Ltg Elementary Answers

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 1

Lesson 3

1 Nice to meet you.

1 I’m from India. I’m Indian.

2 How are you?

2 Yi Li is from China. She is Chinese.

3 I’m fine thanks.

3 Is Mario from Italy? Is he Italian?

4 I’m a student at Madrid University.

4 Mai isn’t from Japan. She isn’t Japanese.

5 My sister is a doctor.

5 Klaus is from Germany. He is German.

6 I’m interested in music and films.

6 Todd isn’t from the USA. He isn’t American.

7 I’m not married, I’m single. 8 I’m learning English.

7 Is Roland from France? Is he French? 8 Are you from Greece? Are you Greek?

Lesson 2

Lesson 4

1 One camera, two cameras.

1 My sister works in a clothes shop.

2 One watch, two watches.

2 My favourite sport is football, I play it every Sunday.

3 One diary, two diaries. 4 One pen, two pens.

3 I buy fruit and vegetables in the street market.

5 One dictionary, two dictionaries.

4 I like the museums in London.

6 One notebook, two notebooks.

5 I buy and read a newspaper everyday.

7 One wallet, two wallets.

6 Sometimes I eat lunch in a restaurant with a friend.

8 One battery, two batteries.

7 I read magazines about famous people. 8 My favourite TV programmeis ‘ER’.

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 5

Lesson 7

1 On Saturdays I usually go to bed at about 1.00am.

1 I don’t take swimming trunks because I don’t like water!

2 I usually drink water with my lunch.

2 I take my alarm clock to wake me up.

3 In summer I often eat ice-cream.

3 I take a guide book because I like to read about the places I visit.

4 On Sundays my father cooks dinner. 5 My friends and I dance to music. 6 My father plays cards with my mother.

4 I take my umbrella to keep dry when it rains. 5 A phrasebook helps me to speak a foreign language.

7 I visit my friends in the holidays. 8 I give my family presents at Christmas.

6 I take a camera because I take a lot of photographs. 7 I use my credit card to buy expensive things. 8 I don’t take a map because I like getting lost!

Lesson 6

Lesson 8

1 I often use the Internet to do my homework.

1 I want to wear my new T-shirt tonight. 2 I put all my holiday photos in a big album.

2 I usually meet my friends in a café in the centre of town.

3 I always drink a mug of tea at 4.30pm

3 Mohammed wants to do an English course in London.

4 I like to eat a big plate of pasta for my lunch.

4 In my car I listen to music on the radio.

5 I send a postcard to all my friends when I am on holiday.

5 Travel agents book hotels for you. 6 I contact my friends by e-mail to say hello. 7 In my house we have a telephone in every room! 8 I buy a lot of CDs on the internet.

6 I always have a photo of my family in my wallet. 7 My brother has a big poster of Jennifer Lopez on his wall. 8 My little brother plays with a Buzz Lightyear toy.

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 9

Lesson 11

1 On Wednesdays I go swimming.

1 £200 for one night! That hotel is very expensive!

2 At school we play basketball. 3 I want to do Karate next year. 4 Juan goes walking in the autumn.

2 The music is very quiet, I can’t hear anything. 3 The people are very friendly; everyone smiles and says hello.

5 My grandfather likes playing golf. 6 I don’t mind doing aerobics. 7 I hate going swimming in the sea.

4 I don’t like my job; it’s boring. I do the same thing everyday. 5 It’s the best restaurant in town, the food is delicious.

8 James plays tennis on Sundays. 6 The museum is free but it’s very small, it only has two rooms. 7 The café is big and very cheap, you can eat lunch for only £3. 8 I love talking to Alex, he’s very interesting.

Lesson 10

Lesson 12

1 You wear them on your feet when you do sport: trainers

1 Do you want to go for a drink tonight?

2 A jacket and trousers or skirt that you wear together: suit 3 You wear it when it’s warm, it might have writing or a picture on it: T-shirt 4 It keeps you warm and / or dry when you are outside: coat 5 You wear them on your legs: trousers 6 You wear them on your feet: boots 7 Something women sometimes wear on their legs: skirt

2 I don’t want to go out tonight, I want to stay in. 3 Do you want to watch a film? 4 I don’t want to cook, let’s get a takeaway. 5 On Fridays I often meet my friends. 6 Sometimes after work I go to the gym. 7 When we are busy my manager asks me to work late. 8 At weekends I like going to the beach.

8 It has the same sound as ‘suit’: boot

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 13

1 Tea with lemon, please.

1 I sit at the desk to do my work.

2 Coffee with cream, please.

2 I have a big red lamp on my desk.

3 A large black coffee with sugar, please.

3 There is a bin on the floor under my desk.

4 A small hot chocolate, please.

4 I use my computer to go online. 5 I like having a lot of plants in my office. 6 A calendar tells me days and dates.

5 A chicken sandwich, please. 6 A cheese and tomato sandwich, please. 7 A piece of chocolate cake, please. 8 A glass of fruit juice, please.

7 We sit on the sofa to watch television. 8 I keep my books in the bookcase.

Lesson 16 1 a car / a bike: repair

Lesson 14 1 Your mother’s mother is your grandmother. 2 Your father’s sister is your aunt. 3 The man you are married to is your husband. 4 Your parents’ sons are your brothers. 5 You are this man’s daughter. He is your father.

2 people / a business: manage 3 German / French: speak 4 a letter / 50 words a minute: type 5 a train / a tank: drive 6 a map / a book: read 7 websites / houses: design 8 Happy Birthday / a song: sing

6 Your mother’s brothers are your uncles. 7 The woman you are married to is your wife. 8 Your mother is your grandfather’s daughter.

Lesson 15

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 17

Lesson 19

1 What is the name of your town/city?

1 I didn’t go to her house, I went to her office.

2 How many people live in your town/city? 3 When do you have special days there?

2 They didn’t give him a present when it was his birthday.

4 How much is a cup of coffee in your town/city?

3 I didn’t see Mark at the party because he wasn’t there.

5 How do you travel from your home to work/school?

4 I fell in love with her when I was sixteen.

6 Where do you go with your friends?

5 My friend bought me flowers on my birthday.

7 Who is a famous sportsman/woman in your town?

6 He asked her to marry him and she said ‘maybe’.

8 What is your favourite part of the town/city?

7 Sylvie met her boyfriend’s parents for the first time last week. 8 We left the house at 7.30am.

Lesson 18

Lesson 20

1 Ramon didn’t work on Saturday but he worked on Sunday

1 John Lennon was born in Liverpool in July 1940.

2 We didn’t visit my brother, we visited my sister.

2 In 1957 John finished school and went to art college.

3 I didn’t use the computer but I used the phone.

3 At art college he started a band called ‘The Silver Beatles’.

4 I liked the café but I didn’t like the food.

4 In 1962 John got married to his girlfriend Cynthia.

5 Keiko and Taka didn’t travel by train, they travelled by bus. 6 We didn’t live in India, we lived in Pakistan. 7 You didn’t jog 10 kms, you only jogged 2 kms! 8 I didn’t study Chinese, I studied Japanese.

5 John and Cynthia had a baby, a boy called Julian. 6 Soon The Beatles became very famous. 7 They made many great songs. 8 In 1967 John moved to New York with his new wife Yoko Ono.

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 21

1 I want to learn to cook Chinese food next year.

1 three hundred and forty-five 2 eight hundred and seventy-nine

2 Caroline went abroad to work when she was 22.

3 one thousand two hundred and fifty

3 I didn’t buy this house, I built it.

4 fifteen thousand, six hundred and fifty

4 You can earn a lot of money as a lawyer – if you’re successful.

5 nineteen thousand, nine hundred and ninety 6 two hundred and eighty five thousand 7 forty six thousand, eight hundred and seventy -four 8 two million, three hundred and fifty thousand

5 My father doesn’t work now because he retired last year. 6 She can’t give up chocolate because she loves eating it. 7 In 1999 my parents changed their lifestyle and became vegetarians. 8 How much weight did you lose when you were in hospital?

Lesson 24 Lesson 22 1 butter 2 bread 3 cheese 4 cakes 5 biscuits 6 sweets 7 cola 8 ice-cream

1 American English for the ground floor is the first floor. 2 People who don’t like using the elevator can use the stairs. 3 In British English, an elevator is called a lift. 4 The opposite of right is left. 5 The part below the ground floor is the basement. 6 To do exercise, go to the gym on the second floor. 7 Walk along the corridor to go to your room. 8 Americans don’t say ‘car park’, they say ‘parking lot’.

Lesson 23

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 25

1 Have you got any cash? They don’t accept cheques.

1 Yesterday there were a lot of clouds in the sky, it was very cloudy.

2 It’s OK. I can pay by credit card.

2 Today I’m wearing sunglasses because it’s very sunny.

3 I only use my mobile phone in the evenings and at weekends.

3 It’s snowing so everything is covered in white snow.

4 Listen carefully -I’m not going to say it again.

4 My umbrella broke and I lost my hat because it was very windy.

5 Where is the phone? I want to call a taxi.

5 40°C isn’t warm, it’s very hot!

6 We are going to visit Paris. Can you recommend a good hotel?

6 Today the temperature is very cold, in fact it’s freezing!

7 Can I borrow £10? I can give it back to you tomorrow.

7 Summer is finishing, it’s is almost autumn.

8 What’s on TV? Please pass me the newspaper.

8 Now it’s winter, but soon it will be spring.

Lesson 28 1 A lot of tourists visit Nepal to go climbing because it’s a very mountainous country.

Lesson 26 1

the fourth of July.


the third of June.


November the fifteenth.


February the first.


the seventh of August.


the ninth of April.


March the tenth.


the thirteenth of December.

2 My car is very dirty because I never wash it! 3 Don’t play with matches! It’s dangerous and you could hurt yourself. 4 This is a very historical building. Henry VIII stayed here in 1535. 5 My hair’s still wet because I didn’t have time to dry it this morning. 6 I can never get at seat on the train because it’s so crowded in the mornings. 7 The people in the town are very friendly. They always help visitors and make them feel welcome. 8 That woman is really beautiful. I think she could be a model.

Lesson 27 Language To Go Companion Website Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education Photocopiable

Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 29

Lesson 31

1 Everyone knows who Tom Cruise is. He is very famous.

1 I always give my teachers a present at the end of the year.

2 Lots of people like McDonalds. It’s a very popular restaurant.

2 Tomorrow we are going to start at 9.00am. Please arrive on time.

3 These shoes were cheap, they cost only £15.

3 The president shook hands with the organisers of the meeting.

4 The train is fast, but the bus is slow, it takes three hours longer!

4 Martin wears a suit everyday day to work, except on Fridays.

5 I can’t meet you this week, I’m very busy at work.

5 I always kissed my grandmother on the cheek when I saw her.

6 My husband is very romantic, he often buys flowers for me.

6 Do you use first or family names when you are talking to your teachers?

7 $100 for a T-shirt! That’s very expensive!

7 My feet are hot. I’m going to take off my shoes.

8 The shops are very quiet today, there’s nobody there.

8 The sales managers exchanged business cards at the conference yesterday.

Lesson 30

Lesson 32

1 I hate calling that office because they always put me on hold.

1 How much do you spend on music each month?

2 The area code for Cambridge is 01223.

2 Did you pay for Kerry’s present or did I?

3 I usually send text messages to my friends after school.

3 I hate buying new clothes, I like my old ones.

4 You can call directory enquiries to find a number.

4 I can’t afford to go on holiday this year, I haven’t got any money.

5 Most people have a mobile phone now.

5 Should we rent a car for a week when we go to USA?

6 Hi, this is Jim, please call me back. 6 Last month I bought a new computer. 7 They never leave their answering machine switched on. 8 Jane isn’t at home now. Can I take a message?

7 Marek is very kind, he always pays for everyone when we go out together. 8 How much does it cost to call New Zealand?

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 33

Lesson 35

1 Kate Winslet is my favourite actress.

1 grow fruit / vegetables / flowers

2 Stephen Spielberg is a great director.

2 teach children / animals / adults

3 Jackie Chan stars in a lot of action films.

3 build houses / schools / towns

4 A comedy is a film that makes you laugh.

4 look after children / animals / vegetables

5 Some men say that they don’t like romantic films.

5 make plans / clothes / breakfast 6 use a computer / a phone / a fork

6 In some films the scenery is better than the acting and the story. 7 Films with a story in the future are called science fiction.

7 play a musical instrument / a game / a sport 8 write a letter / a diary / a book

8 Nowadays with special effects directors can do anything.

Lesson 34

Lesson 36

1 The first part of a meal is called the starter.

1 In the morning the train is slow, so I drive to work.

2 You need to use a spoon to eat soup.

2 I work in a team with three other people.

3 To cut food, use a knife.

3 We work long hours; about 60 a week.

4 To choose something to drink, look at the wine list.

4 I make decisions about what to sell.

5 Vegetables and salad are often called side dishes. 6 Some people like to put pepper on their food. 7 The main course is the biggest part of the meal.

5 Sometimes I serve customers in the shop. 6 I arrange monthly meetings with people in other departments. 7 Sometimes I give presentations to new customers about our company. 8 I meet clients when they visit the office.

8 The cheapest wine is usually the house wine.

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Language To Go Elementary Worksheet - Answers Lesson 37

Lesson 39

1 He can’t talk, he’s got a sore throat.

1 I’ve studied for eight hours today.

2 Philip can’t walk because he’s hurt his leg.

2 Arthur’s worked since eight o’clock this morning.

3 I can’t come to work today, I ’ve got a cold.

3 Jenny’s had her laptop for 18 months.

4 Siobhan’s got a cough because she smokes a lot. 5 Yesterday Keiko drank a lot of wine so today she’s got a headache.

4 Vlado has played the piano since he was six years old. 5 My parents have grown all their own vegetables since 1999. 6 We’ve been in Britain for a few months.

6 You feel hot. Have you got a temperature?

7 I’ve had a headache since this morning.

7 I don’t want anything to eat, I’ve got a stomachache.

8 Jacques has lived in Canada since February.

8 I’m not feeling very well so I’m going to take some aspirin and go to bed.

Lesson 38

Lesson 40

1 Money in a country / the world: economy

1 An organisation that does business in many countries is an international company.

2 Weather over a long period and big area: climate 3 Where The Moon, Mars and the stars are: space 4 The number of people in a town or country: population

2 Each month, when you are working, your company pays you your salary. 3 Another name for a worker in a company is an employee.

5 How people travel: transport

4 An informal word for the manager is the boss.

6 Opinions and decisions in government: politics

5 Someone you work with is your colleague.

7 People speaking to others: communication

6 The money you get when you retire is your pension.

8 Science and invention. Technology

7 Where you work is your workplace. 8 A place that looks after your child while you work is a crèche.

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