Lunch With Dave 110609

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David A. Rosenberg Chief Economist & Strategist [email protected] + 1 416 681 8919

November 6, 2009 Economic Commentary


Lunch with Dave — U.S. Payrolls: 10-Plus OCTOBER U.S. NONFARM PAYROLL REPORT — THE BOTTOM LINE All we can say is that if the overwhelming consensus is correct that the recession is behind us, then what we have on our hands is the mother of all jobless recoveries and whatever economic growth is being squeezed into the system comes courtesy of the most dramatic intervention by the government in recorded history, including the New Deal 1930s era. President Obama is now running fiscal deficits that would have made FDR blush.

If the consensus is correct that the recession is behind us, then what we have on our hands is the mother of all jobless recoveries

But while Uncle Sam can try to stimulate spending on autos and housing and even mortgage credit via the myriad of policy measures that have been undertaken, the return to job creation is as elusive as ever. It is hard to fathom that, according to the White House estimates earlier this year, the stimulus was supposed to help cap the unemployment rate at 8.5%. Here we are today with both an unemployment rate and a fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio both north of 10%. While real GDP did manage to rebound at a 3.5% annual rate in Q3 — stagnant if not for the government incursion — those dual 10%-plus figures cited in the previous sentence highlight the fact that GDP is not the only barometer of a nation's economic health. TODAY’S EMPLOYMENT REPORT CONTAINED SOME TROUBLING SIGNPOSTS While the government can try to induce people to spend, no recovery can be sustained without a resumption in job growth and October’s employment data contained some troubling signposts. While the -190,000 headline nonfarm payroll print was not that far off the consensus, and while there were upward revisions to the prior two months (of over 90,000), the major problem is that the Establishment Survey, at this time, is missing a very important part of the story, which is the strain that the small business sector continues to face. Small businesses have less cash on the balance sheet, less access to credit and less exposure to overseas growth dynamics compared to large companies. The Establishment Survey (nonfarm payrolls), has a “large company” bias that the companion Household Survey does not have. If you look at the historical record, you will find that at true turning points in the economic cycle, the Household Survey leads the Establishment Survey. This has always been the case heading into expansions and into recessions.

While nonfarm payrolls in October were not that far off the consensus, it did contain troubling signposts

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Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. is one of Canada’s pre-eminent wealth management firms. Founded in 1984 and focused primarily on high net worth private clients, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients by delivering strong, risk-adjusted returns together with the highest level of personalized client service. For more information or to subscribe to Gluskin Sheff economic reports, visit

November 6, 2009 – LUNCH WITH DAVE

THE HOUSEHOLD SURVEY To say that the Household survey was horrible would be an understatement. This survey showed a net job destruction of 589,000, bringing the decline to 1.8 million over the past three months — more than what was lost in the entire 2001 tech-wreck-recession. All of the decline was in full-time employment, and while the bulls out there will undoubtedly point to the fact that temp agency hirings are on the rise during the last three months, finding placements for part-time workers is not a cause for celebration. Certainly not when the number of those working part-time “for economic reasons” jumped 105,000 or at a 15% annual rate, as was the case in October.

To say that the household employment survey was horrible would be an understatement

DIFFUSION INDEX STILL SHOWING WEAKNESS IN PAYROLLS If there were even nascent signs of an improvement in labour market dynamics, then we would be seeing the workweek begin to rise. Instead, it stayed at a record low 33.0 hours last month. We would also see the nonfarm payroll diffusion index embark on an uptrend, but instead it fell back to a three-month low of 33.8 from 37.5 in September. The corresponding diffusion index in manufacturing dropped in October, to 18.1 from 22.9. Therefore, we are trying our best to wrap our heads around this notion that we are actually in some durable recovery phase when two-in-three companies are still shedding jobs, and more than four-in-five are doing so in the manufacturing sector. FED ON HOLD INDEFINITELY Fed Chairman Bernanke hinted loudly that any interest rate increases in the future would be dependant on the path of resource utilization — code for the unemployment rate. And in October, even in the face of a dip in the labour force participation rate (which should be going in the opposite direction in a real recovery), the headline (U3) measure of the unemployment rate still managed to rise to 10.2% from 9.8% in September — the highest level since April 1983. But the labour market slack story does not end there — the broader U6 measure (which marginally attached workers and those working part-time for economic reasons) soared to an all-time high for the series, to 17.5% from 17.0% in September. In other words, more than one in six Americans are either unemployed or under-employed, despite the most dramatic monetary and fiscal efforts by a government anywhere to reverse a collapse in private sector credit.

In the Fed’s latest press statement, they said that any increases in interest rates would depend on the path of “resource utilization” — code for the unemployment rate

IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FINANCIAL MARKETS The bottom line here is that the Fed is staying put indefinitely and that should help anchor the fixed-income market. The further loss of manufacturing jobs (-61,000) and decline in the diffusion index (not entirely consistent with the ISM) is likely to encourage the Administration to sustain its policy of benign neglect when it comes to the U.S. dollar. This should help anchor gold and commodities.

The unemployment rate is now at 10.2% and the U6 rate (the broadest measure of unemployment) is at 17.5%

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November 6, 2009 – LUNCH WITH DAVE

The stock market has had a history this year of shrugging off weak employment report after weak employment report because the expectation is that we will see further rounds of fiscal stimulus, so it’s hard to say what equity investors will do with this latest piece of data. We find it hard to believe that nurturing a policy that risks taking the government debt-to-GDP ratio above 100% in the next three-tofour years is deserving of the P/E multiples currently underpinning equity market valuation. It should not be lost on anyone that the S&P 500 has managed to rally over 60% from a low during which payrolls have declined 2.8 million, and that this is without precedent. Let’s define normal as the norm of prior 60% rallies and what’s normal is that by now the economy is not only standing on its own two feet but has already generated over two million net new jobs.

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November 6, 2009 – LUNCH WITH DAVE

Gluskin Sheff at a Glance Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. is one of Canada’s pre-eminent wealth management firms. Founded in 1984 and focused primarily on high net worth private clients, we are dedicated to the prudent stewardship of our clients’ wealth through the delivery of strong, risk-adjusted investment returns together with the highest level of personalized client service. OVERVIEW


As of September 30, 2009, the Firm managed assets of $5.0 billion.

We have strong and stable portfolio management, research and client service teams. Aside from recent additions, our Gluskin Sheff became a publicly traded Portfolio Managers have been with the corporation on the Toronto Stock Firm for a minimum of ten years and we Exchange (symbol: GS) in May 2006 and have attracted “best in class” talent at all remains 65% owned by its senior levels. Our performance results are those management and employees. We have of the team in place. public company accountability and We have a strong history of insightful governance with a private company bottom-up security selection based on commitment to innovation and service. fundamental analysis. For long equities, we Our investment interests are directly look for companies with a history of longaligned with those of our clients, as term growth and stability, a proven track Gluskin Sheff’s management and record, shareholder-minded management employees are collectively the largest and a share price below our estimate of client of the Firm’s investment portfolios. intrinsic value. We look for the opposite in We offer a diverse platform of investment equities that we sell short. For corporate strategies (Canadian and U.S. equities, bonds, we look for issuers with a margin of Alternative and Fixed Income) and safety for the payment of interest and investment styles (Value, Growth and principal, and yields which are attractive 1 Income). relative to the assessed credit risks involved. The minimum investment required to establish a client relationship with the Firm is $3 million for Canadian investors and $5 million for U.S. & International investors.

PERFORMANCE $1 million invested in our Canadian Value Portfolio in 1991 (its inception date) 2 would have grown to $15.5 million on September 30, 2009 versus $9.7 million for the S&P/TSX Total Return Index over the same period. $1 million usd invested in our U.S. Equity Portfolio in 1986 (its inception date) would have grown to $11.2 million 2 usd on September 30, 2009 versus $8.7 million usd for the S&P 500 Total Return Index over the same period. Notes:

We assemble concentrated portfolios — our top ten holdings typically represent between 25% to 45% of a portfolio. In this way, clients benefit from the ideas in which we have the highest conviction.

Our investment interests are directly aligned with those of our clients, as Gluskin Sheff’s management and employees are collectively the largest client of the Firm’s investment portfolios.

$1 million invested in our Canadian Value Portfolio in 1991 (its inception date) would have grown to $15.5 million2 on September 30, 2009 versus $9.7 million for the S&P/TSX Total Return Index over the same period.

Our success has often been linked to our long history of investing in underfollowed and under-appreciated small and mid cap companies both in Canada and the U.S.

PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION In terms of asset mix and portfolio construction, we offer a unique marriage between our bottom-up security-specific fundamental analysis and our top-down macroeconomic view, with the noted addition of David Rosenberg as Chief Economist & Strategist.

For further information, please contact

Unless otherwise noted, all values are in Canadian dollars. 1. Not all investment strategies are available to non-Canadian investors. Please contact Gluskin Sheff for information specific to your situation. 2. Returns are based on the composite of segregated Value and U.S. Equity portfolios, as applicable, and are presented net of fees and expenses.

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November 6, 2009 – LUNCH WITH DAVE

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