M-tech Sylb

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 13
Proposed Post- Graduate curriculum of for first- year of two year course Specialization: POWER ELECTRONICS First semester: Subjects: 1. MPE-101 2. MPE-102 3. MPE-103 4. MPE-104 5. MPE-105 6. MPE-106 7. MPE-107

Modern Power Converters Physics of power semiconductor Devices Advanced Control Engineering Elective-I Elective-II Power Electronics laboratory-I Simulation lab using MATLAB & PSPICE

Second semester: Subjects: 1. MPE-201 2. MPE-202 3. MPE-203 4. MPE-204 5. MPE-205 6. MPE-106 7. MPE-107

Variable Speed DC Drives Variable Speed AC Drives Control of Power Electronics System Elective-III Elective-IV Power Electronics Laboratory-II Control Laboratory

Elective- I: Advanced Microprocessor Elective-II: Digital Signal Processing Elective-III: Soft Computing Techniques for Design Elective-IV: Nonlinear Dynamical systems

Second year projects leading to M-Tech degree


4 Hrs./week Eight questions to be set & five questions to be answered.

Introduction to switched mode power converters, generalized comparison between switched mode and linear DC regulator, operation and steady state performance of buck, Boost, Buck-boost and Cuk Converters: Continuous conduction mode, discontinuous mode and boundary between continuous and discontinuous mode of operation, o/p voltage ripple calculation, effect of parasitic element. DC-DC converters with Isolation: Fly back converters- other fly back converter topologies, forward converters, The forward converter switching Transistor- Variation of the basic forward converter, push pull converter- Push pull converter transistorLimitation of the push pull circuit- circuit variation of the push pull converter- the half bridge and full bridge DC-DC converters. High frequency inductor design and transformer design consideration, magnetic core, current transformers. Resonant converters: Introduction, Classification: Load resonant, Resonant switch, Resonant DC link, High frequency link integral half cycle converters: series and parallel loaded converters in continuous and discontinuous mode of operation, Hybrid resonant DC-DC converters, zero current switch (ZCS), zero voltage switch(ZVS), resonant switch converter, ZCS- clamped voltage converters(ZCS-CV), resonant DC link converters with ZVS. Control of switched mode DC power supplies: Voltage feed forward PWM control, current mode control, digital PWM control, isolation techniques of switching regulator system: soft start in switching power supply designs, current limit circuits, over voltage protection circuit. A typical monolithic PWM control circuit and their application: TL 494. Power factor control in DC-DC converters. Electromagnetic and radio frequency interference, conducted and radiated noise, EMI suppression, EMI reduction at source, EMI filters, EMI screening, EMI measurements and specifications. Power conditioners and uninterruptible Power supplies, Types of UPS- Redundant and Non-Redundant UPS. TEXTBOOKS 1. Mohan, Undeland, Robbins_Power Electronics: Converters, Application and Design, John Wiley & sons, 1989

2. A.I. pressman- Switching mode power supply design-MGH, 1992 3. M.H. Rashid- Power Electronics, PHI, 2004

Physics of Power semiconductor Devices MPE-102

4 Hrs./week Eight Question to be set & any five questions to be answered.

Semiconductor and p-n junction properties: Energy level, electrons and holes in semiconductors, doping impurity and impurity levels, form of energy bands density of states, the FERMI-DIRAC distribution functions and the densities of electrons and holes in semi conductors, minority carrier generation, recombination and life time, carrier drift, diffusion and continuity equation, p-n junctions, minority carrier injection and collection, junction boundary conditions, junction current, injection efficiency, minority carrier transport and transistor action, speed properties. Avalanche breakdown in p-n junctions: Analysis of Avalanche breakdown, avalanche breakdown in planar p+ -n (n+-p) junctions, Analysis of Avalanche breakdown, avalanche breakdown in planar p+-v-n+ and p+-π-n+ junctions, Control of variation of Alpha, transport efficiency, injection efficiency. Theory p-n-p-n operation: physical theory, triggering mechanism, reverse and forward blocking characteristics, spread charge layer spreading and punch through, avalanche breakdown, surface breakdown, reverse and forward blocking current, Forward conducting characteristics, dynamic operation, recovery time, dv/dt triggering, gate turn on, gate turn off. Design and fabrication of p-n-p-n devices: p-n junction formation, life time and geometry control, heat transfer and electrical contact consideration, mechanical stress and thermal fatigue,surface protection, the shorted emitter, bilateral diode switch, bilateral triode switch and related structure. Rating, specification and characteristics on p-n-p-n devices: Electrical Characteristics, mechanism of failure, thermal resistance, heat generation calculation, calculation of rating. Turn off characteristics and methods: SCR turn of criteria, significance of circuit turn off interval, SCR turn off parameters, anode turn off methods, gate turn off. Controllable switch devices: Power handling capabilities, safe operation area, principle of device fabrication, Gate turn off thyristors, theory of operation and required structural modification, GTO turn on and turn off characteristics, snubber circuit for GTO, over current protection of GTO. Bipolar junction transistors, switching characteristics, safe operating area, transistors snubber, Power MOSFET, characteristics, safe operating area, snubber circuits, IGBT, switching characteristics, safe operating area, snubber. REFERENCES 1. Semiconductor controlled rectifier: principle and application of p-n-p-n Devices, F.E. Gentry, F.W. Gutzwiller, Holonyak, Jr. and E.E. Von Zastrow Prentice Hall of India, 1979 2. Physics of semiconductor devices by S.M. Sze, 2nd edition, Willey Eastern limited

Advanced Control Theory MPE-103

4 Hrs./week

Eight question to be set & any five to be answered. Dynamics and control: An overview, control system configuration, model selection, need for dynamic model, dynamic model by averaging: averaging a variable, averaging a circuit, averaging a switching function, averaging a switch. Linearized models: Linearization, linearizing a circuit, linearizing the average switch Feedback control: The classical LTI control configuration, nominal stability, nominal performance, robustness. State space models: features of state space models, sate variables, inputs and outputs, Continuous time models, state space models for electrical circuits, properties of sample data models. Models for controllers and interconnected systems.

Linear and piecewise models: Linearization, linearizing continuous time models. Analysis of continuous time LTI models: transform domains solution, time domain solution, piecewise LTI models, linearizing discrete time models: time domain solution, transform domain solution, transfer function and frequency response. Eigenvalue & Eigenvector analysis for controllability and observability. Feedback control design: classical control design, the nyquist stability criteria, a design approach. Using bode plots, designing of bode plots of the loop gain, multi loop control: State feedback: Pole placement by LTI state feedback, Nonlinear state feedback & Digital control. TEXTBOOKS 1. Principle of Power Electronics by John G Kassakein, Martin F. Schlecht, George c. Verghees, Addision Wesley publishing company. 1991

Advanced Microprocessor MPE-104

4 Hrs./week

Eight question to be set & five questions to be answered. Internal architecture of 8086 CPU, instruction sets and programming, assembly language programming on IBM PC, ROM bios and DOS utilities. 8086 basic system concepts, signals, instruction queue, MIN mode and MAX mode, bus cycle, memory interface, read and write bus cycles, timing parameters. Input/Output interface of 8086, I/O data transfer, I/O bus cycle. Interrupt interface of 8086, types of interrupts, interrupts processing. DMA transfer, interfacing and refreshing DRAM, 8086 based multiprocessing system, 8087 math coprocessor. Typical 8086 based system configuration, keyboard interface, CRT controller, floppy disk controller. Introduction to higher bit processors, 80286, 80386,80486, Pentium. Microcontrollers: 8051, 80196, architecture, instruction set, programming, system development using microcontrollers.

TEXTBOOKS 1. Advanced Microprocessor and peripherals, architecture, programming and interfacing, Ajoy Kumar Ray & KIshor M Bhurchandi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited. 2. Advanced Microprocessor, Y. Rajasree, New Age International Publishers.

Digital Signal Processing MPE-105

4 Hrs./week

Eight questions to be set & any five to be answered.

Introduction to signal processing, Review of Laplace transform, Z transform, fourier transform. Discrete Fourier transform, Fast fourier transform, Algorithms and complexity. Introduction to linear Optimal filtering. Digital filters, IIR filters design Introduction to DSP hardware Application of DSP in control system and instrumentation.


1. Digital signal Processing, S.K. Mitra

Variable Speed DC Drives MPE-201

4 Hrs./week

Eight questions to be set & any five to be answered. Review of power semiconductor devices: Power MOSFET, Insulated gate bipolar transistor, power rectifiers, MOS gate thyristors, GTO. Comparison between new semiconductor material and devices, smart power control chips. Development of power electronics converters and its application to drive technology, a systematic overview of applied power electronics converters, historical development of power electronics converters for motion control, some functional consideration regarding switching converters, controlling average energy flow by switching converter, topology and structure of power electronics converters. Electrical machines for drives: Introduction, Motor requirement for drives, commutator motors- Torque production, losses and cooling, equivalent circuits, constant power consideration, operational limitations. Control of DC drives: Introduction, basic machine equations, breaking modes, scheme of DC motor speed control, single phase separately excited drive, braking operation of rectifier control separately excited motor, single phase DC series motor drives, power factor improvement, three phase separately excited drives, DC chopper drives, closed loop control of DC drives, phase locked loop (PLL) control of DC drives, microcomputer control of DC drives.

TEXTBOOKS 1. Power Electronics and variable frequency drives, by Bimal K. Bose, Standard publishers distributors 2. Power Electronics by M. D. Singh & K. B. Khanchandani, Tata Mc Graw Hll publishing company, 1998

Variable Speed AC Drives MPE-202

4 Hrs./week

Eight question to be set & any five to be answered. Pulse width modulation for electronic power converter: DC to AC power conversion, principle of power amplification, the half bridge topology, three phase power conversion, an introduction to space vector: definition, normalization, switching state vector, performance criteria: current harmonics, harmonic spectrum, space vector trajectories. Motion control with induction motor: inverter for adjustable speed, motion control systems: classical, industry, standard, digital motion control with field oriented induction motor (FO-IM). State variable, digital motion control with FO-IM, zero tracking error, state variable, digital motion control with FO-IM, feed back sensor issues for motion control with FO-IM. Variable frequency permanent magnet AC machine drive: PMAC machine control fundamentals, trapezoidal PMAC machine control, sinusoidal PMAC machine control, advanced control techniques, PMAC drive application issues. High power industrial drives: converters for large drives, synchronous motor fed by externally commutated current source converters, induction motor fed by current source converters, the cycloconverter fed by synchronous motor, slip power controlled drive. TEXTBOOKS

1. Modern power electronics & AC drives, Bimal K Bose, PHI, 2003 2. Power Electronics and variable frequency drives, Bimal K Bose, Standard Publishers distributors.

Control of Power Electronic System MPE-203

4 Hrs./week

Eight questions to be set & five questions to be answered. Estimation, identification of sensor-less control of AC drives: Parameter identification in brushless motors, parameter identification in induction motor. Sensor less drives of AC motors, Robust motion control by estimation of mechanical parameters. Switched reluctance motor control methods. Microprocessor and digital ICs for power electronics drives: Hardware implementation, Micro computer based implementation, Hardware/software trade offs, Real time control using microcontrollers. Digital signal processors. Reduced instruction set computing processors (RISC). Parallel processors: Transputers and parallel DSPs. Application specific integrated circuit(ASICS). Field programmable gate arrays(FPGA) and programmable logic devices(PLD). Control of power electronics logic hardware system using CAD/VLSI. Design of microprocessor based control systems for dedicated applications. Application Examples.

TEXTBOOKS 1. Modern power electronics & AC Drives, Bimal K Bose, PHI, 2003 2. Power Electronics and variable frequency Drives, Bimal K Bose, Standard publishers distributors.

Self Computing Techniques for Design MPE-204

4 Hrs./week

Eight questions to be set & any five to be answered. Simulation of power electronics and motion control systems, frequency domain versus title domain analysis, issues in numerical solutions: numerical integration methods, nonlinear differential equations, automatic time step control, treatment of switches, Overview of some widely used simulation programs: Spice, EMTP,Matlab/ Simulink The mathematics of Fuzzy logic control, theory of approximate reasoning, fuzzy knowledge based controllers, application of fuzzy logic control. Experts system, fuzzy logic and neutral networks in power electronics and drives: modeling and estimation, design methodology and control implementation. Introduction artificial neutral networks, Learning in neutral networks, Hopfield network, Boltzman machine, Back propagation training algorithms, traveling sales man problem, associative memories, application of neutral networks. TEXTBOOKS 1. Power Electronics & Variable frequency drives, by Bimal K Bose, standard publishers distributors. 2. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, theory and applications, George J. Klir & Bo Yuan, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

Nonlinear dynamical systems MPE-205

4 Hrs./week

Eight questions to be set & any five to be answered. Overview: Chaos, Fractals and dynamics, capsule history of dynamics, the importance of being nonlinear, a dynamical view of the world. One dimensional flow: Fixed point and stability, linear stability analysis, existence and uniqueness, impossibility of oscillations, potentials. Bifurcations: Introduction, saddle node bifurcation, transcritical bifurcation, pitchfork bifurcation, imperfect bifurcation and catastrophes. Two dimensional flows: Introduction, phase portraits, existence, uniqeness and topological consequences, fixed points and linearization, conservative system, reversible systems. Limit cycles: Introduction, poincare- Bendixson theorem, lienard systems, relaxation oscillations, weakly nonlinear oscillators. Chaos : Introduction, a chaotic water wheel, simple properties of Lorentz equation, strange attractor, Lorentz map, exploring parameters space, using chaos to send secret message, liapunov exponents. Fractals: Introduction, countables and uncountable sets, cantor set, dimension of self similar fractals, box dimensions, point wise and correlation dimensions. Strange attractors: Introduction, the simplest examples, Henon map, Rossler Map, chemical chaos and attractor reconstruction. Chaos in electronics and power electronic circuits. TEXTBOOKS 1. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos, by Steven H. Strogatz, Addition – Wesly publishing and company,1994


4 Hrs./week

Eight question to be set & any five to be answered. General Embedded system, basic components: Different hardwires for embedded system, Allocation of memory, RAM Devices for Embedded system, Serial Devices and communication, Different buses for intercommunication and networking, Different data structures and dataset. Networking and DSP Concepts: Different types networking, OSI, TCP,ISDN. Basic operations of DSP, LIT Discrete time system, Discrete time Fourier transform, Basic architecture of a Digital Signal Processor. PIC16X/7X Microcontroller: Features, CPU,ALU details, FSR, Status Registers, PC Latch , Pins, Reset, ROR,BOR , Memory organization, OPTION,INTCON, Instructions, Ports, interrupts and communication devices ,Addressing modes and Programming

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