Logo Rebranding Proposal

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  • May 2020
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Prepared For: Allied Bank Limited Prepared By: Mohammad Mustafa Muqaddis Consultant Brand Management Pixar Executive Summary:

ABL Rebranding Proposal 1 Pixar is an organization of innovators, thinkers and creators. We at Pixar, offer services like designing of websites, advertising materials, photography and composing. “AT PIXAR WE DEAL WITH ALL THE PRESENTATION NEEDS OF A BUSINESS.” Allied Bank Limited has been in existence since 1942.The business has grown considerably but the arrival of new and energetic enterprises like Askari and MCB; it needs to buckle up for strong competition. In order to take a step forward towards progress, it needs to revitalize its identity. A new modern fresh and updated look is what they should opt for. The objective can be met if it considers rebranding its name. Pixar would like to explain in this proposal the potential benefits of such rebranding and the reason why Allied Bank Limited should opt to choose Pixar as the representatives for the cause. The proposal extends to elaborate the fact that the phenomenon of rebranding is not new and has been in use for years by successful businesses. Everyone understands the power of first impressions, with this in mind; logo rebranding is a crucial factor that every business should consider carefully. The message that your logo sends out through its shape, color, size etc, should reflect your company’s image effectively and immediately. We shall help you in every process of rebranding you logo. The final result will leave a memorable visual impact on your potential customers, whilst ensuring that you really stand out from the crowd with an unforgettable logo which will instantly identify Allied Bank Limited.

10 About Us:

ABL Rebranding Proposal 2 “Pixar Digital designs & Ideas” are a well known professional graphic design company and have been operating for over 10 years. In this time we have completed a wide variety of professional projects from: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Web Design Brochures Newsletters Business cards Animations Posters E-learning tutorials Flash Development Video Production Graphic Designs Photo Albums Programming Logo Designs Rebranding

All our projects are carried out at our own facilities in Peshawar. We have the use of all the latest technologies available from computers to updated software and a fantastic team of staff to handle any project requested.

2.0 The Proposal: This proposal outlines the potential benefits of rebranding Allied Bank Limited Logo and includes several examples of companies who have

ABL Rebranding Proposal 3 successfully rebranded their logos. It also shows the benefits of having your logo rebranded with our logo rebranding design plan with two initial logo design concepts of what you could expect from Pixar.

2.1 Purpose Allied Bank Limited’s logo rebranding will drive your business to a new beginning a change is needed for your company to continue to grow, be recognized and remembered. Rebranding your company logo shows that you care about the way your clients view your business and you will stand out with a logo that's smart, professional and unforgettable. Thus the purpose of this report is to explain the benefits of rebranding your logo and how I can assist you in the process of rebranding your company logo and achieve that smart professional and unforgettable look….

2.2 Logo Rebranding Objectives Formless creativity is great for abstract, exploratory artwork, but a logo has a task to accomplish: identify your business. Therefore, I need objectives to help formulate our rebranding design process. By judging how a design

ABL Rebranding Proposal 4 meets its objectives, I can evaluate how effectively a design accomplishes its task

Logo design objectives we use are: ➢ Attractiveness: You want your logo to make people feel pleased and satisfied. ➢ Recognizability: A logo must not only be attractive, but also to associate those good feelings with your business’ identity. ➢ Flexibility: To use your attractive and recognizable logo, it must be able to withstand many different presentations and still maintain its integrity. For example, your logo must be able to be printed on a poster, displayed on a website, and printed on a fax.

These objectives have some fuzzy corollaries that are not always true but are worthy to note: ➢ Simple: Every additional element is a potential distraction and every

extra detail is one more thing to forget. ➢ Few Colors: More color is extra detail and too many different colors

may make your logo garish, difficult to modify and reproduce, and even less recognizable. ➢ Words: Words are easy to remember, can be spoken, and can have very dense meanings without complex graphics.

30Logo Rebranding 3.1What is Rebranding? Rebranding (also called repositioning), is the process by which a product developed with one brand is marketed or distributed with a different identity. Rebranding is not just about giving an existing product or service; a new name, a new logo, devising a snappy slogan or changing the corporate colors

ABL Rebranding Proposal 5 and expecting the sales to roll in. It’s about challenging the very values of an organization, whether you’re operating in a specialist niche market with a handful of employees or managing a ‘mega brand’ within a global corporation.

3.2 Business Benefits of Logo Rebranding A rebranded logo design will establish your identity

➢ A strong corporate identity helps your business attract new customers

and keep existing customers coming back. Rebranding your logo design can actually have your target market relate to your product or service by the icon itself. This will be the main aim of our design Team.

Reinforce brand, helping solidify consumer loyalty

➢ Familiarity is the key to growing your business. Your logo design is a primary factor since your company logo is the cornerstone of all of your marketing and promotional material. A unique rebranding of your company logo Design will not only tell people what and who you are but it will set you apart from the competition.

Create a long-term impression with your rebranded company logo design ➢ After establishing your logo design identity, your goal is increasing

consumer remembrance. An effective rebranding of your logo design can help turn your business into a household name. A logo design defines a company direction and character.

3.3 Successful Logo Rebranding There is no better evidence than checking out other logo rebrands the following examples are of two successful logo rebrandings.

3.3.1Apple Computers Apple has gone through many types of brand tastes, while maintaining loyalty and satisfaction with its customers as well. For whatever reason Apple Inc had to revamp its logo, the new Apple logo got a hearty endorsement by the customers and critics around the world. It can widely be

ABL Rebranding Proposal 6 seen on all Apple products and retail stores; and has become one of the world’s most renowned brand symbols. The Initial Logo design based on innovation and invention by emphasizing on the Newton’s Apple.

The Logo which captured the market for years, due to its simplicity in design while maintaining the heritage of Newton’s discovery. The recent change incorporated makes it much more sophisticated to the eye. Reason being the elite market which Apple wishes to capture for its products. A much more vivid profile used on several of the latest Apple products

3.3.2Kentucky Fried Chicken

ABL Rebranding Proposal 7 KFC a traditional old world brand faced the challenge of connecting with new food values. To connect between brand and audience in this case they went even further - the ecological insensitivity already often associated with brands, especially fast food brands was played out, quite literally, on a world stage which brought the rebranding of the KFC logo to the world in a big way. KFC still maintains loyalty and satisfaction with its customers.

“KFC Earlier Logo”

The logo is changing for only the fifth time in 50 years, and for the first time in




(1952,1971,1991,1997) “KFC Official Rebranded Logo” The smiling Colonel is featured against a red background that matches his red apron, with the KFC brand name in black thick lettering under his chin. “This change gives us a chance not only to make sure we stay relevant but also communicates to customers the realness of Colonel Sanders and the fact that he was a chef,” said Gregg Dedrick, division





ABL Rebranding Proposal 8

40ABL Current Logo

4.1 About your Logo: Your logo appears on company letterhead, advertising material and your website as an emblem by way of which your company can easily be recognized. The questions you need to answer are: ➢ Was your logo designed for instant identification? ➢ Does your logo succeed to identify your company? Your logo should: ➢ Attract attention and leave an impression ➢ Have a look that is unique ➢ Reflect the personality of your company Your logo is essentially at the heart of your corporate identity. It is the face of your organization! The right logo design is one of your strongest marketing tools. It delivers the message to the public that your company is unique, credible and professional. ➢ It should be stylish, elegant and make it an impact.

Here are some points to take into consideration in deciding to rebrand your logo: Does your current logo represent 3 of the key elements that make up a credible and high quality logo design? 1. Does the logo portray your company in a manner which says that you are an expert in this field? 2. Is the logo "contemporary", symbolizing a "forward-thinking" look? 3. Is the message that you are trying to convey to the consumer clear? 4. If you answered yes to all of these questions, then why change your logo? If not rebranding should be considered.

ABL Rebranding Proposal 9


Benefits of Rebranding With Us.

5.1Qualified Designers ➢ At Pixar you can never expect anything but quality. The design team recruited comprises of thorough professionals, with experience of working in various marketing and designing related backgrounds.

5.2 Real Results ➢ A new look and feel for your company Logo ➢ Fresh new ideas with the use of modern technology ➢ We will let you put your insight and expertise about your own business to work, We will listen. ➢ You get a great logo design

5.3 Quality and Convenience ➢ Nothing is more important to us than helping you create a quality logo design and with color-matching style. ➢ You’ll have immediate access to the logo design in a variety of formats.

5.4 Outstanding Customer Service ➢ Any concerns regarding any stage of the process; you can expect a

quick and helpful response to your questions or concerns.

5.5 No Outsourcing or Subcontracting ➢ We will perform all of your work at our own facilities to ensure the

quality and control over files that you require. ➢ This means your files and formats will always be preserved and you will never have to worry about losing files or having the wrong formats for your files or other needs, now or in the future.

5.6 We Guarantee Our Services ➢ Our Guarantee is simple: If you don't love your rebranding, you don't pay a cent. ➢ If at any point within the first 30 days you're unsatisfied with your rebranding, we'll happily refund your money less agreed fees and the return of all design materials.

ABL Rebranding Proposal 10 ➢ We're in business to help your business look great. ➢ If your rebranding doesn't shine, neither do we.

6.0 Timeframe Schedule The following estimate shows the time it will take to creatively rebrand Allied Bank Limited logo. The timeframe provided below should be used as a guide, because the initial concepts may require you to take time to evaluate and review the materials presented. ➢ Usually the total timeframe is between six to ten weeks depending on

the amount of revisions. Task

Durati on

Start Date

Finish Date

Project Proposal from Pixar Digital 3 days Designs & Ideas

7th 2008

April 10th 2008


Acceptance of Proposal by ABL

10 days

10th 2008

April 20th 2008


Initial Interviews with ABL

5 days

20th 2008

April 25th 2008


senior 3 days

26th 2008

April 30th 2008


31st 2008

April 1st 2008


31st 2008

April 3rd 2008


2nd 2008

May 5th 2008


4th 2008

May 7th 2008


Initial Concept designer


ABL’s Response to senior designer

1 to 3 days

1st Set of Revisions designer

from senior 3 days

ABL Rebranding Proposal 11 ABL’s Response

1 to 3 days

2nd Set of Revisions from senior 3 days designer

ABL’s Response

1 to 3 days

Final Pack delivered from senior 1 day designer

6th 2008

May 7th 2008


8th 2008

May 11th 2008


8th 2008

May 11th 2008


12th 2008

May 15th 2008


12th 2008

May 13th 2008


15th 2008

May 18th 2008


14th 2008

May 15th 2008


19th 2008

May 20th 2008


70 ABL Logo Rebranding Process 7.1 The Design Process ➢ The first task after the acceptance of the logo rebranding proposal is that our senior design officers will meet with the relevant authorities to get an idea of what the organization wishes to accomplish with the change and all the requirements.

7.2 Initial Concept ➢ By day three we will be sending out the initial concepts of your

company logo rebranding design. These designs are first presented to our project manager for inspection and approval. ➢ The selected logo designs are then provided to ABL for viewing and you can provide any revision instructions for the designs.

ABL Rebranding Proposal 12 ➢ With the initial concepts, we shall also explain about the colors used by

our design teams. ➢ We do not use RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color palette but instead the professional Pantone color palette. The RGB color scheme is used on TV's, computer monitors and home/office printers. ➢ The Pantone color scheme is the industry standard and all professional printers we use this color scheme as it has greater variety of pre-mixed colors for a consistent corporate look. ➢ We will also direct ABL to available Fonts from the online library at Adobe (we stock most of the Adobe fonts). Here you can choose a font which appeals to you.

7.3 Clients Response ➢ ABL can take as long as they need to review the designs and think of

any revisions they feel are necessary. you are ready to move forward you will provide usthe instructions to carry out. You may reply with a comment such as: “The style is what I am looking for................but….” We shall than implement your instructions. We aim to have the revised design/s back to ABL in 3 business days. 1st Set of Revisions These will be the designs which we will have prepared for you to view and from there you shall decide which design/s you would like to move forward with: You may reply with a comment such as: “I would like to proceed with the design 2……with these changes…………. Thank you.” Once again the designs will be passed back and we shall implement your request. The length of the design process depends entirely upon the number of revision rounds requested by ABL. Each revision round can take up to 3 days for the designs to be sent back to you.

➢ When

➢ ➢

➢ ➢

➢ ➢ ➢

➢ 2nd Set of Revisions ➢ This is the design which we will have prepared for you to view and from there you shall decide if you would like more revisions or if you would like to have the design finalized: ➢ You may reply with a comment such as: “Looks great - let's go with the second design”. ➢ After receiving this green light from you we will begin to prepare the final pack for you.

7.4 Final Pack ➢ The final pack will be sent out to ABL in a day or so.

ABL Rebranding Proposal 13 ➢ The final files shall include all the relevant file types needed for office

printing, advertising and web use.

1 x High resolution Tiff for professional printing

1 x JPG in gray scale for trademark registration purposes

3 x JPG in RGB in 3 sizes (Normal, medium and small) for home/office printing or web use

1 x transparent PSD for professional web design use

1 x vector based .eps file (fully editable master file) for professional printing and design work

➢ We can also create specific file types for you if requested. ➢ We create our designs using Adobe Illustrator the industry standard. ➢ If you would like to edit the logo yourself then you would require this software. ➢ We will always be on hand though to make changes later if required for a small fee.

80 Allied bank limited Logo rebranding Concepts Two examples of work that you can expect to receive for the initial concept:

8.1 Initial Concept 1

ABL Rebranding Proposal 14

8.2 Initial Concept 2

8.3 Initial concept 3

Acknowledgement: The article has been formed on the grounds of the work done by Judy Beddoni in the relevant subject. I have managed to amend it in order to be more effective and manageable for the reader being the sole cause of report writing. Disclaimer: The logos reproduced here are the sole properties of there owners and are in no way claimed to be my creation. Also the report is for academic purposes only and no business motive is being promoted from it.

ABL Rebranding Proposal 15

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