Love, What Does It Mean

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  • Words: 2,563
  • Pages: 6
Love - aw-hab', aw-habe' A primitive root; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise): - (be-) love (-d, -ly, r), like, friend. Human appetite for objects such as food, drink, sleep, wisdom The opposite of love is not hatred as everybody thinks, it is selfishness and it’s extreme form is hatred. Selfishness is when you love your self more than you love anybody else. The path of Holiness is the process of being changed form loving your self to loving others. Love is first found in Scripture in Gen 22:2 where Abraham loved his son and was prepared to offer him to YHVH.


Just think of this love for a moment; Abraham waited so long for this son and on top of that was the fact that he was not able to produce the child naturally because of his beloved wife’s bareness. This child was his everything and he loved Isaac more than anything in the world. Love is the Hebrew word "aheb" letters spell the word "Ab"

“Aleph - Hey – Bet”. The first and last

that means ‘father’ and ‘origin’. If you add a "Hey"

into this word it gives the word "aheb" that means ' love'and this gives us the insight that the Father is the origin of love. “Hey” means light and is also referred to as ‘Truth’ or YHVH’s Word. YHVH reveals Himself to us through His Word of Truth and He revealed His Plan to Abraham through His Truth (symbolically by added a Hey to his name as well). Abram' s name was changed by adding a "Hey" Abraham,

and it changed his name to

that means ‘father of a multitude’. A name in Hebrew depicts

someone’s character and this implies that Abraham’s character was changed when YHVH changed his name and revealed His Truth and His Plan (Word) to him (Hey) and he became part of this Plan and walked in it (the light). Abraham' s name also contains letters of the word "aheb" or ' love'and the difference between ‘Abraham’ and ‘love’ is the letters "Resh" and "Mem". These letters gives the word "ram"

that means 'high and exalted'. This is also the definition of what

an idol is; something is elevated and lifted up above YHVH. Maybe Abraham idolised his beloved son Isaac, the son he was waiting for so long. Abraham had to put YHVH above his most precious belonging, his son, whom he loved the most. Abraham’s love for YHVH was tested when YHVH asked him to do one thing that was the most difficult to do, to sacrifice his son Isaac. This would proof that he loved YHVH more than he loved his son, the most valuable thing in the world.

this passage quoting Moses:

YHVH tested Abraham’s love and obeying the request proved Abraham’s love for YHVH. In other words, he had to prove his love to YHVH through his actions, obeying what YHVH asked of him. If he refused to willingly “sacrifice” his beloved son, he would proof that he regarded his son more than YHVH and loved Isaac more than he loved YHVH. This gives us the conclusion that love can only be proven through obeying the One you love the most. That is why John wrote


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To love YHVH or to prove that He is elevated above anything or anybody you have or know, is that you will follow and obey His Commandments no matter what. If there is something you love to do or something you own and it is against what YHVH prescribed in His Word/Commandments, you will stop doing those things or remove those objects from your home in order to put Him ABOVE that action or thing and thereby proving that you put YHVH first and that you love Him. When we follow Y’shua we enter into His Kingdom and in a Kingdom the King makes the rules and there is no Democracy like we are used to. If you do not like what the King says, do not enter into His Kingdom. Remember what the definition of an idol is; anything you place above YHVH, it can be an object or it can be a habit or person or sometime you love to do. Allowing this in your life is creating an idol that comes in between you and YHVH because you love “it” more than you love Him. You worship the things or people you allow or obey. Allowing YHVH’s standards in your life and doing what He wants proves that you love and worship Him. Abraham lifted his love for YHVH higher than his love for his son and through that he achieved the greatest accomplishment and is known as the father of faith. Paul had the same attitude where he counted everything rubbish in order to gain Messiah. .

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Paul gave up the thing he loved the most – being a Pharisee. He gave up his status and fame and knowledge he learned being a Pharisee so that he could serve and love YHVH in Y’shua the Messiah.

The difference between Abraham’s name and the word ‘love’ also gives the word "mor" that means, ' drop'or ' flowing down' . The meaning ‘flowing down’ is also connected to the meaning of the word “yarah” that is the root word for the word Torah or Instructions. This relates to water/Word and also humility. This shows us the love that Abraham had was due to his humility. You can only follow YHVH’s Commandments and be obedient to Him through following His Word if you are humble. Water flows downwards and if you exult yourself above the Word, the Word/water will only reach your feet and you will trample on it.


If you are humble you will want to submerse yourself in His Word/water and will lie down on your face so that every part of you may be saturated in His living water and your thirst will be quenched through obedience to His Word. If you humbly submit to YHVH Word and drink from His living water you will have a continual changing life and you will change every area that is contrary to His Word as He reveals (Hey) it to you. You will be teachable and accept His counsel with joy and walk and grow in holiness through the help of His Spirit.

Abraham was asked to offer his son to YHVH; offering is the Hebrew word “minchah” and means ‘gift’. Abraham had to give his son as a ‘gift’ unto YHVH. Presenting this gift to YHVH is the action called worship. The gift of worship you present to YHVH must be of great value and will reflect the value or reverence you have Him. The more you love or respect someone, the more valuable and precious the gift will be. What gifts should we present to YHVH to show our love to Him? First of all, the most precious thing you own is your life; you have to give your life to Him as the first step of worship unto Him. This is where you dedicate your whole life to Him, choosing to follow Him as your new Master and Saviour. This initial step is called to be born again and to become a child of YHVH. Paul said that we are to be living sacrifices unto Him - Rom 12:1

We are commanded in the Ten Commandments to love YHVH and to love our neighbour as our self, not to love your self more than your neighbour. Love is something you give; it is something that flows outwards, away from you towards another person. Selfishness is the love of self and it flows back into your own life and you can compare it with a battery that you short circuit. What happens if you short out the terminals of a battery? It creates heat in the wiring and sparks also known as conflict. Selfishness is the root of all conflicts and fighting among brethren. The things that drive you crazy that other people do to you are normally things you have to deal with in your own life. If you see these things, then it is time for you to deal with it and the time to change and grow. /

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This is a serious verse that deals with salvation; those who hates their brother or sister is regarded a murderer and if you murder, you will not enter everlasting life, in other words, not receive salvation. This links with what Y’shua taught in Matthew where He raised the standards for the Commandments; that if you look at a woman and desire her in your heart, you have committed adultery with her and if you hate your brother, you have murdered him. Please note that the sixth Commandment still applies regarding murder and the Commandments are still used to filter out those who choose to break them, even after Y’shua’s death. Paul also preached the same message: : #3/ %* , %* * &* ** ; 1 *, % % < %% * * 1* 1 * ,& * % % %&"1 1* % % * * % 1% ,, % * % * *, * 1 * % %" * % * , %* * &* % * = > %,** , % * ; %'" &* , %* , % % 7 % ** , * , % 4 ?:$('?@! 5$( 1 (5) . 5AB: C % ** , 7 #3 C & 4 ?:DA?@$( @ A( % % % & * % % %* * '&" * % % % % * , *, E * , % %* %* % * '" *, % % = & % % %* > *** % % *, *, * ( ) ) & * , A(5 C?$ C( : $$( D C7!? ?@ ?( These are the sins that prove that you do not love your neighbor and that you gamble with your salvation: •

Fornication – desiring or taking you neighbor’s wife or husband.

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Maliciousness, Fighting, Quarrels (Pro 6:14, 2 Tim 2:14) Envy, jealousy, causes disputes slander and lies (Pro 14:30, Acts 13:45) Murder – hating your brother th Deceit, dishonest, stealing, cheating (8 Commandment -Ex 20:15, Lev 19:11) Whisperers, talking behind someone’s back, slandering (Lev 19:16, Ps 12:2-3) Backbiters, two faced (Ex 20:16, Lev 19:16, Ps 12:2) Insolent, cheeky, rude, proud (Pro 15:25) Proud, arrogant, braggarts, boasting (Ps 12:2-3) th Perfidious, lying, dishonest, disloyal (9 Commandment – Ex 20:16) Unmerciful, revenge (Lev 19:18) Unforgiving – choosing not to forgive and make peace, holding a grudge (Mat 6:15) Causing divisions - Body of Messiah - withdraw from them doing this (1Ti 6:4-5 )

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As you can see here, most of the things listed here originated in the Torah and TaNaK and was taught by Y’shua and/or Paul and/or John, and ALL these issues are things that can cause you to loose your salvation. This is VERY serious issue if it comes to salvation. This also contradicts what the church preaches today about GRACE ONLY! You need the Blood of Messiah AND you need to FOLLOW Him, which require of you to pursue righteousness and Holiness, which helps you not to do these things listed above. [Rev 14:2, Rev 20:4, Rev 22:14] All of these things boils down to LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself which is the heading of the last five of the Ten Commandments Y’shua taught in Mark 12:31


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Are you a Disciple of Y’shua? If the answer is yes, do you love your brothers in the faith? If the answer is yes, will you die for them? This is a tough one; this love exceeds the normal love for one another and involves you giving your life for your brother. This is the love that Y’shua requires from us for one another within the faith because this is the example He set and the love He loves us with. This is the love that ensures unity and an unbreakable bond between believers. Think about it. He once again raised the standard that it seems impossible to achieve. Is it possible? Yes, but only through a humble heart and through the help of His Spirit can we have this love for one another. If you think about it, it is the same as what He asked form us in the first place…to love your neighbour as your self. You love yourself and your highest instinct is to stay alive and we should have this same instinct to protect and live for one another, even unto death.


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YHVH gave His Son for us out of love and He is the origin of love. We gave Y’shua what He did not deserve (sin & death) and He gave us what we did not deserve (love & life). All love is from YHVH and He is the source of all love. If you do not have love in your life, then you have not seen YHVH or received Him. YHVH gave us His most precious Gift; His Son Who died for us, and He gave us another precious Gift; His Spirit, through Whom we receive the Fruits of the Spirit: 7

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These gifts are there to help us to love YHVH and to love our neighbour. These gifts are from YHVH and are the foundation love is build upon. • • • • • •

Love - choice - opposite of selfishness, you only shoe love if you sacrifice something precious for someone you love to prove it. - Gen_22:2 – Loving YHVH and your Neighbour. Joy - joy in YHVH's things – Loving YHVH & your Neighbour Peace - Shalom - house build for His presence - every area like a room completed – Loving YHVH and your Neighbour Patience - control emotions – Loving your Neighbour Kindness - relates how you interact with people – Loving your Neighbour Goodness - giving - positive commandments – Loving your Neighbour Faith - faithfulness - amunah Psa_1:1-3 – Loving YHVH

The gift of the Spirit allows us to bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and to accomplish the greatest task; to love and obey YHVH and to love our neighbours and brothers as our selves.


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