Magnificat 11 07

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Volume 17 • Issue 9

November 2007

1500 Chelwood Park Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112

A Personal Message from The Rev. Gary Meade, Interim Rector “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” — Ecclesiastes 3:1, NRSV The nights are definitely colder now, and trees are dropping their leaves. Yes, it’s time for another change of seasons. Summer is past, fall is well upon us, and winter is just around the corner. Seasons come and go, of course, and now so must I. As you may already know, I have accepted the call to be the new Rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Dyersburg, Tennessee. This will mean a number of changes for me (and certainly for my boys—please keep them in your prayers). I am so grateful to God for the opportunities I have enjoyed while serving as your interim. I will always remember your welcome and care for my boys and me with immense thankfulness. It has been an honor beyond measure to share with you in worship, ministry, and community during these last ten months.


My last Sunday with you will be November 18, and I plan to be in Dyersburg to begin my ministry there on December 16. You will remain in my prayers in these days; I ask for yours as well. And remember, while the seasons may change (and rectors come and go), God’s love for you is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thanks be to God! Yours in Christ’s service, Father Gary

Father Gary's new address as of December 15 will be: 2185 Aztec Dr. Dyersburg, TN 38024-1842 His email address will be: [email protected]


NOVEMBER 2007 The shed looked awfully small to Bill, but as he entered, his eyes opened wide. He seemed to be in a huge warehouse full of crosses. He couldn’t see the back of the building, or even the walls. “My God,” he said, filled with awe as set his own cross down. “There must be millions of crosses in this place!” To Bill, it seemed he was in that warehouse for hours, trying to find a cross that would be easier to bear. Some were too large even to bother with, and those of moderate size always seemed to have strange grips that made them hard to pick up and manage. Once Bill spotted a small one, only a couple of feet in length, but he couldn’t lift it off the floor. “This thing must be solid lead,” he muttered. Finally, going down a long line of crosses, he noticed one in particular. “Not bad,” he said, “I think I could bear this one.” Back in the car, Bill turned to the driver. “I have a question for you: Jesus said, ‘Let him deny himself.’ What can I deny myself of? I’ve already lost everything. I don’t have anything left to deny.” “You could begin with self-pity,” said the driver in a kind voice. “I see what you mean,” Bill answered. “Well, at least I came out of that place with a cross I can bear.” “It’s the same one you went in with,” replied the driver. And there the dream ended. After that night, there were no miracles in Bill’s life or his circumstances. But slowly and surely, things began to improve. His friends noticed a change. “It could be worse,” Bill was fond of saying to them.

DEACON’S CORNER By Sam Stearns, Deacon “The Cross Warehouse” Ever since Bill’s wife left, it was like everything was going downhill. The months went by, and nothing ever seemed to change. He felt engulfed in the heavy fog of his depression. He sometimes wondered if life was really worth the trouble. “What’s the use,” he would say to himself. The only time light ever came into Bill’s life, if you could call it that, was on Sundays. In spite of everything, he never failed to show up at church. There he would engage in the service, and sometimes read one of the lessons or help with the ushering, and talk with friends in the coffee hour after the service, and so on. The conversation was always on safe subjects like the weather or football. Taken together, it wasn’t much, but that and talks with Pastor Gary kept Bill from going off the deep end. One Sunday, when Bill was feeling especially down, the pastor read from the gospel of Mark: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” There was more, but that was all Bill heard. “Lord, you know I want to follow you,” he said quietly. “What can I deny myself of? I don’t have anything left! And this cross you’ve given me is so hard and heavy! It’s become a burden I can’t carry any farther. Lord, I’m ready to give it all up.” As he finished this, even though no one was within hearing range, he had the feeling of having been heard. And again on the way home after church, Bill had a strange feeling there was someone with him in the car. And that “someone” was saying to him, “I’m with you, Bill. I know just how you feel. In fact, there was a time when I felt just the same.” But soon the feeling passed, and Bill pulled into his garage wondering, “What next?” That night, Bill had a dream he would never forget. In his dream, he seemed to see a person standing near his bed. “Time to get up, Bill,” the person said, “We have to get going!” “Where?” Bill wondered. “To the warehouse. We have to do something about your cross. You said yours was too heavy and hard to bear. We have a whole warehouse full of crosses. You can trade yours in and get a better one. My car’s outside, double-parked. Bring your cross and hurry up!” Soon they were driving through the dark streets of the city. Somehow, Bill’s cross had become real. There he sat in the front seat, with this hated thing he had been bearing now occupying his lap. It wasn’t long until they pulled into one of those self-storage places, with rows of sheds on each side of the narrow driveway. The driver stopped. “Go in there,” he said, “There’s no lock. Just leave your cross inside, and pick any one that suits you better. I’ll keep the engine running.”

“… For each man will have to bear his own load.” Galatians 6:5 FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR By late October and early November each year, your church musicians — that is myself and Leslie, our organist — are busily preparing special music for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, which also includes our annual presentation of Handel’s Messiah at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Cedar Crest. Just what does playing an organ involve? It seems so simple when you have someone like Leslie Bihn doing it! It involves the equipment of the good hymn player, which includes the coordinated use of rhythmic skills, subtlety of articulation, poetic awareness, and registrational imagination. This rare combination of both interpretive and technical skill is sometimes taken for granted. There are some people who think that congregational singing merely happens of itself or even that playing the organ is not an important responsibility. Those of us who hear really good hymn playing know that the organ provides a unique support for congregational singing, almost like a cushion of harmonic sound. That energizes




the rhythm of all who sing. We are so fortunate that Leslie’s hymn playing is never indifferent or sloppy.

conclusion of these final discussions. However, during Diocesan Convocation, Oct. 19-20, Bishop Jeffrey, in his

Leslie does it all; so much has to be right for a church service to deliver its full effect-thanks be to God!

update of clergy changes, announced the name of Father James Hunter being called to St. Mary's as well as a new rector called to St. James Episcopal Church in Mesilla Park. For that reason, Anne Mallory, Senior Warden, and Peggy Dowdy, Search Chair, relayed this information on to the parishioners of St. Mary's during Sunday morning services October 21. It was not our intent that all those attending Convocation throughout the diocese would know of our call before the good people of St. Mary's! Fr. Jim Hunter is 53 years old, and has been a rector in two churches as well as serving as a Navy chaplain. He is currently part time rector at All Faith Episcopal Church in Charlotte Hall, MD in addition to being chaplain at Good News Prison Ministries. He and his wife, Jeannine, have family on the east coast, and Fr. Jim has a sister here in Albuquerque who attends Hope Episcopal Church. Fr. Hunter was very highly regarded by all of the people we contacted (as part of our due diligence) and he, in turn, was extremely impressed with what he learned of the people of St. Mary's through our parish profile and his visit to Albuquerque in September. We continue to seek God's guidance as we move forward in the next stage of our parish life.

Thank you Leslie: You are not taken for granted. ONWARD! Roland De Rose Musician-in Residence SEARCH COMMITTEE NEWS A priest who has served as a trained interim in ten congregations over the last eleven years, says that “if anything will test a people's trust in God, it is being in transition.” (Vestry Resource Guide) The in-between times of a clergy transition can lead to a new sense of mission for a congregation...or the congregation can feel as though it is wandering in the wilderness, and that the right candidate for their congregation will never appear. Fortunately, we at St. Mary's have been blessed with Fr. Gary as our interim rector and have not felt we have been abandoned and without leadership. The Search Committee has tried to make it clear that it is proceeding with care in searching for a new rector whose ministry goals are in keeping with those that the congregation has set for itself. The bishop's representative, Fr. Michael Perko, has been in frequent communication with the committee, and on October 11, Bishop Jeffrey Steenson met with members of the Vestry and Search Committee here at St. Mary's. He was reassuring and supportive of our efforts to date. The Bishop expressed his understanding of our feelings of concern with regard to those issues within the diocese and the larger church and its impact on our search. He asked that we relay to the people of St. Mary's his belief that we are a caring and committed family of Christians, with a clear sense of mission and a strong foundation for carrying that mission forward with the selection and call of a rector who shares that vision. It is with that hope and trust, that the vestry met on October 16 and voted unanimously to issue a call, pending the approval of the Bishop. With the blessing of Bishop Steenson, Senior Warden Anne Mallory then made the telephone call to our prospective rector, who enthusiastically accepted. The next step would be a formal call in writing, with the priest formally accepting the call. At the same time, discussions regarding compensation and other issues would commence, as well as providing the prospective rector with a clear job description and additional information regarding the expectations of the congregation. Because of the delicate nature of this stage of the process, the vestry would not normally be communicating the name of the individual called to St. Mary's. That information would be shared at the

In faith, Peggy Dowdy Search Committee Chair ************************************************** BAKED POTATO LUNCH SCHEDULED M & M's will be having a Baked Potato Lunch following the 10:30 service on November 18th. This is a Fundraiser for the M & M's. If you attend the 8:00 a.m. service, please plan on returning at around 12:00 noon for what promises to be a delicious and fun event! Cost will be $5.00 a person or $10.00 for a family of four. We will serve baked potatoes with all the toppings; sour cream, butter, bacon, broccoli, cheese, chili, etc., plus salad and dessert.

The latest from the Habitat building site is that all is going well and is on schedule. The volunteers are doing a great job. Our dates of Nov. 3, Dec. 1 and 15 are still on track. Please go on line and register prior to these dates so that there will be no on-site delays. The St. Mary's cook team is planning some great meals for our work days, so come prepared to enjoy full days of fun, fellowship and the satisfaction of making a contribution to a worth-while event.




Cheers, Dale Buchanan LONG TERM PRAYER LIST A LETTER FROM PATTY SOUKUP Arnold Ruiz Angie Torres Cheryl Csakan Bev Maxwell Beth Hollis Scales Charles W. Conrad Dalma King Dick Devlin Daniella Fajardo Darrell Leland Dennis Gonzales Elizabeth Rainey Fran Milton Kathy Cuifi Genoa Stephens Janet Harper Jack McKnight Joshua Odle Joshua Scott Lynda Moss Pam Wingo Patti Herndon Pauline Dolan Rudy Lederman Shelby Hollis Sheri Sullivan Keith Odle Donna Dyck Bill Harley Ben Bateman Cresta Bateman Jill Whitmore Evans Family Darren Larry Lunsford Sue Easterday Susan Butler Anvil Troop, 191st Cavalry, Afghanistan

Dear Friends in Christ: Although I have been gone from St. Mary’s for only a few weeks, in many ways it seems much longer. I was honored to serve among you for the past four years, and I will never forget the friendships that were built and the wonderful ministry that we shared. I especially want to thank all of you for your good wishes and encouragement as I took my leave on September 23, 2007, and I very much appreciate the fascinating books on liturgy which you presented to me that day. They will not only be fantastic resources, but believe it or not, one in particular is making excellent pleasure reading. What can I say – I’m a junkie! I am beginning to delve into my new duties at St. John’s Cathedral, and it is becoming readily apparent that I am going to be very busy from this point forward. I am thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to minister to our brothers and sisters in Christ who reside in nursing homes, and I pray that this ministry will expand to reach more and more elderly who are so desperate for Christian fellowship and love. You remain in my prayers as you continue your search for a new Rector, and I would ask that you keep me in your prayers as I undertake my new ministry. May our Lord bless each of us as we seek to serve him! In the Peace of Christ, Patty Soukup FOOD FAIR RETURNS! “O Come All Ye Faithful” and start thinking about signing up to participate in St. Mary's Christmas Food Fair! After a hiatus of two+ years, the Martha and Mary Society is sponsoring a revival of the Food Fair for which St. Mary's is famous. People around the community call to ask if this special event is happening. This year it is! The date is Saturday, December 8, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Sign up sheets are available, plus help with questions, suggestions, etc. Everyone can contribute, for we know there are talented men, women and children throughout St. Mary's, and even if you have not had the opportunity to take part in this outreach project before, you can this year. St. Mary's is in a special place in our life together, as we prepare to go forward to a new year and a new rector. This is an opportunity for fun and fellowship and reaching out, to each other and to our community. Be sure to check the Sunday bulletins for more information.

BIRTHDAYS 01 02 03 08 13 14 17 19 21 22 26 27 28 29 30

Lauren Lytle Dorothy Kassa Esther-Marie Nagiel Alex Kilmer Karen MacMichael Jean Steinhaus Patricia L. Herndon Dorothy Bokan Bill Taylor Carroll Sue Wagner Carr Pritchett Fred W. Winter, Sr. Adam Ward Melissa Drum Kevin Robinson Edla Allpass Timothy Gillard



Dave & Jean Steinhaus




Celebrations & Challenges


WHY PLEDGE TO THE CHURCH? We are in the midst of the annual Stewardship Campaign, that time of the year when the church sends out letters and cards and asks for your money. And you may well ask, “Why? Why should I pledge?” Don’t pledge because the church needs your pledges. That may sound odd, since your vestry and new rector are understandably curious to see the total amount pledged so they can assemble a responsible budget. Rather, I hope that you will pledge both as a sign of your thankfulness for God’s provision in your life as well as a demonstration of your trust in God’s continuing ability to provide for you and this church. In other words, pledge because it’s something that you need to do not because your church needs the money. And what, exactly, do we mean when we use the word “pledge”? A pledge is not a promise; it is not an “I.O.U.”; and it is not legally binding. It is instead a statement of your intention to give, and it can be changed by you at any time for any reason. Your pledge proclaims your trust in God even while you celebrate God’s provision and recognize the blessings God provides even in the midst of the challenges we all face in our lives. If you have not already done so, please pray about how God is calling you to respond this year to the Stewardship Campaign. All of our pledges will be placed on the altar on November 18 in celebration of Stewardship Sunday. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this campaign, please do call me directly. — The Rev. Gary Meade

************************************ ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY On Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007 we will celebrate the Feast of All Saints at both services. At the 10:30 service we will have a baptism and there will be the use of incense.

SUPPLIES FOR TROOPS The Blue Star Mothers of St. Mary’s are once again collecting supplies for Anvil Troop , 191st Cavalry, U.S. Army. We have set a deadline of Nov. 11th so that they can be mailed in time for the Christmas holidays. The supplies we are collecting are: Baby Wipes Lotion Soap Pens/pencils Hard candy Shampoo Disposable razors GumToothbrushes Toothpaste Deodorant White socks Magazines DVD’s Small Christmas items(not ornaments) Please bring your donations to the church office or place them in the specially marked box in the back of the church. Thank you for your support!


November Sun









3 Habitat Work Day 9:15 am – DOK

1 pm – St. Elizabeth’s Guild 1-2 pm – Food Pantry

7 pm – AA

4 ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY 8am-Mass 9:30-Bible Study, Music Rehearsal, Sunday School, Adult class 10:30am-High Mass (Incense)

5 OFFICE CLOSED (Fr. Gary away 11/5-7) (Sam & Mary away 11/4-10)

6 (Fr. Gary away 11/5-7)



(Fr. Gary away 11/5-7) 9:30 am – Mass

1-2 pm – Food Pantry

5:30 pm - WOW

7 pm – AA


10 7 am – 5 pm – PEO Craft Show 7:30 amBrotherhood 10 am – PSM

5 pm – PEO set up

1 pm-FIC potluck

11 VETERANS’ SUNDAY 8am-Mass 9:30-Bible Study, Music Rehearsal, Sunday School, Adult class 10:30am-Mass





9am – Day of Deeper Understanding 12pm-Ultreya 3 pm-Secretariat

7 pm – AA




(Sam & Mary away 11/20-23)

7 pm - Vestry



21 9:30 am – Mass

17 9am-NW Deanery @ Canterbury

5:30 pm – WOW (last night)



15 1-2 pm – Food Pantry

STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY 8am-Mass 9:30-Bible Study, Music Rehearsal, Sunday School, Adult class 10:30am-Mass 12pm – Baked Potato Lunch (M&M Fundraiser)

8am-Mass 9:30-Bible Study, Music Rehearsal, Sunday School, Adult class 10:30am-Mass

14 9:30 am – Mass








7 pm–Thanksgiving Eve Mass

28 9:30 am – Mass

1-2 pm – Food Pantry

7 pm – AA


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