Local Anaesthesia

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,433
  • Pages: 38
Local Anesthesia Topical, Patch, Infiltration, Block


High pain Threshold • Hypo-reactive » Low reaction to pain

Low Pain Threshold • Hyper-reactive » High reaction to pain

Pain Reaction Depends On: ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂

Emotional State Degree of fatigue Apprehension Gender Fear Age

Local Anesthesia ❂

A drug which upon contact with nervous

tissue renders that tissue incapable of

transmitting an impulse on stimulation.

How Nerve Fibers Transmit Painful Stimuli ❂

NF extension of single cell, nucleus is brain NF is in periphery of body & responsible for receiving initial pain Pain stimulus irritates nerve ending Creates series changes

Stimulus reproduces itself Stimulus called impulse at this point Impulse proceeds along nerve Continuation of impulse called conduction Brain recognizes pain

How Local Anesthetics Work Theory : Transmission of impulse along nerve caused by alteration in nerve membrane and LA agents alter integrity factor ❂ Raises threshold for excitation of nerve ❂ Anesthetic must come in direct contact with nerve tissues ❂

How Local Anesthetics Work ❂

Motor nerves require higher concentration of anesthetic to cause blockade than do sensory nerves.

Small fibers blocked earlier than large fibers.

How Local Anesthetics Work ❂

Pain fibers anesthetized before those for temperature and touch.

The return of function

in these fibers in in

reverse order.

Chemical Composition ❂

Esters of aminobenzoic acid

Non-ester types

• Novocaine

• Xylocaine

• Monocaine

• Dynacaine

• Pontocaine

• Carbocaine

• Primacaine

• Citanest Forte

Chemical Composition ❂

Clinical significance is not the difference

in chemical composition


in allergic potential.

Purpose of Vasoconstrictors Reduces blood flow through injected area so that rate of disappearance of local anesthetic from tissues is reduced. ❂ This results in prolonged anesthesia and lesser amount or concentration of LA to produce desired results. ❂ Decrease incidence of toxicity of drug. Toxicity depends amount in bloodstream. ❂

Vasoconstrictors Commonly used in dentistry is ❂ Epinephrine--1 : 50,000 to 1 : 200,000 ❂




Two Basic Types of Injection ❂

Nerve Block: Place LA adjacent to main nerve bundle so it will produce anesthetized area covered by distribution of the affected nerve

Infiltration: Main nerve bundle not accessible OR reason to anesthetize entire area--agent can be deposited in area where pain emanatesonly nerve in local area affected

Block Anesthesia ❂

Bone of mandible dense Deposit solution near nerve Nerve close to artery and vein Injecting into vessel can complicate procedure

Blood in anesthetic carpule indicates vessel punctured by needle DDS must aspirate before injection May take 20 minutes for full effect

Block Anesthesia Effects ❂

Produces numbness and tingling of lip Lip feels large and swollen Tip and side of tongue will tingle and become numb Numbs only one side of tongue

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Mand ibu lar ( Inf er ior Alveol ar ) Nerv e B loc k supplies mandibular teeth is the inferior alveolar-- can be blocked at entrance to mandible at inferior alveolar foramen ❂ Numbness & tingling of lip, anesth of teeth,buccal gingiva from midline to 1st PM,possible anesth of tongue same side ❂

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Ling ua l Nerv e B lo ck - Branch of mandibular nerve which lies medial to inferior alveolar nerve in area of inferior alveolar foramen ❂ Produces numbness of lateral border of tongue on same side, anterior two thirds tongue, floor of mouth same side ❂

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique ❂

Lo ng B uc ca l Ner ve Inject io n - nerve lies within gingiva of 2nd & 3rd molars on buccal side of mandible

Performed by few drops placed in tissue

Will anesth buccal gingiva from 1st premolar to distal of 3rd molar area

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Me ntal Ner ve B lock - object of block is to interfere with nerve conduction along mental nerve by placing anesth in mental foramen -- seldom used ❂ Produces numbness of central and lateral incisors, canine, and 1st premolar and gingiva, lip, chin area ❂

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Pos teri or Superio r Al veolar Inj ect io n - PSA ❂ Supplies innervation to maxillary sinus and molar teeth, with exception of mesial buccal root of first molar second buccal gingiva around molar teeth ❂ Site is height of mucobuccal fold apex of max 2nd molar,distal to zygomatic process of maxilla ❂

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Mi dd le Superi or A lveol ar I nject ion ❂ MSA block ❂

Nerve supplies premolar teeth and the mesial buccal root of the first molar

Site over apex of 1st premolar

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique ❂

Anterior Sup erior Alve ola r Inj ect io n -

Nerve supplies the incisors and canines

Given slightly mesial to apex of canine bilateral to anesth six anterior teeth

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique ❂

Mi dd le Superi or A lveol ar I nject ion :

Nerve supplies premolar teeth and mesial buccal root of 1st molar

Site over apex of 1st premolar

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique ❂

Anterior Sup erior Alve ola r Inj ect io n :

Nerve supplies incisors and canines

Site slightly mesial to apex of caninebilateral six anterior teeth

Areas of Anesthesia & Technique Grea ter P alat ine (Ant erior ) Inj ect io n : Nerve supplies mucosa of hard palate opposite molar and premolar teeth ❂ Site opposite 2nd molar about 1 cm toward midline of palate-greater palatine nerve ❂ Usually used forsurgical procedures because palatal gingiva attaches to teethwill numb palatal area opposite M & PM ❂

Anesthesia & Techniques Na sopal at ine Ner ve Inject ion : Nerve emerges from nasopalatine (incisive) canal to supply mucosa of palate opposite incisors and canines ❂ Site is nasopalatine foramen- few drops only ❂ Anesthetizes palatal mucosa opposite six anterior teeth ❂

Reactions to Local Anesthesia ❂


Loss of blood flowfainting-psychoTrendelburg position


High level of drug in circulation-agitationrestless-HR& BP upthen CNS depressionnonester have depression only

Reactions to Local Anesthesia ❂


Immediate- target lungs and circulatory Delayed-minor typehours to days after IM or IV or oral antihistaminesBenadryl 50 mg eitherIM or PO Document patient chart

Complications of Injections ❂

Injury to nerve • Inferior alveolar block • Burning sensation lip

Blanching of skin • spasm, time heals

Broken needle • Infrequent,removal

Injury to blood vessels • Torn vessel-hematoma • warm rinse/warm compress reduce swelling

Infections • previously used needle • passage of needle thru infected area

Idiosyncrasy • unknown reaction

Anesthetics Used In CCSU Clinic ❂

Carbocaine 2% with Neo-Cobefrin • • • •

mepivacaine hydrochloride and levonordefrin 1:20,000 No epinephrine Use for hypertensive patients

Anesthetics Used In CCSU Clinic ❂

Octocaine 100 • Lidocaine HCI 2% and Epinephrine 1:100,000

2% Xylocaine • Lidocaine HCI and epinephrine 1:100,000

Indications for Use ❂

Dental Hygiene • Scaling and root planing in deep periodontal pockets • Gingival curettage • Extreme cases of soft tissue inflammation and discomfort • Instrumentation of extremely hypersensitive teeth

Correct Documentation ❂

ALWAYS enter on procedures any anesthesia used on patient • 2% lidocaine1:100,000 epi 2 cc (Dr. Lemons) RSP UR

Preparation for Local Anesthesia ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂

Sterile 2X2 gauze cotton tip applicator topical anesthetic aspirating syringe needle stick shield anesthetic carpules

❂ ❂

Long: mandible block Short: maxilla & mandible infiltration Gauge: larger number means smaller diameter of needle • eg. 27, 30

Procedure for Local Anesthesia ❂

See CCSU Clinic Manual

Section 5.12

Transoral Delivery Anesthesia Dentipatch ❂ 2 cm patch contains Lidocaine ❂ Acts on INTACT mucosa to produce local anesthesia ❂ Anesthesia occurs within 2.5 minutes of application and can last up to -present for 15 minute application period and 30 minutes after removal ❂

Transoral Delivery Anesthesia Has one fifth level of intravenous dose ❂ Not for pregnant individual/nursing/child ❂ Reactions: rare, mild, taste perversion,stomatitis,erythema,mucosal reactions ❂ Gently dry area-remove clear protective liner- allow patch to remain in place-no longer than 15 minutes ❂

Topical Anesthesia 20% Benzocaine in a water soluble base ❂ Can be liquid or gel ❂ Fast action ❂ Short duration ❂ Virtually no systemic absorption ❂ Apply to small area to be anesthetized ❂ Anesthesia accomplished 15 to 30 seconds ❂

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