Other Income Gross Revenues Net sales & service Profit before Depreciation, interest and Tax [PBDIT] (excluding extraordinary/exceptional items) Profit before Tax [PBT] (excluding extraordinary/exceptional items) Profit after Tax [PAT] (excluding extraordinary/exceptional items) Extraordinary items (net of tax) Exceptional items (net of tax) Profit after Tax [PAT] Dividend includingdividend distribution tax BALANCE SHEET Share Capital Reserves Net Worth Deferred Tax Liabilty Loan Funds Capital Employed Net Fixed Assets Investments Net Working Capital [NWC] Miscellaneous expenditure (to the extent not written off) RATIOS AND STATISTICS PBDIT as % of total income @ PAT before extraordinary/exceptional items as % of total income $ ROCE % * RONW % ** Gross Debt:Equity ratio NWC as % of gross sales & service Current ratio Basic earnings per equity share (Rs.) # Book value per equity share (Rs.) No. of equity shareholders No of employees
2008-2009 2007-2008 34045 1020 35065 33647 4425
25187 676 25863 24855 3318
773 nil 3482 720^
nil 74 2173 572
117 12343 12460 48 6556 19064 5195 8262 5605 nil
58 9497 9555 61 3584 13200 3645 6922 2630 3
12.83 7.81
13.08 8.25
17.55 24.67 0.53:1 16.47 1.31 59.5 212.31##
20.58 28.21 0.38:1 10.44 1.19 37.8 325.9
9,31,362 37,357
578,177 31,941
^ @ $
Include dividend distribution tax of Rs.2.69 crore paid by a direct susidiary company for whic permitted under the Income Tax Act. PBDIT as % of total income [(PBDIT excluding extraorinary/exceptional items)/(total income e interest income)]. PAT before extraordinary/exceptional items as % of total income [(PAT excluding extraordinar
extraordinary /exceptional items)]. ROCE [(PAT before extraordinary/exceptional items + interest - tax on interest )/(average cap miscellaneous expenditure)]. ** RONW [PAT before extraordinary/exceptional items)/(average net worth excluding revaluation # Basic earnings per equity share has been calculated including extraordinary/exceptional item issue in the ratio of 1:1 in the current year. ## After considering issue of bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 during the respective years. *
STANDALONE FINANCIALS - 10 YEAR HIGHLIGHTS 2006-20072005-20062004-2005 2003-20042002-20032001-2002 2000-2001 17901 522 18423 17567 2186
14966 519 15485 14735 1424
13255 732 13987 13050 1081
9807 461 10268 9561 890
9870 302 10172 9360 999
8167 277 8444 7726 1042
7825 310 8135 7390 1013
nil 18 1403 428
70 79 1012 349
nil 353 984 407
nil nil 533 225
nil nil 433 211
nil nil 347 174
nil nil 315 178
57 5711 5768 40 2078 7886 2225 3104 2547 10
27 4613 4640 77 1454 6171 1605 1920 2625 21
26 3343 3369 95 1859 5323 1083 961 3238 41
25 2750 2775 114 1324 4213 1015 966 2185 47
249 3314 3563 841 3176 7580 4056 1160 2300 64
249 3095 3344 853 3463 7660 4264 918 2413 65
249 3751 4000 nil 4263 8263 4671 813 2735 44
12.14 7.67
9.45 5.69
8.08 4.7
8.94 5.32
10.39 4.48
13.12 4.34
13.33 4.09
20.15 26.84 0.36:1 14.23 1.27 25.11 202.28##
16.05 21.88 0.32:1 17.54 1.38 19.02 334.01
14.17 21.05 0.56:1 24.43 1.58 19.41 253.91
13.52 20.66 0.49:1 22.28 1.47 10.71 216.74
7.27 12.91 0.92:1 23.3 1.58 8.71 139.15
6.84 9.69 1.07:1 30.42 1.81 6.98 130.25
6.74 8.18 1.09:1 34.95 2.11 6.34 157.31
4,28,504 27,191
3,27,778 23,148
3,23,908 19,848
3,65,824 18,996
4,90,628 21873
5,09,922 22,922
5,13,562 23,988
ary company for which set off was available by the parent company as
tems)/(total income excluding extraordinary/exceptional items and
excluding extraordinary/exceptional items)/[(total income excluding
nterest )/(average capital employed excluding revaluation rererve and
excluding revaluation reserve and miscellaneous expenditure)]. nary/exceptional items and adjusted for all the years for bonus
respective years.
1999-2000 7424 242 7666 6956 995 369 329 13 nil 342 180
248 3616 3864 nil 3974 7838 4589 774 2439 36
13.94 4.57 7.38 8.85 1.05:1 32.85 2.07 6.87 152.13 6,05,031 24,448