Malaya, Mar. 27, 2019, Sotto Signs Budget Bill With Reservations.pdf

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Sotto signs budget bill 'with reservations' BY RAYIIIOND AFRIGA

iENATE President Vicente Sotto


yesterday decided to.break the

,udget impasse by signing the iencral Appropriations Bill but

larified he did so with "sffong eservations,"


incolporated a note that says my signature is in reference to my attached annotations," Sotto said in hastily called press confetence at the Senate. In attendance duting the press conference wete Senate majodty leader Juan Miguel Zubiri, Senate

also appealed to President

minority leader Franklin Drilon,

)utcrte to veto the "unconstitu-

and Sen. Panfrlo Lacson. Sotto said he decided to sgn the GAB so as not hold hostage the

onal" ptovisions. "W'e are informing you that I ave alteady signed the entolled opy, It is now going to be an nrolled bill to be signed by the tesident but I placed my teserltioos on the signature. I have

whole proposed P3.767-trillion .budget for 2019 because only two to dree percent of the entire budget is being questioned by the Senate-


Senate president srgned the GAB teservations. It is also the 6rst


time that a bicameral-approved GAB was amended.

He said it is now up to the Executive Department to identifi' "pork ' allocations which could be vetoed by the President. In a letter sent to Presidentr Duterte to explain his resewations, Softo said he attests to the veracity of Inc or the (rl.lD GAB w'rucn which wap wat ntified fauaeo by Dy

sign the GAB but it does not mean that the Senate agrees to the changes made by the House) after the ratification of the bicam repoit because we maintain the view that this is unconstitutional,

but we must find a solution to

hindi ibig sabihin na sumasang-

serve the interest Dtilon said.

pagbabago ng House ( would

local infrastructurc progtam of

the Department of Public \?
'\X4rat the Senate president said was pirmahan niya ang GAB pero ayon ang Senado dito sa ginawang

by dre Housc t>f fuprcscntativcs after the bicamcral comrnittee ratiEed the budgct bill, including the realignmcnt of somc P75 billion rvorth of projects uutlcr thc

the impasse

in the budget and of the nation,"

Chief Presidential Legal Coun-

sel Salvadot Panelo said President

Duterte would review the budget bill before deciding to sign ir into law or exercise his right to l.ine veto,

or veto it completely.

Panelq concurrent presidential spokesman, said he does not know how long the Presideflt will study the GAB but "if it is consistent

with the Constitution, he will slgn


propriat.ions Bill," he said. Sotto said he came to a decision to sign the GAB on the advice of Senators Ddlon, Lacson, Zubiri. Ralph Recto, Gregorio Honasan, and Loren Legarda who talked to him Monday night. Upon Sotto's apptoval, Lacson

night. The GAB was tra"flsmittc(l t{, the Malacaflang beforc noon yct I c r.r Lty. "The bottom line is I signfll rhe narional budget as no crrr.rrllctl bill

to be presented to rhc Prclirlcnt but attesting t() ooly lhc (:(xltcflts of what ve have ratificd lurl what we have agreed upon duriog rhe

called up Rep. Rona.ldo Zaraoa on Monday night to inform Speaker

Gloria Arroyo

bicam," Sotto said.

of the senators'

Sotto said the Senate has dc t uilcd

coosensus to and request-the House to send back to the Senate *re budget booLs the House

realigned appropriations frrr the President to scrutinize. Drilon said dris is the 6rst tirne in the history of the country rhat

retdeved last sreek.

The budget books were sent back to the Senate also Monday

Panelo also said Malacaiang is happy that tl-re Senate and the


SOfiO ) lhj{r



of Representatives finally setded tl.reir differdnces, House

Government has been operat-

ing on a reacted budget since Januaty because of allegations and counter-allegations of insetions and realignments exchanged by the Senate and the Ho:use. Jocebn Montct taJ,ol


I Trec,dr PAW tl


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