Madi Gras Secrets And The House Of Rothschild

  • November 2019
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This website has received a collection of writings, notes, and recordings of Mimi L. Eustis concerning the founding of the Secret Mystick Krewe of Comus. This website disclaims any accusations or claims of these collections of writings etc. of Mimi L. Eustis as being the personal belief or position of this website. In addition, this website disclaims any position of the truth and or fictitious claims contained in these collections of writings. However, in the interest of history, this website has decided to post the contents of these collections. History will be the judge. This web site apologizes for any hurt feelings that might arise from these collections.

New Orleans Mardi Gras Mystick Krewe of Comus Secrets Revealed This is a story of information given by my father Samuel Todd Churchill on his deathbed, concerning the secrets in the founding of The Mistick Krewe of Comus also called The Mystick Krewe of Comus—a secret New Orleans Mardi Gras society established in 1857. In all fairness to my father, in case he took any blood oaths of secrecy, the information he revealed was done under heavy medication while dying of a very painful lung cancer disease inflicted upon him by years of heavy cigarette smoking. However, in all fairness to myself, I am not under any oaths of secrecy to any secret organizations. In fact, the information revealed by my father was contained for many years in a box in the attic. I never really intended to make this information public until very recently. It is the secret code numbers that he talked about that caused me to go to the attic and take out the tape recordings and my notes. When my father came back from the doctor with the news, he was dying of lung cancer and informed me of such, for some reason he told me to notice the date and time of his announcement. It was the 13th day of the 3rd month of the year, and it was exactly 3:00 PM. He made no further explanation. Today, I was informed by my doctor that I had 3 months to a maximum of 13 months to live as I was dying of breast cancer. I looked at the clock on the doctor’s wall. It was exactly 3:00 PM. The numbers 3 and 13 began vibrating inside my brain. The tape recordings of my father’s revelations and the secret code numbers that he revealed began to spark my memory of my father’s dying revelations of the code numbers 3 and 13. And it’s today I’ve decided to open these old attic boxes of secrets to the public. My conversations with my father after he announced to me that he was dying of lung cancer began innocently enough. It started with him revealing some of his early sexual escapades. However, as he became more and more in pain and received more heavy medication, he began to reveal more details that are intimate. He would lapse in and out of consciousness and begin to talk in a subconscious state. It's then I decided to secretly place a tape recorder under his bed. His sexual revelations went from ordinary heterosexual affairs to his secret homosexual encounters. He tied the homosexual incidents to his membership into a secret elitist organization he labeled as Chapter 322-the Brotherhood of Death. I discovered my father was a cross dresser and in order to proceed into higher stages in the secret organization, it was necessary for him to engage

It should be noted that I not only listened to the secret recordings of my father’s deathbed revelations but also made extensive notes. Even though my father lapsed in and out of consciousness and talked in a subconscious state, his memory of names and dates can only be described as extraordinary and phenomenal. The following is a compilation of the recordings plus the notes. A letter dated March 13, 2003 from Crystal to Salvadore transferring her great Aunt Mimi’s collection of writings, recordings and notes on the founding of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Mystick Krewe if Comus.

New Orleans Mardi Gras Mystick Krewe of Comus founding in 1857 is same year that at the inauguration of U.S. President James Buchanan 50 people were poisoned and 38 people died... The story begins in 1857. This is the year that a group of men, including 13 New Orleanians, formed a secret society called The Mystick Krewe of Comus. The information permitted to the public was that the founders met at Pope’s Pharmacy and eventually at the Gem, a popular café located in the 100 block of Royal Street. Certain names are passed out as the founders of this secret Mystick Krewe of Comus, such as S.M. Todd, L.D. Addison, J.H. Pope, Frank Shaw Jr., Joseph Ellison, and William P. Ellison. The official storyline is that the men were originally from Mobile, Alabama, and were revitalizing in New Orleans a version of Mobile’s Cowbellian society. Behind the pretense of the Cowbellion de' Rankin Society, which originated in 1835 as parading revelers through the streets of New Orleans, these men were in actuality Yankee bankers from New England. They used the idea of this Cowbellian society to create a front for an international banking cartel, the House of Rothschild, headquartered in Europe, as well as for Skull and Bones-a branch of the German Illuminati established by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. The name of this newly formed secret group was the Mystick Krewe of Comus . 1857, the year the secret Mystick Krewe of Comus was founded in New Orleans, should be noted. This is before the Civil War. This is before the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. On February 23, 1857, United States President James Buchanan was poisoned at the National Hotel in Washington, DC. The story goes that President Buchanan, as was customary with men of his station, had a table reserved for himself and friends in the dining room at the National Hotel. The President was known to be an inveterate tea drinker. In fact, Northern people rarely drink anything else in the evening; Southern men prefer coffee. To carry out their intentions towards Buchanan and his Northern friends, arsenic was sprinkled into the bowls containing the tea and lump sugar, which were then set on the table where he was to sit. The pulverized sugar in the bowls

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