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Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

Phuong Mai School

WRITTEN TEST IN ENGLISH – Time: 45’(After Unit 11 – 2nd TERM)


I.Phonetics: A.Choose one word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from others. Identify your answer by circling A, B, C or D. A B C D B. exciting C. mind D. climb 1. A. destination   B. page C. heritage D. village 2. A. luggage   A. beach B. seat C. great D. please 3.  B.Circle the word which is stressed differently from the others: B. institute C. offshore D. island 4. A. ocean B. forward C. compost D. liquid 5. A. machine

  

II.Vocabulary & grammar: Choose the best option to complete each sentence 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 3 . 1 4 .

We are delighted A. get B. got

your letter last week. C. to get

D. getting

   

When it began to rain, I A. rescued B. dropped

my paddle. C. overturned D. leaned

   

This is the first time Shannon A. see B. has seen

rice paddies. C. saw D. is seeing

   

Donna is A. a flower girl

and she has a flower shop in Britain. B. a flower seller C. a flower lady D. a florist

In this case, remember not to force him/ her A. to sit or stand B. sitting or standing standing D. sit or stand " A. Reusing

A. Inspite of

. C. sit or

       

" means not buying products which are overpackaged. B. Recycling C. Reordering D. Reducing     reusing plastic bags, we shouldn't use them at all. B. Instead of C. Instead D. Inspite

   

The ambulance will be there A. about B. around

10 minutes. Just wait for it. C. at D. in

   

She shows people A. how to protect C. what to protect

the environment. B. what protect D. how protect

   

1 She has a lot of novels A. writing

B. were written


in English. C. written

D. write

    1

Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

Phuong Mai School

1 6 . 1 7 . 1 8 .

John is interested the history of Viet Nam. A. in B. about C. at

1 9 . 2 0 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 2 3 . 2 4 . 2 5 .

The man A. sits

She fell off the motorbike and A. bled her head B. hit her head "Recycling " means not A. not throwing things a way B. not throwing things away C. not blowing things away D. not blowing things a way

   

on the road. C. bit her head D. unconscious     .

   

next to me was very nervous. B. is sitting C. sat

Milk bottles can be after being cleaned. A. reused B. broken C. recycled away If a patient faints, leave him/ her A. lying flatly B. to lie flat

D. on

. C. lying flat

D. sitting

   

D. thrown

   

D. to lie flatly

   

Tom doesn't enjoy at by other people. A. laughed B. being laughed C. to be laughed D. laughing

   

What subjects A. are teached

at school when you were in the ̉6th form? B. are taught C. were teached D. were taught

   

Milk A. brings

to the houses by the milkman every day. B. is bring C. has brought D. is brought

   

My sister likes sweets A. made B. make

from chocolate. C. making

D. to make

   

III.Reading: A.Choose an answer in collumn B to match a question in column A A B Do you mind if I turn on the TV? A. I could catch the bus in time. 2

6 . 2 We try our best to study so as ... 7 /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch0/8738327.doc

B. No, I don't mind. What's on tonight?

Match 26 +….


27 +….



Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

2 Would you minf if I used your phone? 8 . 2 Would you mind opening the windows? 9 . 3 I got up early this morning so that … 0 .

Phuong Mai School

C. No, please do.

28 +….


D. not to fail in the final exam.

29 +….


E. not to be late for school.

30 +….


F. to be near his work. G. Sure. I'm hot, too . B.Read the passage carefully, and then choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each space Paper was (31) by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made (32) wood. When trees are (33) , they are transported (34) land or water to paper mill. Here they are cut (35) and the wood is broken up into fibred, which are (36) with water and chemicals. This wood pulp is then dried on a machine and (37) into paper. One tree needed for every (38) of typical forty-page newspaper. If half the adults in Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are being cut down faster than they are being replaced, so there may be a serious paper shortage before the year 2000. ́* New words: - fibred (n): thớ (gỗ) ̣ ̣ - to use up: tận dụng

3 1 . 3 2 . 3 3 . 3 4 . 3 5 . 3 6 . 3 7

- to cut sth up: chia thành từng miếng nhỏ bằng dao

A. imagined

B. invented

C. thought

D. brought

O  O O

A. from

B. of

C. by

D. with

 O O O

A. cut in

B. cut of

C. cut down

D. cut up

O O  O

A. on

B. of

C. through

D. by

O O O 

A. up

B. all

C. over

D. from

 O O O

A. turned

B. mixed

C. beaten

D. joined

O  O O

A. make

B. making

C. made

D. to make

O O  O



Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

3 A. covers 8 .

B. texts

Phuong Mai School

C. sheets


O O O 

IV.Writing: A.Find the mistake ( ̣A, B, C or D): 3 It not difficult to remember all the student's name in a class. A B C D 9

. 4 I don't know how explain all these things to you immediately. A B C D 0 . 4 Hue is only a 15-minutes drive from Phu Bai Airport. A B C D 1 .

O O O O O O O O O

B.Rewrite these sentences, s othat the meaning stays the same:

42. The taxi broke down. It was taking us to the airport.  The taxi taking us to the airport broke down. 43. He was delighted that he received his friend's letter.  He was delighted to receive his friend's letter. 44. May I ask you a question?  Would you mind if I asked you a question? 45. A bridge has been declared unsafe. It was built only two years ago.  The bridge built only two years ago has been declared unsafe.

V.Listening: Listen & check ( ) the correct box for true of false Sentences 4 6 . 4 7 . 4 8 . 4


Only rice and corn are grown around Ha Noi.

This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family.

Hoa helps Mrs. Jones with her luggage.

Shannon has never seen rice paddies before.


False 


Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

Phuong Mai School

5 The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus. 0 .



Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

Phuong Mai School

WRITTEN TEST IN ENGLISH – Time: 45’(After Unit 11 – 2nd TERM)


I.Phonetics: Choose one word which has the underlined letter pronounced differently from others. Identify your answer by circling A, B, C or D. A B C D B. exciting C. mind D. climb 1 A. destination

 

. 2. A. luggage 3. A. beach

B. page B. seat

C. heritage C. great

D. village D. please

   

Circle the word which is stressed differently from the others: B.institute C. offshore D. island 4. A. ocean B. forward C. compost D. liquid 5. A. machine

   

II.Vocabulary & grammar: Choose the best option to complete each sentence 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 3 . 1 4 .

We are delighted A. get B. got

your letter last week. C. to get

D. getting

   

When it began to rain, I A. rescued B. dropped

my paddle. C. overturned D. leaned

   

This is the first time Shannon A. see B. has seen

rice paddies. C. saw D. is seeing

   

Donna is A. a flower girl

and she has a flower shop in Britain. B. a flower seller C. a flower lady D. a florist

In this case, remember not to force him/ her A. to sit or stand B. sitting or standing standing D. sit or stand " A. Reusing

A. Inspite of

. C. sit or

       

" means not buying products which are overpackaged. B. Recycling C. Reordering D. Reducing     reusing plastic bags, we shouldn't use them at all. B. Instead of C. Instead D. Inspite

The ambulance will be there A. about B. around

10 minutes. Just wait for it. C. at D. in

She shows people A. how to protect C. what to protect

the environment. B. what protect D. how protect


           


Full name: ……………………………………………….. Phuong Mai School Class: 8….. Mark: in English. 1 She has a lot of novels A. writing B. were written C. written D. write 5

. 1 6 . 1 7 . 1 8 .

1 9 . 2 0 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 2 3 . 2 4 . 2 5 .

John is interested the history of Viet Nam. A. in B. about C. at She fell off the motorbike and A. bled her head B. hit her head "Recycling " means not A. not throwing things a way B. not throwing things away C. not blowing things away D. not blowing things a way The man A. sits

   

on the road. C. bit her head D. unconscious     .

   

next to me was very nervous. B. is sitting C. sat

Milk bottles can be after being cleaned. A. reused B. broken C. recycled away If a patient faints, leave him/ her A. lying flatly B. to lie flat

D. on

   

. C. lying flat

D. sitting

   

D. thrown

   

D. to lie flatly

   

Tom doesn't enjoy at by other people. A. laughed B. being laughed C. to be laughed D. laughing

   

What subjects A. are teached

at school when you were in the ̉6th form? B. are taught C. were teached D. were taught

   

Milk A. brings

to the houses by the milkman every day. B. is bring C. has brought D. is brought

   

My sister likes sweets A. made B. make

from chocolate. C. making

D. to make

   

III.Reading: A. Choose an answer in collumn B to match a question in column A A B Match Do you mind if I turn on the TV? A. I could catch the bus in time. 26 +….

2 6 . 2 We try our best to study so as ... /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch0/8738327.doc

B. No, I don't mind. What's on tonight?

27 +…. 7

Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

2 Would you minf if I used your phone? 8 . 2 Would you mind opening the windows? 9 . 3 I got up early this morning so that … 0 .

Phuong Mai School

C. No, please do.

28 +….

D. not to fail in the final exam.

29 +….

E. not to be late for school.

30 +….

F. to be near his work. G. Sure. I'm hot, too . B. Read the passage carefully, and then choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each space Paper was (31) by the Chinese in the first century AD. Most paper is made (32) wood. When trees are (33) , they are transported (34) land or water to paper mill. Here they are cut (35) and the wood is broken up into fibred, which are (36) with water and chemicals. This wood pulp is then dried on a machine and (37) into paper. One tree needed for every (38) of typical forty-page newspaper. If half the adults in Britain each buy one daily paper, this uses up over 40.000 trees a day. Trees are being cut down faster than they are being replaced, so there may be a serious paper shortage before the year 2000. ́* New words: - fibred (n): thớ (gỗ) ̣ ̣ - to use up: tận dụng A. imagined B. invented 3

1 . 3 2 . 3 3 . 3 4 . 3 5 . 3 6 . 3 7 .

- to cut sth up: chia thành từng miếng nhỏ bằng dao C. thought

D. brought


A. from

B. of

C. by

D. with


A. cut in

B. cut of

C. cut down

D. cut up


A. on

B. of

C. through

D. by


A. up

B. all

C. over

D. from


A. turned

B. mixed

C. beaten

D. joined


A. make

B. making

C. made

D. to make




Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark: B. texts C. sheets 3 A. covers

Phuong Mai School D.copies


8 .

IV.Writing: A.Find the mistake ̣(A, B, C or D):

3 It not difficult to remember all the student's name in a class. A B C D 9 . 4 I don't know how explain all these things to you immediately. A B C D 0 . 4 Hue is only a 15-minutes drive from Phu Bai Airport. A B C D 1 .


B.Rewrite these sentences, s othat the meaning stays the same:

42. The taxi broke down. It was taking us to the airport.  The taxi ………………………………………………………………………… … 43. He was delighted that he received his friend's letter.  He was delighted ………………………………………………………....… ……… 44.May I ask you a question?  Would ………………………………………………………………………… …… 45. A bridge has been declared unsafe. It was built only two years ago.  The bridge ……………………………………………………………………… …..

V.Listening: Listen & check ( ) the correct box for true of false Sentences



4 Only rice and corn are grown around Ha Noi. 6 . 4 This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family. 7 . 4 Hoa helps Mrs. Jones with her luggage. /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch0/8738327.doc


Full name: ……………………………………………….. Class: 8….. Mark:

Phuong Mai School

4 Shannon has never seen rice paddies before. 9 . 5 The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus. 0 .
