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  • Words: 1,731
  • Pages: 9
• The one great gain The one great gain in life is love, blessed is he who gets it. • Go on spreading love, love that knows no bounds. • We get misery in return for our love. • The last and highest manifestation of Prana is love. • Every step that has been really gained in the world has been gained by love. • Pure love has no motive. • The only worship is love. • Love is always the giver and never the taker. • Love itself is the eternal, endless sacrifice. • Love can never be the means: it must be the perfect end.

• From perfect knowledge, true love is inseparable. • In the highest love, union is only of the spirit. • All love is life, it is the only law of life; all selfishness is death, and this is true here or hereafter. • There are no “rights”, all is love. • Realisation of love comes to none unless one becomes a perfect Jnani. • Love and ask nothing; love and look for nothing further. • Love opens the most impossible gates; love is the gate to all the secrets of the universe. • None lives, my boys, but he who loves. • Love immense and infinite broad as the sky and deep as the ocean------------this is the one great gain in life. Blessed is he who gets it. • Love alone is the fittest thing to survive and not hatred. • Love makes no distinction between man and man.

• No great work can be achieved by humbug. It is through Love, a passion for Truth, and tremendous energy, that all undertakings are accomplished. • Love, Love--------------that’s the one thing, the sole treasure. • Love is the only form in which love is loved. • Our salvation is renunciation, giving up, fearlessness, and love, these are the fittest to survive. • Fill your heart with overflowing compassion and love. • Good results can be produced only through love, through sympathy. • The way of all ways of realisation is love. • There is no true love possible in the slave.

•Love is Absolute

Love is beyond time and space, it is absolute. • If you love, that love will come back to you, completing the circle. • Life is sweet, because it thinks of the Beloved. • Love is simply an expression of this infinite unity. • Love binds, love makes for that oneness.

•It is love that gives you supernatural powers.

• Love leads to emancipation. • Love concentrates all the power of the will without effort, as when a man falls in love with a woman. • The first sign of love is when love asks nothing, (when it) gives everything. • We only love that which understands love, that which draws our love. • Merely to love is the sole request that true love has to ask. • If one would expand, he must love, and when he ceases to love he dies. • Let us help one another and let us love one another. • The Purusha does not love, it is love itself. • Fear ceases, and then alone come perfect happiness and perfect love. • Love makes the whole universe as one’s own home. • Let an endless stream of love go forth. Let us all be men. • Whatever we do good or evil, the propeller is love. • Love itself is the highest recompense of love. • Love is the most visible of all visible things. • Every man exists, and every man must know, and every man is mad for love. • Love knows no bargaining. • He who is the servant of all is the true master. He never becomes a leader, in whose love there is a consideration of high or low. He whose love knows no end, and never stops to consider high or low, has the whole world lying at his feet.

• The reward of love is love. • Love comes and penetrates through the forms and sees beyond. • Therefore love for love’s sake, because it is the only law of life, just as you breath to live. • Lust is the death of love. • The perfect love is very rare in human relation. • This (love) is the one motive power in the universe. • All hatred is “Killing the self by the self”; therefore, love is the law of life. • Love is always a manifestation of bliss. • To the lover the beloved is the most beautiful being that ever exited. • There is only one element in life which is worth having at any cost, and it is love. • There is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness as its reaction. • We love not for the long purse, we never sell our love, we want not, we give. • The love of the whole includes the love of the parts. • Love conquers in the long run. • Knowing that the Love is everywhere, the sages give up praising and blaming. • Love is struggle of a human soul to find its complement its stable equilibrium its infinite rest. • Prema cannot come while there is lust. • Love loves for the sake of love itself. • Every act of love brings happiness.

• Love will painlessly attain to philosophy; then after knowledge comes Parabhakti (supreme devotion). • Love questions not. • Love knows no fear. • Love banishes all fear. • Love knows no reward. • We must love all. • Love shines in freedom alone. • Love all alike, then all desires fall off. • Love never fails. • Love is its own end. • Love never dies. • Where there is love, it is He. • Extreme love and highest knowledge are one. • Love is always the highest ideal. • Where love is not returned for love, cold indifference is the natural result. • Love knows no barter, no selfishness. • Love shall win the victory. • Love only brings a reaction of bliss. • Beggar’s love is no love at all. • Love is higher than works, than yoga, than knowledge. • Love is patience; lust is impatient. • Love never asks, never begs. • The highest expression of love is unification. • Love is truth, and hatred is false, because hatred makes for multiplicity.

• • • • • • • • • • •

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Love is always of the ideal. When love comes method dies. Salvation is in work and love. The real help is feeling, love. Try to love anybody and everybody. Believe in the omnipotent power of love…………… …Have you love? You are omnipotent. Love all things only through and for the Self. The calmer we are the less disturbed our nerves, the more shall we love and the better will our work be. Stand upon the Self, then only can we truly love the world. Love never fails, today or tomorrow or ages after. Truth will conquer! Love shall win the victory. Work through freedom! Work through love! The word “love” is very difficult to understand; love never comes until there is freedom. There is no true love possible in the slave. Ordinarily human love is seen to flourish only in places where it is returned. With love, there is no painful reaction.

• The Power of Love

Books and learning, yoga, meditation and illumination------------------all are but dust compared to love. • Ask not anything in return for your love. • Wealth goes, beauty vanishes, life flies, powers fly---------------but the Lord abideth for ever, love abideth for ever.

• Perfect love, the heart never reacting, this is what builds character.

• Love is always mutual and reflective. You may hate me, and if I want to love you, you repulse me. But if I persist, in a month or a year you are bound to love me. It is a well-known psychological phenomenon. • What is life but growth, i.e., expansion, i.e., love? Therefore all love is life, it is the only law of life, all selfishness is death, and this is true here or hereafter. It is life to do good, it is death not to do good to others.

• God is love, and only he who has known God as love can be a teacher of godliness and God to man. • If a man reads but one word of love, he indeed becomes learned. • To love because it is the nature of love to love is undeniably the highest and, the most unselfish manifestation of love that may be seen in the world. • Love is always for love’s sake. • Love is of three sorts---------------one demands, but gives nothing; the second is exchange, and the third is love without thought of return, love like that of the moths for the light. • There can be no love so long as there is lust----------------even a speck of it, as it were, in the heart. • Men do not know what it is to love, if they did, they would not talk so glibly about it. • Begging is not the language of love. • The first test of love is that it knows no bargaining. • Within the heart is the ocean of Love. • It is always the heart that speaks in the man of love. • THE ONLY MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH SPIRITUAL FORCE CAN BE TRANSMITTED IS LOVE.

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Men should work for work’s sake only, and love for love’s sake. It is love that gives you the supernatural powers, love that gives you Bhakti, love that gives illumination, and love again, that leads to emancipation. It is love and love alone that I preach, and I base my teaching on the great Vedantic truth of the sameness and omnipresence of the Soul of the Universe.

----------------Swami Vivekananda

MODIFED • Whatever we do good or evil, the propeller is love.

• In the highest love, union is only of the spirit. • Work through freedom! Work through love! The word “love” is very difficult to understand; love never comes until there is freedom. There is no true love possible in the slave. •

Let an endless stream of love go forth. Let us all be men.

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