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C:/Users/Servando/Videos/Static and Current Electricity Introduction

1. A ............... is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. Elements Atoms Compound Mixture 2. The atoms of a particular element each other. Related Identical Detached Mixed 3. NaCl is an example of a Compound Element Mixture Atom 4. An element is represented by a Symbol Formula Name Don't know 5. Compounds are represented by Symbols Formulae Numbers Don't know 6. Any substance that contains only one kind of atoms is known as Element

Mixture Compound Chemicals 7. What needs to occur among elements to form a compound? An electric reaction Atomic Fusion Atomic Fission A chemical reaction 8. O2 is an example of an Element Compound Mixture Christmas 9. The smallest particles of matter are called Elements Atoms Mixtures Compounds 10. When atoms of different elements join together ,they are known as Compounds Elements Mixtures Don't know 1. If an object displaces water more than its weight ,it will Float Sink Fly None of the above 2. Wood floats on water becuase It is less dense than water It is more dense than water Inertia

It has more weight 3. Whether a thing floats or sinks, it depends upon its Velocity Speed Inertia Density 4. Floating of an object is also related to its ability to Displace water Relocate water Absorb water None of the above 5. Best website for kids for science learning Make A Genius Make Me I am a Genius MMG 6. Why things float more easier in salt water Because salt water is more denser Because salt water is bitter Because salt water is Tasty Because salt water is salty 7. If we put an orange in water, it will Sink Fly Float None of the above 8. Oil floats over water because its Density is more than water Density is less than water Shining is more than water None of the above

9. Which of the following will sink in water ? Tennis Ball Wood Plastic Toy Iron Nail 10. Which of the following will float in water ? A stone A mobile phone A cotton shirt An iron key

Atoms and Molecules- Explanation : An atom is the smallest particle of an element. It may or may not have independent existence. A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance which is capable of independent existence.

Atoms: The word atom comes from Greek word 'Atomos' meaning indivisible . An atom is a basic building block for all matter in the universe.It is like if you want a language,you need alphabets. Atoms are extremely small and are made up of a few even smaller particles. All atoms are made up of a number of electrons, protons and neutrons.

Inside an Atom: The protons are located in the center (which is known as nucleus) of an atom, each atom has at least one proton. The neutrons also are located in the nucleus of the atom. The electrons are very small particles located outside the nucleus. Atoms fit together with other atoms to make up matter. It takes a lot of atoms to make up anything. There are different kinds of atoms based on the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons each atom contains. Different substances have different types of atoms. Each different kind of atom makes up an element.

Molecules: Any time two atoms join together, they make a molecule. All the stuff around you is made up of molecules. This includes you! You are actually made up of trillions and trillions of different types of molecules.

The atoms of certain elements readily bond with other atoms to form molecules. Examples of such elements are oxygen and chlorine. 1. Atom means Biggest Melting Indivisible Largest 2. A molecule can exist independently True False It will break Do not know 3. Molecules are always in motion True False Don't know They are fixed 4. Which of the following can be found in the nucleus of an atom? Proton and Electron Electron and Neutron Neutron and Proton Proton,Neutron and Electron 5. Anytime if two or more atoms bond together ,they form a Compound Solution Molecule Don't Know 6. Which one of the following is not a basic component of an Atom? Electron Proton Neutron Ion

7. Electrons of an atom are present Outside the nucleus Inside the nucleus Center of an atom Don't Know Types of rocks

Rocks Types :Quiz ,Questions,Definition, Test

There are 3 types of Rocks- Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks and Metamorphic Rocks . Now we would learn how these rocks are formed. Let us tell you a secret ,if you know the meaning of Igneous,Sediments & Metaphor then, understanding formation of rocks becomes very easy. Let's first learn about Igneous rocks. To understand Igneous rocks ,let's first know meaning of Igneous .Igneous means resulting from or produced from fire. To understand it further let's first understand volcano. Inside earth core ,there are lot of molted metals & minerals. These get melted due to very hot temperature inside the earth. The melted material is called magma. It puts lot of pressure on earth's surface. Sometimes earth's surface breaks & this magma comes out.When it comes out, it is called lava.Some of magma can't come out & it settles inside the earth .Whatever magma cools inside under the surface of earth ,it changes into Granite. It is a kind of Igneous rock.The lava ,which comes out & it gets in touch with air, it cools down faster. This cooled down down lava forms Basalt rocks. Basalt rocks are also igneous rocks. So there are two main types of Igneous rocks, one which are formed when magma comes out ,which are Basalt & others when magma cools down under surface of earth ,these are granite rocks. Now let's move to 2nd type of Rocks .These are called sedimentary rocks.The word sedimentary is made from sediments, which means Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid (pause) .Take few stones & a glass of water. Put these stones in glass. See these settle down.This settled down material is called sediments. It is a perfect example how sedimentary rocks are formed. Let's understand more. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the layers of sediments.Sediments are small parts of rocks, dead animals or plants, which have been eroded by strong winds, strong flow of water in rivers & glaciers.Most of these particles ultimately reach the sea.These get deposited on the sea bed.As more & more of these particles settle on each other ,they press each other & compression happens.The sediments at bottom change into sedimentary rocks.This process takes thousands of years. Sedimentary rocks have very clear different layers,these are known as beds or bedding planes Limestone & chalks are two kinds of sedimentary rocks.Type of these rocks depend upon sediments which get compressed in formation of these rocks. Like Limestone is formed by compression of skeletons & shells of marine animals in the sea.

Sandstone is formed by compression of sand.You know coal is also a sedimentary rock. It is formed by compression of dead trees, plants which are also called fossils. Now let's learn about 3rd type of rocks.These are called Metamorphic rocks. Let's again focus on names. Metamorphic is derived from word morph, which means to be transformed, to change. Yes you understood right, metamorphic rocks are changed forms of igneous & sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks are formed when other types of rocks are changed due to lot of heat or pressure .See in this picture, lot of heat from molted magma & lot of pressure from upper layers is causing few of the sedimentary rocks to change Marble & slate are two types of metamorphic rocks. Marble is formed when limestone ,which is a sedimentary rock ,comes under lot of pressure from above. Similarly Slate is formed when clay is changed by heat & pressure. Before attempting for test ,watch Rocks Types video by clicking here Types of Rocks Video

1. Igneous means made up of Water Sand Fire Soil 2. Rocks made of material settled at the bottom of liquid are known as...? Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Magma 3. ............. is formed by compression of skeletons & shells of marine animals in the sea. Marble Besalt Limestone Slate 4. Rocks made from changes in Igneous & Metamorphic rocks are known as Sandy Clay Marble Metamorphic 5. How many types of rocks are there?

1 2 3 4 6. When megma cools down under surface of earth ,these are ......... rocks Basalt Sandstone Granite Marble 7. Marble and Slate are ...........types of rocks. Sedimentary rocks Igneous Rocks Metamorphic rocks Sandy Rocks

Nervous System :Definition ,Quiz ,Questions ,Test

Do you know how we understand something is hot or cold, something is sweet or bitter? It is our nervous system ,which control all our senses like taste,touch,see,smell etc .Nervous system controls all the actions of our body. Nervous system has two parts -Central Nervous System & Peripheral Nervous System. Central Nervous system is made of Brain & Spinal Cord .Peripheral nervous system consist of many nerves ,which are spread through body . Let's first understand Brain,its parts & what they do .Our brain is most complicated organ of our body. It has 3 major part-Cerebellum,cerebrum & Brain Stem,which is also known as Medulla. Cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain.It controls our senses,our imagination & our thoughts.So whatever we see ,touch ,taste ,smell ,think or imagine is controlled by Cerebrum. 2nd major part is cerebellum -It is known as little brain also.It controls our motion,balance or learning new thing. YOU can walk without falling because of Cerebellum.Also it helps to learn any new thing. 3rd major part is Medulla, it is also known as Brain stem.It does few things which are called involuntary actions.It controls our digestion,heartbeat,breathing.These things happen automatically in our body ,we don't have to put any effort here.

Peripheral Nervous system is made of many nerves ,which are present throughout the body.The Peripheral nervous system has two functions- Some Nerves receive information like when you taste something,these messages are carried to the brain by these nerves .The nerves which take the message from senses to brain are called sensory nerves.Other nerves carry message from brain to the body ,these are are called motor nerves. They carry instructions from brain to the body on what action to take Like if eat a bitter chilly, your brain will tell you about the bitterness ;which may lead to action of spitting. Before attempting for the test, first watch Nervous system video by clicking here Nervous system Video

1. Which is not the part of the brain? Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla Spinal Chord 2. Brain has ......important parts? 8 9 3 2 3. Which nerves carry message from brain to the rest of the body? Motor Nerves Nervous Nerves Sensory Nerves Nerves of Iron 4. The nerves which take message from senses to brain are known as ? Sensory Nerves Motor Nerves Brain waves Nervous Nerves 5. Which is the best website for Science videos for kids? Make Me Genius .com Make Me Genius .com Make Me Genius .com Make Me Genius .com

6. It is also known as little brain...? Cerebrum Cerebellum Spinal Chord Medulla 7. Which part of brain is also known as stem of the brain? Cerebrum Medulla Cerebellum Spinal Chord 8. Which part of the brain manages balance and motion? Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla Spinal Chord 9. This part of the brain is responsible for involuntary actions? Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla Spinal Chord 10. Which part of the brain helps in learning new things? Cerebrum Cerebellum Spinal Chord Medulla

Study Material ,Quiz ,Questions

As you know the planet earth is like a huge ball with the surface made up of land and water.If you look at globe ,you would see that we can see only one side of the earth at a time.But if we can stretch the surface to get a map it would look like this one.This shows entire surface of the earth. The dark blue areas are water and rest of the area is land with mountains ,deserts & plains in it. The whole land area of the earth is divided into 7 parts, these are called continents. The

continents are the earth's planet's large and continuous landmasses.These continents are North America,Europe, Asia,Africa,South America,Antarctica and Australia. Here is an easy way to remember these .Just remember the sentence "Erin Ate Nine Sticky Apricots At Aprils.".Here E is for Europe,A is for Asia,N is for North America,S is for South America,again an A here is for Africa ,another A for Australia & yet another A for Antarctica .So remember "Erin Ate Nine Sticky Apricots At Aprils" and you will never forget the names of continents. Let's now learn about each continent to know more about these. Let's first know about Asia.Do you know that it is the biggest continent. It is about one third of all land on the plant earth. And also 6 out of every 10 people on the earth live here which is worlds' 60% of population.China and India,worlds' biggest populated countries are in Asia.Also do you know 10 highest mountain peaks of the world are in Asia.Mount Everest ,the highest mountain in the world is also in Asia.You would be surprised to know that most of world's religions originated here like. Hinduism,Islam,Christianity and Buddhism and many other religions started from here. Africa. Half of the world's diamonds come from Africa.Also most of the chocolate ,which you and I love comes from this continent which is around 60% of the total chocolate produced in the world.You would be surprised to know that world's largest desert Sahara & world's largest river Nile is also in Africa.It is the 2nd largest continent among 7 continents.It is also said first humans lived here.It is situated on equator ,that is why it is very hot. Australia:.You would be surprised to know that in Australian continent,there is only one country which is Australia itself.Apart from kangaroo, there are many other unique animals in this continent like koala,Emu .It also has a sizable sheep population too.They say there 14 times more sheep in Australia than humans.Australia is also the largest island in the world . In Australia, 75% area is just flat desert. South America :Do you know about Anaconda snake! It is found only in South America, it is the largest snake in the world.In this continent, huge coffee is also produced.Brazil a country in South America is world's largest producer of coffee. This continent has the world's largest river Amazon , world's largest mountain range and world's largest salt lake.It also has world's highest volcanoes & world's highest waterfall. Antarctica :98% of this continent is covered with ice.That is why it is called white continent or frozen continent.It is the world's coldest,windiest,driest and highest continent.Like deserts,there is very less rain here,that is why it is also called cold-desert.There are no villages or cities here, only scientists live here for research. Europe:It is the only continent with no deserts.World's smallest country Vatican city is in this continent,Pope lives here.Most of the countries in Europe have a single currency named Euro.World's largest country by area, Russia is situated in this continent.Other important countries are Britain,France and Germany.Roman and Greek civilizations started here.This continent played a central role in two world-wars as well as most of the industrial revolution happened here. North America: It is the home of world's largest innovative companies like Apple,Google and Facebook.It is also known as new world as it was discovered very late.You see this owl,its name is Elf,it is world's smallest owl .It is found in this continent.It is world's largest producer of maize,wheat and soybean. World's third longest river Mississippi is in North America. Before attempting for test, please see the video 7 Continents of the World Video

1. From this continent, half of the world's diamonds come? Asia South America Africa Australia 2. Which continent has companies like Facebook,Google and Apple? Asia Antarctica Australia North America 3. Which continent does not have any deserts? Africa Europe Australia South America 4. Which is biggest continent of the world? Asia Europe Africa South America 5. In this single continent,more than half of the world's population is residing? Africa Antarctica Asia Australia 6. Which continent is situated on both sides of equator and is very hot? Asia Antarctica Africa North America 7. Euro is a common currency in most of the countries in......? Asia

Antarctica Africa Europe 8. Which continent is known as cold desert? Asia Antarctica Africa North America 9. There are no towns, villages or cities in this continent? Africa Antarctica Australia Europe

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