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LOVE ONE ANOTHER By Mindy Zeigler PREPARATION: Gather ingredients to make the “Sweet Heart Krispy Treats” (refreshment) including baggies and yarn to tie. Cut out the heart pocket pieces. Place the heart bottom (with the face) on top of the regular heart lining up the edges. Staple around the sides to create a pocket for holding the heart cards for the Love One Another Game. Make enough for everyone in your family. Cut out the heart cards and playing cards for the game. Cut out the pictures of Jesus Christ. Glue the corresponding story to the back of each picture. This will be the Love One Another story book. Cut out the heart with the words love. Put a strip of adhesive magnet on the back. Hang on your fridge after the lesson. OBJECTIVE: To teach the family that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love everyone and taught us to love others as well. OPENING SONG: “Jesus Said Love Everyone” CS pg 61 Jesus said love ev’ryone (outstretch arms); Treat them kindly, too (turn to neighbor and shake hands). When your heart is filled with love (place hands on heart), Others will love you (hug self). (From lesson 32: Love One Another,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 168) OPENING PRAYER: SCRIPTURE: John 13:34-35 ATTENTION ACTIVITY: Show the top of the magnet while covering up the words with your hand. Ask-What do you think of when you see a heart? (love) Ask-Who are some people who love you? Ask-How do you know they love you? DISCUSSION: Read John 13:34-35 Discuss the scripture and what it means. Jesus Christ set a perfect example of kindness and love. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus showed His love for others by blessing and serving the poor, the sick, and the distressed. He told His disciples, “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you” Go through the Love One Another storybook and discuss the stories and ways that Jesus showed his love. Loving others, even those who may be different from us, is one of the most important ways we can follow the Savior Jesus Christ. Ask-What are some ways we can show love for others? -by being kind to them, listening to them, comforting them, and serving them. For younger children you may want to get more specific- when you help clean up, when you say “please” and “thank you,” when you share your toy, when you help someone who is hurt. For older children read the following quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (General Conference, October 2007) Find more ready to print family home evening lessons at

Sometimes the greatest love is not found in the dramatic scenes that poets and writers immortalize. Often, the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend to those we meet along the path of life. True love lasts forever. It is eternally patient and forgiving. It believes, hopes, and endures all things. That is the love our Heavenly Father bears for us. Point out that when we feel the pure love of Christ, it is strong enough to motivate us to love others even when it’s hard to do. STORY: Read the story “A Game of Catch” Discuss the story. Ask-what are some ways that we can be kind and love others? GAME: Play the Love One Another Game. How to Play: Pass out a heart holder to each player. They will hold the special heart cards collected during the game. Place the heart cards in the center of the players face up and place the deck of playing cards in the center of the players face down. The object of the game is to be the player with the most heart cards. The game is played by taking turns picking a card from the deck of playing cards. These cards make positive or negative statements about loving others. The player collects or loses the amount of cards indicated on the playing card and then his turn ends. After the card has been picked, it is placed face up next to the face down deck. The game is over when all the cards have been picked and placed face up. The players count their heart cards and determine the winner. ACTIVITY: As a family make the “Sweet Heart Krispy Treats” under the refreshments. Make a card and deliver the treats to someone to let them know you love them. FOLLOW UP: Display the magnet on the refrigerator. At dinner each night discuss how each person showed love that day or had love shown to them. CLOSING SONG: “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” CS pg 78 CLOSING PRAYER:

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REFRESHMENT: “Sweet Heart Krispy Treats” - FamilyFun.Com Cooking spray 3 tablespoons margarine 6 cups mini (or 60 regular-size) marshmallows Red food coloring 9 cups Rice Krispies cereal Heart-shaped cookie cutter Plastic bags, yarn Step 1 To begin, lightly coat a 10- by 15-inch baking sheet with cooking spray and set it aside. Step 2 Melt the margarine in a large pot over low heat. Add the marshmallows, stirring them continuously until they melt. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in drops of red food coloring until the color receives a thumbs-up from the chef. Step 3 Add the Rice Krispies, stirring until they are evenly coated with marshmallow. Spoon the mixture onto the baking sheet. Step 4 With waxed paper (or lightly buttered hands), smooth out the mixture, spreading it to an even thickness. Step 5 Cut out hearts with the cookie cutter. Place each heart in a clear plastic bag, tie on a yarn bow, and they're ready for giving. Makes seven 5-inch hearts. SOURCES: Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual, (2008), Love Thy Neighbor Finch Family Game, Paul Horwinski, “A Game of Catch,” Friend, Nov 2006, 10–12

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Paul Horwinski, “A Game of Catch,” Friend, Nov 2006, 10–12 Paul was looking for a book when someone pushed him into the shelf. The shelf wobbled, and several of the books almost fell. He turned around. Danny stood a few feet away, pretending to look for a book. He had his softball glove under his arm. “Why did you do that?” Paul asked angrily. Danny shrugged and started to walk away. Paul caught him by the arm. “Why did you push me?” “Don’t touch me,” Danny said, grabbing Paul’s arm. Paul tried to pull his arm away, but Danny wouldn’t let go. They pushed and pulled until they both crashed into the shelf and fell, while books rained down on top of them. “Paul, Danny, stop that right now,” the teacher said. “Stop fighting and pick up those books!” “He started it,” Paul said as he stood up. “Did not,” Danny said, still on the floor. He kicked at Paul’s leg from behind a desk where the teacher could not see. “I don’t care how it started,” the teacher replied. “I want it stopped. Clean up that mess and go back to your desks. If I see you boys fighting again, I’ll send you both to the principal’s office.” They picked up the books without looking at each other. Paul sat at his desk with the book he’d picked out open in front of him, but he was too angry to read it. He looked over at Danny, who sat at his desk, picking at the stitching in his glove. Why was Danny out to get him all the time? Couldn’t the teacher see what was happening? Why did he have to get in trouble for something Danny did? Paul felt miserable. He closed his eyes and whispered a prayer. “Heavenly Father, please bless me that Danny will get in trouble for bothering me, so he’ll leave me alone.” He opened his eyes. He still felt miserable. Then he remembered the words to one of the songs he’d sung in Primary—“ ‘Jesus said love ev’ryone.’ ” * Paul frowned. He didn’t want to hate Danny. But he didn’t want to love him either. Recess came and his classmates started a softball game in the field. Paul stayed on a bench at the other end of the schoolyard. He had his softball glove in his backpack, but he didn’t want to play. Not if Danny was playing. He looked down the field and noticed Danny wasn’t playing either. He sat at the edge of the field with his softball glove beside him. Paul remembered the Primary song again—“ ‘Jesus said love ev’ryone.’ ” Find more ready to print family home evening lessons at

His stomach twisted itself into a knot. He couldn’t go and talk to Danny. They’d get in another fight, and he’d be sent to the office. But as he thought of the words, “ ‘Jesus said love ev’ryone; treat them kindly too,’ ” he knew what he had to do. Paul got up. He pulled his softball glove out of his backpack. He picked up one of the extra softballs and went over to Danny. “Hi,” he said. “What do you want?” Danny asked. Paul held up the ball. “Do you want to play catch?” Danny looked up at him for a moment. Then he picked up his glove. “OK.” They started to toss the ball back and forth. Paul couldn’t throw very well, and said “sorry” every time he threw too short or too far to one side. Danny didn’t complain. He just retrieved the ball and threw it back to him. He threw the ball better than Paul and didn’t miss as often, but after a while he started saying “sorry” as well whenever he threw it too far. Paul didn’t feel miserable anymore. He started to relax and enjoy himself. He smiled. He knew that Heavenly Father had answered his prayer, just not the way he had thought he wanted. When the bell rang and they had to stop, Paul noticed that Danny was smiling too. Paul hummed the Primary song to himself on his way back to class— “ ‘Jesus said love ev’ryone; treat them kindly too. When your heart is filled with love, others will love you.’

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1. “A New Commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 13:34 2. Many people brought their children to be blessed by Jesus. The disciples thought Jesus should not be bothered and sent them away. Jesus told the disciples to let the little children come to Him. Then He taught that only those with the faith of a little child can enter God's kingdom. Jesus welcomed the little children into His arms and blessed them. 3. Jesus was taken to a place called Calvary. Roman soldiers nailed His hands and feet to a cross and raised it between two thieves. Having mercy for the soldiers, Jesus asked Heavenly Father to forgive them. Jesus hung, suffering pain, thirst, and ridicule. One of the thieves taunted Jesus, but the other defended Him. When Jesus saw that His mother, Mary, had come to Calvary, He asked the Apostle John to care for her. Later, as Jesus continued to suffer, He cried out to Heavenly Father, asking why the Father had forsaken Him. This great anguish was part of the Savior's suffering to pay for our sins. When His mission had been fulfilled, Jesus gave up His life. 4. Sitting on a mountainside, Jesus gave what is known as the Sermon on the Mount. Included in this sermon were the Beatitudes, special blessings that Jesus promised for righteous living. He also asked His followers to be good examples and to love their enemies. Jesus taught them how to pray and encouraged them to repent of their sins and not judge others. He taught that those who obey His words have a strong foundation for their lives. Those who heard Jesus were astonished, for He taught with the power of God.

6. On a Sabbath day Jesus saw a man who had been born blind. Jesus spat in the dirt and made clay, then put the clay on the blind man's eyes and sent him to wash in the pool of Siloam. After doing as Jesus said, the man came away from the pool able to see. The man's neighbors were amazed, and he explained to them how Jesus had healed him. The Pharisees claimed that Jesus was a sinner for having healed someone on the Sabbath. When the man who had been blind was asked what he thought about Jesus, he said Jesus was a prophet. Later, Jesus found the man and revealed that He was the Son of God. The healed man believed and worshiped Jesus. 7. Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized in the Jordan River. John knew that Jesus was without sin, and so he thought Jesus did not need baptism. When Jesus explained that even the Savior must be baptized, John went down into the water and baptized Him. When Jesus came out of the water, John saw the Holy Ghost come to the Savior and heard Heavenly Father's voice bearing witness of His Beloved Son. 8. Following the Last Supper, Jesus and His Apostles went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus went off by Himself to pray. He knew that the time had come for Him to suffer for the sins of the world. He prayed that He might not have to experience such suffering but told Heavenly Father that He would do the Father's will. Jesus prayed more earnestly, and He sweat great drops of blood as He atoned for our sins. Jesus had asked Peter, James, and John to wait nearby and watch while He prayed, but they were unable to stay awake. When Jesus finished praying, He came to them and told them that He was about to be taken away by wicked men.

5. After eating the Last Supper, Jesus poured water into a basin. He then washed the Apostles' feet and dried them with a towel. Jesus explained that He had done this to teach them that they were to serve others.

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