Male Genital Tract

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,062
  • Pages: 7
Testis •

3.5- 4 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width

Covered by fibrinous tunica albuginea

The spermatic cord enters the testis along the posterosuperior margin, known as the mediastinum testes

Divided into lobules arrayed radially around the mediastinum testes; each lobule being composed of branching seminiferous tubules

20-30 ducts form the prostate gland

NOTES: testes



The central zone (CZ)

The transitional zone (TZ)


:view- transsagittal, transverse :white echogenecities- calcification

Prostate -has 3 zones: •

The peripheral zone (PZ)

Epididymis •

6-7 cm in length

7-8 mm diameter at the globus major (head of epididymis at mediastinum testis) and

1-2 mm at the tail where it continues as the vAS deferens

The vas deferens courses through the spermatic cord and exits via the deep inguinal ring

At the base of the prostate, it joins the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct

To evaluate the upper urinary tract for ureteral obstruction and obstructive nephropathy

To evaluate bladder size and estimate post-void residual urine volume, bladder wall thickness, presence of trabeculation, and formation of diverticula

The prostate gland should be evaluated for gross evidence of adenocarcinoma



1. Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH) •

affects 50-75% of men over age 60 years

a result of uninhibited contractioins of a hypertrophied detrusor muscle due to obstructon of the prostatic urethra by enlargement of glandular tissue of the prostate

NOTES: central zone- mostly affected

2. Prostate Cancer •

70% occur in the peripheral zone (PZ)

20% are found in the transition zone (TZ)

Trans-rectal biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis

Direct extentsion into the seminal vesicles, bladder base, and perivesical fat

Extracapsular spread is evaluated with transrectal prostate ultarasonography with biopsy or endorectal coil MR imaging +/MR spectroscopy

Nodal metastases may be evaluated with CT or MRI, and biopsy is performed if nodes are greater than 10 mm

If nodal disease is present, 80% have bone mets within 5 years. The obturator and internal/external iliac nodal chains are most commonly involved. Bone metastases are evaluated by checking the PSA level, then performing a bone scan.

demonstrated in the right peripheral zone

Ill-defined bladder mass at the bladder base (arrows)

The mass is well seen because it is outlined by the excreted contrast (M)

This mass is seen to arise from the prostate gland (P)

Prostate normal size: <4 x 4 (3.7 x 3.7 x 3.7; <20 grams)

3. Torsion •

Due to abnormal configuration of the testicle on its pedicle (“bell clapper deformity”), leading to abnormal twisting of the spermatic cord that causes testicular ischemia. It is most common in adolescents and infants less than 12 months old.

Torsion is classified incomplete.

Complete torsion: >360 degree twist. Adult males 80% testicular salvage rate when reversed within 5 hours

Incomplete torsion: <360 degrees. Relatively longer period before testicle is unsalvageable


Bulge in the scapular line

Signal intensity



Enlarged and diffusely hypoechoic testicle

Contains areas

Epididymis may be enlarged and hypoechoic

Scrotal thickening






If there is no blood flow to testis (evaluated by Doppler ultrasound) after 1 minute of scanning time

If there is a single small vessel in the symptomatic testis, when contralateral normal testis shows readily detectable diffuse flow

Enlarged & predominantly hypoechoic epididymis with a reactive hydrocele

4. Epididymitis •

Is the most common acute scrotal process in postpubertal age group

9x more differential torsion


common than consideration,

Enlarged epididymis

Hydrocele or pyocele

Scrotal skin thickening

Associated orchitis



Enlarged, hypoechoic epididymis

Increased color surrounding epididymis


flow/blood flow symptomatic

the main testicular


5. Orchitis •

Is a parenchymal infection of the testicle

Often seen as a complication of mumps infection (25% of postpubertal male patients with mumps)

Other frequent causes include echovirus, group B arboviruses, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

Unilateral in 2/3, usually developing within 7-10 days of parotiditis associated with mumps

The testicle may be secondarily involved by epididymitis

*enlarged left testicle NOTES: hydrocele, enlarged epididymal head, testicle with thickened scrotal sac

6. Varicocele •

Distention of the pampiniform venous plexus due to incompetent valves of the spermatic vein

Standing or valsalva may provoke the distention

95% are left-sided, and are the most common manageable cause of male infertility


The compressible, tortuous vessels measure more than 2 mm diameter Ultrasound demonstrates multiple serpiginous anechoic spaces of similar size, and Doppler shows venous flow within these spaces

NOTES: massive peritesticular areas




7. Hydrocele •

Is the accumulation of fluid between the visceral and parietal tunica vaginalis

It may occur in isolation or in association with epididymitis, orchitis, torsion, trauma, or tumor

8. Scrotal Trauma • presents with pain, nausea, vomiting and extreme tenderness with scrotal ecchymosis and swelling • surgical exploration and debridement is needed if the tunica albuginea has been violated and devitalized


semineferous tubules have extruded or if there is a large scrotal hematoma ULTRASOUND • irregular testicular contour (rupture) • multifocal linear hypoechoic areas (contusion) • comlex hydrocele, or • extratesticular mass caused by hematoma • • •

areas of uniformly decreased echogenicity usually focal but may be diffuse may cause bulging of the tunica albuginea

Staging is performed by CT I tumor confined to testis II extratesticular spread IIA minimal nodal metastases, limited to infradiaphragmatic stations IIB bulky retroperitoneal nodal metastases III lymphatic involvement above diaphragm IV extranodal metastases (pulmonary, hepatic, osseous, CNS

a focal hypoechoic structure within this testicle this is most consistent with hematoma

Seminoma • the most common malignancy of males age 15-30 • usually presenting as a painless scrotal mass • risk factors include • cryptorchidism • maternal diethylstilbestrol (DES) use • testicular atrophy • germ cell tumors comprise • 95% of testicular cancer • 40% of these are seminomas • 40% showed mixed histologic pattern

*NOTES: Male pelvis- Ultrasound is done first - mass: transrectal ultrasound - with malignancy: CT scan or MRI -testicle: HRUTZ

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Maraming salamat additional notes. ☺






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