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I nPar t i al Ful f i l l mentoft he Requi r ement sf or RPH100 Pr esent edt o: Mar l ouJadeL.El i ab Pr esent edby : Vi daAngel i caC.Dal upe

I NTRODUCTI ON Vi say ans, Mi ndanawans, Sur i gaonons, Dabaweny os, Zamboangeny osandot hert r i beswhocameandset t l edatMat i na.Vi say an set t l er si nf l uencedt he" r ombl on"pl ant i ngbecameoneoft hef av or i t epast t i meoft hepeopl el i v i ngi nt heshor el i nesoft hepl ace.Rombl oni sshr ubl i kepl ant susedast her awmat er i al f ormaki ngmat s.Thi seconomi c act i v i t ywassai dt obet heor i gi noft henami ngoft hepl ace.St or yi s handeddownf r om t heear l ygener at i ont ot hel at er , t hatwhent he Spani ar dscame, somanyoft hel andscapeswer eseenmat t i ngwi t hdr i ed l eav esofr ombl onwhi l emanyhousehol dswer edy i ng, whati st henameof t hepl ace, per hapssensi ngt hatwhatwasaskedwas" Whatt heyar e doi ng? " .Theconcer nednat i v esanswer ed, " MAGTI NA" .TheSpani ar ds cer t ai nl yhadembeddedont hei rmi ndst hatt henameoft hepl acei s " MATI NA"andsi ncet hi spl acei sal ongt y heseashor e, t heSpani ar ds at t achedt hei rSpani sht er m" APLAYA" .Hencef r om t hatt i meupt opr esent , t hi si sChr i st ened, " MATI NAAPLAYA" . Mat i na  i sa  bar angay   i n  Dav aoCi t y .I t spopul at i onasdet er mi nedby t heCensuswas32, 436.Thi sr epr esent ed1. 99%oft het ot al popul at i onof Dav aoCi t y .Mat i nai ssi t uat edatappr oxi mat el y7. 0594, 125. 5864, i nt he i sl andofMi ndanao.El ev at i onatt hesecoor di nat esi sest i mat edat9. 0 met er sor29. 5f eetabov emeanseal ev el .Theshor el i neofMat i naApl ay a wer eal r eadydot t edwi t hsmal l set t l ement sest abl i shedt henat i v eBagobos andear l yMusl i m set t l er soft hepl ace.Dur i ngt het i met hei nhabi t ant swer e dependentonagr i cul t ur e.Pl ant i ngcor n, r i ce, coconut s, abacaandot her t r adi t i onal agr i cul t ur al cr ops.Shel l pi cki ng, cr abcat chi ng, andshal l ow wat erf i shi ngwer et hei rmai nsour ceofv i ands.Asamat t eroff act , many oft hem cameandest abl i shedt hei rr esi dencesi nt hepl acebecauseoft he sai deconomi cact i v i t i es.Usual l y , manyengagedi nbar t ert r adi ngusi ng t hei rcat chf r om t heseaast hei rgoodsf orex changewi t hf oodcr opsi nt he hi nt er l andv i l l ages.Mat i nahasar i v er . Asear l y1930, dur i ngt heJapanesecol oni zat i on, t hef i r stev erpubl i c el ement ar yschool i nMat i naDi st r i ctwasest abl i shed, Mat i naApl ay a El ement ar ySchool , namedaf t ert hebar angaywher et heschool i ssi t uat ed. I twast hecent erofl ear ni ngandawi t nessoft heoft het ur moi l att hatt i me. Thi si s, somehowconsi der edasoneoft heher i t agesi t ei nt hedi st r i ct . Now, l ear ni ngi nst i t ut i onsf l our i shedwi t hi nt hebar angay , publ i candpr i v at e school s, f r om el ement ar yandki nder gar t enl ev el s, t hatmar ksasacent er ofl ear ni ng.Theyal soconductl i v el i hoodpr ogr amsf ort hoseoutofschool y out h.

Ast i megoesby , busi nessesf l our i shedi nt hebar angay .I nv est or s cl amort ogr acet oi nv estbecauseofi t sgoodgov er nance, secur i t y , har dwor ki ngpeopl eandheal t hyenv i r onment .Thebar angayi sconsi der ed t obeoneoft hegoodsi t ef ordi f f er entbusi nesses, smal l andmedi um ent er pr i sest ocor por at i ons, f r om hot el sandr esor t s, wetmar ket s, gr ocer y st or esandbaker i es, gasol i nest at i ons, deal er shi ps, t axi andj eepney oper at or smal l s, r esor t , r est aur ant , chur ch, andf amousf oodchai nsj usta f ewmet er sf r om home.Fort hesaf et yoft hepeopl eorf ort hosepeopl e whoar ei nneed, t hebar angaycaneasi l yr espondast her ear enear by pol i cest at i on, andhospi t al s.Mat i nai sanaccessi bl epl ace.


El ect edMat i naCr ossi ngOf f i cer sf ort het er m of2013-2016        

PunongBar angay   : Li br ado, Angel aAl onsae Kagawad  : >Col i na, Ci ndyQui di l l a Kagawad  : >Capi ones, Rey nal doYmas Kagawad  : >Encabo, JosephBal l ot a Kagawad  : >Dut er t e, Ri char dBacal l a Kagawad  : >Bacon, Sal v adorGumahi n Kagawad  : >Sant es, Joel Ar r oy o Kagawad  : >Acap, RamonBedaña

El ect edMat i naCr ossi ngOf f i cer sf ort het er m of2010-2013         

Mat i naCr ossi ng, Bar angayChai r man,   Joel ASant es Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad1,   SamsonQVi l l asi s Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad2,   I keYYuson Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad3,   Sal v adorGBacon Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad4,   Ci ndyCSy Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad5,   JosephEEncabo Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad6,   Ri char dBDut er t e Mat i naCr ossi ng, Kagawad7,   RamonBAcap Mat i naCr ossi ng, SKChai r man,   Angel i queGayEVi l l asi s

TEXT Mat i naApl ay abecamet hemel t i ngpl aceofVi say ans, Mi ndanawans, Sur i gaonons, Dabaweny os, Zamboangeny osandot hert r i beswhocame andset t l ed.ASur i gaononnamedDoñaDor ot eaSuazoPost erwhowas gi f t edwi t hpr opereducat i onandknowl edgeofdocument i ngt r actofl ands f orowner shi p, wassai dt obeowni ng1, 000hect ar escompr i si ngal mostal l ofMat i nai ncl udi ngMat i naApl ay a.Shedonat edapor t i onofherl andt ot he RomanCat hol i cChur ch, acemet er yneart hepl acewher esher esi dedand Mat i naApl ay aEl ement ar ySchool si t e. Al t houghDoñaDor ot eaSuazo donat edpor t i onsofherpr oper t i es, hernamewasnotev enment i onedor t heMat i naApl ay aEl ement ar yschool i nMat i naApl ay ashoul dhav ebeen namedaf t erher , al sot heDRANHS( Dani el Romual dezAgui nal doNat i onal Hi ghSchool )shoul dhav ebeennamedDor ot eaSuazoPost erNat i onal Hi ghSchool .Todayt hel otwhi chshedonat edi nt endedf oraRoman Cat hol i cChur chsi t ebecomeabusi nesshubbyi mpost or scl ai mi ngt obe t het hesur v i v i nghei r sofDor ot eaSuazo, andanot hersi t ei nt endedf or RomanCat hol i ccemet er ybecameal aundr ybusi nesssi t e. I nf l uencedbyVi say anset t l er s, " r ombl on"pl ant i ngbecameoneoft he f av or i t epast i meoft hepeopl el i v i ngi nt heshor el i nesoft hepl ace. Rombl oni sshr ubl i kepl ant susedast her awmat er i al f ormaki ngmat s. Thi seconomi cact i v i t ywassai dt obet heor i gi noft henami ngoft hepl ace. St or yi shandeddownf r om t heear l ygener at i ont ot hel at er , t hatwhent he Spani ar dscame, somanyoft hel andscapeswer eseenmat t i ngwi t hdr i ed l eav esofr ombl onwhi l emanyhousehol dswer edy i ng, whati st henameof t hepl ace, per hapssensi ngt hatwhatwasaskedwas" Whatt heyar e doi ng? " .Theconcer nednat i v esanswer ed, " MAGTI NA" .TheSpani ar ds cer t ai nl yhadembeddedont hei rmi ndst hatt henameoft hepl acei s " MATI NA"andsi ncet hi spl acei sal ongt heseashor e, t heSpani ar ds at t achedt hei rSpani sht er m" APLAYA" .Hencef r om t hatt i meupt opr esent , t hi si sChr i st ened, " MATI NAAPLAYA" . I ti ssosadf actt opondert hatr ombl onpl ant swer eal mostper i shed andcanhar dl ybeseent odaybecauseoft headv entofmoder nt echni cal knowhowoft hepeopl ei ndeepseaf i shi ngandot hermeansofl i v el i hood act i v i t i esbyt heMat i na.Theycastasi dematweav i ngast hei rsour ceof l i v i ng. Theol destchapel ofMat i nai st heabodeofPat r onSai ntNuest r a Señor adel Car mensi t uat edatPur okDel Car mennamedaf t erherHonor . Thesacr edi magewasgi v enbyt heear l ySpani ar dsDoñaDoñaDor ot ea Suazo/Emel i aPost ermanyy ear sbef or e1870whent hi swasof f i cal l y r egi st er edi nt her egi st r yof f i ceofSanPedr oCat hedr al .I nr et ur nDoña Dor ot eaSuazo/Emel i aPost erdonat edt hePat r onSai ntt ot hepeopl eof

Mat i na.Mat i nawhol ehear t edl yador eandbel i ev edi nt hedi v i nepr owessof Nuest r aSeñor adel Car mensucht hati nt i mesofper sonal di f f i cul t i es, pr obl emsandot herf or msofcat ast r ophi cpr ev al encei nt hebar angay , t hey al way saskedandpr ayf ort hedi v i nei nt er v ent i onoft hePat r onSai nt . Many i nst anceoft heSai nt ' sdi v i nemi r acul ousi nt er v ent i onspr ev ai l edwhi chwi l l occupyunl i mi t edspacesoft hi sy ar ni ft hesear enar r at edher e.Mat i na Apl ay ansar ecel ebr at i ngt heannual Pat r onal Fi est aofNuest r aSeñor adel Car menev er yJul y15and16. Ther ewer esev er al setofof f i ci al shandl i ngt her ei nsoft hel ocal gov er nmentofMat i na.Themostf r ui t f ul anfev ent f ul ofwhi chwast hatof Bar angayCapt ai nFer nandoPol i qui t , t hef at heroft hei ncumbentBar angay Capt ai nJi mmyD.Pol i qui t .Fer nando' st er m asBar angayCapt ai n, was bl essedwi t hsomanyspl endorgoodandexcel l entachi ev ement s.Thi s madehi m ast hemostador edmani nMat i naApl ay a.Asaf acthewas cont i nuousl yel ect edandr eel ect edf ort hi r t yy ear s.Onl ydeat hhadpar t ed hi mf r om t heposi t i on.Hedi edwi t hhi sboot sonApr i l 19, 1998.hewasso l ov edbyt heMat i naApl ay anssucht hatwhoev erwashi sl i neup candi dat esf orkagawadswhor odewi t hhi spol i t i cal wagonwer ei nsur ed t owi nwi t hhi m.Nameanyexi st i ngi nf r ast r uct ur epr oj ect si ncl udi ngt he pr esentBar angayHal l , r estassur edt hatt hesear eal l Bar angayCapt ai n Fer nandoPol i qui tv i nt ages.Real l yandgenui nel y , hewast hef at herand bui l derofMODERNMATI NAAPLAYA. Nott hepr esi dentoft hePhi l i ppi nes, senat e, norcongr ess, nott he gov er noroft hepr ov i nce, nott hemay ornorcounci l oft hemuni ci pal i t yor ci t y .Poorbar angay sst aypoorbecauseofweakand/ or i gnor ant ( uni nf or med)bar angayl eader s. Whenr oadsneedt obebui l toranyi nf r ast r uct ur ewi t hi nt he bar angayi sneeded, al l t hebar angayof f i ci al shav et odoi smakea r esol ut i onanddemandf ori tf r om t heci t yormuni ci pal i t ycounci l .The r esol ut i onwi l l f or cet heci t y / muni ci pal counci l orr esponsi bl egov er nment of f i cet oheart hel egi t i mat edemands." Thesqueakywheel get st he gr ease. " Pr act i cal l yany t hi ngt hathast odowi t ht hebar angay , t hebar angay of f i ci al shav easayoni tandmostl i kel yt heaut hor i t yov eri t .Themaj or i t y oft hebar angayof f i ci al sar enotawar eoft hei rdut i esandpower .They dependont heci t ycounci l ormay or .Theel ect edbar angayof f i ci al sar e af r ai doft hemay orandci t y / muni ci pal i t y ' s" Sangguni angPanl ungsod" . Theyar ei nf earofbei ngoust edorr emov edf r om of f i ce.Thet r ut hi s, " Sangguni angPanl ungsod"doesnothav et hepowert or emov eanyel ect ed bar angayof f i ci al sf r om of f i ce.Onl yt heCOURTOFLAW candot hi s ( j udi ci al br anchoft hegov er nment ) .I nf or mat i oni spower .Bei nf or med.

ANALYSI S Mat i nahasagoodsour ceofi ncomeonf i shi ngwhi chcont r i but edt o t heeconomi candsoci al dev el opmentoft hesai dbar angay .Al so, t he accessi bl ebusi nessest abl i shmentwhi chsust ai nsandsuppl i est hepeopl e wi t hal l t hei rneedsandwant si nt hei rl i f es.Thus, t het r af f i ct hose est abl i shmentbr oughtont hebar angayi squi t edi st ur bi ng. Mat i naBar angayconduct edl i v el yhoodpr ogr am f oroutofschool y out handot hert hi ngst hatwi l l gi v ei mpor t ancet oev er ychi l di nt hear ea. Theant i dr ugscampai gnwhi chmi nor sar ecommonl yi nv ol v ewasgi v en r ehabi l i t at i onassi st anceandgi v et hem achancet ol i v eanewl i f eagai n, t o l i v ei nagoodway . CONCLUSI ON Mat i naApl ay ai sanaccessi bl eandgoodsi t ef orbusi ness.Busi ness est abl i shment swhet hersmal l f r anchi si ngbusi nessesorbi gcompani esi s ev er y wher ear oundMat i naAr ea. Peopl ewon’ tev enhav et ogof ar .Thi si sagr eatoppor t uni t yf orbot h busi nessownerandconsumer s.Thebar angayhaspowerandaut hor i t y ov eri t sdomai n.Thei mpr ov ementoft hebar angayr est sont hebar angay of f i ci al s.Thebar angaychai r man, t hebar angaycounci l andt hel ocal busi nessmenf or get hepr osper i t yoft hebar angay .Thecont r ol oft r af f i ci s notupt ot heci t ycounci l orchi efofpol i ce.I ti scont r ol l edbyt hebar angay . Ibel i ev easar esi dentofbar angaymat i nat heof f i ci al sar egi v i ngal l of whatt heycandoj ustt omai nt ai nt hepeaceandhar monyoft hesai d bar angay . RECOMMENDATI ON  Thebar angayshoul dhav east r i cti mpl ement at i onont he cur f ewf ormi nor sast heyar eseendoi ngmi schi ev oust hi ngs wi t haf earofget t i ngcaught .  Thebar angayof f i ci al t of i ndasol ut i onaboutt hepr obl em of t het r af f i ci nt hear ea.  Thebar angayof f i ci al smusti mpl ementmor est r i ctr egul at i ons r egar di ngaboutpr operwast edi sposal t opr ev entf l ashf l oods andev ensi ckness.Al so, t ot her esi dent st ohav eadi sci pl i ne aboutt hei ssueaboutgar bage.

 Peopl ei nt hePhi l i ppi nesknowshowt oappr eci at eand pr omot et hebeaut yofwhatwehav ei nourdi f f er entar eas.

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