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  • Pages: 9

Date: ______________


Observed Class

Name of

Date and time of



subject teacher


English 1



September 21, 2018 13:00 – 14:00

Dev. Com 1



September 25, 2018 13:00 – 14:30

Science 5.1



October 01, 2018 10:00 – 13:00



October 01, 2018 13:00 – 14:30

OBSERVATION AND ANALYZATION The English class of Almon begun with a simple greeting with the teacher and immediately after, the teacher began talking about the lesson. Students immediately brought out their notebooks and pens and get ready to write down notes. This is an important process in learning, which is note-taking, because taking notes helps a student become an active listener instead of a passive one. Active listening pertains to the process of listening carefully and make sure that the information being conveyed us understand (Koch, 2010). The teacher also made use of a microphone during his lecture which decrease the possibilities of students being uninterested in his class due to inaudible voice of the teacher (Technologies, n.d.). Being in a lecture subject, the teaching method used by the teacher is the lecture method wherein the teacher relay factual information to the students y introducing principles, concepts and ideas (Stenhouse, 2018). In this style, students are expected to take notes and absorb information (Gill,

2013). The teacher is often observed asking the students whether they understood the lesson or not. This facilitates the interaction between the students and the teacher and ensures that the students are still in the class. Humor is as well observe in the class. The topic at hand is about sentences and the teacher asks the students to construct sentences as examples. Students often give humorous examples as well as responds to the teacher’s question with a joke. The teacher also responds to the jokes of his students implying that he had already grasped the attitude and nature of his class. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the teacher had handled the same section or class before, so this would imply the possibility that the teacher and the students have known each other for more than a year. The way the teacher asks the students to construct examples served as his assessment whether his class have understood the lesson aside from asking them if they did. Before the class ended, the teacher asked the students if they all listed their names in the attendance sheet and he made some announcements regarding their upcoming activities. The class was dismissed after that.

The classroom setting for the class of Apitong is December setting where the chairs and tables are arranged in a U-shape and the teacher is positioned either at the front or at the center of the U. This kind of arrangement is referred to as the horseshoe arrangement in some sources and this encourages discussion between students and with the instructor (“Classroom Seating Arrangements | Center for Teaching and Learning,” n.d.). The instructor teaches her students with a PowerPoint slide presentation as medium. This increases the visual impact of to the students and promote student focus to the lesson (“Effective Use of PowerPoint,” n.d.). Furthermore, this makes it easier for students to take down notes as well as put the teacher at an easier place as she no longer need to write everything. Before discussing a certain sub-topic, the teacher asks the students to guess a certain set of words which was connected to the lesson. She made it a fill-in-the-blank and give its meaning. By using such a method, student interaction with the teacher as well as to the lesson was elevated. This also promotes the critical thinking of the students as they try to guess the word. When discussion arrives where the teacher discusses a topic, the students are found to be in complete silence and just writing down

notes everything in the slide. The teacher takes the floor to herself and states what was in the PowerPoint slide as well as translating it to Filipino and elaborating the definition for her class. After the discussion, the teacher grouped the students and gave a group activity. The seating arrangement was still the same although the seating plan was changed where groupmates are seated together. It is clear that the teaching method used by the teacher was discussion method wherein two-way communication was observed as well as Brainstorming which has a purpose of making the students discover new ideas (Stenhouse, 2018). Through the group activity, brainstorming was achieved. During the groupwork, the teacher became a facilitator from a demonstrator style of teaching which focuses on helping the students develop critical thinking skills (Gill, 2013). This means that the teacher had incorporated two distinctive styles of teaching which made her teaching style as hybrid.

The laboratory class of Mancono began with a quiz using a blue book. This served as a refresher for the students about their past lesson. Questions were repeated twice and restated in Filipino. After the quiz, the teacher discussed the questions in the quiz once again and told the class what the correct answers should be as well as giving an explanation to them. This allows the prevention of typical drop in retention of students to the material as they were exposed repeatedly to quizzes (Kayser, 2015). Before the experiments began, the teacher explained the procedure in the manual which is a discussion method of teaching as well as a demonstrator style of teaching, and the students prepared themselves by wearing their lab gowns. It was observed that some students wear their lab gowns unbuttoned. As the students conducted the experiment, the teaching style of the teacher changed to a facilitator style and her method of teaching became seminar method wherein the teacher provides guidance to a group of students at a time (Stenhouse, 2018), since the group of students had divided themselves a particular role for each member. The teacher roams around the laboratory and often give hints to students and answer their queries as the students explore and do the experiments. When the experiment was finished, a discussion of the results followed. The teacher discussed what, how and why did it happened regarding the experiment. The

class ended with the students cleaning the laboratory and doing the proper procedure of waste management.

The last class that was observed was mathematics. The teacher was early in the room. She was preparing and checking her slide to be used for the class. Her class began by distributing the students’ previous drill exercise which was already checked, and the teacher was to discuss how to arrive to the correct answers. The students often create noise when they got incorrect answers, but these noises cause no disturbance in the class as it cannot dominate the teacher’s voice. Although this is noise, it can still be considered as academic noise since thee students are creating noise due to their academic performance. After checking of the drill, the class proceed to the discussion of the next lesson. The teacher had a loud and audible voice which permeates in the whole classroom. As the teacher is discussing in the class, side comments from the students were heard. This is still considered as academic noise as defined as the noise students produced in a classroom from their discussion of which is relevant and related to their studies. In a mathematics class where the graphs of functions are being discussed, the visual representation of a graph is important as it provides an important aspect and element in learning. Knowing how a graph looks like based only on coordinates requires concentration and will stress the minds of students when they will try to imagine how this graph looks like. I’m pretty sure that the teacher wouldn’t like to draw a graph on the board for every item and this is supported by a research conducted with mathematics teacher of Kirsehir Directorate of National Education as sample that found out that mathematics teachers mainly preferred techniques requiring less preparation and effort such as “Question and Answer” and “Demonstration” technique (Ünal, 2017). A graphical representation presented in a class is crucial to the learning of the students and this can be done using a PowerPoint presentation instead of making the teacher to plot the graph of each function and erasing them on the board to make space for another graph. Visual Aids is a factor in which impact students’ learning and performance (Ünal, 2017).There are applications available also with modern technology to represents mathematical graphs with more ease.

REFLECTION: The focus of learning task two is the teacher-student interaction in classroom and this is defined by Moore (1989) as “interaction between the learner and the expert who prepared the subject material, or some other expert acting as instructor.” This deals with the teacher providing counsel, support and encouragement to each student and gave them the necessary environment to achieve stimulate learning.

Overall, the teacher played a very important role in the student’s learning and teachers are not simply the source of knowledge of students but also their guide. In a classroom, different interaction happens as it is a fundamental piece of showing learning process (Meisuri, Sinar, Gurning, & Zein, 2018). In a classroom, communication is always present and through this communication, interaction happens. According to Jackson (1968) in his book Life in Classroom, he reported that teachers are typically involved in more than 1,000 verbal exchanges with their students every day. This is evident as teachers communicate to hundreds of students a day. Just a single class already comprises of 40 students and a teacher is teaching who knows how many sections a day. In a lecture hall, the number of students may exceed 50 and handling that number of students is no ordinary feat. A type of teaching method fits a large class like this which is the lecture method but this type of method of teaching is not always advised as this only provides the students information and they became a passive recipient of knowledge.

As teachers, they teach students on how they can achieve their dreams. A school institution constitutes of teachers and its students. Teachers, being the one to impart knowledge to the younger generation, makes the students passive recipients of facts and knowledge (Kalu, 1981). As stated by an article in Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, “The major task of a modern teacher is to create an educational environment where students can obtain first-hand knowledge with appropriate teacher’s support and guidance at each cognitive level.” (Kudryashova, Gorbatova, Rybushkina, & Ivanova, 2015), this supports the idea that students learn by exploring the world by themselves.

According to Huba & Freed (2000), modern technologies are becoming increasingly oriented on students. I agree with both authors as I can observe and had experienced during my high school that it is more becoming of students giving the class the information they need and less of the teacher through reports and researches. Furthermore, in this 21st Century, modern technology had been incorporated to the way of teaching students in which to say, is more student-oriented rather than teacher-oriented (Boumova, 2008) but I also firmly believe that it is not always the case. In my perspective, modern technology also aids the teacher-oriented way of instructing the students through the use of different visual aids.

Obtaining first-hand knowledge is best observed during laboratory classes as students explore by investigating themselves. Teachers serve as a guide for the students, guiding them and not giving them all the information, they need. In researches, first-hand information is still superior compared to second-hand information. In connection for being an aspiring teacher, MST 101a which pertains to field study is one thing that provides us the necessary first-hand knowledge and experience that we need to shape us as professional teachers and experts in the field of education. Field study, being exposed to the different class environment, would allow us to adapt our own strategies and plan for the future.

There are several methods of teaching students but as Henson (1980) claims, there is no method simply the best for everything. Every method had their own perks and purpose. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, so a teacher needs to be adaptive. A teacher needs to have the capability to discern which teaching method is best for a class considering the number of students, the subject to be discussed, and other factors as well.

REFERENCES: Boumova, B. V. (2008). Traditional vs . Modern Teaching Methods : Advantages and Disadvantages of Each. Masaryk University, 91. Retrieved from Classroom Seating Arrangements | Center for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2018, from Effective Use of PowerPoint. (n.d.). Retrieved October 7, 2018, from .php Gill, E. (2013). Teaching Styles: Different Teaching Methods & Strategies. Retrieved October 7, 2018, from Henson, Kenneth T. “Teaching Methods: History and Status.” Teaching methods: Designs for learning. Vol.1, pp2-5, of Theory into Practice. vol. 19. 1980. Jstor. 5 Mar 2008. from Kalu, I. (1981). Classroom Interaction Patterns and Students ’, (1975), 1–6. Kayser, J. A. (2015). The Effect of Daily Quizzes on Student Learning in the Advanced Placement Chemistry Classroom, (July). Koch, A. (2010). Why, how, what. Invitro. Retrieved from Kudryashova, A., Gorbatova, T., Rybushkina, S., & Ivanova, E. (2015). Teacher’s Roles to Facilitate Active Learning. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, (September). Meisuri, -, Sinar, T. S., Gurning, B., & Zein, T. T. (2018). The Classroom Interaction Patterns in Bilingual Classroom at Junior High School in Medan City. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 9(4), 31.

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