Losing Weight The Easy Way

  • May 2020
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This Report Brought To You By: Stephen Harper The Easy Way To Losing Weight Visit Us At: theeasywaytolosingweight.com

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 4 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: ............................................................................... 4 2. DIETS – ARE THEY ENOUGH?............................................................................... 6 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: ............................................................................... 7 3. SOME OF THE EMOTIONS THAT CAUSE OVEREATING .............................. 8 WORRYING ............................................................................................................. 8 BEING ANGRY ........................................................................................................ 8 SADNESS................................................................................................................... 8 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: ............................................................................... 9 4. SO HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT THEN? ................................................................... 10 DETERMINE YOUR DAILY CALORIES ............................................................. 10 CUT OR REDUCE CERTAIN FOODS ................................................................... 10 PICK HEALTHY FOOD ALTERNATIVES .......................................................... 11 EAT MORE FIBER.................................................................................................... 11 EXERCISE .................................................................................................................. 11 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: ............................................................................. 12 5. OTHER TIPS FOR THE TIME YOU DECIDE TO ACT ..................................... 13 RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: ............................................................................. 14

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1. INTRODUCTION Losing weight is a very challenging process. People who are overweight even by just a few pounds know what dramatic effects obesity can have on you. What is even worse is the fact that the percent of overweight people in America is increasing by the day. Obesity’s consequences upon one’s body are many and varied, and they include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, etc. And they are not all, they are just the most important ones. Obesity is known to be responsible for liver disease, sleep apnea, etc. All this needs to be mentioned in order for one to understand the potential harm. If you are not overweight and are reading this report by any chance, one piece of advice: never put yourself in the position. For the rest of the people, there’s one word that sums up what you need in order to get back to normal weight: determination. And physical side-effects are not the only ones. Emotional distress is very common among people who are obese. It’s not uncommon for overweight people to be called lazy, even though they are not. Discrimination is not rare either, especially among children. But enough with the bad news and let’s find out how to do something about it. Because in the end, it’s all a matter of how much one wants to get rid of this problem. And once you get back to normal weight, you will know that you have to stay that way. The difference will be huge, and you will be right there to feel it. RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: 1. “Burn the fat” Outlaw Bodybuilder Thumbs Nose At Weight Loss "Experts" Who Earn Fortunes On The Sweat And Dreams Of Young Men & Women, And Finally Reveals The Simple Proven Science Of Fat Loss No One Else Will Tell You About... 4 Click here to To Use Free Viral Marketing To Drive Massive Traffic To Your Website ==> http://ButterflyReports.com/axz/affiliate.php?id=12365 ©

Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach From New Jersey Teaches You How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism, Gain Muscle, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation ... Guaranteed! Discover How He's Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible!

2. “Firm and Flatten Your Abs”: Quickly Shrink Your Waistline, Lose Body Fat, Eliminate Low Back Pain And Develop A Stunning Set of Six Pack Abs While Gaining Strength, Muscle Tone And Raw Athletic Power At The Same Time… Even If You've Been Out Of Shape For Years… Even If You Have 100 Pounds Or More To Lose… Even If You're Laid Up With Low Back Pain… I Can Show You How To Flatten Your Abs… And You Can Learn The Secrets Today…

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2. DIETS – ARE THEY ENOUGH? Most people think that by starving themselves they are going to reach their desired weight. Diets, as prescribed by specialists, are not always effective, especially if they involve rationalizing food alone. This is because the central point, the most important issue, which is the food, is still in the center of attention. Even though you are told to eat less, it’s still about food. This is the most important reason why a diet must come with a change of attitude, and a completely different way of life. This is the type of diet that always yields results. The explanation for your desire to eat even if you’re not really hungry lies in the emotions that you experience. And once you make this a habit, it is very difficult to overcome it. The process that goes on in your brain is that you need to eat in order to avoid certain feelings, so that makes your own emotions the number one cause for overeating. You may have already noticed the fact that there are certain foods which give you the sensation of comfort once you’ve consumed them. Foods such as sweets and wheat products (including bread which is particularly troublesome), but also dairy products seem to make certain feelings like anxiety go away. This is no different than a smoking addiction for instance. And yes, it is still an addiction. But why do certain foods give the impression of comfort to the consumer? Eating is one of our basic needs. The urge to eat is one of the things that keeps a species alive, and it’s not different with us. For instance, if you don’t have enough food or even just think that, you will instantly develop a feeling that this is a danger to your survival. This is a mark of our prehistoric blueprint, even though we are living in the 21st century. So why are the carbohydrates so soothing? Some theories suggest that it is because of the sudden blood sugar rise that makes our body feel like it was rescued from the danger of starvation. Unfortunately, this will not last for very long. After the rush, the level of blood sugar will drop even lower than before, and here we are craving again. Have you had the feeling that the more you eat, the more you want to eat? Well, I’m sure you have.

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In fact, foods mask certain unpleasant emotions so well, that many researchers believe that any diet will be rendered useless unless the root problem is addressed: controlling your emotional yearning. A whooping 95% of all the diets fail because they overlook this aspect. RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: 3. “The Fat Loss Bible”: Top flight Australian personal trainer takes everything you've been told about fat loss, throws it in the trash, then reveals the true secrets to stripping every last ounce of unwanted fat from your body! Are you sick of diet books that promise you 'effortless' weight loss, but leave you just as fat as ever? Do you cringe when you think about the hundreds of dollars you've wasted on useless weight loss supplements? If you answered yes, you need to check out this product. 4. “The Wedding Day Diet”: “The Amazing Diet Secret Of The Michigan Bride Who Almost Had To Call-Off Her Wedding” Amy dreamed of walking down the aisle in her grandmother’s vintage wedding dress. Her grandmother’s vintage size 6 wedding dress. If She Didn’t Lose 10lbs In Less Than A Week, Amy Would Have To Cancel The Wedding. Intrigued?

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3. SOME OF THE EMOTIONS THAT CAUSE OVEREATING Yes, there are some emotions that are more responsible for this problem more than the others. This is why it’s actually very indicated that you have a routine that stops you from overeating when you experience those feelings. In no particular order, the most important ones include: WORRYING

If you have an exam coming pretty soon, or a job interview, or anything else that is going to cause you to worry, you may find yourself turning to food in order to calm yourself down. From your past experiences, you might have noticed that eating your favorite food is going to relax you for that period. Studies show that fattening foods produce better results for that, and people tend to overdo it when they worry about something. The effect only lasts as long as you eat, of course. BEING ANGRY

This is another major cause for overeating. If you are angry at your boss, a member of your family, or anything else, eating may help you dampen your anger so that you don’t act on it. This is so effective, than eventually eating certain foods will calm you down and even forget about the anger. SADNESS

When you are sad, you might have noticed that certain sweets act as a relief. While eating them, you forget that you are sad but eventually the feeling comes back. When this happens, you will be inclined to eat even more. Overeating, when you don’t really need the food, is the main cause for obesity. Still, why do so many people do it? The answer lies in the fact that you don’t want to experience the feeling of guilt, anger or anything else that’s disturbing to a certain degree. Did you ever find yourself staring at your fridge wondering what are you really looking for? If it happened to you, and whenever that happens, remember one thing: it’s the emotions that got you there, not the real need for food. These emotions can range from those that were already mentioned to things like guilt, shame, depression, loneliness, self-rejection, etc.

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RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: 5. “The Raw Secrets”: Did you know that a raw food diet, when done properly, can bring you the following benefits and more: - Increased energy! - Improved appearance and better skin. - Fast and efficient weight loss. - Deep cleansing and rejuvenation. - Deeper and improved sleep. - An overall younger appearance. - Improved physical performance, endurance, muscular tone and flexibility. - Easier, improved digestion and sensation of lightness and peace in your digestive tract, that many people haven’t experienced for quite a while. - Clearer and brighter eyes. -Feeling happier!: depression often fades away (after an initial cleansing period). - Improved capacity to focus, concentrate, and do mental work. - Rediscovered intuition. In order to experience a greater level of health using the principles of raw foods — there are certain key concepts to know and pitfalls to avoid. This is the subject of this book. 6. “The Complete Body Detox” Find Out How A Full Body Detox Together With A Candida Cleanse Can Give You Long Term Sustainable Health. Follow a Traditional Balanced Diet that will decrease toxins, increase your immune system, improve digestion, eliminate foods that you are intolerant too. Carry out a colon cleanse. This can be done in the privacy of your own home easily and inexpensively. Eliminate Candida Yeast naturally by following a Candida Cleanse to rid yourself of the toxic destruction it creates. Balance the Ph of your body. Re-introduce the good flora to your intestinal track. Increase quality water intake and Exercise to help mobilize the toxins

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4. SO HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT THEN? We have so far established that diet and exercise alone will not work. You need to be MENTALLY prepared to face the challenge of losing weight. Having established that, let’s talk about some of the steps that you can take in order to undergo a successful weight loss plan. DETERMINE YOUR DAILY CALORIES The simple math suggests an undeniable fact: you will LOSE weight when you start burning more calories than you take in, on a daily basis. Exercising will not help either if you eat more than the calories you’ve burnt. However, exhausting yourself is not a solution either. So what you need to do is exercise and eat protein reach foods that are going to give you energy. You should bear in mind that you can’t have a very big difference between the calories you burn and the ones you take back. If you follow this, you should be able to go through a HEALTHY weight loss routine. A very efficient solution to this is writing down every meal you eat. Then, scout the internet for the calorie quantities those respective dishes contain and write them down. There are plenty of sites available that can help you with that. Generally speaking, if you want to maintain your weight you need to eat a number of calories that is 10 times more than your weight in pounds. So, for instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should eat 1500 calories to maintain your weight. Extract 500 from that number and then you will get a daily figure of the number of calories you should take in order to efficiently lose weight. CUT OR REDUCE CERTAIN FOODS You will be amazed how efficient this can be, and it is not as painful as it sounds. For instance, eating less butter or simply cutting it out from your breakfast can help you lose a pound each and every week. Tall latte and salad dressings are also some of the foods that are the most responsible for gaining weight. A tall latte can have as much as 500 calories, 10 Click here to To Use Free Viral Marketing To Drive Massive Traffic To Your Website ==> http://ButterflyReports.com/axz/affiliate.php?id=12365 ©

so just eliminating it from your eating habits will produce impressive results. Make a list of foods that are very high in calories and reduce them or eliminate them completely. PICK HEALTHY FOOD ALTERNATIVES Have you established that you eat too much mayonnaise? Start using mustard. Is it the soda that is making you gain weight? Drink more water. The truth is, losing weight by starvation is not an alternative, and every food category has its purpose. For instance, no one says you shouldn’t eat meat anymore. On the contrary, it is one of the most important sources of strength and energy. Just replace the pork or beef with chicken and fish. Chicken meat is very low in fat and fish is very rich in antioxidants, which are very important to your general health. EAT MORE FIBER Fiber is very important for your digestive system. It maintains the health of your intestines. Also, fiber is very helpful when you want to lose weight. So try to it more of it, and do it often. Eating more often, but in little quantities, has also proven to be an effective method of losing weight. Vegetables are very recommended since they are rich in fiber and low in calories. Try to eat them raw, don’t transform them into juices, because you will lose that precious fiber and you will turn them into calorie-rich drinks. EXERCISE Of course, this is a proven method to burn calories, lose weight, and maintain the health of your heart. Moderate exercise includes jogging, cycling, aerobic machines, etc. Swimming is also very important. Swimming can burn even more calories than running, while protecting your joints and developing your muscles through your entire body. There’s no need to tell you that practicing sports is also good for your psychological well being. Try to include 30-40 minutes of exercise at least 3 or 4 days every week.

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RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: 7. “Yay Food”: With this program, you can learn: An easy and successful weight loss method that is largely ignored by the vast majority of people... A weight loss system that's so simple even a child could do it, yet so powerful that you'll scream out of happiness as soon as you figure it out... The secret to why "low-carb" and "low calorie" diets simply don't work! (Yes, this will forever revolutionize the way you look at conventional diets), and much, much more... 8. “Slim Eazy” The author proudly announces: The Easiest Natural Weight Loss Diet Plan Ever!! Looking to lose weight fast ? I lost 45lbs (20kg) in two months, so canYOU! No diet pills, No diet drinks, No meal replacements or No laxatives!

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5. OTHER TIPS FOR THE TIME YOU DECIDE TO ACT First of all, it is very recommended that you do a blood test. You need to know the exact quantity of sugar in your blood, of cholesterol, etc. You may not even need a weight loss routine, you may just need to burn some sugars. What you also need to remember is that you don’t want to lose weight at any cost, you need to lose and burn FAT. If you start an exercise routine, you will probably even gain some weight at first. This is because your muscles will start to increase and they are much denser than fat (and obviously way healthier). As a general rule of the thumb, you need to decrease the number of calories you take in every day, and start exercising. The amount of sport also depends on the amount of food you eat. The result at the end of the day needs to be more calories burned than gained. There is also the general myth that it’s terrible to eat after 6 P.M. That is an exaggeration. If you have just had an exercise session, for instance, eating protein rich foods can be very helpful for maintaining your energy and preparing you for the next day. The key is not to overeat late in the evening. Remember, there is no need to starve yourself. Occasionally, let’s say once a week, you can spoil yourself and go for your favorite snack. If it’s pizza or a hamburger, just go out and eat it once a week. Just remember to burn it later. The process of losing weight must be a state of mind. It doesn’t have to happen overnight, it’s not healthy. Actually, if you do this, the repercussions may be just as worse. Prepare your mind first, and then control your body. This is the key to any weight loss program and lifestyle enjoyment overall.

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RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS: 9. “Eat Healthy and Stop Cravings”: Do you want to know the perfect way in which you can lose weight? A small tip: it has to do with your mentality. This guide will tell you everything you need to know in that respect. 10. “Weight Loss Cure” What would you give for a magical wand that can give you the slim, trim, body you’ve always dreamed about? More to the point, what wouldn’t you give for your dream body? Effortlessly lose up to one kilo as week and put weight struggles behind you as you allow your body to guide you to its natural perfection. All without dieting or counting calories!!

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