Lollipops Poster

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  • Pages: 8
Bukit Batok East CC

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

(OnePA: Lollipops Science – Fun with Water Science)

Water is familiar to us all, yet it has some strange and beautiful properties. This course will provide an excellent introduction to the unique properties of WATER. Your child will appreciate the important concepts relating to water. There will be lots of opportunities for your child to create things, to make things in order to understand the world around them and also to HAVE FUN !

棒棒糖科学小天使: 棒棒糖科学小天使:水的奥妙 通过认识水的奥妙增进您的小天使对科学的兴趣, 通过认识水的奥妙增进您的小天使对科学的兴趣, 加强他们的科 学知识, 学知识,让他了解水的神奇功能。 让他了解水的神奇功能。利用水进行实验, 利用水进行实验, 解答其中的 科学概念与原理。 科学概念与原理。 Date: 10 Dec 09 (Thu) Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee* : $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Bukit Batok East CC

(OnePA: Lollipops Science Cookery – Edible Glass & Fizzy Potion)

Lollipops Maths & Science cookery is a new, simple and fun approach to learning Maths and Science in a lively, creative and innovative way. Let your child have the first-hand experience of real science as we link Science topics with simple cookery recipes. Science is fun when your child finishes eating up the result of his/her work. *Note: The items that we are making cannot be revealed to enable the child to fully maximise their absolute delight!

棒棒糖 -神奇的食品 想知道玻璃可以吃吗? 想知道玻璃可以吃吗?让棒棒糖告诉 您的孩子这个秘密, 您的孩子这个秘密,然后再一起制作 ,最后再把它吃下! 最后再把它吃下!在这个课程里, 在这个课程里, 我们将利用学习制作有趣食品的过程 来让孩子学习科学哦! 来让孩子学习科学哦!千万别错过! 千万别错过! Date: 11 Dec 09 (Fri) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! * Note: Inclusive of GST

Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

Bukit Batok East CC

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Cell Biology - a subject that has always been deemed too difficult for the young. This is no longer true! We bring to you this specially tailored course for young children. They can start venturing into the intrigues and wonders of cell biology today!

棒棒糖科学小天使: 棒棒糖科学小天使: 细胞生物学家 通过扮演小小细胞生物学家, 通过扮演小小细胞生物学家,有趣的游戏, 有趣的游戏,让您的小天使认 识生命科学, 识生命科学,细胞与生物学。 细胞与生物学。这个课程是特地为小朋友设计 的,以容易, 以容易,简单的方法让他们接触到未来的新领域,为将 简单的方法让他们接触到未来的新领域 为将 来打好基础。 来打好基础。 Date: 17 Dec 09 (Thu) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] Check out PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

Bukit Batok East CC

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

(OnePA: Lollipops Life Science - The Doctor)

Through a journey of discovery and fun, your child will learn about the important concepts of the human body. We will introduce the body system to your child, allowing them to understand the roles of the different parts of the body, their inter-dependencies and the different reactions occurring in the body.

棒棒糖科学小天使: 棒棒糖科学小天使:小小医生 通过扮演小小医生, 通过扮演小小医生,有趣的游戏, 有趣的游戏,让您的小天使了解身体各个部 分的官能。 分的官能。课程目的于以容易, 课程目的于以容易,简单的方法让小天使接触到生命 科学, 科学,为将来做好充足的准备。 为将来做好充足的准备。

Date: 18 Dec 09 (Fri) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] Check out PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Bukit Batok East CC

(OnePA: Lollipops Science – The Mystery Potions)

Strange substance, Weird discoveries, What is it? Come and find out about these mysterious potions and make one yourself too! Get messy, have fun and learn Maths & Science while concocting the mystery potions! Be warned: You will get addicted and refuse to let them go! This is the best opportunity for your child to experience and explore handson, the behaviours of fluids, concepts on suspensions and much more!

棒棒糖科学小天使 - 数学, 数学,科学与神秘混合物 尝试以不同的调制和配制神秘, 尝试以不同的调制和配制神秘, 神奇的混合物, 神奇的混合物, 启发孩童的感官意义, 启发孩童的感官意义, 激发小天使对科学的兴 趣。利用混合物的神奇功能帶給他们一个崭新 的学习经验, 学习经验, 让您的小天使学 让您的小天使学习固体和液体的 变化并为解答其中的科学概念与原理. 变化并为解答其中的科学概念与原理.

Date: 21 Dec 09 (Mon) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] Check out PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Bukit Batok East CC

(OnePA: Lollipops Science – The Secret of Party Science)

So… …, that’s the secret! Learn about the science behind party tricks! Let your child create their own secret Party Tricks that they will absolutely fall in love with! Let them experience the making of their very first Fizz Bomb, Phuny foam, and much, more. This will be a fun and innovative approach that makes learning Science an unforgettable experience for your child. Holidays will never be the same again with Lollipops!

棒棒糖 - Party游戏的秘密与科学 Party游戏的秘密与科学 通过刺激有趣的 Party 游戏认识科学。 游戏认识科学。亲手制造希奇的 魔术水中弹球, 魔术水中弹球,圆滚泡泡等, 圆滚泡泡等,一边游戏一边学习, 一边游戏一边学习,从中领 悟到其中的科学道理。 悟到其中的科学道理。让棒棒糖带给您的孩子一个精彩万 分的快乐假期! 分的快乐假期!

Date: 22 Dec 09 (Tue) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Bukit Batok East CC

(OnePA: Lollipops Maths & Science Cookery - Lollipops Making)

Let your child learn about Maths & Science concepts while making their favourite food like Lollipops. Learning is brought to your child in a lively, creative and innovative way. Learn about - heat, dissolution, measurements, solidification etc. Watch their eyes light up. Your child will love this course as learning will never be dull again! Note: This is not an ordinary cookery class!

棒棒糖科学小天使- 棒棒糖科学小天使-棒棒糖的制做 让您的小天使一边制做他们最心爱的小糕点--棒棒糖 让您的小天使一边制做他们最心爱的小糕点 棒棒糖, 棒棒糖,一边学习数学与科 学的概念与原理。 学的概念与原理。通过有趣与创新的课程内容, 通过有趣与创新的课程内容,带给您的小天使一个崭新 的学习经验, 的学习经验, 让他们度过一个充满欢乐与难忘的假期。 让他们度过一个充满欢乐与难忘的假期。 Date: 24 Dec 09 (Thu) Time: 2.30pm - 5.30pm For: 5 – 10 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] Check out PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

* Note: Inclusive of GST

Bukit Batok East CC

Hurry, limited ! vacancies only

Every child loves to play with dough! We have just the right recipe to make the most marvelous mixture that children will love to jump into. Fun dough is an excellent medium for stimulating creativity and imagination in young children. The experience of forming and manipulating objects of one’s own creation is both soothing and satisfying. Through creating their favorite shapes, your child will gain essential tactile experience that encourages exploration, stimulates imagination, and aids in concept development.

棒棒糖妙手小天使: 棒棒糖妙手小天使: 粘团艺术家 通过粘团艺术让您的小天使增强想象与创造力。 通过粘团艺术让您的小天使增强想象与创造力。以不同的 配方制成多样化的形状和样式, 配方制成多样化的形状和样式,启发孩童的感官意识, 启发孩童的感官意识,加 强自信心, 强自信心,增进满足感, 增进满足感,让您的小天使享有美好的童年回 忆。 Date: 31 Dec 09 (Thu) Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm For: 4 – 9 years old Course Fee*: $28 Material Fee: $7

Registration Starts NOW! Check out our Website: Brought to you by : Email: [email protected] PA Website: Call CC hotline for registration

* Note: Inclusive of GST

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