other hand, it could be the turning point of your civilization. Questioner: Do I see right that in some of the stories that came back from the astronauts that were orbiting the earth, that they had experiences that were not told in the press?

This is correct. They did not tell all. Questioner: But they told all to the authorities though not told to the press? They told all to a few of them, but there were some that were not made public. But this was not anything of the astounding information that would be obtained were they to land upon an inhabited planet. Questioner: Well our, the first intent is to go and land on the moon. Now would they find on the side that we cannot see, on the so-called dark side, would they find habitation there? No, the moon landing would not be too important, but given time and perhaps it will not be too long, for your space program is being helped a great deal by those from other planets, unbeknownst to your people, because they are anxious that this happen, but it has to come through your own people, you see, through their efforts. Questioner: Yes, I understand that. So they are giving them all of the help they can without it being known, to try to speed up, you see, this program, for they realize too that this can be the saving of your civilization. Questioner: Yom, will they reach another planet through their present means of development in the space program, rapidly, and so forth. Is this possible? I suppose it is possible; this, I am not a scientist, I am not a physicist, but to my understanding they are developing other powers, your government already has experimental craft using other energies. Questioner: Yom, in this idea to try to do something about the hectic situation, in your opinion what would be the best way that we could be effective in our efforts to stop it. Well, you see, there are many ways, the main thing is, people themselves have to become aware of the danger of these things. They have to become aware of this, and, you see, that is what we were speaking of a few moments ago, but they are confused; they do not know who to believe. But, for myself, I would not hesitate to declare my beliefs to anyone of the harm and the danger of this thing and of the sickness of this civilization and the true answer to the problem your civilization faces. This is something people are going to have to realize, because it is the only solution to your problems. So, sooner or later, they will either have to realize these things and to act upon them, or your civilization will no longer exist. People do not need to be afraid to say these things, express them. Does it matter if I

am believed or not? At least I have planted a seed in another man’s consciousness, and perhaps it shall take root and grow. This is being done by many and the realization is gradually taking root; the people are beginning to realize and much more in some of the other countries than in your country, but even in your country, there are people who are coming out and demonstrating even. You may say this is foolish, but at least they are making their feelings known, and more and more people will join them. For until the leaders of the world are brought to realize that the people do not want these things, they are going to demand that they be stopped, they will continue, for when enough people express themselves, they will listen, for they know that there is power in numbers. No man has ever acquired such great power that he could not be overthrown by the people when they become enough concerned. Now, my friends, I have taken enough of your time, unless you have something you especially want to speak of at this time, I will take my leave. Questioner: I wanted to ask you, are the scientists beginning to realize what they were doing, that they were doing damage? Many of your scientists do. You see, your scientists are falling into two groups, one who says “Yes,” one who says “No.” That is what confuses the people. There is a group who feel that they must find out these things, they must develop this power, they must become great in the eyes of their civilization. They do not think in terms of humanity; no, they do not care. They think only of themselves. By accomplishing this I have become great. Some of them have even stated that they know that many people will suffer from this; well, so what, so what they say. In order to develop the civilization, to move forward, someone must suffer. This is not so, my friends, this is not so. For science developed properly by proper people does not need to cause anyone to suffer. It is only by those who are bent on power, who live for the glory of themselves that this seems good. Questioner: How much push is there behind the money power and the controlling interest of this development? A great deal, for without this, it could not be done. They could stop it tomorrow by refusing funds. Where would your government get the money to finance it? They cannot do it from taxation, because they go farther in debt, and this also is madness. Questioner: Then the same power is back of the new development that they could possibly use to go to an inhabited planet? Oh yes, it all comes from the same pack. But you see, they also can learn and will. They will realize at a certain point that there are greater than they, and they will have to humble themselves a little bit. You see, there are those who take the attitude—there can be no greater than “I,” there can be no one who has greater

understanding than “I”—but this also can change. My friends, it has been my very great pleasure to spend this time with you and to share with you my understanding and to have you share yours with me. I should like to extend to each of you, my love and my blessings, and may the peace, love and the understanding of all the Great Ones be invoked upon each of you. Go in peace, my friends. Wednesday, July 18, 1962 Greetings in the light, my friends, I am Oxal. Many of your people have reared their heads above the wall that you call reality, and they have seen that there are things beyond this wall that are also reality. But, by and large, most of your people remain hidden behind this wall, and fear, plus laziness, prevents them from even taking a peek upon the other side. It has been our hope that more of your people would, at least, investigate; but the progress of expansion of consciousness among the masses of your people is exceedingly slow, considering the progress that has been made in other fields. It is to the advantage of all those who have taken the step beyond this point, to help in every way those who remain behind, to attempt in every way that you can to cause these people to take a look beyond the wall of reality which they have built about them. For, in the times just ahead, it is going to be of vital importance that the eyes be opened of many of your people. Your science is moving much faster than you realize, and if suddenly, information, through certain channels, is brought to your people, the shock may be too much for many. The knowledge of the existence of certain types of civilizations and their ways of life, their development, will come as such a shock to many people that it may destroy their mental stability. So you see, it will be well that whenever you can and when you have the opportunity, to help pave the way for these people. Many of these people are sincere, are well-meaning, and have attempted to the best of their ability to do the things that to them, in their state of awareness, seemed good and proper. Many have been mislead through placing their confidence in those that they felt were authorities in your religious organizations, and have faithfully followed that which they have been taught. Yet, they have developed a weakness, they have failed to think; they have failed to search beyond the authority. But many of these, when the realization comes to them of their errors, will quickly correct their searching. I only mention these things to attempt to bring to you the realization of the responsibility that lies with those who have gone beyond your wall of reality. There are many who should like to come among your people, who would be willing to sacrifice to help your civilization across the threshold into the New Age of which

you speak. But they cannot do this until the desire is in the hearts of enough of your people, and when and if this time does arrive, there are many of great understanding who will be willing to come among your people and to show them the way, for these are beings who are anxious to see your civilization continue and become a great civilization, to become as man was intended to be. They are anxious to become brothers in Truth with your civilization. But, beloved ones, the answer lies with Earth Man—only he can make this choice, and we can only give our service when the choice has been made and we are accepted for what we are, We are not gods, we do not wish to be accepted as such —but only brothers who are waiting to extend a helping hand, a hand of friendship when it can be received as such. I leave you by extending to you the love, the light, and the understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, July 20, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It is good to come among you again. I should like to, with your permission, speak to you for a few moments tonight concerning the brighter side of the picture for your civilization—if your people are able to strengthen the foundation of which you were speaking . For, once you have crossed the threshold and you have passed the danger point of your civilization, the things that are in store for you, and your children and your children’s children, will be beyond your conception. For the time will come when you will be able to travel the universe, to visit other planets, so to speak, to gain knowledge of those who are advanced somewhat in their sciences. You will find your material sciences developing to where man will have a great deal of time to travel, to learn—you will not be confined to working many hours a day—you will reach a point where even your factories shall be operated by thought-controlled machines. For when man reaches this state through his increased desire for more spiritual understanding, more knowledge of himself and his relationship to his fellow man, to his Creator, he will be able to spend his leisure time in gaining greater knowledge and wisdom. You see, man does not need to live by the sweat of his brow, providing he has the wisdom to develop himself and to use his time constructively in growing, in gaining ever greater knowledge. For you are going to find in gaining knowledge that is available in the universe, it is going to require continual effort, continual searching; for out here beyond the horizon, there is always more and greater knowledge to obtain.

As man progresses in his wisdom, his knowledge of universal law, he is able to move farther and farther into new realms, into new phases of life, for there are many, many phases of life beyond and beyond. In your bible is quoted: “In my Father’s house are many mansions” and these are the many mansions that lie beyond where man can, through his process of evolution, move ever onward to greater and more magnificent mansions, so to speak. Among the many things that will come about as you move into a New Age here upon your planet, will be new methods of learning; man will learn much faster. For you are going to be taught new methods, your children will be taught new methods. Under the present system there is a great waste of time in teaching. What now requires fifteen or twenty years of your time to learn, to teach to a young one coming up in your civilization, will be done in about one-fourth of the time. In other words, what could be what you would call a Masters degree, requires twenty years or more, would be accomplished in approximately five years. This should be quite an advantage, should it not? Man could gain a great deal of wisdom in a very short time. These things will come to your civilization, once it has crossed the threshold, has left behind the danger of annihilation. Many other things shall also come about. You shall learn to eliminate all diseases, all sickness; suffering will become a thing of the past. Would it not be a wonderful thing to just eliminate suffering among the people of Earth? Questioner: Are you referring to physical beings of future generations? Indeed, so. Questioner: Will they have the ability to use this knowledge for their own good? Once they have passed the danger point, then they will realize, they will know, they will have the realization of man’s at-one-ness with each other, with the creation, with his Creator—these things will be understood and when you have passed this point you have no problem as far as using energies for destructive purposes, and you will come into the knowledge of energies so much greater than nuclear energy, that nuclear energy will become obsolete. You will find energies much more adaptable, much more flexible and much cheaper. You will be able to draw these energies from the ethers, sunlight and other energies; lines of force will be discovered that are traveling through your atmosphere at all times, of which you are not aware at this time. You can tap these energies and have all of the power, energies you need at the cost of very little effort. Your homes will have no dirt, you will have no dirt problems; you will have devices that will eliminate all dust—you housewives will not need to take the dustcloth anymore and go dusting around, for this problem will be solved for you. You will have windows that are of pure, energy —no glass—yet no air will come through and you can push your hand out of the window. You can control the amount of air from the outside, the heat and cold. These are some of the things you can expect.

Questioner: How about food? Food will become a very minor problem. You will require some food, but you will learn a great deal about foods and you are going to discover energies that can be used to replenish the body in place of many of your foods and also, as your civilization grows and becomes more understanding, gains more knowledge of these things, the physical body itself will refine, to change. Many of your organisms will probably disappear—others may appear, for Nature adapts herself, through time, to any condition. I thought that it might be of some interest to you to talk for a few moments about these things; and to answer your statement, I would like to say that life is eternal. You can cast this body aside and create for yourself another one, so you have no worry about not being able to enjoy these things if not in this body, in another. Questioner: Can we regenerate the body that we have now? Oh yes, this can be done, this can be done. The body will respond, once you have the knowledge, this can come about. But sometimes, you know, we like a change of bodies—we get tired of this one, this same old one, we like to get a new one, a new model, you see. Questioner: You have told us before, Yom, that you have been in your present body over two hundred years and that we can learn to use our bodies that long, too. Once you have the understanding of the relationship of the spiritual to the physical, there is really nothing to wear out in a physical body. It only wears out because we abuse it and because we think it is going to wear out, you see. We have to think properly, too. I never concern myself with the physical body, I never think of it as wearing out—I only think of it as a vehicle for me to use in the present environment that I am in and the present work that I wish to do. When I have finished with it, I will discard it and it will still be as good as new. Now, my friends, it has been my pleasure to spend this time with you. I wish to extend my gratitude for your acceptance of me, and to the lady of this household. It is my privilege and my pleasure. May each of you in your search for understanding accomplish that which you seek very rapidly, and may each of you be able to be a great light in bringing your civilization into the New Age, the new era of understanding. Go in peace, my friends. Thursday, July 26, 1962 Peace, my beloved ones.

It hath been said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” I should like with your permission, to dwell upon this for but a moment, for it seems that your people have interpreted this saying to mean that a peacemaker is one who goes about trying to make peace between individuals of disagreement—or groups or nations. But, beloved ones, the true peacemaker is one who first establishes peace within his own being and when this is accomplished he becomes, through his very being—a peacemaker. For having established peace within his own being, the great Light that he does emanate to those about him and with whom he comes in contact, these are greatly affected by the very fact of his being, and the degree of peace grows within those about him. For, you see, he is demonstrating peace without saying a word, and those who come to know him, begin to grow in peace. Just the very association will cause them to desire to establish within themselves that which he has found, and he truly becomes a peacemaker. It hath also been said, “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, for lo, I AM with you always.” This, beloved ones, has also been greatly misinterpreted by Earth people. Many of the things spoken by the Great Masters who have visited your planet in attempting to help, have been taken with literal meanings. The reference to the I AM, which was so often used by these Masters, have been accepted as a personal I am, which they did not mean. To those in that day who understood, these things were clear, but they have been handed down by teachers who did not understand, and therefore your people have been taught in darkness. I am sure that all of you here have a clear understanding of the I AM, have the knowing that this I AM is the creative part within you—what many of you refer to as God. This you truly are, for each and every individual trodding your planet is a potential being that you would refer to as God, for each is a true Creator in his own right, once he has established within him the true understanding of the I AM. So you see, beloved, I AM with you always—in this expression, and in any type of expression that you might ever attain. I AM that I AM, I AM THAT I AM. The emphasis must be placed upon the I and the THAT. These are the things that must become clear to Earth people, and those of you who have some understanding of these things, can be of much help to many. Many of these things have been brought to your attention; much, all of you have learned of the true meaning of the words of the Masters. Use this knowledge whenever you have the opportunity to plant seeds of Truth in the hearts of your people that they might grow toward greater understanding. Become a peacemaker, for no greater joy hath any man than to become a peacemaker. Receive ye now the blessings, peace, love and the understanding of our Brotherhood.

Go in peace, go in peace. Peace. Good evening, I am Yom; I am just going to say a few words to you concerning the Being who just spoke to you. He happened to be in my presence tonight and I asked him if he would come here with me and speak a few words to you, which he graciously consented to do. He is, in my opinion, a Being of great understanding. He is not from this realm of life—at this time he is expressing in the Etheric realm, another phase of life. He was happy to spend this time with you. This is all I wanted to say and to extend to you my very deepest love and blessings. Bless you all. Goodnight. Saturday, August 11, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. It is my pleasure to come among you again and to be in the presence of our new guests here tonight. I hope I shall be able to be understood by you; I assure you my English is not the best. My friends, you are living today in perhaps the most interesting and the most vital time in your civilization. Many of you and your friends are going to discover great things about themselves; they are going to find many of their hidden abilities coming forth. Those of you who have advanced somewhat in your knowledge and understanding and are putting forth the effort to come into the realization of who and what you are, are going to be able to be of great service to your fellow man if you so desire. You should realize, all of you, that besides self-development, you have a responsibility to your civilization, for today and for some years to come, your civilization will hang in the balance, and this balance will be so delicate that it can go either way, depending upon how many of your peoples can come into the realization of what is necessary to bring about the survival of this civilization. It is not right, my friends, that a civilization should have to rise and fall so many times. In fact, it is not necessary at all—at least one rise should be enough, you see. The great lesson should be learned in one application, and this has not been the case with Earth civilization. There are those in all realms of life, those who are in the physical upon other planets who have advanced beyond the danger point, there are those in the realms who do not need planets, who are all interested and anxious for your civilization, this time, to pass the danger point and take its place in the Confederation and join in the great Brotherhood of Mankind where they can grow into a true realization of themselves and can enjoy the great things of life. For, my friends, not one of you can begin to conceive of the great things that await your civilization, once it has passed the point where man no longer is in danger of self-

destruction. So you see, my friends, you do have a responsibility to your civilization, for you are a part of this civilization; therefore you must carry your share of the responsibility. I do not mean by this that you have to attempt to convince everyone you meet of the importance of self-development and to try to convince them that you must do this or you must do that, but the average, intelligent being in your civilization today realizes there is a problem. Many have a hopeless feeling because they cannot see a solution to the problem—in fact, most of your masses are not even aware of what the problem is. They have misconcepts of the problem; therefore in your association with people, your conversations, these things arise, and you are prepared to at least point out to them the problem and the solution to the problem. Any intelligent person who is able to think just a little bit for himself, will realize the Truth, and as these people ponder these things in their mind, they will begin to realize that they must do something to help solve this problem. As more and more of your people come into the realization of these things, their thinking shall change, and all of this can grow into a great movement among Earth People that can be the saving of a great civilization. To some of us who have seen the happenings that have taken place upon this planet, how its people have struggled to the very threshold of realization and then through lack of wisdom have fallen and had to make the climb all over again, I am sure that you have seen this happen in a small way with individuals, with children, and it is not a pleasant thing to see—and to those who have seen this take place over and over with your civilization, it has not been a happy, pleasant experience. Therefore, they are concerned, they are anxious to see Earth Man this time, make the step across the threshold, and they are putting forth every effort to try to help him to do this. It is true that this can be done for you. Those who have crossed the threshold can only point the way for you; they can only say, “Beloved, this is the way, this is the Light, will you follow?” It is difficult not to attempt to interfere, to try to push you over, but we realize that unless Earth Man can do it for himself, he has gained nothing. The energies that Man of Earth has in his possession today, are only toys compared to the powers that he has yet to discover. So, you see, that it is necessary for him to develop great wisdom and understanding. He must learn to live side by side with his neighbor, he must learn to know himself—for when he has learned to know himself, there is no problem in loving one’s neighbor. When we have understanding of ourselves, we have understanding of our neighbor and social problems no longer exist. I know that all of you here have a great desire to develop this understanding, to grow spiritually, to become as some of the great teachers who have been examples for you—and you will reach these goals if you are sincere and are willing to put forth the effort. But, my beloved friends, in your search for Truth do not forget

your responsibility to your neighbor or your civilization. Realize that each is a part of this great whole, and it is also important that your brother receive understanding too. You are being taught, you must also be teachers. Beloved friends, I have taken enough of your time; I do not wish to bore you with my ramblings. It has been a great privilege to spend this time with you—I always enjoy being in the presence of Truth seekers. I know that each of you are going to make great strides in your search. I would like to extend to each of you my very deepest blessings and love and may the blessings, the peace of the great Masters be bestowed upon you. Peace be with you, my friends, peace. Thursday, August 23, 1962 Bless you, my children. I would ask each of you, as I speak, to become relaxed; let your heart do the listening, for we have again brought into concentration here—cosmic or universal energies that can be very beneficial to your wellbeing. If there is need in your physical habitat, you might mentally direct these energies to the areas where the need may be, and perhaps you may receive great benefit. Beloved ones, People of Earth today and in the days to come are going to face great decisions; decisions that are going to require courage, decisions that are going to determine the future of your race or your civilization. It is very difficult, as I see it, for Earth Man to draw his decisions from his innermost being where lies the Truth. Especially, those of you who have sought Truth and understanding, it should not be difficult to know the right path or the correct decision, and I believe in most men this be true. Yet, there seems to rise up within Earth Man the desire to cause others to suffer because they do not agree with him, or do not see as he sees. Your nation is, perhaps, the greatest and strongest nation upon your planet today; they have accomplished great things for the welfare of mankind and in the eyes of those in other lands you are an advanced race. Therefore, your nation stands in the greatest position to lead Earth Man, through example, to the threshold of a new life. Your nation, with its great wealth, great abundance of foods and resources—if wisdom were used—could, perhaps, make the greatest demonstration of a Brotherhood of Man that has ever been made upon your planet. Yet, your people are not willing to do this; they prefer to allow food surpluses to rot and ferment in their storage bins, rather than to feed those who are starving and have not that with which to purchase the food. This, beloved ones, if I may use one of your terminologies, is a great sin. You see, beloved ones, when nature produces in abundance, she does not produce to be wasted. It is well to have plenty, man was created to have plenty. But, also, in

nature there are laws concerning waste, and when man deliberately wastes life’s substance, the law reacts, and sooner or later man will pay for the waste he has created. For, you see, the laws of Creation are just; yet, they are firm and they are positive. So, beloved ones, you see it would behoove your nation in its great abundance to wisely share these things and yet do it wisely, but these are only a few things. In the position that your people hold as a world power, many, many great demonstrations could be made, and I must say some have been made. There have been efforts in this direction, and there are many among your people who would that these things be done, and yet, there are too many who object, who are not willing to go the extra mile, or to turn the other cheek. They must have an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth—but this is not the way of Truth. If man had been created to live unto himself, there would have been no need to create him. It is difficult for those who stand at the level of understanding of your masses, to be able to get a slight conception of their relationship, one to the other, yet, man must through time, come into the realization of this great fact. For, until man realizes his relationship to his brother man and to his Creator, he has not found Truth. This, beloved ones, is one of the great realizations that man must reach, and this, and this realization, when it has come, is the first great step into the realization of Truth; it is the first great step in understanding Creation and its great laws and the vastness of it. Yes, beloved ones, search and find this realization, for when you have, you have reached a great milestone in the evolution of man. Beloved children, I hope that each of you have been able to receive benefit from what we have attempted to do for you. It is free, the great universe is filled with these energies; they are the energies that sustain life. Without these you would not be. And it is ours to use in any quantity you desire, for we are the Sons and Daughters of the Creator of all this; it is our heritage—let us receive in great abundance—we are not limited. (Chants) May the peace, love and understanding of the great Brotherhood of Man rest in the hearts of each of you. So be it. Go in peace, beloved. Friday, September 21, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal.

To begin, I should like to extend my appreciation to those of you who responded to my last suggestion. It is gratifying to see dedicated ones put forth their efforts for the good of their civilization, to be willing and anxious to spread the word—and I assure you—you have accomplished a great deal more than you know. I, here and now, charge each of you with a responsibility to your civilization and its future, and I sincerely hope that each of you will accept his or her responsibility and put forth every effort to assume and fulfill it. There is great need in your troubled civilization for dedicated ones, for those who are willing to put forth the effort, and to come out for what they know to be right and good for their civilization. And I assure you, beloved ones, that through this effort, you shall gain many new friends, for all of your people are not going to disagree with you. In fact, more of your people today are coming to the realization that your civilization is standing at the threshold of a great decision, that either it must find a cure for its illness, or face destruction, and many are beginning to listen and to think. So, I say to you, beloved ones, back these projects to the fullest of your ability, for only through these efforts will you survive. Many are awakening to this realization, and at this point, as we observe from our vantage point, we see a fifty-fifty chance of your civilization awakening; but much work must be done by those of you who have the realization of the illness and its cure. Each of you are going to find the opportunities opening before you to do your small part in bringing this into being. Our hope is that you will allow nothing to stand in your way. Fear not the criticism or the condemnation of those who would not agree with you, but rather dedicate yourself to a cause; for man must have purpose in his doings that he believes in. If you accept your responsibilities and fulfill them, you will find the rewards will be great—not as the world rewards—but in the peace and satisfaction that you will find in your own heart, in the joy and peace it will bring you. Also, I should like to remind you of the pledge that we made in the past, when we stated that whosoever has made the choice in true faith and love, we shall protect and guide you, and we still stand upon that oath. No harm shall come to those who have dedicated themselves to the propagation of Truth, who have dedicated themselves to serve in the Light of the Everlasting Love. Remember this oath, my friends, for we are prepared to fulfill it. So, on this night, I charge each of you to go forth with a dedicated heart and a determination that through your efforts and the efforts of all the dedicated ones, your civilization shall survive. Now, beloved friends, soon this instrument and his mate, shall be moving on to a new service, to a new phase in the life in which they have dedicated themselves. But, before their departure, at your next gathering I shall speak with you again, and perhaps others shall speak to you at that time. And now I leave you by extending to you the love, the Light and the understanding of my people.

I am Oxal Thursday, October 18, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends, I am Yom. I have felt a vibration of oneness here so I have come to you and will spend a few moments with you at this time. Perhaps I will not have the opportunity again. My friends, it has been my very great pleasure and my privilege to have been able to become friends with you and I have appreciated your cooperation in listening to my very humble opinions and putting up with my poor English; but I feel we have become very good friends. Now, beloved ones, perhaps I shall not be able to speak to you in this manner for some time. The instrument through which I speak and his mate are to go forth to a new experience and a new phase in their lives. I’m sure you folk here feel great joy in parting rather than sadness for you know this is necessary in their development. Many of you are going to see—due to your knowledge and your foresight or information that your search for Truth has brought you—you are going to recognize in the events that are taking place the fulfillment of the prophecies. Great changes are taking place on Planet Earth but only those with eyes to see and ears to hear are recognizing these changes. Each circle of events as they come about, brings the greater changes nearer and nearer. As you look back, for only a very few years, you see where the events have started to take place which will bring geographical changes and the changes which are to come about will be more severe. It was stated at the beginning of this year of 1962 that it would be a very eventful year. Has it not been so, my friends? And you may see before the end of the year even greater events take place. Now, my friends, as you view these things, realize that this is only a cleansing that has begun to take place before Planet Earth can be permanently established in a New Age. It must be cleansed, you see. Those who have a sincere desire to serve, to become a part of the New Age, are going to be set apart from these things. They are not going to be affected by them—providing they follow a sincere inner guidance which must be sought for. This true inner guidance is not found unless you seek for it, unless you acquire it. Man must have a sincere dedication, forsaking all other things. As it was stated in your religious works, “There shall be no other Gods before Me.” You see, my friends, there is nothing in this whole universe that is as important as one’s own soul development. The I AM in me and in you is the most important thing in all Creation, for when I have reached a complete realization of this I have reached a great height in understanding. We must seek first these things, searching our innermost souls and

there we will find the guidance that will lead us down the path for our greatest development, our greatest safety and our greatest joy. And, my friends, wherever this takes us — be it over sea or mountains or through outer space—that will be where we will receive our greatest good, the good that will bring to us true happiness, true love and understanding. Do you see what I mean, my friends: Joy is only found within one’s own soul and joy is only found by doing that which our innermost soul or higher consciousness or higher self or whatever you wish to call it, demands of us. There is much unhappiness among your people of Earth because they do not follow the dictates of their inner soul or consciousness. When man truly follows this he radiates love, joy—he brings joy to those with whom he comes in contact. He is loved by all because he gives love to all. It is really quite simple, you see. I have been rambling on—I get carried away at times and I give a lecture. No offense meant. If you have something to say, you may ask. Your hour is late and I must not keep you. Questioner: I have been attempting very hard to know that I am that I am. Am I succeeding? This is a realization that sometimes, when one is faced with a great deal of outer influences and obligations, as you call them—it is quite difficult to get the mind quieted and to go deep within and come into a realization of these things. The word I AM has a great and far-reaching meaning. I AM for I am all things. I am what you call God but this is the true I AM. This is not what people see, this is not the I which is faced every day by your civilization and its demands. This is not the true I AM. The thing is that Man of Earth, in so many cases, has a distorted idea of what is necessary and he becomes rather controlled—under pressures that he feels are necessary and are required by his environment, rather than controlling it. It becomes difficult to withdraw and bring about the realization of his true I AM. When man becomes truly conscious of his oneness with Creation, this takes precedence over all other things, and as this becomes more and more a part of his consciousness, it becomes easier and easier to have a true realization of this. There are many stages of all of these realizations for, you see, as in most things, there are certain degrees and as your realization becomes deeper and deeper you advance to higher degrees of this realization. Do not be discouraged, it takes time to reach a full realization, a great, great realization. There are times when I have reached certain degrees far, far beyond my realization—where I can see the vast greatness which lies ahead. I must vacate this instrument. It has been most gratifying to be with you. If I have

been of some slight service, I assure you I am grateful, for life can only be realized in its abundance through the service that we can render. Beloved friends, as I leave you now, I give to you my very, very, deepest blessings and I ask that those who are in charge who have greater responsibility, greater wisdom, greater understanding, will invoke their blessings to you also, and. I know that this is done. May the peace and joy that you shall receive through your service—may each of you be greatly blessed by it. May your joy be great and your peace rewarding. Goodnight to you, my friends, goodnight. Friday, October 19, 1962 Greetings in the Light, my friends, I am Oxal. On this night, I come to you with a plea to dedicate yourselves again and again to the service of your civilization. For, today, upon your planet the need is great if your civilization is to survive and move into the New Age, but the choice, my friends, lies with Earth Man. In your religious histories are predicted or prophesied many events in the latter days of your civilization. Perhaps that terminology is not as it should be; perhaps I should have said, that in the higher evolution of your civilization it is prophesied that great disaster shall befall you. But let me say to you this, that prophecies were given so that Man would have the opportunity to avoid these things. Prophecies do not necessarily need to be fulfilled, for Man’s destiny lies entirely within his own hands. You see, prophecies are made by a realization of a pattern, but patterns can be changed, and you, my friends, the People of Earth, have it within your power to change and to avoid these things. As I have stated, your civilization at this moment hangs in the balance and which way the pendulum shall swing will depend upon Earth Man. If enough of your people will choose the path of service to their fellow man, the path of love, light and peace, your civilization will experience the greatest advance in its evolution since the creation of this planet. Twice your civilization has risen to this point and fallen. Shall it fall again, or shall you this time, pass over the top and into a true realization of a Brotherhood of Man. People of Earth, it is up to you—you hold the choice in your own hands. Those of other planets in your system stand ready to help you in every way possible whenever your people are ready to receive them. We have offered our assistance to those in power upon your planet and have been rejected; yet, we still stand ready to extend the helping hand—a hand of friendship—if we are accepted. We cannot solve your problems for you; we can only show you the way; but, it must

be done by Earth People themselves. For none can profit by another’s doing for him; but he can profit by using the experience of others who have found the way. Again, I should like to commend those of you who have put forth their efforts in these directions, who have dedicated yourselves to the service and used your efforts in that direction.. We are helping you in more ways than you know and we know of your every effort, of your every accomplishment; for we are watching and recording the actions of all people of Earth. We are aware when you have made the choice and we are aware as to the degree of your choice. It has been my very great privilege to have worked with you and for you. If, in our dissertations I have been of a slight service or help to you, I am humbly grateful, for we consider an opportunity to serve in the Light of Truth and Understanding a very great and rare privilege. Perhaps it shall be sometime before I shall be able to speak to any of you again in this manner, but in leaving, I should like to leave with you, my very, very deepest blessings, my love and my understanding. It has been my very great privilege. I understand there are some others who wish to extend a few words to you, so we shall withdraw our instrument from you and in their manner they shall speak with you. Again in leaving, I extend to you the Love, the Light and the Understanding of my people. I am Oxal. Friday, October 19, 1962 Good evening to you, my friends. Once more it is my very great pleasure to come among you. I could not pass this opportunity to speak to you tonight for a few moments, for as I have said before, I feel very close to all of you; I feel that all of you are very dear friends, as I hope you feel about me. We have spent many pleasant moments together, have we not, in our discussions, etc., and I have been given again the opportunity to speak to you. As I believe most of you here know, I am a dweller upon your planet. I have lived and worked upon Planet Earth for many, many years. I will not go into this in detail for most of you know and can explain it to anyone who does not understand. But, my friends, I have been very interested in your organization; that is why I have spoken to you so many times, and I have also been very interested in many other organizations, in many other groups who are working in the Light, who are attempting to bring Light to Earth Man; and it is very, very satisfying to see that there are people all across the Planet Earth who are doing this. But the only saddening part, my friends, is that there are not nearly enough. And there does seem at this time to be somewhat of an increase in people who are coming into the realization,

you see, of what is faced by Earth civilization today; and we have great hopes that the awakening will come more and more rapidly to your people. Of course, all of you know what the problem is that faces you and what the solution is; the only thing is to get more and more people to realize it and your group here in the city of Detroit has done a very, very good job of this. We wish to commend you, and there has been a great deal more results than you know about and this is good. If enough people will get behind these things and try to awaken your civilization, my friends, you cannot possibly conceive of what awaits your civilization in the not too far distant future. If, if they can only pass the point of where they no longer want to destroy each other and to no longer have mistrust for each other, then your civilization will really begin to move forward. Well, my friends, you know these things, but I sincerely hope that your people, you people, will continue in your efforts and encourage others to do the same. And, as my very dear friend Anthon said, you are going to get much more help than you will realize if your efforts continue. We can only help you in your efforts; unless you make the effort, we can do nothing for you. If the People of Earth could realize how much they have been helped by those from outside your civilization, as many of you know, that none of you would be here today had it not been for them. So you see, my friends, every effort that you can put forward is of great importance; for every, every ounce of effort is felt, whether it be in the outward or the inward. You see, there are many ways you can work. You can work in the outward by doing these things, and also on the mental plane by developing your own Light and letting it shine forth into the ethers of your planet, for there is great need of higher vibrations there. So, in every way you can do these things, remember always, take the time to go within, to build your own strength and understanding, searching deep within your own soul for the answers. These things, my friends, I ask you to do. It is necessary at this time that the instrument and his mate move on; this, my friends, is not only for his good but for yours; this is necessary for all of you at this time. We also wish to extend our gratitude for the service he has rendered to all of you and to us in this manner and to his very dear mate who has in the past been what you might say his “right arm”; maybe his right and left both, she has, she has developed; without her assistance you would not have all of these printed communications that you have had and many, many other things that is done behind the scene. So, for all of these things and to all of you for all of your efforts, we wish to thank you, to extend our gratitude. And we, and I am speaking for all of the various teachers that have spoken to you, it is not possible for all of them tonight to, to speak to you, so I am speaking on behalf of all of these when I say, that their Love for you is great, greater than you can ever, ever think or realize. For it is a Love of which you do not yet have understanding.

You are each as a great jewel in their sights, for we see you as you are, pure Children of the Creator, emanating and expressing His good. Each of you are our brothers and our sisters—we are one—we are all of the Great One Being. I am in you, you are in me; so you see, we cannot be separated, we are all one, just a cell in the Great, Great Spirit of Creation, which you may call “God.” Expression matters not, the only thing that matters is the realization of our Sonship, our part in this Great Sea of Life. Beloved ones, we love you, we bless you, we bestow upon each of you the blessings, the love and the understanding of the Great Masters; those whose Love is of such magnitude that the concept of it is not possible to us; yet, I know that through your asking, they have fulfilled. Peace be with you my friends. Go in peace and know that you are everything, that you are always in the hands of the Great, Great Intelligence, being continually guided into the knowing of which you seek. Peace be with you, my friends, peace. Friday, October 19, 1962 Peace be with thee, my friends, I am Anthon. I should like to take this opportunity and a few moments to extend to you my love and my blessings. I should like also to state that it has been most gratifying to see you as an organization advance and grow as you have. It is very necessary that groups such as yours, and such as have been formed under various names, yet all working for a realization of their relationship to Mankind, to their relationship to their Creator. It matters not what you have labeled yourself; it only matters that you are searching for Truth, and in your search for Truth, be ever mindful of the fact that Truth is far-reaching, that Man, as he passes through the corridors of evolution continuously gathers more and more of the Universal Truth. The ultimate in Man’s evolution and search is a long and narrow path. It will not be reached in this lifetime, nor in the next, but through many, many, many phases of life. Man of Earth has great need of the realization of the search for life. There are those who are advanced in understanding, what in your terminology would be eons and eons of time, and their accomplishments would be inconceivable to Man of Earth and would be even inconceivable to many who have passed far, far beyond this level of understanding. Yet, they have not, to their knowledge, reached the ultimate in understanding. So you see, my friends, the search goes on and Man becomes ever wiser, his understanding becomes ever greater. Yet, would Man be happy if the search were to end? Life will never become boring to those who search for Truth, for you see, Truth is never ending. So, beloved ones, keep your sights high, move ever onward with an open mind,

with a seeking mind, yet, a discerning mind, using always great Wisdom in your search, for there are also the pitfalls for those who use not Wisdom. Beloved friends, as my son, his mate, go forward in their path, they are not apart from you, for in mind there is no separation. In mind and spirit we are all one; we are all one in this Great Creation of Life. Time and distance does not exist in mind and spirit; know this my friends, and you will not know separation. It has been a great privilege in my experience to have spent the time with you that I have, and there are many others who wish to extend their blessings and assure you that if you continue in your work, help will be forthcoming in more ways than you know. I know in many cases you will not realize it, but help will be there and will be given. Bear these things in mind, and continue on your path of service to your Creator and to Man; for when you serve Man, you have served your Creator. My peace I leave with you and may the peace, the joy, the understanding of all the Great Ones be bestowed upon you. Peace be with you my friends, peace, peace.

[1] The original spelling of this name in these manuscripts is “Hatton.” It has been changed to “Hatonn” in order to be consistent with the spelling of this name in the rest of the material on this site from the same source. It is pronounced hat-ON.

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