Mai 09 En

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,627
  • Pages: 2
May 2009

Simona Caba Afrika Wa Yesu – Inhaminga, Mozambique prohibits all family to go to church, especially Fatima’s Dearest and precious friends and family, sister Alima and the other brothers. When her mom wasn’t there we prayed with Alima and encouraged her to When is coming to the middle of the year, we don’t walk don’t give up on Jesus. She really wanted to be with us anymore…we run!!! It is so much to do that we can loose and when we left her eyes were full with tears. our focus and because of that our strength and joy. That is Everybody in the family fears the mom. We are why is necessary to stop, revaluate and recharge, all in remembering Alima in our prayers. I want so much to see God’s Presence. We just had a wonderful 3 days her with Jesus, saved and protected. “Encounter with God” seminar: the team and the students In Nacoto I was also able to visit some old friends. A of our Bible School. very special time was when with Mae Nicky we visit the ….It was so refreshing! We got up from our knees with chief’s family. After 46 years of marriage they were at new attitudes, hope and revelation. More than anything one step to divorce. I am sure that the lady had lots of this is what God desires and dreams to have with us. reason to leave her husband (being “the chief” he could Thank you Jesus for revealing more of the Father in us! do anything even not being faithful to his wife), but because the man wanted to ask forgiveness and wanted Trip to his wife back we were there to reconcile. Nacala It was a precious time to be there when they were asking The first 2 forgiveness to each other, when they asked forgiveness to days I God and when they opened their hearts crying for enjoyed reconciliation. What a privilege! Mae Nicky challenged teaching all of us to start praying inside the house, breaking curses and and bless this family. The house belonged to “the chief” ministering that was before. As they were all involved in lots of to the witchcraft, for sure there were demonic strongholds that students from our Discipleship School. On the first day I they were passing to each other from one generation to was teaching them how to reach children for Jesus, how the next one. While praying we found in one room many to pastor the young generation and how to see the value of the traditional things they used in witchcraft and that God sees in each one of them. For majority of the ceremonies. They had to dig a hole to be able to fit all in students it has been hard to believe that they are loved and order to destroy and burn them. I know that there is more valuable as they find lots of persecution at their homes to happen there, that after they received Jesus. In order for them to be spiritual they need to finish with fathers and mothers to the children of Mozambique they everything that was or had to receive healing from Our Heavenly Father, is connected with learning that they are valuable and precious in God’s tradition and witchcraft. eyes. It is such a privilege to impart vision and teach our But I know that God students how to love and minister to this young was there when they generation of Mozambique. Just knowing that they will promised faithfulness go all over in the darkest parts of the country and take the and love to each other. kids into the Kingdom of God from the stronghold of Our time in Rassim was also very special. The kids there islam. are like always: hungry for love and attention. What I see We spend few days in each place: Muzuane, Rassim and different in Rassim from other places is that the parents Nacoto. In Muzuane we had Kids Day at the school – actually are sending their children to church even they go around 300 kids. I also visit some of the people I met last to the mosque. And we should take advantage of this. year. It broke my heart to find that one muslim girl that Cassale is continuing the work there. received Jesus last year died. Fatima was very young; Very special to me was when we visit the old couple that probably she had AIDS because few months after she received Jesus a year ago. She doesn’t see well, both of died her husband died too. When she got sick, her mom them were sick for long time, so they were not going to who is a strong muslim very involved in witchcraft church. When he saw us from far he said to her: “Here prohibited her to go to church and had her drawn in comes our family”. witchcraft again. She died and right now her mom

Next day when we had the celebration of water baptism in the sea, together with some of the most faithful people that were coming to church was baptized also this old couple. Even weak, coming long way they didn’t miss the opportunity to show to everyone that they are serious with God and that islam belongs in the past. What a joy! He entered dancing in the water! What a testimony! Gift of God This time I can say that God fulfilled one of my dreams which I had for Milange. For long time I was going there…I think for 4 years: had youth conferences, visit the churches, leaders seminars. It is always a privilege for me to be there because of the great people that live there. They have a hunger for God that compels every one that gets there to continue in teaching and preaching the Gospel. It is rewarding to make the long trip and be there. About the dream that was fulfilled it was about having Pastor Armando and Mae Lurdes there with us: preaching, teaching, sharing and imparting into the lives of this precious people. We could see right away result and real impact in their lives. The other part of the dream was to be with Mae Nicky organizing and having a women conference, of course with the great help of Mae Lurdes. This was the first time we had something with women in that area. We always had youth, children, leaders but it was so hard to get the ladies together. They are left always to cook, serve, and take care of the house. But it was time for them to hear the truth of God for them and for their lives. That they are valuable and precious in God’s eyes and they have a special place in His plans for Mozambique. We had around 120 women and probably more than 100 men. Sometimes when we would have them together it was over 300.

Pastor Armando, Jansen and Pastor Goncalves took the men separate and taught them strong principles and laws of life according to the Word. They learned how to love and appreciate their wives. With the ladies we couldn’t go so far. Lurdes started with salvation, Daena about repentance, I spoke about their value in God’s eyes and Mae Nicky taught on Holy Spirit. We felt that we put the foundation, a start in their relationship with God and their families. It was very special one day in the morning when Holy Spirit took over during worship and started minister freedom and deliverance. We didn’t continue with our programs but we enjoyed letting the Spirit of God to flow in our midst. When it was a call for prayer and breaking through everybody wanted to come forward. So, they formed 4 lines and each one of them was minister to. Just before Mae Lurdes shared her testimony: where she was coming from and her deliverance from all the curse and tradition that her family was into. Her testimony I believe broke the walls of fear and things they hided for years were coming up. During the time of ministering they brought forward things that linked them to their past, things that formed a stronghold in their lives: witchcraft amulets or cigarettes. What a victory against our enemy when we burned them and people around were renouncing their old fear and link with the devil. One lady came forward and confessed that she was a known witchdoctor but now she met with Jesus and she wanted us to go at her house and burn and destroy everything she was using to deceive people. She asked forgiveness to the people from her community and declare that from now everybody will know that she serves the true God. Thank you Jesus for the power of salvation and deliverance that is in your blood!! All in all… our time in Milange was amazing. Thank you Jesus for this great opportunity! Give us more! We want to go!!! Dearest friends, in the month of September with God’s help I will be visiting United States. I pray and believe God that I will see many of you. In the next newsletter I will send to you my itinerary. Until than if you would like to communicate write to me please - via email. With much love in Christ from Mozambique, Simona Caba

For those who would like to help support me, your tax-deductible donation can be send to: Christ for the Nations(MAPS Program) P.O.Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376 – 9000 (Include a note stating: For Simona Caba in Mozambique) For those who would like to write to me: Simona Caba, a/c Afrika Wa Yesu, P.O.Box 67, Beira, Mozambique E-mail: [email protected],

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