Lost 5.03 - The Sixth Sense

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  • Words: 11,109
  • Pages: 52
L O S T "The Sixth Sense" A Miles-Centric Episode

Episode 5.02

Guest Starring Sam Anderson as Bernard Nadler L. Scott Caldwell as Rose Nadler Skeet Ulrich as Baker James Badge Dale as Jordan Rhona Mitra as Sonia Belle Francois Chau as Pierre Chang Lance Reddick as Matthew Abaddon

INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM - DAY Two NURSES frantically set a Chinese BOY’s body down on a hospital bed while the DOCTOR slips his hands into a pair of latex gloves. Meanwhile, a third nurse ushers the MOTHER and FATHER out of the room. NURSE #3 Please! Please, you need to go out there. We will alert as soon anything happens! I promise! Nurse #3 tries her best to politely shove the Mother and Father out of the room. They finally obey and exit the room while the Doctor turns to his nurses. DOCTOR What do we got here? NURSE #1 Eight-year-old trauma victim. He was hit by an SUV while riding his bike. He’s been out cold for at least eight minutes. DOCTOR (nods) Alright. Get me some defibrillator pads stat. Nurse #2 turns around and grabs a pair of defibrillator pads. She brings the machine closer to the Boy’s bed and starts it. As the Doctor takes a hold of the pads, Nurse #2 applies some kind of gel to them. The Doctor rubs the two pads together as he eyes the Boy’s heart rate monitor. It’s starting to flatline. DOCTOR (CONT’D) Okay. Give me some room here! The three nurses back away as the Doctor leans over the Boy’s body and presses the pads against his chest. He nods his head and Nurse #1 presses a button on the defibrillator machine. A shock is sent through the machine into the pads and into the Boy’s body. BOOM! The Boy’s torso jolts up, but drops back down onto the bed. The Doctor pulls the pads away from the Boy’s chest and rubs them against one another again. Taking a deep breath, he presses them against the Boy’s chest once more and looks towards his nurse.




DOCTOR (CONT’D) Again! Nurse #1 presses the button on the machine a second time. Again, the Boy’s body lifts up in shock, but nothing happens. He falls back onto the bed, lifeless and silent. The Doctor sets the defibrillator pads down and presses his hands against the Boy’s chest. He begins pumping up and down on the Boy’s chest, but the heart rate monitor doesn’t change. A second later, a long, drawn out beep echoes from the machine. The Doctor stops pounding on the Boy’s chest and just stares at the heart rate monitor. A long, straight, narrow line strikes the screen while the number ’0’ is written above it. The Doctor shakes his head and lowers his face mask. DOCTOR (CONT’D) Call it. NURSE #3 Miles Au-Yeung. Time of death -4:24 p.m. The Doctor sighs and exits the room. FOCUS on little MILE’s lifeless body as it lays silently on the bed. Nurse #1 takes the defibrillator pads and moves the machine away from the bed while Nurse #2 begins to take the IVs out of his body. We hear sobs and moans coming from outside the room. Miles’ parents have just found out what happened to their son. CLOSE IN on Mile’s eye as it suddenly SNAPS OPEN and he gasps. The three nurses are taken aback by Miles’ sudden resuscitation and reel back in fear. Breathing heavily and gasping for air, Miles grabs at his chest and stares around him in awe. The Doctor rushes back into the room with the Mother and Father in toe. He has a shocked look on his face as he watches Miles’ parents run towards him and lock him up in an embrace. The Mother and Father continue crying as they embrace their son. Miles holds onto them tightly as they mutter inaudible words to him. Miles looks around in confusion at everyone around him.


FROM MILES’ POV The three nurses and the Doctor gawk at him with surprise and confusion. None of them can seem to comprehend what just happened. Behind them, at the doorway, we can see two blurry figures -- SHADOWS. We can’t make out exactly what they look like, but they have a human form to them. As they get closer and closer, we begin to see what they really are -- humans. However, they appear pale and disjointed as they reach toward Miles. He closes his eyes and we’re left with nothing but... FADE TO BLACK. ...a black screen. In the background we hear incomprehensible whispers. At first it is quiet, but with each passing second, they get louder and louder and louder till... FADE TO: BLACK SCREEN - TITLE SEQUENCE We see the word "LOST" floating towards the black screen, tilted sideways. We pass through the "O" and... FADE TO: EXT. JUNGLE - GROVE - NIGHT (END FLASHBACK) A campfire. Small, but hot enough to keep everyone warm. Sitting around it are SAWYER, JULIET, and MILES. They are sitting in the middle of a grove with their hands to the fire. It’s been several hours since they escaped the attack on the beach and they all look exhausted. Sawyer sits shirtless on a log while Miles sits to the side of him on top of a rock. On the other side of the fire, Juliet’s shoulder is in a makeshift sling made from Sawyer’s shirt. CLOSE IN on Miles. His eyes are fixated on the small fire before him. His arms are folded across his chest and he’s sitting on a large rock. MILES (suddenly) What’s the plan now, geniuses? Juliet looks up at Miles with a shred of contempt while Sawyer remains mesmerized by the flame.




JULET I suggest we keep moving. Whoever attacked us will find our fire sooner or later. MILES Where would we move to then? JULIET We find Ben just like we planned. MILES I don’t think that’s a good idea. Juliet smirks at Miles then turns to Sawyer. He has a blank expression on his face as he stares down at the bundle of twigs burning in front of him. JULIET What do you think, James? Snapped out of his trance, Sawyer looks up at Juliet who’s smiling back at him. SAWYER W-What? JULIET Should we look for Ben or stay put? MILES I didn’t say we stay put! I think we should find the others. They might still be alive! SAWYER I-I don’t know. MILES What do you mean you don’t know? Just pick one! Sawyer angrily jumps to his feet and socks Miles across the face. Miles falls backwards and lands on his back in the grass. Sawyer leaps on top of him and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. He reels his hand back for another punch, but stops. MILES (CONT’D) That’s the last time I’m saving your ass!




Sawyer’s fist shakes in midair as he glares at Miles. He shakes his head angrily and drops his fist. Clutching Miles’ shirt with both hands, he pulls Miles’ faces closer to his. SAWYER Everyone I cared about just died on your boat! Miles’ face contorts into a look of confusion. MILES W-W-Wait. What? Letting go of Miles’ collar, Sawyer drops his head to the ground and climbs back up to his feet. SAWYER Just shut your mouth and stay put. Wiping the spit from his lips, Sawyer sits back down on his log and stares back at the campfire. Sitting up, Miles eyes him and notes the despair in his eyes. MILES I’m sorry... SAWYER Whatever! Juliet glances at both men then sighs. JULIET If the two of you are done arguing, I’d like to get moving. She stands up and waits for either Sawyer or Miles to follow suit. Neither of them move, however. Annoyed, Juliet walks around the campfire and grabs Sawyer with her free hand. JULIET (CONT’D) Listen, you can sit here and mope all you want about your dead friends, but this was your plan in the first place and I’m sticking to it! Now, are you going to come help me find Ben or are you just gonna sit here and cry? Sawyer glares at Juliet menacingly. His clenches his fists and swallows, but nothing happens. Shaking his head, he stands up and keeps his eyes on Juliet.




SAWYER We find Rose and the others first. Juliet stares back at Sawyer then nods. JULIET Fine. Let’s find them then. Suddenly, the loud barking of a dog fills the ears of the trio. They all look around in search of the source until Vincent runs out from behind the trees and over to Miles. Miles pets his head as Vincent licks him across the face. ROSE (O.S.) Oh, thank God! Sawyer, Juliet, and Miles all turn and see Rose as she pushes through the trees and bushes. Behind her is Bernard followed shortly by Charlotte. Bernard smiles as he sees Sawyer and Juliet across from him. BERNARD Are you guys alright?! Sawyer and Juliet nod. JULIET Yes, we’re okay. Was it only the three of you that made it out? A sad look falls on Rose’s face as she slightly nods. ROSE I think so. We haven’t run into anybody else. Sawyer shakes his head in disappointment. ROSE (CONT’D) What’s going on, guys? I still don’t understand what is happening... JULIET I don’t think any of us do, Rose. CHARLOTTE Who were those people? JULIET No idea.




BERNARD Are you sure it wasn’t the Others? JULIET (nods) I’m sure. ROSE (shakes her head) I’m scared, Juliet. I wanna know what’s going on. JULIET We all do, Rose. That’s why we have to find Ben and Locke. CHARLOTTE Are you sure Ben even knows what’s happening? Juliet shoots Charlotte a knowing glance. JULIET Isn’t that why you’re after him in the first place? Charlotte doesn’t say anything in return. She looks down at the campfire as Juliet turns away from her. JULIET (CONT’D) Alright. I think it’s safe to say we’re all in agreement, right? No one says a word. SAWYER (sighs) We find Ben and Locke then. INT. THE TEMPLE - ENTRANCE CORRIDOR - NIGHT LOCKE and RICHARD stand side by side at the entrance of the Temple. Behind them are three Others -- ROBERT, QUENTIN, and ASHLEY. The rest of the Others are gone, taken shelter inside the Temple. As he eyes the three Others left to his leadership, Locke turns to Richard. LOCKE Are you sure they should come along? It might be dangerous.




RICHARD (nods) They can handle it, John. They’re not children. LOCKE But-RICHARD There is a whole slew of dangers present out there now, John. We’re going to need help if we’re going to track down Jacob’s Cabin. Locke looks back at Robert, Quentin, and Ashley. The three of them are standing still and staring back at Locke with oblivious yet ready looks on their faces. LOCKE (nods) Okay then. Let’s get going then. Locke turns around to the open entrance door, but Richard stops him. He grabs Locke by the shoulder, prompting Locke to turn around. RICHARD You’re going to need this. Richard reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. He takes Locke’s hand and opens it. He sets something in Locke’s palm and closes Locke’s fingers over it. LOCKE What’s this? Locke looks down at his hand. CLOSE IN on a small, rusted, golden compass. RICHARD A compass. To help you find your way. Richard down at around. then by

flashes Locke a kind smile as Locke remains staring the compass. Palming it, he nods and turns back Heading out the Temple, he is followed by Richard the three Others.


INT. CELL - NIGHT Daniel is sitting in the corner of his room. There’s a tray of food in front of him, but it simply sits there untouched. Daniel stares blankly at the ceiling until he hears the door creak to life. Facing the door, he sees SONIA -- the MYSTERIOUS WOMAN. She shuts the door behinds her and walks over to Daniel. She notices he hasn’t eaten his food and picks it up off the floor. SONIA Not hungry? DANIEL (shakes his head) No... SONIA Fine. Sonia holds the tray up with one hand and extends her other hand down to Daniel. He looks at it quizzically as if asking what he’s supposed to do with it. SONIA (CONT’D) My name is Sonia Belle. I’m a security agent for the DHARMA Initiative. Daniel looks up at Sonia’s lapel. Her name is there under the emblem of the Initiative. Underneath it in smaller font is the word ’SECURITY’. Looking at Sonia, Daniel shakes her hand. SONIA (CONT’D) I want you come upstairs with me. I have someone who wants to meet you very much. DANIEL (confused) Who? SONIA You’ll see. Turning around, Sonia opens the door and holds it for Daniel. Reluctantly, he walks past Sonia and heads into...


INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT ...the corridor outside. He looks around and sees he is encircled on all sides by solid concrete walls. The door to his cell shuts behind him as Sonia escorts him up the stairs. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The cries of a shoulder as he back is turned baby continues sleep.

baby. We see a MAN holding a baby up on his sways back and forth across the window. His to us so we are unable to see his face. The to cry even as the Man tries to hush him to SONIA (O.S.)

Professor? The Man turns around and we are finally face to face with... PIERRE CHANG. He is dressed in ordinary clothing, not the white lab coats we’re used to seeing him in. Chang motions for Sonia to be quiet as she enters the living room. Past her stands Daniel, quiet and timid as he hangs back. CHANG This is him? SONIA (nods) Yes. CHANG (nods) Alright. You can go now. SONIA Yes, sir. Sonia turns and nods to Daniel as she heads to the front door and opens it. Daniel watches her leave as Chang takes a step towards him. CHANG Hello, Daniel. DANIEL How-How do you know my name? CHANG (pointing backwards) Sonia told me all about you.




DANIEL Oh... CHANG My name is Pierre Chang. He extends his hand for a shake. Daniel takes it. CHANG (CONT’D) I work for DHARMA. Daniel nods, but doesn’t say anything. Chang pulls a chair out from a desk and slides it over to him. CHANG (CONT’D) (motioning) Please, take a seat. Daniel hesitantly sits down and looks up at Chang as he pats his baby son on the back. He’s still crying. CHANG (CONT’D) You’re gonna have to excuse my son. He’s been sick. He hasn’t had much time to sleep so he’s cranky. DANIEL I-It’s fine. Chang smiles back at him and nods. CHANG Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something that intrigued me. DANIEL About me? CHANG (nods) Yes. Chang walks over to a drawer against the wall and slides the top one open. He reaches inside and pulls out Daniel’s notebook. He shows it to Daniel and hands it back to him. CHANG (CONT’D) You have a lot of interesting stuff written in there. DANIEL I-I guess so...




Chang sighs and stares at Daniel. His kind, friendly visage suddenly transforms into a stern expression. CHANG Alright, Daniel. I-I think it’s useless to go through the pleasantries so-so... (beat) Tell me, how do you everything that’s written in your notebook? Daniel looks up at Chang with a confused stare. His mouth hangs open, but he doesn’t say a thing. CHANG (CONT’D) How do you know all of what’s in that book? DANIEL I-I don’t know... EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT FOLLOW Miles as he trails behind the group as they march through the jungle. He is several steps behind the others. Charlotte is the only one walking alongside him. CHARLOTTE Who do you think those people were? MILES Weren’t we warned about the Hostiles? CHARLOTTE I figured by Hostiles, they meant the survivors of 815. MILES (shrugs) Well, who knows? I sure as hell don’t. Charlotte looks forward and watches as Sawyer and Juliet lead the group through the jungle. CHARLOTTE If we find Ben and Locke, do you think they’ll really help us.




MILES (shrugs) They’re both nutcases, but who knows? If these guys are willing to find ’em then by all means I’m with ’em. CHARLOTTE Just a few hours ago you wanted to have nothing to do with these people. Miles chuckles and eyes Charlotte. MILES Well if they’re gonna get me answers then I’m gonna follow ’em like a rabbit to a carrot. (beat) Don’t you want answers too? CHARLOTTE Of course I do, but not if it’s gonna get me killed! MILES Then you better stay close. Suddenly, a loud ROAR emanates throughout the jungle. The entire group spins around, searching for the source of the sound. Miles and Charlotte’s faces transform into confused looks. SAWYER C’mon! We gotta run! Miles turns to see Sawyer scurrying off further into the jungle. Juliet, Rose, and Bernard follow him without a second thought, leaving Miles and Charlotte to stand there together. The two comrades trade expressions of curiosity and confusion as another roar booms through the night air. CHARLOTTE Miles, let’s go. Miles turns to Charlotte and nods. The two of them hurry off after Sawyer and the others as the sound of falling trees tears through the jungle. A set of trees to their right collapses as the MONSTER reveals itself with a menacing roar. Miles’ eyes widen in fright as he sprints after Charlotte in the group’s direction.




A few yards ahead of Miles and Charlotte, Sawyer and the others are still running. Rose seems to be losing breath as she winds back and forth through the trees. Bernard puts a helping hand on her shoulder and helps her along across the jungle. Ahead of them, Sawyer and Juliet are still sprinting away from the Monster. Suddenly, they hear the roar of the Monster dissipate. Stopping in their tracks, Sawyer and Juliet turn and look around in confusion. SAWYER Is it gone? JULIET I hope so. Rose and Bernard hobble over to them as they try to catch their breaths. JULIET (CONT’D) Are you two alright? BERNARD (nods) I think so. (to Rose) Are you fine, Honey? ROSE (coughs) Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’ll be okay. Juliet nods and put a comforting hand on Rose’s shoulder. She pats Bernard on the back as she looks into the darkness of the jungle. SAWYER Where’d Ginger and Jackie Chan go? JULIET I don’t know. She hears the sound of heavy breathing getting closer and closer until... Charlotte breaks through the bushes in front of her and drops to her knees. Breathing heavily and loudly, Charlotte looks up at Juliet with a look of relief. CHARLOTTE Thank God. What was that thing? Juliet reaches down and helps Charlotte to her feet.




JULIET A security system. Designed to protect the Island. SAWYER What? A security system? JULIET Yes. A highly advanced security system. CHARLOTTE Designed by DHARMA? JULIET Most likely. Charlotte catches her breath and nods as she wipes the dirt from her pants. Looking around, she notices Miles isn’t with her anymore. CHARLOTTE (whispers) Miles... Sawyer notices he is gone as well and looks at Charlotte with a puzzled expression. SAWYER Where’s your little friend? CHARLOTTE (shakes her head) I-I don’t know. He was-He was right behind me! Charlotte turns around and stares further into the dark jungle as the roar of the Monster escalates once more. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT Heavy breathing. Loud footsteps. Miles is still sprinting through the jungle. He doesn’t even bother to take a look behind him as he winds through trees and bushes. All he can think of is getting away from the sound of that monstrous ROAR. Suddenly, he trips and his face splatters on cold, wet ground. His face is covered in mud as he slowly looks up. Grunting, he climbs to his feet and wipes his face with the end of his shirt. As he continues to walk forward, Miles’ face begins to contort into a confused grimace.

16. FROM MILES’ POV A PIT. The rotting carcasses of animals lay in the pit covered in a mixture of straw, grass, blood, and mud. EXT. JUNGLE - MASS GRAVE - NIGHT Miles takes a step back as we WIDEN to reveal he is standing in the same spot as the pit the killed DHARMA Initiative members were thrown into by Ben and the Others. However, there are no human bodies in the pit. Only animals. Miles covers his mouth and nose with both hands as he steps away from the pit. Suddenly... we begin to hear WHISPERS. Miles spins around. His eyes shift in every direction as he tries to sort out the whispers. His eyes get wider and wider as the number of whispers continues to pile up. There are so many whispers now that it all sounds like a jumbled mess. Miles steps away from the pit, but his knees suddenly buckle and he drops to the ground. Sweat drips down his face as he grabs at his forehead. With his other hand, he stretches it out as if asking someone for a reprieve. His breathing gets heavier and he starts to crawl back as if trying to escape from something. However, it is futile as his body falls backwards and his eyes sink into the back of his head. INT. SHADY STORE - DAY (FLASHBACK) A young Miles -- probably eighteen or so -- wanders around a small, crowded shop. It is dimly lit and cramped with several shelves of odd objects sitting around. Miles’ eyes gaze back and forth across the room as he walks up to the front counter. He stands there and rings the bell in front of him. Seconds later, a HOODED WOMAN appears from behind a curtain of beads like a ghost. She looks up at Miles, but we are unable to see her face. It is shrouded by the shadows of her hood. HOODED WOMAN (in a British accent) I know you. MILES You do? HOODED WOMAN Your name is Miles. Miles furrows his brow at the Hooded Woman.




MILES Yeah, how’d you know? HOODED WOMAN You know how I know. That’s why you’re here. The Hooded Woman giggles to herself then waves for Miles to follow her. HOODED WOMAN (CONT’D) Come. The Hooded Woman pushes aside the curtain of beads and vanishes into the back room of her store. Hesitantly, Miles walks around the side of the counter and follows her into the back. INT. SHADY STORE - BACK ROOM - DAY Miles passes through the curtain of beads into an even darker room than the one he was just in. There is only one source of light in this room and it is a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. In the center of the small room is a circular, wooden table with two chairs on either side of it. The Hooded Woman walks over to it and pulls aside one chair for Miles and takes a seat on the other one. Miles follows suit and sits down across from her. MILES Y-You knew I was coming? HOODED WOMAN Of course I did. MILES How? HOODED WOMAN The same way I know about the things you’ve seen MILES W-What are you talking about? HOODED WOMAN Don’t try to hide it, Miles. You should embrace your gift. With a perplexed look on his face, Miles leans in and stares at the Hooded Woman.




MILES How do you know about that? HOODED WOMAN I know everything... about your past, present... and future. MILES Then tell me -- why do I have this-this ability? HOODED WOMAN Is that honestly why you came here, Miles? Miles seems reluctant to answer, but he nods. MILES Yeah. I wanna know why I have them. Why me? The Hooded Woman nods and reaches out for Miles’ hand. He licks his lips as he contemplates this. Sighing, he sets his left hand down in her palm and she clasps it tightly with both hands. HOODED WOMAN You’re special, Miles. I’ve been all around the world and I’ve never encountered someone like you -someone who could walk on both sides. MILES Walk on both sides? HOODED WOMAN You’ve passed through the veil, haven’t you? MILES I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, lady. What veil? HOODED WOMAN I think you know what I mean. Miles suddenly pulls his hand back, startling the Hooded Woman. She sighs and folds both hands on the table as Miles jumps to his feet.




MILES I’m outta’ here! Miles spins around and starts to leave, but... HOODED WOMAN Don’t you want to know your future, Miles? MILES Not really! Without turning back, Miles waves ’goodbye’ to the Hooded Woman and proceeds out the back room. HOODED WOMAN Are you sure you don’t want to know... how you help save the world? Miles suddenly stops dead in his tracks and turns around. He passes through the curtain of beads and stares at the Hooded Woman. MILES What did you say? HOODED WOMAN I’ve already seen your path, Miles. It’s quite a turbulent one. MILES You said I’d... save the world? HOODED WOMAN (nods) Yes, Miles. MILES What do you mean? HOODED WOMAN You’ll know when the time comes. MILES What’s that supposed to mean? The Hooded Woman stands up from her seat and walks around the table over to Miles. HOODED WOMAN Your purpose is to speak with Him.




MILES Who? A long, silent beat as Miles and the Hooded Woman look at one another eye-to-eye. HOODED WOMAN His name is Jacob. INT. HOUSE - BEDROOM - NIGHT (END FLASHBACK) A room. Dark and foggy. The only shred of light in the room is coming from the moonlight streaming in through the open curtains hanging across the window. On the bed lies a WOMAN with stringy hair covering her face. She lets out a slight cough as she tosses and turns in bed. Suddenly, yellow light pours into the room as the door creaks open. Entering the room are Pierre Chang and his baby son. Chang cradles the baby in his arms, softly singing to him as he walks him over to his crib. The crib is right beside the window, under the shining moonlight. Chang kisses his son’s forehead and quietly sets him in the crib. Reaching up, he closes the curtains and walks over to the Woman. He leans forward and pecks her cheek with a kiss. She stirs again, but doesn’t awaken. A concerned look sits on Chang’s face as he pulls the blanket more over the Woman’s body. After caressing her hair, Chang turns and exits the bedroom. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Daniel is sitting on a chair with his hands folded on his lap. He’s staring at the bookshelf against the wall across from him when Chang enters. He looks up and sees Chang walking towards him. CHANG Now that we’ve got some more privacy to ourselves, I have some more things to ask you. Chang takes a seat on the couch beside Daniel. DANIEL I-I’m sorry Professor, but I really don’t know... anything.




CHANG I find that hard to believe when you’ve got a notebook containing information that only a select few in the world know. DANIEL (beat) I-I-I have... memory problems. An intrigued look falls on Chang’s face. CHANG What do you mean? DANIEL S-Sometimes I forget things easily. Lose track of things. CHANG So you’re trying to say that it’s not that you don’t know how you got the information, but you don’t remember? DANIEL Uh... I-I guess. Yes. I guess so. Chang stares at Daniel as if trying to examine him. Suddenly, he stands up and goes over to his bookshelf. CHANG When I was going through your notebook, I noticed that you have a lot of information about... the Orchid. Chang reaches for a folder at the top of the bookshelf and pulls it down. He walks back over to the couch and sits down, staring at Daniel. CHANG (CONT’D) Information that you couldn’t possibly know. Chang flips open the folder and shows Daniel an x-ray photograph of what appears to be a small chamber. It looks like there is a wheel pinned sideways to a wall inside it. DANIEL What is this?




CHANG It took us over two weeks and a dozen different drill bits till we uncovered this. It’s underneath where we plan to build the Orchid. DANIEL W-What did you say? CHANG (nods) That’s right. The Orchid isn’t built yet. A look of astonishment crosses Daniel’s face. CHANG (CONT’D) That is why I’m so interested in how you know so much about something we haven’t even finished building. OFF Chang’s determined visage-EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT Sawyer, Juliet, Charlotte, Rose, and Bernard are still marching through the jungle. Sawyer has an angry look on his face while the others remain either worried or passive. Charlotte pushes a large branch out of her way as she walks over to Sawyer and Juliet. CHARLOTTE Where are we going? What about Miles?! Without stopping, Sawyer turns to Charlotte with a fierce expression and looks her in the eyes. SAWYER We’re goin’ to find Luke and Yoda! CHARLOTTE But Miles-SAWYER What about him?! He’s gone! Charlotte glares at Sawyer angrily and shakes her head in frustration.




CHARLOTTE You don’t know that! He could still be out there! SAWYER If you wanna find your friend so bad then why don’t you get to walkin’?! Juliet grabs Sawyer by the arm and tries to draw him away. With a consoling look on her face, she turns to Charlotte. JULIET I’m sure Miles is fine. He can make it out here on his own. CHARLOTTE I still think we should find him first! JULIET (shakes her head) Right now, our priority is finding Ben and Locke. Once we have our answers, then we can find Miles. Is that fine? CHARLOTTE No! Charlotte turns to Rose and Bernard then snaps back at Juliet and Sawyer. CHARLOTTE (CONT’D) If it was one of them, you’d go looking for them! JULIET That’s not-CHARLOTTE Don’t lie! You know you would! Juliet suddenly stops walking and slaps Charlotte across the face. Charlotte glares at her with ferocity and anger and swings her hand. Juliet catches her by the wrist and restrains her. JULIET (stern) If you want to find him, you’re more than welcome to do so.




By now, everyone has stopped walking and is staring at the two. Juliet releases Charlotte’s wrist and waits for a response. Without saying a word, Charlotte simply glares at Juliet. Cold, callous, unnerving -- Juliet stares back with a blank expression until... she notices blood. Dripping down Charlotte’s nose. Juliet’s face contorts into an expression of worry and confusion. JULIET (CONT’D) You’re nose... Charlotte can feel it too. She touches the area below her nose and above her mouth to feel blood stick to the tips of her fingers. She stares at her fingers in bewilderment as everyone around her wonders what’s happening. ROSE (whispers) Oh my God... Charlotte’s eyes suddenly widen as she drops to the ground. She can barely hold herself up as she digs her fingers into the dirt beneath her. Crouching down, Juliet switches into her role as a doctor and puts a comforting arm around Charlotte’s shoulders. JULIET Charlotte. Charlotte! Can you hear me? CHARLOTTE Y-Yeah... JULIET Try to stay with me, okay? Just breath and stay calm. Charlotte nods her head as Juliet helps her sit up. SAWYER What’s goin’ on? JULIET (shakes her head) I don’t know. ROSE It’s the same thing that happened to Bryan! Sawyer turns to her with a confused look on his face then looks back down at Charlotte. Her eyes have closed and her body is slumped against the tree. Juliet notices as well and tries to shake her away. (CONTINUED)



JULIET Charlotte! Charlotte! Goddammit! With her good hand, Juliet feels her person for something to help with. Looking up, she gazes helplessly at her companions. JULIET (CONT’D) Do any of you have water on you? Bernard reaches behind his back and unstraps a flask of water from his belt. BERNARD (hands Juliet the flask) Right here. JULIET What about a cloth or something I can use as a towel? Rose unwraps her bandanna from around her head and hands it to Juliet. JULIET (CONT’D) James, take that and hold it. SAWYER What? JULIET Just do it! Sawyer grabs the bandanna from Rose and holds it out as Juliet struggles to uncap Bernard’s flask. Once she has it open, she pours some water onto the bandanna and sets the flask on the ground. Taking the bandanna from Sawyer, she sets it on Charlotte’s forehead and puts her fingers to Charlotte’s neck. ROSE Is she still-JULIET (nods) She’s still breathing! SAWYER What’s happening to her?! JULIET I don’t know, James!


Juliet sighs and sets Charlotte down on her back with Sawyer’s help. CLOSE IN on Charlotte’s pale face. Blank, emotionless, empty. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT CLOSE IN on the COMPASS in Locke’s hand. It’s pointing him and his group south as they advance across the jungle. Locke is leading the pack with Richard beside him and the three Others following close behind. The three Others are each armed with a rifle while Locke and Richard visibly have guns on their holsters. LOCKE When you said that everybody on this Island is at risk, what did you mean? RICHARD Pardon? LOCKE Earlier, when your friend, Carson, died -- you said that everybody on this Island is now at risk. Richard looks at Locke out the corner of his eye and sighs. RICHARD When Ben moved the Island, he caused the exotic matter underneath the Orchid to discharge particles of itself across the Island. These particles of exotic matter are what allow the Island and its inhabitants to travel through time. (beat) I believe the people on this Island have been infected by these particles. LOCKE Infected? You make it sound like it’s some sort of disease. RICHARD (beat) It could be seen that way -- yes. When people are infected by these particles, they-they become... unstuck in time.




Locke turns to Richard with a perplexed and awe-struck stare. LOCKE Time travel? RICHARD (nods) Yes, John. Time travel. LOCKE (confused) I-I still don’t understand... How does this put us at risk exactly? RICHARD Time travel is not safe. Without a Constant, people who have become unstuck in time become unstable. Their bodies and their minds are unable to discern between past, present, and future and they eventually die. LOCKE Will this happen to me as well? RICHARD (nods) Yes, John. You are susceptible to it too. Locke’s face falls with despair and frustration. LOCKE Is there a way to stop it? RICHARD Find your Constant. ROBERT (O.S.) John! Richard! Locke and Richard suddenly stop and turn around. Robert, Quentin, and Ashley have deviated from their path. RICHARD What is it, Robert? Richard heads over to where the three Others are. Locke follows.


EXT. JUNGLE - MASS GRAVE - NIGHT Locke and Richard pass through an arch of trees. Richard walks over to Robert while Locke stops and stares in amazement. ROBERT We’ve found someone. Look. He points down at the MASS GRAVE where Miles’ body lies still. Locke, however, is already staring at it. Eyes wide and jaw dropped, Locke can’t believe what he’s seeing. LOCKE I-I-I’ve been here. RICHARD What? LOCKE This-This is where Ben left me for dead! RICHARD John? Locke takes a step forward and stares down into the pit. There are no dead bodies there; just animal carcasses and an unconscious Miles. LOCKE This isn’t right. There-There were bodies here! DHARMA! RICHARD I think I know when we are now. Hearing those words, Locke turns to Richard with a perplexed look on his face. INT. BUILDING - LOBBY - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Miles, dressed in a security guard’s uniform, slips into a jacket as he nods to another GUARD sitting by the front counter. The Guard nods back at him and smiles as Miles heads over to where he sits. MILES How’s it going, Bobby?




BOBBY (GUARD) Not too bad. Not too bad. Yourself? MILES (nods) Pretty good I guess. He sighs and zips up his jacket as he stares outside. It’s raining like hell. BOBBY Crazy weather, huh? MILES Yeah, I know. Just the other day it was so hot I couldn’t even breathe. BOBBY I hear ya, man. The two chuckle as Miles puts the hood of his jacket over his head. MILES Alright. I guess I’ll seeya later then, Bobby. Miles nods to him and starts for the front door. BOBBY Goodnight, Miles! MILES Goodnight! Miles pushes the door open and steps outside. EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Rain pelting his hooded head, Miles rushes to his car across the parking lot. It’s eerily dark outside. There are few streetlights illuminating the parking lot, but two of them are out. Miles hurries past the empty parking spots to a car sitting in the middle of the lot. As he nears the car, he pulls a ring of keys from his jacket pocket and finds his car keys. He’s about to stick the key into the keyhole of the driver’s side door when he accidentally drops it. He bends down to pick the keys up when he suddenly hears... ABADDON (O.S.) Hello, Miles.




Startled, Miles spins around and stares at MATTHEW ABADDON who is walking up the parking lot towards him. He’s in a large, heavy jacket with an umbrella shielding him from the rain. Miles stares at him incredulously as he walks up. MILES Who-Who are you? How do you know my name? ABADDON I’ve... been paying some attention to you, Miles. MILES What? Who are you? ABADDON My name is Matthew Abaddon. I’m a... corporate recruiter for Widmore Industries. Have you heard of us? MILES Widmore Industries? Yeah I’ve heard of you. What do you want? Abaddon finally reaches Miles and stops right before him. ABADDON Mr. Widmore is planning an expedition to an island somewhere in the Pacific. He’d like you to join. A puzzled look crosses Mile’s face. MILES Me? He wants me to go on an expedition to some island? ABADDON Yes. We’ve talked things through and we both think you’re the perfect man for the job. MILES H-How? I’m not the perfect man for anything. I’m not... special. ABADDON Oh, but you are, Miles. There are things on this island that require a man with your abilities. (CONTINUED)



Abaddon shoots Miles a knowing yet subtle look. Miles picks it up right away and furrows his brow at Abaddon. MILES What abilities? ABADDON Don’t lie to me, Miles. I know everything about you. Miles clenches his teeth and his fists as Abaddon glares intimidatingly at him. ABADDON (CONT’D) I know about the things you see, the people you talk to, the reason you’re here in LA. Everything. MILES You don’t know a thing about me. ABADDON I beg to differ, Mr. Au-Yeung. A beat as Mile’s face contorts into a bewildered grimace. MILES My name is Straume. Miles Straume! ABADDON I know you’ve been living a lie, Miles, and so do the people I work for. MILES I don’t care what you think you know! Miles shakes his head in frustration and turns to unlock his door. He opens it and begins to step in. MILES (CONT’D) You know what? I want you to go back to your boss and tell ’em I said he can blow me. Abaddon smiles impatiently at Miles and grabs the door as Miles gets in the car to close it. Miles glares up at him, but Abaddon doesn’t move. ABADDON I advise you to accept my offer, Miles. (CONTINUED)



(beat) A lot of people would pay to know where you are. It’d be a shame for me to waste that offer as well. Miles’ face suddenly drops. He lets go of the car door and just stares up at Abaddon who’s smiling down at him still. ABADDON (CONT’D) So, what do you say, Miles? Is it a deal? MILES (beat) H-How do I contact you? ABADDON Don’t worry about that. I’ll keep in touch. Miles averts his eyes from Abaddon and gulps. Abaddon smiles at him and quietly closes the door. Miles doesn’t even seem to notice Abaddon walking away as he grasps the steering wheel with both hands. A look of calm ferocity sits on his face as he stares out at nothing. Suddenly, the anger welling up inside him releases itself and he starts slamming his fists against the steering wheel. EXT. JUNGLE - MASS GRAVE - NIGHT (END FLASHBACK) CLOSE IN on Miles’ eye as it snaps open and shifts left and right. WIDEN to reveal Miles backing away as he stares at Locke, Richard, and the three Others. His hand slips and digs into the pile of animal carcasses he is laying on. Realizing where he is, Miles lets out a frightened yelp and climbs out of the pit. MILES W-What the hell? Miles wipes the dirt and dried blood on his clothes as he looks up at Locke. MILES (CONT’D) We’ve been lookin’ for you? Locke shoots him a confused look. LOCKE Who?




MILES Sawyer, that chick -- Juliet, and the others from the beach. Miles looks around and notices Ben isn’t with Locke. A confused squint appears on his face as he struggles to stand up. MILES (CONT’D) Where’s the big boss man? LOCKE (beat) Ben... is gone. Miles seems taken aback by this and tilts his head to the side as if listening to something closely. MILES You mean he’s left the Island? LOCKE (nods) Yes. MILES (scoffs) Guess everyone’s gonna be a bit disappointed when they find you then. LOCKE And why is that? MILES (sighs) They’re looking for answers. They figured Ben could provide them. LOCKE Answers to what? Miles stares at Locke incredulously as if Locke should already know what he’s talking about. MILES What was that purple light? Why are people just randomly dying? Stuff like that, y’know. Richard’s ears perk up at this and he takes a step forward.



34. RICHARD Your people are dying too? MILES (nods) Yeah. What about it? RICHARD (to himself) It must be more dangerous than I thought. MILES What are you talking about? LOCKE What do you mean more dangerous?

Richard looks up at Locke and Miles reluctantly and sighs. RICHARD Usually, when people become unstuck in time, it takes a while for them to... die. But if your people and our people are dying this quickly... then the discharge must’ve been much greater than I thought. Miles shakes his head and stares at Richard with confusion and annoyance. MILES What the hell are you talking about? RICHARD I’m talking about everyone on this Island dying! Miles tilts his head again and looks oddly at Richard. LOCKE Then we should get moving. MILES Moving where? LOCKE To find Jacob. Miles’ eyes widen as he turns to Locke with an astonished look. Locke notices the look and glares back at Miles.




LOCKE (CONT’D) What do you know, Miles? MILES (beat) I think I’m supposed to help you find Him. A perplexed expression crosses Locke’s face as he listens to Miles. Miles simply stares back at Locke as Locke remembers his compass. Opening up his palm, we see the compass head pointing east, right at Miles. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT A blue and white DHARMA van drives up a beaten path in the middle of the jungle. The path heads up a slight hill then comes to a stop several yards from where an unbuilt structure stands. The frame of the building is completed along with one wall, but the rest sits on the side as a pile of metal and wood. The doors to the DHARMA van open and BAKER and JORDAN hop out. Jordan slides the side door open and Chang steps out, followed by Daniel. As he steps out into the jungle, Daniel gazes up at the unbuilt structure in amazement. CHANG Welcome to the Orchid. Chang walks towards the Orchid with Daniel right behind him. Baker and Jordan fall back with their weapons slung around their shoulders. The four of them head towards the Orchid and step through the frame. As he steps into the unbuilt Orchid, Daniel glances around at the empty structures and turns to Chang with a confused look on his face. DANIEL W-Why are you showing me this? CHANG Because... I think you were sent here to help me. Daniel furrows his brow at Chang who walks over to the completed wall. He reaches down at a small panel attached to the wall and touches a switch.




CHANG (CONT’D) (to Baker and Jordan) The two of you, stay here and watch guard. BAKER (nods) Yes, sir. CHANG (to Daniel) Daniel, please come here. Daniel walks over to where Chang is and stands right beside him. CHANG (CONT’D) Hold on. Chang flips the switch and the wall in front of them suddenly rises up, revealing a small, secret compartment. Chang motions for Daniel to enter. CHANG (CONT’D) After you. Daniel stops and looks at Chang for a second, hesitating. Finally, he takes a step into the compartment, followed by Chang. INT. THE ORCHID - ELEVATOR - NIGHT Daniel stares in amazement at the elevator he’s just stepped into. There’s nothing there, but the fact that he’s just here is astonishing enough. Behind him, Chang pulls another switch attached to the wall, causing the wall to close over them. Daniel stares through the new glass window into the unbuilt part of the Orchid and watches as the elevator creaks down. INT. THE ORCHID - CORRIDOR - NIGHT The elevator door slides upwards as Chang steps out followed by an amazed Daniel. He is staring at every little thing around him with curiosity and excitement like a little boy at a toy store. Chang leads him down the short corridor into...


INT. THE ORCHID - STATION - NIGHT ...the actual station. Like the rest of the station, this part of the structure seems incomplete. The walls, floors, and ceiling are built into the place, but aside from that, the only thing standing is the strange mechanism in the middle of the room. At one end of the room is an oval-shaped door -- the same one Ben entered before teleporting himself to the future. Daniel stares at it with curiosity as lights turn on all around him. He spins around and realizes Chang flipped a switch in one corner of the room. DANIEL This is the Orchid? CHANG (nods) Yes, Daniel. This is the Orchid. Chang walks over to the mechanism in the middle of the room and presses some buttons on the panel. Daniel hears a humming sound behind him and sees the oval-shaped door sliding open. He watches closely as it reveals a cave wall. DANIEL Where does that lead to? CHANG Come. This is what I brought you here for. Chang walks past Daniel and stands in front of the oval-shaped door. Daniel follows him and looks down at what Chang is staring at. There is no floor past the door; just a small tunnel with a metal ladder that leads into the darkness below. CLOSE IN on Daniel’s intrigued yet confused expression as he stares down the tunnel while Chang turns to him with concern. CHANG (CONT’D) That x-ray image I showed you earlier. This is where we took that picture. Underneath us is a source of virtually unlimited power. Daniel’s face contorts into a more perplexed visage as he looks up at Chang wondrously. DANIEL Why exactly are you showing me this?



38. CHANG (beat) Because the last person that went down into that chamber came out insane... and two days later, he was found dead. No explanation. No last words.

Daniel’s mouth begins to open as if he’s going to say something, but... CHANG (CONT’D) Do you know what he told us when we pulled him out of the chamber? DANIEL (confused) N-No... Chang shoots Daniel a grave and intimidating look. CHANG Someone would come to us. Someone that knew things about our work. Someone... (beat) ...from the future. OFF Daniel’s bewildered stare. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT CLOSE IN on Sawyer’s irritated face. He’s marching through the jungle still with Charlotte on his back. Juliet, Rose, and Bernard are walking a few steps ahead of him. He sighs and struggles to keep Charlotte up on his back as he follows Juliet towards their unknown destination. Suddenly, Juliet stops and turns to her companions. JULIET I think we should stop. Sawyer shoots her a confused glance. SAWYER Why? We ain’t findin’ Ben by just sittin’ here! JULIET We’ve been walking for hours, James, and awake for even longer. I think it’s time we rested.




Bernard and Rose are already sitting by the time Juliet is done. They are comforting one another with their arms slung around each other’s shoulders. Sawyer lets out an annoyed grunt and sets Charlotte’s unconscious body on the ground. Cracking the kinks out of his neck, he takes a seat on the trunk of a tree and pulls out a canteen attached to his belt. As Sawyer takes a sip from the canteen, Juliet walks over to him and stands over Charlotte. She kneels beside Charlotte’s body and grabs her face. SAWYER What are you doin’? JULIET Checking how she’s doing. SAWYER Well I been carryin’ her on my back for ’bout an hour. I’m pretty sure she’s still out of it. Ignoring Sawyer, Juliet pries Charlotte’s left eye open with her fingers. She then checks the right. Both appear dilated. Shaking her head, she climbs to her feet and puts her hands on her hips. SAWYER (CONT’D) Somethin’ wrong, Sugar? JULIET I can’t explain it. I’ve never seen anything like this. Her body feels normal, but-but everything else -it’s just wrong. SAWYER You sure it’s not-Sawyer stops as he notices Juliet gawking at him. He furrows his brow at her and stares back. SAWYER (CONT’D) What? JULIET James, you’re bleeding. Sawyer’s eyes widen and he feels blood drip onto his hand. A couple more drops of blood fall on his hand and he tries to wipe the rest away from his nose. He jumps to his feet, but suddenly bends over as if in tremendous amount of pain.



40. JULIET (CONT’D) James!

Rose and Bernard notice what’s happening and rush over to the two. BERNARD What happened?! Sawyer lets out a painful yelp as he grabs at his hair. His eyes widen and he suddenly falls to one side. Juliet drops to the ground with him and tries to lift his head. He stares back at her with a blank stare as his body goes limp. EXT. JUNGLE - NIGHT (FLASH) A loud, painful moan combined with heavy breathing. All we hear are these sounds as a hand shoves aside a tree branch revealing... KATE and CLAIRE. She’s giving birth! KATE Relax! Relax! Just breathe. Breathe! Claire lets out another loud grunt. We see past the bushes behind Kate and Claire sit JIN and CHARLIE, who’s pacing back and forth behind the shrubs. KATE (CONT’D) Good. Okay. You ready? I can see it. It’s close! Go! Go! Go! Claire moans again in pain as she struggles to push AARON out the womb. KATE (CONT’D) That’s really good! I think it’s close. C’mon! Another painful moan. KATE (CONT’D) Yeah! That’s it! Good! Good! Good! I can see the top of its head! It’s almost here! She’s smiling at Claire, trying to encourage her to keep pushing. KATE (CONT’D) I can see it! I can see it! C’mon! You’re almost there! You’re so close. You’re so close. (CONTINUED)



Claire breathes heavily as she tries to ignore the pain. KATE (CONT’D) Ready? Ready? C’mon. One more! Go! Push! Claire doesn’t respond. She simply keeps breathing. KATE (CONT’D) Push! Push! Push! Finally, Claire lets out another ear shattering grunt. It’s the longest one yet, but it pays off. A smile forms on Kate’s face as Claire continues to push. Finally, Claire topples backwards and lays down. She lets out a sigh of relief as she continues breathing heavily. In front of her, Kate is smiling as she pulls Aaron out. He’s crying. KATE (CONT’D) It’s a boy! Claire starts to cry as she sees the beautiful baby boy in front of her. She smiles as Kate carries Aaron over to her. She takes the baby from Kate’s arms and holds him close to her chest. CLAIRE It’s a baby boy! Behind them, Charlie and Jin step out from behind the bushes to see the newborn child. Charlie has a look of disbelief on his face as Jin smiles happily as if the child were his own. They hug as Kate helps Claire clean off Aaron. CLAIRE (CONT’D) (smiles) I have a son! I have a son. She shushes Aaron as he continues crying while Charlie and Jin laugh with one another. Kate smiles down proudly at Claire and Aaron as we WIDEN to reveal SAWYER standing in the bushes behind them all. He’s wide-eyed and awe-struck as he stares at what’s happening before him. He seems unable to say a word as he finally moves after what seems like years. SAWYER (whispers) What the hell...? He takes a step towards Claire and Aaron and tries to touch the boy. Just before his fingers reach Aaron’s soft head, he stops and shivers. (CONTINUED)



SAWYER (CONT’D) This-This can’t be real... Sawyer takes a step back as Kate stands up and holds the dirty cloth in her hand. She’s still smiling proudly at Claire and Aaron as Claire kisses her son on the forehead. A tear almost falls down her cheeks. SAWYER (CONT’D) K-Kate? Kate? Kate doesn’t hear him. Nor do any of the others. Charlie and Jin look happily down at Claire as she hugs her newborn son tightly. SAWYER (CONT’D) (louder) Kate! Finally, suggests Charlie, looks on

Kate looks up. However, the look on her face she doesn’t know where the voice is coming from. Jin, and Claire all look up as well with frightened their faces. SAWYER (CONT’D) N-N-No! No! It’s just me! It’s just me!

A look of desperation appears on Sawyer’s face as he stretches out his hands. SAWYER (CONT’D) Y-You don’t-Kate hurries over to Claire and takes a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord connecting Claire to her child. As soon as she does, she helps Claire up to her feet with Charlie and Jin’s help. Together, the four of them, along with baby Aaron, hurry back to the beach camp. SAWYER (CONT’D) Wait... Wait! Kate takes one last gaze back to where Sawyer is standing. It’s almost as if she’s staring right at him. Their eyes lock with one another even if she doesn’t realize it. Sawyer looks to her with a mournful look as she turns back around and escorts Claire back to the camp. Alone in the middle of the jungle, Sawyer gulps and holds back the tears welling up in his eyes. He sniffs as he clenches his teeth and looks around him in wonderment.

43. EXT. JUNGLE - DAY (DAWN) CLOSE IN on Sawyer’s closed eye as it suddenly snaps open. Coughing incessantly loud, he props himself up on both elbows and stares around him in awe. Juliet, Rose, and Bernard all stare at him with surprise and confusion. Sitting by the tree behind them is Charlotte. She’s finally conscious again. JULIET You have a nice dream? Sawyer wipes the spit from the side of his lips and glares at Juliet. SAWYER (sighs) Yeah. It had unicorns and ponies and bright rainbows. Juliet smirks at him and extends a helping hand. Sawyer takes the hand and climbs to his feet. Running his finger through his hair, he tries to calm down and regain his breath. CHARLOTTE It happened to you too? SAWYER You had a dream too? CHARLOTTE I’m not exactly sure it was a dream, Sawyer. BERNARD What happened? SAWYER I-I saw Kate... and Claire and Aaron. Jin and Charlie were there too. ROSE What? SAWYER It felt so real. I thought I was really there, but... I don’t know. Everyone looks at Sawyer oddly. He has a morose look on his face as he reminisces. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he turns back to Juliet with a serious stare.




SAWYER (CONT’D) Anyways, let’s keep moving. We still have to get to Ben and Locke. JULIET (nods) Right. We should go. Rose and Bernard nod in return while Charlotte struggles to stand up. Juliet notices and turns to her. JULIET (CONT’D) Can you make it? Charlotte looks up at her and nods. CHARLOTTE Yeah. Yeah. I think I’m fine. JULIET Alright. Let’s get moving then. The group starts to move when Sawyer suddenly puts out a halting hand. Everyone turns and looks at him with a confused stare. JULIET (CONT’D) What are you doing, James? SAWYER Sshh! (whispers) I think I hear somethin’. ROSE I don’t hear anything. They all look around them and wonder what Sawyer is talking about. Suddenly, they hear a rustling in the bushes ahead of them and turn. JULIET There! Sawyer pulls out his gun and aims it at the bushes. Suddenly... BANG! A loud gunshot rings out behind them, prompting all five of them to spin around in surprise. Sawyer aims his gun in the direction of the gunshot when another sound echoes behind them. The cocking of a gun. Sawyer sighs and grits his teeth together as he feels the nozzle of a gun touch the back of his neck.




The bushes begin to rustle with life as several armed guards in JUMPSUITS reveal themselves. There are about four of them, their guns all aimed at the five castaways. On their lapels are the symbols of DHARMA. SAWYER (angry) You’ve gotta be kidding me. JULIET (whispers) Everyone just stay calm. JUMPSUIT #1 Who are you people?! Jumpsuit #1 aims his gun at Juliet and walks right up to her. BERNARD We’re from the crash of-JULIET Bernard! No. Bernard turns to look at Juliet with a puzzled glance. She shakes her head at him as Jumpsuit #1 grabs her wrists and handcuffs them behind her back. JUMPSUIT #1 Tell us now. Who are you people? No answer. They all follow suit and remain silent as the Jumpsuits put them all in cuffs. JUMPSUIT #2 What do we do now? JUMPSUIT #1 We take them back to the barracks. C’mon. Sawyer stares over at Juliet who remains calm and quiet as the Jumpsuits lead them away. She notices his glare, but simply winks. Sawyer furrows his brow at her. He’s more confused than ever. Jumpsuit #3 pushes him forward as they all begin to march off.


INT. THE ORCHID - CORRIDOR - DAY (DAWN) Daniel follows Chang down the short corridor to the elevator. Chang presses a switch, prompting the elevator door to slide open. He’s about to step inside when Daniel grabs him by the shoulder. Chang turns to him with a puzzled stare. CHANG Yes, Daniel? DANIEL I-I think the reason I was sent back in time... to here... was to stop you. Chang furrows his brow at Daniel. CHANG Stop me from what? DANIEL Continuing your work. I-I’ve seen the future... and you -- you’re not a part of it. Chang’s face contorts into a look of surprise. DANIEL (CONT’D) (gulps) And neither are the rest of DHARMA. Daniel looks up at Chang. Their eyes meet and Chang stares at Daniel defensively. CHANG What do you mean? DANIEL I-I mean... in the future, the DHARMA Initiative is... destroyed. (beat) Horrible things are going to happen in the future. You have to stop what you’re doing and leave this Island... or else... Chang gulps and nods assuredly to himself. CHANG I-I’m sorry, Daniel, but one thing I’ve learned from my research here... is that the future cannot (MORE) (CONTINUED)



CHANG (cont’d) be changed. One way or another... we will all die. DANIEL W-What are you trying to say? CHANG I’m not going to stop. Chang doesn’t give Daniel the chance to speak anymore. He steps into the elevator and stares at Daniel as he waits for him to enter as well. EXT. JUNGLE - CLEARING - DAY (DAWN) Miles leads the way as Locke, Richard, and the three Others follow closely. An irritated look sits on his face as he marches through the jungle clearing. He raises his eyes up to the sky and sees the darkness being invaded by the light. The sun is just beginning to rise and is spreading across the black sky like a paintbrush. Looking away, Miles continues onward as silence pervades the group. MILES (suddenly) So... who is this Jacob guy? LOCKE Jacob is a great man. MILES Yeah, that’s really descriptive. I mean who is he? I’m guessing he’s a pretty important guy, right? Why? No one says anything. They just keep walking. Miles turns and shoots an annoyed glance at Locke as he stops walking. MILES (CONT’D) Hey, I don’t wanna be here so if you want me to take you to whoever this Jacob guy is, you better start giving me answers. Locke glares at Miles. He’s not afraid. Not one bit. LOCKE Jacob... can’t be explained in words. You’re just gonna have to wait and see, Miles.



48. MILES I’m tired of your damn riddles, old man! Tell me who this guy is or I’m out of here.

Richard steps forward and shoots Miles a serious look. RICHARD Don’t you wonder sometimes why you’re here, Miles? On this Island? MILES I know why I’m here. RICHARD So why are you here? MILES (beat) Because some old fortune teller told me I’m supposed to be here. Richard gazes at Miles with confusion in his eyes. RICHARD You couldn’t really have chosen to stay stuck on this Island because some old fool told you to, could you? MILES Well, in my experience, I’ve learned to trust things that can’t be explained. Know what I mean? RICHARD (smiles) Then that’s why one way or another, you are going to lead us to Jacob, Miles. Miles stares back at Richard. The look on his face suggests he understands the threat, but he does nothing. He simply stares at Richard and... INT. AIRPORT - DAY (FLASHBACK) MOVING through the thousands of people walking back and forth through the crowded airport. CLOSE IN on Miles, standing in front of a panoramic window staring out at the airstrip. His face is pale and his eyes are tired. He’s got one duffel bag sitting on the floor by his feet. His hand is pressed up against the window as he stares outside. (CONTINUED)


49. INTERCOM (O.S.) Oceanic Flight 213 to Suva, Fiji is now boarding all commercial passengers at Gate 8.

Miles’ ears perk up to the sound of the intercom and he takes a look down at the ticket in his hand. The destination reads: SUVA, FIJI. Licking his lips, he looks towards Gate 8. There are several people lined up already, waiting to board the plane. Miles gulps and gazes back at the ticket. He starts to crumple it when suddenly... FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) What are you doing, Miles? Miles quickly turns around to face the HOODED WOMAN from before. Her face is still concealed to us, but Miles can see her. The confused look on his face suggests the face is familiar, but surprising to him. Miles takes a step back as he stares at the Hooded Woman. MILES You? HOODED WOMAN Hello, Miles. MILES W-What are you doing here? How-How are you even still alive? HOODED WOMAN (chuckles) I’m not that old now, Miles. MILES Why are you here? HOODED WOMAN (beat) I’m here to help you. A perplexed expression crosses Miles’ face. MILES Help me with what? HOODED WOMAN Your decision. To get on that plane or not. Miles takes a look back at the gate. There are still people boarding.



50. MILES How do you know about that? HOODED WOMAN I know everything about you, Miles. You’re a very special person. MILES (scoffs) So... you saw my future? HOODED WOMAN I saw your future years ago when you visited me. And it’s still the same. MILES So you’re telling me I’m supposed to go on that plane? HOODED WOMAN (nods) Yes, Miles. It’s your destiny to go to that Island.

Contemplating, Miles licks his lips and looks away from the Hooded Woman. There’s a conflicted look sitting on his face. MILES W-What if I can’t? HOODED WOMAN You can, Miles, and you will. (beat) You’ve still got work to do. Gulping, Miles takes his plane ticket and looks it over one last time. He stares up at the Hooded Woman who nods back at him. Sighing, Miles heads towards Gate 8 to board the plane. MILES (to himself) I know I’m gonna regret this. Shaking his head, Miles hands the ticket-taker his ticket. She smiles and nods at him as he heads past her. Still by the window, the Hooded Woman watches as Miles disappears through the gate. We FOLLOW the Hooded Woman’s body as she’s slowly revealed. A white blouse. A purple shawl. An ouroborous pin clipping the shawl to her shoulder. And bright white hair that accentuates the seemingly nonthreatening smile on her face. It is MS. HAWKING. We FOCUS on her unassuming visage as we CLOSE. (CONTINUED)




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