Make This Dua

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,369
  • Pages: 3
Your Lord has said:” Make Dua to me, I will Respond to you” surah Ghafir 60. Allaah says: I am indeed near to them, I respond to the supplication of the supplicant. He also says: Never will I allow to be lost the work any of you be he male or female. surah Al-Imraan The Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah send his best and choicest Blessings, Mercies and Grace upon him equal to the number of the weight of the ARSH forever) stated the following: There is nothing that is more Noble in the sight of Allaah than DUA. Narrated by Ahmad, Al-Tirmithee, Al-Hakeem. Nothing REPELS PREDESTINATION (TAQDEER) except DUA. Al-Tirmithee. Allaah becomes SHY when his Servant raises his hands to Him in Dua to Return them Empty Handed, and Disappointed. Narrated by Ahmad, Aboo Dawood, Al–Tirmithee Whatever my Servant assumes of me, that is how I Treat him, and I am with him when he Remembers me. By Muslim It is also stated: Make Dua to your Creator in a state that you are CERTAIN that your Prayer will be RESPONDED to, and Know that Allaah WILL NOT ANSWER Dua that comes from a CARELESS and INATTENTIVE HEART. Pray onto Him as though you SEE HIM and if you don't see him, then verily HE SEES YOU. According to a Hadeeth: An Angel is appointed by Allaah, so when it hears someone saying: “YA AR HAMARAH HEHMEEN” 3 times the Angel responds: “No doubt, The Most Merciful has FOCUSED all his ATTENTION towards you, ASK FOR WHATEVER YOU PLEASE.” When the Prophet Muhammad (SALLALLA HO ALAIYHE WASALLAM) heard someone saying: “YA AR HAMARAH HEHMEEN”, he said “ASK FOR WHATEVER YOU PLEASE FOR ALLAAH’S BOUNTIFUL GASE IS FOCUSED TOWARDS YOU”. REMEMBER YOUR SALAAT, ZIKR AND DUA (DAILY PRAYERS, REMEMBERANCE AND REQUESTS(PRAYER)) ARE A TRANS-DIMENSIONAL UP-LINK DESTINATION: ALLAH THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE AND OUTSIDE THIS UNIVERSE O Allaah send Praise upon Yourself the way you praise Yourself, equal to the amount of the number of the weight of the Arsh times the number of everything you have created, and send that upon yourself continuously and eternally. O Allaah send the Best and Choiciest Blessings, Mercies and Grace upon Our Prophet Muhammad(SALLALLA HO ALAIYHE WASALLAM), his Family and Descendants, and his Companions and their Families, Equal to the amount of the number of the weight of the Arsh times Infinitely number of everything you have Created and will Create in the future, give the reward for this from the Day Of Judgement onwards to me, my family and our past, present and future generations and to all the believers in you, all the way back to Hazrat Adam(peace be upon him). O Allah, you love to forgive, I beg of you to forgive me, my family, my friends and the Muslim Ummah for our Major and Minor sins, hidden, open, intentional, and unintentional sins, weather they were past, present and future sins. You are the MOST MERCIFUL OF ALL THOSE WHO SHOW MERCY continue to shower us with your Special Blessings, Mercies, Grace and Forgiveness until we meet you. O Allaah, I seek thy Protection from Anxiety and Sorrow, Inaction and Laziness, from Cowardness, Negligence and from heavy Debt and from the oppression of men. O Allaah allow us and Guide us and make easy for us to follow and love Prophet Muhammad’s (SALLALLA HO ALAIYHE WASALLAM) and his Guidance, until we meet thee. O Allaah, give me, my family and friends: Knowledge of this World, the Next world, Spiritual Knowledge and Divine Knowledge, and such Knowledge that will help us to have Khushoo in worship and such Knowledge that will help us to become one of your

Chosen Ones and to be amongst the People who are Rightly Guided and also Guide Others on the Right Path. O Allaah, give us Divine Assistance Continuously. O Allaah, Give me, my family and friends Divine help and permission to do All our Salaat, Zikar and Dua’s in such way that it cause’s Extreme Level’s of Love and pleasure in you towards us every day, and until we meet You. And let it be a means for us to be the Rightly Guided and your Chosen One’s. Give us Divine assistance in our worship so it is a means for us to Secure a place under the Shade of ARSH on the Day Of Judgement and to be able to go to JANNATUL-FIRDOUS without being Reckoned on the Day of Reckoning. O Lord, do not cause our hearts to waver after they have received Guidance and give Mercy to us from thyself, verily you are the Giver. O Allaah, forgive me have Mercy on me, grant me Peace, Guide me aright, grant me Sustenance, supply my Deficiency and Elevate me, I am needy towards thee for whatever good you may Choose to grant me. O Allaah, Grant me, my family and friends Fear of thee forever as if we have Thy Vision with the naked eye, Bless us with piety, let not our Souls be Ruined by the Corruption of Sin. Enlist us among thy Chosen Ones by your Forgoing Decree, add your Blessings to this Gift. All this to the Extent that we would not like to hasten what thou has delayed and to delay what thou choose to hasten and make us contented from all else. O Allaah, convey Durood (salaam) to our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his members of family and such a Durood as will relieve us of the fear of all things through it and get us freedom from all calamities and will get all our wishes fulfilled through it and will get piety from all evils by its means. Exalt us to high ranks by its means. And reach us to the satisfaction of our last hopes through it and all goodness while alive and after death, verily thou art the accepter of all the Dua’s and the Exalter of our stages and ranks. And O You the Sufficer in our hardship and O the Evader of all calamities listen to my complaint, here my cry, listen to my complaint O Allah, thou are the most Powerful over all. O Allaah destroy your enemies, my enemies and the enemies of lslaam, stop Muslims from doing terrorist acts in the name of Islaam, expose them and their helpers and supporters, either give them guidance or destroy them. Give Muslims Extreme levels of peace and security and unity and protection that we will not be effected by any external forces –all Evil Secret Societies known and unknown to us, that are using methods known and unknown to us which are stopping people from treading they path using poisons in the air, water, food (e.g. HAARP, FLORIDE, ASPARTAME etc, etc ) O Allaah send the ILLUMINATI, FREEMASONS, ZIONIST, ROCKERFELLARS AND THE ROTHCHILDS and all OTHER EVIL ORGANISATIONS back A 1000 YEARS in their Evil Planning, YOU ARE THE BEST OF PLANNERS SAVE US AND PROTECT US FROM THEM AND THIER EVIL CURRUPTION AND EVIL PLANNING, Expose them TO THE WORLD and HUMILIATE THEM and DESTROY their PRESENT and their FUTURE PLANS. O Allaah give more people in the West Guidance, especially people in the Sports, Music, Film Industries and Government personnel from around the world let them become rightly Guided and that they guide others with the greatest of ease and let them do actions word and deeds of your Chosen Ones. O Allaah increase the level of guidance you give to the west by more than a 1000%. Let there be a time within the next 5 years that there is more than a HALF of the populations in each western country that are rightly guided Muslims and New Muslims. O Allaah save us and protect us from the Evils of the Jinn, Shaiytaan, Dajjal, Black Magic and Evil Eye and help us to learn the appropriate Dua’s to be safeguarded from them every day ,and that we are safeguarded all the way up to the time we meet you. HERE MENTION ANYTHING ELSE YOU WISH, DESIRE AND NEED NOW AND IN THE


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