Lst Pp On Technology In The Classroom

  • December 2019
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How to Infuse Technology into Classroom Lessons Webquest on Technology in the Classroom

MEDA 5400 Professor Henley East Tennessee State University February 16, 2009

How to Infuse Technology into Classroom Lessons

Ask your School Library Media Specialist and/or Technology* Coordinator These professionals will have LOTS of ideas-!Discover the available resources @ your school-you know the ones that are usingCheck with fellow teachers—* technology Usually teachers love to share their ideas--

Try the Internet for technology tutorials* >GOOGLE >technology tutorials> or >webquest tutorials->PowerPointfree teacher technology resources> or> >tutorials

On th to get y that your you students will enjoy will love to “help” you learn too, so do not be afraid to experiment in !the classroom

How to Infuse Technology into Classroom Lessons

Step #1 of 3 Start by reading the information at the following website to get a perspective on why you need to be using technology in the classroom TODAY! Infusing Technology Into Curriculum Michelle Detering:

Step #2 of 3 : is to go to//

AND draw a picture of a computer and email it to me [email protected] / Question to Ponder:?How could you use this site in the classroom

St ep # 3 o f 3 Trave l o n th e we b to the fo ll owing s ite :To onDoo.c om a nd cr eate a c arto on on th e u se o f te ch nology in th e cl ass room! Note: Th is is a fr ee si te but r egistr ati on i s r equired—S upply a u ser n ame, pass wo rd, a nd e mail

Be creative, use only three scenes!

(Note: High school students love to do this as an assignment for the last fifteen minutes of class. I usually have them create three scenes depicting the career that they have chosen to research.) My simplistic example


?Are you ready to explore on your own now There are hundreds of sites like I have demonstrated here in this short webquest that are free and have educational uses that stimulate and encourage students to apply !knowledge PS: Check out this link for Web 2.o tools that are wonderful and very useful

By Gini Dochety MEDA 5400 Professor Henley East Tennessee State University February 16, 2009

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