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  • December 2019
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ISSU E 1 A pr – Jun 2 0 0 7 MIC A (P )1 4 8 /0 2 /2 0 0 7

@Home in

Ta m p i n e s We s t

Free Publication by Tampines West Community Club


@ The Moment


Editor’s Note When we came up with the idea of a magazine, we were clear that many of us are simply very busy. So the deal is, whatever we put in these pages, it has to add value to our readers. We figured, what better way to do this than to highlight the gems right at your door step! This way, we hope we’re not imposing an additional task but rather, inspire you to see that around your neighbourhood, there’s a lot to be excited about. No need to venture too far, we highlight what’s coming your way and invite you to take part in what you like to do, when you want to do it and how much of it you’d like to try. We put the activities in neat packages for everyone of different age and interest groups (see page 5) and we also suggest ways you can help others even if you just have limited time (also see page 11). We would also like to hear from you, tell us what you’d like (see below for contact details). After all, we’re all @ HOME with one another.

Editorial Team Gamar Abdul Aziz Violet Ong Jeremy Tan Design & Print Marimo Studio [email protected] Contact Tampines West Community Club 5 Tampines Ave 3 Singapore 529705 Tel: 6783 7910/ 6788 6202 Fax: 6788 0348 Email: [email protected] Website: @ HOME in Tampines West is a quarterly publication of Tampines West Community Club. This publication is distributed free to residents residing in Tampines west division. Copyright is held by Tampines West Community Club. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior permission from Tampines West Community Club.

02 @Home in Tampines West


@ a Glance




@ First First-time MP and new Adviser to Tampines Grassroots organisations Masagos Zulkifli pens his thoughts

Feature How you can earn extra income at a Flea Market near your home

Especially for you Special events for soccer fans, students, volunteers and just about anyone, all taking place right in your neighbourhood




Coming Up





Getting in step is a matter of mind over matter says teen ballroom dancers

Courses for everyone

Past and future happenings you’d want to know

* *



How to win prizes for walk-in and email entries plus discounts at your neighbourhood stores PAssion Card membership discount

Exclusive! *

Own time own target volunteer projects & IT courses



Good Buy, Great Sale @ Tampines West Flea Market Spoils or uncovered gems, it’s easy to earn extra income practically at your doorstep.

Watch o for the ut n ext Flea M a r k et o 12~13 May 2 n 007. Contac t us now!

Fragrant smells, good music, a motley crew of young and old and a constantly moving crowd. You could be mistaken if you thought that there was a party along the pedestrian path underneath the MRT track in front of Blk 158/159 in Tampines St 12. Look closer and you will see that the area is buzzing with activity, thanks to a Flea Market, for and by the residents of Tampines West. Held once a month over the weekend, this Flea Market is organised by Tampines West Community Club. Since the scheme started in December 2006, the Flea Market has attracted at least 15 stalls which sell anything and everything, from perfumes and bags to ceramic ware, books and sarees. No Limits

“My friends and I would constantly travel and if we see any interesting or unique items, we would usually buy some and bring them back to sell. All our products sold here are brand new,” said 29-year-old stallholder Roslinah Rokhim, who lives in one of the blocks behind the MRT tracks. But items sold at the flea market don’t necessarily have to be new. Another stallholder, 28-year-old Tan Puay Ling, decided to sell a variety of goods. She said “I have both second-hand and brand new items on sale. Half of the items on sale are things that I have bought and haven’t really used them, so I’m selling them to recover some money. There are also some secondhand items from my own collection, which I have used only a couple of times. The others include bulk purchases from overseas, which I got from factory outlets.” You’re not allowed to sell food items but aside from this exception, almost 04 @Home in Tampines West West

everything else is limited to your own imagination.

France and I am using this (stall) as a basis to obtain contact and feedback about the products I’m selling.”

Budding Entrepreneurs

Whether you’re a veteran flea market participant or a novice, most stallholders agree that the traffic at the location is a definite plus. In fact, every stallholder @HOME visited said they managed to cover their rental cost. Each stallholder is allocated six-hour slots from 4.00 pm to 10.00 pm, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The rental cost for all three days is $60 for residents and $90 for non-residents (see page 5). Given the common gripe that costs are rising, many agree that the rental cost is a small price to pay for the exposure they got. Mohd Yusof, 29, who sold aromatherapy products said, “This is our first time setting up shop here. It is good exposure for us, so I am thinking of setting up a proper shop sometime in the future. The aromatherapy products I have brought in are from

Business Buzz

If you think that flea markets are for old, rusty and dusty items, you should come down to the next flea market from May 12 to 13. A good bargain or downright cheap deals, what’s on offer at the Tampines West flea market is a far cry from how the flea market got its name. It’s thought that the flea markets started in the suburbs of Paris, France. Back then, the stall holders actually sold flea-infested clothing and rags! But nothing like that at the Tampines West flea market. This is the place for residents buy and sell their goods which are very affordable and very importantly, one of a kind. Don’t be surprised if you actually find an item that has yet to be introduced to the market! Your visit to the Tampines West flea market could also be just what you need, to bring out the entrepreneur in you!

Especially for you


The entrepreneurs

For soccer fans:

> English Premier League screening

Name: Rosli nah R

okhim Items sold: H andmade ce ramic ware, bags How she go Saw a poster t started: at the void de ck of her block She says: “Havin g th Tampines is a plus is Flea Market organised in po is just walking dista int for me. This is because it nc in Holland Village e from my flat. Having set up shop before, I had to go packing the items, through the troub he le it back before tra ad to the location, unpack and disp some process of nsporting it back lay it, then packin home, just to repe g the next day.” at the tiring proces s “Our products inclu de handmade cera of the bags range m from $5 – $30. Th ic ware and suede bags. The price s e theme (when I February) had to set do would definitely co with Valentine’s Day so most of th up shop in e items were red. nsider setting up shop again”. I She suggests: “I think flyers should be distributed at signs could be pu the t up some customers ha to direct people to the Flea Marke MRT station or t. Th ve told me they on only when they pa ly realise that ther is is because ssed by this area, e on their way to th is such an event station.” e mall or train

y Pua

Ling s

t n s, baske nd a T e: Fou Bag Nam s sold: started:outh e mad Item he got d of m rental. I r the s or e fo the How t by w to cover here mor next flea u e o easy , I’m or th tems t was t for me be back f nough i I “ : ill ct e t bu sa y s S h e a l p r o f i hether I w c a n c o l l e m I i W f n m i r ience. p e n d i ” expe et will de t on sale. mark ike to pu I’d l

Screening of EPL matches Saturday, from 7pm -10pm, Tampines West CC

For those who want to take it slow:

> Free Qiqong sessions Morning Qigong Practice

Daily, 6am, Tampines West CC Sepak Taraw Court

For the musically-inclined:

> Elementary Guitar lessons

Thursday, 8pm-930pm, Tampines West CC Multi-purpose room

For those who want to pack a punch…not:

> Aikido

Japanese martial art of self defence Monday, 8pm-9.30pm, Tampines West CC Multi-purpose hall

For those on the move:

> In-line skating Learn how to skate

Sunday, 9am-10am, Tampines West CC Multi-purpose hall

For those who love animation:

> Manga drawing

Learn how to draw Japanese comics Thursday, 7.30pm-9.30pm, Tampines West CC Multi purpose room

Contact Tampines West CC

Tel: 67837910 of ohd Yus Name: M sold:

Items ducts apy pro r e h t a nd out Arom ted: Fou r ta s t o g How he word of mouth by es d by Tampin et organise perience for me. rk a m a e fl is d ex He says: “Th efinitely been a goo very good. Traffic is n sd e a s e h b C s C a h st s e W o purchase product r u o r lly made n three days fo ia it se in e m Respon so e h ven thoug ck within th good and e ey usually come ba ” th , e ct n lem produ s. on da y o een a prob nd buy our a s u r fo st has not b bles and chairs k co l ta n to loo re e r ta g th possible, fo s: “Coverin He suggest ould like to suggest, if re.” tu Iw for me but d for stallholders in fu de vi ro p e b to

Rental of stall $20 per day (for Tampines Residents) $30 per day (for Non-Tampines Residents)

( Excluding $6.30 per day for Electrical Point ) If you are interested, please apply at Tampines West Community Club, 5 Tampines Avenue 3, from 9.30 am to 9.30 pm or Tel: 67837910

Around your neighbourhood

Block Reps coming your way...

They are volunteers and grassroots leaders who are appointed as block representatives for the blocks that they are living in. They will conduct regular visits with the police or Member of Parliament, HDB and Town Council offices to gather feedback on neighbourhood security, RC activities and estate maintenance. They will also help to collect data (eg: email addresses, contact numbers interests and concerns) from residents during their visits. When the MP visits, residents will be invited to the void deck for refreshments after the block visit to interact with the MP and RC members.

To join us as Block Reps or RC members, contact Tampines West Constituency Office Tel: 67881912 @Home in Tampines West 05



One was nudged by a friend, another was inspired by a Korean TV drama. Whatever reason they may have, one thing is for sure, Temasek Polytechnic students Shawn Lim Thye Kwee and Avril Phua Huizhen are hooked on ballroom dancing! Shawn is 19 and Avril is 20 and both have discovered a lot more about themselves through this activity. They tell @Home that ballroom dancing is not just about moving graciously. @HOME: What got you started?

Were you inspired by someone or some event?

Shawn: I would say my friend, Ashley Goh. If she didn't ask me to join the class back in 2004, I probably would never have got started and that would have been my greatest regret. Avril: "Innocent Steps". It's a Korean movie on Latin Ballroom. Well, there is a love story behind it all too.

@HOME: What were your

impressions of ballroom dancing before you started?

Shawn: Before I started ballroom dancing, I only knew beautiful people and costumes, moving gracefully and in Latin, the moves are so sexy and sensual. Fun and entertaining! Avril: I had thought that it was meant for old people. We always see the older folks dancing away and it’s not really as popular with the younger crowd.

Shawn “I have grown more comfortable with my body and it is a great workout. It inculcates discipline and patience. It is about teamwork and it taught me more about being a gentleman and how to lead a lady like a man should. It's fun, entertaining and it allows me to perform for an audience.” @HOME: How has your opinion

changed about ballroom dancing now that you're doing it?

Shawn: Well, the impressions still stay but after engaging in the sport myself, it's a lot of hard work to perfect techniques, your facial expressions, handwork and to learn how to communicate with your partner. It's all about entertaining the crowd and having a good time. Avril: Gosh. Don't be too quick to judge anything. It really isn't a dance for old folks only. I'm still struggling to catch my breath and build my stamina up! It's a dance that is so sexy to watch and to move along with.

@HOME: What do you like about this activity?

Shawn: I have grown more comfortable with my body and it is a great workout. It inculcates discipline and patience. It is about teamwork and it taught me more about being a gentleman and how to lead a lady like a man should. It's fun, entertaining and it allows me to perform for an audience.

06 @Home in Tampines West

Avril: One thing that I learnt from this dance is to be more comfortable with my body. I learn to appreciate the curves and the lady like gestures!

@HOME: What are some of the

challenges of ballroom dancing?

Shawn: Like all dances, ballroom dancing is hard work if you want to do well, a lot of practice on perfecting techniques and it takes patience to do repetitive practice. It is very structured as well, unlike hip hop which can be free-style. One of the biggest challenge for guys will be learning how to lead a lady which can be really tough and frustrating. It will take a lot of patience, communication with your partner and practice. Avril: Oh, the frustrating part is when you get stagnant with your own skills. Or when no matter how you practice, you just can't get it. This dance requires one to lock their body (Tension) therefore, one has to constantly be on their “lock” position. Otherwise, we will not be doing justice to the dance. The other issue is communicating with your partner. This dance isn't about being sole. Both of us have to learn at consistent pace together. Therefore, it's really about teamwork.

@HOME: What are some of the

responses you get from your friends when they find out that you are a ballroom dancer?

Avril “It really isn't a dance for old folks only. I'm still struggling to catch my breath and build my stamina up! It's a dance that is so to watch and to move along with.” @HOME: Who should take up

ballroom dancing? Why do you recommend it?

Shawn: Anyone at any age. Ballroom dancing is fun, a good workout, and it's a great social platform for you to meet new friends. Between couples, it can also help them to communicate better. Avril: Don't be shy! Anyone at any age can take it up! Those who are looking for a fun workout, those who are interested in ballroom dancing and those who are just looking for a hobby.

Shawn: Most of the ladies are pretty receptive and will tell me it's cool. Most of the guys think it’s a bit too feminine for them. Some just tell me, "I couldn't tell!" I'm thinking, "How can you?" Avril: I'm luckier than Shawn. Guys and girls go, "Woah.. I can't imagine you dancing like this. It’s so sexy!"

@HOME: What are some of the

common misconceptions people have about ballroom dancing?

Shawn: The biggest misconception is that you need a partner to get started. Not at all! Most of the time, you will find a partner in class if not you rotate until you find someone you're comfortable with. Second, it's too expensive. I pay only $67 as a Passion card member for 12 lessons of 1.5 hours each time. Avril: A common misconception is “I don't have a partner!" So as Shawn has mentioned, just come join the class! You will find a suitable partner then!

@HOME: What have you learnt from this activity?

Shawn: I have learnt to be comfortable in my own skin and to 'let loose,' and dance freely with no inhibitions. I've learnt to be more patient and understanding when communicating with my partner and it also helped me to lead her better. Avril: Dancing is a sport! I feel more comfortable with my body and gain more confidence as a person. Also, I got to communicate better with my partner. That is really essential. I learn to let things go easily as one can't be dancing with a fowl mood.

If you’d like to try ballroom dancing, drop by Tampines West CC on Sundays at 3pm-4.30pm at the dance studio. If you like what you see, sign up at the counter! You pay $67 for 12 lessons if you’re a PAssion card member and $72 if you’re a non-member. To be a member and enjoy so many more privileges, see page 10.


Courses for Everyone


Start Date: April 2007 Day/Time: Sunday, 7pm-8pm Venue: TWCC Dance Studio Trainer: Chong Sheng Zhi Mr. Chong has been active in ballroom dancing for more than 30 years. Description: The basic movement is a three-step sequence that consists of a step forward or backward, a step to the side, and then a step to close the feet together.

Dance One of Singapore's top performers at last year's PSLE lives in Tampines West and is now in Raffles Institution. Md Fadhli B Md Ikbal is from Tampines Primary School and with a score of 280, he topped his school and is number two at the national level. @HOME catches up with the busy teenager.

Start Date: April 2007 Day/Time: Saturday, 3pm-4pm Venue: TWCC Dance Studio Trainer: Vasantha Kasinath Ms Vasantha started learning Indian Classical Dance at the age of 10 in India under the famous master Andhayudhapani. She has performed in more than 52 cities in Europe and US. Description: Indian dance forms associated with the evolution and development of Temple arts speak volumes of the great cultural endeavor.


Start Date: May 2007 Day/Time: Friday, 8pm-10pm Venue: TWCC Multi Purpose Hall Trainer: Peh Ah Bee Ah Bee is an avid badminton player who has been practicing the sport for more than 30 years. She has represented Singapore in competitions, such as the SEAP and East Asian games. Description: Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their rackets so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the court.

@HOME: Did being a top student come as a surprise or did you see it coming?

I was never THE top student at Tampines Primary though I had been consistently among the top few. In that sense, it was a pleasant surprise that I came up top at Tampines Primary and was second in Singapore (just one point below the top)! But, a challenge from one of the teachers that my marks were not good enough in one of our preliminary exams, spurred me and made me more determined than ever !

@HOME: Is there a secret to

doing well in exams or are some people just smarter than others naturally? I believe both factors played a part; nature and nurture. But, I strongly believe "nurture and hardwork" was a stronger bias, generally. To excel, one has to consistently work hard and for me, as a Muslim, to say our prayers. The rest, I leave it to God. My former teachers also deserved credit for my success and of course not forgetting my loving and caring parents who have guided me all the way till now, who never knew the meaning of boredom and giving up. I believe that these two souls are the most important persons in my life.


Start Date: End April 2007 Day/Time: Sunday, 9.30am-10.30am Venue: TWCC Dance Studio Trainer: Lua Been Lian Bee Lian is an experienced aerobic trainer who has been conducting classes since 2000. She then attended the Pilates matwork course conducted by Polestar Education in 2005 and is currently a qualifies Pilates instructor. Description: The programme focuses on the core postural muscles that help keep the body balanced and are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and strengthen the deep torso muscles, which are important to help alleviate and prevent back pain.

Local delights

Start Date: End April 2007 Day/Time: Tuesday, 7.30pm-10pm Venue: TWCC Kitchen Trainer: Koh Hong Leng Hong Leng is a Culinary Art Trainer with more than 20 years of relevant experience. She specializes in local cuisines, festive delicacies and traditional Chinese Dim Sum.

@HOME: If you could make a

change in your neighbourhood, what would you like to do ?

I do not have anything to suggest in this area for the time being. I guess I find the neighbourhood already been taken care of very, very well. A.very big 'Thank You' to the Uncles and Aunties working at HDB, Area Office, Community Club, etc. There are schools, library, mosque, malls, etc. Facilities are fine and cleanliness is excellent in the neighbourhood. Someday, if I do have constructive feedback I would definitely forward them to appropriate office.


Start Date: Mid May 2007 Day/Time: Thursday, 8pm-10pm Venue: TWCC Multi Purpose Hall Trainer: George Loh George is a certified archery coach with the Singapore Sports Council and the Archery Association of Singapore. He has undergone almost 30 years of professional training. Description: Archery is the practice of using a bow to shoot arrows. It has historically been used in hunting and combat and has become a precision sport. @Home in Tampines West 07

NOTE: All dates indicated below are tentative and are subject to changes without prior notification. Please confirm dates and time with the CC.

Nonya Cooking & Kueh Making

Ballet (Pre-Pri to Elementary)

Start Date: 21 May 07 * $60 (M) / $65 (G)

Start Date: 14 April 07 Tentative

Social Dance (Elementary 2 Rock & Roll, Square Rumba)

Yoga (Intermediate) On-going

Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $57 (M) / $62 (G)

Ballroom Dance (Salsa)

Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $62 (M) / $67 (G)

Teochew Opera Singing Session

Start Date: 26 Feb 07 * $20 (M) / $20 (G)

Aikido (Adult)

Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $90 (M) $95 (G)

Start Date: 28 April 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)



Courses >>>

Aikido (Children)

Start Date: 23 Apr 07 * $90 (M) / $95.00 (G)

Creative Writing / Comprehension in Chinese (P1-P3) Start Date: 28 April 07 * $70 (M) / $75 (G) Children Art Start Date: 28 April 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G) Children Art Start Date: 16 Jun 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G) Children Art Start Date: 05 May 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G) Yoga (Elementary) New Class

Indian Classical Dance (Intermediate)

Start Date: 17 April 07 * $35 (M) / $40 (G)

Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $115 (M) / $120 (G)

Taijiquan (Chinese)


Start Date: 26 May 07 * $65 (M) / $70 (G)

Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $105 (M) / $110 (G)

Restaurant Cooking

Indian Classical Dance (Advance)

Start Date: 3 April 07 * $36 (M) / $42 (G)

Start Date: 3 April 07 * $65 (M) / $75 (G)

Start Date: 23 Jun 07 * $125 (M) / $130 (G) Maths-P5 Start Date: 19 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G) Maths-P6 Start Date: 19 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)

Chinese Tuition (P3 & P4)

Start Date: 14 April 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)

Wushu Start Date: 19 Jun 07 * $31 (M) / $36 (G) Conversational English (Adult)

Montessori Phonics Reading for Nursery K1/K2

Start Date: 24 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)

Montessori Phonics Reading

Chinese Tuition (P5 & P6)

Start Date: 26 May 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)

Start Date: 24 April 07 * $85 (M) / $90 (G)

Personal Make-up & Skincare Workshop

Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing – Hokkien

Start Date: 7 Apr 07 * $10.50 (M) / $15 (G)

Start Date: 29 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)

Chocolate Hand Bouquet (New)

Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing – Hokkien

Start Date: 14 Apr 07 * $12 (M) / $15 (G)

Start Date: 29 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)

Vocal Training-Karaoke Pop songs(Mandarin)

Conversational Malay $70 (M) / $75 (G)

Start Date: 21 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)

Yoga (Intermediate on-going)

Yoga (Intermediate on-going)

Ballet (Pre-Primary onwards) Start Date: May 07 EQ Pawer Writing (Higher Primary)

Montessori Phonics Reading for Nursery K1/K2

EQ Pawer Writing (Lower Primary)

Start Date: 23 May 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)

Start Date: 20 May 07 * $100 (M / $105 (G)

Start Date: 16 May 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G) Start Date: 25 April 07 * $110 (M) / $120 (G)

Teochew Opera Singing

Start Date: 16 May 07 * $36 (M) / $40 (G)

Tae Kwan Do Start Date: 2 May 07 * $25 (M) / $30 (G) Ballroom Latin Samba (Elementary) Start Date: 24 May 07 * $67 (M) / $72 (G)

Ballroom Dance – Inter Latin Rumba Start Date: 21 Jun 07 * $72 (M) / $77 (G)

Conversational Mandarin (Adult) Start Date: 3 May 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)

Guitar Folk (Elementary)

Start Date: 19 Apr 07 * $75 (M) / $80 (G)

Archery Start Date: 5 Apr 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G) Manga Drawing for Teens/Adults Start Date: 5 Apr 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)

Teochew Opera Drama

Start Date: 12 April 07 * $50 (M) / $55 (G)

Creative Writing/Comprehension in Chinese P3 – P6 Start Date: 13 April 07 * $70 (M) / $75 (G) Chinese Tuition (P1 – P2) Start Date: 27 April 07 * $80 (M) / $85 (G)

Cake Making (Stage 2)

Start Date: 04 May 07 * $50 (M) / $55 (G)

Children Art Start Date: 08 Jun 07 * $90 (M) / $95 (G) Aerobics Start Date: 13 April 07 * $55 (M) / $60 (G) Training-Karaoke Pop Songs (Mandarin) Start Date: 1 Jun 07 * $80 (M) / $90 (G)

Badminton Course Start Date: 1 Jun 07 * $55 (M) / $65 (G)

08 @Home in Tampines West



Hanyu Pinyin K1-K2 (Materials Fee $5)

Indian Classical Dance (Elementary)

Start Date: 29 May 07 * $35 (M) / $40 (G)


Start Date: 19 May 07 * $70 (M) / $80 (G)

Start Date: 19 May 07 * $60 (M) / $70 (G)

Local Delights


Yoga (Intermediate) New Class

Start Date: 20 May 07 * $100 (M / $105 (G)

Recreational Karaoke Dialect Singing - Cantonese Start Date: 3 Jun 07 * $45 (M / $55 (G)


Start Date: 24 Jun 07 * $5.25 (M / $7.35 (G)

Phonics and Reading for K1 & K2 (material fee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $88 (M / $93 (G) Eng-P1/P2 Composition/ Enrichment (material fee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $93 (M / $98 (G) Eng-P3/P4 Composition/ Enrichment (material fee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07$98 (M / $103 (G) Eng-P5/P6 Composition/ Enrichment (material fee $10) Start Date: 15 April 07 * $103 (M / $108 (G) Chinese Calligraphy for Children Start Date: 20 May 07 * $80 (M / $85 (G)

Ballroom Dance (Student) Inter Latin Cha Cha Start Date: 11 Mar 07 * $67 (M / $72 (G)

Chinese Stretching Dance for Adults Start Date: 6 May 07 * $50 (M / $55 (G)

Ballroom Dance (Ele Latin Rumba) Start Date: 1 April 07 * $67 (M / $72 (G)

Pilates – Matwork for Beginner

Start Date: 29 April 07 * $80 (M / $85 (G)

Malay Drama In-Line Skating

Start Date: 1 April 07 * $50 (M / 46 (G)

Ballroom Dance (Inter Waltz)

Start Date: 1 April 07 * $90 (M) / $100 (G)

Ballroom Dance (Ele Tango)

Start Date: 1 April 07 * $80 (M) / $ 90 (G)

(M) Member, (G) Non-Member



entry form

(April - June 2007)

Fill in the portion below and submit it personally to TWCC or email us your answers to [email protected] Closing date 30 April 2007. Winners will be notified by Tampines West Community Club in May 2007. QUESTION 1


What is the outstanding physical feature of Tampines West Community Club? Clock Tower Triangular Roof Basketball Court





QUESTION 2 How frequent is the flea market organized by Tampines West Community Club held?
Every weekend Once a month Once every three months

About PAssion Card The People’s Association (PA) PAssion Card is a new membership card for grassroots leaders of the PA and members of the community centres/clubs (CCs). It is the Card that links you to your community while engaging in wholesome lifestyle activities. With the PAssion Card, you are ready to embark on a new and exciting lifestyle right on your doorstep! Enjoy discounts for quality courses and activities at our conveniently located CCs*, plus a host of other privileges. the PAssion Card, you are ready to embark on a new and exciting lifestyle right on your doorstep! Enjoy discounts for quality courses and activities at our conveniently located CCs*, plus a host of other privileges.

Discount Coupon $2 off subscription fee * Only valid in Tampines West Community Club Valid till 30 June 2007 10 @Home in Tampines West

on Fee:


Subscripti ) * pplementary u (s 8 $ l) a ip c (prin

Redemption Coupon FREE Goodie Bag Only valid in Tampines West Community Club Whilst stocks last!

If you have … 1 hour

Write about an interesting person or corner in Tampines West. Send your articles and contact details to us (see page 2)

One day

help clean/paint a flat Help to clean/paint flats of needy residents in Tampines West Contact: Ms Joey Sim Tel: 67881912

4 hours

each month help out at Ju Eng home Provide haircut service for senior citizens or serve as kitchen helpers on 28th of every month (except Sunday), 9am to 1pm at Ju Eng Home for Senior Citizens Contact: Ms Violet Ong Tel: 67881912

Need help with e-filing your income tax forms? Want to learn a new computer course? Look no further than your own neighbourhood! Here in one of Singapore's eClubs, you will find volunteers, ready to help you! The centre also provides the following services: Netsurfing at $1 per hour for members and $2 for non-members eCitizen services (e.g. Income tax e-filing, application for Singpass, etc) Photocopying, laminating, printing and faxing IT Courses

NorthEast - Tampines West IT centre Blk 943, Tampines Avenue 5, #01-271 ,Singapore 520943. Contact: Tel: 6782 3761 Fax: 6789 1872 Email: [email protected] Course

Basic 1 Basic 2 Microsoft Office 1 Microsoft Office 2 Adobe Photoshop Multimedia Web Page Design

Duration Hours

2 Days 6 Hrs 2 Days 6 Hrs 4 Days 12 Hrs 4 Days 12 Hrs 3 Days 9 Hrs 5 Days 15 Hrs

Full Rate

Subsidized Fee




$40 $40 $95 $95 $60 $115

$45 $45 $115 $115 $65 $120

$8 $16 $66.50 $76 $48 $92


$18 $27 $92 $103.50 $52 $96

*Residents of TAMPINES WEST Constituency who are 45 years old & above and who are unemployed or with low income ($500/pax or $2000/family income) can apply for a course subsidy.

: watch out for our readers' pick of the best local Next issuepine s West! You can always email us your favourite

dishes in Tam

stall to [email protected] @Home in Tampines West 11

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