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  • Words: 1,559
  • Pages: 7
Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0


Redmond Historical Society

Note: This document is formated in legal size, landscape layout.

Long Range and Strategic Planning Committee Topic Finance

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Approved by the Board of Directors, 11/3/2008

Goals Capitalize an endowment fund

Objectives, 2009 Appoint qualified volunteer to organize program

Set up a capital budgeting program

Revise budget and accounting systems to recognize depreciation of capital expenditures over several years

Monetary grants & gifts

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Objectives, 2010 Request contributions from business and influential individuals

Objectives, 2011 Goal = $50,000

Objectives, 2012 Goal = $100,000

Objectives, 2013 Goal = $150,000

Actively seek out sources of Government and non-profit grants

Goal, apply for 2 grants a year

Goal, apply for 3 grants/year

Goal, apply for 3 grants/year

Goal, apply for 3 grants/year

Reserve funds

Recognize a percentage of current reserves as set aside for lean years

Set aside a percentage of net income each year to add to reserve funds. Board determines

Board established a goal of a percentage of operating budget as a reserve fund

Add to reserve funds each year to meet goals set in prior years

Add to reserve funds each year to meet goals set in prior years

Increase non-dues Revenues

Sell existing book inventory

Establish program to sell vintage photographs

Establish program to sell vintage photographs on line

Sell vintage photographs on line

Sell vintage photographs on line

Ask for donations at meetings non-members & members Membership

Design and implement a membership drive targeted to Families, students and working people

Increase membership in the 30 to 50 year old bracket by 10%

Increase membership by 5%

Increase membership by 5%

Increase membership by 5%

Cash & inventory Controls

Implement all existing cash, inventory, and archieve control procedures and monitor their use regularly.

Audit finances, inventory and collections annually, as a part of an audit of accounting records

Audit finances, inventory and collections annually, as a part of an audit of accounting records

Audit finances, inventory and collections annually, as a part of an audit of accounting records

Audit finances, inventory and collections annually, as a part of an audit of accounting records

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0 Topic Finance, Cont'd

Goals Budgeting

10/29/08 Objectives, 2009 Plan budget with the results of this plan, to determine priorities

Objectives, 2010 >>>> Annually

page 2 of 7 Objectives, 2011 >>>> Annually

Plan 2010 budget for completion Plan 2011 budget for completion Plan 2012 budget for by Feb 28 by January 31 completion by Dec 31

Objectives, 2012 >>>> Annually

Objectives, 2013 >>>> Annually

Plan 2013 budget for completion by Nov 30

Plan 2014 budget for completion by Nov 30

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0 Topic Communication & Public Relations

Goals Website Redesign

10/29/08 Objectives, 2009 Complete redesign of Website

Objectives, 2010 Link archival database to website Provide sales capability on website.

Objectives, 2011 Maintain & improve website.

Objectives, 2012 Maintain & improve website.

Objectives, 2013 Maintain & improve website.

Seek out speaking venues 2/per year

Seek out speaking venues 2/per year

Seek out speaking venues 3/per year

Seek out speaking venues 3/per year

Identify community relations contacts in major businesses

Work with supportive businesses for item donations and financial contributions

Continue work with supportive businesses

Continue work with supportive businesses

Continue work with supportive businesses

Draft :road shows" for business groups - Chamber, etc.

Goal - deliver 2 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Develop "curriculum" materials For school, 4th thru 9th

Goal - deliver 2 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Goal - deliver 3 presentations

Evaluate newsletter content for historical vs. entertainment value

Seek balanced content

Seek balanced content

Seek balanced content

Review meeting content with an Seek balanced content eye toward a balance between "lectures"and story telling & entertainment

Seek balanced content

Seek balanced content

Launch new website Sharing & Celebrating

Increase public awareness

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Develop speakers bureau, with Prepared materials Celebrate 10 yr anniversary

Outreach to businesses

Newsletter Redesign Consider newsletter redesign as part of 10 year anniversary

Review benefit of organizational reports, as an adjunct to newsletter (i.e., in email) Membership meetings

Review meetings plan for discussions of historical committee work & findings as well as local anecdotes and characters

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0 Topic Governance


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Goals Stabilize the Presidency

Objectives, 2009 Objectives, 2010 Identify and elect a President to replace the pro-tem president

Objectives, 2011

Objectives, 2012

Objectives, 2013

Update the Society Bylaws

Name a Bylaws Committee

Review Bylaws annually

Review Bylaws annually

Review Bylaws annually

Review Bylaws annually

Draft a bylaws revision that reflects the current organization, establishes a succession of officers, and sets up a committee structure to carry out the work of the Society Identify specific roles for officers, directors, and committees Staff & Volunteers

Recruit additional volunteers

Hire a full time Exec Director

Review all areas annually

Review annually

Review annually

Review Long Range Planning

Review the Long Range/Strategic plan annually

Review the Long Range/Strategic plan annually

Review the Long Range/Strategic plan annually

Review the Long Range/Strategic plan annually

Review the Long Range/Strategic plan annually

Update Policies & Procedures

Review all current, known policies and procedures, ensure each is documented in detail, delete unnecessary and duplicative policies, draft new policies and procedures where needed.

Bylaws committee assumes responsibility for maintaining the RHS policies and procedures (P&P)

Receive P&P recommendations from standing committees

Receive P&P recommendations from standing committees

Receive P&P recommendations from standing committees

Review all areas annually

Review all areas annually

Review all areas annually

Review all Human Resources Policies and procedures

Ensure that there is a complete job description for each staff position

Publish a P&P manual

Ensure that there is an up to date employee handbook or comprehensive set of policies and procedures for employment practices and supervision

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0 Topic Goals Governance, Cont'd


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Objectives, 2009

Objectives, 2010

Objectives, 2011

Objectives, 2012

Objectives, 2013

Ensure that there is employment practices liability insurance in place, with adequate limits

>>> Annually

>>> Annually

>>> Annually

>>> Annually

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0 Topic Historical Collections Programs


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Goals Collections Management Committee

Objectives, 2009 Establish a Collections Management Committee, under a designated Board member

Objectives, 2010 Develop a collections management agenda for discovery, recovery, preservation projects

Objectives, 2011 Carry out the agenda

Searchable archive

Procure Past/Perfect museum software and begin transfer of existing archival database.

Complete transfer of archival database to Past/Perfect.

Update archive

Update archive

Update archive

Expand digital Achive

Inventory exisiting hardcopy archives

Convert additional hardcopy archives to digital

>>> Continue Project

>>> Continue Project

>>> Complete Project

Oral History (OH)

Continue and expand OH program. Complete 4 projects.

Complete 4 OH projects.

Complete 4 OH projects.

Complete 4 OH projects.

Complete 4 OH projects.

Partner with the Redmond Landmarks and Heritage Comm. to identify & preserve historically significant sites.

>>> Continue Project

>>> Continue Project

>>> Continue Project

Discovery Recovery Preservation

Objectives, 2012 Carry out the agenda

Objectives, 2013 Carry out the agenda

Update agenda

Procure a digital voice recorder and transcriber. Buildings & Sites

Expand efforts to identify and preserve sites of historical significance. Build inventory of potential sites.

Native American Heritage

Develop a research agenda for >>> Continue Project locally-significnt Native Complete two histories American groups or individuals.

>>> Continue Project Complete two histories

>>> Continue Project Complete two histories

>>> Continue Project Complete two histories

Collections & Display space and fixtures, including museum space

1. Identify display needs, with specifications for facilities and fixtures. 2. Consider benefits of a museum, to display achived information, artifacts and photos

Acquire additional display space and fixtures

Fully utilize space provided and update needs

Fully utilize space provided and update needs

Fully utilize space provided and update needs

Report to the Board with a recommendation on a museum

Per Board direction implement plans for a museum

Operate museum per earlier deicisions

Operate museum per earlier deicisions

Archive policies and Examine archive P&P, with procedures (P&P) intention to identify what is valued & what is of dubious value

Planning Worksheet Daft #3.0


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Objectives, 2009

Objectives, 2010

Objectives, 2011

Objectives, 2012

Objectives, 2013



Identify all on going publishing projects, and establish goals and budgets

Establish procedures for Board approval of proposed publishing projects

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

Approach Costco about buying Redmond Reflections as a part of their grand opening, perhaps as a promotion CD & DVD Media

Topic Facilities

Goals Acquire additional facilities -- storage display, offices and work areas (fire protected), with sufficient, appropriate fixtures & equipment

Establish goals for additional electronic media projects

Complete projects, Update annually

>>> Complete projects; Update annually

>>> Complete projects; Update annually

> Complete projects; Update annually

Market current electronic media >>> Update annually titles

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

Objectives, 2009 Work with the City Parks Dept. to finalize deal on Juel House property

Objectives, 2010 >>> Complete Project

Objectives, 2011

Objectives, 2012

Objectives, 2013

>>> Complete Project

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

>>> Update annually

Urge the City as landlord to install fire sprinklers As facilities are acquired obtain and utilize fixtures offered by Honeywell and LeRoy Olson

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