Mali Presentation

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  • Words: 511
  • Pages: 8
MALI Presentation By: Robby, Jacob, Cassie, and Afton



•Location: Mali lies in Western Africa, southwest of Algeria and east of Mauritania. •Location: Mali lies in Western Africa, southwest of Algeria and east of Mauritania. •Languages: French (official), Bambara 80%, and numerous other African languages. •Languages: French (official), Bambara 80%, and numerous other African languages. •Ethnic Groups: Mande 50% (Bambara, Malinke, Soninke), Peul 17%, Voltaic 12%, Mande Songhai50% 6%,(Bambara, Tuareg andMalinke, Moor 10%, and •Ethnic Groups: other 5%. Peul 17%, Voltaic 12%, Songhai 6%, Tuareg Soninke), and Moor 10%, and other 5%. •Religion: Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%. •Religion: Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%.

HEALTH AND EDUCATION •Mali faces many health problems like poverty, malnutrition, and inadequate hygiene and sanitation. •Mali’s health and development indicators rank among the worst in the world. •Public education is free and is compulsory for nine years between the ages of 7 and 16. • • • •

Prevalent Diseases •

In Mali there are many things that can drastically change their culture. One of the worst things in Africa is diseases. Because of the scarcity and poor quality of their water, this causes them to get sick and get dehydrated very easily. With the horrible quality of there water, if they drink from the water once, they have more than a 45% chance of getting sick from the deadly disease, chorea. Another disease that can be even more dangerous is Onchocerciasis or better known as the river virus. This disease affects over 350,000 km squared. But the most common way of getting sick is mostly due to poor hygiene. This is the most common way that the people who live in Mali die.

Annual Precipitaion •

People in Mali like to grow crops. But its pretty hard when there is no rain. Mali’s precipitation rate is can vary from 1550 mm in the extreme south to almost 0 mm in the north. The average percentage of rainfall can go from 15% to 30%. The year that rain fell the heaviest was 1974.

Economic Status •

Like everyone else, Mali needs water. So a lot of times, they have to spend their money on water. But one thing they do have is hydraulic electricity. They use their electricity mainly on water. But in early 2009, a company called USAID sent some of its representatives to Mali. The Mali people only had 3 water pumps which brought water up to the people. Almost 3/3 pumps broke weekly and had to borrow other water pumps. But because of the scarcity of water, many times they didn’t want to share they pump. So USAID went to Mali and brought a lot of clean drinking water to their people. Before they brought clean drinking water, 113/1000 infants died before their first birthday.

Farming •

Farming is the most common job in all of Mali. 80% of its people are farmers. The other 20% are fisherman. The most common thing they grow in Mali is cotton.

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