Making Up The 'eid Prayer

  • July 2020
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Making up the 'Eed Prayer Ash Shaykh, Al ‘Allaamah, Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen …and the Mathhab of Imaam Ahmad is that making up Salatul E'id is Sunnah (recommended) and it is better that it be made up in the same manner that it was performed initially (i.e. With all of it's takbiraat and the recitation out loud) and based upon this position, if one leaves off making this prayer up then he is free of sin. If he makes it up in the manner that he would normally pray the Sunnan ar Rawaatib (the regular two unit supererogatory prayers after every Salaat except Salatul Asr) then it is acceptable, because the fact that it should be made up in the same manner that it was initially performed is solely to show it’s preference and priority and it does not mean that it is mandatory to do so in that manner. The evidence to show that making up the Salatul E’id, if one misses it, is found in the statement of the Messenger (sallahu alaihi wa salam): “Whoever sleeps through the Salat or forgets it then let him pray it when he remembers. Hadith found in Sahih Bukhaari and Muslim on the authority of Anas Ibn Malik (radiallahu anhu). Also the statement of the Messenger (sallahu alaihi wa salam) “…that which you catch (of the Salaat) then finish it and that which you miss then make it up” Hadith found in Sahih Bukhaari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu anhu) But this derivation deserves some scrutiny and consideration because the meaning that was intended in these two ahadith was the fareedha (the five compulsory prayers) as for Salatul E’id then it is a

prayer which is legislated to be performed in congregation specifically so if some one misses it then he does not make it up except if there is evidence proving that he should do so. And because of this, if someone misses the jumu’ah prayer he does not make it up either rather he only prays the compulsory prayer of that time which is Salatul Thur and this was the opinion of Shiekhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyah (rahima hullahu) that you do not make it up i.e. Salatul E’id, if you miss it and that making it up is not from the sunnah because it was not reported on the Messenger (sallahu alaihi wa salam) and also because it is a salat that is to be established in a congregation specifically so it should not be prayed except in that manner If someone were to say: Isn’t Salatul Jumu’ah a prayer established in congregation specifically and along with this it is made up? The reply: Salatul Jumu’ah is not made up if missed rather he prays the salat of that time which is Salatul Thur. We will also say in relation to Salatul E’id that if you miss performing it in congregation like is was legislated then you do not make it up and there is no compulsory prayer to be performed during that time nor any supererogatory prayer. . So based upon this view it is clear that those who are in their homes (during the time of Salatul E’id) do not pray this prayer (in their homes) and for this reason, the Messenger (sallahu alaihi wa salam) commanded the people to come out to perform this prayer and he ordered the women those were free and those that were slaves even the women on their menses to take part in this act of good and the Sa'wah of the Muslims and he didn't say whoever stays at home then they should perform the Salaat in their homes… and when the Sunnah is clarified it is not possible that it can be opposed..

Zaad al Mustaqni'a vol. 5 p.155: Translated by: Abu ‘Abdul Waahid, Nadir Ahmad.

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