Lunar Homebrew.docx

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Lunar Homebrew Character Creation -


Pick Concept and Caste Attributes - 8 among primary, 6 among secondary, 4 among tertiary - Your Caste has a favored Column of Attributes (Full Moon: Physical, Changing Moon: Social, No Moon: Mental). Pick two Attributes from that column to be Caste Attributes. - Pick one Attribute in each other column. These are your Favored Attributes. These attributes must have at least a score of two. Abilities - Same as Solars in amount Merits - Same as Solars, but +3 Charms - Same as Solars Intimacies - Same as core Limit Trigger - Same as core Willpower - 5 Health - Same as core 15 Bonus Points - Favored/Caste Attributes cost 1 less to raise. Motes - As per page 540 in the core book You get one additional non charm Shape for free to start. NOTE: Attribute Combat trees cannot mix charms for attacking and defense. Similar to Solar Combat Tree charms.

Commented [1]: Casteless mechanics? One favoured in each column, plus additional one free pick anywhere? Usual addition of caste changing with the moon, other mechanic suggestions to follow.

Exp Changes -

Caste/Favored Attribute - (Current Rating x 4) -2, trained in (new rating) Weeks Charms - Replace references of Abilities with Attributes Intelligence replaces occult to qualify for favored EXP cost for spells Dexterity allows favored Martial Arts

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Anima Effects General -


The Lunar may flare their anima at will. Reflexive, upt to Dim The Lunar may spend 5M to denote a target as their domain or ward as simple action. They may have a number of Wards or Domains equal to their essence. The target must agree, and the Lunar must have a positive intimacy towards them. The Ward or Domain cannot be claimed by another Lunar. A Domain can be as roughly as big as a city. If the Lunar has a Solar Mate, that Mate is automatically their Ward and does not count against the number of Domains or Wards they have. It also does not have to be a positive intimacy. (NOTE: This was inspired by what Irked did with Wards. I liked the concept on a basic level, but I wanted to expand it.) NOTE: I suck at flavor text. Please forgive me. **** Implies that flavor will be written later.

Full Moon - A Full Moon may add half their essence (round up) to their resolve to resist intimidation or threaten actions. - For 7M, the Full Moon may roll a Strength + (Presence or Performance) to inspire fear and dread in all around them. Anyone whose Resolve is beat by this roll may choose to either Fight or Flee from the beast. If they fight, they lose the Lunar’s essence in initiative. If any target chooses this option, the Lunar gains essence in initiative, plus a crash bonus if any target crashed as a result. If they choose to run, they gain -(Lunar’s Essence) on their next attack on the Lunar. This may be used once per day, and is reset at Midnight. At Bonfire, you may activate this for free. - The Full Moon has met their prey, a meeting is inevitable. A Full Moon may spend 3M to add their essence in non charm dice in any test of speed if you are the pursuer or tracking roll. - Role Bonus: Succeed at a major challenge in line with a Major or Defining Intimacy with a show of force. Defeat a powerful enemy in defense of a Major or Defining Intimacy.

Changing Moon - Ever mercurial, the Changing Moon may gain trust despite extenuating factors. The Changing Moon reduces any penalties on Persuade, Instill, Bargain, or Threaten actions related to credibility by their Essence or 3, whichever is higher. - Upon succeeding at a read intentions action, the Changing moon may commit 2M to obtain that same intimacy they learned from the action. This lasts until they release the commitment, which may be done reflexively. - Their bodies ever in flux, once per day, the Changing moon may pay 7M to change form reflexively. This is reset at Midnight. At bonfire, they may activate this for free. - Role Bonus: Deceive or Manipulate a situation or target in Defense of the Circle, or in defense of a Major or Defining Intimacy. Achieve a major goal through trickery or social wiles in line with a Major or Defining belief.


Commented [2]: Bonfire is noit as much of a negative for Lunars is it? Only Solars care about Bonfire as it makes it easier for the Wyld Hunt to find them, right? Commented [3]: It's still pretty obvious to my knowledge, just less so. It's not as subtle as Sidereal bonfire. Commented [4]: Sorry, I meant mechanically. Like for a Lunar, there is no reason not to go bonfire (like there is with Solars), right? Commented [5]: Well, just because their beacon isn't AS bright, doesn't mean it still isn't obvious. They are still Anathema after all. Commented [6]: Yeah, I guess so, is the Wyld Hunt after Lunars as well? I wasn't sure where that fell on the priorities... Commented [7]: As far as I was aware, they are the primary targets most of the time, given the severe lack of Solars. Commented [8]: Magi Monk would be right there. There's a reason the Caul is a major battlefield. In fact, Anathema in this edition normally refers to Lunars. Commented [9]: Are they still restricted to their "True" shapes when flaring above their caste mark? Commented [10]: I'm not restricting them as such. Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)

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No Moon - Able to see connections where others cannot, the No Moon's raw mystical might is able to disrupt magical effects of any kind. may distort or counter a spell regardless if they are initiated into sorcery but receive a -2 penalty against any tier above what they are initiated at. When disrupting a spell known to the Lunar they gain two non-charm dice to the attempt. - Capable of strange bursts of insight, the No Moon can exercise their wisdom to receive visions to help guide their path. Through some method appropriate to the Lunars background, the No Moon may receive a vision on a subject of their choosing. This will give them a dream like interpretation of the information they seek. If no information can be had, their use is not wasted. It may be used once per story. Any actions taken to directly support the vision gain +1 charm dice to the relative action. - Wreathed in the shadows of the night, a No Moon revels in mystery. For 7M, they may choose to increase their guile by 3 to protect one particular intimacy for the day. In addition, this intimacy may not be reduced for that day. This may only be used once per day, and is free at bonfire. - Role Bonus: Overcome an obstacle with planning, foresight, or mental supremacy in defense of a Major or Defining Intimacy. Have a circle mate or Ward succeed at a major task based on an action you took to support them.

**Transformation -


See the Lunar transformation in the core book. Basically 4M simple action that can’t be flurried with an attack. Gain the Latent Abilities only. These forms can be mundane humans and animals by default. You cannot take forms of beings with higher essence than your own You still use your own essence and motes regardless of the form.

Tree Goals NOTES: When using an attribute for attack or defense, you may only use attribute charms for attack or defense. IE, using Strength charms for an attack are not compatible with Dex charms unless explicitly stated otherwise. They are also not compatible with MA charms unless stated otherwise. Strength - Theme - Power and Overcome - Combat Tree - Full Force, eventually leads into the Deadly Beastman Transformation. Grappling is here. - Utility 1 - Feats of Strength, Leaping and forceful movement - Utility 2 - Restraining and tight control of strength, natural reserves, Emotional Strength - Form Taking Trick - Heart’s Blood. Must kill and devour the target’s heart


Commented [11]: came up early in playtest. Do you get all 9 form taking tricks at character creation? Or just caste attributes? Caste and favored? Commented [12]: I think elsewhere it says that you get the form taking trick for each attribute you have an excellency in. So Caste, Favored and anything with a charm Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)

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Dexterity - Theme - Grace and Harmony - Combat Tree - Unnatural Grace, flowing maneuvers, stealth combat - Utility 1 - Tests of Speed, Balance and Gymnastics, movement tricks - Utility 2 - Crafting charms, Feats of dexterity, Performance Tricks, Instruments. Tight control of body language - Form Taking Trick - Through Love - the Lunar may take the form of any valid humanoid target, by having sex with them. Stamina - Theme - Resist and Adapt - Combat Tree - Defensive Resistance, Chimerical charms (Combining Forms), Berserker Charms - Utility 1 - Generally resisting the elements, poisons, environmental effects. Healing. - Utility 2 - Becoming one with nature. Meditative Effects. Resting for fun and profit - Form Taking Trick - TBD Charisma - Theme - Command and Charm - Active Tree - Overwhelming Presence, Commanding Troops, Debuffs by force of personality - Utility 1 - Generally working with animals and nature - Utility 2 - Communication and language in general, General Persuasion, Perfection of Voice, Speech making - Form Taking Trick - Must have Major Intimacy towards Lunar Manipulation - Theme - Deceive and Disorient - Active Tree - General Tricks, Combat Deception, Playing Possum - Utility 1 - Changing environments to be more disorienting. Illusions and crooked paths, glamours. - Utility 2 - Lying, manipulating social norms, gambling, learning and manipulating intimacies - Form Taking Trick - Bargaining - The Lunar convinces the Target to allow them to use their form. The target must be capable of understanding the bargain, though not necessarily what it entails. The Lunar is bound to any agreement they make. This may be combined with other form taking tricks. Appearance - Theme - Perfect and Transform - Active Tree - Perfection - Utility 1 - General Attractiveness or Hideousness. Ability to change aspects of appearance in any form. - Utility 2 - Resist effects to self of shaping, the wyld. Undo permanent harm and scarring - Form Taking Trick - Silver God Body Mirror - If the Lunar’s appearance exceeds a target’s resolve by at least 3, you may make an Appearance + Presence roll vs. their guile. If you exceed their guile, you may transform into a duplicate of that being. This


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being still must be a valid form target for you. This form is temporary, and once you leave that form, you may not take it again until the above method is performed once more. Perception - Theme - Perceive and Discover - Active Tree - Accuracy in all things - Utility 1 - Noticing aspects of a person/animal, notice intimacies, notice any social situations that need to be reacted to. General Awareness - Utility 2 - Noticing Spirits, discover occult and essence workings. General working with spirits, Tracking - Form Taking Trick - Sight of True Form - The Lunar may obtain a form by observing a target for a week. They may then roll a Perception + Awareness test with a difficulty equal to the target’s essence x 3. Intelligence - Theme - Understand and Know - Active Tree - Calculated actions, execution of plans. Comprehending opponents - Utility 1 - Sorcery based charms, Teaching and Mystery Charms - Utility 2 - Understand the nature of the situation, figure out organizations and social structures, extrapolate intimacies - Form Taking Trick - Forsaken Knowledge - Lunar must know about the target. 7 facts ritually written Wits - Theme - React and Intuit - Combat Tree - Reactions, quick movements, join battle, mutation - Utility 1 - Recognize threats, react to general stimuli, General Social Resistance, Resolve, social reactions - Utility 2 - Guess correct answers without knowing them, guess the use of things - Form Taking Trick - Must have Major Negative Intimacy towards Lunar

Commented [13]: Consider allowing the Wits combat tree to be compatible with other combat trees. Some of the charms offered are strong, but many are equally weak, and share many themes with Dexterity combat tree. Commented [14]: I'd rather improve Wits, than make it compatible.

General - Charms to unlock Latent and Magical abilities for animals and other forms. - If I feel like adding specific charms for interacting with a Solar Mate, they’ll go here.

Lunar Keywords -


Guardian - This charm interacts with Wards or Domains in some way. Shape - This Charm gives the Lunar a distinct Shape. This form is still accessible through that charm, BUT when another charm references Shapes the Lunar has, these Shapes are counted. If a Shape is part of a combat tree, any charms that enhance the Shape that are not supplemental charms are not bound to only using Charms of that tree.

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Universal - This charm may explicitly used with any action used with the Attribute whose tree it is under. Superiority - If the target of this charm cancels out it’s effect or makes up for it with Willpower, an Excellency, or a Charm, the charm grants a bonus effect in that scenario.

Charm Template Name Cost: Mins: Type: Keywords: Duration: Prerequisite Charms:

Strength Charms Form Taking Trick Heart’s Blood - The Lunar may drink the blood directly from the heart of a recently dead (within a day) target to obtain their shape.


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Combat Charms

Essence 1 Stone Breaking Strike Cost: 1m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Withering-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None With a the force of a raging bull, the Lunar’s strikes can shatter stone and tear through bones. This charm supplements a melee attack. Upon hitting a target, the Lunar may ignore 3 points of soak the target has. Divine Arm Deflection Cost: 3m,3i Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform, Perilous Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Striking against the Lunar is a terrifying proposition, their might is without equal and their will stalwart. Upon successfully parrying an attack they may spend 3m 3i to inflict all current onslaught penalties on the last unsuccessful attacker. They still have the onslaught penalty themselves. Overwhelming Ravaging Attitude Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Stone Breaking Strike With their overwhelming strength, the Lunar cannot be prevented from attacking their prey. Upon successfully attacking a target at close range, subject to a Defend Other action that bypasses the defenders DV, they may roll their essence, and add the successes to the original roll. Perpetual Devouring Beast


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Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Dual, Stackable Duration: Until a Successful Attack Prerequisite Charms: Stone Breaking Strike Failure only inspires the Lunar to try harder, striking more furiously. Upon failing to hit a target Engaged with the Lunar, the Lunar may commit 2m. The next time they attack their target, they gain 2 dice to the raw damage of the next withering attack, or 1 to the next decisive attack. If they continue missing, they may continue committing motes until they hit. Upon hitting, the motes are uncommitted. Undying Force Magnification Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Perpetual Devouring Beast Despite their overwhelming strength, the Lunar knows the most effective way to use it. Upon successfully incapacitating an enemy with a decisive attack, the lunar may make another attack on another enemy in close range or that they are engaged with, using the overflow of damage as their damage dice (IE, any damage in excess of health needed to incapacitate the target). This may be used with combat charms of other attributes if the other requirements are met. Glorious God Body Cost: - Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None A Lunar’s raw strength grows quickly, and they are able to apply their raw physical power in battle in ways others cannot match. Upon taking this charm, the Lunar may use Strength in place of Dexterity when attacking with natural, brawl, or heavy melee weapons. They may also use it when establishing a Grapple. The Lunar’s physique in all forms are much more muscular. If the form cannot show any more muscle (like an insect or a tree), they seem much bulkier than usual. Deadly Beastman Transformation Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Simple


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Keywords: Shape Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar melds their body with their animal best befitting their war-form, creating a terrifying countenance. Upon buying this charm, select one of the Lunar’s animal forms; this charm transforms the lunar into a Half-Man, Half-Beast form of that animal. The Lunar has access to Essence or Strength number of that Shape’s Latent Abilities, whichever is lower, and any further abilities of that animal they have access to. They may wield weapons normally. They reduce wound penalties on attack and movement rolls by half, and add 2 to their strength for the purpose of feats of strength, both to the dice pool and to what feats they may attempt. In addition, the Lunar gains one automatic success on all damage rolls. This charm may be explicitly used with other Attribute charms. Grand Forward Force Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Glorious God Body Like a charging rhino, the Lunar does not stop for any opposition. This charm supplements an attack against a target. The target gains a defense penalty for the attack equal to the Lunar’s Essence/2 (rounded up). If the defender somehow cancels out the penalty and the Lunar’s attack, the target may choose to disengage from the target for free, ending up a short range band away. They do not lose any initiative from failing to hit with a decisive attack. Thousand Gorilla's Grasp Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Glorious God Body With the grip of a mighty blood ape, nothing can escape from the Lunar’s grasp. When rolling a control roll they gain one automatic success, and if the Lunar succeeds at the action, they may add their Strength or 5, whichever is lower to the number of turns they have control of the grapple. Living Catapult Methodology Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental


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Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None With the grand power of a thousand soldiers, the Lunar can toss an object into the horizon. This charm may explicitly supplement any attack with a thrown weapon, or simply to throw something in general (if the Lunar can lift that object). The Lunar may throw an object up to Long Range. They still must aim as normal. At Essence 3+, they may throw to extreme range. Diving Eagle Javelin Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Living Catapult Methodology Whipping an object around at full force, the Lunar’s might can launch an object with an overwhelming impact. When making a thrown decisive attack, if the attack deals at least 4 damage, they are knocked back a range band, and take damage as though they fell from a short fall. Shocking Spider’s Revolution Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Withering-Only, Superiority Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Living Catapult Methodology With shocking speed, the Lunar can throw an object, such that it cuts the wind itself apart. Upon making a Withering thrown attack, the target of the attack reduces their defense by 1. If they increase their defense in anyway beyond a stunt, the Lunar gains half that bonus rounded down in non charm dice to the attack.

Essence 2 Overwhelming Beast’s Impact Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Simple


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Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation With a mighty slam, the Lunar can cause the very ground to shake around them. This is a difficulty 4 gambit against all enemies in close range. If successful, any enemies whose defense was beaten are knocked prone. Fatal Tiger Rush Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation The Lunar is an unstoppable beast, barely stopping to ravage one target before choosing a new prey. Upon incapacitating a target when under the effects of Deadly Beastman Transformation, the Lunar may reflexively move one range band towards another target within one range band of the original target and decisively attack that target before resetting initiative. This may be used once per scene. Vicious Snapdragon Reversal Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Overwhelming Ravaging Attitude Simply striking at the lunar can leave the target far worse for wear, as the Lunar can simply reflect them with the sheer force of their might. Upon successfully parrying an attack from someone engaged with the Lunar, the Lunar may forcefully push off the target. The target’s next attack has a penalty of the Lunar’s Strength/2 (round up) or 5, whichever is lower. In addition, the Lunar’s next attack against that target gains Strength/2 (round up) or 5, whichever is lower, in non charm dice. Shattering Ram Prana Cost: - Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Perpetual Devouring Beast


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When they meet another foe in direct combat, the Lunar cannot be overwhelmed. This charm gives the lunar one additional die for attack rolls in clash attacks. In addition, they add two additional dice to the damage of any clash attack. Auroch Rushing Slam Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Clash, Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Shattering Ram Prana The Lunar is quick to punish any incoming attack, striking with brutal fury and overwhelming force. The Lunar may make a reflexive clash attack against an incoming decisive attack from an engaged target. If the Lunar succeeds at the clash attack, they may knock their target prone. At Essence 3+, they may clash against a ranged attacked, literally batting away the projectile right back at the attacker. Many Hands Charge Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Gorilla’s Grasp With a mighty charge, the Lunar grasps with a snake like grip, clenching their target in their hands like pincers. This charm supplements a grapple gambit, adding the difference in strength between the Lunar and the target (presuming the Lunar has more strength) as non charm dice to the roll, though no more than 5. In addition, they may their add their strength or 5, whichever is less to the gambit roll. Spine Breaking Technique Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Many Hands Charge The Lunar’s grasp is unparalleled, shattering their opponent’s body with brute force. The Lunar may make a decisive savaging attack against a grappled enemy without resetting to base Initiative once per fight.


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Revolving Shatter Method Cost: 6m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Dual Duration: One Turn, Instant Prerequisite Charms: Grand Forward Force With a violent crash of force, the Lunar swings their attack through a full rotation, striking with maximum power and going all out. When making an attack, the lunar may reduce their defense and gain one non charm die for each point they reduce their defense by. They may convert additional successes back to their defense at one success per defense point. They may not raise their defense past their normal defense score. On a decisive attack, the Lunar may instead convert essence or 3, whichever is greater, additional successes into damage dice on the damage roll. Arcing Lion Pin Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Shocking Spider’s Revolution With a flick of their wrist, the lunar launches an object directly into their opponent, pinning them to the ground. The lunar may make a decisive thrown attack against a target. If successful, the target is knocked prone by the sheer force of the attack. If the target chooses to rise from prone, they must succeed at a normal roll to rise from prone as though they were engaged if they are not, and add the Lunar’s strength or 5, whichever is lower, to the difficulty. Hurricane Dragon Throw Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Shocking Spider’s Revolution, Many Hands Charge With volatile fury, even those within his grip can be used to devastating effect. This charm supplements a throw action against a grappled target. Choose another enemy within range of a thrown attack. Upon throwing the enemy as normal, you may attack the second target with the thrown enemy with an equivalent withering or decisive attack, based on what type of attack you did to the thrown target. The thrown target has the stats of a light (if small creature), medium (if relatively humanoid size), or large thrown weapon (if much larger).


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Essence 3 Ogre Beast Amplification Cost: - (+3m) Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation At this level of power, the Lunar’s half man form has its strength multiplied, making it far more fearsome. The Lunar may pay an additional 3 motes to activate this charm along with Deadly Beastman Transformation. Releasing DBT releases this charm as well. The Lunar may add their Strength to the post soak damage of all withering attacks, and half their strength rounded down to the raw damage of a decisive attack. Raw Victory Regeneration Cost: - (+2m) Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Beastman Transformation The Lunar’s Half Man form is strong beyond reason, and his body quickly recovers from any and all harm. Upon activating DBT, the Lunar may activate this charm as part of it. Whenever the Lunar resets to base initiative when in DBT, they may regenerate a single point of bashing or lethal damage. Silver Battering Ram Cost: 1 wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Auroch Rushing Slam Full of fury and might, the Lunar is always ready to meet any blade or blow with equivalent might. If the Lunar is attacked by the a target no more than (Strength) more initiative than them, they may spend 1 wp to use their action for that round to clash the target. Shining Crescent Aurora Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform t

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Duration: One Round Prerequisite Charms: Vicious Snapdragon Reversal, Fatal Tiger Rush The Lunar’s rage is both a gift… and a punishment for all those around them. When activated, whenever the Lunar attacks anyone or is attacked against their parry (does not matter if the attack is successful), the target gains a penalty to their next action equal to half the Lunar’s essence, rounded up. This effect can occur more than once if they manage to attack or be attacked by the Lunar again in the same round. Jealous Beast’s Grip Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Spine Breaking Technique, Hurricane Dragon Throw When anyone attempts to distract the Lunar from their prey, they will return the insult 10 fold. When attacked during a grapple, the Lunar may spend 3 motes to give up their attack for the round to attack the attacker without penalty. If successful, the Lunar loses no turns of controlling the grapple. This may be only used once per attacking target, but is reset by making a decisive savaging attack or a decisive throwing attack. Raw Justice Devouring Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Undying Force Magnification With a mighty roar, the Lunar maximizes their strength, ready to unleash their raw power on the unworthy. Once activated, the Lunar’s overwhelming value becomes their strength or 5, whichever is lower. At essence 4+, if the Lunar’s strength happens to be more than Five, the Lunar gains one automatic success on all attack rolls against engaged targets. Overwhelming Force Prana Cost: 2m (+3m) Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Undying Force Magnification


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In the Lunar’s hands, any object can be as devastating as the next. While the Lunar has two motes committed, any object they hold is considered a heavy melee weapon, and loses any penalties for being an improvised weapon. If the object is an improvised weapon normally, they pay an additional 3 motes upon hitting someone with a decisive attack with it. This shatters the weapon, but adds an additional 4 dice to the decisive damage. Thundering Bell Denial Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Clash Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Silver Battering Ram, Divine Arm Deflection Whatever is within the Lunar’s grasp, it may not be taken. They may not always choose to wield a weapon, but if they do, it is theirs, and none may take it. The Lunar may use this charm in response to a Disarm Gambit, to respond with their own Disarm gambit. If the target is unarmed, they may instead choose to knock them prone with the Disarm gambit. Either way, the Lunar has double 10’s on the gambit roll.

Essence 4 Infinite Bloodthirst Comprehension Cost: - Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Ogre Beast Amplification, Raw Victory Regeneration The Lunar’s Half man form is unstoppable, each kill adding to the next. When the Lunar resets in DBT, they may add 2 or the number of opponents they have incapacitated this combat to their base initiative after reset. Battle Groups count as 1 opponents for this. Million Strike Revolution Cost: 10m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Type: Simple Keywords: Clash Duration: One Round Prerequisite Charms: Silver Battering Ram, Shining Crescent Aurora


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In blistering fury, the Lunar can beat back all attacks. Their wild rage can return in even the most devastating of attacks. Once this charm is activated, anyone who attacks the Lunar can be responded to with a clash attack. This may be withering or decisive, and the Lunar resets as per normal if a decisive attack is made. Regardless of which, each clash attack gains the Lunar’s essence in non charm dice. At the Lunar’s next turn, if they have not been struck by a single attack, they are refunded 5 motes. If they crashed any target with a clash attack, they gain a temporary willpower (this only occurs once per round). Violent Beast Punishment Cost: - Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Jealous Beast’s Grip When the Lunar is enraged, those in their grasp fall, and it only feeds their fury. Upon incapacitating a target with a savaging attack or a throw from a grapple, the Lunar may gain 2 times that target’s essence in motes. Final Dream Ascension Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Ogre Beast Amplification, Raw Victory Regeneration With a mighty throw, the Lunar launches an object with such force that the air cracks, and the ground shakes. This charm supplements a decisive thrown attack. Upon striking the target, both the Lunar and the target both make opposing feat of strength rolls. If the Lunar wins, the target is knocked backwards by the projectile and no decisive damage is rolled, though the Lunar still resets. For every 4 successes the Lunar beats the target by, the target is knocked back another range band, and take damage equal to falling the number of range bands they are pushed back.

Essence 5 Ultimate Hybrid Evolution Cost: - Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent


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Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Bloodthirst Comprehension, Violent Beast Punishment, Million Strike Revolution The pinnacle of the Half Man form complete, the Lunar is truly a warrior of legend. The Bonus from DBT to Feat of Strength rolls, is now applied to the DBT’s Strength in general. In addition, they reroll all 6’s on damage rolls until 6’s fail to appear.

Raw Force Charms Essence 1 Rising Power Exercise Keywords: None Duration: One Test Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None

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The Lunar can easily move objects that lesser mortals cannot dream to. The Lunar may reduce the strength requirement of a Feat of Strength roll by 2. Strength Multiplicity Discipline Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Rising Power Exercise

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Regardless of the Lunar’s Form, they may exercise their full strength. If in a form with less Strength than the Lunar’s normal form, they may use the Strength score of their normal form. Shattering Force Impact Keywords: None Duration: One Test Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Rising Power Exercise


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Mundane objects are like putty in the Lunar’s hands. This charm supplements a feat of strength action to break an object. The roll gains double 9’s. Strength of the Land Meditation Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Strength Multiplicity Discipline Nothing within their domain presents any challenge to the Lunar. When attempting a Feat of Strength within their domain, the Lunar adds two dice to their strength for the purpose of Feats of Strength. Unstoppable Path Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None No shattered earth or dense jungle can slow the Lunar. The Lunar can ignore all movement penalties due to rough terrain. They literally just walk through the rough terrain and foliage, tearing right through it. Monkey Leap Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Unstoppable Path In any form, the Lunar has the strength in all the their forms to leap great distances. This supplements a Lunar’s movement of any kind. The Lunar may jump a range band reflexively, but this counts as their movement for the turn. Violent Crashing Descent Keywords: None Duration: Instant


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Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Monkey Leap Technique With a shattering landing, the Lunar falls to the ground, making their presence known. The Lunar may activate this charm to ignore any damage from falling damage, crashing into the land beneath them and transferring all of the force to the ground around them. This may be done from any height, as cannot initiate an attack or land on an enemy. Any attempts at stealth during the fall automatically fail. Ox Hero Charge Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Monkey Leap Technique, Shattering Force Impact With a leap, and a charge, the Lunar may shatter through any obstacle in their path. During a movement action, the Lunar may make a reflexive Feat of Strength roll to remove or break an object in their way. This does not allow them to remove combatants in their way.

Essence 2 Unified Form Power Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (1 wp) Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Strength Multiplicity Discipline Drawing upon all the forms within their repertoire, the Lunar is capable of drawing forth the maximum potential available to them. This charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. Upon activating Strength Multiplicity Discipline, they may use the strength of their most powerful form for a Feat of Strength action. This includes any form explicitly granted by a charm, like Deadly Beastman Transformation. Unstoppable Bull Rush Keywords: None t

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Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Ox Hero Charge Tearing through the ranks of the enemy, the Lunar cannot be stopped; the sheer momentum of their movement overwhelms all opposition. This charm may be activated when attempting a movement action opposing a battlegroup. They may automatically succeed on the rush or disengage action with that battlegroup. If the Lunar is also trying to disengage from a non battlegroup opponent, they still must roll to rush or disengage them. Rushing Monster Fury Keywords: Transition Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m (1wp) Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Shattering Force Impact Uncaged and full of fury, no mortal can hold the Lunar if he does not wish to be stalled. The Lunar may roll for a Feat of Strength to Disengage against each target as opposed to Dex + Dodge. If the Lunar is in a Shape significantly larger than the surrounding targets from which you are disengaging, the Lunar does not need to pay a point of willpower. Mounting Rage Uncaging Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 0m or 3m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Strength of the Land Meditation No bonds may restrain the Lunar! This charm supplements a Feat of Strength attempt to break and material bonds that restrain the Lunar. If they are mundane, the Lunar may spend 0 mtoes and automatically break the bonds. If they are NOT Mundane, the Lunar may spend 2 additional motes, and gain their essence or 3 (whichever is higher) in non charm dice in the attempt. Striding Herd Discipline Keywords: Transition Duration: Until Travel Complete Type: Supplemental


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Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements:Shattering Force Impact, Rushing Monster Fury With their sheer momentum alone, the Lunar can accelerate at a dramatic pace to quicken their journey, stopping for nothing. When in a form capable of any sort of charging movement, the Lunar may roll a Strength + Athletics roll with double 9’s when beginning any sort of travel. The successes are saved for use during the movement for any feat of strength roll made during the travel. The Lunar also halves the travel time. In addition, the Lunar may use Ox Hero Charge for free during this movement Sharpened Claws Enhancement Keywords: Decisve Only Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Rushing Monster Fury With great might, the Lunar can tear through any defense. The Lunar’s attacks against engaged targets may ignore their natural form’s strength/2 (Rounded up) in hardness, in addition to any hardness they would normally ignore. Combined Ally Might Exercise Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Unstoppable Path, Mounting Rage Uncaging With their Ward at their side, the Lunar can express their strength effortlessly for their sake. This charm requires the Lunar to being doing an action for the sake of a target denoted as a Ward. They may add the strength of the intimacy they have for that Ward to their strength for the purpose of determining whether or not they may make a feat of strength.

Essence 3 Silver God Unbinding Keywords: None Duration: Permanent t

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Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Unified Form Power Regardless of Form, the Lunar’s form is irrelevant to their prowess. If the Lunar use Strength Multiplicity Discipline or Unified Form Power to justify grappling a being of any size as long as they meet the strength requirement when establishing the grapple. This does not need to be maintained for the remainder of the grapple. Undying Spirit Grip Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Silver God Unbinding The Lunar’s might is not simply bound to the material world, and even spirit’s must fear his grasp. The Lunar may use this charm to grab hold of an Immaterial spirit they can see, and drag it into the material world. The Lunar rolls Strength + Brawl/Martial Arts/Athletics (Whichever is most appropriate) vs the Spirit’s defense. If successful, the spirit MUST pay to manifest, and is dragged into the material world Earth Rending Discipline Keywords: Transition Duration: Until travel complete Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Striding Herd Discipline The very earth gives way to the Lunar’s might, allowing them to burrow through the ground at unnatural speed. This requires the Lunar to take a shape which is capable of digging. Upon activating this charm, the Lunar may burrow through any earth or stone at their full running speed, only creating enough space as necessary for them to move through. They may choose to have these burrowed holes not affect the stability of the structure as a whole. Breakman Turning Overdrive Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive


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Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Earth Rending Discipline, Combined Ally Might Exercise The Lunar is the master of their own domain, capable of traversing it with ease. When out of combat within their own Domain, the Lunar may leap to any location within it in an instance. If in combat, the Lunar may move two range bands every time they move a range band. Tyrant Lizard Rampage Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Sharpened Claws Enhancement Unleashing their full fury, the Lunar can cause mass destruction. With a massive explosion of might, the Lunar may make a feat of strength roll, with a requirement of 5 per each range band of territory you wish to destroy. Every range band affected has its nonsignificant environment set pieces destroyed, and all trivial opponents are immediately defeated. The ground becomes difficult terrain.

Commented [15]: does this work against a battlegroup? Commented [16]: No

Thousand Ants Eruption Keywords: Transition Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Unstoppable Bull Rush

Commented [17]: Clarifying: A battlegroup itself is not a trivial opponent as a whole

Entire armies fall before the Lunar’s might. After successfully reducing a battle group’s size, the Lunar may activate this charm. The battle group gains a penalty to their morale check equal the Lunar’s current strength. If the battle group normally does not make morale checks, they must make one still.

Essence 4 Unlimited Might Apotheosis Keywords: None Duration: One Test Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m 1 wp t

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Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Silver God Unbinding, Tyrant Lizard Rampage The Lunar’s might is limitless, and at the peak of their power, they may perform feats undreamed of. This charm is used to enhance a Feat of Strength, though is applied after all other charms used for the test. After the other charms have been applied, the Lunar may double their strength for the test, and ignore all Feat of Strength requirements. Mindless Moose Rage Keywords: Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Breakman Turning Overdrive, Thousand Ants Eruption It is not wise to keep the Lunar contained. At some point, they will be freed, and their rampage will continue. If the Lunar succeeds at any disengage action, they may deal one bashing damage to all target’s they disengage from for no attack roll. In addition, the Lunar may double essence 7’s and 8’s on any Athletics roll.

Restraint and Potential Charms - Will likely add Bridge keywords later Essence 1 Gentle Bear Rending Keywords: None Duration: One Test Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s physique is perfectly under their control, allowing them to use their strength in precision. When making any sort of roll to break an object, this charm allows the Lunar to only break exactly what they are aiming to break and nothing more. Impossible Lion’s Mercy


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Keywords: Decisive-Only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Gentle Bear Rending Despite their raw fury, the Lunar can spare their foes at the last moment by limiting the force their muscles release. Whenever decisively attacking a target, the Lunar may use this charm to not slay the target regardless of method they use to attack. This may explicitly be used with charms of other abilities Heart of Fire Judgement Keywords: Guardian, Universal Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Emotional and tempestuous as Luna herself, the Lunar can summon up strength from their very emotions. If a strength action works to protect or somehow support a Domain or Ward, the Lunar may increase their maximum excellency dice by the strength of the intimacy towards that Domain or Ward. This does not stack if more than one Domain or Ward is involved. Hot Blooded Lunar Hero Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Heart of Fire Judgement With a fire stoked in their heart, the Lunar is capable of drawing emotional strength from what they care about. This charm supplements a social action or attack against someone the Lunar has a Negative tie towards. Add one non charm automatic success on the roll. Patient Beast Deception Keywords: Universal Duration: Until Next Strength Action Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m


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Mins: Strength 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s muscular structure is capable of storing raw power within their body, ready to unleash at any moment. When attempting a Strength action, the Lunar may reduce their Strength down to 1 for the action. If they succeed at that action, they may commit 3 motes until their next Strength action. For that action, they may double the points of strength they voluntarily reduced their Strength by for the first action. Flowing Essence Enhancement Keywords: Universal Duration: Until Next Strength Action Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Patient Beast Deception Drawing their essence through every muscle in their bodies, the Lunar prepares for an explosion of force. This charm may not be flurried in any action. For the next Strength action the Lunar makes, they gain their essence or 3, whichever is greater, is added to that action as non charm dice.

Essence 2 Strength of Iron Foundation Keywords: Stackable Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Impossible Lion’s Mercy Their divine might enforced through every fiber of their being, the Lunar can meld objects slightly with their body, giving those objects some sense of their strength. The Lunar may activate this charm to make an object impossible to break by mundane means. This object can be as large as a small house. If through magical means, the strength requirement is raised by the Lunar’s strength to break the object. Seven Chains Binding Keywords: None Duration: Instant t

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Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Strength of Iron Foundation With a violent push, the Lunar may embed a target into a larger object with the sheer force of their essence, melding flesh and stone, through the Lunar, object, and their prey. The Lunar rolls Strength + Brawl/Athletics/Martial Arts (Assuming it's a hand to hand martial art), against the target’s Stamina + 1 as the difficulty to the roll. The Lunar may add 3 non charm dice if they are significantly larger than their target. This only may be done on a prone or helpless target. Once melded, the target is melded with the scenery and cannot move. To release themselves, the target must succeed at a Feat of Strength action with the Lunar’s essence + strength as the requirement, and strength as the difficulty. Rage of a Thousand Loves Methodology Keywords: Guardian Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Hot Blooded Lunar Hero Method The Lunar holds a deep connection to all of their Domains and Wards, and their heart does not let go of them easily. Whenever a target attempts to make a social action to reduce the intensity of an Intimacy for one of their Domains or Wards, the Lunar may activate this charm in response regardless of whether they are successful. On the next intimidate action or join battle action against that target, the Lunar may add the strength of their intimacy as automatic successes on that action. If they threatened their intimacy against their Solar Mate, they may add their essence as automatic successes as well. The Fire Releases the Beast Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Rage of a Thousand Loves Methodology Within their very soul, the Lunar’s heart contains the force of a 1000 creatures and beasts. After successfully resisting an intimidate or threaten action, the Lunar may activate this charm to reflexively shift into a different Shape.


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Hands of Glass Release Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flowing Essence Enhancement Even when their strength fails them, the Lunar may push harder than before in order to maximize their power. After failing a strength roll, the Lunar may activate this charm to reroll essence or 3 failures, whichever is higher. Impossible Diversion Focus Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Hands of Glass Release Their raw power capable of unnatural force, the Lunar may rend apart the very wind and turn rivers with their might. This charm supplements a feat of strength roll, allowing them to use a feat of strength action on a target normally deemed impossible, such as physically pushing a storm, or diverting the direction of a river. If the Lunar is in an exceptionally large Shape, such as a Rhino or larger, they gain one automatic success on the action. Infinite Passion Desires Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Strength 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Seven Chains Binding, The Fire Releases the Beast Within a Lunar’s heart is a passion that is undeniable, and cannot be quenched under the onslaught of a thousand voices. When affected by a social action which affects their resolve, and the Lunar applies an intimacy to defend with that is less than defining, they may activate this charm to make it considered defining for the sake of resisting influence. Cry of Justice Focus Keywords: None Duration: One Test


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Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Requirements: The Fire Releases the Beast, Impossible Diversion Focus From deep within, the Lunar may draw upon great inner strength to empower their mightiest of feats. The Lunar may activate this charm to add a relevant intimacy’s intensity as non charm dice to a feat of strength action for which it applies. Power Through Blood Technique Keywords: Universal Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Seven Chains Binding, Impossible Diversion Focus Their hearts mighty, and their bodies mightier, the Lunar can suffer through any amount of punishment. The Lunar may activate this charm to negate the effects of wound penalties to any Strength rolls they make equal to their Strength score. If in a larger form (Rhino or bigger), the Lunar may add the amount their Strength exceeds their current wound penalties to their soak and hardness. This charm may not be activated if the Lunar is not suffering any wound penalties.

Essence 3 Deny the Speaker Technique Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Infinite Passion Desires The Lunar’s will is divine, and the strength of their heart unsurpassed. The Lunar may spend 5 motes in place of a willpower to resist a social action. If that social action involves a Ward or Domain, they may decrease the cost of this charm by 1. Spinning the Heel Rage Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive t

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Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Deny the Speaker Technique As Luna ever changes, the Lunar’s heart is volatile as the coming storm. The Lunar may activates this charm to invert up to essence intimacies, turning positive ties into negative for the duration of the charm. The Lunar must roll limit from activating this charm equivalent to a defining intimacy. A Thousand Hearts as One Prana Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m (7m) Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Deny the Speaker Technique Through the Lunar’s will, those who they love and have passion for may draw from that tempestuous heart. The Lunar may commit 5m for a Ward to have access to any Defining Principles or Ties the Lunar has during the course of the charm. For 7m, they may allow anyone in their Domain to use intimacies in the same way. The Lunar must be in relatively close proximity to the Ward, or within their domain. Blood Moon Dawning Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Cry of Justice Focus Through the strength of their own spirit, the Lunar may power through hardship and pain, and triumph. This charm may be activated in response to taking decisive damage. This reduces the damage taken by twice the intensity of an intimacy towards a belief that applies to the situation. This charm may not be used again this scene unless reset by dealing decisive damage to the target that did damage to the Lunar. Impossible Passion Meditation Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: -


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Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Blood Moon Dawning The Lunar’s heart is unassailable, and no one may quench their passions. Upon buying this charm, choose 3 of your Defining Intimacies. No one is able to reduce the intensity of these intimacies. Any attempt simply fails. If you voluntarily choose to reduce your own intimacies, you must select a replacement. Combined Fury Attitude Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Blood Moon Dawning, A Thousand Hearts as One Prana The Lunar may draw from those they care about, aligning their desires as one. The Lunar may activate this charm to use an intimacy one of their Wards has as their own for one instance (resist social influence, or any other charm/ability that uses an intimacy). They may then immediately take that Intimacy as a Minor Intimacy if they choose. Feeding the Beast Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: The Fire Releases the Beast, Spinning the Heel Rage The very passions that drive them may fuel the raw chaos that is the Lunar’s form. The Lunar may activate this charm to reflexively shift into a Shape. They must reduce a Defining Intimacy to Minor in addition to spending the cost of this charm. The cost of changing Shapes however, is reduced by 5 if this charm is used. The Lunar must roll limit as though defining. Apparent Strength Appearance Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Strength 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Power Through Blood Technique


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The Lunar does not need to carry themselves like a brute for those around them to know what power they hold. The Lunar may use Strength instead of Appearance to determine whether or not they get bonus dice for Threaten and Intimidate social rolls (as though you had the Hideous merit). This bonus cannot exceed 5 dice, regardless of Shape. Body of God Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Apparent Strength Appearance The Lunar’s might is infinite, and their strength knows no limits. The Lunar may spend 1 wp to reroll any Strength action, with any charms used in the former roll being used in the new roll for no further cost. More charms may be added, but they must be paid for as per usual. This may be used once per scene.

Essence 4 Blood Rage Revitalization Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 10m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Impossible Passion Meditation, Body of God Technique The rage in a Lunar’s heart is endless, and not even death can hold it. This charm may be activated when a Lunar is incapacitated. The Lunar may roll their Strength + the Intensity of a Relevant Intimacy. Any success reduces one damage from the incapacitating attack by 1. This charm may only be used once per story. Heartache Inducing Glory Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Strength 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Combined Fury Attitude, Spinning the Heel Rage


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The Lunar’s passion are so great, that those around them cannot bring their hearts to bear. Once activated, any target the Lunar intimidates or threatens during the scene reduces the effectiveness of their intimacies for the purposes by one intensity for the scene. IE. A defining is worth a Major, a major is worth a minor, and minors count as not having an intimacy. The targets do not lose or reduce their intimacies, they are just less effective.

Dexterity Charms Form Taking Trick Mirror Body - The Lunar may temporarily take any form for essence days, they simply need to beat a target’s Guile with an Dexterity + (Social Skill) roll when the target is watching them. The Lunar may only have Dexterity forms in this manner.

Combat Charms Essence 1 Flitting Hummingbird Thrust Keywords: Withering Only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a keen precision, and a floating strike, the Lunar can slide past the tightest of defenses. If the Lunar hits a target with no additional successes, they may activate this charm to add two additional successes to the attack. Eclectic Monkey Grip Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With supreme balance, and a complete comprehension of motion in all of their forms, the Lunar may balance any tool of war in any form. When committed, the Lunar may wield weapons in any


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form, as long as they have a reasonable way to hold onto to it (in a lion’s maw, octopus’s tentacles, etc). This charm can be explicitly used by all Combat Attribute trees. Beautiful Ebon Flow Keywords: Uniform Duration: 1 Round Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a flowing movement, and expert grace, the Lunar slides out of the way of all attacks. This Charm allows the user to apply any onslaught penalties to only one of their defenses, and not the other. IE, they may choose to apply all Onslaught to Parry instead of Evasion. In addition, they may increase their unaffected defense by 1. However, once the onslaught reduces the other defense to 0, it affects both defenses again. Subtle Spiral Strike Keywords: Withering Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Flittering Hummingbird Thrust Their limbs and joints bending in unique ways, the Lunar may quietly restrict the force of their attacks in order to better strike their target. The Lunar may use this charm to supplement a withering attack. They may reduce the damage of their weapon up to their dexterity. For each point of damage they reduce their weapon by, they may add one non charm die to their attack roll. Descending Panther Claw Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Flittering Hummingbird Thrust With a whipping motion and a limb slightly elongating just enough to make contact, the Lunar may strike a jagged line across their opponent. If the Lunar makes a decisive attack with this charm that rolls less damage than they have dexterity, they may take any additional successes


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on the attack roll up to their essence or 3, whichever is greater, and add them in as damage dice. Flexible Offense Stability Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Subtle Spiral Strike Despite their loose and flowing motions, the Lunar is capable of using their superior flexibility to contort and bend around in order to adapt with any hazards. The Lunar may use this charm on an attack roll to ignore any penalties to their attack pool. Bizarre River Flux Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (2m) Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Eclectic Monkey Grip Their bodies loose, flexible, and shifty, the Lunar may contort and warp out of even the tightest of grips. The Lunar may use Dexterity in place of Strength in resisting a grapple control roll. If successful, the Lunar may spend 2 motes to immediately break out of the grapple. Mercurial Ape Stance Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Round Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m (5m) Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Eclectic Monkey Grip Gently increasing the length of their limbs, the Lunar extend their reach ever so subtly. The Lunar may activate this charm to give themselves the reaching tag, regardless of what weapons they are using or if they are unarmed. At Essence 3+, the Lunar may instead commit 5 motes in order to give any attackers a -3 penalty to their attacks.


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Dust and Sand Method Keywords: Dual Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Beautiful Ebon Flow Dancing through blows, and sliding blades and arrows, the Lunar seems to fade from blows and effortlessly glide with shocking agility through the battlefieldbattle field. When the Lunar is attacked by a withering attack, they may increase their defense by their dexterity minus the weapons accuracy. If the Lunar is attacked with a decisive attack, they may increase their defense for every 5 initiative the attack has. These are non charm bonuses. Sky Riding Glide Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Beautiful Ebon Flow Allowing the force to carry them away, the Lunar relaxes their body to an incoming attack, and floats away from their attacker. After successfully defending against an attack, the Lunar may use this charm to reflexively disengage from their foe, using the difference between their defense and final attack successes as automatic successes on their disengage roll. If they are not engaged, they may simply move away a range band without spending the willpower cost on this charm.

Essence 2 Snow Leopard Percussion Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Descending Panther Claw With blinding speed, the Lunar’s limbs twist and warp, flailing to recover after a brutal strike to continue the assault. After making a decisive attack on a target that does not incapacitate them, the Lunar may activate this charm to immediately make a withering attack against them. If the t

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decisive attack is a ranged attack, the second attack does not require the Lunar to aim at an enemy to strike them. Thousand Wolf’s Cry Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Snow Leopard Percussion With a flow of motion, and using the full arc of their form to drive through their opponents’ defense. This Charm allows the user to gain one automatic success on their attack roll for a decisive attack for every 2i they spend before the attack is made. If the Lunar strikes the target and has less than 10 damage dice on their damage roll, they may reduce their opponent’s hardness by their dexterity. Blood Seeking Methodology Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Snow Leopard Percussion Once the Lunar tastes blood, their tempo increases, and their opponents cower in fear. Unlike other Simple charms, this charm may be flurried with an attack. During the duration of this Charm, the Lunar may double one 9, 8, or 7 for each damaged health level of the opponent they are attacking. Against a battle group, the Lunar may get two doubles for each size the battle group is under their original size. Infinite Sparrow Dance Keywords: None Duration: Until Next Turn Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Dust and Sand Method As the hunter follows the beast, they soon learn that their prey is not so easily caught. Upon successfully defending against an attack, the Lunar may spend 2m to increase their defense


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(either parry or evasion) by the amount that the attacker missed by. This does not count as a charm bonus. Ten Falcons Judgement Keywords: Decisive-Only, Counterattack Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Dust and Sand Method Lesser predators have no business striking the Lunar, and learn quickly who truly is superior, their punishment swift. Upon successfully defending against a decisive attack without using any charms, the Lunar may activate this charm to immediately counterattack with a decisive attack. This does not count as the Lunar’s attack for the round. Ribbons of Silver Light Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Sky Gliding Ride Floating through the battlefield, as though hovering upon the ground, the Lunar glides effortlessly from foe to foe. Upon successfully disengaging or rushing an opponent, the Lunar may gain 2 motes. Spiraling Moonlit Reverberation Keywords: Perilous Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Ribbons of Silver Light With grace and expert agility, the Lunar’s body now naturally reacts to the speed they are able to move. Whenever the Lunar attacks more than once in one round, they gain 2i at the end of the round. If they were also not hit in that same round, gain an additional 2i. Delicate Reed Flowing Keywords: Decisive-Only


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Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bizarre River Flux Even when struck, the Lunar’s body seems to flow around the strike, gently reverberating away all of the harm that would be done to them. When the Lunar is dealt damage by a decisive attack, they may roll a full Dexterity excellency (you may stunt in another attribute as per usual). You may ignore a number of successes on the decisive damage equal to the successes on the excellency roll. Snake Arm Strike Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m (+3m) Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Mercurial Ape Stance Their body capable of strange precision, even when completely warped, the Lunar can strike in unnatural fashion. This charm supplements an attack that would be made with any weapon that is not ranged or thrown. This charm briefly extends the length of the Lunar’s limb (or neck or other appendage) as appropriate to attack a target out to short range as though you were engaged with them. At essence 4+, you may pay an additional 3m to strike a target out to Medium range. Perfect Body Methodology Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m, 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Eclectic Monkey Grip Regardless of form, the Lunar’s body is a deadly weapon, their shapes more keen when focused. Activating this charm allows the Lunar to make one natural weapon for their Shape that they are in equivalent to an artifact weapon. The Lunar may create evocations for this perfected natural weapon. Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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Essence 3 Sliding Cobra Slam Keywords: Uniform, Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m, 10i Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Ten Falcons Judgement In the moment between breaths, the Lunar strikes, their speed blinding and overwhelming. The Lunar may activate this charm to attack again this round. The Lunar must have already have acted to use this charm. If the Lunar makes a ranged attack with this charm, they do not have to aim to hit a target they have already hit this turn. Endless Pressure Mastery Keywords: Perilous Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Sliding Cobra Slam A harried opponent is excellent prey for the Lunar, who masters the moment of weakness before they pounce. When attacking an opponent that has any onslaught penalties, the Lunar gains 1 automatic success to hit them. At essence 5+, the Lunar gains an additional automatic success if the target cancels out ALL of their onslaught penalties in any way. Glorious Sundering Approach Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Blood Seeking Methodology, Snow Leopard Percussion When the Lunar tastes blood, they know it is time to finish their foe. This Charm is a decisive attack, which upon striking their opponent, adds double their wound penalties in damage dice to the attack.


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Shedding Skin Evasion Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (+3m) Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Delicate Reed Flowing As though they were simply disrobing, the Lunar flows from form to form, even as they shrug off blows to and fro. This charm permanently upgrades the prerequisite. Upon taking no damage using Delicate Reed Flowing, the Lunar may spend an immediate 3 motes to change Shape reflexively. If they switch back to their base form, they immediately gain 5 motes. Otherwise, five motes remain committed or committed as appropriate. Knowing Mirror Body Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp (+5m per attack) Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Infinite Sparrow Dance The Lunar is a master of many forms, and they know them all intimately. Upon being attacked by a similar target, they use that knowledge of their body and the way it moves against them. When this charm is active, the Lunar may increase their defenses by 1 if attacked by a target whose Shape they have. Given the eclectic nature of humans, they must have that particular human’s Shape in their library of Shapes. When attacked by a target for whom this charm applies, the Lunar may spend 5 motes every time they are attacked by such a target to counterattack after their attack is made. This does not count as the Lunar’s attack for the round. Crescent Descent Evasion Keywords: Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m, 3i Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Ribbons of Silver Light, Knowing Mirror Body Their body blurring as they move, and their leg muscles growing for a brief moment, the Lunar seems to disappear from sight the moment their foes catch them. Upon failing at a disengage


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action, the Lunar may activate this charm to reroll all the failures on their disengage attempt. This charm may be used once per failed disengage check. Smiling Wolf Approach Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Thousand Wolf’s Cry Their bodies reaching the pinnacle of speed and flexibility, the Lunar invoke their full agility in all of the Shapes. The Lunar may activate this charm to add a free full Dexterity excellency (may be stunted as per usual) to any defense bonus or attack roll. This may be used once per scene. Lunar Judgement Descending Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m, 1wp, 2a Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Requirements: Perfect Body Methodology The ever changing flux of the moon flowing through their Anima, the Lunar becomes far more untraceable and practically intangible. When this charm is in effect, any gambit targeting the Lunar double its difficulty to be successful. In addition, all decisive attacks reduce their raw damage by 2. Chain of Infinite Claws Festival Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Snake Arm Strike, Spiraling Moonlit Reverberation In a flash of light, the Lunar strikes everything around them with a fury of a thousand tigers. If the Lunar is not attacking with a ranged weapon, the Lunar may make an a decisive attack against all foes they are in close ranged with without resetting to base initiative until all attacks are complete. If the Lunar is attacking with a ranged weapon, the Lunar may attack up to Dexterity foes within Long range in the same fashion without aiming.


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Broken Hound Desperation Keywords: Dual, Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m, 3i Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Requirements: Smiling Wolf Approach In an act of desperation, the Lunar extends their body in numerous bizarre ways to do anything to strike their foe. This charm supplements an attack, and the Lunar reduces their defenses to 0 until their next turn next round. On a withering attack, they increase their overwhelming by their highest passive defense value. On a decisive attack, their highest passive defense value is added to their raw damage dice.

Essence 4 Downed Albatross Revitalization Keywords: Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Broken Hound Desperation, Endless Pressure Mastery Their bodies outpacing even the gods, the Lunar’s body recovers at a shocking speed. After landing a decisive attack, the Lunar may activate this charm to add their Essence to their base reset. This charm may be used once per scene. Darkness Final Shattering Keywords: Withering-only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1a 3i Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 4 Requirements: Glorious Sundering Approach Barely finished with their first foe, the Lunar quickly descends upon a new prey, ready to begin devouring them as well. Upon incapacitating a target with the prerequisite, the Lunar may immediately attack another target within range with a withering attack, splitting the decisive damage dealt to the down foe as automatic successes on the attack roll or the damage roll. If this is a ranged attack, the Lunar does not need to aim up to Long range. t

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Essence 5 Body of Air and Mist Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Turn Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 3a Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 5 Requirements: Downed Albatross Revitalization, Crescent Descent Evasion Their bodies ever flexible, the Lunar’s speed is such that they appear to become like ghosts before their enemies attacks. Upon avoiding an attack with Dust and Sand Method or during Infinite Sparrow Dance, the Lunar may activate this charm to automatically make any incoming decisive attack into a withering attack. Regardless of their normal withering value, it is always one when attacking the Lunar during this charm.

Speed and Agility Charms...and Stealth Essence 1 The Water Flows Still Stride Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m, 2m, 4m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body and coordination are perfectly tuned, and they may remain balanced regardless of their Shape. The Lunar maintains perfect balance, and may stand or run on things too narrow or weak to support them. This charm has a different cost based on the size of their form. Small Shapes (Fox or smaller) cost 1m, and Large Shapes (Rhinos or bigger) costs 4m. Otherwise, it costs 2m. Plain Striding Technique Keywords: Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental


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Cost: 3m 3i 1wp Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar chases their prey across creation, their forms allowing them to keep pace. This charm supplements a Rush action, allowing the Lunar to rush from up to Medium Range. At Essence 3+, the Lunar may Rush from Long Range with this charm. Shape Sleeking Method Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Plain Striding Technique The Lunar’s Shapes are strengthened by their essence, and their speed enhanced greatly. This charm supplements a test of speed. The Lunar’s Shape’s speed bonus is doubled for the duration of the test of speed. This are considered non charm dice. Air Slicing Speed Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Plain Striding Technique Their foes feel the pressure of the Lunar’s pursuit, slowing their movements out of some primal fear. This charm supplements a rush action. The target of the rush reduces their dice pool by essence or 5, whichever is lower. If the target somehow cancels the penalty (buys charm dice to reverse the penalty, etc), the Lunar may add two automatic successes to the roll. Limitless Racing Charge Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m (6m) Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 1 Requirements: The Water Flows Still Stride, Shape Sleeking Method


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With their hair, or fur, or scales, bristling in the wind, the Lunar moves effortlessly across the landscape. This charm supplements a test of speed, or any sort of journey. For a test of speed, the Lunar may ignore any penalties to their rolls due to the environment or who they are racing with. When simply traveling, the Lunar may cut the travel time in half. Dancing Hare Rhythm Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Ever evasive, the Lunar’s pursuers find that catching their foe is like trying to snatch a hare in the underbrush. This charm supplements a disengage action, allowing them to reroll Essence or their Shape’s unmodified speed bonus failures for the action, whichever is higher. Bounding Jackrabbit Rebound Keywords: Perilous Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2i per additional success Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Dancing Hair Rhythm Just when their opponent’s think them caught, the Lunar may use the confusion of battle to cause their foes to snatch failure from the jaws of defeat. If the Lunar makes a disengage action against multiple targets and does not beat all of them (they must at LEAST beat one), they may spend 2i per additional success to increases the successes gained on their disengage roll. If these successes ever exceed all opponents, the Lunar may then disengage as per normal. Predator Silence Maneuver Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements:.None The Lunar stalks their foes in silence, and slowly closes in, ever patient. This charm supplements a stealth action. The Lunar may prevent up to Essence or 3 targets (whichever is higher) from detecting them through mundane means, and they may ignore the -3 penalty for


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moving when concealed. If they join battle while concealed from any of these targets when this charm is active, it ends, but the Lunar adds dexterity to their initial join battle result to see if they established an ambush or surprise attack against the targets. This does not directly add to their initiative, only to see if they beat their opponent’s initiative. Subtle World Camoflauge Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Supplemental Cost: (3m/5m/7m) Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Predator Silence Maneuver Their forms capable of shifting shape and color to match their environment, hiding them from sight. The Lunar may activate this charm to allow them perfect invisibility as long as they stay still. This charm deactivates the moment they move. This charm costs 3m for smaller forms, 7m for larger forms, and 5m otherwise. Panther Stillness Pounce Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Predator Silence Maneuver When the Lunar finally brings their foe to heel, they strike from the shadows, descending upon them with brutal fury. This charm supplements a join battle action, allowing the Lunar to roll dexterity + stealth to Join Battle. Any opponents they beat they are concealed from. The Lunar may discard their concealment on all opponents but one in the first turn of combat to attack a foe decisively as though they had ambush even if they would normally only have a surprise attack.

Essence 2 Steps of Dust and Thunder Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 t

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Requirements: Air Slicing Speed, Shape Sleeking Method The Lunar’s body can run alongside the fastest of horses, and soar along the quickest of eagles. When the Lunar is in their base Shape, they gain a Speed Bonus of +2. Fury of the Beast’s Den Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Steps of Dust and Thunder If any intrude on the Lunar’s home, and the lands and cities which they protect, they will face the full fury of the Lunar. There is no chance of escaping it. When within one of their Domains, the Lunar may add one automatic success to their rush rolls. 2 if their intimacy for their Domain is defining. Ten Sparrow Illusions Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bounding Jackrabbit Rebound As the Lunar evades their pursuers grasp, they seem to disappear into nothings, fading away. Upon successfully disengage from any number of opponents, the Lunar may activate this charm to change Shape reflexively. They still must pay the cost of the Shape. Grace of Doves Maneuver Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: The Water Flows Still Stride With a natural control over their bodies that is unparalleled, the Lunar’s movements inspire awe in all of their onlookers. When making a dexterity roll with any witnesses, the Lunar gains essence or 5 non charm dice (whichever is lower) to their next social roll against the target for


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pleasant conversation. This does not stack, and this bonus may only be gained once per target per scene. Alignment of Form Practice Keywords: Universal Duration: One Scene Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Grace of Doves Maneuver With supernal grace, the Lunar’s movements are pristine, and flow like a leaf in the wind. When making a Dexterity roll, the Lunar may reroll one failure. At essence 3+ they may reroll 2 failures. Ribbons of Moonlight Dance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Grace of Doves Maneuver With a flowing grace, the Lunar’s movements are perfectly timed. This charm supplements a Performance Dance action, or any other sort of graceful movement roll (not an attack roll). The Lunar may double essence 9’s and 8’s on their roll. Breath of Silence Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Panther Stillness Pounce When they strike, the Lunar is only seen in a flash of movement before disappearing into the night. After succeeding at an attack from concealment, the Lunar may make a reflexive Dex + Stealth action, resisted by all enemies with Per + Awareness. If successful, the Lunar may establish surprise on their next turn with the number of successes in non charm dice on their next turn. Foreboding Predator Reveal


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Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Breath of Silence Even when detected, the Lunar may maintain the hunt, only causing their prey to wallow dread rather than ignorance. If the Lunar fails a stealth roll against a target, they may activate this charm. Doing so allows them to reroll the stealth action with double 9’s, but they may no longer establish ambush, and the target is aware SOMETHING is after them...but not what, how, or where. Within the Edge of Vision Stance Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Subtle World Camouflage When moving through the world, the Lunar appears as a speck, just out of the corner of the eye. The Lunar may activate this charm in order to remove all penalties from stealth checks when this charm is active. This bonuses remain as long as the Lunar does not engage in hostilities or draws attention to themselves. At essence 3+, the Lunar may remove up to a -2 penalty from stealth actions if they do engage in hostilities or draw attention to themselves.

Essence 3 Crescent Falcon Descent Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Steps of Dust and Thunder Falling like a shooting star, the Lunar races down from the sky, crashing into their foe. When airborne by any means, the Lunar may rush a target from any distance up to Extreme. Upon succeeding, the Lunar flies towards their target at incredible speed, and lands right in front of


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them. The Lunar takes no falling damage, and if they are in a form capable of flight, add 2 successes to the attempt. Mother Hen Charge Cost: 3m 3i Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Fury of the Beast’s Den Looking out for their Wards like their young, the Lunar races to the protection of their Wards. The Lunar may activate this charm when their Ward is attacked within Medium range, but a minimum of Short range. The Lunar rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs a difficulty equal to 2 times the number of range bands between them and their Ward. If successful, the Lunar reaches their Ward, and reflexively uses Defend Other. At essence 5+, the Lunar can move out to Long range. Eclipsed Soul Shattered Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Steps of Dust and Thunder, Ten Sparrows Illusion Dancing around their foe, the Lunar shifts away at the last breath. This charm supplements a Disengage action. If successful, all targets that fail to prevent the Lunar from disengaging fall prone. Shred the Sky Dance Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Universal Duration: One Turn Prerequisite Charms: Grace of Doves Maneuver, Alignment of Form Practice The Lunar’s flow of movement is flawless, correcting any errors but contracting and manipulating every once of their musculature. This charm supplements any Dexterity roll during one turn. The Lunar takes no penalties to any Dexterity rolls for flurries. This may be used once per scene, and may be reset by successfully disengaging. Drawing Sight Style Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3


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Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Foreboding Predator Reveal Like a rabbit avoiding a predator’s eye, the Lunar avoids the hunter’s sight, darting into the overgrowth. This charm may be activated when the Lunar is detected when in stealth. The Lunar and any targets that succeeded to detect the Lunar must immediately reroll their dice pools. If the Lunar succeeds, the Lunar regains their willpower that they spent, and the Lunar immediately moves to a new hiding place. If they fail, the Lunar may activate the prerequisite for 1 mote. Cat Flowing Reversal Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Within the Edge of Vision Stance Striking from the shadows, the Lunar devours their prey, and slips away once more. The Lunar may activate this charm after decisively attacking a target from stealth. The Lunar may immediately make another Stealth roll after the attack, with any excess damage on the target becoming automatic successes. This may be used once per scene. Nerves of the Snapdragon Passion Cost: - Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Cat Flowing Reversal With a predator’s gait, the Lunar finds strength in the chase. Whenever the Lunar successfully avoids detection from any amount of targets when in stealth, they gain 2m. Whenever they successfully attack a target from stealth, they gain 2i.

Fine Manipulation Essence 1 Balanced Body Approach Keywords: Universal


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Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a supreme mastery of their bodies, the Lunar’s body moves with supreme precision. The Lunar may add one automatic success to any Dexterity action. Flowing Dream Performance Method Keywords: None Duration: One Performance Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a natural Rhythm to their movement, the Lunar captivates with their art. The Lunar may double up to (Dexterity) 7s on any Performance action that is purely physical (Dance or Playing an Instrument). Flexible Body Control Technique Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Despite their ever changing forms, the Lunar may bring to bear their full natural control in any instance. This charm supplements any Dexterity action. It removes any penalties to fine control regardless of the situation, including to crafting a pot as a Tyrant Lizard, or using a broken arm to pick a lock. Patient Construction Style Keywords: None Duration: One Project Type: Supplemental Cost: 6m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None


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With careful hands, and fine manipulation, the Lunar may construct an object with utmost care. This charm supplements a Crafting project of Major or Superior level. The Lunar may double the time spent on the project in order to reduce the Silver or Gold experience spent by 3. Flowing Hands Method Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Balanced Body Approach With a subtle and silent grace, the Lunar moves like a wisp in the wind, coveting what they wish. The Lunar may use this charm to supplement a Dexterity roll to do something unnoticed while in plain sight. This may not be a hostile action. The action they perform has a penalty to notice equal to their Dexterity. If cancelled, the Lunar may add half their Essence rounded up to their Guile to resist other’s finding their deception. This may only be used to conceal the Lunar’s actions when viewed, but not to hide themselves from sight. Laughing Coyote Grip Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Balanced Body Approach That which the Lunar takes is theirs and theirs alone. This charm allows the Lunar to fold a small object into their body to hide it. If this object is something that was stolen, the object cannot be found by mundane means. As long as the object is hidden, the Lunar must commit motes. Dancing in the Moonlight Style Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Flowing Dream Performance Method, Flexible Body Control Technique Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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With an elegance unknown to most mortals, the Lunar’s body acts in a grace in any form. The Lunar takes no penalties for any form for any Performance roll. They may play a guitar as a squirrel, or dance perfectly as a Walrus. Million Hands of Creation Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 2m per dot, 1wp Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Patient Construction Style The Lunar may readjust their fine motor control and muscle memory, in order to replicate and mimic the work of others that may be similar to their own, adapting their craft. The Lunar may activate this charm to convert dots from one Crafting skill to another they have witnessed performed. These dots remain in place till the end of a basic or major project. This may not be used for a higher level project. Fingers of Construction Methodology Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Patient Construction Style The Lunar is capable of maintaining many projects through sheer physical capability. The Lunar permanently gains 1 major project slot for each point of Dexterity they have. Invisible Fly Stance Cost: -- Mins: Dexterity 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Flowing Hands Method The Lunar understands best how to take advantage of a smaller stature. The effects of the Tiny attribute for a Shape also apply to Larceny actions.

Essence 2 Blinding Archive Retrieval


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Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flowing Hands Method With speed impossible to track, the Lunar readies themselves with blinding motion. The Lunar may use this charm to retrieve an object on their person or within arm's reach reflexively, including a weapon, allowing them to quick draw without a flurry. Shadow Motion Flow Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flowing Hands Method Their bodies moving in silence, the Lunar may direct actions only so their allies may witness them. This charm supplements any nonverbal communication. The action is only viewable to any targets the Lunar wishes to see it, otherwise it seems meaningless to onlookers. They must beat the Lunar’s guile to find any meaning in it. Soul Bolstering Touch Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Laughing Coyote Grip The Lunar’s subtle touch is careful enough to manipulate the very essence that flows through their bodies. The Lunar may use this charm to transfer up to Dexterity motes to a target they make willing contact with. At Essence 4+, they may transfer up to Dexterity x 2 motes. Parasite Devouring Palm Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3i/3m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2


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Requirements: Soul Bolstering Touch As the Lunar gives, they may also receive, sapping the very essence from a foe. This charm acts as a Dexterity + Medicine/Occult roll on a target’s defense that costs 3i. If successful, the Lunar may steal Dexterity motes from the target. This may be used once per target per combat. Outside of combat, the Lunar must make a similar roll, but vs the target’s Guile instead. If combined with Flowing Hands Method, the target may feel discomfort, but will simply wonder what the Lunar actually did. Pure Agility Style Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Dancing in the Moonlight Style With a supreme mastery of all of their forms, the Lunar may maximize the pure speed and flexibility in those Shapes normally unable to handle such agility. This charm supplements any Dexterity action. The Lunar may use their base Shape’s Dexterity in place of their current Shape’s Dexterity. Palm of Peace Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Pure Agility Style A literal laying on hands, the Lunar’s presence calms one of their wards, bringing them peace. The Lunar may use this charm to reduce a Ward’s Limit by 2. If the Ward is their Solar Mate, they may reduce their Limit by 3. This may be used once per story. Performance Finishing Flourish Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Dancing in the Moonlight Style


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As the Lunar takes their final bow, they ascend away, completing their task. Upon making a successful Performance action, the Lunar may activate this charm to change Shape reflexively. Crafter’s Practiced Mastery Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Million Hands of Creation Technique The Lunar gains momentum in their mastery of their crafts. This charm reduces the cost of purchasing craft skills by 1 experience, if the Lunar has a Crafting skill equal to or higher than the rank of your highest Crafting skill. At essence 4+, this reduces the cost by 2. It may not be reduced below 1.

Commented [18]: Consider rewrite, somewhat confusing text.

Intricate Construction Method Keywords: Salient Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3sxp 1gxp Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Fingers of Construction Methodology With unerring patience, the Lunar may work through any difficulties through extended effort. Upon reaching the terminus of a Superior project, the Lunar may activate this charm to extend the terminus by one roll, to either complete the project successfully, or gain more success. Calm Creation Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Crafter’s Practiced Mastery, Intricate Construction Method The Lunar’s form instinctively comprehends the processes needed to build and forge any piece of artistry. The Lunar permanently gains 2 superior project slots Flexible Path Flowing Keywords: None Duration: Permanent


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Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Calm Creation Technique With a patient eye and heart, the Lunar may inspire themselves by treating their work as the true journey ignoring the final destination. The Lunar may willingly add up to Dexterity time units to the time it takes to create a project. If the project takes 5 days, it takes 5 + Dexterity days. For each time unit added, the Lunar gains 1 more Silver, Gold, or White experience at the end of the project. Untouched Scene Technique Cost: 2m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Fly Stance With a silent breath, and something lost, the Lunar leaves no trace of their involvement. This charm supplements a Larceny action. The Lunar’s actions are vastly more difficult to detect when someone attempts to use Case Scene on a crime scene this charm was used on. Add the Lunar’s Dexterity to the difficulty of the Case Scene action. Tricky Monkey Robbery Cost: 4m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Fly Stance, Flowing Dream Performance Method Some are so entranced by the Lunar, they fail to realize the Lunar’s more sinister intentions. This charm may be activated after a successful performance or inspire roll. The Lunar’s next Larceny roll against any target effected, gains Essence or 3 non charm dice, whichever is greater. False Tracks Maneuver Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Untouched Scene Technique Following a trail that leads nowhere, investigators find the Lunar’s crimes and machinations hidden. This charm may be activated after the Lunar succeeds at a Stealth or Larceny action. The Lunar may use this charm to make anyone who investigates the action during or after it is done to come to a different conclusion of the Lunar’s design of what happened. The events still must make some sort of sense. In order to get the correct events, the target must make an Intelligence + Integrity roll with a difficulty of the Lunar’s Dexterity or Essence, whichever is greater if they first succeed at the initial Perception or Case Scene action for the crime.


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Essence 3 Essence Gear Disruption Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: False Tracks Maneuver, Parasite Devouring Palm With fine-tuned manipulation, the Lunar is able to pick apart the strands of essence that may bind someone to an artifact. Presuming the Lunar has made physical contact with the artifact, they may use this charm (This may require an attack if noticed). The Lunar rolls Dexterity + Larceny vs the Target’s Essence score. If successful, the Artifact is immediately un attuned and cannot be re-attuned for Essence hours. This may be used once per scene. Spider Thread Puppet Mastery Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Scene or Till Broken Prerequisite Charms: Essence Gear Disruption Wielding strands of essence, the Lunar entangles a victim, and forces them to act to the Lunar’s means. The Lunar rolls Dexterity + Larceny or Performance vs a target’s Stamina as the difficulty. If successful, the Lunar takes control of the target’s body for the scene, as though manipulating a puppet. The target capable of speaking or reacting, but not resisting. The Lunar may use their own Dexterity in place of the target’s. Any time the Lunar attempts an action that would be against the target’s intimacies, they may roll Wits + Integrity (+4 die bonus if defining) against the Lunar’s original roll result as the difficulty. The Lunar may only control one target at a time. The target cannot be made to kill themselves. (Red Rule still applies) Mantis Meridian Malfeasance Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Essence Gear Disruption Gripping the strands of essence that flow from their victim, the Lunar tugs, stretches, and shreds them, temporarily interrupting the flow of essence within them. This is a Difficulty 4 Gambit using any attack. If successful, the target respires 1 less essence every turn in combat. It last Dexterity + Larceny turns. The target rolls Stamina + Resistance in order to reduce the total turns. It last 2 turns at minimum. At essence 5+, they respire 2 less essence. Web of Reality Stance Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Spider Thread Puppet Mastery


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Wielding threads of essence, the Lunar may extend their reach, whipping the threads around as invisible silver limbs. The Lunar may use this charm to enhance any Dexterity roll that is not a ranged attack. They may extend the range of their actions out to short range, and manipulate objects with threads of essence. Cry the Fallen Dove Cost: 3a Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Spider Thread Puppet Mastery Gripping the threads of essence around them, the rule tugs on their very anima, dragging it back into their own body. This charm may be activated when the Lunar is at bonfire, and has no remaining peripheral motes. They tug their anima back into their body, restoring 3 times their essence in Peripheral Motes. This may be used once per scene. Scavenger Packrat Meditation Cost: 5m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Project Prerequisite Charms: Calm Creation Technique The Lunar is in tune with the world around them, and can make do with resources that other crafters would find insufficient, even when tasked with build a wonder. The Lunar is considered to have their Essence/2 (rounded up) in Resources for the purpose of acquired mundane resources. In addition, they use half the amount of magical material when creating an artifact than they would need.

Tortoise Wins Inevitably Stance Cost: 3m Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Intricate Construction Method Understanding the value of time, the Lunar may breathe deeply, and take control of their situation. The Lunar may activate this charm to extend any extended roll or project by one roll, if they have not completed the task, by one additional roll to complete it. Focused Creator Style Cost: 2m 1wp Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Duration of Project Prerequisite Charms: Flexible Path Flowing Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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Focusing down to every bone and joint, the Lunar unleashes prime physical focus to the project at hand, tuning out all else. The Lunar may activate this charm at the beginning of a Crafting Project. The Lunar may not work on any additional crafting projects for the duration. However, for each roll after the first, they gain an additional non charm die for the crafting project. IE. 2nd roll 1 additional die, 3rd roll 2 additional dice, etc. Practical Beaver Construction Cost: - Mins: Dexterity 4, Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Flexible Path Flowing The Lunar gains inspiration through the simplest of interactions, seeing possibilities in their environment. Once per session, the Lunar may convert a the willpower gained through Level 2 stunt into 3 Silver Exp, or convert the willpower gained from a level 3 stunt into 3 Gold exp.

Moonsilver Malleability Method Cost: - Mins: Dexterity 5, Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Practical Beaver Construction, Focused Creator Style Grasping greatness from the moment of creation, the Lunar ascends in inspiration. Upon completing a crafting project, the Lunar may convert Essence/2 crafting exp gained to the next level of experience.

Stamina Charms Form Taking Trick Mastering the Environment - The Lunar must survive in the environment the form he wishes to take in for a week, starving and depriving themselves in the process.

Combat Charms Essence 1 Body of Stone and Dust Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent


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Cost: Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With the fortitude of an auroch, the Lunar’s body is resilient and supernaturally tough. The Lunar may calculate their parry using their Stamina instead of Dexterity. They may also parry lethal attacks unarmed. This effect may be used even if they do not use the first effect. Relentless Bull Method Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With the persistence of an avalanche, the Lunar cannot be stopped. This charm supplements an attack. The Lunar adds their current onslaught penalty as non charm dice to their attacks. If this charm is used, the Lunar’s onslaught penalties reset at the end of their turn. Ox Body Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 1, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body is tougher and more durable than any mortal form. This is equivalent to OxBody Technique. The difference is that if the Lunar takes a Shape with less health than them, they use their natural Shape’s health. Crocodile Skin Revenge Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Body of Stone and Dust Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar’s body is durable enough to be like striking a stone wall. It ends regrettably for their foes. If the Lunar successfully parries an attack from an engaged enemy, they may activate this charm to deal one automatic bashing damage to them. Blade Deflecting Form Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Body of Stone and Dust The Lunar’s body rejects harm, deflecting blades and hammers alike, like striking a steel wall. This may be used once the Lunar has successfully parried an attack from an engaged enemy. The Lunar may reflexively attack with a disarm gambit against that opponent. This may be used once per opponent per fight. Dense Form Hammer Keywords: Dual Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Relentless Bull Method The Lunar’s sturdiness does not break or relent upon striking any object. This charm supplements an attack against an engaged enemy. The Lunar may ignore Stamina or 5 (whichever is lower) soak or half that rounded down in hardness. Shifting Mountain Guardian Keywords: Guardian, Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m (2m) Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Relentless Bull Method The Lunar’s body is an unbreakable shield, and they may defend their allies at will. The Lunar may activate this charm to reflexively defend other. If the target is a Ward, this charm costs 2m instead of 4m Unstoppable Juggernaut Approach


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Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Relentless Bull Method Though they may not be quick, the Lunar cannot be stopped. The Lunar may use Stamina in place of Dexterity for Disengage actions. In addition, if they use Stamina this way, they only lose initiative on disengage if they fail. Solemn Body Emptiness Keywords: Dual Duration: One scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Ox Body Technique Their enemies may find that their blows seem to do nothing to the Lunar, as though they were never struck at all. The Lunar may activate this charm to add 3 to their soak, or 1 to their hardness. This stacks with any other hardness the Lunar has. Unperturbed Ox Stance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Ox Body Technique Though they may be wounded, the Lunar presses on, unrelenting. The Lunar may ignore any wound penalties they have for a single action. This may explicitly used with other attributes. Impenetrable Beast Armor Keywords: Dual Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Ox Body Technique


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The Lunar’s body is tougher than steel. The Lunar may activate this charm to halve the post soak damage of a withering attack, or remove 3 from the raw damage of a decisive attack.

Essence 2 Perpetual Juggernaut Denial Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Turn Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m (1m) Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Crocodile Skin Revenge The Lunar does not tire, and their foes find their guard impenetrable. The Lunar may activate this charm to ignore any penalties to their Parry. In addition, they may pay an additional 1 mote to win ties after the attack is made. Sparking Stone Reversal Keywords: Uniform Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Blade Deflecting Form Striking the Lunar can be disorienting, as though their foes were striking bedrock with a toothpick. Upon successfully parrying an attack, the target striking the Lunar loses 1 initiative. If the attack is successful, and the Lunar takes no withering or decisive damage, the target loses 2 initiative. Revolving Pillar Discipline Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Perpetual Juggernaut Denial The Lunar builds off of momentum, turning each deflected blow into advantage towards the next. This charm may be activated when the Lunar is using the prerequisite. The current target attacking the Lunar gains a penalty to their attack equal to the amount the last attack missed the Lunar’s parry by.


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Maximum Boulder Onslaught Keywords: Decisive Only, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 6m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Dense Form Hammer The Lunar’s powerful body allows them to take risks others cannot, striking with greater fury and passion. They act as the bulwark for all which they hold dear. This charm supplements a Decisive attack. The Lunar may convert up to Stamina additional successes on the attack roll to additional decisive damage dice. In addition, the target they are striking threatens a Domain or Ward of the Lunars in some capacity, they gain double 10’s on the damage roll. Giant Step March Keywords: Withering Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Unstoppable Juggernaut Approach, Maximum Bolder Onslaught The Lunar proceeds ever forward, crushing enemies underfoot. This charm supplements an engaged Withering attack. The Lunar may reroll Stamina 1’s and 6’s. In addition, they gain +2 charm dice to their next Rush or Disengage action if they take it before the end of their next turn. If the attack crashes their target, they may take a Rush or Disengage action reflexively after their attack. Marble Wall Protector Keywords: Uniform, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Shifting Mountain Guardian Trying to strike at the Lunar’s Wards is a risky proposition, as attempting to surmount the Lunar is like trying to cut down a mountain with a knife. If a target manages to exceed the Lunar’s defense when they are defending another target and chooses to attack the other target, the Lunar may activate this charm to force them to attack the Lunar. If the target the Lunar is defending is a Ward, they gain Soak and Hardness for the attack equal towards the intensity of the intimacy they have for their Ward. This Soak and Hardness stacks with other sources.


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Steel Rhino Hide Keywords: Dual Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Impenetrable Beast Armor, Solemn Body Emptiness The Lunar’s body is unnaturally resilient, able to shake off things that would slay mortal men. When this charm is active, the Lunar may double their Natural Soak, but the bonus may not exceed their base Shape’s Stamina. The Lunar also gains Half their Stamina, rounded up, in bonus Hardness. Iron Gong Reverberation Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Steel Rhino Hide Foes simply flail at the Lunar, with no chance of success. This charm may be activated upon being hit by a decisive attack and taking no damage. The target loses an additional 3i upon resetting. The Lunar only gains the initiative if they crash. Invincible Lunar Aegis Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 10m 1wp Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Iron Gong Reverberation Before the onslaught, the Lunar stands resolute, their form unbreakable. This charm may be activated to nullify all damage on an attack. This may be used once per scene. Grizzly Rage Assault Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m


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Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Unperturbed Ox Stance Wounded, the Lunar fights harder, full of rage and Vigor. This charm supplements an attack. The Lunar adds their wound penalties as non charm dice instead of subtracting them from the roll. Blooded Beast Ravaging Keywords: Guardian, Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m 1wp 1a Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Grizzly Rage Assault Full of vast passions, the Lunar unleashes a vast fury on those worthy of their indignation. This charm Supplements a decisive attack. The decisive damage roll gains a relevant intensity of an intimacy on bonus dice on the damage roll. If the intimacy is towards a Ward or Domain, these become auto successes instead. At essence 4+, the Lunar may gain 3 limit to double this bonus.

Health Charms Essence 1 Fountain of Flesh Stance Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The fluctuating nature of the Lunar’s body allows them to patch holes and sew bone by sheer will alone. The Lunar doubles the speed at which they heal wounds. Basilisk Blood Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m


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Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body is capable of processing things a normal mortal could not dream of. The Lunar may double 9’s on a roll to resist poison or disease. Form Stabilization Meditation Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None No one but the Lunar decides when they change forms. If any effect where to try to make the Lunar change forms, they may roll Stamina + Integrity, rerolling Stamina failures. If they roll enough successes equal to the target’s essence, or 3 if no essence applies to the situation, they do not change forms. This explicitly does not work against Eyes of the Unconquered Sun. Endless World Traveler Perpetuation Keywords: Stackable Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body can resist exhaustion and hunger effortlessly, allowing them to survive endlessly. Each application of this charm allows the Lunar to resist the effects of Hunger or Exhaustion for one day. The may stack commits of this charm up to their Stamina. Once released, the Lunar must make a Sta+Res with a difficulty equal to the motes committed. Failing makes them fatigued immediately. Kindly Guardian’s Bearing Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar takes their Stewardship to heart, taking on the burdens of those they care for, in a literal sense. The Lunar may activate this charm when touching a Ward with damaged health levels. The Lunar may take on one of those damaged health levels from the Ward, healing the target of that health level, and crossing off their own. Shifting Wardrobe Resilience Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Fountain of Flesh Stance, Endless World Traveler’s Perpetuation The Lunar’s body automatically contorts to whatever armor they may wear. When this charm is active, the Lunar ignores any mobility penalties on their armor. Reservoirs of Venom Keywords: Stackable Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Basilisk Blood Technique The Lunar is not unfamiliar with poisonous Shapes, and may make use of strange toxins. Upon successfully resisting a poison, the Lunar may activate this charm to store that dose of poison in their body. If they are in a Shape that can deliver poison by natural means, they may release commitment of this charm to use the stored venom instead of the normal toxin. Plague Eating Glutton Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Basilisk Blood Technique The Lunar’s body is resilient to disease, and they take it upon themselves to take the burden of sickness from those around them. Upon succeeding on a disease resistance roll with 3+ threshold successes, the Lunar becomes the focal point for the disease they just rolled against. No other people around them needs to roll to resist the disease, as their body seems to devour it all.


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Lizard Tail Regrowth Keywords: None Duration: Until Fully Healed Type: Simple Cost: 10m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Form Stabilization Method, Fountain of Flesh Stance Like a lowly reptile, the Lunar may slowly regrow from a critical injury. Upon activating this charm, the Lunar chooses a crippling wound to regenerate. The process takes about a month. At the end of the month, the injury is completely healed. Tortoise Binding Method Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Endless World Traveler’s Perpetuation The Lunar treks through the world, unimpeded by mild harm that nature might inflict upon them. The Lunar is immune to all mundane environmental effects. Breath of Exaltation Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m (1wp) Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Tortoise Binding Method Giving up their own strength, the Lunar may gift a Ward mental strength with a passionate focus. The Lunar may use this charm to gift 1 willpower to a Ward.

Essence 2 Waterfall of Blood Meditation Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 8m t

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Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Lizard Tail Regrowth Flooding their bodies with essence to warp wounds and allow the natural flux of their bodies to heal any harm, the Lunar recovers at an astonishing rate. Upon using this charm, the Lunar rolls their Stamina + another stunted Attribute. Multiply their healing rate by the number of successes rolled, with a minimum Stamina successes. This explicitly works with Fountain of Flesh Stance. At Essence 4+, if the Lunar uses an excellency on the roll, they may increase the dice cap for that excellency by their Resistance. Armored Turtle Guard Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 4m (2m) Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Shifting Wardrobe Resilience With their mastery of form, the Lunar contort the garbs they were, allowing them to meld to their forms. The Lunar may activate this charm to contort any armor they were wearing in their base Shape to their current Shape. For only 2m, it can be done for normal clothing. Cobra Body Deliverance Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Reservoirs of Venom As the Lunar masters their inner stocks of poison, they are able to deliver it in Shapes not thought to be venomous. The Lunar may now deliver poison in Lethal unarmed decisive attacks that deal at least 3 health levels of damage in any Shape, even if that shape cannot normally deliver poison. They must still have reserves of poison using the prerequisite. Goat Maw Stomach Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Plague Eating Glutton, Endless World Traveler Perpetuation


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The Lunar’s body is capable of finding sustenance where mortals would perish. The Lunar can eat putrid meat and drink plague filled water without consequence. In addition, Survival rolls to find food and water have their difficulty reduced by 1. Stone Heart Resilience Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Tortoise Binding Method The Lunar’s raw endurance shines through all of their actions. This charm supplements any Stamina action. The Lunar may reroll any 6’s or 1’s in the result. Land Mastery Method Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Breath of Exaltation The Lunar is intimately familiar with their Domain, and they may draw from the land to enhance their own health. The Lunar may, once per story, reflexively heal the Intensity of their intimacy for the Domain they are in. Solemn Madness Regeneration Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Waterfall of Blood Meditation Driving life from the very recesses of their mind, the Lunar may weaken their integrity to recover. Upon activating this charm, the Lunar rolls limit as though breaking a Limit Trigger. If they roll no successes, they gain at least 1 limit. The Lunar then heals their Stamina or Essence, whichever is greater, in Health Levels. This may be used once per story. Steel Mind Shield


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Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 7m Mins: Stamina 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Armored Turtle Guard, Solemn Madness Regeneration The Lunar has little to fear and worry about, and the sheer stubbornness of their body is reflected in their countenance. The Lunar may activate this charm to add half their Stamina (rounded up) to their Resolve to resist one action. Pit Viper Projectile Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Cobra Viper Deliverance The Lunar may alter their throat and mouth, being able to spit quantities of poison from their mouth. This is a Stamina + Thrown/Archery decisive attack, that can hit up to Long Range without aiming, and uses one of the Lunar’s stored poisons. If the target takes at least 1 health level, they are poisoned. Quick Flux Regeneration Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Stone Heart Resilience The faster the Lunar transforms, the more likely their body will just repair itself in the process. Upon changing Shape reflexively to a Shape that is not their Base Shape, the Lunar heals one Health Level. At Essence 4+, they heal two health levels. This can occur only once per scene.

Environment and Warping Charms Essence 1 Stone Body Resistance Keywords: None


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Duration: One Test Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Their dense forms allow the Lunar to overcome by sheer mass alone. The Lunar may activate this charm to use Stamina in place of the normal Attribute for a Brawl, Integrity, or Athletics roll. Return to Earth Meditation Keywords: Guardian Duration: For one night’s sleep (or day’s whenever you sleep) Type: Simple Cost: 3m (0m) Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Merging their bodies with the very earth, the Lunar may rest within the soil, hidden away from the world. For 3m, the Lunar may disappear into the ground to sleep. If the area is dug up, the Lunar will be released. Upon waking, they will rise from the soil. If within their Domain, this charm costs 0m. Lord of the Forest Technique Keywords: Stackable Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 1m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body is overflowing with life, and it can support numerous plant life. The Lunar’s body may support one plant or fungus for each mote committed, up to Stamina. The plants must be smaller than their base Shape, and they disappear with their equipment when they transform and may recede into the Lunar’s body at will. The Lunar’s body provides all necessary sustenance for the plant beyond sunlight. Body Like Flowing Water Method Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1


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Requirements: None Their bodies capable of strange compression, the Lunar may pass through openings too small for them. The Lunar may activate this charm to pass through any opening no bigger than their head at full movement speed, their bodies warping to create movement. Seneschal Needs no Chains Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Body Flowing Like Water Method The Lunar may lightly compress themselves at will. They permanently lower the difficulty of all rolls to escape bonds by 1. In addition, they reduce an opposing grapple control roll by 1 success. Cactus Cauldron Body Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Lord of the Forest Technique, Return to Earth Meditation The Lunar’s body is capable of adapting itself to handle a variety of things, including storing a great deal of water. The Lunar may activate this charm to store a day’s worth of water for each point of Stamina or Essence (Whichever is great) at best. They may expel this water from their mouth upon releasing this charm. The water remains pure. Soft Form Descent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Stone Body Resistance The Lunar’s body can absorb an unnatural amount of force, able to take falls that would kill mortal men. Whenever the Lunar would take damage from falling, reduce the level of damage


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by one level (IE, a fall from short would be nullified, and medium becomes short, etc). This does not affect abilities that deal damage like falling damage, like Heaven’s Thunder Hammer. Mastery of Flesh and Skin Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Stone Body Resistance The Lunar’s mastery of their own body gives them insight into others. The Lunar may touch a sick or injured target, to have their body mimic their symptoms. This acts as a Diagnos action with Stamina non-charm dice on the roll.

Maddening Mutation Method Keywords: Stackable Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: Varies Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s body is constantly in flux, allowing them to take on strange and bizarre shapes. The Lunar may commit motes when activating this charm to take a Supernatural Mutation for the charm’s duration. The number of motes committed is equal to the rank of Supernatural Mutation adopted. They may do this up to Stamina times, and all instances may be activated at once. When shifting into Chimera Multitude Transformation, they may activate this charm at the same time, and each instance costs (Essence) less motes. Chimera Multitude Transformation Keywords: Shape Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Maddening Mutation Method With an expert master over forms and transformation, the Lunar may blend two forms together into one. The Lunar may use this charm as a shape, combining two shapes they could take normally. They use the best Attributes from either form (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Appearance, Perception), and they gain access to all the abilities both forms provide. In t

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addition, the Lunar adds the forms Natural Soak together. (IE, if one form has Stamina 2, and another Stamina 3, they’d have 5 Natural Soak). Chimerical Muscle Redirection Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 2m (1wp) Mins: Stamina 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Chimera Multitude Transformation The Lunar’s Chimera form is capable of shifting far more than their other Shapes, being unnatural and flexible. When in the Shape of the prerequisite, the Lunar may activate this charm to move around their Physical stats (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina) for the prerequisite’s duration, or until this charm is uncommitted. This does change any calculated values beyond Health Levels. The Lunar may spend an additional Willpower to make this charm reflexive.

Essence 2 Flux Body Devouring Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Chimerical Muscle Redirection As essence brims through their form, the Lunar may draw on it in violent fashion. Once per scene, the Lunar may activate this charm. They may deal up to Stamina lethal damage to themselves to gain 2 motes per damage dealt. If within Chimera Multitude Transformation, the Lunar may gain an additional Stamina motes upon activation. Melty Body Miasma Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Turn Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flux Body Devouring Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Chimera’s form is so fluid that attacks and harm may flow through it like water. This charm may be used in response to an attack while in Chimera Shape. The Lunar may reduce the post soak damage of withering attack and raw damage of decisive attacks by 2. Nature’s Wrath Composite Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Lord of the Forest Technique The Lunar’s master of form allows them to give motion to even inert shapes. If the Lunar takes a plant Shape, the Lunar may animate themselves, treating themselves no longer as scenery but a mobile form. The Lunar gains a penalty on perception rolls of 1. Light Feeding Technique Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Nature’s Wrath Composite The Lunar can begin to take on the traits of plants as they grow in experience with transforming into them. The Lunar may activate this charm to no longer requires food as long as this charm is committed. Instead, they may feed on the light of the Sun. They must experience sunlight for at least 2 hours to benefit from this. Million Pieces of Form Meditation Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 1m/4m Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Soft Form Descent The Lunar may achieve a deeper mastery of their shapeshifting, only changing pieces of themselves. The Lunar may activate this charm to gain access to a Latent ability in one of their Shapes in their current Shape. Legendary Size cannot be combined with Tiny. This costs 4m. If the Lunar simply wants to make a cosmetic change, 1m.


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Punishment Calming Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Million Pieces of Form Meditation, Cactus Cauldron Body Through violent realization, the Lunar may attempt to bring themselves peace, their suffering ravaging their bodies. The Lunar may use this charm once per story. The Lunar may fill in half their health in Lethal damage to reduce their Limit by 3. Cold Body Rising Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Stamina 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Million Pieces of Form Meditation Upon rising, the Lunar awakes in a new skin. This charm allows the Lunar to reflexively change Shape upon waking from sleep or incapacitation.

Charisma Charms Form Taking Trick Loving Embrace - The Lunar may take the form of anyone that has a Major (or greater) positive tie towards them. They do not lose this form if the tie weakens.

Command Charms Essence 1 Cackling Coyote Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m t

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Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Fighting with supernal panache, the Lunar fights through chutzpah and inspiration alone. This charm supplements a social action in combat. If this social action is flurried, the penalty is only 1. At essence 3+, there is no penalty to flurry social actions. This charm may be explicitly used with other Social Attributes. Peacock Plumage Technique Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s raw presence is enough to cause their opponents to lose focus. This charm supplements a distract gambit. The Gambit roll gains double 9’s, and if successful, the Lunar gains 1i after the gambit. This may explicitly be used with other Attributes One with Nature Methodology Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The natural world respects the Lunar’s divine glory, bending to their whims. No wild animals will attack the Lunar when this charm is active. Predators will simply leave them alone, and other animals will be friendly. If the Lunar is in a similar Shape to an animal, they will be friendly to them. Lord of Beasts Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar’s very nature allows them command over the beasts of the land. This charm grants the Lunar two charm dice automatically for any social or training actions with Mundane Beasts. In addition, and Familiars the Lunar has are considered Wards for free. Roar of Primal Command Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m/4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a cry of fury, the Lunar can inspire their followers to greatness. This charm supplements a command action for a battlegroup (1m) or make a command roll for a familiar (4m). If the Lunar has a relevant Principle for their command, they may add its intensity as non charm dice to the roll. Shining Moon’s Challenge Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s sheer existence on the battlefield is a distraction to all. The effort to take their eyes off the Lunar is immense. Once activated, any target in combat that is aware of the Lunar gains a penalty of 3 or essence (Whichever is greater) to attack any target but the Lunar. This effect does not stack among multiple Lunars. If multiple Lunars have this active, the greater of the two penalties takes effect, or if tied, the one activated first takes precedence. Eagle Descending Flair Keywords: Decisive-Only, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Shining Moon Challenge With a flourish, the Lunar’s blow inspires all that surround them. Upon making a decisive attack, the Lunar may sacrifice half the damage dice, to give that much initiative to a friendly target. If


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the target is a Ward, the Ward also gains the Lunar’s Charisma in initiative. This may explicitly be used with other Attributes. Inspiring Pressure Synchronization Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Roar of Primal Command Leading from the front, the Lunar, drives their battlegroup forward to greatness. The Lunar may activate this charm on their turn to make their battlegroup or familiar attack on their turn if they have not yet attacked this turn. This charm may be flurried with a command action, but nothing else. Bright Heart Overflowing General Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Roar of Primal Command Their sheer presence alone brings soldier’s under the Lunar’s command strength beyond reason. When this charm is active, the Lunar ignores poor drill when commanding a battle group, and the battle group may add Intensity of the most relevant Intimacy the Lunar has to route checks. Know the Beast’s Nature Keywords: None Duration: One Week Type: Simple Cost: 10m 1wp Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Lord of Beast’s Technique As per Beast Mastering Behaviour, without Essence Upgrades. Also Replace ‘Friendship with Animals Approach’ with ‘One with Nature Methodology’ to eliminate the penalty associated with wild or hostile animals. Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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Essence 2 Rage King Denial Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Cackling Coyote Method, Peacock Plumage Technique With a mighty below, the Lunar’s cry causes those to cow away, shedding their competence. The Lunar may make a Charisma + Social Skill roll vs a target’s resolve. They may not modify their resolve with an intimacy. If successful, the target takes the Lunar’s Charisma or 3, whichever is higher, to their next action as a dice penalty. Land Protector Fury Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Rage King Denial Those that enter their domains may find that the beast within not appreciate any intruders. This charm supplements a threaten or intimidate action. The Lunar may double Essence or 3 (whichever is lower) 7’s on the roll. In addition, when within their own domain, they gain the Intensity of their Intimacy towards their domain as non charm dice on the roll. Utterance of Blood and Thunder Keywords: Universal, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Rage King Denial The Lunar’s words carry a weight of force that little else has, and their own words inspire the Lunar. This charm supplements any Charisma roll. If the roll is successful, the Lunar may recover a Willpower. This may be used once per scene. At Essence 4+, this willpower may be instead regained by a Ward within Medium range. Stunning Crescent Reversal Keywords: None t

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Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Eagle Descending Flair The Lunar’s bright personality is shield enough against those that wish to manipulate them. Upon reaching a decision point, the Lunar may activate this charm. The Lunar still needs to pay a willpower to successfully activate the decision point. If the target chooses to attempt the social action again, they may only use a Minor Intimacy to reduce the Lunar’s resolve. That said, the Lunar must have such an intimacy and it be revealed to the target to use this charm. Smiling Hero Approach Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Stunning Crescent Reversal With a bright grin and hopeful demeanor, the Lunar brushes off problems. The Lunar may calculate their resolve with their Charisma instead of Wits. Horde Inspiring Attitude Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (1wp) Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Inspiring Pressure Synchronization The Lunar’s forces derive inner strength from the Lunar’s very presence. The Lunar’s battle group or familiar may spend the Lunar’s willpower as their own. Berserker Inducing Fury Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Horde Inspiring Attitude


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Feeding off the Lunar’s raw passion and fury, their soldiers rush forward blindly filled with nothing but raw emotion. This charm may be activated when the Lunar’s battle group is a target of a demoralize stratagem or makes a rout check. The Lunar may activate this charm to automatically resist the demoralize or succeed at the rout check. However, the troops instead are filled with raw passion and fervor, and may not be the subject of command rolls for the rest of the battle. Decisively damaging a foe allows the battle group to be commanded again. Blood Heart Land Mastery Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bright Heart Overflowing General When within their own Domain, the Lunar’s forces strike from the trees and through the land, maximizing their potential. This charm may be activated when within the Lunar’s Domain. If the Lunar’s Intensity of their Intimacy towards their domain exceeds the size of their battlegroup, that battle group is considered to be that size for the sake of calculating everything but magnitude. For a Familiar, the Lunar may add the Intensity of the Intimacy to the Lunar’s soak. Shattered Momentum Reversal Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 3i Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Blood Heart Land Mastery As their troops get pushed back, the Lunar takes to the front, with a crying fury. This charm may be activated if the Lunar’s Battlegroup is reduced a size in magnitude. The Lunar may attack the target that damaged their battlegroup with a reflexive decisive attack on the target that does not count as their action for the turn. The target must be in range of the Lunar’s attack. If the Lunar’s battle group is completely destroyed, this attack is undodgeable and unblockable. This may be explicitly be used with any attribute. Iron Beast Hide Keywords: Stackable Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2


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Requirements: Know the Beast’s Nature The Lunar’s familiars are tougher than most, having an extreme resilience. The Lunar may add their 4 soak and 2 hardness to their familiar. They may repurchase this charm once, to increase that Soak by the Intensity of the Positive Intimacy the Familiar has for the Lunar, and the Lunar’s Charisma/2 (Rounded Up) to the Familiar’s Hardness. This may be purchased twice for each familiar. Life of the Aurochs Keywords: Stackable Duration: Type: Cost: Mins: Requirements: Know the Beast’s Nature As per the Solar Charm Bold Entrance Charge Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Shattered Momentum Reversal With a rushing charge, the Lunar leads their allies into battle, shattering the enemy immediately. This charm supplements a Lunar’s Battlegroup or Familiar’s join battle action. The Battlegroup or Familiar’s roll is enhanced with cascading 10’s, each 10 producing a reroll until 10’s do not appear. If the Familiar wins initiative, they gain the Lunar’s essence in non charm dice to their attack on their first turn.

Social Charms Essence 1 Grand Vocal Harmony Cry Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1


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Requirements: None Altering their vocal cords, the Lunar turns their throat into a booming cannon of sound, allowing their voices to carry for miles. This charm supplements a Charisma based social action. This charm reduces penalties for multiple targets up to their Charisma. Stealth is impossible with this charm. Steward’s Gracious Advice Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a warm word, the Lunar may inspire their Wards to greatness. This charm may be activated when the Lunar’s Ward is about to attempt an action. This charm adds two charm dice to their action. Thousand Tongue Methodology Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Despite their forms, the Lunar may speak with perfect eloquence. The Lunar may speak in any Shape and may be understood in any language they are capable of speaking normally. If they have no means to produce sound, they seem to echo noise. Laughing Hyena Presence Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a warm countenance, the Lunar’s raw personality is enough to carry them through. This charm supplements a Charisma roll, doubling a single 9 on the roll.


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Grand Friendship Defense Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Steward’s Gracious Advice The Lunar’s Wards are not alone when pressed in court and elsewhere. This charm may be activated when a Lunar’s Ward is pressed to a decision point, and the Lunar is nearby. The Lunar may activate this charm to allow the Ward to key off of one of the Lunar’s intimacies for the decision point. Seneschal’s Guiding Hand Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Grand Friendship Defense Under the Lunar’s watch, those whom they care for need not be afraid. The Lunar chooses a friendly target when activating this charm. If their Resolve is less than the Lunar’s Charisma, they may use that value for Resolve when being threatened or intimidated. If the target is a Ward, they may also use it to resist persuasion effects. Verbal Champion Battering Ram Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Grand Vocal Harmony Cry With nothing by a sheer force of personality, the Lunar may shatter the will of Lesser being. This charm supplements a persuade action. The target’s resolve is reduced by half their spent willpower rounded up. If the target increases their resolve to it’s default value or greater in response, this charm adds the target’s spent willpower as non charm dice to the roll. Bright Presence Meditation Keywords: None Duration: Permanent


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Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Grand Vocal Harmony Cry The causes the Lunar supports flow through their very being, inspiring their word. The Lunar gains two charm dice to any instill action instilling an Intimacy they have, and two charm dice to Persuade someone using an Intimacy the Lunar shares with them. Words of the Enlightening Thunder Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Thousand Tongue Methodology The speaker’s words strike deep into their listener’s soul, stirring something from within. This charm supplements an instill action. If successful, the target must pay 2wp instead of 1wp to resist. Joyous Emissary Approach Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Laughing Hyena Presence The Lunar’s personality is so radiant, those around them have a difficult time thinking ill of them. When this charm is active, anyone around the Lunar whose unmodified Resolve is less than the Lunar’s charisma finds the Lunar likable and pleasant. In addition, the Lunar gains 2 non charm dice to any persuade action that people would find agreeable. Intimidating a target or starting hostilities deactivates this charm.

Essence 2 Loving Hound Passion Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: t

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Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Seneschal’s Guiding Hand The Lunar knows their wards better than anyone, allowing them to light a fire in their hearts like no other. When the Lunar makes an inspire action on a Ward, they may add the intensity of the intimacy towards the ward as non charm dice. Rising Fury Revenge Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Loving Hound Passion Those that wish harm on that which they guard face the Lunar’s raw anger. Any target which has threatened or intimidated a ward, or has harmed the Lunar’s domain may be subject to this charm immediately after performing said action. The Lunar may make an immediate Intimidate action on the target, with 2 automatic successes. Booming Pack Howl Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Verbal Champion’s Battering Ram, Steward’s Gracious Advice Drawing power from the passions of their allies, the Lunar strides forward, confidence filling their heart. This charm supplements any social action. The Lunar may add the intensity of an intimacy of a nearby ally has for them as non charm dice to the action. Elk Lord Presence Keywords: Superiority Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Verbal Champion’s Battering Ram Those attempting to make pleas to the Lunar find their very presence overwhelming. When this charm is active, any target that makes a Persuade or Instill action at the Lunar, may not use


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Minor Intimacies to reduce the Lunar’s Resolve. If the target spends a willpower to make that action, the Lunar recovers a willpower. They may recover one Willpower per target this way. Second Lion Breath Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Laughing Hyena Presence The Lunar’s primal nature encourages persistence. Once per scene, the Lunar may activate this charm to retry a social action without having to key off a greater intimacy or offer a greater reward. Eagle Wings Outstretched Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bright Presence Meditation The Lunar’s mercurial nature gives them a better understanding against creatures of the Wyld, allowing them to bargain with the fair folk more effectively. This charm supplements a Charisma based social action against a creature or being of the Wyld. The Lunar may reroll Essence or 3 failures (whichever is higher) on their roll. Bold Boar Brashness Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Joyous Emissary Approach With a zest for life and intense passion, the Lunar shrugs off adversity with a laugh. This charm may be activated when the Lunar is instilled with negative intimacy, threatened, or intimidated successfully, the may activate this charm to raise their resolve against the target by 2 for the rest of the scene. Solemn Final Word


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Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m (1wp) Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Bold Board Brashness Even when struck down, the Lunar stirs the hearts of their foes, inspiring one last feeling within all enemies. This charm may be activated when the Lunar takes damage from a decisive attack, even when incapacitated. Before the Lunar is incapacitated, or after they take damage (whatever applies to the situation), the Lunar may make a social action against the attacker (if the attacker is not a battlegroup). The Lunar’s wound penalties to not apply to this roll. The Lunar spend an additional WP to add their wound penalties as automatic successes to the roll.

Language and Presence Charms Essence 1 Primeval Words Understanding Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar can speak to anyone on a primal level, getting their points across using the basic instincts towards language all creatures have. This charm supplements any action intended to communicate or social action. The target of the action understands what the Lunar says on a basic level. This cannot present complicated dialogue, but simple points. This can explicitly be used with any social action. Intensity Drawing Stance Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar draws their form and essence outwards, exuding a primal intensity. Once active, any character making a Social action against the Lunar must reduce their die pool by the Lunar’s Essence/2 rounded down (minimum 1) Endless Thought Statement Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Intensity Drawing Stance With the sheer force of their words, the Lunar’s dialogue becomes memorable beyond belief. This charm supplements any social action and is explicitly available for any Social Attribute. If the roll beats the target’s resolve, they will remember what the Lunar said perfectly for Essence Months. World Crossing Whisper Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Primeval Words Understanding With proper vocal amplification, the Lunar’s voice carries for miles. The Lunar may make social actions without penalty at up to Extreme range. Overwhelming Speech Devourer Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 1 Requirements: World Crossing Whisper The sheer force of the Lunar’s presence, the Lunar can impress themselves upon the weaker willed. This charm supplements a persuade action. The Intimacy you persuade on is considered one intensity higher. The Lunar must know the Intimacy to use this charm. Forceful Presence Approach Keywords: None


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Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Endless Thought Statement The Lunar’s force of personality allows them to command attention through existence alone. When this charm is active, the Lunar simply appears important to anyone that notices them. Anyone that beats their guile in a read intentions roll knows otherwise, but the Lunar gains half their essence to their Guile for this purpose. Bright Forged Symbology Keywords: Written Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Primeval Words Understanding The impact of the Lunar’s words are made clear upon viewing. This charm supplements a written social action. The written document, if viewable, is completely obvious to anyone who sees it even slightly, and they immediately notice its existence. They don’t necessarily have to read it, but they know it’s there. Any Linguistics rolls to understand the document are reduced by 1. Friendly Translation Method Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Primeval Words Understanding When with the Lunar, their Wards are able to parse the dialects the Lunar is aware of, given the Lunar’s helpful advice. When this charm is active, the Lunar is able to effortlessly translate for a Ward any language the Lunar is able to understand with perfect comprehension. The Ward understands the nuances of the Lunar’s translation completely.

Essence 2 Bright Shining Laughter Keywords: None t

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Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Forceful Presence Approach A shining example a of pure joy, the Lunar brightens the room the moment they enter. Anyone who hears or sees the Lunar, is subject to an inspire action, which inspires joy. The Lunar’s Charisma is compared against any target’s resolve, and if it exceeds it, that target is subject to the effect. If the target resists once, they are immune for the scene. Grand Roaring Entrance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Forceful Presence Approach The Lunar’s sudden appearance draws entire crowds to their entrance. This charm may be activated the moment they enter a scene. The Lunar makes a Charisma + Social Ability roll vs all relevant targets in the scene. Any target whose resolve is beaten by the roll, reduces their Resolve by 1 against the Lunar’s Charisma based actions for the rest of the scene. Any target may spend a Willpower to resist this effect. Thousand Streams Speech Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Friendly Translation Method

The Lunar cannot be misunderstood. His instructions are always perfectly clear. He will also know if the listener simply doesn't understand the concept. So, a Lunar who says "I'm coming to the ball tonight" is understood to mean "me and my Lunar Circle" if that's something the listener could be expected to understand. This charm can supplement any social action. World Creating Tale Method Keywords: None Duration: Until Complete


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Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bright Forged Symbology

The eloquence of the Lunars is beyond reckoning. When the Lunar describes a scene, he may do so in such detail that the listener literally pictures it in his head just as the Lunar described. This includes all senses, not just sight. Birth of Legend Meditation Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 2 Requirements: World Creating Tale Method, Overwhelming Speech Devourer

Words have power, and words spoken by the Chosen of the Moon are powerful beyond reckoning. The Lunar may assign a name or monicker to someone, and grant it truth. This acts like an Intimacy which may be drawn upon. This intimacy may only be reduced if the target is convinced to deny it. It likewise cannot be increased. By default, this Intimacy is minor. If named at birth, this intimacy is major. If the target is a Ward, increase the Intimacy’s intensity by 1 level. Inked Octopus Brush Keywords: Written Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bright Forged Symbology With tight physical control, and the Lunar’s personality literally seeping through the pages, their raw emotion is conveyed in pure text. This charm supplements a written social action. The Lunar may add the intensity of a relative Intimacy as Non Charm dice to the roll. They may instead choose to add the Intensity as Successes to the roll, but anyone reading the document will be able to know that intimacy of the Lunar immediately upon reading it. Soul Style Calligraphy Keywords: Written Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental


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Cost: 1m Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Inked Octopus Brush Drawing written language from their very words, the Lunar may transform bits of themselves, hair and blood, into ink. This charm supplements any written action, allowing the Lunar to write without implements. Writing this way always conforms to a specific style unique to the Lunar, and anyone familiar with the Lunar will recognize their work immediately. Drowning Beast Technique Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Charisma 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Overwhelming Speech Devourer The sheer volume and tenor of the Lunar’s voice is overwhelming, drowning out lesser sounds and speech. The Lunar may pick one target, and roll Charisma + Relevant Ability, unenhanced. If they score less than 2 successes, they score 2. The target must roll higher than the Lunar on any social action to be heard, otherwise no one notices them. The Lunar must keep speaking for this to work. The Lunar may make social actions of their own while speaking. Draining Heartache Goring Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Charisma 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Drowning Beast Technique, Grand Roaring Entrance The Lunar’s presence is overwhelming, and simply speaking to them can sap a mere mortal of their will. This charm supplements any Charisma action. If the target spends Willpower in any instance of the action to resist, the first time they do it costs 2 WP to do so.

Manipulation Charms Form Taking Trick Devil’s Bargain - The Lunar may take the form of anyone who verbally agrees to it. The target does not need to fully understand the deal, they just must agree willingly.


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Trickery Charms Essence 1 Shadow Smile Approach Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None

The Lunar’s friends find them unreadable, and the Lunar may pull those heart strings as they whim. When a target attempts a read-intentions action on the Lunar, they suffer a penalty to the roll equal to the intensity of the intimacy they possess towards the Lunar. Sorrowful Friend Defense Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Those that care for the Lunar have difficulty bringing their fullest against them. This charm reduces the raw damage of an attack by the intensity of a positive intimacy the attacker has for the Lunar. This may explicitly be used with other Attributes. Cruel Silent Jab Keywords: Withering Only, Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Many a time the Lunar’s prey assumes the Lunar’s apparent weakness is reality, only to find a gash across their stomach. This charm supplements a Join Battle action, and may be used with any Attribute. If no enemy targets have any reason to believe hostilities will begin, the Lunar


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may open with an ambush on their first attack on their first turn vs an opponent of lower initiative. Mockingjay Mimicry Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Like a laughing mirror, the Lunar following someone’s movements with eerie precision. If the Lunar is in a similar Shape as a target (their Base Shape counts as Human), the Lunar increases their Guile by 2 for the purpose of disguising themselves as the target. They must be disguised as the target to use this bonus. This charm may also adds 2 non charm dice for Performance Acting rolls. Apparent Terror Emptiness Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a chuckle, and a mysterious air of the unknown about them, the Lunar spreads unease around the battlefield. This charm acts as a difficulty 3 gambit Manipulation + Presence. Upon successful, the target of this charm gains a Manipulation or 3 penalty (whichever is lower), for Manipulation turns against all attack, sorcery, social, or rush actions against the Lunar. The target may roll Wits+Integrity to reduce the duration for each success. This may not drop below 1 turn. Awesome Fallen Possum Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Mockingjay Mimicry The Lunar’s lies go deep, allowing them to feign death with the convincing nature of a shattered corpse. Upon getting hit with a decisive attack, feign death/incap. If their Guile is beat, they are


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noticed. Attacks from this state are considered surprisesuprise attack. Wound penalties add to Guile instead of subtracting from it. False Broken Elk Stance Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Awesome Fallen Possum Mastering their body, the Lunar may make themselves appear more hurt than they actually are. The Lunar may activate this charm, and appear to have any level of wound penalty that they wish. They may make the wound appear any way they like, but they may not dismember themselves through this charm. Snickering Hands Menagerie Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Shadow Smile Approach Their hands flowing like water, the Lunar may snatch an object from a target’s very grasp. This charm supplements any social action. When speaking to a target, the target increases the difficulty to notice what the Lunar is physically doing by 2.

Essence 2 Masterful Redirection Maneuver Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 7m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Cruel Silent Jab, Awesome Fallen Possum Taking advantage of a target through confusing maneuvers and redirection, the Lunar recovers with shocking capability. This charm may be activated after successfully executing a gambit. The Lunar retains the initiative spent for the gambit. They may use this once per scene.


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Heartless Weasel Reverberation Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m 3i Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Masterful Redirection Maneuver With a guiding hand and deceitful heart, the Lunar guides their foe into their doom. This charm supplements a decisive gambit, and may explicitly be used with other attributes. The Lunar may reroll all 1’s until 1’s do not appear on the attack roll. Century Sprite Manipulation Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Masterful Redirection Maneuver Those of the Wyld find convincing the Lunar difficult, their wiles exceeding their own. This charm may be activated in response to a Persuasion or Instill action made by a denizen of the Wyld, the Lunar may activate this charm to increase their resolve by Manipulation/2 (rounded up). Hope Eating Gluttony Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Apparent Terror Emptiness As the Lunar breaks their foes, their fear for the Lunar slowly rises. This charm may be activated once the Lunar damages an enemy with a decisive attack. The Lunar may make a reflexive Manipulation + Presence/Socialize roll against the target, with the amount of damage done as a penalty to the target’s resolve, maximum of Essence or Manipulation, whichever is lower. If successful, the target gains an intimacy of Fear towards the Lunar. Shade of Apparent Death Stance Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive


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Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Hope Eating Gluttony Those which fear the Lunar have their image burned into their memory, and those which wish to turn their blades against the Lunar. When this charm is active, anyone who has an intimacy of Fear towards the Lunar must pay one 1wp to attack them, though they only need to pay this once to resist this effect for the scene. If the target is a Major or higher intimacy of fear, they must pay 1 wp to make any social action at the Lunar. Likewise, they are immune to this effect for the scene if they pay the 1 willpower. Forest Imp Whisper Keywords: Universal, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulating 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Mockingjay Mimicry Their voice echoing like an empty ghost unseen, the Lunar may throw their voice to an unnatural degree. This charm explicitly enhances any social action. The Lunar may throw their voice up to Essence x 10 ft from their location. To notice where the voice actually came from, if the Lunar is hidden, the target must succeed on a Perception + Awareness roll against the Lunar’s Dexterity + Stealth. Anyone rolling to notice gets a penalty of the Lunar’s Manipulation/2 (Rounded Up). When within the Lunar’s domain, the Lunar has no limit to range with this charm (as long as it’s within the Domain) and increases the difficulty by their Essence. Insidious Bat Cry Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Forest Imp Whisper Their voice reverberating, and their throats channeling a sonic cry, the Lunar speaks with words that are physically painful to listen to. The Lunar may use this charm to enhance any social Manipulation action. Within the exception of the intended target of to whom they are speaking, anyone else attempting to listen in will find the Lunar’s words will cause them physical discomfort, and they will be unable to understand. They must succeed at at Wits + Linguistics roll to comprehend what the Lunar is saying, with a difficulty of 2 + the Lunar’s Manipulation.


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Mad Raven Descent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Snickering Hand Menagerie Even when caught, the Lunar may turn away those that suspect them, the Lunar remains blameless. When accused of anything, the Lunar may activate this charm to attempt to sough the blame on another. The ST determines how ridiculous the shift is. The Lunar rolls Manipulation + Larceny/Socialize vs all relevant target’s Guile. Those targets get a bonus to guile based on how outlandish the claim. +2 for unlikely, and +4 for impossible. If successful, the target blames the new person instead. The Lunar may also use this charm to transfer blame from a Ward to to another target as well. Thieving Magpie Mentality Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Mad Raven Descent The Lunar’s very spirit reeks of that of a predator, and their presence causes unease. The Lunar, at will, can appear to be a dangerous individual to anyone that views them, giving off a sense of menace. They gain 1 charm die for free against any target that has an intimacy of Fear towards them, and +1 Guile against any target with an intimacy of Mistrust towards them.

Social Charms Essence 1 Revealing Words Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None


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With leading phrases, and natural deception, the Lunar can reveal much about their targets. The Lunar may use Manipulation in place of Perception on Read Intentions actions. They must speak to their target to use Manipulation this way. Grinning Magpie Stance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a knowing glance, the knowledge the Lunar’s foes may have over them suddenly disappears. Upon having a Read Intentions action be successful upon them, they may activate this charm to force a reroll of the Read Intentions action. The Lunar and their target use the same values and dice pools as before. If charms or willpower was used, the cost is not paid again, and their effects are still added to the roll. Twin Adder Fangs Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Seeing through all of world’s lies, the Lunar twists truth and lies alike. This charm supplements a Manipulation roll, allowing the Lunar to increase the Excellency dice cap by a positive intimacy the target has for the Lunar. False Burrow Pursuit Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Twin Adder Fangs As per core, 547 Breath of Confusion Keywords: Mute, Stackable


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Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Grinning Magpie Stance With a verbal feint and feigning weakness, the Lunar may divert attention away from themselves. Upon successfully defending with guile, the Lunar may activate this charm, to make the target trying to read them believe that the Lunar has nothing to do with what they are looking for, or at least isn’t the person they should be talking to. The Lunar may activate this charm for each target that fails to read them. This charm automatically deactivates if the Lunar does something that would counteract these thoughts. Silent Statue Mien Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Revealing Words Technique Changing the musculature of their face, the Lunar saps any chance of detecting emotion, while a fire of fury hides underneath. The Lunar may activate this charm to defend against a read intentions action. This charm adds the intensity of a negative tie towards the target or applicable belief to their guile as a non charm bonus. These intimacies may not used for a decision point until after the current scene.

Essence 2 Moonlight Curtain Drawn Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Breath of Confusion As per book, 547 Tale Spinning Mastery Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant t

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Type: Supplemental Cost: 7m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Twin Adder Fangs As per book, 547 Light Drawing Blindness Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Tale Spinning Mastery It is simply impossible to question the wisdom of the Chosen. If a Lunar makes a statement, listeners will not question its factual basis and will actually resist anyone who attempts to convince them to look into the Lunar's statements. Mechanically, this charm can be activated once a Lunar successfully lies to a target. The target gains a Major Intimacy representing their belief in the lie. They believe it without question, until successfully persuaded otherwise, the Intimacy acting to modify their resolve. The intimacy immediately fades upon being convinced otherwise. Silent Phrase Enchantment Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: False Burrow Pursuit Through sheer force of willpower, the Lunar may affect the way others speak. At the end of a conversation or speech, the Lunar may activate this Charm to force the listener to adopt some colloquialism or turn of phrase into their standard vocabulary. They will be unaware that their manner of speech has changed unless someone draws attention to it, and even then will believe they have always spoken this way. The Lunar rolls Manipulation + Social Skill vs the target’s resolve to accomplish this, though is unaware if the roll succeeds or fails. Heart Covered in Chains Methodology Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple


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Cost: 8m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Statue Mien Locking away the truth in their Heart, the Lunar’s secrets are theirs alone to keep. The Lunar may activate this charm, and choose one secret or truth they are aware of. When this charm is active, they are unable to reveal that secret, and are not aware that they know it. Any attempt to convince the Lunar otherwise counts as an unacceptable influence. They are aware that they are locking something away, but that is it. Bursting Heart Escape Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Moonlit Curtain Dawn In the odd chance the Lunar’s lies are discovered, they have means to avoid their pursuers. If the Lunar’s lies are discovered, they may activate this charm to reflexively change shape. The Lunar or their allies cannot reveal the truth themselves, the deceived must find out the truth on their own. Tongue Whip Blade Technique Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Light Drawing Blindness The Lunar’s barbed tongue can drain the very confidence out of their foes. This charm is a Manipulation + Socialize/Presence action. If the Lunar beats the target’s resolve, the Lunar picks one of the target’s abilities, and the target gains a -3 penalty on that ability for the rest of the scene. This charm may be used Successfully once per scene. Cruel Devil Spite Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2


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Requirements: Tale Spinning Mastery The Lunar’s words sow doubt in the hearts of their foes, causing distrust to flourish. This charm supplements a social action to reduce the intensity of a target’s intimacy. The roll gains one automatic success. In addition, if the roll is successful, the target immediately loses a willpower. Revolving Fan Disruption Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Phrase Enchantment Their miens stable, and never breaking, the Lunar may move throughout the world, unreadable. The Lunar ignores the penalty for not being aware they are observed to their guile when this charm is active. Shattered Reality Dance Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Tongue Whip Blade Technique As the Lunar’s heart is revealed, the revealer finds an ever expanding sense of dread as the truth is revealed. Upon having their Guile beaten in a read intentions action, the Lunar may reflexively make an instill action on the target that used Read Intentions on them with 3 non charm dice to the roll. The instill must be an appropriate negative belief, or a tie of fear to the Lunar.

Subtlety and Psychology Charms Essence 1 Impending Doom Approach Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m


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Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar need not threaten those that fear them, they simply need to glance their way to cause their foes to doubt themselves. This charm supplements a Manipulation action. If the target is afraid of the Lunar, the Lunar may convince the target to do an Inconvenient task without a roll. Mysterious Muse Method Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With a silent motion, and a creak behind their prey’s ear, the Lunar may instill in the target fervor or fear unbeknownst to them. This charm supplements an inspire action. The Lunar may use an inspire action from stealth without breaking stealth. Meaningless Fly Technique Keywords: Psyche Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Like a random servant, the Lunar may casually move around as though they are nothing more than a beggar in a dirty alleyway. The Lunar may activate this charm, and all onlookers that do not beat their guile in a read intentions action, assume they are unimportant. This does not give them any sort of real stealth, just make onlookers believe that they do not really matter. Million Voices of the Moon Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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With a tight control of their voice and throat, the Lunar may alter their voice to sound as though they were someone else. This charm supplements a verbal social action, and may be explicitly used in any social action. The Lunar sounds like another target they have met and listened to. If the target of the social action has any reason to doubt the Lunar, they may roll Read Intentions against them. If successful, they can tell something is off. Chilling Word of Cold Fury Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Mysterious Muse Method, Impending Doom Approach The Lunar’s words sit in the back of their prey, allowing to the Lunar to fade away with a cackle into the night. This charm may be activated after making a successful instill, persuasion, or inspire action on a target. The Lunar may make a reflexive Manipulation + Stealth action, with 3 automatic successes versus any targets affected by the social action. Perfect Terror Mastery Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Million Voices of the Moon The Lunar’s true chilling powers leaks through any form they may take. This charm may explicitly be used to enhance any Intimidate or Threaten action. The Lunar ignores any penalties they may have to intimidate a target based on the Shape they are in. If they are taking a particularly appropriate form to intimidate a target, they gain 1 automatic success to the roll.

Essence 2 Dream Eating Technique Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1wp (3i) Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Perfect Terror Mastery


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Slowly wearing away at the target’s mind, the Lunar draws power from their ever weakening resolve. This charm supplements an action to reduce a target’s intimacy. It costs an additional 3i if used in combat. The Lunar gains the target’s intensity of the intimacy (before reduction) in motes. If they spend a WP to resist, the Lunar instead gains 3m. Lightless Night Knowing Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Perfect Terror Mastery The beast within is always aware when it’s prey grows complacent. Once activated, the Lunar may use this charm to become aware that a target’s intimacy of fear towards them has fallen. If it has, the Lunar gains a vague understanding of what caused that reduction. Overwhelming Nightmare Stance Keywords: Psyche Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Dreaming Eating Technique The Lunar’s very raw primordial nature seeps their very being. Those that witness them get a sense of what true fear is. Once active, anyone who has less resolve than the Lunar has Manipulation, is considered to have a Minor Intimacy of Fear towards them. Heart Shattering Maneuver Keywords: Psyche Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Lightless Night Knowing With a glare, the Lunar fills a target’s heart with fear and utter terror, leaving them nothing more than a shattered mess. The Lunar rolls Manipulation + Presence/Performance vs a target’s resolve. If successful, the target is overwhelmed by the thoughts flowing into their head, stunning them. The target is unable to react to their surroundings, unless attacked, at which


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point they are drawn back to reality. The target remains stunned for the scene, but may pay 2 WP to resist. At essence 3+, this charm does not break stealth. Mist of Maddening Pressure Keywords: Psyche Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Chilling Word of Cold Fury Those that discover the Lunar find that their revelation is treated as fallacy, and their allies refuse to believe the Lunar’s existence. Upon being discovered in Stealth, the Lunar may activate this charm to prevent all target’s that did not succeed at noticing them from doing so. Any target that has noticed the Lunar cannot point them out to anyone who failed to notice them originally, until the Lunar breaks Stealth or enters combat. Hidden Shadow Laughter Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Million Voices of the Moon As the Lunar passes silently, nervousness and anxiety flow into their wake. Once active, if any target cannot sense the Lunar, or has an intimacy of fear towards them, they reduce their resolve and guile by 1 towards the Lunar’s social actions. Mind Wracking Denial Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Million Voices of the Moon Those that ignore the Lunar’s dialogue find that the Lunar’s will is not so easily ignored. This charm may be activated if a target successfully resists an instill action or persuade action from the Lunar and actively resisted the social action (Via Charms, Excellencies, or Willpower, not


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Intimacies). Once active, the target suffers a penalty to their next (Lunar’s Essence) social actions and their next physical action. This penalty is considered a wound penalty, and is equal to a -1, unless the Lunar is arguing from or trying to instill one of their own intimacies, in which case Minor is -2, Major -3, and Defining -4. If the social action would have been an unacceptable influence, it may be activated as well. This may not be used on a Ward, and may only be used on a target once per scene. The target may resist by spending a willpower, and arguing from one of their own intimacies of equal level. If their roll exceeds the Lunar’s original roll, the penalty ceases, otherwise, it continues until all affected rolls are made or the scene ends. Silent Raven Approach Keywords: Mute Duration: One Conversation Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Hideous Shadow Laughter The Lunar’s conversations are not so easily spied upon, their words only reaching the ears of their intended targets. This charm may be activated to make the Lunar’s words much more difficult to hear for anyone but their intended targets. This doesn’t make make the Lunar impossible to detect, but it makes their words to onlookers quiet and gibberish. Anyone attempt to parse the conversation must roll Perception + Awareness or Wits + Linguistics vs the Lunar’s Manipulation + Socialize with Essence Automatic Successes. Seneschal Revenge Technique Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Manipulation 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Mind Wracking Denial When someone harms that which the Lunar cares for, their silent fury is made known. This charm supplements a manipulation based instill, inspire, or persuade action against a target that has harmed a Lunar’s Ward or Domain physically. The action gains the Lunar’s intensity of the intimacy towards the Ward or Domain in automatic successes to the social action. If successful, this may not be used on the target again until they harm another Ward or Domain under the Lunar’s protection. If unsuccessful, this charm may continue to be used. Coming Storm Cackling


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Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Manipulation 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Mind Wracking Denial Those that wish to understand the Lunar, may find that knowledge be far too much to bare. This charm may be activated in response to a read intentions action. The Lunar may willingly give up a relevant intimacy if available, willingly lowering their guile to 0. The Lunar, in response to the target learning this, may make a reflexive Read Intentions actions on the target, with that intimacy’s intensity in non charm dice on the roll. If the target raises their Guile in response, the Lunar’s roll gains 1 automatic success.

Appearance Charms Form Taking Trick Through Love - The Lunar may take the form of whoever they have sex with. The target must be willing.

Perfection Charms Essence 1 Glory of the Lunar Cycle Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s form is stunning beyond reason, and is overwhelming to onlookers. The Lunar’s Appearance is considered one higher for obtaining bonus dice. Perfect Archetype Transformation Keywords: Shape Duration: Indefinite t

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Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar becomes a perfect version of their chosen form, becoming the literal pinnacle of their kind. When the Lunar takes this Shape, they become the perfect version of their totem form. The form either gains the Lunar’s Appearance Attribute, or adds 1 to their Attribute score for that form. In addition, any ability the Shape has that adds dice adds two additional dice. These are charm dice. Untouchable Perfect Presence Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Those attempting to strike the Lunar’s glorious form causes apprehension within their hearts. When active, anyone who attempts to start hostilities with the Lunar specifically, must make a Wits + Integrity roll vs the Lunar’s Appearance score as the difficulty, otherwise they may not attack. Beating this roll once immunizes any enemy for the scene. If the Lunar or their allies start hostilities, then the effects of this charm do not work. Harrowing Light Envelopment Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m (1wp) Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Untouchable Perfect Presence, Glory of the Lunar Cycle Altering the tone of their skin to shine in distracting fashion, the Lunar gets perpetually more disorienting to their onlookers. When active, this charm makes Stealth against any targets that can see impossible. However, the Lunar’s skin is shiny enough to make any onlookers have difficulty looking at them. Anyone trying to remember what the Lunar looks like increases the difficulty of the roll by 2. At essence 3+, the Lunar may spend an additional willpower to enhance the display. Any allies attempting stealth may increase their dice pool by two non charm dice. Flawless Form Ascension


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Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (5m) Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Perfect Archetype Transformation With an elegant poise, the Lunar shifts into a transcendent form to awe all of their onlookers. This charm may be activated in response to succeeding at an Appearance based social roll. They may activate the prerequisite reflexively. This must be spent from peripheral. Beautiful Friendly Alliance Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Perfect Archetype Transformation The Lunar’s very presence takes pressure off their friends, allowing them to excel through sheer inspiration. This charm supplements a Join Battle action, and may be used with any Attribute. The Lunar may give out up to their Appearance in initiative from their initial join battle roll to any ally. Any ally that is a Ward gains 2i for every 1i.

Essence 2 Attention Drawing Prana Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Harrowing Light Envelopment The Lunar’s form is so spellbinding, that others fail in comparison. When this charm is active, all other targets within short range have the appearance considered to be 1 less when compared against resolve for bonus dice. If another Lunar has this charm active, they are immune to this effect. At essence 5+, considered 2 less.


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Ivory Glistening Stance Keywords: Psyche Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Harrowing Light Envelopment Those that witness the Lunar’s perfection have the Lunar’s image burned into their mind. If the Lunar succeeds at an Appearance based social action on a target, they may activate this charm. The target will remember the Lunar in perfect detail, and be able to describe every bit about them as long as they live. Glorious Lunar Reckoning Keywords: None Duration: One Social Action Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Harrowing Light Envelopment The Lunar’s presence is untouchable, and those attempting to work against them. This charm supplements any social action. Anyone that wishes to interrupt the Lunar, must spend a point of willpower to do so. Flawless Entrance Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Attention Drawing Prana As they appear, the Lunar’s glory is apparent to all who witness them. This charm supplements the first social action the Lunar makes when entering a scene. They may double the bonus the get from Appearance compared to a target’s resolve. Victim Revenge Stance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 7m


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Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Glorious Lunar Reckoning Those that attack the Lunar, or attempt to threaten, find that the tables soon turn on them, as others tend to disapprove of harming such perfection. This charm may be activated if the Lunar is Intimidated or Threatened successfully. Any target in the scene that was not the target that Intimidated or Threatened the Lunar compares their resolve to the Lunar’s appearance. If it is less (their resolve may be increased by any means to resist), they immediately gain a minor intimacy of dislike towards the one that intimidated the Lunar. Light Piercing the Storm Clouds Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flawless Form Ascension The Lunar’s Archetype form is astounding, and those all around can witness it. When in Perfect Archetype Transformation, the Lunar may make Appearance based social actions at up to Long Range without a penalty. At essence 4+, Extreme Range. Stunning Heart Cry Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m (3m) 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Light Piercing the Storm Clouds, Ivory Glistening Stance The sheer sight of the Lunar can cause their allies hearts to leap in joy, and be filled with hope. Once per scene, the Lunar may activate this charm, to give all with a positive intimacy toward the Lunar in the vicinity that can sense them 1 wp. When within Perfect Archetype Transformation, this costs 3m instead of 5m. For Wards, this may go above their max willpower. Untouchable Elegant Stride Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (3i) Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Beautiful Friendly Alliance


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Those that wish to harm the Lunar find themselves unable to do so; the very thought of causing any sort of misfortune to the Lunar stresses against their mind. This charm permanently upgrades Perfect Archetype Transformation. When attacking the Lunar, the target must reduce their raw damage by 1. In addition, the Lunar may spend 3i when attacked to reduce the target’s attacking die pool by the amount of bonus dice they would get on the target for social actions. Brilliant Glowing Smile Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m (2m) Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Untouchable Elegant Stride Even those the Lunar considers their enemy is unable to truly despise the Lunar. Their perfect form simply melts away the hate in the target’s heart. The Lunar may use this charm to supplement a social action. The target may not use a negative intimacy towards to the Lunar to defend with or for a decision point for that action. When in Perfect Archetype Transformation, the Lunar reduces the cost of this charm to 2m.

Social Charms Essence 1 Terrifying Beauty Form Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar is both divinely beautiful, and utterly terrifying to all they may look upon them. The Lunar is may use this charm to supplement any Appearance action. They may choose to have the Hideous merit or not (whether they would normally have that merit or not) when making the action. New Friend Aroma


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Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Book page 547. Captivating Visage Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 1m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence Requirements: None The Lunar’s appearance is spellbinding, every movement drawing onlookers to their presence. This charm supplements an Appearance action. The Lunar may consider their target’s resolve 1 less for the purpose of gaining bonus dice. Spellbinding Peacock’s Countenance Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The very pressure of the Lunar’s presence can cause those that care for them to buckle upon looking upon them. This charm supplements an Appearance based social action. If the target has an intimacy towards the Lunar, the Lunar gains 1 automatic success on their roll. Portrait Shifting Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar’s form is completely within their control, allowing them to make simple changes at will. The Lunar, as a simple action, may make minor changes to their appearance. This includes hair color, skin color, sex, and slight appearance changes to muscle mass. This does not affect the Lunar’s stats in any way, and does not directly assist with disguising the Lunar. Irresistible Primal Magnetism Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: New Friend Aroma The sheer purity of the Lunar’s form allows them to inspire fire in the bellies of those that witness them. When activated, this charm makes the Lunar seem to be a likable individual and people will find it difficult to show them ill will, as long as they don’t make any explicitly hostile or obviously unpleasant actions. Walking into a party they don’t belong in is no problem. Punching the Satrap’s son in the face is. Mechanically, if the Lunar’s appearance exceeds a target’s resolve, the target feels inclined to like the Lunar. Paralyzing Serpent’s Glare Keywords: Psyche Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Terrifying Beauty Form, Captivating Visage Staring deep into the Lunar’s eyes can trap someone deep under the Lunar’s powers. The ability requires the Lunar to make eye contact with a target. If the Lunar’s appearance exceeds the target’s resolve, the target remains immobilized until eye contact is broken or hostilities begin. The if in combat, maintaining this charm takes up the Lunar’s turn. If at any point they do something else, this charm ends immediately. Moonlit Dawn Brilliance Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Spellbinding Peacock’s Countenance


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Simply by being around the Lunar, their allies draw upon their beauty and presence. Once activated, any Wards within short range of the Lunar gain 1 appearance if they have 2 less appearance or more than the Lunar has.

Essence 2 Stylish Unending Presence Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Moonlit Dawn Brilliance With a natural understanding of style and form, the Lunar is ever in control of their actions. This charm allows the Lunar to ignore any penalties to their social rolls to do with style and poise. The Lunar always appears to be interesting and impressive, unless they choose otherwise. Bold Impression Style Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Moonlit Dawn Brilliance With flawless poise and body control, the Lunar may convey in moments what other performers must do in hours. This charm supplements any performance action. The action takes half the amount of time it would normally take. At essence 3+, a quarter of the time. Untouchable Seneschal Stance Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bold Impression Style Those that are not close to the Lunar may not speak against them. Anyone who has less base Resolve than the Lunar has appearance must spend a point of willpower to make a social action on them. Once spent, they are immune to this effect for the scene. Wards are immune to this effect completely. t

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Cordial Beckoning Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Untouchable Seneschal Stance Those that the Lunar calls for are compelled to join them. The Lunar rolls Appearance + Relevant Ability vs a target’s resolve. If successful, the target is compelled to approach the Lunar immediately. The target may be physically stopped from approaching, but will not do so on their own. If the target is being threatened or is engaged in actual violence, this effect does not work. Shattered Heart Denial Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Paralyzing Serpent’s Glare When the Lunar turns away anyone, they find the sting of rejection piercing their hearts. This charm may be activated upon successfully resisting social influence. If the target attempts to continue the persuasion, they gain a -3 penalty on their next roll. If the target manages to buy enough dice to reverse the penalty or cancel, the Lunar adds 2 to their resolve for the next attempt. Imprint of Passion Form Keywords: Written Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Shattered Heart Denial Those that have witnessed the Lunar have their image burned into their minds, the form of the Lunar echoing into their hearts when they even read the Lunar’s words. This charm supplements a written social action. The Lunar may claim their normal appearance bonus on this action.


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Shining Starlight Expression Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Irresistible Primal Magnetism The Lunar has a natural comprehension of what people are primarily attracted to, in all subjects. The Lunar makes an Appearance + Relevant Social Stance vs the resolve of all onlookers, and picking a subject they wish to make popular. Any target whose resolve is beaten, finds the subject or item interesting or desirable in some fashion appropriate to them. Commanding Caretaker’s Presence Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Irresistible Primal Magnetism When within their domain, those that attempt to challenge the Lunar’s dominance find it difficult to act against them. When within their domain, the Lunar may activate this charm to resist social influence. They may add their Appearance/2 (rounded up) to their Resolve as a non charm bonus. Warm Dove Laughter Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Shining Starlight Expression The Lunar’s presence is a calming one, with a warm laugh or a pat on the back, the Lunar may calm those incited. This charm may be activated in response to an inspire action. The Lunar rolls Appearance + Relevant Social Ability vs the target’s roll. If the Lunar wins, the target’s social action becomes ineffective, and they may not try again this scene. This may be used once per scene. Shadow Dance Vision Hold Keywords: None


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Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Irresistible Primal Magnetism The Lunar’s movements are mesmerizing, and those that witness them find that time slips away from them. Once activated, anyone that witnesses the Lunar must roll Wits + Integrity with a difficulty equal to the Lunar’s appearance. If they fail, they are mesmerized by the Lunar, and must watch them, unless engaged in hostilities. The target may spend willpower to resist, but gain a -3 to all awareness action as long as this charm is active.

Ethereal Charms Essence 1 Wyld Repelling Body Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Even the more drastic effects of the wild cannot force the Lunar’s form to change against their will. This charm prevents the active effects of the Wyld from warping the Lunar. Untouched Perfection Body Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s form remains unscathed, regardless of their circumstances. The Lunar may always choose to remain clean and not disheveled in their appearance. Silver Starlight Expression Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant


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Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar’s stride is perfect, and no fault can be found in the way they carry themselves. This charm Supplements an Appearance based persuade or instill action, allowing them to ignore any penalties to the roll. Glistening Crocodile Skin Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Wyld Repelling Body As the Fair Folk themselves, the Lunar can will their way through the wyld by simply acting the part. When within the Wyld, the Lunar may activate this charm to make any action with Appearance instead of the normal attribute. Twinkling Night’s Embrace Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Silver Starlight Expression Despite shifting shape, the Lunar’s true nature may always be revealed. The Lunar may activate this charm to use their base Shape’s appearance instead of the form that they are in. Anyone that views them during this gets a sense of what the Lunar’s true form actually looks like. They may also reduce the difficulty to see their tell to 1. Silent Slumbering Splendor Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Twinkling Night’s Embrace


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Even in slumber, the Lunar’s raw perfection is noticeable to all. This charm supplements a Social Appearance action. This allows the Lunar to perform these actions when incapacitated or asleep. The target must be able to physically see the Lunar. These actions must convey simple ideas. “I’m dangerous.” and “don’t hurt me” are acceptable, “the lord of that manor is having a party and you must get an invitation” is not. Smiling Glorious Presence Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Untouched Perfection Body Like the reflective mirror of the moon, the Lunar may shine throughout their domain, revealing themselves at will. When within their Domain, the Lunar may have themselves appear to anyone through any reflective surface within it. This allows the Lunar to make an Appearance social action without physically being in the area. The Lunar cannot see through these reflections, or speak through them. Portents Body Revelation Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 1m Mins: Appearance 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Untouched Perfection Body Altering the colors and shades upon their form, the Lunar may write messages and symbols across themselves at will. Upon activating this charm, the Lunar may make symbols and words appear upon their body in whatever style they prefer. This essentially allows the Lunar to make Linguistics actions with Appearance if these words are read off of them.

Essence 2 Bordermarch Mastery Manipulation Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 t

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Requirements: Glistening Crocodile Skin The Lunar’s fluid nature allows them to understand the best way to control a wyld area. The Lunar may claim an area in the Wyld as a Domain. Anyone in the area are not affected by the passive effects of the Wyld. Any Fair Folk in the region of less essence cannot resist this. The Lunar may have one Domain in the Wyld at a time. Realm Warping Flux Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Month Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bordermarch Mastery Manipulation Once claimed, the Lunar may make alterations to the Wyld Domain they hold. The Lunar may activate this charm to willfully alter the terrain within their Wyld Domain. They do not have to be within their domain to do this. Any changes made in their domain may not leave their domain. Path Forged Wandering Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Twinkling Night’s Embrace Those that try to follow the Lunar find the process simple, but find that the path may come too easy for a reason. Once activated, anyone attempting to follow or track the Lunar is automatically successful. However, the target must roll Wits +Integrity vs the Lunar’s appearance. If they fail, the target is compelled to continue following the tracks wherever they may lead. If they manage to reach the Lunar, the Lunar may immediately make an Appearance + Presence roll against them, at a -2 penalty to their resolve. If successful, the target gains a minor intimacy of awe towards the Lunar. Dream Guardian Breath Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Slumbering Splendor


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Those that the Lunar guards, may witness the Lunar in their slumber. This charm supplements a social action against a Ward. The Lunar may enter the target’s dreams as they slumber, and make the social action at any distance, but they must be aware if the target is sleeping. Heart of Dreaming Soul Approach Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Slumbering Splendor Those that witness the Lunar have the Lunar’s image stick with them, seeping into their dreams. The Lunar may activate this charm after making a successful Appearance based social action on a target. That night the target witnesses the Lunar in their dreams, and any intimacies gained or used in the interaction are considered one step higher for that person during the next day. Bystander Revealed Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Smiling Glorious Presence As the Lunar notices their prey, their prey notices them, the sheer existence of the Lunar being made known to them. The Lunar may activate this charm and select a target the can see (or would be able to see if blind). The target is immediately made aware of the Lunar, and knows exactly where they are. They may point the Lunar out, but no one else immediately senses the Lunar for any special reason. Champion Drawing Presence Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m (1wp) Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Bystander Revealed Technique The Lunar’s ethereal form seems like a treasure, and others are compelled to defend them. The Lunar may activate this charm in response to an attack they are aware of. Another ally in close


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range to the Lunar may reflexively use Defend other on the Lunar. If the Ally is a Ward, the Lunar does not need to pay the Willpower for this charm. Mist Veiling Flow Keywords: Guardian Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Appearance 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Portents Body Technique The Lunars form is mesmerizing, so much so that those that witness them have a difficult time remembering them. Once active, anyone the Lunar deals with must make a Wits + Integrity roll vs the Lunar’s appearance to remember the Lunar. Otherwise, the vision just seems hazy. This charm is incompatible with any other charms that are explicitly about the Lunar being remembered. Silver Shattering Practice Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (1 wp) Mins: Appearance 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Mist Veiling Flow The Lunar’s form is literally hypnotic, for better or worse. The Lunar, when speaking to a target, applies a -1 penalty to all of that target’s awareness checks. The target is simply transfixed with the Lunar. The Lunar may pay 1 wp to turn off this charm for the scene.

Perception Charms Form Taking Trick Eye of the Watcher - The Lunar may observe a target for a week’s time to obtain their Shape.

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Accuracy Charms Essence 1 Pinnacle of Accuracy Methodology Keywords: Withering-Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Using their tools and hands to their maximum capability, the Lunar strikes with eerie accuracy. The Lunar may use this charm to treat their target as one range band closer for a ranged attack. This may be used explicitly with any Attribute. Falcon Eye Technique Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Pinnacle of Accuracy Methodology With expert precision, the Lunar’s strikes find their mark. The Lunar reduces the penalty to ranged weapons at Long and Extreme range by 1. Eyes of Revealing Moonlight Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With the focus of an Owl, the Lunar can spot an ant on a moonless night. This charm adds 2 non charm dice to a Perception + Awareness Roll to detect someone in Stealth.


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At essence 3+, this charm also ignores any penalties to the Lunar’s roll.

Pinpoint Destruction Assault Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Seeing through their opponent’s guard, the Lunar may strike at unexpected angles. If using a ranged attack, the Lunar may reduce their opponent’s cover by 1. If the target has no cover, the Lunar may reroll sixes on their attack roll. This may be used explicitly with any other Attribute. Quick Eye Judgement Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m 1i Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Pinnacle of Accuracy Methodology With a natural awareness of their surroundings, the Lunar may pinpoint their targets with lightning speed. This charm supplements a ranged attack. The Lunar reflexively aims before making this attack, if the target is within medium range. Zero Point Descent Keywords: Uniform Duration: One Fall Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None As the Lunar plummets towards the earth, they may effortlessly guide their fall. The Lunar may use this charm to guide their descent towards any target within short range of where they would have fallen. This charm does not reduce fall damage. At Essence 3+, up to Medium range. Silent Breath Devouring Keywords: None Duration: Instant t

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Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Eyes of Revealing Moonlight The Lunar knows those who they track, slowly finding those that wish to hide. The Lunar may activate this charm to supplement a roll to track down a hidden character. If the Lunar has an intimacy for that character, they may add the intensity of the intimacy as non charm dice. If the Lunar does not have an intimacy for the target, refund this charm.

Essence 2 Mosquito Piercing Fang Keywords: Withering-Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Quick Eye Judgement With expert precision,the Lunar’s eyes warp and focus on weaknesses in their foes guard and hide. Once active, the Lunar reduces any soak upon attacking a single designated target by the Lunar’s perception. This effect lasts for one scene. This charm may be used once per scene. Pinpoint Artful Shot Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Mosquito Piercing Fang The Lunar’s natural precision and sense of the natural paths of the world, allow them to casually know the best way to put an object exactly where they want it. This charm allows the Lunar to throw or shoot an object to a location, in any fashion with eerily perfect accuracy. If unopposed, the Lunar manages to shoot or throw the object with any amount of trick shooting they like to get it exactly where it's supposed to land. If opposed in some fashion, the Lunar gains Perception/2 (Rounded up) automatic successes on their roll. This is only used for trick shooting, and cannot be used in combat. Viper Strikes the Heel t

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Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Quick Eye Judgement, Pinpoint Destruction Assault Noticing the slightest sign of weakness, their preys essence betraying them, the Lunar pounces. This charm may be used once per scene, and only on Crashed targets. The Lunar may add Perception non charm dice to their attack roll. In addition, they gain double 10’s on the damage roll. This charm may be reset by striking a target with a decisive attack after one turn of aiming. Builder Cursed Destruction Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Falcon Eye Technique The Lunar, with unnatural precision, and attunement to noticing the flow of essence through all objects, may use tools to shatter the strongest of foundations. This charm supplements any action to break an object. The Lunar adds 2 automatic successes to the roll. This charm may also be used a broadside action in Ship combat. The broadside deals 2 hull damage instead of 1. Threading the Needle Maneuver Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m 1wp/6m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Zero Point Descent Noticing the slight moment of opening in their foes’ ranks, the Lunar slips through. This charm may supplement a disengage action vs multiple foes. Any 1’s or 2’s the Lunar’s foes roll resisting the Lunar’s disengage reduce their successes by 1, up to the Lunar’s perception per roll. This charm may also supplement any Ship based combat roll. The Lunar may make their roll against up to Perception ships they are facing. Steed Traveler Rush Keywords: None


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Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Threading the Needle Maneuver With a natural grace, the Lunar sees the breaks in essence, disrupting the landscape as they move, noticing the exact correct path. Once active, any movement the Lunar makes that may be penalized by the environment (including Sail, Athletics, Dodge, and Ride), the Lunar may reduce that penalty by their Perception score. Flawless Heart Hunter Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Breath Devouring With a perfect sense of the nature of their passions, the Lunar may find the objects of their heart desire through the paths of essence through the world. This charm may be used to know the exact location of a Ward. Also, the Lunar may use this charm to exactly locate a target they are aware of within their Domain. Racoon Distinction Technique Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Flawless Heart Hunter The Lunar’s supreme focus can point out the exact variations between things. This charm supplements any Perception action where differentiating details between multiple objects would be helpful. The Lunar adds 1 automatic success to the roll. At essence 3+ 2 automatic successes. Raven Eye Focus Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 4m


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Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Silent Breath Devouring The Lunar’s precision can be transferred within a breath, allowing them to apply the pinpoints of essence they noticed in the world around them to other actions. This charm may be used after aiming. The Lunar may used the aim bonus as non charm dice to another non attack action in combat. In addition, they may also increase their Parry or Evasion by 2. Their aim bonus is used up after this. Hound Sight Revealed Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Flawless Heart Hunter As their predators descend upon them and try to stick to the shadows, the Lunar’s senses pick up their exact location. Upon being attacked in an ambush or surprise attack, the Lunar may activate this charm to know the exact location of their attacker. If the attacker maintained stealth after their attack by any means, the Lunar gains Perception/2 (Rounded up) automatic successes to detect them. At essence 4+, they may also reroll half their essence in failures on the roll to detect their foe.

Awareness Charms Essence 1 Wolf’s Tracking Method Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None With keen animal instinct, the Lunar may track their target with keen focus. This charm supplements a tracking roll. The Lunar gains no penalties for poor tracks or their age. In addition, the Lunar gains double 9’s on the roll.


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Awareness of the Sullen Moon Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None The Lunar has experienced numerous Shapes and senses, allowing them to alter their bodies temporarily to increase the natural strength of their senses. When this charm is active, any Perception sensory roll the Lunar makes rerolls essence or 3 failures, whichever is higher. Eyes for the Heart Technique Keywords: Mute, Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: None Peering deeply into someone’s heart and mind, the Lunar can see what makes a target tick. This charm supplements a Read Intentions action. The Lunar may add the strength of a relevant intimacy for the target to the roll as non charm dice. If the target is the Lunar’s Ward, the may add two automatic successes instead. This charm can explicitly be used with other attributes if the Lunar chooses to. Taste of Blood Pursuit Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Wolf Tracking Method Wounded prey reveal themselves unintentionally to the Lunar, their weakness betraying themselves to them. This charm supplements a roll to find or track a target. The Lunar adds the target’s wound penalty as non charm dice. Sensory Region Mastery Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental


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Cost: 1m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Wolf Tracking Method Nothing may hide from the Lunar within their domain. This charm supplements a Perception roll to notice something or track someone within the Lunar’s Domain. When within their Domain, the Lunar can sense anywhere within their domain when using this charm regardless of distance and other factors. Also, add one automatic success to the roll. Knowing Prey Comprehension Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Awareness of the Sullen Moon The Lunar’s sense master those they are aware of. The Lunar automatically recognizes any target they successfully sense if they have an intimacy towards the target. In addition, the Lunar may build a library of anyone they have successfully sensed before, and recognize them as they would if they had an intimacy towards them as above. Passion Hunting Focus Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Knowing Prey Comprehension The Lunar must know their targets when they try to find them, executing on familiarity alone. When active, the Lunar may add two charm dice to any roll to detect someone or something in their Library. If they have an intimacy towards the target, they gain 1 charm success instead. Weeping Guardian Attention Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: - (4m) Mins: Perception 3, Essence 1 Requirements: Knowing Prey Comprehension


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When the Lunar’s allies call for them in their time of need, the Lunar knows instinctively. Whenever a target in the Lunar’s library is in need of the Lunar’s help, the Lunar gets a sense that they need assistance. The Lunar may spend 4m to generally know where they are, up to Essence x 20 miles away. If the target is a Ward, the Lunar does not need to spend any motes to know. Twitching Realization Reading Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Requirements: Eyes for the Heart Technique The Lunar’s instincts allow them to reveal the truth. This charm supplements a Perception action to tell if someone is lying, watching their subtle face movements, and other cues. The Lunar reduces the target’s Guile by their Essence or Perception, whichever is lower. If canceled, the Lunar gains Essence non charm dice.

Essence 2 Path of the Shattered Bone Hunter Keywords: Superiority Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Passion Hunting Focus The very pressure the Lunar closing in on them can cause their prey to slowly break down. This charm may be activated to assist in tracking and detecting hidden enemies. The enemy takes a -2 penalty to their stealth or related rolls. If they have an intimacy for the Lunar, they count an additional Intensity in their Intimacy for the Lunar in non-successes as though they were ones solely for the sake to see if the roll is a botch. Knowing Heartache Passion Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: - (3m) Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 t

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Requirements: Twitching Realizing Reading With an instinctive nature for raw emotion, the Lunar is aware of how other perceive them. The Lunar may activate this charm to automatically know if an intimacy the target has for the Lunar has changed in intensity. If the target is a Ward, the Lunar can use them charm for 0m. Prey Becomes Hunter Keywords: None Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Weeping Guardian Attention As their pursuers began to slowly press towards them, the Lunar’s attackers may find that the Lunar is not such easy prey. This charm may be activated when the Lunar successfully detects an enemy in stealth. They may reflexively change shape. Hawkeye Descendent Focus Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Sensory Region Mastery Their eyes shifting and focusing, the Lunar gains the eyesight of a bird of prey. The Lunar may accurately spot and read targets out to extreme range with perfect clarity, allowing them to read a document easily at that range. In addition, the Lunar may reduce the difficulty of all sight based perception by 1, to a minimum of 2. Fire of Raw Earth Vision Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Hawkeye Descendent Focus The very essence in all people is now made aware of to the Lunar, their eyes and skin being able to sense and see the raw heat all living things produce. The Lunar is able to see the heat produced by any living thing or other source. The Lunar gains 1 automatic success to detect


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hidden opponents or living unmanifested spirits, presuming they have the means to detect them normally. However, the Lunar gains a -2 to detect inanimate or undead targets. Violent Recognition Technique Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Type: Permanent Cost: Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Knowing Heartache Passion The Lunar’s body bears scars, scars that remember their origin flawlessly. The Lunar may automatically recognize any target that has harmed them, a Ward, or their Domain with physical violence. This doesn’t give any details beyond registering to the Lunar that the target falls under this category. This sense triggers the moment the Lunar senses any bit related to the target. Bat Cry Reverberation Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Type: Simple Cost: 5m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Sensory Region Mastery The Lunar’s vocal cords and ears are reformed in order to project and better pick up sound. Regardless of Shape, the Lunar gains the ability to use Echolocation. The Lunar can use this to sense target’s out to medium range, or long range in a confined space. They gain their Performance or 3 (whichever is higher) in non charm dice to detect things whenever they use echolocation for hearing rolls. They take a -3 penalty to stealth however when calling this way. The also reroll 1 failure on any hearing roll. At essence 3+, 2 failures. Emotion Drawing Sense Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Type: Simple Cost: 6m Mins: Perception 4, Essence 2 Requirements: Knowing Heartache Passion The Lunar’s keen senses can pick up on even the lightest amount of pheromones a target releases, allowing the Lunar to perfectly gauge the target’s emotional state. This charm is an automatically successful read intentions action to gauge a target’s emotional state. The Lunar


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must be within short range of the target to work, and they must be a living target. Note, that if the target is experiencing an extreme enough emotion, the Lunar may experience sensory overload. Fly Trapping Maneuver - NEEDS REWORDING Keywords: Counterattack Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Requirements: Prey Becomes Hunter As their foes leap at them from the Shadows, the Lunar’s prenatural senses allow them to turn the target’s advantage to their doom. This charm may be used on a target the Lunar has detected in stealth. The target makes a read intentions action on the Lunar. If they fail, the target assumes they still have a surprise attack or ambush. Once they attempt to use that ambush, the Lunar may counter attack with a decisive attack, after the attack hits but before damage is rolled.

Extrasensory Charms Essence 1 Breath of Frozen Midnight Perception Cost: 1m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The denizens of the spirit world are not beyond the Lunar’s notice. This charm supplements a perception action. The Lunar may use that action to notice or track a unmanifested spirit. Wyld Breaking Scent Cost: 1m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None


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Even within the Wyld, the Lunar’s senses do not fail them. This charm supplements a Perception roll. The Lunar ignores any effects the Wyld has on tracks or them noticing something. Noble Steward’s Aegis Cost: - Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar’s nature as a Guardian precedes them, and they are able to sense ill will in any one they meet. If the Lunar is around a target that bears ill will towards one of their Wards or Domains in any capacity, the Lunar is made aware that they have such feelings. This does not tell what the reasoning is or what the Intimacies are, just that they exist. Ethereal Blood Hunter Cost: - Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Breath of Frozen Midnight Perception The Lunar’s senses are keen enough to sense a spirit on the very edges of their vision or scent. The Lunar becomes aware of any unmanifested spirit within short range. They may use any charms needed to detect such a being. At essence 3+, this extends to medium range. First Phantom Contact Cost: 3m Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Ethereal Blood Hunter By altering their body so that the flow of essence ruptures around themselves, the Lunar may contact unmanifested spirits. This charm supplements any action to touch an unmanifested spirit for a singular action. The Lunar may also use this charm to attack a spirit.

World Traveler Companion Cost: - (4m) Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1


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Type: Permanent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Wyld Breaking Scent The Lunar is at tune with Creation, understanding the low of all directions. Sensing the natural rhythm of creation, the Lunar can use that to have a vague sense of their general location at all times. For 4m, the Lunar can sense the exact path to their closest Domain.

Essence 2 Terror Brimming Eyes Cost: 4m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Noble Steward Aegis The Lunar, like a predatory beast, can literally taste the fear in their opponent’s breath. This charm acts as a read intentions action, reducing the target’s by the Lunar’s Perception/2 (Rounded Up). This charm explicitly gives the Lunar an intimacy of Fear the target holds. At essence 5+, this reduces the target’s Guile by the Lunar’s Perception. Shredding the Rift Scent Cost: - Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Noble Steward Aegis With a keen scent for the unnatural, the Lunar is attuned to sorcerous flows in the world around them. The Lunar is capable of sensing Sorcerous Workings and Spells in effect if the effect is not normally able to be sensed. This doesn’t tell them what the effect is, just that it’s there. The difficulty to sense the effects are 5 for Terrestrial, 4 for Celestial, and 3 otherwise. Memory Revealing Touch Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant t

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Prerequisite Charms: Terror Brimming Eyes The Lunar’s senses are in tune with the flow of the history of the world enough to draw the memories off of objects. The Lunar may activate this charm to read a vision of the history of an object they touch. The Lunar must be vaguely aware of what they are trying to see. Even then, the events they see are simply fragments. Threshold Guardian Stance Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Terror Brimming Eyes, World Traveler Companion With an intense attunement to the land that they guard, the Lunar may sense any intruders into their domain. When this charm is active, the Lunar automatically senses any intrusions into their domain, knowing vaguely the being that entered. The Lunar gains one automatic success to track such a being. Land Attunement Reflex Cost: - Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: World Traveler Companion The Lunar’s senses are filled with the flow of essence from the land itself. The Lunar automatically senses an impending natural disasters or natural hazard that is nearby. Claws of Spirit Blood Cost: 6m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: First Phantom Contact The Lunar warps their body in order to allow rivers of essence to flow around their extremities. There very touch warps the forms of spirits. When active, this charm allows the Lunar to reroll Perception/2 (Rounded Up) failures on any damage roll on a spirit or wyld creature. Gluttonous Boar Essence Devourer Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2


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Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: First Phantom Contact The Lunar’s primal hunger is endless, and with a bite, they may tear right into a spirit. This charm allows the Lunar to eat a spirit after incapacitating it before it dissipates. The Lunar rolls Perception + Stamina, and heals a health level or gains 2 motes for each success, up to the Spirit’s essence. Wolf in Sheep Skin Perception Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: First Phantom Contact Spirits cannot simply possess a poor mortal to hide from the Lunar. The Lunar may activate this charm to automatically know if the target is possessed, the Lunar simply senses the spirit within the target. Overbearing Protector Presence Cost: 2m Mins: Perception 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Wolf in Sheep Perception, Threshold Guardian Perception Those that the Lunar protects may allow the Lunar to see through them. The Lunar may see, hear, or use any of a Ward’s senses. The Ward must be willing, at least mentally, to allow the Lunar to do this.

Intelligence Charms Form Taking Trick Comprehension Method - The Lunar may take the Shape of any target they learn 7 true facts about. They must put these facts into a ritual sort of writing.They lose access to the Shape if the writing is destroyed, but it can be renewed if rewritten.


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Planning Charms - Thanks to Lumi and ZXXZ NOTE: These charms may have a cost that is “CP” CP are Contingency Points.

Essence 1 Full Form Comprehension Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None It’s not that the Lunar is stronger or faster than those they are familiar with, it’s just they are able to predict their actions with little effort. The Lunar may build up a stock of Contingency points that last for a story. They may have their Intelligence or Essence points maximum (whichever is higher). By default, they may gain a Contingency point for every day they spend to plan, up to their Essence. They may only gain CP through this method when they start with none. If the Lunar has Followers, Influence, or Backing, they may use points in those merits to act for them to build CP during these days. Glorious Battlefield Epiphany Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None As they join the fray, the Lunar’s mind absorbs all the obscure pieces of information about what’s going on around them. This charm supplements a Join Battle action. Roll your Intelligence separately, and track of any successes you roll. You may spend these successes on any roll this battle, and they are gone when spent. At Essence 3+, the Lunar may spend 1 CP to double their Intelligence roll for this purpose. Queen Hivemind Mastery Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Battlefield Epiphany


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Through their supreme mind, the Lunar may read the flows of essence of the battlefield, gaining true understanding. This charm supplements a Create Strategy roll. The Lunar gains one automatic success to planning, and in addition, the gain 1 non charm dice for their intensity in the intimacy towards the opposing force or commander. Brilliant Plan Revealed Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: Uniform Duration: Until Used Prerequisite Charms: Glorious Battlefield Epiphany The Lunar is capable of planning the execution of their actions enough in advance that others simply cannot keep up. The Lunar banks a roll result of Intelligence - 1 successes. The Lunar may hold onto the results of this roll, and then uncommit before making a roll. Use the results stored instead of rolling. Fox’s Patient Comprehension Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Full Form Comprehension As the Lunar pursues their foe, they slow see into their hearts, piecing together their foes with a patient grace. After succeeding on a read intentions roll, the Lunar may add the intensity of the intimacy they learn about from the target to their Contingency Points. This may be used once per scene. Stone Against the Tide Method Cost: 1 CP Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Full Form Comprehension Even as they stand against the onslaught, the Lunar pieces together their foe’s strategy with little effort. When attacked by a Battle group that has received orders, the Lunar may activate this charm to reduce the bonus dice the Battle Group received from the order by their Intelligence. Single Stroke Slaying


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Cost: 1CP Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Full Form Comprehension, Brilliant Plan Revealed Planning their finishing blow ages before it strikes, the Lunar may bring down the most vicious of foes. This charm may be used to supplement an attack with the benefits of aiming. The Lunar may reroll all 1’s on the damage roll until they stop appearing. At essence 3+, the Lunar may also reroll all 2’s. Read the Flow Technique Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Single Stroke Slaying As they trade blows with an enemy, the Lunar’s mind races, slowly breaking down their foe’s form. Upon successfully avoiding an attack, the Lunar may activate this charm to gain 1 CP. You can only use this once per attacker per scene. Notorious Packrat Prana Cost: 2cp or 1cp 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Turn Prerequisite Charms: Full Form Comprehension The Lunar is well aware of what they may need in any given situation. The Lunar may pay either 2cp or 1cp 3m to have an object on hand that was not specified before, that they would need for the given situation. The object should be mundane, but it can be impressive, as long as the Lunar can justify how they procured it. Clarity in Madness Maneuver Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Fox’s Patient Comprehension Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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As the Lunar debates, the come to slow realizations that build in their minds. Upon being a target of a social action, the Lunar may activate this charm to add 2 CP to their CP Pool. If the social action was successful, 3 CP. Hidden Courtesan Technique Cost: ⅔ CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Fox’s Patient Comprehension Being able to read the gravity of the situation, the Lunar acts in the shadows, working behind the scenes. This charm supplements a social action, and may be used with any Attribute. The Lunar may make a social action that happened before the Lunar was in the situation they are currently in. The Lunar may spend an additional CP to make a read intentions action on their target to gain information on an intimacy they may use before making the roll.

Essence 2 Force Eating Crocodile Redirection Cost: 1 CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Read the Flow Technique Using their perfect knowledge of their foe, the Lunar can redirect the raw force of the attack to nothingness. This charm may be used in response to being hit by a decisive attack. The attacker reduces their raw decisive damage by the Lunar’s Intelligence. If the attack rolls no damage, the attacker either falls prone if engaged with the Lunar, or must make an immediate ammunition check if the attack was ranged. Forge the Steel Plan Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Stone Against the Tide Method The Lunar’s battle strategies are formed through a pre natural instinct for their foes. This charm supplements a roll to establish a battle strategy. The roll gains the Lunar’s current CP in non Charm dice. In addition, if the roll is successful, the Lunar gains 1 CP. t

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Million Silver Chains of Conflict Cost: 5m 4i 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Queen Hivemind Mastery The Lunar feeds off the essence of the battlefield, gaining the raw sense of how to best devour their foe. This charm supplements a strategic maneuver roll. This is unable to be countered with predictive magic. In addition, the Lunar rerolls intelligence failures. Spark of Violence Judgement Cost: 1 CP 4m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform, Counterattack Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Read the Flow Technique In the midst of conflict, the Lunar’s calm intellect can surpass all opposition, finding gaps in their strikes. The Lunar may activate this charm to counterattack a target who they are capable of attacking. This does not count as their turn for this round of combat. Winter’s Coming Preparation Cost: 2 CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Notorious Packrat Prana The Lunar always has what they need, and is never without resources, food, or water. The Lunar may use this charm to have whatever food, water, or whatever other base resources they need on hand. This does not magically produce the resources, the Lunar simply knew that they needed them. Grinning Minx Haggling Cost: 1 CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Winter’s Coming Preparation


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The Lunar can produce the very objects their prey desires. The Lunar may activate this charm to supplement a social action, which produces a mundane item for a bribe roll that the target of a social action would be interested in. The roll gains Intelligence in non charm dice. Sloth’s Peace of Mind Cost: 1 CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Notorious Packrat Prana The Lunar takes solace in their knowledge, their machinations bringing them peace. The Lunar may use this charm to spend 1 CP in place of a willpower. Leaf in the Wind Stance Cost: 1 CP 1 WP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Force Eating Crocodile Redirection Standing among blood and sinew, the Lunar takes a moment to take in the entirety of the conflict, finding peace. The Lunar may activate this charm if they are not currently going last in initiative order at the start of the round. The Lunar will now go last, but in addition, the Lunar gains 2 to their defense for the round, and 2 automatic successes on all combat rolls for the round. This may be used once per combat. Owl Heart Unveiled Method Cost: 2m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Clarity in Madness Maneuver Simply knowing the Lunar’s plan isn’t enough to overcome it. Upon having their guile beaten by a Read Intentions roll, the Lunar may give off a sense of their plans to the target that used Read Intentions. If they do so, the Lunar gains 1 CP. The target must not be aware of the Lunar’s plans (though they can be aware that the Lunar has a plan). Nocturnal Revelation Technique Cost: 7m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive


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Keywords: Uniform, Counterattack Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Clarity in Madness Maneuver The Lunar may draw moments of knowledge and clarity through their dreams, gaining a deeper understanding. The Lunar may activate this charm when they are sleeping, in order to receive a dream in relation to their current plans. The Lunar may receive guidance to accomplish something needed to accomplish their goals. Machinations of the Insect Lord Mastery Cost: 3 CP Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Hidden Courtesan Technique The Lunar’s subordinates function in perfect harmony under their command. The Lunar may activate this charm in order to have their Cult, Followers, Retainers, or units under their Command to already have performed some needed action before this moment.

Knowing Charms Essence 1 Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None As per the Solar version True Magic Becoming Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: Shape Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery


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Drawing the raw magic into themselves, the Lunar becomes the very sorcery they wield, and the sorcery becomes them. This Shape looks very similar to the Lunar’s base Shape, except flowing aspects of the spell shudder through their very being, making them look obviously supernatural. Upon taking this form, choose a spell you know. That spell’s essence fills your very being. When casting a sorcerous spell, you become it, dissipating and immediately moving to wherever it is cast, up to Extreme range. Spells that require a target still do so. If the spell is a movement oriented spell, like Cirrus Skiff or Stormwind Rider, the Lunar may become the resulting object, and not count as a rider themselves. In addition, upon casting the spell, the Lunar may sap some of the sorcerous motes they draw. Any sorcerous motes in excess to cast a spell are converted to normal motes, up to their Intelligence or Essence, whichever is less. This does not work with Summoning spells. Owl’s Grand Wisdom Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None With a worldly knowledge, the Lunar is capable of bursts of knowledge that others could only dream of. This charm supplements a Establish Fact action. The Lunar does not need an applicable specialty or an appropriate background to establish a background fact. Infinite Chains of Thought Method Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: Guardian Duration: 1 day Prerequisite Charms: None Like a wise man hidden off the long road, the Lunar knows the best way to teach those that they care for. This charm allows the Lunar to teach a specialty they have over a single day. The Lunar spends their experience to do so. If the target is a Ward of the Lunar, it costs only 1 xp. True Knowledge Mastery Cost: 2m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant


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Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar may use deeper knowledge of their subject in order to gain deeper mastery of their tasks. This charm supplements any Intelligence action. If the Lunar has a speciality that applies, this charm converts that die added into an automatic success. Kettle of Overwhelming Thought Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Owl’s Grand Wisdom The Lunar’s mind stretches into infinity, drawing upon knowledge deep in the subconscious of all beings. Upon activation of this charm, the Lunar gains a Lore specialty they didn’t have originally. At essence 3+, they gain two Lore specialities they didn’t have. These specialties last until the charm is uncommitted. Passionate Discourse Technique Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Chains of Thought Method Arguing from a place of pure logic, the Lunar overwhelms their target with pure fact. This charm supplements a social action to persuade a target, and may explicitly be used with other attributes. If the target has less Guile than than the Lunar has Intelligence, the Lunar gains the difference in non charm dice.

Essence 2 Spirits of Creation Mastery Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar has an innate knowledge of Creation, understanding how even to request aid from the simplest of spirits, to change things to their advantage, even for only a while. The Lunar gains access to Terrestrial Spiritual Workings. Eel Sorcerous Flux Stance Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: True Magic Becoming The Lunar’s Sorcerous form can meld and change as they do, allowing to shift between the myriad of spells within their mind. This charm allows the Lunar to change the spell True Magic Becoming was activated with without changing into the Shape again. This charm may be flurried. Bat Mind Revolution Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: True Magic Becoming Within their Sorcerous Form, the Lunar may delve deeper into the inner mysteries. This charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. When casting a spell within this form, the Lunar may choose to not regain the willpower spent. If they choose to do so, the instead double the amount of motes gained from excess sorcerous motes, allowing them to double their normal limit. Focused Logic Impact Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: True Knowledge Mastery, Owl’s Grand Wisdom The Lunar’s mind is filled an organic flowing stream of knowledge, unleashing in a deluge upon the world. This charm supplements an Establish Fact action. For every 3 successes the Lunar gets over the difficulty, they may establish another fact about the subject matter. This may be used once per scene. Solemn Tortoise Wisdom Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2


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Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: True Knowledge Mastery Through their supreme connection to the world, the Lunar takes solace in their wisdom. When the target of a social influence action, if the Lunar has an Occult, Lore, or Bureaucracy specialty to the situation at hand, the Lunar may raise their resolve by one. At essence 4+, they may increase their resolve by 2. Traveling Hermit Approach Cost: 6m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Kettle of Overwhelming Thought Mortals are limited in the knowledge given to them by the lands of their birth, but a Lunar can surpass such things. After spending some time in a new location, the Lunar treat themselves as though they have a background in lore in the location. Eclipsed Thought Revealed Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Traveling Hermit Approach When pressed, the Lunar can draw on deeper reserves of knowledge, bolstering their mind. This charm may be activated if the Lunar fails an Intelligence roll. The Lunar may roll another relevant skill, and add those successes to the original roll. Faithful Silent Mentor Technique Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Chains of Thought Method With a single world, the Lunar plants the seeds of a lesson in their student’s mind, growing into a new truth in their heart. This charm allows the Lunar to teach a complex lesson with a simple


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phrase. The Student simply understands the meaning. If the Student is a Ward of the Lunar, the Lunar may use this charm to cut the time teach them anything with a charm in half. Mockingbird Gift Method Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Infinite Chains of Thought Method The Lunar is capable of bequeathing their very techniques upon their students, becoming solemn teacher deep away from all others. This charm permanently upgrades its prerequisite. The Lunar may teach abilities as well as specialties. The Duration becomes 1 week, and if the target is a Ward, the Lunar reduces the cost by by the target’s current ability rating. World Shattering Truth Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Passionate Discourse Technique The Lunar is aware of truths that can cause the mortal mind to shudder in fear and confusion. This charm is an Intelligence + (Relevant Social Skill) roll vs a target’s Resolve. If you have a relevant specialty in Lore or Occult about the topic you speak of, reduce the target’s resolve by 2. If the Lunar is successful, the target must meditate on the truth for a number of hours for every 2 successes the Lunar beats the target’s resolve by, min 1. Mysterious Spider Distortion Cost: 5m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: World Shattering Truth The Lunar can argue from a place of pure primeval wisdom, bolstering their arguments. This charm supplements an instill or persuade action. The Lunar rolls Intelligence + Relevant Social Skill vs the target’s Guile before making their roll. If successful, the target is overwhelmed the Lunar’s bizarre wisdom, reducing their Resolve by 1 for every 2 the Lunar beats the target’s Guile by, min 1. Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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Comprehension Charms Essence 1 Natural Language Understanding Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar’s natural intelligence allows them to parse languages unfamiliar to them. This charm allows the Lunar to understand a Language they do not know for about single thought passed. This includes written and spoken language. Pack Reading Maneuver Cost: 5m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None With a patient mind, the Lunar may analyze a person or group, understanding them completely. This charm is a Profiling action, adding Intelligence non charm dice to the roll. This charm may also be used to understand the function of an organization, allowing the Lunar to understand them completely. Moonlit Hammer Method Cost: 2m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Putting their entire heart and soul into their work, the Lunar creates with intense passion. This charm supplements a craft action. The Lunar may add a relevant Intimacy’s intensity as non charm dice. If the intimacy is for a Ward or Domain, they gain one automatic success. Subtle Coyote Method Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent


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Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None With a stable mind, the Lunar may guard themselves against those that wish to exploit them. The Lunar calculate their Guile with their Intelligence instead of their Manipulation. Truth Reading Focus Cost: 6m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: Superiority Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Natural Language Understanding The Lunar focuses, sending their mind into a frenzy, analyzing the target’s facial features and comparing the subtle facts of what they know. If the Lunar’s intelligence exceeds the target’s Guile, the Lunar gains one non charm die for each point higher for a read intentions or case person roll against that target. If the target raises their guile to exceed the Lunar’s Intelligence, the Lunar gets the sense the target is resisting for some reason. Den Processing Logic Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Pack Reading Maneuver The Lunar’s mind is capable of making connections in moments that would take a magistrate days. This charm supplements a case scene action. The Lunar processes all evidence in a moment, and reduces the difficulty by their essence or five, whichever is lower. The Lunar may also use this charm to understand any sort of plan or device. Hundred Pieces Construction Cost: 7m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Moonlit Hammer Method The Lunar puts their very heart into their work, inspiring greatness within the construction itself. The Lunar may use this charm to supplement a Craft action. The Lunar may double Intelligence 9’s on the roll. In addition, if the Lunar has a major tie or greater towards who or what they are


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crafting the object for, the Lunar may also double 7’s and 8’s as well. This must be a tie, not a belief. Inspiration Devouring Beast Cost: 2s/g/wxp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Salient Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Hundred Pieces Construction Working backwards to their past accomplishments, the Lunar is able to apply this knowledge directly to their latest work. This charm supplements a craft action that is not a basic project. The Lunar may spend an additional an equivalent level of craft exp on the project to add an additional 2 successes on the roll. Blood Knows Body Technique Cost: 3m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Through mastery of their own bodies, the Lunar’s can tap into the primal blood that all living beings share, allowing them to better understand when that bond is broken. This charm adds a relevant tie or beliefs intensity as non charm dice to the roll. This roll works equally for any living thing. The target is a Ward for the Lunar, gain that many automatic successes instead. Beaver Builds Body Method Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar can sense how to close wounds and cure disease through sheer intuition. This charm supplements any roll to cure disease, poison, or treats wounds. Firstly, the Lunar needs no tools to do so, they can improvise perfectly. In addition, as long as the Lunar rolls at least 1 success, they are considered to roll at least Intelligence -2 successes.

Essence 2 Fox Spies Hen Cost: 2m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 t

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Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Subtle Coyote Method The Lunar can sense what others may want of them, being able to parse their gaze. This charm may be activated when the Lunar is the target of a Read Intentions action, and the action fails. If the Lunar does so, they become aware, in a general sense, what the person is attempting to learn about them. At essence 4+, the Lunar can use this if the Lunar is not aware they are being observed if their guile isn’t pierced. They simply get the sense someone is trying to see through them, though not the exact person. Ibis Heart Revealed Cost: 5m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Mute Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Fox Spies Hen The Lunar can discover the ties that bind the people around them, understanding the nature of such bonds. Upon activation, the Lunar rolls Intelligence + (Relevant Skill for the Social Situation) vs the Guile of everyone within medium range. No target gets a penalty for not being aware they are being observed. Every target who has their guile beaten reveals a tie they have with someone else in the area if available. The Lunar knows if the tie is positive or negative, and the power relationship, but nothing else. Lie Sensing Path Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Den Processing Logic The Lunar feels in the web of Creation those they are searching for, that fit the pattern they are attempting to create. Whenever the Lunar runs into a target that fits a crime that fits a Profile from a Case Person action or could commit the crime in a previous Case Scene action, the Lunar gets a sense that this target would match this description, though not necessarily why. Herd Predicting Focus Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2


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Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Den Processing Logic Mortals are not so complex that a Lunar cannot predict their actions. Tapping into the subconscious of those people, the Lunar may predict the group’s next action to the best of their ability. The Lunar may roll Intelligence + (Relevant Skill for the Group) vs. the group leader’s Guile. If the Lunar is not directly in the group’s presence, boost the Leader’s guile by 2. If the Lunar is successful, they get a general sense of what the group’s next action will be as a whole. The Lunar may use this once per Story per group. Seven Words Waxing Cost: 5m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Natural Language Understanding All language has a basic logic to it, flowing within and without Creation as a whole, and a Lunar simply needs to tap into that flow to understand a language completely. The Lunar may activate this charm when experiencing a language they are unfamiliar with. They may activate this charm to immediately comprehend it. In addition, the Lunar may activate this charm when attempting to break any sort of code or cryptography, giving them 2 non charm dice to the roll. Crow Solemn Stance Cost: 3m 3i Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Mute Duration: One Round Prerequisite Charms: Truth Reading Focus Watching their foe, the Lunar feels, through the consciousness of Creation, their foe’s action. This charm may be activated at the beginning of the round. The Storyteller alerts the Lunar to all of actions of all participants in the combat that aren’t the Lunar’s allies. The Lunar increases their defense by 1 for all targets that would attack them, and 1 non charm die to opposed movement roll vs such targets. This charm may only be used once per scene. Plague Rat Knowing Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None


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Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Blood Knows Body Technique The Lunar can read the journey, knowing what dangers may afflict them and their allies, Creation itself speaking to them. The Lunar may activate this charm and immediately sense any disease, or natural danger to them and their allies along their path, and how best to prepare for it. Pain Invoking Triage Strike Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Blood Knows Body Technique The Lunar can channel their essence into their patient’s body, drawing out the poison or venom...or enhancing it. The Lunar may activate this charm and reduce the duration of the poison in a target’s body in an instant, up to their Intelligence. They may also use this charm to cause a poison’s duration in the target to not able to be reduced to 0. This is considered a decisive gambit with a difficulty of 2, and may be flurried with an attack. Concussive Physician’s Impact Cost: 5m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Beaver Builds Body Method The Lunar’s comprehension of the natural form is enough that they may speed up the natural healing process though less subtle means. The Lunar strikes the target, causing a violent rush of essence to flow through them, quickly healing their body by the Lunar’s Intelligence, though this cannot heal -0 health levels. This may be used once per scene. Heartache Ant Eruption Cost: 2m 1wp Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Inspiration Devouring Beast The Lunar draws great joy from bring their works into the world, each piece being filled with a portion of their spirit. When crafting an object, the Lunar may activate this charm to attach an


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intimacy they have to the object. Anyone who use this object temporarily gains this intimacy as long as they use it. Million Pieces Procession Cost: 4m Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Inspiration Devouring Beast The Lunar can sense similar objects being forged all throughout Creation, drawing on that primal knowledge to best create their work. This charm supplements a craft charm. The Lunar can reroll up to Intelligence 1’s or 2’s. If they are working within their Domain, they may reroll 3’s as well. Shining Swan Masterpiece Cost: - Mins: Intelligence 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Million Pieces Procession Upon completion, the Lunar’s work is a sight to behold. Given the sheer consciousness of Creation flows through it, all can see it’s worth. This does not apply to basic projects. Anyone who sees the object is awed by it, and most roll Wits + Integrity vs Half the amount of excess successes to create the object rounded up. If they fail, they gain an intimacy towards desiring the object. Any target needs to roll only roll once for the object. Once they fail or succeed, they need not roll again.

Wits Charms Form Taking Trick Pointless Gambler Method - The Lunar may take the form of anyone that dislikes the Lunar, at a least a Major tie. The target must know the Lunar’s name.

Combat Charms Essence 1


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Seven Threads of the Lightning Method Cost: - Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar’s reaction time is superior to mortal men, allowing them to sense things with supernatural speed. The Lunar may calculate their Evasion with their Wits instead of their Dexterity. Twitching Spring Hare Ascension Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None As chaos forms on the battlefield, the Lunar’s body snaps to attention with unbelievable speed. This charm may be used after a Join Battle roll. The Lunar may reroll Wits failures. Cobra Snapping Glare Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Twitching Spring Hair Ascension With a sudden movement, the Lunar’s body shifts unnaturally, disorienting a target with a feint. After initiative is rolled, the Lunar picks one opponent and forces them to reroll initiative, using the identical bonuses they used for the first roll. They must take the worse of the two rolls. This may be used once per scene. Split Second Reversal Cost: 3m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform, Perilous Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None As their foes attempt to catch them, the speed at which the Lunar moves can allow them to strike with sudden fury. After successfully evading an attack, the Lunar may activate this charm


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to take their turn immediately. This counts as the Lunar’s turn for the round or uses up their turn next round if they have already gone. This charm cannot be used two rounds in a row. One Thousand Errors Resolved Cost: 3m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Able to react to minor flaws in their movements, the Lunar can react to the smallest of changes during their assault. This charm supplements an attack. The Lunar may reroll (Wits) failures on their attack roll, spending 1i per die rerolled Sudden Reflex Redirection Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Seven Threads of Lightning Method, Twitching Spring Hair Ascension The Lunar has the reaction time read the lines of their foe’s attacks, and flow around them with unnatural ease. When engaged in a clash with someone else on their tick, the Lunar may activate this charm to make the clash simply an attack on each others defense. Silk Needle Dash Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Split Second Reversal As though turning to dust, the Lunar’s find that they dissipate after avoiding a blow. After successfully avoiding a Decisive attack, the Lunar may activate this charm to reflexively disengage from the target. They may disengage from that target for free, but must pay and roll to disengage from any other engaged targets. Heart Breaking Sidestep Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Withering Only Duration: Instant


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Prerequisite Charms: Split Second Reversal The Lunar shifts quickly, their body twitching suddenly, moving with the flow of the fight, the ribbons of essence beneath their feet following the natural rhythm of creation. When targeted by a withering attack, the Lunar may activate this charm. For every 5 or 6 rolled by the attacker, they lose 1 success on their attack roll. Stolen Chance Grasped Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Withering Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: One Thousand Errors Resolved The Lunar does not waste their force, bounding between foes like a hummingbird between flowers. This charm may only be activated after an attack made with Wits charms. Upon missing a withering attack, the Lunar may redirect it at another target within close range of the initial target that would have been hit by the attack. Soft Touch Continuation Cost: 4m/6m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Dual Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: One Thousand Errors Resolved The Lunar’s tight control of their body allows them to hold back effortlessly, allowing them to better control the impact. This charm supplements an attack. On a withering attack, the Lunar may spend 4m to reduce their raw damage by 3. If the Lunar still deals withering damage, the Lunar reduces the target’s defense by 2. On a decisive attack, the Lunar may spend 6m to reduce their raw decisive damage by their Wits. They then add their Wits/2 (Rounded up) to their reset.

Essence 2 Shredded Light Dance Cost: 5m 3i Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Superiority Duration: One Round Prerequisite Charms: Sudden Reflex Redirection


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Their bodies moving with the Essence flow of creation, the Lunar moves in ways others have difficulty following. Once active, any time in the next round the Lunar is in a contested movement roll, the opponent’s have a -2 to their roll. If any opponent counteracts the penalty with a charm or excellency, then the Lunar regains the spent initiative. Moonlit Hound Pursuit Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Shredded Light Dance The Lunar’s natural inclination for the essence flowing throughout creation can instinctively sense the essence running through their prey, allowing them to stick on them like a tick. Whenever the Lunar beats in a Rush, gain 1i. Additionally, if the Lunar beats the target in attempting to disengage, they gain the initiative the target spent trying to disengage. Breath of One Thousand Bees Cost: 6m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Shredded Light Dance The Lunar instinctive awareness of the battlefield allows them to sync themselves with an ally, covering for their failure. Once per scene, the Lunar may activate this charm when an ally misses an attack on an opponent within close range to the Lunar. The Lunar either uses a ranged attack or disengages for free to attack that target. They still must pay to disengage, but do not need to roll. This charm may be reset if an ally is incapacitated. Waxing Sand Stance Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Silk Needle Dash The Lunar’s body is ready to shift with Creation’s flow of essence on a whim, allowing them to react with perfect precision. When they hold their action, they do not pay any initiative. Moon Passes Overhead Cost: 1m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2


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Type: Supplemental Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Waxing Sand Stance With ribbons of essence twisting and turning their divine form, the Lunar causes panic in their enemies, forcing them to focus on the moment. This charm supplements an attack. If the attack hits, the target may not delay their turn until the Lunar’s next turn. At Essence 3+, the target may additionally not spend themselves into initiative crash by any means Waterfall Drinking Method Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Heart Breaking Sidestep The Lunar can sense the hatred in their foes’ hearts naturally, turning the flow of essence in creation against the raw rage their foes have for them. This charm may be used when the Lunar is attacked. If the target has a negative intimacy for the Lunar, or their circle or allies, the Lunar gains the intensity of that intimacy as a non charm bonus to their evasion. Mocking Jays Backhand Cost: 2i Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Counterattack, Decisive Only Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Heart Breaking Sidestep The Lunar openly mocks their foes, dancing around their attacks and striking them with reckless abandon. This charm may be activated when a target attacks the Lunar with a Decisive attack and misses. The Lunar may immediately counterattack with a decisive attack, with bonus non charm dice equal to the amount the target failed to meet their defense by. If the attack hits, the target only takes one damage. The Lunar does not reset, and this does count as their turn for the round. If a ranged attack, the target must be within short range. This may be used once per target per scene. Vision of Beast Form Technique Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive


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Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Stolen Chance Grasped As the Lunar avoids their foes, their enemies may find themselves facing something far more dangerous than what they started with. If the Lunar successfully dodges an attack, they may activate this charm to reflexively change Shape. Scorpion Agonizing Reversal Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Stolen Chance Grasped As the Lunar descends on their foe with a seemingly weak strike, they find themselves vastly more wounded than they thought. This charm may be activated after damage is rolled, and the Lunar may invert the successes on the dice (1’s become 10’s, 2’s become 9’s, 3’s become 8’s, and 4’s become 7’s, and likewise, the opposite is all true. 10’s become 1’s, 9’s become 2’s, 8’s become 3’s, and 7’s become 4’s). This may be used once per combat and may not be used with other attribute charms. Sudden Danger Realization Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Soft Touch Continuation The Lunar is aware of things others simply do not take notice of, and are able to take advantage of them when it is too late for their foes. The Lunar may activate this charm to establish a fact on the battlefield that is true with a Wits + Awareness action versus a difficulty set by the storyteller. If they take advantage of this change, they gain +3 non charm dice to their first roll when they use it. Lunar Blistering Knife Assault Cost: 6m (1wp) Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Soft Touch Continuation


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With a leap along a wave of essence flooding through creation, the Lunar bursts by their foe with a raging cry. The Lunar may activate this charm to attack an opponent at up to medium range, and then lands behind them at short range if they are currently not engaged with an enemy. The Lunar rolls Wits+Athletics or Dodge without an excellency before attacking, and may split their successes as non charm dice on their attack or bonus damage dice (post soak if withering). At Essence 4+, the Lunar may spend a willpower to change Shape before making their attack reflexively.

Essence 3 Million Minds Body Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Wits 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: Shape Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: None Splitting into a million little pieces, the Lunar becomes a swarm of creatures, each bound the Lunar’s heart and mind. The Lunar becomes a size 2 battle group of tiny creatures of a Shape they have available to them. The Lunar does not need to make resolve rolls, but they can be the beneficiary of Order rolls if they allow it. Upon having their size reduced to 0, the Lunar returns to their original form, incapacitated. Their base magnitude is equal to their health levels. Their drill is considered average. Focused Swarm Dissection Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 4, Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Round Prerequisite Charms: Million Minds Body Sensing every part of their multitude of bodies, the Lunar focuses to allow the flow of essence to synchronize the bodies in perfect formation. This charm may be flurried with an attack. When within Million Minds Body, the Lunar may activate this charm to be considered to have Elite Drill for one round. At essence 4+, this charm may be used reflexively. Devouring Hive Mentality Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Wits 4, Essence 3 t

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Type: Supplemental Keywords: Decisive Only Duration: Duration of the Grapple Prerequisite Charms: Million Minds Body When a Lunar swarm descends on their prey, the Lunar can devour them utterly. When within Million Minds Body, this charm supplements a grapple action, drowning the target in the swarm. Upon succeeding on the control roll, the Lunar adds their current size to their rounds of control, and attacking the Lunar does not reduce their turns of control. However, they may only attack or affect the grappled target.

Social Charms Essence 1 Empty Heart Method Cost: 3m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Superiority Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar’s heart can be made silent, unwilling to budge to any coercion. This charm may used in response to an Instill or Persuade action. The target’s action gains a penalty of essence or Wits, whichever is lower. If cancelled, the Lunar gains 1 resolve. Twitching Serpent Response Cost: 1m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None With the speed of a striking cobra, the Lunar’s tongue strikes with sudden fierceness. Upon being pushed to a decision point, the Lunar may activate this charm to make a Persuade action against the target using any social roll. If successful, the target may not attempt to convince the target of the original subject for the rest of the scene. This may be used once per story. World Reduction Breath Cost: 3m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1


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Type: Reflexive Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar is capable of correcting their mistakes, preventing any terrible failures. The Lunar may activate this charm in response to a Botched Wits action. The action is no longer a botch, but just a failure. Clay Heart Distortion Cost: 5m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Empty Heart Method Ever aware of their ward’s desires, the Lunar takes their passions as their own. When targeted by a social action, the Lunar may activate this charm to use the Intimacy of a Ward nearby instead of one of their own to resist or as a decision point. Rapid Resolve Acceleration Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Twitching Serpent Response A Lunar’s heart is filled with ever changing passions, and it cannot be swayed by anything else. The This charm removes any penalties the Lunar has to their resolve that are not from an intimacy. Pure Heart Preservation Cost: 4m 1hl Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: World Reduction Breath The Lunar’s passions are enough that their very changing nature unleashes their fury upon the Lunar’s body if they will it. Upon reaching a decision point, the Lunar may activate this charm to instead take a health level of lethal damage instead of the Willpower cost for the Decision Point.


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False Idea Revelation Cost: 6m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: World Reduction Breath Sensing the heart of another, the Lunar may allow that raw passion to fill themselves as well. The Lunar may activate this charm to instantly give themselves an intimacy they would not otherwise have that a target who is attempting a social action upon them has. The Lunar must be aware of this intimacy. This intimacy disappears upon uncommitting this charm. Sacrificial Soul Methodology Cost: 6m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Pure Heart Preservation The Lunar understands passion more than any other, and may sacrifice that passion to preserve the sanctity of their wards. Is someone successfully reduces an intimacy in a Ward, the Lunar may immediately activate this charm to reduce one of their own intimacies instead.

Essence 2 Two Faced Crow Technique Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Clay Heart Distortion The Lunar’s heart flows with passions and essence, flowing in numerous ways. Other mortals may not understand the complications. The Lunar may activate this charm when their resolve is reduced by one of their own intimacies. The Lunar may use that same intimacy to defend with, though they still must describe the contradiction. Sudden Rabbit Stranger Approach Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent t

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Prerequisite Charms: Clay Heart Distortion Within their own domain, the Lunar always gets the first word. When within their Domain, the Lunar can always effortlessly insert themselves into any conversation, and cannot be ignored. This doesn’t mean people cannot leave or disagree with the Lunar, but they must take note of them if the Lunar wishes it. Word Rending Flow Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Sudden Rabbit Stranger Approach, Twitching Serpent Response Jutting into the conversation, the Lunar takes the raw momentum built up for their own devices. This charm may be activated when a target is about to instill an intimacy in the Lunar, the Lunar may activate this charm to have the same intimacy in their target. If the target already has the intimacy, it increases in intensity. The target may pay a willpower to resist, but the Lunar does not need to take the intimacy in that case. Bloody Eyed Lynx Attitude Cost: 2m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Pure Heart Preservation When pinned, the Lunar does not reveal their heart to casual observation. The Lunar may activate this charm to add their current wound penalties as a bonus to their resolve instead of a penalty to it. This may be used once per scene, but can be reset by intimidating a target. Staring Moonbeam Beacon Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: False Idea Revelation The Lunar’s heart is bare for all their allies to see, showing both their strengths and weaknesses. The Lunar may broadcast their intimacies to any members of their circle, or their Wards, at will. In addition, they may broadcast whenever their intimacies change in any way.


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Chattering Rooster Dialogue Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Mute Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: False Idea Revelation The Lunar’s words make a strange sort of sense, even when their argument is too fast or confusing to actually fully understand. The Lunar may use this charm to supplement a Persuade action, and may be explicitly used with other Attributes. The Lunar may Persuade as though they were doing so on an intimacy one level higher. Theatrical Staged Exit Cost: 7m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Chattering Rooster Dialogue The Lunar is well aware when their games are up, and are ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Upon having their Guile defeated, the Lunar may make a Wits + Appropriate Social Skill action on the target who saw through it. If successful, the target is unable to explain in any fashion the Lunar’s intimacy or what they learned for at least 2 rounds. Other actions are permitted. Eyes of the Pack Wolf Stance Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Sacrificial Soul Methodology The Lunar is a natural guide for their Ward, protecting them from those that would wish to prey on them. The Lunar may activate this charm to protect a Ward. The Ward may, at any point, opt to use the Lunar’s resolve instead of their own to defend against social actions. The Ward’s intimacies are what are used however to modify the Lunar’s resolve, not the Lunar’s. Seneschal’s Vision of Truth Cost: 4m/6m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Eyes of the Pack Wolf Stance


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The Lunar senses another possibility in those they are studying, reading the flows of essence twisting around them, allowing them to guide others as well. The Lunar may activate this charm upon failing a Read Intentions action. They may reroll it, using the same dice pool. The Lunar may spend 6m instead of 4 in order to allow a Ward to do the same.

Intuition Charms Essence 1 Brilliant Snap Judgement Cost: 3m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None The Lunar’s has an innate animalistic understanding of those around them, allowing them to guess their inner desires. The Lunar may use this charm to guess a target’s intimacy. If they are generally correct, the gain two non charm dice on a Read Intentions action to learn it. Whether their guess is successful or not, the Lunar may only use this charm once per target per scene. Thousand Puzzled Threats Estimation Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: None Through sheer primeval understanding of danger, the Lunar may recognize any threats against them effortlessly. Once active, any target in the scene that is both capable of harming the Lunar, and could potentially have reason to, the Lunar is immediately made aware of. If any target is hidden from the Lunar, they do not automatically know where they are, but they do gain 1 non charm die to detect them. The Lunar also gains 1 automatic success on Join Battle actions against these targets. Single Point in a Journey Methodology Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None


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The Lunar, through subconscious intuition, may consider their options, and come to a conclusion about the dangers of each. Upon using this charm, the Lunar may pose two different options for a simple decision, and the ST alerts them of how dangerous the outcomes will be. This does not tell them what the dangers are, just a gut feeling of the general level. This charm may be used once per scene. Boar Flight Desperation Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None Through sheer intuition, the Lunar may use this charm to supplement an action for a skill they have no dots in. The Lunar may use Wits instead of the usual attribute for the roll. At essence 3+, the Lunar may add two charm dice to the roll in addition to their Wits. Flailing Fish Dance Cost: 4m 1wp Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Supplemental Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Puzzled Threats Estimation The Lunar has an approximate knowledge of most things, and they can tangentially recall quite a bit. This charm supplements an action to introduce a fact. The Lunar does not need an appropriate specialty. The action is automatically successful, but the ST adds one strange corollary to the fact, making it a bit more odd or dangerous than it originally was. Tame Dog Follower Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 2, Essence 1 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Single Point in a Journey Methodology Finding meaning where others find none, the Lunar can sense that meaning and importance in others. The Lunar may activate this and state their goal. The Lunar immediately knows who in the general area would be most helpful to accomplish it. They do not know how or why that person would be helpful, only that they would be.


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Essence 2 Eel Dancing Maneuver Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Universal Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Boar Flight Desperation The Lunar’s chances multiply as they as they proceed forward, drawing strength from their successes, pulling in the raw essence flow the world around them. This charm can be activated after succeeding at any Wits roll against a difficulty number. The Lunar may spend any additional successes over the difficulty number to gain 1 mote per success. This may be used once per story. Sundering Crescent Desire Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Eel Dancing Maneuver The Lunar is never without guidance in their darkest of times. By reading the flow of essence in the world, the Lunar can find the best path ahead. When in some sort of dangerous circumstance, the Lunar may activate this charm to ask the ST the best way to escape this circumstance. The Lunar does not know the best way to go about this, but knows a route to take, figuratively or literally. Deer Avoidance Stance Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Uniform Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Puzzled Threat Estimation The Lunar can sense danger and pressure from a foe streaming through the air towards them. The Lunar may activate this charm when attacked by an opponent the Lunar is aware of, or if the opponent uses a form of Intimidation on the Lunar. If the attempt fails, the Lunar gains 2 non charm dice against their next roll on that target this scene. The Lunar may use this charm once per target per scene. Dark Thought Truth Prana Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 t

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Type: Simple Keywords: Guardian Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Flailing Fish Dance The Lunar may draw upon the subtle truths of their Domain, gaining a raw intuition over the land. The Lunar may activate this charm to immediately sense any danger in their domain. They may also sense any ill will, and where that ill will is directed. This does not tell the Lunar who these beings are, just their focus of their ill will. World Bites Back Technique Cost: 5m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Guardian Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Dark Though Truth Prana The Lunar is the master of their Domain, and their Domain pays them back tenfold. The Lunar may activate this charm to cause the physical environment of their domain to be easier or harder to traverse, the essence of their Domain flowing in line with their desires. This allows the Lunar to make their terrain difficult terrain, or make it not difficult terrain if it already is. Word Drawing Measure Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Brilliant Snap Judgement The Lunar is not only capable of predicting their foes, but also drawing the words they want out of them. Upon activating this charm, the Lunar chooses a target and rolls Wits + an Appropriate Social Skill vs the target’s Resolve. If successful, the target is compelled to say a statement the Lunar wishes them to say. Faithful Hound Attitude Cost: - Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Permanent Keywords: Guardian Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Brilliant Snap Judgement Formatted: Border: Top: (No border), Bottom: (No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border), Between : (No border)


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The Lunar has a natural intuition for their Wards, understanding their true nature perfectly. Whenever using Read Intentions on a Ward, the Lunar reduces the their Guile by 1. Measured Guidance Shadow Cost: 7m 1wp Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Faithful Hound Attitude With a patient eye, the Lunar supports their Wards in all things. The Lunar may activate this charm when their Ward fails an action. After describing how they helped their Ward, the Ward may reroll their roll. This may be used once per scene. Pack Leader Maneuver Cost: 4m Mins: Wits 3, Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Tame Dog Follower As they follow, so to the Lunar may lead. The Lunar’s steps awaken the essence in the earth beneath them, allow others to follow their footsteps effortlessly. Once activated, the Lunar’s Wards and Circlemates may follow where they have been in the last day effortlessly, drawing on the Lunar’s own intuition.

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