Lower Merion Lies, Damn Lies, And The School Board Race

  • May 2020
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Campaign Update From The Unified Slate Bipartisan Candidates for School Board serving Lower Merion and Narberth May 4, 2009

Newsletter #2 Absentee ballot applications must be received by May 12th. Absentee ballots must be received by May 15th. Visit the following site for more information: http://voterservices.montcopa.org/voterservices/site/default.asp

Welcome to the Communications Network! Thank you for helping us spread the word about our highly qualified candidates on The Unified Slate:  Lyn KUGEL  Jerry NOVICK  Fran HOOVER  Gary FRIEDLANDER _______________________ Upcoming Voter Forums Ardwood Civic, 5/5 7:15PM The Household of Faith Deliverance Church, corner of Linwood and Athens Avenues in Ardmore

Bala Cynwyd Neighborhood Club, 5/12 7:30PM The Academy Building; next to Bala Cynwyd Middle School

Contact Us www.lmsdunifiedvote.org [email protected]

Sifting Through The Trash-ing This year’s School Board election is different. While there are still two slates running to fill the 4 empty School Board seats in the primary, there is NOT a Republican slate nor a Democratic slate.  The Unified Slate is a bipartisan slate unified in support of educational excellence, quality public schools, and strong property values for Lower Merion and Narberth.  The other slate is…for lack of a better description, angry. In early interviews with sitting Board members, they said they moved here because of our great schools and they praised the District. Only after they decided to work with the former redistricting group, Narberth Walks Together, and form their own slate under the BAC PAC name, did they begin to paint a different picture of the District for the public—that of a District that was substandard, not keeping up with its peers, and in dire need of change. Many of their arguments (e.g. about cost per pupil and PSSA scores) are taken directly from the pages of lmsd.info, the anti-public school group that still attempts to halt construction of the new high schools. Their supporters from BAC PAC and LMVue continue to anonymously fill the blogosphere with negative and distorted information about your schools. The election should be about the candidates and their preparation to serve the community and the District. The opposition has instead chosen anger and a campaign of misinformation about our schools and our kids’ accomplishments. Anger is not a positive force for our schools, our District or our community. Anger does not promote collaboration and cooperation. Anger does not motivate good decisions in the best interest of kids and education.

In contrast, the Unified Slate, Lyn, Fran, Jerry and Gary, stand behind our District, committed to its improvement and continued success. They understand the job and remain prepared to lead the District in a positive, productive direction. You can and should be proud of our schools and our community’s support of public education. You can trust the Unified Slate with the future of public education in Lower Merion and Narberth. VOTE Kugel, Novick, Hoover and Friedlander on May 19th. Check out the website www.lmsdunifiedvote.org to learn more.

THE PRIMARY IS TUESDAY, MAY 19th Some important election facts: There are 4 open seats (out of 9) on the Lower Merion School Board this election cycle. All seats are at large. All candidates for School Director are permitted to and have cross-filed on both the Democratic and Republican ballots. They will appear in a pre-selected order, not by party or by slate. Make sure you know the names of your chosen candidates when you enter the voting booth. A bipartisan board representing a full range of views is essential for increased community support for our schools. A win by the Unified Slate is the only way to maintain broad political representation on the School Board.


Make good choices, tell the truth, no name calling, don’t burn bridges…still good advice

In a recent letter to residents, the BAC PAC (now known as Vote Education First) candidates tried to posit themselves as the democratic slate. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The only endorsed Democrat running in this election is incumbent Lyn Kugel of the Unified Slate. Fran Hoover, also a Democrat on the bipartisan Unified Slate, fell only 3 votes shy of the endorsement. BAC PAC/Vote Education First and their angry supporters have called our public officials and members of our administration “unethical”, “racist” and yes, “fat”. How they expect to work productively with the superintendent, board and staff after resorting to personal attacks and name calling boggles the mind. How long will anger fuel their choices? What damage will it leave in its wake? On May 19th, you have a choice: anger and “change” (what or how remains a mystery) versus continuing to improve upon the excellent schools we have. We ask you to support our schools. Vote for the Unified Slate.

What you can do to help… 

Volunteer. With cross-filing and a confusing ballot that lists candidates in random order (see box at side), we need help on primary day.  

Work a two hour shift at the polls before or after work or during the day. Make GOTV (Get Out the Vote) calls from your home, office or cellphone.

Contribute. Help us increase the tools we have to get the voters to the polls. Make a donation to the campaign. Checks should be written to Unified for Excellent Schools, and sent to our treasurer, David Kedson, PO Box 1137, Bala Cynwyd, 19004-1137.

Vote. On May 19th, it is critical that you, your neighbors and friends go to the polls and vote for The Unified Slate: Kugel, Novick, Hoover, and Friedlander. The future of our public schools is in the balance.

We thank you for your support.

Paid for by Unified for Excellent Schools David Kedson, Treasurer

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