Lourdes Capilitan (1-15) 95theses

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95 Theses


The Cluetrain Manifesto  95 Theses 

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Vertsol  9/21/2009  OOB  Maria Lourdes C Capilitan  De la Salle – College of Saint Benilde  Submitted to: Sir Paul Pajo 

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


Abstract This paper is composed of different reactions to different topics of the book The Cluetrain Manifesto. The first fifteen theses on the book will be discussed. There is some internet based information based from the research conducted. This compilation is about the market, conversations, environment of the business, and so much more. This is for the people to get idea and be aware of what is happening around the business industry, somehow it can be guidelines to them whenever they see same situations like in the book. Lastly, this paper also discusses the effect of the innovations in the business industry.


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


1. Markets are conversation Market is a public place where buyers and sellers make transactions, directly or via intermediaries. Also sometimes means the stock market. Conversation is the act or an instance of talking together; specif., familiar talk; verbal exchange of ideas, opinions, etc. Conversation is very powerful because through this we develop our self and our relationship to others. It is one way of learning and discovering not just for profit or for some purposes. Through conversation we get to know the people we are talking. People Talk and gather in a place that’s how we become marketers with or without intentions at all we tend to recommend something specially if we are satisfied to the product or service. The art of conversation results to either good or bad conversation. Good conversation leads to a deal contract and because it might changes life and helps us to interrelate to one another while bad conversation because it might result of having enemies and worst impressions. In the business industry it is a must to create a conversation between companies and market because by this way you can have your clients and it is a method to introduce your company to the industry. We become effective marketers when we receive their feedback of subscription to our product/service. We only have to improve how we deliver spontaneously our words so that we will catch the attention of the market. Lastly, the sum of market and effective conversation is the profit of the company. We just have to remember that “Markets are nothing more than conversations.” References: http://www.yourdictionary.com/conversation http://www.investorwords.com/2962/market.html Markets Are Conversations by Doc Searls and David Weinberger

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


2. Markets are consist of human beings, not demographic sector Demographic means a portion of a population, especially considered as consumers. Demographic Sectors sets limitations according to category of life like by age, gender, status, etc. Also it is the characteristics and statistics of human population: the characteristics of a human population or part of it, especially its size, growth, density, distribution, and statistics regarding birth, marriage, disease, and death Market and Demographic Sector do not belong to only one world. Giving a limit to the market does not help each one of us to be competitive enough to be successful. Market represents each one of us not only to the people who have more qualities to survive the industry. Markets are consists of different people every type of people are one of the reasons why the market exist. Giving a limit means losing a chance to be in part of the constant change in the market. The more we focus on a specific demographic sector the more chances that we lose the value of the society. Human beings are not objects. We must give importance to one another because we need one another to survive. People might not practice the same religion, beliefs and understanding but it should not be a hindrance to success. For the business industry having demographic sector as a basis to a market will definitely change the status of the economy. Letting demographic sector be impose to the society will be a problem for the consumers because their prices will surely depends on the sector that suites the product/service.     References:  Dictionary.com 


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


3. Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice. It is about direct relation to your customer than online. It is better to know the person than being a just stranger. Some commonly use today are the internet technology where we can have an easy access to one another wherever we are in the world, In this technology of conversations there are negative effects than personal conversations. The different kind of internet website like blog, multiply and facebook.etc. With this kind of conversations, we don’t know whose people online. Unlike personal conversations, We have enough time to give full information and show the advantages of our products to another product. Selling is nowadays about speaking with a human voice. It’s about Integrity. It’s about find out what you have in common with your customer or client. Everyone’s voice is very important when it comes to the promoting of our product. Our client give their time for listening in our words, so that when we sell our product make it sure that our product are full of features that no false words are came in our voice. Successful selling are not the skills, but setting an objective for what you want to achieve. It is not important of what are the positive words we can deliver to our customers. The important is what is in our product. We must value our reputation, not for the selling of our product. Our words are very important, once that the customers found that we sell a defective things, it can give a bad image for us. Go with the positive way and make them satisfied with what you’re promoted. References: None

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


4. Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.

People do not just show their emotions. People do not talk as if it is a speech but instead it is impromptu. They always listen whatever the words they hear. But then for those who didn’t understand the meaning of the said word it is difficult for them to understand the true meaning of any opinions or arguments they made. Even the pointless opinion people will still listen and give their explanation to the situation. People understand everything unless they are not willing to take the message from another person.

Definitely we express it as real. Being expressive and frank might not be a good image for a person because a lot of people misinterpret it. The good effect of being frank is that people will know you for being so true to self. In business industry, being good in conversation is a big advantage for us because it can pass the full information of something and it can also give our true character to our clients. People will respect us because of being true to self without their hesitations to have a commitment to us. This kind of attitude should be apply to the industry. People tend not to be true to self because of their fear of others not to accept their self. It is better to say what we want than to show it on actions because there are people who are slow learner. We should remember that hiding your true self is not a good idea so just be your self people will be proud if you do so.

References: None

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


5. People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice.

There are a lot form of communication. These are Symbolic and Written Forms of Communication, Verbal Communication, Body Language, and Digital or Electronic Forms of Communication. Verbal communication is also one of the oldest forms of communication and it too dates back to the times of early humans where sounds such as grunts, groans, and other guttural sounds, at different volumes or inflections, indicated friendly communication or a threat or warning to stay away from food or belongings. As is the case with the development of writing, our verbal communication has progressed and has become as we know it today. Recognizing a person is one of the reason how the employees will be motivated and be productive to their work. If the person is recognize vocally not through text, email, and mail there are more possible way that people will appreciate more and you will receive their loyalty to you. The verbal communication shows how we feel, we react, and we respond to the words that we accept. People wants to receive positive compliments from the people around him/her. Nobody wants to receive negative compliments specially if there’s no reason to say that. The affirmation of one another help each one of us to know the good side of us and it only shows that you can accept each differences of everyone. This affirmation means that the people admire you the way they know your true self. Affirmations are defined as positive declarations, statements or judgments. When you state an affirmation, you declare that statement as being true.

References: www.wingsfortheheart.com/Free_Affirmations_Ebook.pdf


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


6. The interest is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply not possible

in the era of mass media.

A related form of communication is through mass media. This is paradoxically both public and private communication. It is available to the public, but consumed more often in the confines of the home. Thanks to the advancement of technology in the last century new methods of mass communication have grown dramatically. Before the late 19th century, there was only the printed word to convey information to the masses. Since then, the world has seen the invention of radio, television, and most recently the internet. One of the most powerful means of communicating ideas is through the use of mass media. In contemporary cultures, the advent of mass media has created an important means of discussing, shaping, and reflecting the values and behaviors of each culture. Mass media is one of the powerful tools in marketing strategies. In so many cases, it can create a trademark in the mind of customers that the product shows it’s important in their daily lives. But then it can’t give a full information and features of the product. Unlike the internet like blog and twitter, etc or personal conversation. We can’t reply immediately for our comments and suggestion. In the internet immediate response can receive in seconds, personal meetings can have a full communication, regarding with the products. Limitations are applied in everywhere. Anything can help for so many strategies that can deliver to the viewers for promotion must be applied. Mass media is a very expensive type of marketing strategy. But then, it has so many disadvantages in marketing strategies. For some reasons, it can only promoting the product in seconds. Unlike in the personal conversations, we have enough time in explaining and exploring our product. That the customers can see how the product can can make them satisfied.

References: http://www.lcc.gatech.edu

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy

Hyperlinks means to follow a hypertext link to an electronic document or file. Subvert means to destroy completely or ruin. Hierarchy means A body of clergy organized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above. Also it is a body of persons having authority and Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status. the inspiring thing about hypertext is that you’re not constrained to follow text in a linear fashion. Upon encountering a hyperlink of interest, you can click to another point in the document or to another document altogether… and another, and another. Hypertext removes constraints upon the order in which ideas are accessed, read, or even finished before proceeding to the next. It does not identify whether the market or the person is higher than you. Interconnections of one another might forget the limitations of what we should act. People tend not to pay respect because for them it is more important that you have shared your good and best ideas than to know the real source of the document. People ignore what you have done because maybe for them the information you have is more important than you. It can overcome by having/implementing equality on the society. We should not allow that our hierarchy will be destroying just because of pride and what we heard from others. Knowing the history, the founder, the purpose of each document specially in the market is one of the most lessons that you must first learn.

References: Dictionary.com http://brothermaynard.missionaltribe.org

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   



8. In both internetworked markets and among intranetworked employees, people are

speaking to each other in a powerful new way.

Market before is about gathering of people in one place exchanging materials with values. Today, we can find market anywhere even through the internet and intranet. Internet Marketing is an all-inclusive term for marketing products and/or services online – and like many all-inclusive terms, Internet marketing means different things to different people. While the intranet have more than 75 percent of all web servers currently being installed are for intranet purposes, and the market for intranet applications, platforms and related technology is substantially outstripping that for the public Internet and indeed all other IT areas. The advantage of internet worked markets is that it is expose to the public and it will help them on their promotion of product. While the disadvantage of it is that it is too much exposed and it might cause a problem. This problem that will encounter are viruses and hackers. This problem will effect to the system. The documents might be stolen, security locks, and security details. The system of the company might possibly crash. The advantage of intranet worked markets is it’s given to limited people only. The disadvantage of it is it have lesser chance of being known to the public which is one factor of success in a company. It might increase company’s consumer/user but not like the number of consumers in a company who uses internet worked market. Both internet and intranet worked market is powerful because they have different forms of how the market interact to them and how they will reach consumers. They have the same goal and purpose. People are confident enough to introduce their product/service with this form of market. References: http://sbinfocanada.about.com http://www.numotion.net

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


9. These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social organization and knowledge exchange to emerge. Social Organization means of the people in a society considered as a system organized by a  characteristic pattern of relationships. Also, it is the structure of social relations within a group, usually  the relations between its subgroups and institutions.      We all know that the network conversations is about the connectivity of each other and  by this  kind of network we can create new organization because from time to time people change because of  the environment. People exchange ideas and we learn from it, it is just a cycle that routine around us.  This network is also a learning process, we show our knowledge from some sort of topic and give way to  the people who cannot understand it, explains it well,  give its purpose and foresee the result.   Modernization occur, people change, people tend to depend on technology but people don’t stop on  what they learn. They will never stop searching for the new topic, knowledge, and discovery.  From the  peoples brain storming of ideas something new will be a product. It will be good effect for the business  but for some other people who do not have the money to expense like technologies, don’t appreciate  the improvement it will be just a waste of time.       This social organization from network conversations might give life to some people. It might be  lost for some. But it is important that new set of people, things, and belief is coming to us for the new  generation of the world.  We just have to take care of what we have.      References: 

http://dictionary.reference.com http://www.ask.com/web?q=dictionary%3A+social+organization&content=wordnet|150267&o= 0&l=dir


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


10. As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally. There are new organizations coming out, new set of trends, technology, security, etc. Etc., because of some apathy of people, they learn from their mistakes and people let the others to know it. Mistakes from this kind of brand were easily taught to everyone. Markets are getting smarter because they don’t want to be trick by others. I read an article that says “Those who are smart can achieve much more – with much less effort – than those just work hard”. If you are not smart enough to find ways to get what you want, you cannot survive the outside world. It is just a matter of ability and knowledge that work at the same time. action People become more informed because there are a lot of ways to tell everybody about some topic. People use social networking sites and because of that the whole members of the site will know what lessons you’ve learned. Markets and consumers don’t want to be ignorant of what is happening on the surrounding. Market become attentive so that in the end you will not be blame of what happened. You will not be blind on what is happening, you will not be like unintelligent for some reason. It is better to be informed that not. The importance of being organized is that you will not be scrambling, there will no be stress. Etc., but in the market if we apply the same methods we will not be meeting problems such as loss documents, bills and slips. If things will be organized in the market it is surely that the people will also be like that. There might be slight problems but not in the sense that it will affect a lot in the company.

References: http://www.lifeoptimizer.org


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


11. People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products. Market becomes so aware for people who just sell their information. They now believe on each other that are in the same field than to others who just wants money. Rhetoric means the art of speaking or writing effectively. It is the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times. Also, the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion. While the commoditized products means a product that cannot be significantly differentiated from competitors' products. People from a company just believe more for the people within their area because than those people who are paid for giving information to them because they know what information to have, what strategic planning will do, and how it will be implemented. Using too much corporate rhetoric or just being effective to convince about the products that will be launch. This kind of method will not just help the company to grow but also their people. It teaches them to multi-task on their field. Being formal to the market is also a key to get the agreement but it is also important about the facts of each materials. In reality, being too corporate might not lead to what we intentionally want. It is much better to talk to the people you know from the start and get a tip to what you should discuss on dealing to the products and its owner. We should remember too much usage of what you know might insult your clients and this might lead to damage of your reputation. Yes, it is good to talk and sound like being rhetoric but too much is not good.

References: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary http://en.mimi.hu/marketingweb


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


12. There are no secrets. The networked market shows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. As I discussed before the market is a gathering of people. It is a 100% assurance that there will be no secrets that will not be revealed because people can’t just hide and keep secrets. From time to time people will talk and spread your secrets. Even they say it is just between you and him/her only. Later on you will find out that the whole world knew about your secrets and you are the only person not knowing that everyone surrounding on you knows your secret. For the business industry having a secret will be like a bomb to your company. People will really take advantage of the revelation of your secret because it is their opportunity to destroy the name and reputation of your company. Specially here in the Philippines, everyone is gossiping even if you are a male/female. It is their life to destroy or to bring up the name of your company. Everyone is related to one another and because of that, in a blink of an eye your secrets will be known to the world. From the day that your company releases your product, the evaluation of the people will be soon publish everywhere. This kind of strategy is always present to the society. They will not stop searching for any errors that you commit. From our saying, “There’s no secret that will not be revealed”. They will not be bothered if you will get hurt or not. If you deal to a company and you do a perfect job to them. They will recommend you and the market will recognize what you have done and that will be the start of the growth of your company. Reference: None


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   



13. What’s happening to markets is also happening among employees. A metaphysical construct called “the company” is the only thing standing between the two. Methaphysics means a branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate structure and constitution of reality. Metaphysics is a type of philosophy or study that uses broad concepts to help define reality and our understanding of it. Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements of reality which are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life. As such, it is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses. Metaphysics, therefore, uses logic based on the meaning of human terms, rather than on a logic tied to human sense perception of the objective world. Metaphysics might include the study of the nature of the human mind, the definition and meaning of existence, or the nature of space, time, and/or causality. The company is the reason why you will be popular from the industry. The company you represents is one key to easily access to the outside world. From the company and its connection to the market it is really unfair that the employees was looked as if they are what their companies are. If you belong to a company that is really high class, the people around you will surely give you a v.i.p(very important person) treatment. You will be treated as if you are an executive. There is a good and bad effect to it. The good effect is that there’s no worry to have access to what you want but thee bad effect it that just one mistake in the market the company will be in big trouble. People always represents where they came from so we better take care of our reputation not to be ruined.       References: 

http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com http://www.pbs.org

 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   


14. Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked conversations. To their intended online companies sound hollow, flat, literally inhuman. Companies will not really show the real them if they are with this audience. Like corporations they are one of the top company to the country, they will not be in that place without consumers help. As you compare the corporations to the newly network conversations/companies they uses different type of language. For the newly companies they will give the best and will give all the promotion and advertisement just for the public to get know their product. For the companies who are in the long run they are familiar to the environment of the business industry, they know which is just making fun to them or really wants their service. Companies are really being too strict with their partnership and the security of their company is at stake if they immediately grab the employee or the offer of another company. They know the real business and if they don’t they will not be in that position. They will look at you as if you are not belong to their level. It is just part of reality. If you do not have access to them they might ignore you and just be as cruel as they can. It is not just for something, it is for their security and is understandable. They might thought you are one of their competitors secret agent to spy on their system, management, or how they become successful. People might misunderstand what they are doing but it is just part of the company’s policy to protect their name.

References: None


 Running Head: Reaction to 95 theses   



15. In just a few more years, the current homogenized ”voice” of business- the sound of mission statements and brouchers- will seen as contrived and artificial as the language of 18th century French court.

Homogenized is formed by blending unlike elements especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance. The 18th century is the time of change is also the age of enlightenment. Contrived means Obviously planned or calculated; not spontaneous or natural; labored. A mission statement is a brief description of a company's fundamental purpose. A mission statement answers the question, "Why do we exist?" The mission statement articulates the company's purpose both for those in the organization and for the public. When you combine all this meanings to a one thought it will not be the type of business that we experiences today. The business industry with this kind of environment that will surely effect the society. It is difficult to follow the rules if it is the same as in the 18th century because by that time their freedom is not really with the society. We should not be in the old system but instead we should just know how to follow and take care of our rules. It is not right to be in that position again. It is fine if the fashion statement by that time will come back but not the law and in the business industry. There might be some part that it has good effect but we should consider that dealing to the new trend of business is not easy enough. If that time comes we should be prepare and accept the consequences, the advantage and disadvantage of it. Our world is at risk if that time will come.


http://www.thefreedictionary.com http://www.dictionary.com http://sbinfocanada.about.com

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