
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 843
  • Pages: 2
LEGAL DISCLAIMER The copyright in and to the sample contracts herein is owned and retained by the originator of the work (“the Owner”). These sample contracts and documents have been created for your general information only. The Owner, the authors, and the publishers cannot therefore be held responsible for any losses or claims howsoever arising from any use or reproduction. Nothing in this document should be construed as legal advice. The information provided and the sample contract and documents are not a substitute for consulting with an experienced entertainment lawyer and receiving counsel based on the facts and circumstances of a particular transaction. Furthermore case law and statutes and European and International law and industry practise are subject to change, and differ from country to country. This contract has been compiled by solicitors who wish to emphasise that these notes and agreements are not a substitute for specific legal advice and are designed for very general guidance only.

Location Release Form This is a guideline only and should not be relied upon without taking legal advice. From: (name of company) of (address) To: (name of owner of premises) of (address) Dated: (date) Dear Sirs (name of film) (the “Film) This letter is to confirm the agreement with us in which you have agreed to make available to us the following premises (the “Premises”) (specify the premises). 1. The premises shall be made available to us on a sole and exclusive basis in connection with the Film on (dates) (the “Dates”). 2.You agree to make available to us the facilities in Schedule A on such days as we require on the Dates. 3. We shall be entitled to use the Premises as we may require on the days on giving you reasonable notice and as are negotiated in good faith between us but subject to the same terms as this agreement and on any additional days. You understand that we may need to return to the Premises at a later date if principal photography and recording is not completed on the Dates. 4. We have notified you of the scenes which are to be shot on or around the Premises and you confirm and agree that you consent to the filming of these scenes and you confirm that you will not make any objection in the future to the Premises being featured in the Film and you waive any and all right, claim and objection of whatever nature relating to the above. 5. We shall be entitled to represent the Premises under it’s real name or under a fictional name or place according to the requirements of the Film. 6. We shall be entitled to incorporate all films, photographs and recordings, whether audio or audio-visual, made in or about the Premises in the Film as we may require in our sole discretion. 7. We shall not without your prior consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) make any structural or decorative alternations which we require to be made to the Premises. We

shall at your request properly reinstate any part of the Premises to the condition they were in prior to any alterations. 8. We shall own the entire copyright and all other rights of every kind in and to all film and audio and audio-visual recordings and photographs made in or about the Premises and used in connection with the Film and we shall have the right to exploit the Film by any manner or means now known or in the future invented in any and all media throughout the world for the full period of copyright, including all renewals, reversions and extensions. 9. We shall have the right to assign, licence and/or sub-licence the whole and/or any part of our rights pursuant to this agreement to any company or individual. 10. We agree that we shall indemnify you up to a maximum of £(amount) against any liability, loss, claim or proceeding arising under statute or common law relating to the Film in respect of personal injury and/or death of any person and/or loss or damage to the Premises caused by negligence, omission or default by this company or any person for whom we are legally responsible. You shall notify us immediately in writing of any claim as soon as such claim comes to your attention and we shall assume the sole conduct of any proceedings arising from any such claim. 11.In consideration of the rights herein granted we will pay you the sum of £(amount) on (dates). 12. You undertake to indemnify us and to keep us fully indemnified from and against all actions, proceedings, costs, claims, damages and demands however arising in respect of any actual or alleged breach or non-performance by you of any or all of your undertakings, warranties and obligations under this agreement. 13.This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and subject to the jurisdiction of the English Courts. Please signify your acceptance of the above terms by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy. Signed……………………………………..

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